
dmcgloneHi all01:26
Cheri703yo dmcglone01:28
dmcglonewhat yadoing?01:28
Cheri703watching BattleStar Galactica01:29
Cheri703and we did our first errand by bus today :)01:29
dmcglonewas it fun?01:29
Cheri703eh, it was ok, took us 3.25 hours door to door to go to walmart, do shopping and get back01:30
dmcglonedid you do a lot of shopping?01:31
Cheri703eh, reasonably sized trip01:32
Cheri703we managed it01:32
dmcgloneI imagine you felt weird hauling all that stuff on a bus?01:33
Cheri703eh, it was ok, other people had groceries and stuff too01:34
Cheri703we didn't have TONS of stuff, and we were able to consolidate it to a few containers01:34
Unit193Not doing blog posts?01:36
Cheri703Unit193: me?01:36
dmcglonenot to change the subject, but how come when I click on a pdf file on my laptop it asks me if I want to open it with a pdf reader or save it etc, but when I'm on my desktop it only ask me to download it01:36
dmcgloneI've been buisy Unit193:-(01:36
Cheri703what browsers dmcglone ?01:36
dmcgloneI'm using Kontact01:36
Cheri703on both?01:36
Cheri703same versions?01:37
dmcgloneyeah same version everything, both even have the same adobe reader version too01:37
dmcgloneI've looked everywhere in the settings on the desktop and can't figure out why01:37
Cheri703weird, no idea01:38
Unit193Does kontact have plugins like FF?01:38
dmcgloneUnit193 I'm still trying to make it to the library to get that look on the conference room01:38
dmcglonenot exactly like FF, but it has plugins01:38
Unit193When you do, I would love to see pics (even if I'm not going)01:38
dmcgloneI'm gonna get pics :-)01:39
Unit193I take it all the plugins are the same?01:39
dmcglonethe pdf reader doesn't require a plugin, it's a system thing01:39
dmcgloneyou know what maybe I'm wrong01:40
dmcglonethat type of thinking is probably why I'm not figuring it out01:40
dmcgloneI'll check01:40
dmcglonecan't right now, but later when they get off the desktop01:40
Unit193You might be able to ssh -x in ;)01:41
Unit193You're probably right about the plugin thing01:41
dmcglonewhat is the application install path for ubuntu? it's asking me if I want to install in /opt but it doesn't exsist01:44
Unit193 /usr/share01:46
Unit193I *think*01:47
Cheri703 /usr/bin perhaps?01:47
dmcglonenever mind, I found it with synaptic01:48
Unit193Was she right? (mine was config?)01:49
dmcgloneI don't know, I found it in synaptic01:50
dmcglonealready rolled01:51
dmcgloneI hate .bin files01:51
Unit193How about .tar.gz01:51
dmcglonehate em too. too much work LOL01:54
Unit193I don't use them... wayyy too lazy...01:54
dmcglonetar -xzf blahblah.tar.gz01:55
dmcglonesudo make install01:55
dmcgloneI'll go with the click01:55
Unit193I wouldn't extract via CLI01:56
Unit193dmcglone: What would be the reason to use PGP in email (besides Ubuntu CoC)01:56
dmcgloneI used to use PGP, but I figured why. The messages I get aren't that important01:57
Unit193That's about how I see it (and it doesn't work in gmail)01:57
dmcgloneI don't use gmail01:58
Unit193I kinda do, that and T-Bird01:58
dmcgloneI try to stay away from any commercialized e-mail ;-)01:59
dmcgloneYahoo is the worst!01:59
dmcgloneI hate Yahoo with a passion01:59
Unit193Do you use your RR email? (What do you use to host your dmcentral.net one?)02:01
dmcgloneNope I don't use the RR email either. I host my dmcentral one myself02:03
Unit193Using? with IMAP?02:05
dmcgloneIMAP puts POP3 to shame02:07
Unit193What do you use to host it? (easy to use alpine with IMAP, but I don't know how to send....)02:07
Unit193(what progtram)02:08
dmcgloneto send e-mail?02:09
dmcgloneI'm using SMTP02:09
Unit193email server02:09
dmcgloneI'm using my own server02:10
Unit193You programmed your own server? cool...02:10
* Unit193 isn't the best at communication02:11
dmcgloneYou might be thinking what program I use for my e-mail operations right?02:13
dmcgloneit's called postfix02:13
Unit193I kinda know that one... does it have any type of GUI management?02:14
dmcgloneif you use webmin yes02:14
dmcgloneI'm going to get ready for bed Night everyone02:33
Unit193What would happen if he fell over?04:41
Cheri703probably flail04:42
Unit193As in the thing would fall too?04:43
Unit193LibreOffice came out today!04:43
canthus13Unit193: Uh. yay?05:00
BiosElementYippie I suppose05:00
Unit1931I take it to be a good thing...05:06
Unit1931I left?05:10
BiosElementhaha wow05:24
=== Unit193 is now known as Unit193P
=== Unit1931 is now known as Unit193
qazeqazhi all06:57
Unit193Hello qazeqaz06:57
qazeqazthought everyone was dead haha06:57

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