
MrChrisDruifBai robbmunson00:03
GeocosmI'm trying to make a script to run a file in /home/geo/progs/pms-linux-1.20.412 named PMS.sh... I have no idea what I'm doing. I've got the file in usr/local/bin but it's not coming up when I type it in a terminal or the run box.00:49
SpreadsheetHmm, what?00:49
SpreadsheetPMS.sh is to run the file right?00:49
GeocosmIn the file I have written: #!/bin/bash cd "/home/geo/progs/pms-linux-1.20.412" && ./PMS.sh00:49
SpreadsheetYou should make your wording clearer...00:50
GeocosmYeah. But when I create a launcher for it, it says my PS3 is an unknown renderer. I read to fix the problem you have to run the file from the directory.00:50
SpreadsheetWhat are you trying to do? If you want to run the program, without anything extra, you can just symlink it you know. I'll tell you how to symlink if you so desire00:51
MrChrisDruifGeocosm: What is it exactly what you are trying to accomplish ?00:51
GeocosmWhen I make a launcher for PS3 Media Server on my desktop it says my PS3 is  an 'unknown renderer' instead of 'PS3'. I did a little bit of googling and I found the solution is because I have to run the file directly from the folder where it is located.00:52
GeocosmI'm trying to make a script to do that, and then make a launcher for the script.00:52
SpreadsheetYou don't need to make a script. Do you want a desktop icon?00:52
GeocosmDo you use PS3 Media Server? Because google is telling me to make a script or it won't work.00:53
SpreadsheetI'm not on Ubuntu, but I think that you should be able to make a launcher00:53
GeocosmI have a launcher. It doesn't work.00:53
MrChrisDruifWhat did you put into the launcher?00:54
Spreadsheet#!/bin/sh /path/to/file00:54
GeocosmIf I run it directly from the file by going to the folder location and clicking on it, it works.00:54
SpreadsheetIf you type the file path directly, it will launch it. There's no need to cd00:54
Geocosmgeo@Geo-Ubuntu:~/progs/pms-linux-1.20.412$ ./PMS.sh00:57
GeocosmThat works.00:57
GeocosmIn a terminal.00:57
GeocosmMy script is completely broken lol.00:58
SpreadsheetI don't think cd should have quotes00:58
GeocosmWhat language is this?00:58
MrChrisDruifSpreadsheet: It ensures that the path is read....spaces would otherwise break the path O:-)00:59
GeocosmFirst of all, scripts go in /usr/local/bin correct?00:59
SpreadsheetOh... learned something new today :)00:59
SpreadsheetWell if you want to put them on the path01:00
GeocosmOkay. Second of all, what is this first line #!/bin/sh ?01:00
SpreadsheetIf you want it on the desktop, I think you should be able to just click it01:00
SpreadsheetGeocosm: it's a hashbang. It tells the OS to run it using the shell01:00
GeocosmOkay that's what I want.01:00
Spreadsheet/bin/sh is the shell interpreter01:00
SpreadsheetYeah, also, use /bin/sh, not bash01:01
GeocosmNow how do I make the script open PMS.sh?01:01
MrChrisDruifGeocosm: It's the path to the bash shell interpreter, thanks Spreadsheet couldn't think of it :)01:01
MrChrisDruifPMS.sh is a script for the PS3 Media thing?01:01
SpreadsheetGeocosm: you want it on the desktop right? Write the file on the desktop. Then: cd ~/Desktop; chmod +x file.sh01:01
GeocosmI don't want all these icons on my desktop though.01:02
GeocosmIt's got like 501:02
GeocosmIt won't run just on its own.01:02
GeocosmSo I put them in /progs/pms-linuxblahblahblah01:02
SpreadsheetI am confused01:02
GeocosmJoin the club :(01:02
SpreadsheetHow do you want to run the script?01:02
SpreadsheetFrom shell or Desktop?01:02
GeocosmI just want the script to run. As soon as I do that there are many ways I can execute the script.01:03
SpreadsheetOk. Do you know about permissions?01:03
GeocosmI can use CCSM or I can use a launcher.01:03
Spreadsheetif not, just chmod u+x the file01:03
Geocosmor I can just type it in GNOME-do01:03
MrChrisDruifGeocosm: I think you can use a launcher :)01:03
