
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
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bbgollhey everybody12:40
bbgollwhen would be next ubuntu meeting for Asia memebership?12:40
bazhangon fridge.ubuntu.com ?12:41
bazhang /calendar12:41
head_victimTheir wiki said 4th Jan so not sure how frequent they're meant to be12:42
bbgollthat is why I am asking!12:42
bazhangnext week from what the calendar says12:43
bbgollwhat time?12:44
bazhanghttp://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar  <--- bbgoll have a look12:44
bbgollok, lets have a look on cal12:44
dingDongwhat meeting I should join for gaining membership?12:49
head_victimdingDong: have a read of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/12:51
dingDongI did, I mean, I am in Asia, which meeting in (fridge cal) should I join?12:52
ograthe EMEA meeting12:53
dingDongok, thanks12:55
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bbgollI did read the ubuntu membership and did the procedure + editting the wiki page for being next meeting candidate!15:48
bbgollis here anything else which I should do? except being present at the meeting?15:48
highvoltagethat's pretty much the procedure, yes15:48
highvoltageit's also a good idea to prepare a short introduction to yourself that you can paste when it's your turn to present yourself15:49
bbgollok, then ?15:49
highvoltagethen you'll get membership or not get membership, based on your current contributions and history with the project15:50
bbgollhaha, tnx anyway15:51
ograa good quality wikipage helps ;)15:51
highvoltageit's also a good idea to have people who have worked with you and your sponsors (if applicable) present during the meeting15:51
bbgollhmmm, good Idea, lets c15:53
=== doko_ is now known as doko
MootBotMeeting started at 10:04. The chair is robbiew.16:04
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:04
barrybug 665740 (c-j sru); bug 688732 (reviewed; python-webkit); bug 685476 (mgltools); bug 706044 (daily-journal for py27); general py27 transition testing; bug 697792 (/etc/fuse.conf perms; natty, mav, lucid); bug 706051 (quickly for dh_python2); ubuntu dev guide for udd; pkgme merge proposal reviews; bug 707416 (investigated, not fixed); bug 630511 (-proposed verification)16:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 665740 in computer-janitor (Ubuntu Maverick) "Missing dependency on dbus" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66574016:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 688732 in pywebkitgtk (Ubuntu) "package no longer has WebView attribute after transition to python 2.7" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68873216:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 685476 in mgltools-viewerframework (Debian) "mgltools-viewerframework: cannot be bytecompiled with Python 2.7: SyntaxError: cannot assign to __debug__" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68547616:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 706044 in Quickly "XS-Python-Version: >= 2.6 to pick up Python 2.7 in natty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70604416:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 697792 in fuse (Ubuntu Maverick) "permissions of /etc/fuse.conf are reset on upgrade" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69779216:05
robbiewwow...it's almost like barry knew I was going to call on him16:05
robbiew[TOPIC] Lightning Round16:05
MootBotNew Topic:  Lightning Round16:05
barryrobbiew: repaste? :)16:05
evlets play a game called get ubotu kicked for flooding16:05
evNearly done on showing the smartest choice only in usb-creator, working on detecting hostname collisons in ubiquity, walked czajkowski through a parted bug, trying to get to the bottom of a thread issue in the pygi branch of usb-creator, fixed a race condition in the installer testing system, thought I had fixed the netbooks locking but that reappeared today so will need to pick up a usb serial cable after all, moved keyamp decision tree generation into16:05
evconsole-setup, saving some ubiquity build time, started bootcharting ubiquity and d-i component build times, looking for obvious speed ups (in support of faster unit testing).16:06
robbiewjhunt: ?16:06
jhuntFixed lp:#706842 (we still need work done on kdm and lighdm though).16:06
jhuntGot my new USB serial console setup and then reviewed lp:#70257. Still16:06
jhuntinvestigating why "console=" kernel param being truncated (apw aware).16:06
jhuntWorked on lp:#672177 a bit with Clint. Spent half a day taming16:06
jhuntpbuilder: I can atlast build Upstart packages with it. Started to review16:06
jhuntScotts Upstart branches for natty.  Basics of Upstart job visualization16:06
jhuntare in place (sent details and a few questions to Scott) - no merge16:06
jhuntrequest yet as I haven't written test-code, doc, etc. However, to whet16:06
jhuntyour appetites, we can now auto-gen graphs like this:16:07
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~jhunt/upstart/viz/upstart-viz-small-25jan2011.png16:07
robbiewjhunt: \o/...nice graphs16:07
czajkowskiev: \o/16:07
robbiewmvo: ?16:08
mvodid: vacation and then cross-distro meeting about application installer in Nuernberg (really good meeting); todo: land ratings&reviews in natty16:08
mvo(plus a bit of hacking webkit transition and software-center in between)16:09
mvo(really done)16:09
robbiewdoko: ?16:09
dokonatty test rebuild, prepare a gcc-4.6 test rebuild (lucas probably will do this; at this stage it doesn't make a difference if it's done on Debian or Ubuntu), prepared various security updates, LO updates (THE LAST ONE BEFORE THE NEW MAINTAINER JOINS ... HUA HUA!!)16:09
robbiewdoko: whoohoo!16:10
dokowill be away the next two weeks16:10
robbiewpsurbhi: ?16:10
psurbhi* worked on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/util-linux/+bug/57985816:10
psurbhi* worked on creation of btrfs subvolumes and mounting them during installation, for aiding automatic snapshots. Considered that /home is a separate partition, as this made things easy. This week, need to work on creating a subvolume for home, when home is not a separate partition. Testing this takes a little time :(16:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 579858 in util-linux (Ubuntu Natty) "umount segfault on shutdown when unmounting autofs mountpoint" [High,Triaged]16:10
