
hyperairhmm what's this --git format in bzr?00:05
hyperairas far as i can see, bzr init-repo --git = git init00:05
hyperairand bzr upgrade --git crashes and burns00:05
hyperairoh and bzr fails so hard that git-bzr stopped working00:06
hyperairsome weird exception about LocalGitBzrDir not having repository_format00:06
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doko_bryceh: ping00:28
cjwatsonpersia: I certainly don't object to our workload being reduced; but contrariwise I don't want people who know about a package, but who can't upload it yet, to feel discouraged from filing removal requests for it directly, if that seems appropriate00:49
cjwatsonpersia: of course if any archive admin feels they'd rather not review an unsponsored request directly, but have it sponsored instead, I think that's up to them00:50
persiaAh, then we're in complete agreement for the most part.  Personally, I'd rather use the metric of PPU to determine that people know about a package, but there's work to be done to make that feel less complicated.00:51
persia(but I have no objection to an archive admin deciding to also sponsor such a request if submitted directly)00:51
cjwatsonI think "in complete agreement for the most part" may be the most persia turn of phrase I've ever read. :-)00:52
persiaBy that I mean that we're agreeing not only in principle, but in details for most of the space: the remainder being things that aren't yet clearly defined in either code or policy.00:54
cjwatsonfortunately removals are fairly rare00:55
cjwatsonremoval requests anyway, versus ones mirrored from Debian00:56
persiaI think part of that comes from increased understanding of how to file RoQA removal requests (and bddebbian's tireless work in the past to drop all sorts of stuff)00:57
ari-tczewawesome! Debian is starting to support our patches in parallel mode!01:08
ari-tczewe.g. lilo or packagekit01:08
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broderhmm...does the startup event export any environment variables that you could check for in a child job? i'm wondering if you could solve bug #436936 that way01:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 436936 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu Karmic) "gdm upstart job checks /proc/cmdline for single user mode, won't start on post-boot runlevel change" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43693601:30
broderlooks like...no. oh well01:32
persiaI believe there was some work to make upstart have the commandline as environment variables, so that jobs would check the environment rather than the actual commandline.  My understanding is that it was implemented, but isn't yet widely used.  I may be completely mistaken.01:33
broderno, that came up on the mailing list recently. i think you're right01:33
broderKeybuk talked about passing bare arguments instead of just foo=bar arguments, which means that you could check for $text instead of grepping /proc/cmdline for it01:34
broderthough that wouldn't be SRU-able, which is kind of unfortunate01:34
persiaTrue, but a fix that prevents the class of error in the future is superior to none, even if it can't solve the past.01:35
persiaI'd hope that most Karmic users were well into their plans to upgrade to Lucid at this point though, as otherwise they may find themselves with difficulties soon.01:36
persia(not that this necessarily addresses the need to SRU something)01:36
broderit's still a problem on lucid. possibly on maverick as well01:36
broder(i just updated the nominations to reflect that)01:36
broderi wonder what triggers the gdm job when you come out of recovery mode, though. presumably it's not the filesystem and started dbus and (drm-device-added or stopped udevtrigger) that triggers it organically01:37
broderso i wonder if you could conditionalize that check on $UPSTART_EVENTS01:37
persiaI'd recommend finding a fix for natty first, and then fussing about the older releases.  I suspect that fiddling the environment is a way to do that.01:37
broderhmm...so the recovery mode is started by the rcS job (start on runlevel S), and does a start --no-wait rc-sysinit FROM_SINGLE_USER_MODE=y when the menu exits01:40
persiaSo one might use [ -n "$UPSTART_EVENTS" -o "$FROM_SINGLE_USER_MODE" = "yes"] ?01:43
broderi'm not sure that variable would actually propagate all the way down. i'm still trying to figure out what specifically triggers the gdm job01:43
persiaOr, rather, use the considtional for the exit?01:43
persiaI suspect it's frequently dbus starting01:44
broderno, all of the conditions for gdm to start have already run before you get to the recovery menu01:48
broder(so filesystems are mounted, hardware has been scanned, dbus is running, etc)01:48
broderi bet the bug isn't that check of /proc/cmdline, but rather that *nothing triggers the gdm job when the runlevel changes*01:53
broderlooking at logs from a verbose boot, i'm pretty sure that's the issue01:55
* kees wonders if we can do this for Natty? http://domsch.com/blog/?p=45502:00
lifelesskees: I can't decide if its awesome or terrible02:01
lifelesskees: the # in names seems liable to cause grief02:01
keeslifeless: it doesn't preclude overriding the names, but for server people, it's _great_.02:01
broderwe talked about doing this in one of the uds sessions...the consensus seemed to be that we should02:02
broderlet me see if i can find the blueprint...02:02
brodercjwatson took the WI :)02:03
cjwatsonI was thinking of making it optional somehow.  The namepocalypse kind of worries me and I'd sort of like us to try it out before committing to it02:04
maco/proc/asound/card0/codec\#0 does the # thing already....whats one more spot? :P02:04
cjwatsonstill need to ponder02:04
kees$ sudo ./biosdevname -i eth002:06
keesthat really would be a namepocalypse02:06
keeson the other hand, /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules will already keep the old name02:06
persiaIs there any sane way to have both entries available, to ease transition?02:06
broderbased on the WI, i'm assuming that the plan would be to only do this for new installations, not upgrades02:06
