
kdub1) anyone mind if i use that california loco pic with the bear in a flier for SD contingent, and 2) is there a svg of that around? :)05:04
pleia2please do, let me dig up the svg05:10
pleia2ok, you can open it up in inkscape and grab it from here: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lyz/ubuntucalifornia.svg a black and white version is here: http://neal.bussett.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-california-logo-bw.svg05:12
pleia2ah, here we go: http://www.nhaines.com/ubuntu/california/logo/ubuntu-california_logo.svg05:13
kdubalright, thanks pleia2!05:13
pleia2sure :)05:14
* kdub puts feeble gimp skills to use05:14
pleia2might want to use inkscape05:14
pleia2it's vector-based so it's much better at handling the svgs than gimp, makes them very clean05:14
kdubthats true05:23
rob__hello... inquiry for Linux support... anyone avail???05:25
pleia2welcome rob__05:25
rob__many thanks... happy to be here..05:25
rob__might you have some time for linux support assistance?05:26
rob__my question is a bit technical05:26
rob__it involves boot loading05:26
pleia2you're welcome to ask :)05:26
rob__okay... well, I'm attempting to install grub 2 within windows MBR... due to the fact that I do not have any other means of installing Linux through common means such as a bootable ISo05:27
rob__or mounting an iso image onto a flash drive05:27
pleia2install grub2 from windows?05:28
kdubsounds like bad news bears05:28
pleia2I know about linux, but with windows I'm completely useless :\05:28
rob__hmm.. okay well then here's maybe how you could help me05:28
kdubrob__: is there a reason you need it that way? chain loading windows bootloader from grub is usually the way to go05:28
rob__well the reason for attempting to upload linux this way... is due to the fact that I don't have an optical drive working and i don't have a usb stick avaiable to mount a bootable iso of linux05:29
rob__my optical drive isn't responding in windows05:30
pleia2well, getting grub installed is only half the battle, you still need to install linux itself somehow05:30
rob__well i've been reading up on it05:30
rob__apparently.. in order to install linux.. you need to install the kernal itself.. and a minimal root directory of file systems... it's actually called the "ram disk"05:31
rob__i did it once with gurb legacy05:31
rob__like when it was menu.lst ...05:31
pleia2https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows appears to use the ramdisk method05:32
rob__a-ha... yes... exactly05:33
rob__you are quick with the forums lo05:33
rob__lol &*05:33
rob__lol *05:33
rob__sorry can't type 2day05:33
akkpleia2 is quick in general. :)05:33
pleia2I try :)05:34
rob__hmm.. this is a very viable tutorial...05:36
rob__the only thing that's throwing me here.. is that menu.lst file...05:36
rob__it's actually the older method... Grub Legacy... the new Linux distributions actually use grub.cft or Grub2 loader05:37
pleia2it wouldn't hurt to install grub legacy05:37
pleia2it still works fine05:37
rob__ahh okay...05:37
rob__okay okay... outstanding... that's what I was worried about05:38
pleia2I think I've only got one system with grub2 actually05:38
rob__well apparently grub 2 is a much much more efficient means of booting linux and other operating systems...05:38
rob__you can actually boot live cd's now from the boot menu for instance.. and like you can actually use terminal scripting within the bootloader itsefl05:39
akkI still use grub1 -- it works a lot better if you have multiple linux distros.05:39
pleia2grub2 does have some cool features, but they certainly aren't required, grub legacy has worked fine for years :)05:39
rob__hmm... very true05:40
rob__you are the most insightful linux irc'ers that I've run into yet05:40
* pleia2 tips her hat05:40
pleia2so are you local? we have events too! http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-california05:41
rob__ohh i wish i was local... i would love to move out to Cali...05:43