robbiewcjwatson: ?16:12
cjwatsondone: finished d-i rebase onto git (except for debian-installer package itself, and some pending bzr-git problems); finished sorting out live CD upgrade problems in lucid (#591207); other 10.04.2 bits and bobs; packagekit/qapt fix for mysterious dpkg errors and empty apt term.log files (#680328); GRUB multipath backport to lucid (#687501); making progress on console-setup upgrade breakage (#698263), fixed for new ...16:12
cjwatson... upgrades now but need to clean up the wreckage too16:13
cjwatsontodo: plymouth framebuffer-switch handling (carried over); whatever comes up for alpha-216:13
mvothanks cjwatson for the packagekit/qapt fixes!16:13
robbiew[TOPIC] Natty16:13
MootBotNew Topic:  Natty16:13
robbiewAlpha 2 next week16:13
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/natty/canonical-foundations-natty-alpha-2.html16:13
cjwatsonalso https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2011-01-21#Foundations16:14
cjwatsonthat's not updated dynamically, some of them have been fixed16:14
robbiewmvo: you going to finish your ToDos in time?16:14
mvooh, I need to cleanup the rnr stuff16:14
robbiewor should we look at postponing16:14
mvoquite a bit if done but not marked as such16:14
mvosorry for that16:14
* robbiew ignores mpt and isd workitems16:14
cjwatsonthat's good to hear :)16:14
cjwatsonI was beginning to get a bit itchy about the work item count16:15
cjwatsonhttp://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-foundations.html shows us below the trend line again, with pretty much a flat line for the last week :-(16:16
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/natty/canonical-foundations.html shows us below the trend line again, with pretty much a flat line for the last week :-(16:16
cjwatsonwell, on the trend line, I can't quite see16:16
robbiewyeah...all in all, we're doing fine16:16
robbiewhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2011-01-21#Foundations does have a good number of bugs though :/16:16
* robbiew is reminded to finish scrubbing mvo's bug assignment list :D16:17
mvothanks for that btw robbiew, I owe you [ ] beer [ ] tea16:17
cjwatsonheh, I did a bit of scrubbing on my list, though it still needs work16:17
cjwatsonbelow ev now \o/16:17
robbiewcjwatson: whoohoo16:18
robbiew[TOPIC] AOB/GoodNews?16:18
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB/GoodNews?16:18
* robbiew avoided jury duty yesterday!!!!16:19
* mvo got some new (and delicious) tea today16:19
cjwatsonI've said I'm standing down from the DMB at the end of my term (next month); one more free hour a fortnight ...16:19
MootBotLINK received:  http://webapps.ubuntu.com/employment/canonical_SE%20UP%20RW%2001-01/16:20
robbiewwe're hiring for foundations16:20
mvohttp://people.canonical.com/~mvo/tmp/sc-meets-debtags.png <- playing with tag suggestions for debtags16:20
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~mvo/tmp/sc-meets-debtags.png <- playing with tag suggestions for debtags16:20
ScottKdh_python3 got some good new capability this last week due to working with POX on sip4 in Debian (all in Natty too).16:20
barryScottK: awesome16:21
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:22.16:22
robbiewthnx all!16:22
cjwatsonScottK: http://packages.qa.debian.org/p/python3-defaults/news/20110119T184733Z.html and http://packages.qa.debian.org/p/python3-defaults/news/20110120T224725Z.html I guess?16:22
psurbhithanks robbie16:23
dokofastest meeting this year =)16:23
ScottKcjwatson: Yes.16:23
cjwatsondoko: you keep stats? :)16:23
czajkowskirobbiew: should chair allmeetings16:24
czajkowskisoo productive16:24
ScottKcjwatson: http://packages.qa.debian.org/p/python3-defaults/news/20110106T210912Z.html as well (sip4 took a while).16:24
czajkowskirobbiew: I only ever tune into yours, I know full well they wont run for a crazy length!16:25
ScottKrobbiew: Better mess it up next time then.  Three hour meeting.  You'll never have to do it again.16:25
cjwatson/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/> excellent16:25
robbiewScottK: lol16:25
barrycjwatson: it's a beautiful sight16:26
* cjwatson still remembers the hoary kickoff meeting ...16:26
cjwatsonfour hours, I think that way16:26
macodoko: first meeting this year as well?16:26
czajkowskicjwatson: can't have been productive16:26
cjwatsonnot by the end16:26
cjwatsonwe've learned a bit since then ...16:27
dokomaco: no, not that bad ...16:27
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
* stgraber waves19:13
stgraberhey everyone !19:16
stgraber20:14 < highvoltage> well, we have some seed changes, kstars has been dropped (in favour of kstars) and there's a bunch of other seed changes too but I don't have them open right  now19:16
stgraber20:15 < highvoltage> I've been talking to LibreCAD upstream a bit off-list19:17
stgraber20:16 < highvoltage> they are eagre to have it in Edubuntu, they're just finalising logos, etc. then I'll review it for universe19:17
highvoltageyeah I started talking there because I usually get poked in -meeting for meetings :)19:17
stgrabersorry, my bad :)19:17
highvoltagewe're also shipping grokking-the-gimp and tuxguitar19:17
highvoltageand kalgebra is dropped in favour of geogebra19:17
mhall119kstarts has been dropped in favor of kstars?19:18
stgraberI'm currently busy updating the meta packages, I started doing it this morning but my laptop crashed (apparently I've got a kvm bug that tends to make it kernel panic)19:18
highvoltagein favour of stellarium19:18
highvoltageI updated the Pencil package so that it says "Pencil" in the menus now instead of "pencil"19:19
highvoltageand updated the calibre package so that LRF viewer now uses the calibre icon until it has its own icon19:20
highvoltage(so the menus look a bit better now)19:20
stgraberah right, still need to re-upload arkose, to fix the same issue19:21
highvoltagewe have an "akonadi tray" entry under accessories and a kde data backup tool unders system tools that we need to disable19:21
highvoltagethen our menus should be good19:21
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
stgraberhighvoltage: what's the usual format again ? (I don't have a menu anymore ;))19:22
highvoltagestgraber: for the menu entries?19:23
stgraberName field in a .desktop19:23
highvoltagein the Ubuntu menus it's just the name of the application without description19:24
