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chrisccoulsonmaaaaaaaaaan, nearly 400 tests in the firefox test suite fail01:06
chrisccoulsoni really need to investigate those at some point :(01:06
RAOFjaytaoko, bryceh, broder: Xrandr is the modesetting API, but Xinerama is where the desktop gets the screen-edge hints from; XrandR sets the Xinerama hints appropriately.  Although I guess that you could also query XRandR directly if you wanted too.01:12
RAOFnvidia TwinView also (mostly) sets the Xinerama hints appropriately, so it should work with everything.01:13
brycehwb RAOF01:13
broderRAOF: sure, but there's information exposed by XRandR that isn't from Xinerama. Xinerama has no concept of primary monitors, for instance01:13
RAOFRight.  *That* you'll need to get from XRandR.01:13
RAOFHm, and I guess that we really *do* want to know about the primary monitor...01:13
RAOFRather than just guessing that the left-most monitor is where the launcher should go :)01:14
RAOFbryceh: :)01:14
broderthat would certainly be awesome :), but unfortunately none of the libraries i've seen can get that out of nvidia, so i think you have to actually speak NV-CONTROL01:14
RAOFYes.  Some judicious copy-paste from nvidia-settings might solve the problem.01:15
RAOFActually, does nvidia actually have a *concept* of primary monitor?01:16
broderwell, there's a checkbox in nvidia-settings for it. but i have no clue how anybody else would find out about it01:16
broderbecause changing it has no effect on the xinerama screen ordering, the xrandr information is obviously bogus, and nothing but nvidia-settings speaks NV-CONTROL01:17
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RAOFThat *might* be the monitor that nvidia uses for sync-to-vblank?01:17
brodercould be. i'm going to have to grok the nv-control stuff for work in the near future, so i'll be sure to report back if i find out anything interesting :)01:18
RAOFI don't know if nvidia does per-crtc vblank properly (although the hardware is certainly capable of it, so maybe it does).01:18
AmaranthRAOF: afaik you're right, it's for vblank01:48
AmaranthUnless their documentation is out of date it makes it pretty clear they don't support per-crtc vblank01:48
AmaranthAlso, compiz handles multimonitor pretty well (and multiscreen not at all anymore) but I suppose unity needs to know where to paint01:48
RAOFRight.  Unity (and, from memory, nux) gets *quite* confused when the screen size changes.01:49
Amaranthxinerama helps with that01:49
RAOFI don't know why nvidia doesn't support per-crtc vblank; their hardware clearly does, since nouveau does the right thing.01:49
AmaranthAlthough smspillaz apparently discovered compiz gets quite confused when the screen size changes as well, I think that's an 0.9 specific thing so hopefully he can find what changed from 0.801:50
broderAmaranth: gnome-panel has some heuristic it's using to move between outputs which is not always correct with nvidia, but frequently is if you kick it hard enough. i haven't figured out how it's doing that yet, since a quick skim of the code makes it look like it just knows XRandR01:50
AmaranthWell, compiz messes up the stacking order badly on screen size changes, anyway01:50
Amaranthbroder: ha, gnome-panel didn't do the right thing for me even with -intel :)01:51
Amaranthwait, I think I managed to kick gnome-panel in to shape but docky was doing it wrong01:51
broderAmaranth: the behavior for me was the the panel wouldn't move until i changed the virtual desktop size (i.e. by switching from horizontal to vertical layout or vice versa), at which point it would move to the right display01:51
broderbut i could be incorrectly extrapolating from what is actually random behavior01:52
AmaranthI don't remember if it was gnome-panel, docky, or both but at least one of them wouldn't go to the primary monitor set via xrandr, I had to drag it in to place01:53
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pittiGood mornin05:59
kenvandinegood morning pitti06:59
pittihey kenvandine! burning the midnight oil?07:00
kenvandineyup... about to sign out though :)07:00
didrocksgood morning08:19
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pittibonjour didrocks08:25
pittididrocks: ca va?08:25
pittididrocks: question about https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-dx-n-2d-experience-fallback: "add a label in case of the nvidia driver to tell that the interface will look different at reboot" -> that's in the jockey driver description?08:25
didrocksGuten Morgen pitti, ça va bien, merci, you?08:26
didrockspitti: yeah, jockey (and there is one for ubiquity IIRC)08:26
pittididrocks: je suis bien, merci08:26
pittididrocks: right, there is08:26
Riddell"et toi" didrocks not "you", go to the back of the class08:26
pittididrocks: ok, will do that08:26
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seb128hey didrocks pitti08:27
* pitti bows to Riddell08:27
didrocksRiddell: damn! I'll go see my French teacher then :-)08:27
seb128how are you?08:27
pittibonjour seb12808:27
seb128hey Riddell08:27
didrockspitti: excellent, thanks!08:27
didrockshey seb12808:27
pittiso this new NBS thingy finally works - time for breakfast, bbl08:27
seb128pitti, enjoy08:28
didrockshey rodrigo_09:06
rodrigo_hi didrocks09:06
xclaessehello. If I do an upgrade from maverick to natty with the update-manager (when natty will be released), will that switch my desktop to unity? or is unity only for fresh installs by default?09:24
rodrigo_xclaesse, the ubuntu desktop edition session in gdm will start unity, you'd need to select the classic edition to use the normal GNOME panel09:26
duanedesignhey rodrigo_09:41
duanedesignxclaesse: once you select Classic Desktop it will boot into that. You will not have to select it everytime. At least that is how it works now.09:43
rodrigo_hi duanedesign09:50
ftauh, i thought totem was able to play regular WMV3 mms:// links. I got the plugin wizard (in natty), and it failed to find a suitable codec10:09
ftamplayer works fine though10:09
seb128tkamppeter, Riddell: could you commit your poppler natty changes to the vcs?10:20