rob__I tried my locazlied channel05:43
pleia2oh! pa?05:43
rob__but no one was avail...05:43
rob__yes !05:44
pleia2just didn't wait long enough, there are some people around :)05:44
pleia2I just moved here from philly, I still hang out in their channel05:44
pleia2"just" - meaning 11 months ago05:44
rob__are u familiar with PA ?05:44
rob__ohhh no way how kool05:44
rob__i've been to philly many times.. it's an amazing city05:44
pleia2I actually lived in the suburbs, but I was downtown pretty often05:45
* kdub has heard its always sunny there as well05:45
pleia2if only05:46
rob__LOL *05:46
rob__i love that show05:46
rob__i live in just west of Harrisburg05:46
pleia2cool, I spoke at the central pennsylvania open source conference in 200905:46
pleia2in harrisburg05:46
pleia2cute city05:47
rob__open source conference???  that is just epic win right there05:48
pleia2they have it every year :)05:48
rob__you seem to be very inuitively involved within the open source community05:48
pleia2it's a small conference, but a lot of fun05:48
rob__see i've just now become involved with Linux open source about a few months ago05:48
rob__i figure.. Linux in many ways is the absolute best and most stable and advanced movement of operating systems distribution to date05:49
pleia2that's certainly how I feel05:50
rob__i've uploaded a few systems so far.. but this is my first real snag05:50
pleia2well I hope you're able to get your install sorted :)05:51
rob__i will most definitely check out and probably attend the next open source converence05:51
pleia2might also want to check out cplug.net05:51
pleia2Central Pennsylvania Linux User Group05:52
rob__fascinating... :P05:52
rob__so you attended the community college in downtown harrisburg then I'm assuming last year?05:53
pleia2well, the one in 200905:54
rob__i'm actually gonna be attending that college most likely son05:54
rob__soon *05:54
pleia2in 2010 I was just missing all my pennsylvania friends who got to go to the conference :)05:54
pleia2it was a nice venue, don't know much about the school itself though05:55
rob__it's actually a really nice campus for only being a community school base05:55
pleia2yeah, I was impressed05:55
rob__looks like they don't have a 2011 conference listed yet05:55
pleia2nope, it's not until the fall so it'll probably be a while05:56
rob__you are like mad quick with those links05:57
pleia2familiarity helps :)05:58
rob__w/ out a doubt haha05:59
rob__what is you opinion about Debian v.s. ubuntu which is of course it's derivative developed distribution06:00
rob__and I hope I'm not taking up 2 much of your time lol06:00
pleia2don't tell anyone, I have more debian systems than ubuntu ;)06:00
rob__hahahah.... (your secret's safe w/ me haha )06:01
pleia2and at work all our servers are debian. the franklin institute is one of our clients, their website is on debian06:01
pleia2for the desktop (and absolutely laptops) I prefer ubuntu though06:01
rob__ubuntu seems to me... to be a release that has more GUI based utilities and command capabilities...06:02
rob__and is more terminal friendly...06:02
rob__but debian has a bigger repository of applications... ( am I close w/ the terminology? )06:02
pleia2I run a couple ubuntu servers, it does fine06:02
akkIs debian's repository bigger? I thought ubuntu's was (because it has non-free stuff).06:03
pleia2I was just trying to look up some statistics06:03
rob__well.. that's what I thought too.. but I researched it...06:03
akkUbuntu is less terminal friendly but more GUI friendly06:03
akkand has a much faster release schedule, so it's easier to stay current but still have stuff that works.06:04
rob__yea every 6 months for debian06:04
rob__i mean i mean06:04
rob__ubuntu.. **06:04
rob__my bad06:04
pleia2yeah, debian is closer to every 2 years :)06:07
pleia2anyway, time for me to call it a night here06:08
pleia2take care rob__06:08
rob__hmm.. alright well, are u usually in here?06:08