MrChrisDruifMaybe that would even work as well :)01:03
GeocosmOr I could use a launcher.01:03
SpreadsheetIf the file is /progs/script.sh, then chmod u+x /progs/script.sh01:03
SpreadsheetYou *need* to make it executable01:04
GeocosmThat's my problem I think :)01:04
SpreadsheetNow try it, assuming your script is already there01:04
GeocosmOkay GNOME-do is pulling up the script name, but the script is still borked.01:05
GeocosmGot it :)01:05
SpreadsheetIt worked?01:05
GeocosmForgot to put ./ before PMS.sh01:05
Geocosmon the new line.01:05
GeocosmYou guys rock!01:05
* Geocosm does the happy PS3 Media Server dance01:06
MrChrisDruifYour welcome :)01:06
MrChrisDruif#happyhappyjoyjoy :D01:06
johnny77Web links are not opening the browser specified in the preferred applications. Trying to figure out why I checked my applications folder to see if I may be running the wrong program. I ran all three in terminal to see if any had any errors. Here is the pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/558350/01:13
GeocosmI have trouble with the preferred applications thing not working, too.01:13
GeocosmOh it says you don't have it?01:14
johnny77Geocosm: I've had a few different desktop environments and window managers on my computer. I would have to guess that the first one is a left over.01:15
johnny77Geocosm: I do, however, admit I've only had Ubuntu for about three months and don't know a whole lot.01:18
GeocosmYeah I've had Ubuntu about that long too heh.01:18
GeocosmI've been messing around with it since 8.04 but I've been using it as my primary OS for the past 3 months or so.01:18
GeocosmSo, do you currently have more than one desktop installed?01:19
GeocosmYour current desktop may be using/trying to look for a different preference manager than the one in system/preferred applications? I'm guessing, sorry. I stick to GNOME, myself.01:21
johnny77I originally installed Ubuntu, but I now also have installed LXDE and Fluxbox. I'm currently running fluxbox. My problem is only when I am logged into fluxbox.01:22
GeocosmThat help you at all?01:24
MrChrisDruifBye all, off to bed :)01:28
MrChrisDruifjohnny77: Good luck with your problem :)01:28
sultan2Good night ;)01:28
johnny77MrChrisDruif: thanks bye01:28
MrChrisDruifBye sultan201:28
johnny77I got two things out of that thread: first fluxbox is a WM and "does not provide these services" which I already knew.01:29
johnny77second that the gnome defaults were used.01:29
johnny77The problem I'm having is the gnome defaults are set to what I want. But it is still not opening what I want.01:29
GeocosmWonder why.01:30
johnny77Maybe when I run the gnome default applications program in fluxbox it doesn't set the variable correctly. I'm gonna jump into gnome and see what the default applications program tells me is set to default.01:31
paultagjohnny77: it's not fluxbox ;)01:32
paultagjohnny77: fluxbox is a window manager, not a desktop env01:32
paultagjohnny77: you need to start something to handle that, like, say, gnome-settings-manager01:32
paultagfluxbox has zero to do with how what starts what01:32
johnny77paultag: i know that.... ak|ra pointed that out quite well to me this afternoon.01:32
paultagjohnny77: aye, I saw that ;)01:33
paultagjohnny77: ak|ra is actually very nice01:33
paultagHumm, johnny left01:40
paultagjohnny77: hey, did you try using gnome-settings-manager?01:45
johnny77paultag: I can't find that and it's not in synaptic, but I did find gnome-settings-dameon. Trying to figure this all out....01:46
paultagjohnny77: it's a command ;)01:47
paultagjohnny77: it's installed with gnome it's self01:47
paultagjohnny77: gnome starts it on login to handle stuff like keybindings &c.01:47
JackyAlcinepaultag: I get the same issue when I tried running it from the Run dialog in GNOME..01:51
JackyAlcineThat johnny77 is having.01:51
paultager... gnome-settings-daemon, then?01:51