keesbroder: yeah02:06
keespersia: no, unfortunately, that's part of the pain, AIUI.02:07
keescjwatson: for new installs, this actually should be pretty easy, as long as it's before udev rule "70".02:07
keesanyway... just got distracted for a moment...02:07
persiaI thought part of the point of udev was that one could have multiple device entries for the same device more safely.  Does that not work in the case of network interfaces for some reason?02:08
keespersia: network interfaces do not have /dev entries :(02:08
keestherefore, no symlinks02:08
persiaI was hoping there was some parallel.  Oh well :(02:09
cjwatsonkees: it's a medium-priority item for me, so I haven't got to it yet02:10
cjwatsonquite tempted to make it server-only too, BTW.02:11
keescjwatson: cool02:11
cjwatsonor even a non-default preseeding option, possibly02:11
keescjwatson: yeah, it could just be an optional package that carries the udev rule, and the server seed includes it from the start.02:11
cjwatsonor server-ship or something, and install it dynamically from the installer02:12
cjwatsonI think it might need a udeb too though02:12
broderoh, whoa. i missed that they were changing the names of all interfaces. *weird*02:13
* kees goes to try it on a machine that actually has multiple nics...02:14
james_wI thought it kept eth0 if you just had one nic02:14
keeswoo. em1 and em2. how exciting. ;)02:15
broderjames_w: http://domsch.com/blog/?p=455&cpage=1#comment-80102:15
cjwatsonbroder: I think it's because swapping interfaces doesn't work reliably02:15
cjwatsonand all their attempts to fix that in the kernel were rebuffed in one way or another02:15
james_wI must have misunderstood that point in the article then02:16
ari-tczewcjwatson: are you able to sponsor bash if I'll prepare a merge? I saw that you had a look on this02:19
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cjwatsonari-tczew: I'd rather doko did it02:25
cjwatsonari-tczew: seeing as he's the Debian maintainer, I tend to leave sponsoring Ubuntu changes to it to him :)02:25
ari-tczewcjwatson: but what - sponsor or full merge?02:25
cjwatsonup to him I guess02:25
cjwatsonI don't have an opinion on that, I just mean I'd rather doko dealt with it than I did02:26
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ari-tczewcjwatson, doko_: in general, I'd like to not touch that package, just finish started merge by udienz.02:26
cjwatsonI only commented on that merge because it was my patch pilot day, I think02:27
doko_? which package?02:27
cjwatson02:19 <ari-tczew> cjwatson: are you able to sponsor bash if I'll prepare a merge? I saw that you had a look on this02:27
doko_ahh, ok02:27
cjwatsonactually I commented on it in my report.  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-January/032318.html02:28
doko_delaying for the next upstream release02:28
ari-tczewdoko_: could you look on curl FTBFS? https://launchpad.net/~ari-tczew/+archive/testing/+buildjob/222349802:45
doko_no, ENOTIME02:45
snowrichardJust got a version 1 of my application for scheduling my prescription drugs done03:06
snowrichardi just added the code for the alarms to display the list of drugs to take at a particular time.03:07
snowrichardabout 24 hours work done on the whole project -- but I'm not very experienced with Java, or Android yet.03:09
snowrichardoh sorry i am in the wrong channel -- my bad03:11
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pittimicahg: if it's a regression, then yes05:58
micahgpitti: ok, thanks, and good morning :)05:59
pittiGood morning05:59
micahgpitti: err, not technically a regression as that part of the doc didn't exist before05:59
micahgpitti: so, my question is, does a bug introduced by the -proposed package that isn't a regression and is just an annoyance worth reuploading for?06:06
pittimicahg: ah, then not; I thought you said it was a regression06:09
micahgpitti: I thought it was, I had charlie-tca verify for me and he said it was a new block of text, so no regression, but introduced by the update, I'll target for 10.04.3 then?06:11
pittimicahg: sounds good06:11
micahgpitti: thanks06:11
micahgpitti: how soon does the testdrive fix need to be tested?06:23
pittimicahg: depends on whether testdrive is on any of the images we release as part of 10.04.206:24
pittiif so, within a week; otherwise it doesn't matter too much06:24
micahgpitti: ok, I can test this weekend then06:25
micahgpitti: actually, doesn't have a Task, so I'm guessing it's not seeded06:27
pitticjwatson: I added "closed subgraph" detection to http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/nbs.html now; that indeed found some more packages which can be safely removed08:09
pittithe current libaqbanking complexity was a nice test case :)08:10
dholbachgood morning08:18
didrocksgood morning dholbach08:19
dholbachsalut didrocks08:19
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cjwatsonpitti: cool!08:50
cjwatsonpitti: can I remove stuff at some point, or do you want your useful test cases preserved for a little while longer? :)08:51
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pitticjwatson: I think they can go now09:04
pittias soon as qbankmanager builds again, the next bunch will disappear09:04
bdrungdholbach: the harvest tool is lacking a man page, a license header, needs to be mentioned in d/control, d/copyright09:16
quadrisprohi all09:17
dholbachbdrung, I'll revert it09:17
quadrisproany archive-admin here?09:17
dholbachbdrung, reverted09:18
bdrungdholbach: you reverted it? why?09:19
dholbachbdrung, because I won't have time this or next week to write a manpage, etc09:19
bdrungdholbach: once you have time, please use optparse in the script09:20
seb128can't you just let the command as an experimental one09:20
bdrungdholbach: or ask tumbleweed to write one09:21
jibelpitti, hi, just to bring it to your attention, during last release meeting cjwatson mentioned that many reports were wrongly affected to initramfs-tools, I think that bug 580419 is causing this.09:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 580419 in apport (Ubuntu Natty) "apport used wrong source package when filing package installation failure" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58041909:38