highvoltagehmm, sometimes it does (like in the graphics menu): http://launchpadlibrarian.net/62372790/pencil.png19:24
mhall119.desktop has fields for both name and description19:25
stgraberok, so if I go with "Arkose Desktop Application Sandboxing" it'd kind of respect what we have at the moment ?19:25
stgraberas I don't really have an identifiable icon, just going with the name probably wouldn't be enough19:26
highvoltageit would be consistantly inconsistant with our current menus19:26
mhall119Ubuntu's naming seems to be "App name plus descriptive" if the app name isn't descriptive on it's own19:26
stgraberok, pushing new package now19:26
highvoltageand consistant with ubuntu's usual application menus as mhall119 points out19:26
mhall119so "Simple Scan" is just that19:26
mhall119while Gimp is "Gimp Image Editor"19:26
highvoltagesome applications could really do with short descriptions like that.19:27
highvoltagecalibre would be much nicer as "calibre e-book reader"19:28
mhall119yeah, they're supposed to, according to something from Canonical I read a while ago and don't have a link to19:28
mhall119probably the ones in main all do19:28
highvoltagemhall119: indeed19:28
mhall119it might be good to make it an action item to make sure all the ones in ubuntu-edu-* are named accordingly too19:28
mhall119since it's such a minor change19:29
highvoltagethat's pretty much all of them then19:30
mhall119though I'm not sure how you'd name gCompris19:30
mhall119maybe it doesn't work as well for games19:30
highvoltage"gCompris Kindergarden Suite"? not sure but we should be able to come up with something :)19:31
mhall119or Tux Math19:31
highvoltageI think in Fedora it used to say "GCompris - I have understood"19:31
mhall119yeah, that's the translation from French of the pronunciation19:31
mhall119but it isn't really a descriptive of the app19:31
highvoltageI think tuxmath, tuxpaint is in the same category as libreoffice19:32
highvoltagethe libreoffice menu items just say "LibreOffice Draw" and "LibreOffice Impress", etc19:32
highvoltageso they seem to be descriptive enough to not need more of a description19:32
mhall119hmmm,I have "Open Office Presentation" instead of "Open Office Impress"19:33
highvoltageFreeMind would be a lot better as "FreeMind Mindmap Editor" or something like that19:33
highvoltagemaybe the libreoffice packages still need the menu patches. it's probably still the same as in debian19:34
mhall119could be, yeah19:35
stgraberit's actually quite bad that we need to patch the .desktop files for that, it'd probably be better to just have some package shipping all the updated .desktop files19:35
highvoltageone thing that I'd like to squeeze (heh) in before the 2nd alpha is try to fix our panel icons so that they fit in better19:35
stgraberthat way you have one package to centralize all the translations and do the name/description standardization19:35
highvoltagestgraber: how would you do that? with some kind of menu profile? diverts? or is there a nice way of doing it already?19:36
highvoltagestgraber: I'd also kind of dread having to update so many packages just for menu entries :)19:36
stgraberjust put all of the translated/patched .desktop files in some directory /usr/share/ubuntu-applications/ for example and change the XDG order to have them match first19:36
stgraberif the binary isn't there, they won't show up, if it's there and there's a custom .desktop it'll apply, otherwise the one from /usr/share/applications will be used19:37
stgraberthat's what we do for ltsp-localapps and it works quite well19:37
highvoltageI'll just poke you for the translations stuff, I'm not sure how that works19:37
stgraberremember when I told you we could quite easily ship with custom menu structure and apps name, that's how I'd have done it19:38
highvoltageI blogged about our YouTube channel and we got a whole bunch of new YouTube subscribers (haven't counted them yet though)19:39
highvoltagebesides that I don't think I have anything else to report on, Alpha 2 is just around the corner so we'll just have to test those images so that they can be released and do the usual alpha 2 announcements, etc19:40
mhall119I've got a few Qimo updates19:41
mhall119if you're done19:41
highvoltageI am19:41
mhall119okay, first off I forked xdg-launcher to qimo-launcher19:41
mhall119qimo-launcher will remain very basic and just do what I need for Qimo19:42
mhall119but functionality wise it's done, it'll display a panel full of launchers from an XDG .menu file19:42
mhall119and now I have a custom qimo-launcher.menu file for it19:42
mhall119so, apt-get install $game will put $game in the panel automatically19:43
mhall119it currently merges anything in the Games or Education category, excluding things like card games19:43
mhall119plus a couple of specific exclusions for Lernid and the cGompris admin19:43
mhall119probably the exclusions list will grow over time19:44
mhall119but for now I think it's pretty good19:44
mhall119I think all of my packages for the Xfce-based session are finished, so I should be able to start on the Gnome-session soon19:44
mhall119but, debmower still isn't building a bootable ISO for me :(19:44
highvoltageI'm definitely planning to spend some time on it this Friday19:45
mhall119so for now I'm going to have to go back to unsquashing an xubuntu iso, installing my packages, and resquashing19:45
mhall119I've copied all the Xubuntu settings I rely on into /etc/xdg/xdg-qimo, so I shouldn't have any dependency on anything Xubuntu anymore19:45
mhall119and the Gnome session won't depend on anything Xfce either19:46
highvoltageI think last when I talked to you there were some files missing from the syslinux directory on the iso, I'll do it from a clean machine on Friday, I guess my laptop where I last tested it might have some packages installed that it doesn't depend on19:46
mhall119I will need a menu editor to allow people to customize the launcher panel though19:46
highvoltageah that's mgariepy's dept :)19:46
mhall119highvoltage: yeah, pretty much everthing was missing except casper and syslinux folders19:46
mhall119I think i can slightly modify alacarte19:47
mhall119it's 99% generic XDG menu editor19:47
mhall119but for some reason they hard-coded the Applications and Settings menus into it19:47
mhall119rather than making them runtime options19:47
mgariepymhall119, for the menu-editor, i guess edubuntu-menueditor will be ok with a few lines of changes19:47