paultagJackyAlcine: ^01:51
paultagJackyAlcine: do you mind helping johnny77 while I walk back home?01:51
JackyAlcineHold on, isn't the manager part of Unity? It was here while Unity was installed but after I removed it, it disappeared.01:51
JackyAlcineNo problem.01:51
paultagJackyAlcine: wait, what?01:52
paultagJackyAlcine: no, it's GNOME01:52
paultagJackyAlcine: check apt-cache for packages liek gnome-settings* and installed binaries. One love01:52
JackyAlcineyeah. it was there before, I remember running it when I had the Unity DM installed.01:53
JackyAlcinejohnny77: Try running gnome-wm.01:53
johnny77JackyAlcine: it told me another WM is already running.01:54
JackyAlcineWhat system are you running?01:56
JackyAlcineLike what distro of ubuntu?01:56
johnny77I'm running fluxbox installed on Ubuntu 10.10.01:57
JackyAlcineHm, fluxbox as your window manager, eh? And you're unable to log into your session?01:58
holsteinjohnny77: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=11015801:59
holsteinis that relavant enough?01:59
johnny77When I'm logged into fluxbox, I can not get it to load web links in the browser i prefer.02:00
holsteinjohnny77: the way i did it using fluxbox02:01
holsteini just copied the link02:01
holsteinand pasted it02:01
holsteinin te browser02:01
holsteinbut i know what you're talking about02:01
JackyAlcineHm, is this your post or someone's elses?02:04
JackyAlcineAnd I think that the session manager might be the one to blame, if your configuration are acting up.02:04
johnny77could putting "export DE=gnome" in fluxbox startup file work? Is that what it's saying?02:07
shamueoconnorhello i have sound problems i had linux mint before and i had and solved the problem i just need help o know how again02:35
shamueoconnori had to uninstall a sound manager02:36
holsteinshamueoconnor: pulse?02:36
holstein10.10 ?02:36
shamueoconnorsry iu have a brokenn hand02:36
shamueoconnorcant type fast02:37
shamueoconnorhow would i uninstall it completly i stopped doing using mint a year ago02:37
shamueoconnorholstein thanks02:38
JackyAlcinejohnny77: Sorry, had an issue. But possibly.02:53
johnny77JackyAlcine: I had to jump off for a while. Sorry.02:53
* robbmunson is back.03:19
johnny77If anyone is following my saga, I got it fixed. I still have no idea how it works, but I uninstalled firefox to force it to choose chrome, then reinstalled firefox. So far it still loads chrome, but we'll see what a reboot does.03:26
robbmunsonon phone, brb.03:53
choashello all04:15
choasi was wondering if anyone here has any experience with ubuntu and toshiba tecra laptops04:16
JackyAlcineHey Linuxnewbhead04:23
Linuxnewbheadhi there... il think I may be in the right place..04:23
Linuxnewbheadi'm new to LInux... but I'm VERY eager to join the new fascinating open source world of Linux distro flavors04:24
Linuxnewbheadi'm attempting my first install of ubuntu 10.1004:24
Linuxnewbheadthis is a support chatroom correct?04:24
Linuxnewbheadso how is everyone tonight?04:26
bioterrorit's 06:30 in the morning ;)04:26
IAmNotThatGuy9:55 here04:26
aveilleuxLinuxnewbhead: This isn't really a chatroom for general discussion.... It's for support mainly. There's an offtopic channel at #ubuntu-beginners-team04:26
Linuxnewbheadwell i just so happen to need support at the moment04:27
aveilleuxLinuxnewbhead: Then ask04:27
JackyAlcineIt's 11:27 PM here.04:27
Linuxnewbheadokay.. I don't mean to be rude or interuptive of anything04:27
JackyAlcineNo go ahead Linuxnewbhead04:27
bioterrorkids kids04:28
aveilleuxLinuxnewbhead: I didn't mean to sound brusque04:28
bioterror!ask | Linuxnewbhead04:28
ubot2Linuxnewbhead: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:28
LinuxnewbheadI am attempting an install of Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit distro from Windows... normally of course Linux is installed from directly from an ISO mounted to either a usb drive or a disk.. but currently I cannot obtain a flash drive... and my optical drive is not responding in Windows XP....04:29