cjwatsonjibel: good catch, thanks09:42
pittihi jibel! looking09:47
pittiah, nice catch indeed; I'll see how to make it check for only the recent session09:49
mr_pouitpitti: is optipng really really really safe? Because it's kind of destroying the latest window manager theme for xubuntu ;D10:00
pittimr_pouit: I ran an automatic comparison for about 3.000 images which didn't show problems; but of course this only tested with libpng10:03
pittiif something uses a different library, or relies on a particular bit depth, it might indeed lead to problems10:04
ionI wonder if all PNG compressors such as pngcrush break compatibility with whatever the Xfce WM uses.10:05
mr_pouitI need to compare the files after and before. But if it changed a bit the colours (e.g. used a lighter grey to optimize), this would explain the issue10:05
pittimr_pouit: it doesn't change the actual colors10:05
pittimr_pouit: it does compress palettes and reduce bit depth, though10:05
pittii. e. if you have an RGB32 PNG which actually just uses 10 colors, it'll convert it to a 4-bit indexed image with a palette10:06
ochosihi pitti10:14
pittihi ochosi10:14
ochosipitti: i'm doing the artwork that was eaten by optipng (what mr_pouit mentioned)10:14
ochosiso you're converting the mode from rgb to indexed?10:15
pittimr_pouit, ochosi: if you want, I can generally blacklist "*xfce*" packages from PNG optimizing10:15
pittiochosi: if it reduces the image size, yes10:15
mr_pouitpitti: I quickly checked, and this particular theme seems the only one affected10:15
ochosipitti: sure, i'd rather find out why it scrambles the images in the first place10:16
ochosipitti: what's the exact optipng command you're running?10:16
ochosipitti: (so i can test it locally)10:16
pittiindividual packages can do "export NO_PNG_PKG_MANGLE=1" in debian/rules to disable it, FYI10:16
pittiochosi: optipng -o4 -preserve "$f"; then10:16
pittioops, sorry10:16
pittiochosi: optipng -o4 -preserve $f; advpng -z4 $f10:17
ochosipitti: k, thanks, i'll try to debug it and get back to you10:17
ochosipitti, mr_pouit fwiw i've used optipng on themes i made before but never had any problems with it. maybe a gimp-export thing...10:18
pittiochosi: many thanks10:19
mr_pouitwell, visually, I can't find any difference between the two pngs :P10:19
pittimr_pouit: right, there shouldn't be; see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/optipng/+bug/669457/comments/2 for the testing I made10:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 669457 in optipng (Ubuntu Natty) "[MIR] optipng" [Undecided,Fix released]10:20
ochosimr_pouit: seems it's really not as optimized as i'd have hoped, optipng just cut the size by half...10:20
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ochosipitti, mr_pouit: ok, i don't even have to run advancecomp on the file, optipng already breaks it10:22
pittiochosi: right, advancecomp alone really shouldn't break anything10:22
pittiit doesn't change any of the file properties, just optimizes Huffman tables etc.10:23
ochosipitti: weird, optipng didn't change the mode to indexed but to greyscale...10:23
mjrgrayscale is 8 bits per pixel too, and doesn't need the palette10:26
ochosihm, i seem to get closer, converting the png to an indexed palette with gimp also breaks the xfwm theme10:26
ochosimr_pouit: the other themes you tested, do they use pngs at all or xpms?10:27
mr_pouitI tested all available themes, including bluebird ;-)10:27
ochosimjr: right, thanks :)10:27
ochosimr_pouit: bluebird uses xpms ;)10:28
mr_pouitarf, my bad10:28
ochosipitti: i think i was able to pinpoint the issue, but it's a bit awkward and xfwm related10:41
pittiochosi: so does it rely on a particular palette?10:42
pittior color format rather10:42
ochosihm, not really10:42
ochosiit seems that if i optimize a png that contains transparency, everything works out fine10:42
ochosibut as soon as i optimize a png that doesn't contain transparent pixels xfwm breaks10:43
pittiah, so it would at least take away the alpha channel?10:43
ochosii guess that's due to the fact that usually you would use xpms for non-transparent images in themes10:43
ochosiyeah, i guess taking away the alpha channel from the pngs is what breaks it10:43
mjr(there's -nx or the more spesific -n? options for disabling optipng from changing colorspace stuff but still doing other optimizing if necessary)10:44
pittijibel: fix uploaded, thanks!10:44
ochosimjr: changing the colorspace is not what creates problems necessarily, it's really the alpha-channel10:46
ochosi(just tested it again with gimp to be sure)10:46
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* cjwatson takes a very very deep breath and dives into an strace of 'apt-get install console-setup' across the breakage a couple of weeks ago, to try to figure out why its debconf handling went berserk11:08
pitticjwatson: good luck, and beware of the Piranhas11:09
* doko_ wonders about another upload-rinse-and-clean series of kde uploads11:10
pittihow do you mean? it's the 4.6 final uploads?11:12
pittiah, we can demote hupnp again, thanks11:12
doko_watch the build failures, no proper build dependencies like xfce11:13
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ochosipitti: i reported the optipng-issue to xfce-upstream, the bug is already confirmed/reproduced, so nothing else to do on your side. thanks for your support!12:52
pittiochosi: heh, didn't do anything; great debugging, thanks!13:05
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shadeslayerwhat development files does one use for mono? libmono-devel isnt cutting it13:16
mvo@pilot in13:21
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots: mvo
shadeslayercli-common-dev did the trick ... thank :)13:22
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cjwatsonpitti: where can I find/edit the code that generates nbs.html?13:38
cjwatsonah, never mind, ubuntu-archive-tools13:38
pitticjwatson: right13:38