seb128Riddell, thanks10:26
seb128Riddell, thanks10:28
tkamppeterRiddell, did your commit also cover my changes?10:33
Riddelltkamppeter: yes10:33
tkamppeterRiddell, OK, thanks.10:33
seb128hey rodrigo_10:53
seb128how are you?10:53
chrisccoulsonhi seb12810:53
chrisccoulsonhow are you?10:53
seb128hey chrisccoulson10:53
baptistemmhi there10:53
seb128I'm fine thanks10:53
seb128lut baptistemm10:53
chrisccoulsonyeah, good thanks10:53
didrocksok, bbiab, I can't resize anymore my terminator window10:58
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rodrigo_hi seb12811:13
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dmhi there!11:21
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seb128grrr, system tend to crash when opengl screensaver are used it seems12:23
geserhas somebody some time to review/sponsor https://code.launchpad.net/~geser/ubuntu/natty/json-glib/merge_0.12.0-2/+merge/47377 ? thanks12:32
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GunnarHjHi Martin,13:10
GunnarHjEven if your time is filled with other urgent stuff, it would be great if you could take a look at the GDM side of https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/693337, so I can proceed with the mods, if any.13:10
GunnarHjIMHO it should be possible to commit before Alpha 2.13:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 693337 in language-selector "Menus for choosing language should have one option per available translation" [Undecided,In progress]13:10
GunnarHjpitti: Please see previous entry...13:11
pittiok, will do13:14
seb128geser, guess mvo can do it he's patch piloting today ;-)13:15
GunnarHjpitti: Great!13:18
mvohey geser and seb128 - i'm flying today13:22
seb128hey mvo ;-)13:22
mvompt: hacked a bit on a tech preview http://people.canonical.com/~mvo/tmp/sc-meets-debtags.png13:22
mvoseb128: the above kept me from piloting13:22
mptOh, mvo13:22
seb128mvo, seems it was worth it ;-)13:23
mvoa prototype from 2h work (and lots of inspiration from enrico from last week). ui needs loads of love and stuff is missing, but it seems like it could be the next big thing13:25
seb128mvo, you would need understandable tags13:28
mvoheh :) indeed, the blacklist/whitelist needs some work, I filter out "implemented-in::c++" and this like alredy13:29
mvothere are human readable names, but AFAICT its not supporting i18n yet, that needs fixing too13:29
seb128mvo, well as an user it doesn't really seem obvious what those are13:32
seb128but maybe it's just me ;-)13:32
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mvoseb128: indeed, its still a prototype13:37
mvoseb128: and it needs careful checking which tags (and how many) are useful and which are not13:38
mvobut patch piloting now :) - not that pie-in-the-sky-developer-work13:38
pittimvo: btw, do you want to review https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/software-properties/pygi/+merge/47463, or should I merge/upload this myself?13:50
mvopitti: I can do that today13:51
pittimvo: heh, call it sponsoring? :-)13:57
mvohehe, good plan13:58
mark-kraevskijjhey, guys!14:29
mark-kraevskijjneed help14:29
mark-kraevskijji want to install 1004LTS dvd via usb-stick14:30
seb128mark-kraevskijj, hi, try #ubuntu for user support14:31
mark-kraevskijjshit, they cant answer...14:32
mark-kraevskijjseb128, they dont understand, what i need to install ubuntu from usb14:33
seb128well this channel is to discuss desktop packaging issues14:33
seb128issues or work being done on those14:33
seb128it's not the right one to discuss installation in any case14:33
mark-kraevskijjokay. i heard about packet, which can delete packets from .iso14:34
seb128wrong channel for those questions...14:35
seb128try again later on #ubuntu?14:35
mark-kraevskijjokay, thanks...14:36
seb128mvo, can you review https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/evolution-exchange/backports-20110124/+merge/47299 as well?14:46
mvoseb128: sure, once I finished emacs2314:48
micahgrodrigo_: pong, sorry I missed you yesterday14:54
mpt<mpt> mvo, where are you getting the data? I thought the blocker for debtags was that Launchpad was not including them in packages in the first place.15:05
mvompt: its data from the package itself, so stale15:07
mvompt: but good enough for a first shoot15:07
mptmvo, what do you mean by "the package itself"? Are you extracting them all into app-install-data or something?15:07
mvompt: I have some ideas how to integrate it into LP, should not be too hard, but it does not stop there, we should have a (web)ui for improving the tagging etc15:08
mvompt: its part of the debtags package itself, it ships a copy15:08
* mpt resists the urge to say "surely that won't scale"15:08
mvompt: what does not scale? shipping it inside the package?15:08
mptI guess it scales easier than having a package containing the icon for every application15:09
mptmvo, absolutely the Web UI, that makes sense as part of <https://dev.launchpad.net/UserContributedMetadata>15:10
mvompt: indeed15:10
mvompt: I guess if we are happy with stale(ish) tags we can go forward experimenting with them. LP support would be best IMO though15:11
mvo(support for integrating them into the Packages file or as additional metadata)15:11
mptWhen you say "stale-ish", how stale?15:11
mvompt: 2010-11-08 is the current data we got15:13
rodrigo_micahg, hi, just wanted to ask you about libgjs, robert told me you were working on it15:14
rodrigo_micahg, it's for the-board packages that robert has been working on15:14
seb128we need it for g-s as well15:14
rodrigo_seb128, gnome-shell you mean?15:15
micahgrodrigo_: ah, I won't have time to work on it until next month, but I think the version from Natty was fine, it should still be in the bzr branch15:15
rodrigo_ah, ok15:15
seb128rodrigo_, yes15:16
mvompt: but we can use a similar approach as with app-install-data (or even integrate them there) to keep them more current15:16
kenvandinei think the script used to save space with icons in packages is doing something to alter the appearance15:17
rodrigo_seb128, is that what's preventing ricotz's packages to land on the ppa?15:17