Linuxnewbheadso what I'm attempting to do... instead of the tradtional method04:29
bioterrordont do wubi04:29
Linuxnewbheadues i've heard mixed reviews about wubi04:30
IAmNotThatGuyLinuxnewbhead, are you into your windows now and trying to install it?04:30
Linuxnewbheadso... i'm attempting a different method04:30
Linuxnewbheadis install the GRUB boot loader into the windows boot.ini mbr04:30
bioterrorhahaha no04:30
Linuxnewbheadyes I'm in windows currently...04:30
bioterrorgrub goes to MBR and is launched before windows chainloader04:30
bioterrorif I remember right04:31
IAmNotThatGuyLinuxnewbhead, do not do that. just boot from the Disk at startup and install it04:31
Linuxnewbheadwell.. see my issue is my optical drive is not responding in Windows04:31
* bioterror nods04:31
bioterrorLinuxnewbhead, make an USB stick then04:31
IAmNotThatGuy*in windows* is not needed here04:31
Linuxnewbheadoh lol... okay thak you04:32
IAmNotThatGuychange the BIOS settings and boot it. it dont depend on the previous OS you installed04:32
Linuxnewbheadhmm... i've read about the usb stick method as well04:32
bioterrorand btw. hang here or check the forums, you dont see any mixed reviews about wubi then ;)04:32
Linuxnewbheadunebootin allows you to make a bootable iso and mount it into a usb stick correct?04:33
IAmNotThatGuyLinuxnewbhead, you think your optical drive will work if you re-install windows?04:33
bioterrorLinuxnewbhead, I'm suggesting to use Unetootin04:33
LinuxnewbheadIamnotthatguy... yes possibly it might respond.. but since Linux is very very good at hardware troubleshooting and testing of hardware... a lot of times Ubuntu an dother distro's will detect hardware issues for you automatically on start up04:34
Linuxnewbheadthat's why I wanted to try and upload Linux first before I try an reformat of NTFS in windows04:35
IAmNotThatGuyLinuxnewbhead, you are in a laptop? if so, which brand?04:35
LinuxnewbheadAcer 7520 G ....04:35
Linuxnewbheadsingle hard disk.. i believe it's IDE channel04:35
Linuxnewbheadi have a current partition set up for a dual boot which was what I was attempting04:36
Linuxnewbheadi just don't have a flash drive handy.. so i thought this method of uploading grub to override the NTDLR would be useful.. but apparently it's risky04:36
holsteinif you have another machine04:37
holsteinyou can install to the hard drive in another machine04:37
holsteinthat can work pretty well if you dont tweak too much04:37
holsteintil after you move04:37
bioterrorif you have another machine, you can make pxe boot :D04:37
Linuxnewbheadhmm.. pxe boot?04:37
holsteinbioterror: HA04:38
holsteineven better :)04:38
Linuxnewbheadand yes I didn't think about that holstein.. but another machine would prove safer and allow me to install Linux04:38
Linuxnewbheadand test it in a more safe way.. i have already backed up my dad04:38
bioterrormy friends and my work has usb dvd-drives, I've loaned them :D04:39
bioterrorfor a mystical reason, I havent bought one yet04:40
Linuxnewbheadyea making boot iso's on flash drives with linux is apparently much easier.. for other OS's you must build and entire file system onto the flash drive04:40
Linuxnewbheadto make a live boot04:41
bioterrorthat's what unetbootin does04:41
Linuxnewbhead(i apologize if I use incorrect terminology.. but I'm pretty sure my lingo is correct... I'm still a bit of a newbie)04:41
bioterrorit extracts the .iso image to flashdrive and do some magic04:41
Linuxnewbheadohh.. alright.. interesting I didn't know that..04:41
Linuxnewbheadyou can make custom boots as well w/ unebootin04:42
bioterrorwhat do you mean?04:42
Linuxnewbheadmany thanx for the help though...04:42
Linuxnewbheadi think i will just stick it out and buy a flash drive stick04:43