ari-tczewmvo: ready to sponsorship?13:50
mvoari-tczew: yep13:50
ari-tczewmvo: bug 70538313:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 705383 in emacs23 (Ubuntu) "Please merge emacs 23.2+1-7 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70538313:51
mvoari-tczew: looking at it now13:55
mvoari-tczew: geh, that is a big debdiff13:59
ari-tczewmvo: yea14:01
* mvo makes a cup of tea, that review will take a little bit14:02
Laneylapsang souchong?14:02
mvoLaney: sencha ragi actually :)14:04
orangecardjoin #ubunt-app-devel14:06
seb128pitti, the libclutter-eglx- binaries on NBS don't really have rdepends14:25
seb128not sure if that's a bug14:25
seb128things depends on libclutter-1.0-0 | ...14:25
seb128ie we could probably clean the eglx binaries without breaking anything14:26
pittiit's half of a bug in checkrdepends14:26
pittiseb128: ah, thanks14:26
ftapitti, http://paste.ubuntu.com/558548/14:26
pittiseb128: ok, I'll clean them up, thanks!14:26
seb128pitti, thanks14:26
pittihey fta14:27
pittifta: meh, that looks like a new upstart behaviour14:28
pitti$ sudo start apport; echo $?14:28
pittistart: Job is already running: apport14:28
pittijhunt: ^ known?14:28
pittithat used to silently succeed14:28
jhuntpitti: that's correct behaviour I believe. See section "Instances" in "man 5 init".14:30
pittijhunt: did it use to do that in maverick, too?14:35
pittijhunt: perhaps fta just ran into a weird package state (since usually upgrading should stop before)14:35
pittijhunt: ok, thanks for confirming14:35
pittifta: anyway, that snippet gets added by dh_installinit, so I don't think it's apport specific14:36
ftapitti, i'm not sure what to tell you. only apport complained. http://paste.ubuntu.com/558554/14:39
pittifta: hm, the prerm should have stopped apport, but apparenlty didn't14:40
pittifta: if you apt-get install --reinstall apport, does that reproduce the problem?14:40
ftapitti, --reinstall wants to finish the update first :P14:41
fta(the configure)14:42
ftastopping apport manually worked though14:43
pittiright, "sudo stop apport; sudo dpkg --configure -a"14:43
pittishould do14:43
ftai assume i won't be the only one to hit that14:43
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jibelpitti, I've nothing against apport today, really, but could you look at bug 707971, that's what fta is describing.14:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 707971 in apport (Ubuntu) "package apport 1.17.1-0ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: invoke-rc.d: initscript apport, action "start" failed." [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70797114:45
jhuntfta: did you notice what state apport was in before you stopped it?14:46
ftajhunt, I assume it was active, i always have it active in all my desktops14:46
jhuntfta: sorry, I meant what upstart state apport was in (ie "initctl status apport")14:47
ftajhunt, i get it's too late now i've killed it14:48
seb128pitti, well I'm still on the old version and it has14:49
seb128set -e14:49
seb128# Automatically added by dh_installinit14:49
seb128if [ -e "/etc/init/apport.conf" ]; then14:49
seb128        # start fails if already running14:49
seb128        start apport || :14:49
ftaoh, it's reproducible14:49
seb128fta, jhunt, jibel: ^14:49
seb128seems dh_installinit changed?14:49
ftajhunt, http://paste.ubuntu.com/558564/14:50
pittiah, that would be it then14:54
seb128# Automatically added by dh_installinit14:54
seb128if [ -e "/etc/init/apport.conf" ]; then14:54
seb128        invoke-rc.d apport start || exit $?14:54
seb128it does that now14:54
pittiI'll reassign the bug and give some extra info14:55
seb128slangasek, ^ you broke dh_installinit ;-)14:55
pittibug updated14:57
seb128pitti, danke14:58
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pittibarry: hey, how are you? did you have a chance to review the computer-janitor pygi branch?15:06
barrypitti: not yet, but i still plan to.  i'll get to that later today15:07
pittibarry: cool, thanks15:07
barryno, thank *you* :)15:07
loolcjwatson: Hey; I have a couple of questions around blkid that I'm pretty sure you came across  :-)  first, just after creating a loop device from a file (with an offset), should I call blkid on loop, blkid -c /dev/null on loop, sudo blkid on loop, or sudo blkid -c /dev/null on loop?  I've seen the former misbehave / be a bit racy, but I'm not sure how far to go; should I call udevadm settle somewhere?15:12
lool(somewhere == between loop mount and blkid)15:12
pittilool: if you want to ensure that it does probe, please use -p15:12
cjwatsonlool: I don't think I know any better than you wrt raciness15:13
loolpitti: Do you think I need -p?15:13
loolpitti: I guess -p needs root in any case?15:13
pittilool: yes, I think so; I don't see any value that the cache could bring for a fresh loop mount15:13
pittilool: yes, it does, but so does loop-mounting, so I guess you have root?15:14
loolYes we have root15:14
pittiit needs to be able to open the device15:14
lool(I just decide command by command whether to run it as root, and prefer running commands non-root if I can)15:14
pittinot for the actual probing15:14
pittiso it really depends on the device node15:14
loolpitti: Yup, I see -p only works as root15:14
pittiyou can probe the image file with -p without root, of course15:14
pittiblkid -p download/ubuntu/natty-desktop-amd64.iso15:15
pittiworks just fine15:15
loolpitti: So if I -p, I probably don't care about udevadm settle15:15
loolor -c15:15
pittisettle won't help you with the cache update15:15
loolI thought that udev might be running blkid itself15:15
ograit does15:15
pittilool: so after the loop mount you should either wait a bit and get the new propertoes from the udev db (to avoid re-probing), or call blkid yourself15:16
loolpitti: anyway, if I use -p, it doens't matter I guess15:16
ograin /lib/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-storage.rules15:16
pittilool: where "wait a bit" means "wait for the change uevent on the block device"15:16