pleia2yep, and in #ubuntu-us-pa too06:08
pleia2so feel free to join them, they don't bite :)06:08
rob__hmm... alrighty... many thanks06:08
rob__i would be totally fascinated and interested in having many more conversations about open source with you06:09
rob__and if u ever have questions about computer hardware within desktops and such... then ask me because I'm very well versed with computer hardwre06:10
* rww ponders how one would measure the... scope? coverage? of an apt repository06:11
rob__well... as far as I can tell from my research there are two main apt repositories available for every distro specific repository06:13
rob__free and then non-free06:14
rwwI'm wondering because I suspect that Debian + contrib + nonfree has the same amount of it as the total of the Ubuntu repositories.06:14
rwwnon-free **06:14
rob__true.. but apparently it is not recommended that you use apt.'s from server repositories that are not specific to your OS distro06:15
rwwI know. That doesn't really have anything to do with which repository is larger :\06:16
rwwBut yeah. You can't count how many packages because different packagers might either use one large package or split into a lot of small ones. Plus language packs and other such non-scopeful things. You can't go by total size because of various things that'd affect the size of binary packages... hrm.06:17
akkDebian and Ubuntu mostly use the same structure there, don't they?06:18
rwwcounting source packages might work06:18
kdubpleia2: inkscape was a good suggestion, flier looks pretty dece06:18
rob__from what I could tell... from according to polishlinux.org which is like a knolwedge base for distro comparison.. debian supposedly had like roughly 18,000 and ubuntu had like 10..06:19
rob__but then that would be hard to keep real time track of06:19
rob__and yes you get into things like package tree's and what not06:20
rwwOdd, since Ubuntu syncs from Debian. I don't think we're excluding 8,000 packages from autosync :\06:20
rob__so that is a good point <rww>06:20
rob__well true... a huge number of those packages are autosynced...06:23
rob__because debian and ubuntu us a lot of the same terminal utilities06:23
rob__what do u run?06:23
rob__i'm making my first personal install of ubuntu 10.10 64 bit06:24
rwwright now, I have Kubuntu natty x86 on one computer and Debian testing amd64 (with KDE) on another.06:25
rwwwell, Debian almost-stable. It's coming out in a week or so, iirc.06:25
rob__ahh... so your running a test distro...06:26
akkI'm still on lucid myself, rob__06:26
rwwYeah, I get bored if things aren't about to fall apart on any given day.06:27
rob__lucid.. that's one that I have not read or hear much about @ all06:27
rob__yea, i don't understand how u guys are ready to rip your hair out every day... because u have 2 deal with issues like hardware/driver compatibility issues... network hardware issues... software bugs... allll kinds of things... you guys are like the marines of Linux.. your the bullet proof vest haha06:28
akkrob__: lucid is the previous release (10.04) and is the current "long term support" release, so it will be around, and popular, for quite a while yet.06:29
rob__hmm.. so this is like the updatable standard version of ubuntu...06:32
rwwthe nice thing about both Debian and Ubuntu is that you have a choice between well-supported releases, stuff that works pretty well and is reasonably up-to-date, and insanity.06:34
rob__yes.. that's the main thing that drew me into Debain based06:35
rob__and I thought debian was a lot more complex with terminal commands then ubuntu06:37
akkNo, they're virtually identical.06:38
rob__i know ubuntu runs very efficiently for things like 3d rendering and gaming06:38
kdubhonestly, why doesnt gwibber ever work?06:38
akkIf anything, ubuntu is more complex, because it tends to jump on new undocumented things like upstart.06:39
rob__see now  I'm starting to completely rethink what my flagship distro will be06:39