holsteinmight need to buy a rom drive04:43
Linuxnewbheadbut believe it not... just fyi the menu.lst was in fact meant to edit in order to make a custom boot....04:44
Linuxnewbheadyea rom drive might be a necessity too04:44
holsteindepends on what you have laying around the house04:45
holsteinim about over discs04:45
bioterrormenu.lst is for grub 1 (legacy) and grub.cfg (grub2) is something we use today (in the future!!)04:45
Linuxnewbheadyes... ;yes yes yes04:46
Linuxnewbheadso I've read04:46
bioterrorso if you're reading guides and they use menu.lst, not good. too old information04:46
Linuxnewbheadit seems to have much more viable boot options and capabilities such as themes... apparently you can even use scripting commands within grub.cfg04:46
Linuxnewbheadlol... yes... believe it or not I was just about to attempt an old guide method to edit menu.lst... but then I realized that grub2 was the new boot loader Lmao04:47
Linuxnewbheadwell thanks again for your help... I think I will just use the unebootin method04:49
Linuxnewbheadcheers and many thanks!04:50
luptonicedteaHello.  I've just built a new computer and want to minecraft.  I've downloaded the file, as well as Open JDK Java 6 Runtime, and I just can't figure out where to go from here.  I've changed the extracted folder to open with the Java, and I've given it permission to run as a program.  Something I'm missing?06:36
MrChrisDruifWhy can't I summon the topic here? :-/09:11
MrChrisDruifI want to copy the topic for LoCo team explanation09:13
bioterroryou need to say /topic09:13
bioterrorand it will be prompted09:13
MrChrisDruifI did <_<"09:13
MrChrisDruifDidn't show <_<"09:13
bioterrorpidgin :D09:14
bioterrorhow about a real irc client09:14
MrChrisDruifbioterror: I've got multi-protocol set up...I like it better :)09:14
bioterrorso they say09:14
bioterrorseems like it is better, as you cant see the topic with a proper command09:15
bioterror/quote topic #ubuntu-beginners09:15
bioterrortry that one09:15
MrChrisDruifDidn't work...09:16
bioterrorworks for me09:16
MrChrisDruifWelcome to the Ubuntu Beginners Team support channel || Please do not wait to ask question, simply ask! If anyone knows the answer, they will most likely reply. || Please note, public logs of this channel are available on irclogs.ubuntu.com || Want offtopic? Head over to #ubuntu-beginners-team < did I mis anything bioterror?09:17
MrChrisDruifTyped it over myself :P09:19
=== szczur_ is now known as szczur
ereotavubuntu 10.10 not recgonizing hp dv9000 keyboard or trackpad. How do i fiz this?15:09
ereotavubuntu 10.10 not recgonizing hp dv9000 keyboard or trackpad. How do i fiz this?15:17
bioterrorereotav, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51205915:19
ereotavso installing the synatpc driver should fix both?15:21
duanedesignhello ereotav15:26
duanedesignereotav: could you run this command:   gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/gnome_settings_daemon/keybindings/touchpad ""15:35
duanedesignwhat it does is explained here: http://linux.aldeby.org/howto-ubuntu-linux-on-hp-pavilion-dv2000-dv6000-dv9000-series-laptops.html/5#touchpad15:36
ereotavwell as of now i cant run my comp cuz i dont have a mouse or anything.15:36
ereotavbut ill email it and try it later15:36
duanedesignereotav: also if this is a fresh install run the updates. You can do that with command:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade15:41
ereotavright now its a super sloppy install...vista other partition..i want to work out all the kinks before going full blown15:41
mutuWhy it serves an url scraper15:43
luptonicedteaHey! I just built a computer, and am trying to install minecraft.  I have it downloaded, but I can't figure out how to make it run.18:36
bioterrorluptonicedtea, remove openjdk and icedtea , enable partner repository and install sun-java6-{bin,jre,plugin,fonts}18:36