loolpitti: It's actually awesome that you replied to these questions because I have another similar issue which is typically a pitti question  :-)  we also have a case where we create a fs and loop mount it, and then ask UDisks whether it's mounted; that fails unless we sleep a bit15:17
loolpitti: Is there something we can do which is better than sleep?15:17
loolI tried udevadm settle, but it didn't help15:17
cjwatsonudevadm settle only helps when the uevent has already entered udev's queue when udevadm starts15:17
pittilool: right, unfortunately udevadm settle stops too early15:17
loolI suspect the events are not emitted yet15:17
cjwatsonbecause all udevadm settle does is wait for the udev queue to be empty, basically15:18
loolYeah; I just don't know of anything better15:18
pittilool: at that point, udisks gets the uevent and does its own probing15:18
cjwatsonideally the kernel needs to hand back a token which losetup can wait on15:18
cjwatsonthat's done in a few other places (devmapper?)15:18
pittilool: do you have C/python, or need shell?15:18
loolpitti: Ah, so even after the event is full processed, UDisks will have to take some time before accounting for it?15:18
loolpitti: python15:18
pittilool: the "canonical" way is to wait for udisk's D-BUS signal to indicate the change event on the loop device15:18
loolpitti: Ah that sounds good15:19
loolpitti: Ok; I will look in that direction, thanks15:19
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slangasekseb128: no, I fixed dh_installinit.  What's wrong with invoke-rc.d?15:29
cjwatsonI think it's the #ERROR_HANDLER# being complained about, not the invoke-rc.d15:29
cjwatsonthe old code had || :, the new code has || #ERROR_HANDLER#15:30
pittiit expands to "exit $?" instead of ":"15:30
seb128slangasek, see the apport bug just before my ping15:30
slangasekyes, it's *supposed* to expand to 'exit $?'15:30
slangasekand 'invoke-rc.d apport start' is not supposed to fail if the job is already running15:31
slangasekoh, apport runs but has no pid15:31
slangasekright, /that/ bug15:31
pittislangasek: according to jhunt, "start foo" exiting with 1 if already running is correct15:32
pittiI guess that's why the previous scripts used || :15:32
slangasekpitti: yes, we're not *calling* 'start foo', we're calling 'invoke-rc.d foo start'15:32
slangasekwhich is *not* supposed to behave that way15:32
slangasekbug #58500115:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 585001 in upstart (Ubuntu) "package nfs-common 1:1.2.0-2ubuntu8 failed to install/upgrade: el subproceso script post-installation instalado devolvió el código de salida de error 1" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58500115:33
slangasekthis is a bug in upstart-job's init script emulation15:33
* cjwatson retitles that to something more useful :)15:34
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slangasekactually, looks like bug #603934 is the better-triaged15:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 603934 in upstart (Ubuntu) "package nfs-common 1:1.2.0-2ubuntu8 failed to install/upgrade: start: Job is already running: idmapd" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60393415:36
ari-tczewoh, slangasek, I catch you. did you see my yeserday message about nvclock?15:37
slangasekari-tczew: hi there - smartdimmer is split out so hal can recommend it without pulling all of nvclock into main; as long as hal recommends it, it should be split.15:38
ari-tczewslangasek: ok thanks for info. FYI, now only remaining change is smartdimmer in nvclock.15:39
ari-tczewbut I;m going to add next changes - replace nvidia-glx with nvidia-current15:40
pittinot that we'd care much about hal any more15:40
pittiGNOME, Xfce, and now also KDE stopped using it15:40
pittiI actually pondered dropping that patch from hal and syncing hal from Debian15:40
slangasekpitti: why is hal still in main, then?15:41
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pittislangasek: there is still some straggling packages which depend on libhal115:42
pittiand apparently landscape-client still depends on it15:42
pittiI talked to them about switching to udev long ago, but apparently they didn't yet15:43
slangasekhmm, checkrdepends seems to think gimp is the only thing keeping it in15:43
pittihm, I don't actually have libhal1 installed15:44
pittiah, I didn't reinstall gimp after my recent laptop reinstall15:44
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nemo 2280 nemo      20   0 1781m 790m  12m S    0 20.6  25:28.56 nautilus16:02
nemopretty much all heap. guess I could try a gdb dump. oh well16:03
* nemo kills nautilus16:03
ScottKbarry: FYI, sip4 is now in Natty with Python3 support.  PyQt4 in progress and then PyKDE not far behind.16:06
barryScottK: rock on16:06
* ScottK waves at Quintasan (who did the sip4 work)16:07
barrypitti: pygobject git head doesn't seem to want to compile on natty.  doesn't like the version of gobject-introspection apparently:16:24
barryconfigure: error: Package requirements (glib-2.0 >= 2.24.016:25
barry        gobject-introspection-1.0 >= 0.10.216:25
barry    ) were not met:16:25
barry 16:25
barryNo package 'gobject-introspection-1.0' found16:25
barry 16:25
zulpitti: is the desktop team still handling likewise-open?16:44
* SpamapS stretches16:47
pittibarry: right, needs g-i HEAD, too :/16:51
pittizul: we never really did; we were basically just sponsoring the upstream versions, and they triaged the bugs themselves16:51
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* SpamapS loves when upstream triages bugs themselves16:51
zulpitti: right there a couple of merge proposals for me do you want me to take care of them or do you want me to pass them off to the desktop team16:52
mvo@pilot out16:52
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper -> maverick | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Current Friendly Patch Pilots:
barrypitti: k, i'll take another look after lunch16:52
pittizul: if you want to, please do; thanks16:52
zulpitti: k16:53
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pittislangasek: dup-of-dup: lp-set-dup masterid yourid1 yourid2 ... will DTRT with those17:07