kenvandinesladen, was that something you did?  have you seen problems like this?15:17
seb128kenvandine, ?15:17
seb128where do you get issues?15:18
kenvandineso the gwibber icon from my update yesterday, which didn't change any source just packaging15:18
kenvandinelooks different today15:18
seb128rodrigo_, not sure, I've been staying away from libmozjs and gjs15:18
kenvandinein fact, i think it might look better :)15:18
kenvandinebut that specific svg doesn't exist anywhere in the gwibber source15:18
seb128kenvandine, when was the previous rebuild before that?15:18
micahgrodrigo_: how soon do you need it in the PPA?  I might be able to squeeze gjs in this weekend15:19
seb128kenvandine, ok so yeah maybe it's scour thing15:19
rodrigo_micahg, well, asap, but whenever you have it's ok, if not, robert might have a look15:19
kenvandinei do kind of like this version of it though, looks sharper15:19
kenvandinethat's it, scour15:19
kenvandinei couldn't remember the name :)15:19
scott-workdidrocks:  sorry to bug you again, but i'm still having problems testing my gnome-session as default xsession fix15:19
seb128but it should not be changing the images15:19
micahgrodrigo_: is gnome-shell needed immediately as well or just gjs?15:19
kenvandineit's more blue, and sharper15:20
seb128kenvandine, well maybe pitti knows about that15:20
rodrigo_micahg, gjs for the-board, but if you submit gnome-shell, that would be great, since we only have 2.31.5 + ricotz's packages, which are broken (for me at least)15:20
kenvandinepitti, ^^15:20
* kenvandine will save a version of this and see what ryan thinks :)15:21
micahgrodrigo_: I hope to have gnome-shell in by the end of Feb15:21
pittihi kenvandine, what's up?15:21
rodrigo_micahg, oh, does it need a lot of work?15:21
kenvandinei think scour is making the gwibber icon look better15:21
kenvandinebut of course shouldn't be changing the look of the icon15:21
micahgrodrigo_: no, just I lack time ATM :)15:21
pittikenvandine: ah, we had a similar breakage at the sprint for deja-dup icon, discussed that with mterry15:22
kenvandineah, any work around?15:22
rodrigo_micahg, :-D15:22
seb128how much CD space do we win with that scour thing?15:22
mterrypitti, ah yeah.  I don't think that bug is fixed yet15:22
seb128I'm still not comfortable with that change15:22
seb128we keep running into side effect and we only test a small part of the archive15:22
seb128it seems to have potential to creates issues over what it's worth15:23
pittikenvandine: could be bug 70242315:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 702423 in scour "Scour corrupts deja-dup.svg" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70242315:23
pittikenvandine: could you try scour -i <original svg> -o /tmp/new.svg15:24
pittikenvandine: and check whether /tmp/new.svg is okay?15:24
pittikenvandine: dh_scour uses --disable-style-to-xml, which apparently triggers above bug with some gradients15:24
seb128pitti, what would be the right medium to suggest reverting that scour hack? TB?15:25
kenvandinepitti, yeah, that looks fine15:25
pittiseb128: u-devel@ I guess15:25
kenvandineimpressive saving though, 40%15:25
pittiseb128: well, you know the stakes, 7.5 MB CD space15:25
kenvandineseb128, can i override that in my package?15:26
seb128pitti, well as said just before I still think it's wrong to run it on the archive15:26
kenvandinewow... 75.M15:26
pittikenvandine: yes15:26
seb128pitti, if we maybe limited it to packages on the CD...15:26
pittigwibber is..15:26
seb128pitti, it still feel like having the potential to break random softwares in universe which we will not test15:26
seb128pitti, I'm rather concerned by the packages we will break and not notice15:27
pittibut "packages on CD" changes quite often and is hard to do; we could limit it to "main"15:27
seb128not by the default set and the few issues on the CD15:27
seb128I don't like much risky stability to win some CD space15:27
pittikenvandine: do you use cdbs or dh7?15:27
seb128we should rather opt-in in the rules for sources where it's a real win imho15:28
pittiseb128: that would mean changes to dozens of packages, though15:28
seb128pitti, well u-d list is fine but I feel we will not reach any consensus over that15:28
pittikenvandine: DEB_DH_SCOUR_ARGS = -Xgwibber.svg15:28
pittiseb128: I'm fine for switching it to only strip main15:29
seb128pitti, I guess that could be an acceptable middle way solution15:29
pittiseb128: we could do that in the cdbs hook15:29
seb128should I open a bug about that?15:29
pittisince everything else needs to call it explicitly anyway15:29
kenvandinei would be in favor of that, much easier to know where there are problems15:30
kenvandineand we still get the win for CD size15:30
pittiseb128: sure, I'll get to it ASAP then15:30
seb128pitti, thanks15:31
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kenvandinepitti, that did it, thx15:38
seb128pitti, bug #70808115:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 708081 in cdbs "should not run scour on the sources in universe" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70808115:39
pittiseb128: thanks15:39
seb128thank *you* for workin on that ;-)15:39
sladenkenvandine: pitti has been working on the integration of scour (an XML stripper) to the package build process15:45
sladenkenvandine: if you find any .svg icons that are not being stripped correctly, you should be able to exclude, or the ideal and better solution is to fix scour itself15:46
sladenkenvandine: ah, pitti replied.  Guess you're sorted15:46
* bcurtiswx waves to room15:48
mptmvo, as for the UI, the debtags syntax is basically incompatible with showing them raw. Their main purpose will be powering much better subcategories. We could also allow searching for them in the existing search field (since you're not likely to enter "::" for any other reason).15:49
mptmvo, what do you think?15:49
pittiI'm off for about an hour, bbl15:50
mvompt: (sorry, phonecall, so short) - its incompatible indeed, but I think we could use some tags (not raw, with proper description) for faceted navigation. we need to experiment with that a bit I guess15:54
rickspencer3vuntz, interesting discussion about your blog on lwn16:01
