
pleia2ok, I *finally* had time to cycle back to the notes I took while nhandler and I were releasing last time and read the nhandler&akgraner email HowToEdit is looking great, just added a couple notes where we say "we have a script" to be specific that it's in lp:uwn03:25
pleia2of course, good evening akgraner!03:26
zkriesseakgraner: Just a note, don't know if you wanna news it or not but Canonical has given UY the permission to use youth.ubuntu.com as a web address03:26
akgranerI still need to add the specifics to what boxes to check etc for the forums post...I've got 3 interviews to finish tonight but I'll make sure I add it before I head to AZ on Friday03:26
pleia2did you want to send me interview questions for something?03:26
pleia2zkriesse: cool, do you have an announcement somewhere we can see?03:27
pleia2(mailing list announcement is fine)03:27
akgranerpleia2, yep on Monday when I get back from FUDCon if that is cool with you03:27
pleia2akgraner: sure :)03:27
zkriesseI can grab the email from phillw which in turn went to the mailing list03:27
akgranerzkriesse, yep that can be summed up easily :-)03:28
zkriesseJust a sec I'll pastebin it for ya03:28
zkriesseAlso, I'm reviving #ubuntu-beginners-wiki03:28
pleia2https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-youth/msg00100.html ?03:28
akgraneryeah better to just drop the link in here03:29
pleia2but maybe wait until it's live to announce it?03:29
zkriesseMeeting this saturday, 29'th at 19:00 UTC03:29
zkriessepleia2: Yeah that's the email03:29
pleia2I'm thinking an announcement once youth.ubuntu.com goes live would be more useful to the community (you'll get traffic to a dead site if we put it in the newsletter now, less exciting for when it's actually released)03:31
zkriesseOh I know03:32
zkriesseRight now I've got to try and figure out a way to talk to the team about a hosted wordpress site...whilst the guys are hard coding a full site03:33
pleia2oh fun :)03:33
zkriesseThey were working on one but I've no idea the progress...(They have failed to keep me updated as of late...partly my own falt :P03:33
akgranerbbiab I have to finish a few things for work...thanks pleia2!  kick me if I haven't added the rest of the instructions by this time Thursday please03:34
pleia2I'll try :) enjoy03:34
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