rwwkdub: I used to blame couchdb. I need to go look at what its dependencies are now and find something else to blame :\06:40
kdubrww: are you a gwibber dev? if so, sry for the blatent complaints :)06:40
rwwbut if I were, I suspect it wouldn't be anything I hadn't already heard a lot ;)06:40
kdubyeah, gwibber worked once for me, i liked it. then it stopped06:41
rwwIt worked for me when I used it, but used ungodly amounts of system resources. I ended up using identica's XMPP bot instead.06:41
rwwwell, apart from Facebook integration, which was broken06:42
akkI only tried it for FB, and gave up on it (but that was a while ago, it's probably better now).06:42
akkI'd love a non-broken way of reading FB.06:43
rob__i access all the actual web site servers themselves... because it's garaunteed to have the best feature capability of course06:43
rob__the only thing that I use in terms of universal access utilities is Empathy for chatting06:43
kdubyeah, i like the little floaty messages though06:44
kdubcould probably just write a python script to send dbus signals when new twitters come in06:44
kdubthats all i want gwibber to do :P06:44
rob__you're well versed in python scripting ?06:44
akk<3 bitlbee for twitter. I wonder if the version in maverick has that? (I had to get a newer one for lucid.)06:45
kdubif i want a script to do serious work, i use python06:45
akkI wrote a nice python twitter app, but then twitter changed their authentication scheme and I never had the time to figure out the new way.06:45
kdubthere's an api, makes it easy, or at least there was 6mo ago06:45
akkThere is, except for authentication which isn't documented.06:46
akkThe rest of the python-twitter api is super easy to use.06:46
rob__python sounds like way lite to me06:46
rob__beyond my skills lol06:46
rob__i know python is used in game development06:46
akkIt's a general purpose language, good for nearly anything (except kernel development).06:47
rob__well I'd think for that you'd need to use C06:47
rob__or C++06:48
akkJust C, no C++ in the kernel.06:48
rob__would u say it's worth it to chase a degree in programming?06:49
akkI wouldn't know, I got a degree in something else and learned programming on my own.06:50
rob__yea.. I'm starting with the basics right now06:50
rob__like right now I'm trying 2 figure out06:51
akkBut, time to give up on tweaking this android app and go to bed. Night, all!06:51
rob__kdub... quick question06:51
kdubdon't ask to ask, just ask06:52
kdub(one of the cliche IRC sayings, btw)06:52
rwwif only people would ask whether they should ask to ask06:53
rob__basically what I'm trying 2 get at... is two things.. I need to get the most out of my CPU.. an AMD Turion 64 X206:54
rob__and from waht I can tell.. debain based distro support for 64 bit addressing has come leaps and bounds with the newest releases06:55
rob__so have all the kinks been worked out of 64 bit support.. like for instance.. i know there was an issue with installing flash on a 64 bit release06:56
rob__like any more... driver compatibility issues... this question is a bit in depth haha06:56
kdubidk, works pretty ok last I heard06:57
rob__fair enough... :)06:58
rob__i think i'm just gonna go w/ ubuntu legacy 64 then06:58
rwwon Ubuntu, flashplugin-installer for 64-bit in the repositories is the 32-bit plugin in a wrapper. There's an unpackaged 64-bit native plugin that's available from Adobe as an alpha or beta or something, if the wrapped 32-bit doesn't work.06:59
rwwI forget what Debian does, but I expect it's the same.06:59
rwwI've had no problem with 64-bit myself, but I also don't use non-Free stuff much at all, and that's where most of the complaints come from.07:00
rob__so.. it's Ndiswrapped ?07:01
rwwwhich is an entirely different thing from ndiswrapper, but people mix them up constantly.07:02
rob__ahhhh... okay so ndiswrapper is the XP windows kernal wrap07:02
rob__and nsplugin is different07:03