vuntzrickspencer3: ah, some clueless comments too16:07
* vuntz wonders if he'll start replying to comments one day16:10
seb128hey vuntz, how are you?16:11
vuntzseb128: very good, except for the fact that I somehow keep starting new tasks without finishing the old ones today :-)16:12
vuntzseb128: how's life?16:12
desrtpitti: holy crap dude16:12
desrtpitti: i had no idea you were into the pygvariant stuff :)16:12
seb128vuntz, life is great there ;-)16:15
desrtpitti: some feedback, though: the GVariant constructor should take only one argument16:15
desrt(other than the type string, i mean)16:15
desrtotherwise it's somewhat logically inconsistent16:16
seb128vuntz, if that's only today I guess that's ok ;-)16:16
seb128rodrigo_, did you not enable the dconf to gconf bridge in g-s-d3 for a reason?16:16
seb128rodrigo_, or is that just an error?16:16
vuntzseb128: heh, I have hopes I'll be able to close windows at the end of the day16:16
seb128vuntz, without opening new ones? ;-)16:17
rodrigo_vuntz, I forgot to enable it16:18
seb128rodrigo_, I guess that was for me, ok, thanks16:18
seb128rodrigo_, I'm rebasing on the current version and fixing some errors on the way16:19
seb128like shipping the gconf migration script16:19
seb128or enabling the gconf bridge16:19
rodrigo_seb128, ugh, yes, for you, got confused by so many Frenchmen :-D16:19
didrocksrodrigo_: take care of your next sentence… can be dangerous for you at next UDS :-)16:21
rodrigo_didrocks, :)16:21
seb128rodrigo_, I've retried your gnome-screensaver upload builds btw which worked16:25
rodrigo_seb128, yes, it was failing because of some broken packages, right?16:27
seb128the eog one is a real bug though16:27
seb128rodrigo_, ok, uploaded a new g-s-d revision to the ppa, it should enable the sound and gconf option and install the gconf migration script16:43
rodrigo_ok, thanks!16:43
rodrigo_seb128, hmm, you re-added "fdescfs" to the list of fs to monitor. We removed that upstream because of some bsd problems with that16:48
seb128rodrigo_, it's coming from debian16:49
rodrigo_hmm, ok16:49
seb128rodrigo_, it doesn't matter on ubuntu I guess16:49
seb128but it might be worth mentioning it on #debian-gnome16:50
pittidesrt: you actually can pass a tuple (which is what you want to do in most cases)16:51
pittidesrt: that's what I planned to do, but as the previous API allowed you to pass a "flat" *args, I kept that16:52
desrtpitti: please drop it before it gets any wide use16:52
desrtit's very broken...16:52
pittiif tomeu is fine with it, so am I16:53
pittidesrt: let's discuss in #introspection?16:53
pittidesrt: I'd like to ask tomeu, as I didn't introduce this API16:53
desrti'm just going out the door actually16:53
desrti talked to tomeu about this before16:53
pittiok, will ask him16:53
desrtand i think he agreed16:54
desrtthen i took over writing the stuff, and unceremoniously dropped it on the floor :(16:54
desrtso i feel a bit of guilt about that, but still... we should try to get it right16:54
* desrt out16:54
bcurtiswxseb128, https://code.launchpad.net/~bcurtiswx/ubuntu/natty/empathy/empathy-2.32.2-0ubuntu7/+merge/47557 backported some git patches, pbuilder built success, tested on my lappy successful too16:57
pittidesrt: talked to Tomeu, he's fine with that; I'll work on that16:58
seb128bcurtiswx, great, you can maybe open sponsoring requests for those17:03
seb128rodrigo_, ok, you sorted the patch issue ;-)17:04
bcurtiswxseb128, bzr lp-propose ?17:07
seb128bcurtiswx, you can do that for example17:07
seb128bcurtiswx, you should document the rules change in the changelog17:08
bcurtiswxseb128, ah yes, done :)17:12
bcurtiswxseb128, bcurtis@weather:~/Packages/empathy/natty/ubuntu$ bzr lp-propose  bzr: ERROR: lp:~bcurtiswx/ubuntu/natty/empathy/empathy-2.32.2-0ubuntu7 has no product17:13
seb128didrocks, james_w: ^ do you have any clue about that?17:14
didrocksI think lp-propose is expecting lp:~name/product/branch format, but that's just a raw guess17:15
seb128bcurtiswx, you should run that in your directory17:15
seb128bcurtiswx, did you run it from empathy-2.32.2-0ubuntu7?17:16
bcurtiswxits ~/Packages/empathy/natty/ubuntu17:16
bcurtiswxwhich is where i've been pushing from17:16
didrocksbcurtiswx: seems you pushed to lp:~bcurtiswx/ubuntu/natty/empathy/empathy-2.32.2-0ubuntu717:17
didrocks(on launchpad, I mean)17:17
bcurtiswxdidrocks, yes.. should I bzr lp-propose lp:~bcurtiswx/ubuntu/natty/empathy/empathy-2.32.2-0ubuntu7  ?17:17
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didrocksbcurtiswx: no, rather try bzr push --remember lp:~bcurtiswx/empathy/empathy-2.32.2-0ubuntu717:19
didrocksbcurtiswx: then bzr lp-propose17:19
bcurtiswxdidrocks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/558629/17:20
didrocksbcurtiswx: hum, what's your source, is it our default ~ubuntu-desktop/empathy/ubuntu branch?17:22
bcurtiswxdidrocks, yes17:22
didrocksbcurtiswx: try bzr upgrade .17:23
didrocksthen push again17:23
bcurtiswxbzr: ERROR: The branch format Meta directory format 1 is already at the most recent format17:23
bcurtiswxdidrocks, ^^17:24
didrocksbcurtiswx: ok, I have no clue then, sorry :/17:25
seb128you already submitted it it seems17:25
bcurtiswxseb128, thats the original link i gave you :-\17:25
seb128you should just add ubuntu-sponsors to the reviewers17:25
seb128bcurtiswx, right sorry I had a glance and closed it then we discussed sponsoring17:26
bcurtiswxseb128, ok :)17:26
bcurtiswxseb128, as a reviewer or on the branch itself?17:27
bcurtiswxseb128, nvm got it17:29
bcurtiswxgonna go start a slow cooker beef stew, yum yum.  bbs17:30
pittidesrt: there: http://git.gnome.org/browse/pygobject/commit/?id=27e3a6276ff5f2cdc03ddf69ee80d44c3bf2c09417:43
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chrisccoulsonhas anyone else upgraded to ffox4 b10 yet?18:06
ricotzchrisccoulson, i did18:07
chrisccoulsonricotz, does it still ask you if you want to save your tabs on close?18:07
chrisccoulson(and is yours a mozilla or ubuntu build?)18:08
micahgchrisccoulson: charlie-tca was having an issue using report a bug from it18:08
ricotzchrisccoulson, current natty version, seems it doesnt ask18:08