mhall119I'll look into it19:48
mhall119is it python?19:48
mgariepymhall119, yes :)19:48
mhall119so, one way or another I'll have that19:48
mhall119but it'll be later in the release cycle19:48
highvoltageone important thing we should do before alpha 3 is decide whether we're going all-unity now that there'll be unity-2d for this release. and also how that's going to impact stuff like sabayon, nanny, etc. (I guess we can expect some breakage)19:48
mhall119yeah, going all Unity is going to probably abort my current plans for a gnome session19:49
stgraberI guess we should give the choice at install time as we do at the moment. What we need to choose is what we want on the live cd19:49
mhall119so, the sooner that's known, the better for me19:49
highvoltageit seems that, at least for natty, the classic gnome desktop should stay the default19:54
highvoltageand then for users who don't need all the lockdown stuff can just choose unity19:54
mhall119I know that, speaking to the president of System76 at UDS-N, he told me flat out that he wasn't shipping anything with Unity or Gnome Shell19:56
mhall119and that if Edubuntu didn't offer the classic Gnome, he'd have to drop it19:57
mhall119now, Unity has come a long way since then, so I don't know if he still feels that way19:57
stgraberso he won't ship 11.04 ?19:57
mhall119that was the impression I got19:57
mhall119at least not stock Ubuntu 11.0419:57
macomhall119: i didnt realise they offered *any* options at all for distro19:57
stgraberunity in 11.04 actually works quite well, it's almost usable :) (as in, it's at least fast)19:58
mhall119maco: I think they ofer the *buntus19:58
stgraberso he'll probably reconsider19:58
stgraberI wouldn't have shipped 10.10 with unity either :)19:58
macomhall119: well yes, but i thought it was only ubuntu, specifically.19:58
highvoltagewell, it was understandable with the old unity, perhaps with all the changes and improvements he'll change his mind. they could always just make the classic desktop default if they want to19:58
mhall119no, hey's shipping 10.04 with UNR19:58
mhall119maco: yeah, it looks that way, but he did mention that he did edubuntu, I'm just not sure how you specified19:59
macomhall119: i asked him about kubuntu before and was told no kubuntu no xubuntu, he doesnt want people to have to make that choice19:59
mhall119well we talked about Xubuntu, specifically if Unity or Shell were the only Gnome options19:59
mhall119anyway, just a thought20:00
mhall119I'm not sure how much considersation Edubuntu should give it20:00
macowell i last talked to him before the unity announcement so... obviously hes had reconsiderations to make20:00
mhall119I can't remember if we talked before or after20:01
mhall119but with 11.04, he'll have reconsiderations to make anyway20:01
mhall119I assume zareason has no problem shipping Unity20:01
highvoltagesystem76 does ship edubuntu, at least20:02
highvoltageogra: unity-2d looks a lot like old unity!20:04
ograand runs in framebuffer with zero accelleration20:05
ograshould be good for ltsp ;)20:05
stgraberyep, though regular unity should work quite well too (haven't tested yet). Compiz worked fine before, so unity-3d should work too :)20:05
ograif you have 3d capability20:06
ogra-2d runs on anything20:06
highvoltageI would think that unity-3d would work better on ltsp than unity-2d, but ok20:06
ograwont be installed in natty though20:06
ograhighvoltage, how would unity 3d work on a vesa card ?20:06
stgraberogra: I guess -2d is meant for arm boards with no available 3D drivers ? (like your laptop ? :))20:07
highvoltageit wouldn't, but I'd never suggest a thin client to anyone that can only work with vesa20:07
ograstgraber, 2d is meant to become a fallback for 3d at some point i guess ... for natty it will be on the arm images as default20:07
ograhighvoltage, well, with 2d even the vesa client flies20:07
stgraberI guess that's mostly because of space issue on the CDs ? IIRC -2d is in QT20:08
highvoltageogra: that's nice20:08
stgraberif it's installed, is it automatically working as a fallback ?20:09
stgraber(we can easily ship it with Edubuntu as we already have QT on the DVD anyway)20:09
stgraberso if the user chooses to use unity, he'll get it either in 2D or 3D20:10
highvoltageiirc the plan is to have Qt on Ubuntu discs as well for 11.0420:10
alkisgHi all20:10
highvoltagealkisg: hey. an hour late again :)20:10
stgraberhighvoltage: was that for 11.04 or 11.10 ? I thought it was longer term plan. QT isn't exactly light to ship and CD space is usually a big issue.20:11
highvoltagestgraber: perhaps20:11
mhall119especially with them doubling-down on Mono by making Banshee default20:12
highvoltageEdubuntu has always shipped with Qt :)20:12
macobecause only one desktop has an education projection20:12
highvoltageheh, indeed20:13
stgraberyep, but it's been a long time since we really had to care about CD space :)20:13
highvoltagewell there's some gnome stuff getting better now, gperiodic is quite nice20:13
highvoltagebut gnome doesn't have a nice umbrella for edu stuff like kde does20:14
mhall119it doesn't for office stuff either20:14
stgraberI'd just wish for the kdeedu stuff to depend on less KDE stuff, seems to have improved lately but there's probably still room for improvement :)20:14
highvoltageyeah, I think those are more ubuntu packaging problems than kde specific problems20:15
highvoltagebut luckily we have a kubuntu team member listening :p20:15
highvoltageanything else before we go back to idle in #edubuntu?20:16
macostgraber: mostly whats going on there is that we have some giant monolithic packages for all the kde librarry stuff20:17
macoand splitting them into like 15-20 different packages would require a lot of work20:17
stgrabermaco: yep, splitting stuff like kdelibs into smaller packages could make a big difference20:17
mhall119maco: IIRC, wasn't it from dependencies on a debugging library that didn't need to be depended on?20:17
highvoltagemhall119: heh, actually, I'll move that closer and look at it tonight instead of Friday then :)20:17
mhall119highvoltage: thanks, that'll make the rest of my work go much faster20:18
macomhall119: there was one thing with the kde version of apport, but there's also the splitting out packages thing20:18