rob__i am researching it now07:03
rob__i wish i could be neo and just download all this informatin into my brain from the matrix07:03
rob__well many thanks once again... i need to do a bit more research to figure out if I need Debian or Ubuntu07:17
rob__although I know I'm going Lucid for now07:17
=== jamie is now known as Guest41956
MarkDudeHEllo jedahan16:17
jamie_morning MarkDude16:17
MarkDudeHey there jamie_16:17
* MarkDude just installed Puppy Linux 5.2 last night- *awesome*16:21
MarkDudeLucid Puppy, much cleaner easier to use,  AND it lets you pick only the programs you need - FF, chrome, gimp etc16:22
MarkDudegreat thing to suggest to folks that want to learn about Linux16:22
jedahanhowdy MarkDude16:29
MarkDudejedahan, do you have a todo list started of activities yet?16:39
jedahanyes, but its very short: just 'find place to stay' and 'go to noisebridge'16:40
jedahanI will be able to do some major planning after getting mysql to behave nicely and fix whatever bugs I introduced this week16:41
MarkDudeFeb 11th16:41
MarkDudeDojo has some real cool folks at it16:42
jedahanahh cool pettis started ignite16:50
jedahanhes a pretty nice guy16:50
jedahandojo, added to the list16:51
jamie_man its quiet in here today20:13
* pleia2 work work20:14
jedahanyeah hack hack hack hack20:14
jamie_oh hey pleia2 i was able to find a converter i could use20:15
pleia2jamie_: oh good20:16
pleia2we received 100 ubuntu and 100 kubuntu cds for our scale booth20:16
pleia2and now have badges for booth volunteers, so let me know if you are volunteering and need one20:17
pleia2(gets you in for free, don't need to buy a ticket)20:17
MarkDudeKubuntu also? good deal DarkwingDuck as well as the Europeans will be happy :)20:17
pleia2yeah, that's DarkwingDuck's doing :)20:18
* MarkDude jokes. That is good tho, I know it was harsh to not have any KDE for the booth at OSCON20:18
MarkDudeAs we get closer - let me know what folks want on the ZA machine and others20:18
* MarkDude figures Stellarium might work for eyecandy- the Strata has 512 Ati graphics20:19
MarkDudeUnity also?20:19
pleia2add these ideas to the wiki please :)20:19
* MarkDude does that now. And chooses to grumble to himself that there are still *3* links to *CaliforniaTeam/Meetings* in the header-20:22
pleia2we received the exhibitors info, so I'll add that to the wiki too when I have a chance20:23
pleia2(work is busy busy today)20:23
nhainesI will lend the Ubuntu booth an Ubuntu keyboard and a Tux keyboard, both from Zareason.20:26
DarkwingDuckLast year to also provided CDs at the Gnome and KDE tables20:27
DarkwingDuckI have a high end laptop now that we can use to let people use Kubuntu20:28
DarkwingDuckI'll make a profile for it.20:28
pleia2cool, so we all work to get the details on the wiki and we'll start getting together loose ends at our meeting on sunday20:29
JonathanDMarkDude: guy emailed me about a geeknic in LA.20:35
JonathanDlooks like you're going to have a busy 2011.20:36
DarkwingDuckgeeknic in LA?20:37
DarkwingDuckI might drive the 2 hours for that.20:37
JonathanDI haven't a clue!20:37
MarkDudeDarkwingDuck, i got the email20:39
MarkDudeI can forward info to you20:39
DarkwingDuckMarkDude: can you please?20:39
* MarkDude can pretty much be assured we will find at least one person interested in this at Scale20:41
JonathanDMarkDude: so, viable you think?20:44
* MarkDude is willing to bet $ on it20:49
MarkDudeFor sure.20:49
MarkDudeActive folks down there20:49
MarkDudeboth of my talks mention geeknics20:49
* MarkDude can have an email signup list20:49
MarkDudeAlso trying to get momentum for geeknic during OSCON or CLS in Portland this year20:50
MarkDudeno guarantees on that20:51
JonathanDsomeone pick me up on the way to the LA one when it happens.20:51
* MarkDude mocks SoCal20:51
MarkDudeHi Im SoCal- I can have parties at the beach- year round20:51
JonathanDI'll show you!20:51
JonathanDI'll have my own party at the beach, today!20:52