chrisccoulsonmicahg, oh, that's not important ;)18:08
chrisccoulsonricotz, hmmmm, so it's not just me :)18:08
chrisccoulsonthat's pretty bad, it just forgets all my tabs here18:09
pittiseb128: cdbs fixified18:09
seb128pitti, thanks18:09
pittiand with that, good night everyone!18:09
chrisccoulson'night pitti!18:09
seb128'night pitti18:09
chrisccoulsonmicahg, report a bug would have stopped working until the latest ubufox gets published (if it's not already)18:10
seb128bug #70817118:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 708171 in nautilus "Multi-column list view (aka Miller Columns)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70817118:10
seb128bah user titles...18:10
chrisccoulsonseb128 - heh, i noticed that too ;)18:10
seb128oh it got renamed18:10
seb128it was "after 30 years still NO miller-columns in nautilus!"18:10
chrisccoulsoni've told that guy a billion times already he should stop exaggerating ;)18:10
didrocksinteresting, there was an early release of nautilus in 1981… :-)18:11
didrockscan learn a new thing everyday :)18:12
chrisccoulsonricotz, what do you have browser.startup.page and browser.tabs.warnOnClose set to in about:config?18:13
ricotzchrisccoulson, browser.tabs.warnOnClose=true browser.startup.page=018:15
chrisccoulsonricotz, ok, same as me :)18:15
chrisccoulsoni just confirmed on b9 those pref's show the warning on close18:16
chrisccoulsonbut now it just discards all your tabs :(18:16
=== alecu-lunch is now known as alecu
ari-tczewhey, I'm merging gnome-power-manager with Debian unstable and I dunno whether include changes related to Debian bug 59177619:11
ubot2Debian bug 591776 in gnome-power-manager "xfce4-session: Please don't start both {xfce4,gnome}-power-manager" [Important,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/59177619:11
chrisccoulsonari-tczew, that change is probably fine19:16
chrisccoulsonplease don't take the debian hack of moving g-p-m to start in the initialization autostart phase though19:17
chrisccoulsoni've already reverted that because it got inherited from the last merge19:17
chrisccoulsonari-tczew, did debian install it in /etc/xdg/autostart before?19:19
chrisccoulsoni thought they'd already moved desktop files out of /etc, but i might be wrong there (or perhaps they put them back again)19:19
ari-tczewchrisccoulson: look on full diff: http://paste.ubuntu.com/558670/19:19
ari-tczewI disabled these ++ in d/rules19:19
chrisccoulsonari-tczew, ok, that change is fine19:20
ari-tczewchrisccoulson: to be clear: disable their additions in d/rules and keep debian/postinst ?19:21
chrisccoulsonari-tczew, no, you need the debian/rules bits, else it won't install an autostart file at all ;)19:21
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
chrisccoulsondoes xfce4-session honour "OnlyShowIn"?19:22
ari-tczewchrisccoulson: I guess it needs to be disabled since your changes from last days *ubuntu319:22
didrockschrisccoulson: yes, it should at least :)19:22
chrisccoulsonthat would be a better fix, to drop "XFCE" from OnlyShowIn in the g-p-m desktop file, rather than moving it ;)19:22
ari-tczewdidrocks: are you able to sponsor my merge?19:22
chrisccoulsoni can sponsor g-p-m if didrocks is busy19:23
didrocksari-tczew: not reallly, I'm debugging some stuff right now19:23
didrockschrisccoulson: that will be nice! thanks :)19:23
ari-tczewchrisccoulson: ok, gimme 5 minutes19:23
didrockschrisccoulson: so, you don't have any issue with xdg-open?19:24
=== Zdra is now known as xclaesse
didrockschrisccoulson: like xdg-open <whatever> tries to open nautilus?19:24
didrocks(or your default file manager)19:24
chrisccoulsondidrocks, not that i've noticed, but then i don't think i use it (unless an app i'm using is using it for me)19:24
ari-tczewchrisccoulson: I'm going to give ScottK one change to test whether it's still useful19:24
ari-tczewbuilding on arm19:24
chrisccoulsonari-tczew, what change is this? is this an arm fix for g-p-m?19:25
ari-tczewchrisccoulson: yes CFLAGS in d/rules19:25
didrockschrisccoulson: if you can give it a quick try, like xdg-open foo.pdf, that would be nice :)19:25
=== Zdra is now known as xclaesse
dobeydidrocks: xdg-open foo.png opened eog for me with the file19:25
chrisccoulsondidrocks, it works ok here ;)19:25
didrocks chrisccoulson dobey: hum, ok, why is it broken for me as well in the guest session? :/19:26
didrocksthanks for testing anyway :)19:26
chrisccoulsondidrocks - is it only xdg-open that handles it incorrectly?19:26
seb128didrocks, works there in a guest session19:26
seb128didrocks, trying in example.desktop which opens in gedit19:27
dobeydidrocks: what does gvfs-info <file> say it is?19:27
didrocksok, so a system issue :/19:27
didrocksdobey: yeah, gvfs-info works19:27
didrockshow can it be broken on the guest session for me as well? :/ hate that!19:27
dobeydidrocks: it says the correct mime type for the file?19:27
didrocksdobey: yeah19:27
didrocksit's really xdg-open/gnome-open19:27
dobeydidrocks: what kind of file is it that's not working?19:28
seb128didrocks, gvfs-open?19:28
didrocksdobey: all, pdf, images… they try to open the filemanager19:28
didrocksseb128: let me try19:28
chrisccoulsondidrocks, what does application/pdf say in your mimeinfo.cache, or whatever it's called19:29
didrocksseb128: same, just telling me "it's not a folder"19:29
didrockschrisccoulson: looking19:29
chrisccoulsonyeah, /usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache19:29
seb128didrocks, do you have anything in /usr/local/...?19:29
chrisccoulson(assuming gvfs-info gave the mimetype as application/pdf)19:29
didrocks/usr/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache says evince.desktop19:29
didrocksbut /usr/share/gnome/applications/mimeinfo.cache is empty19:29
didrocksseb128: nothing in /usr/local19:30
didrocks/usr/share/gnome/applications/mimeinfo.cache -> juste contain a [MIME Cache]19:30
didrocksrenaming it doesn't fix anything19:31
didrocksok, I think I'll have to printf…19:31
seb128didrocks, ls /usr/share/gnome/applications19:32
seb128$ ls /usr/share/gnome/applications19:32
seb128didrocks, try removing this one?19:32