stgrabermhall119: yes, a ton of packages got pulled in at some time because of some kubuntu debug package. That's solved in natty though IIRC20:18
mhall119maco: ok, I'm not at all familiar with the goings on of KDE20:18
macoalthough for example i think highvoltage was saying "but it pulls in akonadi and ___ and ___" and actually it wasnt pulling in those whole things just the libraries that reference them20:18
highvoltageyeah it's more dependencies problems. like, we can't install a kde python game without getting stuff like Akonadi tray and Nepomuk backup20:18
highvoltagewe get menu entries for those too, so it seems more like just libraries20:19
highvoltagethen again, nothing happens when you click on them, so perhaps those menu entries are in the wrong packages20:19
macooh thatd be intersting...20:20
macolibakonadi4 is one of the things python-kde4 pulls in for example, but thats just the lib20:20
macopython-kde4 does depend on kdebase-workspace-bin though20:20
macoer n....sorry20:20
macobleh, have a play with apt-cache depends to see what i mean :P20:21
macohighvoltage: actually for that matter...could you do a "dpkg -S /path/to/desktop/entry" and see what package it is, then "aptitude why package"?20:21
* mhall119 is off, gotta run20:21
macono use for me to do it since i intentionally have kde installed20:21
highvoltageheh, aparently akonaditra.desktop comes from kdepim-runtime20:22
stgraberfun :)20:22
highvoltagealso something we probably don't want (but is there)20:22
macokdepim-runtime is a Depends of python-kde420:22
macoso is kdebase-runtime20:22
macobecause python-kde4 is one of those monolithic libraries i mentioned20:22
highvoltagepersonally I don't think that's very elegant20:22
macoer, monolithic packages20:23
highvoltage(sorry to drop a kde word :p)20:23
highvoltagemgariepy just asked me if this meeting is going to end any time soon20:24
highvoltageso I guess it's time to do so :)20:24
highvoltagethanks everyone20:24
macohmm i think i see why the deskto is in kdepim-runtime20:24
MootBotMeeting started at 15:00. The chair is barry.21:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]21:00
barryhi folks and welcome to this week's ubuntu distributed development meeting21:00
barrywho's here today?21:00
barrynote that because we did the meeting last week largely in person at the natty rally, we don't yet have minutes up for the meeting on the 12th.  hopefully we won't re-cover too much ground21:01
barry[TOPIC] agenda21:01
MootBotNew Topic:  agenda21:01
barry[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistributedDevelopment/2011012621:01
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistributedDevelopment/2011012621:01
pooliethe raw transcript is in http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/01/12/%23ubuntu-meeting.html#t21:0621:02
pooliehi james21:02
jam /wave21:02
barryjelmer, thumper, slangasek, ajmitch, james_w ping21:02
james_whi poolie21:03
pooliei like the hot bugs list21:03
pooliei will take an action to bring that up to date for the next meeting, on the 10th feb21:03
pooliei believe a few more things have been crossed off21:04
pooliewe had a two-week sprint that was very productive21:04
barryyep, thanks21:04
barry[ACTION] poolie to update hot bugs list for next meeting21:04
MootBotACTION received:  poolie to update hot bugs list for next meeting21:04
barryi guess we'll just get started21:04
slangasekaugh where did my morning go :/21:04
barry[TOPIC] action items21:05
MootBotNew Topic:  action items21:05
barry  * ajmitch to come up with questions/topics for next meeting (re: REVU)21:05
barry 21:05
barryajmitch: i forgot, did we decide to keep this on the list?21:05
* ajmitch hasn't done much beyond the list that came up last time, sorry - that's probably fallen off pastebin by now21:05
jambarry: he wasn't there last time, so poolie had it stay21:06
poolielet's not just keep this thing dangling21:06
ajmitchstrike it from the list or discuss?21:06
poolieajmitch, do you have any particular things you think should be getting attention but aren't?21:06
poolielet's discuss briefly21:06
poolieif any come to mind now, let's do them in the meeting21:07
poolieotherwise if you want to nominate things, feel free to poke us any time21:07
jamajmitch: I think the idea is that you can choose whether to bring stuff up or not, but we'd rather not have an on-going item that just never completes21:07
jamI agree that the strength of that list is that it is nice and compact and *actionable*21:07
ajmitchjam: right, I'd rather it not stay around21:08
barryagreed.  i'll strike it from the list for next week21:08
ajmitchI don't really have any actionable items to discuss about REVU at this stage21:08
barry  * poolie to send bzr rotation pitch to platform mailing list21:08
barry 21:08
pooliedefinitely today!21:08
poolieie keep it :)21:08
barrywill do :)21:09
jamIt seems it would be interesting to have something revu-like integrated with the Launchpad merge-proposals stuff.21:09
jamthough they may not be quite similar enoguh21:09
barry[TOPIC] bugs of interest21:09
MootBotNew Topic:  bugs of interest21:09
barrythis list might be out of date, but let's go thru them quickly21:09
barry  * http://pad.lv/674353 - graph packages built through UDD21:09
barry 21:09
pooliea gap analysis there could be good21:09
pooliethis was, specifically, that we'd insert markers to catch anything done by bzr builder or builddeb21:10
pooliewe agreed to strike that particular implementation21:10
poolieit's nontrivial work and it's not actually helping21:10
poolieubuntu developers21:10
jampoolie: so should the bug be closed as WontFix ?21:10
jamor is that bug #67676621:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 676766 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "insert package header field" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67676621:11
poolieinstead, we'll measure things we're already doing that ought to correlate with user happiness/uptake21:11
pooliejam: with a note21:11
poolienext bug?21:11
barry  * http://pad.lv/556132 - don't drop SSH connection after sending 1GB; requested by kiko21:12
jamdone, I believe21:12
pooliefixed and deployed!21:12
barryyou guys rock!21:12
barry  * http://pad.lv/375013 - support committing direct to stacked branches21:12
barry 21:12
pooliethanks to exarkun and mwh too21:12
poolieyou rock, jam!21:12