pittislangasek: i. e. make all dupes of youridX a dupe of masterid first17:07
seb128pitti, launchpad does the right thing nowadays as well17:08
pittioh, slangasek just seemed to have that problem17:09
seb128i.e it doesn't complain about the bug have duplicates but just reassign those17:09
slangasekoh, does it?17:09
slangasekI didn't actually try, I saw there were many many duplicates and ran away ;)17:10
slangasekdecided I should do real work, like maybe fixing the bug17:10
cjwatsonslangasek: http://blog.launchpad.net/cool-new-stuff/dupety-dupe17:17
slangasekah, neat :)17:18
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SpamapSthis is maddening.. strace shows php doing an strace .. but gdb never traps one.. >:|17:41
SpamapSlets try that agin17:41
SpamapSthis is maddening.. strace shows php doing an ioctl .. but gdb never traps one.. >:|17:41
apwSpamapS, where are you putting hte breakpoint in gdb17:42
SpamapSb ioctl17:42
SpamapSit does break on some other cases w/ ioctl17:43
apwSpamapS, could it be using another interface like ioctl_compat or syscall() direct ?17:43
SpamapStrying to find where libedit is taking control of the terminal. :-P17:43
SpamapSapw: would that show in strace as ioctl( ?17:43
apwsome might well yes17:43
apwas thats someone crossing the syscall infterface asking for SYS_ioctl17:44
apwnot which library routine they are using17:44
SpamapSI don't really see ncurses or libedit doing that..17:44
SpamapSbut who knows17:44
SpamapSthat may be the very root of the problem I'm trying to debug.. that they've gone too low level17:44
apwSpamapS, good luck trying to figure that one out17:45
SpamapSapw: maybe strace can help me..17:45
apwnot sure how?17:46
apwit only sees the kernel side of the line17:46
SpamapSwell its showing an ioctl where gdb isn't...17:46
SpamapSltrace -S shows SYS_ioctl17:46
apwltrace ?17:46
SpamapSyeah.. ltrace. :)17:47
apwbut either way i assume that means it is seeing a real call to the kernel, just not from the libc ioctl call17:50
apwwhich is what we suspected17:50
SpamapSyeah, so ltrace at least shows me the library calls that surround the SYS_ioctl calls17:50
apwoh nice, so which one17:50
SpamapSI can hook in there and step into the rabbit hole17:50
apwSpamapS, let me know when you find out, useful to store away for next time17:52
SpamapSapw: yeah, this little annoying bug in libedit has really driven me nuts17:52
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smoserjust a question.  i type 'apt-get install ctags' and it says:18:18
smoser Note, selecting 'exuberant-ctags' instead of 'ctags'18:18
smoserwhat manages that "alias" ?18:18
cjwatsonexuberant-ctags is the only package that Provides: ctags18:20
smoserah. i should have guessed. thanks cjwatson18:21
cjwatsonif there'd been more than one Provides, you'd have got an error telling you to explicitly select one instead18:21
rsalvetican any archive admin help me publishing the new x-loader package version?18:34
rsalvetistill waiting to be published18:34
ograand while that archive admin is at it, an unleashing of unity-2d from NEW would also be appreciated18:35
ogra(unity-2d-default-settings was merged into the unity-2d source package)18:36
* highvoltage wondered where unity-2d was (stgraber told me it existed so I wanted to test it :p)18:37
ograoh, and its cjwatson's archive day18:38
ograhighvoltage, its there since two weeks now :)18:39
ograbut only with this package you can apt-get install unity-2d18:39
ograbefore you needed unity-2d-default-settings18:39
SpamapSapw: btw its tcgetattr that is confusing things18:39
SpamapS41  retval = INLINE_SYSCALL (ioctl, 3, fd, TCGETS, &k_termios);18:39
apwSpamapS, nice18:40
SpamapSapw: luckily called only about 5 lines into the library function before my ioctl :)18:40
ograjhunt, any news about the serial stuff ?18:40
jdstrandseb128: hey, shotwell has a build-depends on valac-0.10, but valac-0.10 is NBS. would you mind get that tested/fixed? (I'd ask robert_ancell, but he doesn't see to be around)18:41
seb128jdstrand, there is a list a things that still use vala-0.1018:41
seb128jdstrand, it's on my list of things to discuss with the desktop team, we might bring back vala-0.10 as a different source18:41
seb128or we need to port the remaining items18:42
seb128jdstrand, robert_ancell is at lca this week18:42
jdstrandseb128: ok, thanks18:42
seb128do you need that sorted now or can it wait a few days?18:42
jdstrandseb128: I think it can wait18:43
seb128jdstrand, ok, I will probably bring it at our meeting next week18:43
seb128jdstrand, I will get back to you when we have it sorted18:43
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ionpitti: A small typo in jockey/handlers/nvidia.py: s/accelleration/acceleration/. Btw, is the incomplete sentence in which the word occurs intentional? How about changing it to something like “You should install it if you wish to…”?18:56
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SpamapSogra: its being discussed quite a bit on upstart-devel as to how to do it for the future...19:04
SpamapSogra: also cjwatson brought up that d-i will setup a special ttySomething.conf if a serial console is used for the install..19:04
ograSpamapS, i know, arm doesnt use d-i19:04
ograSpamapS, jhunt wanted to give me an update today19:05
SpamapSogra: so we'll have to disable that in d-i if we come up with a more generic solution that respects the kernel args19:05
hallynwhat is d-i exactly?19:05
ogra(well, arm uses d-i as anything else, but our current preinstalled images are preinstalled indeed)19:05
SpamapSused by minimal and alternative install right? server and deskto puse ubiquity IIRC19:06
ograwe dont build minimal or alternate atm, but yes19:06
ograwe currently build preinstalled images, one for server is in the works19:06
ograthey are fully focused on SD cards and just expand the installation partition on first boot19:07
ograthe install is done beforehand19:07
SpamapSogra: given that upstart doesn't expose the kernel commandline stuff to jobs .. and will have to be patched to do so.. I think its a safe bet that parsing /proc/cmdline after the filesystem event is going to be fine in terms of not hurting boot time too much.19:07