seb128the /usr/share/gnome/applications/mimeinfo.cache19:32
didrocksseb128: just look at what I just wrote ^^19:33
didrocksI was hopeful :)19:33
didrocks/etc/mime.types seem correct as well and I didn't play with that recently19:34
chrisccoulsonhmmmm :/19:34
seb128didrocks, try to strace -e open gnome-open example19:35
didrocksseb128: nice idea, trying19:35
seb128didrocks, try to strace -e open gnome-open example 2>&1 | grep -v ENO19:35
seb128then pastebin it19:35
seb128so I can compare with mine just to see19:35
seb128well "example" being any file19:35
didrocksok :)19:35
seb128the format should not matter there19:35
didrocksseb128: http://paste.ubuntu.com/558677/19:36
didrocksopening the cache files one after another19:37
seb128didrocks, what is in /home/didrocks/.local/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache?19:37
didrocksnothing exceptional19:37
seb128didrocks, can you copy /usr/share/applications/exo-file-manager.desktop on pastebin as well?19:37
seb128would not be surprising if that one was buggy19:37
seb128guess nobody else there has it installed but you19:38
=== eric is now known as Guest15481
seb128there you go19:38
seb128try deleting that19:38
didrocksyeah, match on any file19:38
seb128then sudo update-desktop-database /usr/share/applications19:38
didrockshum… still failing19:39
seb128didrocks, grep x-scheme-handler /usr/share/applications/*.cache19:39
seb128didrocks, try cleaning .local/share/applications as well19:40
didrocksseb128: nothing fancy: http://paste.ubuntu.com/558679/19:40
didrocksyeah, trying that19:40
didrocks(some people on debian sid confirm having the same issue btw)19:40
seb128what is that exo thing?19:40
didrocksseb128: yeah, from exo-utils19:41
didrocksI think I downloaded that when doing some sponsoring19:41
chrisccoulsonheh, x-scheme-handler/file definitely seems wrong ;)19:42
didrocksseb128: removing what was still on .local/share/applications fixed it!19:42
chrisccoulsonnice catch :)19:42
didrocksseb128: nice catch, thanks :)19:42
seb128you're welcome19:42
chrisccoulsonall your file are belong to us19:43
seb128didrocks, next time stay away from xfce19:43
didrocksseb128: I know, I won't sponsor anything not *gnome* now :)19:43
seb128speaking about sponsoring what happened to mvo today?19:43
didrocksseb128: more seriously, thanks a lot, it was driving me crazy19:43
didrockslike opening every files from chromium was like hell (same from evolution)19:44
seb128yw, glad that we figured what it was19:44
seb128didrocks, but make sure you open a bug or fix it directly19:44
seb128it's likely others will run into it19:44
didrocksseb128: I'm pinging xfce debian/ubuntu people right now :)19:44
didrocksmy gut feeling is that thunar can handle "thunar foo.pdf" to open the pdf by the right software19:47
didrockswhereas nautilus and others can't19:47
mvoseb128: I was only half a pilot today, I need to make up 2h tomorrow19:53
chrisccoulsonhuh, what on earth am i meant to do with bug 708252?19:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 708252 in firefox "www.dikhaldoon works fine under firefox 3.6.8 " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70825219:53
seb128mvo, no worry but will you handle the 2 uploads you got pinged about?19:53
chrisccoulson"firefox 3.6.8 works fine its ok now"19:53
seb128mvo, json-glib and evolution-exchange19:53
chrisccoulsonwell, why report a bug then? :)19:53
didrockschrisccoulson: excellent!19:53
didrockschrisccoulson: just to confirm :)19:54
chrisccoulsondidrocks, oh, his bug report looks like a follow up to 70823319:54
didrockschrisccoulson: tomorrow, it will be with www.google.com, and then, .fr, .ie…19:54
chrisccoulsonso, he reported a new bug just to tell me it works ;)19:54
didrockschrisccoulson: you see, users are so nice!19:54
mvoseb128: json-glib is on the sponsirng queue, where is evo?19:54
Guest15481The networking icon dissappeared from from my GNOME Panel and Firefox says "Server not found." Can someone please help me?19:56
seb128mvo, on the start of http://people.canonical.com/~platform/desktop/versions.html19:56
seb128Guest15481, try #ubuntu19:56
* didrocks waves goodnight19:56
seb128'night didrocks19:56
didrocksseb128: thanks, you too (and thanks again for the debugging :))19:57
mvothanks seb12819:59
ari-tczewchrisccoulson: if you are OK with that, I can prepare a merge of gedit and gnome-python-extras20:00
chrisccoulsonari-tczew, yeah, sure. i can do those too20:01
ari-tczewchrisccoulson: then you're beginning on my sponsorship list :>20:01
seb128we don't really need a gedit merge20:02
seb128we are over the merge period and debian only has one new revision with a recommends and a translation fix which can be done on launchpad20:02
ari-tczewseb128: ok I can leave this one, what about python extras?20:05
seb128seems worth doing20:06
seb128since it didn't get done this cycle20:06
ari-tczewchrisccoulson: what do you think, wait for ScottK response before archive uploading?20:07
mvoseb128: both sponsored20:08
chrisccoulsonari-tczew, for g-p-m?20:08
ari-tczewchrisccoulson: yea20:08
chrisccoulsonari-tczew, i don't mind. i'll start reviewing it in a bit, once i've got fennec uploaded20:08
seb128mvo, thanks20:08
chrisccoulsonif needs be, i can test an arm build20:08
ari-tczewmicahg: if you don't mind, I'm merging gnome-python-extras20:08
ari-tczewchrisccoulson: arm building takes more time than usuall archs, as ScottK started, let finish him :)20:09
seb128TheMuso, there?20:31
TheMusoseb128: Yes I am.20:32
seb128hey TheMuso20:32
seb128TheMuso, was there any decision on the at-spi version we will use this cycle?20:32
TheMusoNot yet, some important fixes have made their way into git master recently, which I will test today, and get back to you with a final decision once I have done several hours of testing, with my usual activities.20:33
seb128ok, I'm just wondering if it's worth continuing on other cleaning tasks or if at-spi will block us anyway20:33
chrisccoulsonbrb, movind downstairs for the evening20:33
seb128TheMuso, it seems python-atspi should depends on python-gconf rather than python-gnome2 as well, could you check if that's the case?20:34