barry  * bzr branches are too expensive to use for casual sponsoring, compared with downloading packages from my local mirror (slangasek)21:12
barry 21:12
slangasekstill on my rainy day hacking list21:13
jamlots of discussion at UDS, but I don't think we had strong concrete answers21:13
persiaWhat class of solution is considered for that problem?21:13
jamI think it got put on the poker table (create a branch from a mirror tarball)21:13
slangasekyou'd think Portland would give me rainy days to go around, but no21:13
jamand also shallow checkouts21:13
slangasekpersia: I'm planning to implement support for automating mirroring of branches21:14
persiaAh, OK.  Thanks for the detail.21:14
barryi think we should keep this on the list, since it's a core improvement that the team is working on21:14
slangasekthis is important to me even if other solutions (e.g., shallow branches) speed up the download from LP itself21:14
jamnote that spiv and I were working on getting a fast shallow checkout from LP21:14
poolieit is21:14
pooliesome of the specific things we discussed are in https://wiki.canonical.com/Bazaar/Plan/2011/Tasks21:15
jamso it should be equiv to downloading a tarball from LP, which isn't as good as a local mirror21:15
poolieincluding that21:15
poolie(canonical-only, sorry)21:15
jambut better than full history21:15
jamI think it got slightly back-burnered vs other bzr work21:15
barry  * [[https://launchpad.net/bugs/295274|(watch file support)]] - james_w and barry to sprint on that at uds-n21:16
barry 21:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 295274 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "merge-upstream shouldn't require --version when debian/watch is present" [High,In progress]21:16
jamI don't think they got to it21:16
jamdefinitely talked about it21:16
barrynote that i unassigned myself from this bug, sadly21:16
jambut no code was implemented21:16
james_wjelmer has been hacking on that21:16
james_wit needs some merge proposals reviewing21:16
jamah, it says "jelmer hacked it together and will be submitting mps"21:16
persiaNote that sometimes it is desireable to create a new upstream version which isn't the latest upstream version according to the watch file, depending on release status, etc.  Please be sure to allow override, rather than relying purely on the watch file.21:17
jamI don't think he has submitted anything21:17
barrypersia: definitely.  i don't think they plan to remove the explicit options, but just make the common case easy21:17
james_wpersia, "shouldn't /require/ --version"21:17
persiaJust checking :)21:17
jampersia: I'm pretty sure the idea is that you don't *have* to specify version, but if you do, it will be used21:17
jambarry: sounds like 'in progress' but not closed yet21:18
barrywe'll keep it on the list; it's really nice to see progress on it (since i suck :)21:18
barry  * [[https://launchpad.net/bugs/653307|Import fails with missing referenced chk root keys]]21:18
barry 21:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 653307 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "Import fails with missing referenced chk root keys" [Critical,In progress]21:18
barrythis one falls under the general class of import failures, which i know is a top priority for the team21:19
poolieit is21:19
pooliei believe we fixed 50% of the imports last week?21:20
pooliei wonder if the graph agrees?21:20
jamI'm pretty sure that specific bug is, restart them and they all work21:20
poolieah, ok21:20
jamhttp://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/ says it is back down a lot21:20
MootBotLINK received:  http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/ says it is back down a lot21:20
poolieso that needs someone, probably spiv, to agree with james_w that it's ok to delete and restart it?21:20
pooliethat's a log scale of course21:21
jamat the moment, it is all pretty manual21:21
pooliemeaning the software will crash if it ever reaches 0 :-) (jk)21:21
slangasekyes, that was bug #653832, right?21:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 653832 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "Import fails with "trying to import version ... again"" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65383221:21
jamslangasek: nope, a different one21:21
jambug 65330721:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 653307 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "Import fails with missing referenced chk root keys" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65330721:21
barry(that one was coming up)21:21
poolieok it looks like bug 655307 is not blocked on james21:22
slangasekjam: I thought 32 was the one that fixed 50% of the imports :)21:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 655307 in QBzr "using odt2txt to diff OOo documents" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65530721:22
jamah, slangasek, yes that was the one I fixed21:22
pooliewe just need to do it21:22
jamwhich was 700 or so failures21:22
barryi know there was a bug about (or we talked about) making sure that bzr branch of a package that had import failures at least warned the user21:22
poolieyes, we did talk about it21:22
pooliei think we should file a bug21:22
barrypoolie: i'll take that action item21:23
pooliei'll do that now21:23
barryoh, okay, i'll let you do it :)21:23
poolieunless anyone knows of an existing bug21:23
jam[ACTION] poolie to file bug about MOTD information for out-of-date packages21:23
* barry looks21:23
jamaparrently mootbot only likes barry21:24
poolieah bug 609187 exists21:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 609187 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "bzr branch lp:ubuntu/foo should warn when foo is out of date" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60918721:24
barrywhich is funny, 'cause i hate mootbot21:24
barry[ACTION] poolie to file bug about MOTD information for out-of-date packages21:24
MootBotACTION received:  poolie to file bug about MOTD information for out-of-date packages21:24
slangasekwhoever starts the meeting is stuck with it for the duration :)21:25
barrypoolie: i'll put that one on the hot list21:25
barry  * [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/603395|bzr commit in a heavyweight checkout does not propagate new tags]]21:25
barry 21:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 603395 in Bazaar "bzr commit in a heavyweight checkout does not propagate new tags" [High,In progress]21:25