luptonicedteaI have removed openjdk and already have sun-java-6 installed.  I'm not sure what you mean by "enable partner repository"18:39
bioterror(last time someone asked that, he played that minecraft in a browser)18:41
bioterrorI dunno if you have downloaded something18:41
luptonicedteaYeah, I was trying to run the program itself.18:41
luptonicedteaI had it running on my laptop, but now I can't figure out what's different.18:41
bioterrorand the program is a file?18:41
luptonicedteaand when I extract it, there is nothing shown18:42
bioterrorin terminal tar zxvf minecraft_alpha_1.1.2.tar.gz18:42
luptonicedteai did18:43
bioterrorand you saw it extracting18:44
bioterroris there a binary in that directory or minecraft.jar or what18:44
bioterrorjava -jar minecraft_name.jar18:45
luptonicedteaUnrecognized option: -minecraft_name.jar18:45
luptonicedteaCould not create the Java virtual machine.18:45
bioterrorhmmm what18:46
bioterrorsomething not right18:46
bioterrordid you copy & paste that line18:46
luptonicedteajava -jar minecraft_name.jar ?18:47
luptonicedteaUnable to access jarfile minecraft_name.jar18:47
luptonicedtea got it18:49
luptonicedteai downloaded minecraft from a separate website when it didn't work the first time, 'cause I'm an idiot.18:49
luptonicedteaAfter installing Sun Java 6 and removing the other one, I redownloaded the original minecraft.jar, enabled permission, and ran it in sun java 6.  it's now running.  Thank you very much.18:50
=== zkriesse_ is now known as zkriesse
=== Stanley is now known as Ubuntufanatic
Androoohello there, quite new to ubuntu, keep having issues with grub wiping my vista install from the menu that seems to coninside with (I think?) a kernal update on the automatic updates - is this a bug ?     i19:47
eric1My internet stopped working and I can no longer see the networking icon in the panel. Please Help19:48
CialSo I think this is the right place to ask this.. Does anyone know a way to run a .gif image on the desktop?19:58
luptonicedteaHey! I just assembled a computer and am having trouble with my graphics card.  It's an AMD Radeon 6850, and the disc that came with it only has support for Windows 7.  I've read that there isn't much out there for AMD graphics cards for Linux, but I didn't know if anyone here had an answer.19:59
bioterror!ati | luptonicedtea20:01
ubot2luptonicedtea: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:01
luptonicedteaIt says:20:05
luptonicedtea05:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Device 673920:05
luptonicedteaBut this card only has DVI and HDMI out, firstly, and the website ubot gave me doesn't have this card on the list.  Problem?20:05
luptonicedteaAnd, also, the "Hardware Drivers" wizard returns no proprietary drivers when I scan.20:06
kristian-aalborgcan there be another reason for youtube being slow than their servers? flash is not working too well for me atm20:11
bioterrorkristian-aalborg, I think you know that you can look your CPU usage20:12
bioterrorand see if it's 100%20:12
bioterrorluptonicedtea, http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product=
luptonicedteaWow. Are you  magic? :)20:17
kristian-aalborgit seems to happen at random, but will check that next time20:19
kristian-aalborghurm, cpu and ram seems not to change when it happens... probably youtube then20:21
luptonicedteabioterror , gedit really is no liking this .run file.  It says:20:23
luptonicedteagedit has not been able to detect the character encoding.20:24
luptonicedteaPlease check that you are not trying to open a binary file.20:24
luptonicedteaSelect a character encoding from the menu and try again.20:24
bioterrorhow about README or INSTALL20:24
luptonicedteaIt only downloaded one file, ati-driver-installer-11-1-x86.x86_64.run20:24
bioterrorchmod +x ati-driver-installer-11-1-x86.x86_64.run20:25
bioterrorin terminal20:25