* JonathanD grabs a snow shovel.20:52
* MarkDude guesses need to include vegetarian, vegan, as well as made-up cult diets as well20:52
jedahanhere here!20:52
jedahani'll just scrape the ice off my surfboard20:53
MarkDudeMy pilates guru says I can only eat wheat that has been blessed20:53
MarkDudejedahan, you need wetsuit up here20:53
MarkDudedown there, not so much20:53
* MarkDude wore one in San Diego years ago, got to warm - just wore shorts20:54
jedahanhope you had a lot of sunscreen but that is nice20:54
* jedahan has only surfed one time20:54
jedahanand barely stayed on the board. Still it was rewarding20:54
jedahanfun even20:55
MarkDudeFor the geeknics up here- we need to have sunscreen and shades as well as umbrellas etc20:55
MarkDudePeople burst into flames in SoCal they are like way closer to the sun down there or sumthin'20:55
MarkDudeplei a2, as well as myself got burned last summer- we dont forget sunblock anymore :)20:56
MarkDudejedahan, are you planning on surfing while here? I would suggest a weekend in the *land of milk and honey*20:59
MarkDudeSanta Cruz20:59
MarkDudeStay near the mall- boardwalk for 1 night- surf, go to the beach, etc.21:00
MarkDudeDarkwingDuck, email sent21:01
jedahanMarkDude, as I said before, if I am to surf I would probably need lessons21:05
jedahanwell, didn't say that exactly, but I'll take a look at Santa Cruz21:06
jedahanTrying to stick with public transport as much as possible, don't want to rent a car21:06
jedahanman boardwalk sounds great right now couldn't even get to work in this snow21:07
MarkDudejedahan, they have lessons of course :)21:10
MarkDudeYou can take Caltrain to San Jose21:10
MarkDudethen a HWY17 bus21:11
MarkDudetakes you to downtown SC21:11
jedahangot it, follow John Coltrane to City1721:11
jedahanif I want to go surfing21:12
MarkDudeWalking distance if you can tow your suitcase to at least 5 hotels motels21:12
MarkDudeplus a youth hostel21:12
MarkDuderight above the boardwalk21:12
jedahanI hope to keep the suitcase light, but if it isn't whatever good excercise21:13
MarkDudescrew surfing- go there because it is one of the most beautiful places on the face of the earth21:13
jedahanhmm, I *guess* that is a good enough reason21:13
MarkDudePeople from Hawaii are impressed with SC, and they know part of perfection ;)21:13
MarkDudeMore than likely - for you to go- you could get a ride down there to go to an event or meeting21:14
jedahanI will be posting my itenarary online as I sort it out, for sure21:15
MarkDudeRemember that we have all sorts of different *worlds* here just a few miles apart21:15
MarkDudeNot just the mental aspects- but weather also21:15
jedahanWell, best to hear from locals what to do, for sure :D My usual google-fu is failing to impress21:16
MarkDude30 minutes away can equal 20 degrees or more temp difference21:16
jedahandue to elevation or how far inland/outland?21:16
MarkDudesome of that21:17
MarkDudethe mountains can trap moisture in or out also21:17
MarkDudethe way the land tilts towards or away from the sun etc,21:18
MarkDudeSc is titled in a way to get more sun than Monterey - can make a 25 degreee change21:18
Eurekawiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/Scale9x edited21:18
* MarkDude edited the scale wiki- is that how I should put the info? Or make a stuff we have list21:19
pleia2MarkDude: I think we want to fill in the "Stuff we need" table - so maybe make a "Demo Box 3" and add yours as Demo Box 1&221:57
pleia2but don't worry about it too much, mostly I just want a brain dump on the wiki so it's not all randomly talked about in IRC w/o coordination and we show up with 40 demo machines :)21:58
pleia2and no power cables21:58
pleia2and I think we'll want to go through everything everyone is offering to bring and pick the nicest ones21:58
MarkDudeSounds good pleia2 I can do that in a bit22:45
nhainesHappy Epoch Day 15000 everyone!23:11

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