pooliethanks barry21:25
pooliefixed, or almost fixed?21:25
pooliebug 60339521:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 603395 in Bazaar "bzr commit in a heavyweight checkout does not propagate new tags" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60339521:26
jamI think it is fixed thanks to spiv21:26
barrythe bug is still in progress but the branch was merged apparently21:26
jamah but isn't landed yet21:27
jamaction item me to review it21:27
barry[ACTION] jam to review spiv's branch for bug 60339521:27
MootBotACTION received:  jam to review spiv's branch for bug 60339521:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 603395 in Bazaar "bzr commit in a heavyweight checkout does not propagate new tags" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60339521:27
barry  * [[https://launchpad.net/bugs/653832|Import fails with "trying to import version ... again"]]21:27
barry 21:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 653832 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "Import fails with "trying to import version ... again"" [High,Fix released]21:27
barry  * [[https://launchpad.net/bugs/499684|Interface to dpkg-buildpackage inconsistent and not well documented]]21:27
barry 21:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 499684 in bzr-builddeb "Interface to dpkg-buildpackage inconsistent and not well documented" [High,Triaged]21:27
barrya.k.a. the ScottK special21:28
pooliespiv is away this week21:28
jampoolie: well I'm PP this week anyway, so take it over, etc as necessary21:29
barrywe'll just keep this one on the list and revisit next week21:29
barry  * http://pad.lv/608450 and others - ways to update debian/control and versions from a recipe21:29
barry 21:29
pooliejam, thanks21:30
poolienothing on that one21:30
barrythat's it for known hot bugs.  i'd like to get the debcommit/bzr commit item on the radar.  it's not critical, but i do view it as a wart.  what do y'all think?21:31
jampoolie just marked 608450 as invalid, do we take it of the list then?21:32
jambarry: I don't fully understand what you need from it, but getting it specified and making sure we have the hooks, etc is certainly worthy21:32
jamSome other possible hot-items21:32
jampristine-tar is the next most common import failure21:33
jamand I have rt #43560 to have the new version backported21:33
jamwhich is in-progress, lamont said he's got the backport but needs to test it before deploying21:33
jamI don't think there is a bug on it. but after deploy the packages will need to be requeued21:33
pooliei don't have a strong opinion on fixing it21:33
barryjam: i would like to recommend folks always use bzr commit, though debcommit does have some nice properties.  lifeless (iirc, my email is unavail atm) suggested hooks to allow bzr commit to do the things debcommit does, which would be nice21:33
pooliei just made bug 608450 wontfix because that's more accurate than invalid21:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 608450 in Launchpad itself "Can't use 'run' in recipe" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60845021:34
barrynot that i don't like debcommit, but it would be better imo, to stick with bzr once you're accustomed to using it21:34
pooliebarry, i think that was a good idea21:34
jampoolie: right, but invalid/wontfiix sounds like it will kick it out of the hot-bugs to work on21:34
poolieright, at the moment it won't be fixed21:34
poolieshould we reopen it?21:34
jampoolie: *I* have no need to reopen it :)21:34
jambarry: right, I did follow the discussions, and I think having it integrated well would be nice21:35
poolieiow you have to persuade lp devs, not specifically me21:35
jamI don't fully know what debcommit does, though, to say what it takes21:35
persiabarry, I've previously needed to modify debian/changelog in a bzr maintained package where the bzr commit message should *not* match detected new entries from debian/changelog.21:35
barry[ACTION] barry to file bug on debcommit/bzr commit21:35
MootBotACTION received:  barry to file bug on debcommit/bzr commit21:35
jampersia: would -m be sufficient for you?21:35
jamor do you want to get a template that you can edit?21:35
pooliei mentioned a bug in that thread to add hooks to enable it21:36
barrypersia: i'll subscribe you to the bug i'll file :)21:36
poolieperhaps we should have a separate bug saying "and this hook should be used to ..."21:36
persiajam, -m is probably enough, but that may end up being comfusing when compared to debcommit -m21:36
jamI think there are other rough points where when giving a template if you *don't* modify it, then we assume you don't want to commit (or at least prompt you) which people didn't like21:36
barryany other comments about hot bugs before we move on?21:37
jambarry: I don't know the specific workflow, but is a bzr commit *always* matching the changelog? Or would you do a couple intermediate cleanups before the branch is final?21:37
poolieany more nominations of things people really want fixed?21:37
jambarry: action item to follow up on pristine-tar stuff21:37
barryjam: i personally do many commits, then a dch -i as almost the last thing, then one last bzr commit.  it's that last that debcommit is currently better at because it also --fixes to link the branch to the bug as well as using d/changelog entry21:38
barryjam: but i also think that if d/changelog doesn't change, then it'll just be a 'normal' commit21:38
jambarry: right, so how does that interact with 'bzr commit' automagic? Just that it only kicks in if there is a *new* changelog entry21:38
barry[ACTION] jam to follow up on pristine-tar stuff :)21:39
MootBotACTION received:  jam to follow up on pristine-tar stuff :)21:39
barryjam: yes, i think so.  would also be nice to warn if LP: #12345 wasn't included or mis-formatted21:39
barryjam: there's a question about what to do if you change a changelog entry (i.e. don't add a new one but edit an existing one).  for now, i'd say whatever is easiest is fine (it's a bit of an uncommon - for me - occurrence)21:40
persiaediting changelog is the special case I mentioned above.21:40
barryanyway, we can carry that on in the bug comments or in the ml21:40
jambarry: right21:40
persiaAnother common case where I use debcommit is with -R magic, which would be nice to integrate if trying to emulate the tool.21:41