bioterrorand in same directory20:25
bioterrorprobably ~/Downloads20:26
bioterrornot sure if you need to run it as a root20:27
bioterroras I'm having only 4xxx radeon and I can use opensource drivers ;)20:27
luptonicedteaSo, what exactly do I type into terminal?20:28
luptonicedtea~/Downloads chmod +x ati-driver-installer-11-1-x86.x86_64.run20:28
bioterroropen terminal20:28
bioterrorcd Downloads20:29
bioterrorchmod +x ati-driver-installer-11-1-x86.x86_64.run20:29
bioterrorsudo chmod20:29
bioterrorremember sudo20:29
bioterrorsudo sh chmod +x ati-driver-installer-11-1-x86.x86_64.run20:29
luptonicedteawhy won't it let me paste?20:30
bioterroruse middle button20:30
bioterrorbut you should read that "release notes"20:30
bioterrorthat pdf file tells you what to do20:31
luptonicedteaI... don't see any "release notes" \/20:32
luptonicedteaand I'm getting sh: Can't open chmod20:32
bioterroroh sorry20:32
bioterrortake the chmod off20:32
bioterrormy fault as I just pasted that line20:33
luptonicedteait's cool20:33
luptonicedteaand there are a lot of dots running :)20:33
luptonicedteaThe ATI Catalyst (TM) Poprietary Driver installation is complete. Blah blah blah. System must be rebooted.20:34
luptonicedteaSo, now I'm back to Minecraft not working. Rofl.20:38
luptonicedteaand I can't watch videos fullscreen in youtube20:40
luptonicedteaor hulu20:41
luptonicedteaIt says that a plugin has crashed.20:41
bioterrorwhich plugin20:42
luptonicedtea/opt/google/chrome/libgcflashplayer.so =)20:48
bioterroryou have 64bit ubuntu?20:51
luptonicedteai don't think so20:52
luptonicedteai'm pretty sure i don't20:52
bioterrorluptonicedtea, in terminal: uname -s20:53
bioterroruname -m20:53
bioterrorIm watching tv :D20:53
luptonicedteahaha. nice.  Thanks again for doing this.20:53
luptonicedteaThe uname -m reported i68620:54
bioterrordoes that flash crash again after restarting chromium20:56
bioterrorhi mohi21:00
IAmNotThatGuyhello bioterror21:00
bioterrorno sleep?21:00
bioterrorluptonicedtea, you might have to deinstall that catalyst21:01
luptonicedteaAwesome. How do I do that?21:02
bioterroryou looked that release notes?21:02
luptonicedteaI never found them.21:02
luptonicedteaWhat does this mean I should do? =/21:03
luptonicedtea"1 Launch the Terminal Application/Window and navigate to the /usr/share/ati folder.21:03
luptonicedtea2 With superuser permissions, enter the command "sh ./fglrx-uninstall.sh"21:03
ereotavbioterror: I followed the instructions in the link you gave me earlier about trackpads. It worked but I still cant get the enable\disable button to function properly21:04
bioterrorluptonicedtea, sudo = super user21:05
bioterrorereotav, it was that dv9000?21:06
bioterror!sudo | luptonicedtea21:06
ubot2luptonicedtea: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo21:06
luptonicedteaI don't understand directories. =/21:06
luptonicedteait says ./blahblahblah21:06
bioterror!filesystem ! luptonicedtea21:06
ubot2bioterror: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:06
bioterror!ext4 | luptonicedtea21:07
ubot2Factoid 'ext4' not found21:07
bioterrorluptonicedtea, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25861121:07
bioterrorereotav, I have to admit that I'm really hands down with the HP consumer laptops21:10
bioterrorereotav, back in the days I did alot work with my co-workers laptop and after all he decided to try opensuse and everything was working withotu problems21:10
bioterrorhe had dv6somethingsomething21:11
bioterrorand as a reward he asked if I'm a redwine guy and I said I prefer whiskey. I got a bottle of scotch and I've never drank so crappy whiskey :D21:11
bioterroreven with coke it made me almost puke :D21:11
luptonicedtea1 Launch the Terminal Application/Window and navigate to the /usr/share/ati folder.21:12
luptonicedtea2 With superuser permissions, enter the command "sh ./fglrx-uninstall.sh21:12