ograi thought there was a kernel patch added in maverick that was supposed to exactly do that19:08
SpamapSogra: its more of making sure that we don't step on d-i's toes and that we don't slow the boot accidentally.19:08
ograapw, was that patch ripped out again ?19:08
SpamapSogra: the kernel patch passes the console params as env vars to init yes19:08
SpamapSogra: but init doesn't do anything with them19:08
ograso we should have the values19:08
SpamapSno they're not copied into the child environments19:08
ograinit doesnt pass them on the the jobs ?`19:08
ograthen i misunderstood completely19:09
SpamapSThough I haven't tested whether that can be enabled by simply saying 'env console' ... meaning to do that... but I think the way I read the code, that didn't seem to be useful.19:09
sebrockI need to contact the developer or maintainer of a certain package in Lucid. However it simply says its most likely the Debian maintainer. How does that work? Who packages it for Ubuntu?19:10
SpamapSfor performance reasons (I think) init doesn't pass anything to children that isn't defined in the job or the events.19:10
ograso we either go with what we have as distro patch or we need to keep the existign hackery19:10
ograi would still prefer an upstart patch instead of the hacks19:10
ari-tczewmr_pouit: around?19:10
SpamapSogra: I think there are some tentative +1's for the proc cmdline patch to go forward until init does the right thing w/ those env vars.19:10
ograah, great19:11
SpamapSogra: my crazy idea was why don't we just have getty leave the serial port settings untouched and let the kernel manage them. :-P19:11
ogramake the kernel pull from console= ?19:12
SpamapSthe kernel already sets the params from console= ..19:12
ogracould be dangerous if the user heavily mistypes19:12
SpamapSso if getty didn't make any attempt to change them, they'd be set correctly already19:12
ograi didnt know that19:12
ograi agree that would be cooler19:12
keeswendar: oh, nice additional finds in bsdmainutils. I clearly didn't look hard enough.19:12
ograi thought getty needs them19:12
SpamapSright, well its already getting stuff spewed out by kprint19:12
SpamapSgetty does need them, but we could patch getty to have a '--no-setserial'19:13
SpamapSjust open and go19:13
wendarkees: thanks!19:13
SpamapSbut then if anything changes them.. you want getty to reset them19:13
SpamapSso if the upstart job can save them off somewhere and restore them later.. that would work.19:14
wendarkees: should I request a sync on the 8.2.2 debian release, or are you doing it?19:14
ograwhat would change them between init and getty ?19:14
SpamapSogra: getty has a cool hack where if you send a BRK then it cycles through all known baud rates19:14
SpamapSogra: useful when you want to just plugin and go and don't know the baud rate19:15
keeswendar: either way. I was going to, but requestsync doesn't see 8.2.2 yet19:15
SpamapSogra: but you'd still want it to go back to whatever the kernel had specified19:15
ograwell, i like that approach19:15
SpamapSme too.. the question is.. where do we store the settings?19:15
ogradoes it need persistance over boots ?19:16
wendarkees: okay, cool, I'll leave it with you. Will make a note in the LP ticket.19:16
ograelse i'd say /var/run19:16
keeswendar: cool19:16
SpamapSogra: right, /var/run is my suggestion too... I was also trying to see if there's a way to store it in an env var in the upstart job.19:19
SpamapSogra: definitely doesn't need to survive reboot19:19
ograright, then /var/run/serial or some such19:19
SpamapSogra: for the future upstart console handling.. I think upstart will keep track of it.19:19
ograor something like  /var/run/console-settings19:19
SpamapSbtw, does anybody know what the policy is on /etc/default files and upstart jobs? It seems like to support upgrades, all converted init.d->upstart job files need to keep sourcing that file.19:20
SpamapSzul: ping, I bet you know.19:21
SpamapSslangasek: ^^19:21
zulSpamapS: as i understand it you shouldnt use /etc/default with upstart19:21
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SpamapSzul: but that *completely* breaks upgrades19:22
zulSpamapS: i could be wrong19:22
* SpamapS looks through release notes to see if its at least mentioned there19:24
slangasekSpamapS: there's no "policy", just a set of opinions :)19:25
slangasekSpamapS: I've consistently taken your approach when upstarting packages - preserve behavior on upgrades where reasonable19:25
SpamapSslangasek: I think /etc/default files should be sourced and respected still, or the change in behavior mentioned in the release notes.19:27
cjwatsonogra: d-i> my point was more that it needs not to conflict, and that the lessons learned while implementing it in d-i should be carried over19:29
ogracjwatson, ah, indeed19:29
cjwatsonrsalveti: done19:30
rsalveticjwatson: thanks!19:30
slangasekSpamapS: amusingly, I've just discerned why gssd and idmapd don't suffer from the startup race with equal incidence - it's because idmapd is (uselessly) sourcing /etc/default/nfs-common in a script, and gssd is execing rpc.gssd directly19:33
slangasekSpamapS: anyway, yes, anywhere that /etc/default might have contained relevant config information, I've preserved that when converting to upstart even though this makes the start-up less efficient19:33
cjwatsonogra: accepted unity-2d.  could you please make its Conflicts/Replaces be Breaks/Replaces instead, per current policy?19:34
ograoops, will do19:34
SpamapSslangasek: I knew there had to be something fixing rpc.gssd other than "its just special" ;)19:35
SpamapSslangasek: I do think we'd also be fine if we put in the release notes something about it, and maybe included a script that told you what non-default values you've used in /etc/default.19:36
SpamapSslangasek: its the old deprecated conffile problem all over again isn't it?19:37
slangasekwell, more or less19:37
slangasekif I were going to drop an /etc/default file, I would do it by migrating the settings to the upstart job and then deleting the file from /etc/default19:38