TheMusoAh ok20:34
seb128I'm not sure how to test it20:34
TheMusoSure will do20:34
seb128like if you can rebuild with the changed depends, uninstall python-gnome2 and see if that breaks anything20:34
seb128it's the only thing keeping python-gnome2 on the CD20:34
seb128TheMuso, thanks20:34
seb128it's likely that the depends from the debian since they ship gconf in gnome2 and not as split binary20:35
TheMusoOk will get right on it.20:35
ari-tczewseb128: are you gnome-python-extras maintainer in Debian?20:42
seb128there might be my name there20:43
chrisccoulsoni think you're listed as a maintainer ;)20:43
seb128but GNOME is team maintained since before Ubuntu20:43
seb128so the maintainer info is always outdated for those20:43
seb128like I used to maintain it but didn't for years20:44
ari-tczewthere is a change20:49
ari-tczew-         python-gtk2,20:49
ari-tczew+         python-gtk220:49
ari-tczewI would like not to open bug on BTS for it20:50
ari-tczewchrisccoulson: how is going review?20:50
chrisccoulsonari-tczew, just doing it now20:50
bcurtiswxkenvandine, are you using your mobile device right now for XMPP ?20:50
kenvandineit is logged in20:50
bcurtiswxdarn, im pulling in the patch that adds a phone icon and it doesn't want to work20:51
bcurtiswxbuilds fine tho20:51
kenvandinebcurtiswx, and now?20:51
kenvandineand now?20:52
kenvandinei just signed off the other empathy instances so i am only connected from my phone20:53
kenvandinei was logged in from 2 computers, 1 VM and my phone :)20:53
bcurtiswxi'll tell for sure tonight, as you always have that darn thing on :P20:54
bcurtiswxbefore the icon i always bugged you thinking you were available... but you were on yur phone20:54
kenvandinei am always "plugged in"20:54
kenvandinethats ok, if it isn't a good time i will ignore you or just tell you not now20:55
kenvandinebut it would be nice to have that in empathy20:55
* bcurtiswx gets ignored a lot :P20:55
bcurtiswxhow come it seems that 90% of the time i'm the last person to talk in here and seb quits20:55
bcurtiswxmarks idea and the fix for the conn and disc in the notify bubble looks great I must say, much easier to follow20:57
kenvandineit is late for him20:57
bcurtiswxhmm i didn't change the package num with the phone icon addition, but dpkg let it install fine.. i wonder if that may be a cause20:59
chrisccoulsonari-tczew, do you know if g-p-m built on arm?21:24
ari-tczewchrisccoulson: no response from ScottK21:25
chrisccoulsonari-tczew, i'll upload, i can't see any reason why it wouldn't build (the last version built ok) :)21:25
ari-tczewchrisccoulson: I sent him version without change CFLAGS in d/rules to test whether this change still fixes FTBFS on arm21:26
chrisccoulsonah, ok21:26
ari-tczewchrisccoulson: I just have supper, after I'll finish g-p-e21:26
chrisccoulsonoops, perhaps i should test my updates in pbuilder ;)21:57
chrisccoulsoni take for granted the fact that i have pretty much everything i need installed on my machine21:58
chrisccoulsonhmmm, is cairo built without tee surface support for any particular reason?22:02
chrisccoulsonoh, seb is not here now22:02
Sarvattchrisccoulson: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/cairo/commit/?id=9f33f8453b4949cfdc63169d3acd7238f89379c222:05
chrisccoulsonSarvatt, firefox uses it ;)22:05
chrisccoulsonalthough, we ship the mozilla copy of cairo for firefox, but for xulrunner, we still use the system copy22:06
chrisccoulsonbut i've had to disable that for now, as it doesn't build against cairo without tee surface support22:06
ari-tczewchrisccoulson: g-p-m built fine without CFLAGS in d/rules and I'm going to drop it. ScottK gave me buildlog: http://pastebin.com/QRrF9W0E22:15
chrisccoulsoncool, thanks22:15
chrisccoulsonari-tczew, from the build log - gsd-media-keys-window.c:210:48: warning: cast increases required alignment of target type22:21
chrisccoulsonso, the warning still occurs, but it builds ok because it's not built with -Werror anymore22:21
chrisccoulson(which was why it failed originally)22:21
chrisccoulsonthat's the warning that -Wno-case-align hides btw22:21
chrisccoulsonso, we should keep that in for now, because unstable versions tend to be built with -Werror, which means it would fail again in the future22:22
ari-tczewchrisccoulson: I'm not happy :(22:22
chrisccoulsonhow come?22:23
ari-tczewchrisccoulson: not happy due to keep this change :P22:27
chrisccoulsonari-tczew, if we remove it, it will fail to build again when we upgrade to a development version ;)22:28
chrisccoulsonthey tend to use -Werror by default22:28
chrisccoulsonso, we need to keep it really, unless there's any way to fix the warnings ;)22:28
ari-tczewchrisccoulson: ehh. okok22:29
chrisccoulsonthanks for testing that though22:30
ari-tczewchrisccoulson: still around? new merge will be proposed in 5 minutes22:50
chrisccoulsonari-tczew, yeah, i'm still here22:50
rickspencer3kenvandine, hey, you seem like you might know22:57
rickspencer3is there documentation on how to export a property over dbus in Python?22:57
* rickspencer3 refrains from baning head into keyboard22:58
broderrickspencer3: i don't think there's a good way to do it. you'd probably have to implement the org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.{Get,Set,etc.} methods yourself22:59
broderthough i bet that pitti would tell you it's easier with the new GDBus bindings :)22:59
rickspencer3broder, you should not have answer me, now I will never let you go22:59
james_wI was pretty sure there was a decorator for it23:00
rickspencer3broder, pitti recommended that use dbus.service.Object fo rnow23:00
rickspencer3james_w, I just found this:23:00
rickspencer3oops, I mean this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4277814/how-to-handle-properties-of-a-dbus-interface-with-python23:00
rickspencer3which is exactly what I am trying to do23:00
rickspencer3but I'm not grocking the sample23:00
rickspencer3I'll hack on it a bit23:01
james_wthat's broder's suggestion, implementing the Properties interface directly23:01
broderjames_w: if there's a decorator, it's not in the dbus.decorators module, which is where all the other ones are23:01