luptonicedteaStill completely lost.21:12
bioterrorluptonicedtea, cd /usr/share/ati21:12
bioterrorluptonicedtea, sudo sh ./fglrx-uninstall.sh21:13
luptonicedtea"sh: can't open ./fglrx-uninstall.sh"21:14
luptonicedteaI'm just an idiot.  "restore of system environment completed"21:15
Dangr_I have an IRC related question. I haven't used it since middle/high school so its been a good 10+ years22:05
Dangr_How do you mention a name when talking to someone in the main chatroom but not in a private chat22:06
Dangr_I see messages directed to users in the main window who have questions but don't want to type it by hand so I'm figureing there isa  short cut22:06
holsteinyou mean like Dangr_ ?22:07
holsteinor holstein22:07
pleia2Dangr_: you type the first letter or two of their nickname and then hit tab22:07
holsteintab complete?22:07
Dangr_thats exactly it22:07
pleia2sure :)22:07
ereotavwhat is the format that ubuntu prefers for external hdd23:10
bioterroryou mean filesystem23:10
SpreadsheetThere's no preference for FS. Most of them work23:10
SpreadsheetYou should go with NTFS as every computer can read that23:11
bioterrorits up to you23:11
bioterrora golden path is EXT423:11
bioterrorSpreadsheet, noooooo......23:11
SpreadsheetWhy not?23:11
bioterrorbecouse its NTFS. a crappy "journaling" fs23:12
bioterrorif someone is full ubuntu, theres really no reason to use ntfs23:12
bioterrorrather ext4, xfs, reiser4 or jfs23:12
bioterrorwhat ever suits for the use23:12
bioterrorI have ext4 and xfs23:13
SpreadsheetWell if it's just Ubuntu, yeah, any can work23:13
ereotavwell ill be transfering from linux to mac mostly23:13
SpreadsheetUnless it's SSD23:13
bioterrormac :D23:13
SpreadsheetOSX supports it. I tried one on this MBP and it works23:14
ereotavdoes that have th 4gb limit?23:14
SpreadsheetNo, the 4gb is for FAT23:14
bioterrorFAT32 has23:14
SpreadsheetNTFS will be ok with most disks23:14
SpreadsheetYou won't notice the difference23:14
ereotavi am viewing the properties for it now and it says filesytem msdos23:14
ereotavis msdos fat3223:14
ereotavoohhh good23:16
ereotavbioterror: thanks man..on and i got my dv9000 keyboard and trackpad to work perfectly thanks for the info23:17
bioterrorereotav, np23:19
ereotavoh lastly.. i currentyl have vista and ubuntu installed...and i wanto to do a clean install of ubuntu ..is it as easy as putting the cd in a chosseing only ubuntu? would that do it?23:21
bioterroruser whole hard disk23:21
ereotavok. thanks23:22
bioterrorawesome choise that is if you do it23:22
bioterrorbug #123:22
ubot2bioterror: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Not reporting large bug)23:22
ereotavdef will cuz i have a xp disc that i can put on Vbox23:22
ereotavhaha nice bug link23:23
ereotavim going to go do a clean install now..hope all goes well23:28
SpreadsheetWhen someone has a problem, should we ask them what they are trying to do and offer a better solution, or just try to help them their way?23:48
bioterrorit depends23:49
bioterrorthe skills of help seeker23:49
bioterrorand what he is trying to do23:49
bioterrorI think the best case is to give some guidance23:50
bioterrorlet him learn on the way to solution23:50
MrChrisDruifThe skills of what....hai bioterror23:50
bioterrorbut ofcourse, sometimes it's just better to give all commands23:51
bioterroryou have to choose how you help and what's the best practice for the best solution and have a satisfied "customer"23:52
bioterrorif there's a !-command in bot, I will handle it to someone who is asking help23:53
bioterrorso my method is to give mainly guidance as it helps most, but ofcourse I can share part of my knowledge too ;)23:54
geirhaIn my personal experience, it depends on my mood and how long it would take to explain a better solution ^^23:55
bioterroryeah, that too23:55
bioterrorI'm always grumpy23:55

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