slangasekwhich is touchy, which is why I haven't done this yet19:38
slangaseknow, here's a question19:39
SpamapSslangasek: it seems like it should be ok.. but it would break with conffile policy to do it in maintainer scripts..19:39
slangasekis it right for upstart-job to be a no-op for 'start' just because 'status' shows a PID?19:39
slangasekSpamapS: yes, I like to live in my own special gray area where conffiles are concerned :)19:39
slangasek(maybe that's another reason I haven't done this yet)19:40
SpamapSwell in this case you're technically just merging the old one into the new one.. :)19:40
slangasekupstart-job> consider the case where the job has a post-stop script and the status is stop/stopping $pid19:40
slangasekthat doesn't sound to me like a case to turn 'start' into a no-op19:40
SpamapSslangasek: right I think it has to already bean in a goal of start.19:40
SpamapSbean.. hrm.. almost lunch time.. ;)19:41
slangasekSpamapS: so do you think start/.* $PID is the right boundary?  Or should it just be start/running, with no PID check?19:45
slangasek(a 'start' for a job that's still starting is a no-op anyway, isn't it?)19:45
SpamapSslangasek: its conceivable that some jobs will use pre-start and post-stop to run whatever it is they're doing, and not have a pid.19:46
slangasekyes, that's the precise bug I'm fixing right now19:46
slangasek(upstart-job handles apport wrong)19:46
SpamapSis it a task?19:47
slangasekbut what I'm wondering is if we should *only* be checking for start/running status, and ignore PIDs completely19:47
slangasekI'm inclined to say the answer is "yes"19:48
slangasekbecause bzr says I wrote the original code here19:48
slangasekand I think I was wrong :)19:48
SpamapSI agree on principle, but I'm not sure I understand where upstart-job is handling apport incorrectly.19:48
slangasekSpamapS: it's not a task, it's a pre-start+post-stop w/ no main process19:49
seb128is there any way to delete something from the unaccepted queue if I just uploaded?19:49
SpamapSare you saying that when its in start/running already, that it runs start again, but fails, and this is a problem?19:49
slangasekSpamapS: so upstart-job says "oh, you want to start this thing w/ no PID, let me do that for you" and then fails19:49
slangasekseb128: unaccepted -> unapproved?  If so, yes19:49
seb128slangasek, how?19:49
slangasekseb128: q reject $thingy19:50
Keybukright, it's perfectly cromulent for Upstart jobs to have no main process19:50
slangasekseb128: unless this was a generic "you"; I'm assuming I'm talking to the "you" who is an archive admin :-)19:50
* SpamapS thinks Cromulence should be a chief goal of any pid 1 replacement19:50
seb128slangasek, well that acts on "NEW" no?19:50
KeybukSpamapS: it really embiggens the feature set19:50
SpamapSslangasek: right, ok I understand, and looking at the code.. yeah.. you shouldn't care about the PID, just the state.19:51
seb128slangasek, or q -Q unapproved?19:51
seb128slangasek, well I've been lucky on this one the upload got rejected because it was a revision update and the tarball is not in natty19:51
seb128slangasek, but that can be useful for next time ;-)19:51
slangasekseb128: yes, it's 'q -Q unapproved -s $foo-proposed reject $thingy'19:51
seb128slangasek, well that was an upload to natty19:52
seb128not to a moderated queue19:52
slangasekseb128: oh, then there's no unapproved queue at all :)19:52
slangasekso no, sorry, no way to intercept AFAIK19:52
seb128I was wondering if there was a way to catch it before the next run19:52
seb128ok, what I think19:52
seb128slangasek, thanks19:52
slangasekpitti, seb128, cjwatson, SpamapS: I've pushed my fix for bug #603934 to lp:ubuntu/upstart, then; I'm still testing it here, more eyeballs before I upload would be appreciated19:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 603934 in upstart (Ubuntu Natty) "upstart-job returns SysV-incompatible value for 'start' when job is already running" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60393419:58
SpamapSslangasek: that code actually reads much easier too. :)20:02
cjwatsonseb128: if you're quick enough then you can sudo to lp_queue and nuke it before process-accepted runs (*/5), but you do have to be quick20:06
cjwatsononce it hits the accepted queue, build jobs will be created and all the rest of it20:06
seb128cjwatson, where is it on disk?20:06
seb128cjwatson, ok, worth knowing, thank you20:07
mnabilhello guys , i want to participate in ubuntu development cycle ?21:39
mnabilis there any process i should follow ?21:40
SpamapSmnabil: what do you want to do?21:46
SpamapSmnabil: this might be a good place to start https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment21:47
mnabilSpamapS, i know C/C++/Python and i'm involved in Lxcenter and cloud21:47
mnabili can be helpful :)21:47
SpamapShttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu   ... there are 87367 bugs to choose from.. have fun! ;)21:49
JackyAlcineOnly 87367?21:50
mnabilSpamapS, thanks alot for you help21:58
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cody-somervilleI assume libdrm-nouveau1a breaking natty bootstrap process is known?23:14
RAOFIt should be fixed now.23:14
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cjwatsoncody-somerville,RAOF: maybe not entirely fixed - I've just made a pair of override changes in the archive which should help, in about an hour's time23:38
cjwatsonthough xserver-xorg-video-nouveau will still have trouble installing23:40
RAOFThe new nouveau upload should be installable23:40
ari-tczewDebian will be released 5th/6th February :>23:41
real_atehi all! quick question... is there a page anywhere detailing or documenting how to create "quickly" templates?23:47
real_atemy searches are ending up fruitless23:48
blueyedzul: can you sponsor a munin upload for me? I've just noticed that it is in main, after uploading. I upload the package to own webspace, ok?23:51
blueyedzul: it is here now: http://codeprobe.de/spool/debian/munin_1.4.5-3ubuntu2.dsc23:56

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