james_wright, I was probably thinking of something else23:01
broderhmm...although the dbus.gobject_service module looks like it could be interesting...23:02
rickspencer3james_w, does that sample mean something to you?23:02
RAOFrickspencer3: Yeah, that's a manual implementation of properties, which (like C#) are roughly syntactic sugar around Get/Set.23:03
ari-tczewchrisccoulson: I'd like to merge gedit as well because I want to expand my sponsorshiplist, what do you think?23:03
rickspencer3I can't really parse what I am supposed to do with it23:03
james_wrickspencer3, vaguely23:03
rickspencer3hi RAOF23:03
RAOFrickspencer3: Good morning :)23:03
chrisccoulsonari-tczew, only merge it if there are changes that are worth merging23:03
rickspencer3how do we expect developers to adopt our platform if we can't document basic stuff like this23:03
chrisccoulsonif there aren't then you would be better off directing your effort at something more worthwhile :)23:03
rickspencer3RAOF, can I PM you for a bit more help on this?23:04
james_wrickspencer3, if you copy that sample inside your dbus.Object then you can implement the methods to return the right values23:04
RAOFrickspencer3: Yeah, certianly.23:04
james_wso the implementation of Get() would return the current value of the property23:04
broderrickspencer3: is the object that you're trying to export over dbus a gobject?23:04
RAOFHow do the python dbus bindings _not_ have a decorator for a dbus property?23:04
rickspencer3james_w, and where do I define the name of the property?23:04
ari-tczewchrisccoulson: 2 Debian bugs fixed :)23:05
broderRAOF: properties are a *very* weak point in the bindings. there's no easy way to query for them either23:05
chrisccoulsonari-tczew, which bugs are those?23:05
RAOFbroder: Works fine in C# :P23:05
rickspencer3well, supposedly it will all go away when we use gdbus23:05
ari-tczewchrisccoulson: debian bug 600055 and debian bug 60350223:05
ubot2Debian bug 600055 in gedit "gedit: Help fails on Xfce 4.6.2" [Normal,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/60005523:05
ubot2Debian bug 603502 in gedit "gedit: Please update pt_BR.po (Brazilian Portuguese translation)." [Normal,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/60350223:05
broderrickspencer3: if you're already subclassing gobject, try subclassing dbus.gobject_service.ExportedGObject instead23:06
broderhmm..maybe not23:06
chrisccoulsonari-tczew, i don't mind then. you could merge that if you like23:07
broderRAOF: C# classes have a built-in concept of properties, right? python classes only kind of do. from what i remember of C# it's much weaker in python23:07
RAOFbroder: Yeah; C# has built in sugar for properties.23:08
broderrickspencer3: in the body of your Get method, do something like `if interface == "com.example.MyInterface" and prop == "MyProp": return self.my_prop` or whatever23:09
rickspencer3so the Get function handles every property for the object?23:09
rickspencer3but, then how does dbus discover which properties are exposed?23:09
broderhmm...they're included in the introspection data. that's kind of annoyingly hard to fake23:10
kenvandinerickspencer3, look at dispatcher.py in gwibber23:11
kenvandine  @dbus.service.method("com.Gwibber.Service", in_signature="s")23:12
kenvandinefor example23:12
kenvandineas for discovering them, not sure23:12
broderkenvandine: looks like gwibber is side-stepping the issue of python-dbus's properties sucking by not using them23:12
kenvandineyou can look at d-feet, which means there must be a way to do that programatically23:12
kenvandinebroder, yup23:12
kenvandineit was the only thing that really seemed to work23:12
RAOFd-feet parses the introspeciton data IIRC.23:12
kenvandineRAOF, sound right... i just haven't done that yet23:13
broderyeah, that's correct23:13
kenvandinebut d-feet is in python, so should give rickspencer3 a good example to work with :)23:13
RAOFWhich doesn't help if you want to *expose* properties, because you'll need to generate the appropriate introspection XML (yuck!)23:13
kenvandineit must do more then, it discovers gwibber's interfaces and we don't do that23:14
broderkenvandine: gwibber isn't using properties23:14
broderat least not in the DBus sense of the term23:14
kenvandineoh, yeah true23:14
kenvandineit signatures23:14
RAOFSo you get the free introspection data the python bindings generate.23:15
broderyeah, python-dbus should really be handling properties for you, and because it doesn't, it would be a pain to actually do real DBus properties in python23:15
kenvandinedbus in python is a pita, would be great if someone improved that23:16
* kenvandine disappears for a bit, later folks23:16
broderi would be highly tempted to go flip out and add real property support if i hadn't heard that GDBus bindings were the future23:16
brodermaybe i will anyway23:16
biiterhello. what is the difference between ubuntu for dekstop and ubuntu for laptops? (except the gui environment)23:21
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
chrisccoulsonhas anyone got any experience with swt-gtk, or java in general?23:28
chrisccoulsoni get this when trying to run zekr (i just want to make sure it works with gecko 2.0):23:28
chrisccoulsonException in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no swt-pi-gtk-3555 or swt-pi-gtk in swt.library.path, java.library.path or the jar file23:28
chrisccoulsonbut libswt-pi-gtk is installed23:29
ari-tczewchrisccoulson: g-p-e is ready if you didn't yet check mail ;)23:35
chrisccoulsonari-tczew, thanks. will try and do that tonight, but if not, then first thing tomorrow. it's getting late here now ;)23:36
ari-tczewchrisccoulson: what's your timezone?23:36
chrisccoulsonari-tczew, UTC23:37
chrisccoulsonso, it's 23:37 here now23:37
ari-tczewchrisccoulson: huh, my is UTC+1 :p23:37
chrisccoulsonheh :)23:37
rickspencer3well, the start of succes23:49
rickspencer3RAOF, james_w, broder thanks a lot for your help23:50
rickspencer3I know what to do now, the rest is just tedious implementation of boiler plate23:50

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