james_w<1235076782.10502.134.camel@flash> is interesting Re: debcommit21:41
* barry 's email is offline atm :(21:41
barrycool.  if there are no other hot bug nominations, let's move on to aob21:41
barry[TOPIC] aob21:41
MootBotNew Topic:  aob21:41
pooliei have a couple21:42
barrythe floor is poolie's21:42
poolie* bug queue management21:42
pooliewe agreed to make a small process change last week,21:42
james_was is <1236587080.23732.44.camel@flash>21:42
jam sidebar: what is AOB?21:42
pooliewhich is that the shortlist of bugs for my team will now be <https://bugs.launchpad.net/~canonical-bazaar/+assignedbugs>21:42
poolie(any other business?)21:43
poolieas opposed to previously opening a task against udd21:43
pooliethis is just fyi21:43
poolieif any of you feel a bug is important to udd, please make that clear in comment text or set the importance as you see fit21:43
pooliewe can always change it or discuss it later21:44
pooliealso, i will try to set up an instance of jkakar's kanban software to give a view of this21:44
jampoolie: how do we handle it when someone on the team starts it21:45
barrypoolie: just to clarify: we still have (i think) some uncertainty whether to file bugs against udd or bzr-builddeb.  do you have some clear guidelines for folks on that?21:45
jamdo we reassign it? or just mark it in-progress?21:45
pooliereassign to that person21:45
poolieand inprogress21:45
pooliei'm hoping that lp:kanban will give us an aggregated view, or can be tweaked to do so21:45
pooliebarry, i think the rule now would be, file against whatever code base needs the fix21:46
poolieif in doubt, udd21:46
barrypoolie: thanks21:46
jambarry: right, and then when it is something that the canonical team is going to focus on, it gets assigned to that team21:47
jambut we monitor udd/bzr/bzr-builddeb etc21:47
jamat least, I know *I* get emails for bugs in both21:47
jamif I happen to ignore them...21:47
poolienext item?21:47
poolie* bzr team theme21:47
pooliewe're going to make it possible to stop doing source package uploads by uds21:48
pooliethe main things under this seem to be,21:48
poolie1- reliable package imports, so people have a place to start from21:48
poolie2- build from branch into the main archive21:48
pooliethis doesn't mean we'll turn off dput uploads, but we want to make it possible for people to do that if they want21:49
slangasekare you targeting the current devel distro only?21:49
poolieand i hope that around that time frame, some people will be finding it worthwhile to stop doing source package uploads21:49
slangasekjust checking; I'm still keen to see -proposed queues turned into merge requests :-)21:50
barryvery cool21:50
pooliefor past releases, i think lp should always keep supporting the toolchain used when they were originally released21:50
pooliei think this is a good goal because it will help us distinguish the 'must be done' features21:51
barrypoolie: do you foresee requiring udd-only for 12.04 and onward?21:51
poolieand, remove some complexity or inconsistency from supporting multiple mechanisms21:51
pooliebarry, well, it's not for me to set that kind of requirement21:51
jambarry: it is under discussion21:51
pooliewe'll do our best to get things to a state where the TB can decide that they will do udd-only21:51
jambut as poolie says, that is something outside the bzr group to control21:51
* barry nods21:52
jamI think it also affects stuff like the linaro build process21:52
pooliethere's a middle step where lp could get an acl on source packages in particular releases to say they should only come from branches21:52
poolieto let them be used as canaries for the process21:52
barrythat's a good idea21:52
slangasekpoolie: well, bear in mind that ~4 months after UDS we enter archive freeze, and then LP should /not/ automatically build from branch...21:53
slangasekor at least, not from any branch ubuntu-dev can commit to directly21:53
poolieslangasek, right, only, what ~archive-admins can approve things?21:53
james_wI'm not sure it will even be automatic21:53
pooliethere is a question here about whether committing should automatically build21:54
poolieor whether there is a separate 'do it' step21:54
slangasekpoolie: in practice archive admins push the button, though this is a (minor) LP bug21:54
slangasekit should be the release team21:54
jamslangasek: so how is the dput uploads processed. Just restricted to specific users after a given point?21:54
lifelessslangasek: so the build from branch implementation will initially be a front-end to the uploader21:54
slangasekand for previous releases, the SRU team21:54
barryit might be nice to do the build as an intermediate step, but have different criteria for upload-to-archive21:54
slangasekjam: dumped into an 'unapproved' queue within soyu^W launchpad21:54
lifelessslangasek: so all the normal policy knobs, freezing etc will operate unaltered.21:54
slangaseklifeless: fair enough21:54
poolieinteresting idea21:55
poolieah, what else21:55
pooliewe will probably still publish source packages21:55
lifelesswe can iterate for deeper glue etc once regular uploads *cannot happen* - e.g. in 7 years21:55
pooliean update of a very old spec21:56
pooliebut now in reach!21:56
persiaGiven 7 years, it oughtn't be that hard to implement a `dput` that does the bzr stuff.21:56
poolieso, this is what we're planning to do21:57
barrypoint of order: we're coming up on an hour, so we should wrap up.  anything else we need to discuss here today?21:57
barryif not, then...21:58
MootBotMeeting finished at 15:58.21:58
jamend p o o ?21:58
pooliei think that's it21:58
barryjam: :)21:58
pooliei'll send mail about that plan21:58
barrythanks everybody!  i'll just note that about 4" of snow has fallen since this meeting started :)21:58
jambarry: wow21:58
pooliethankyou, all21:58
macobarry: and hail/sleet!21:58
* maco just rode home in it21:59
barrymaco: time to hunker down!21:59
slangasekthanks :)21:59
jambarry: so how were the wiki pages made from the IRC notes?21:59
jamwere / are22:00
barryjam: very low tech: i copy them from my erc buffer, and paste them into my browser22:00
jambarry: so what *is* the point of mootbot?22:01
barryjam: exactly22:01
barryjam: i got out of the habit of using the logs back in my lp days because it almost never worked22:02
barrynow i use erc and bip and have my own logs22:02
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