
Kilosmorning superfly . Hows you and family 07:04
Kiloswe been having lotsa power cuts with the rain the last few days07:04
KilosMaaz, coffee on07:05
* Maaz starts grinding coffee07:05
Kilosmorning everyone else too also as well07:05
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!07:09
KilosMaaz, baie dankie07:09
MaazPlesier Kilos07:09
superflyhey Kilos, all is good this side07:16
Kilosgreat 07:17
linuxboysuperfly: tell somaunn netstat 07:36
superflylinuxboy: ok, if I'm around :-P07:37
linuxboyMaaz: tell somaunn netstat07:37
Maazlinuxboy: Got it, I'll tell somaunn on freenode07:37
inetprogood morning07:54
Kiloslo inetpro 08:07
Kiloshoe gaan dit oompie08:07
deegee_inetpro: hello08:09
Kiloshey guys does this mean that only root got control of the floppy08:13
Kilosmiles@P4:~$ ls -l /dev/fd008:13
Kilosbrw-rw---- 1 root floppy 2, 0 2011-01-26 09:46 /dev/fd008:13
Kiloshi walterl deegee_ 08:14
deegee_hi Kilos ...08:15
walterlhi Kilos08:26
superflyKilos: that means that if you want to access it, you need to be part of the "floppy" group08:36
Kilosi did sudo chown -R miles:miles /media/fp008:37
Kilosnow it is open to miles08:37
superflyno, you must not do that08:37
Kiloseish 08:37
superflydo not fiddle with files in /dev08:37
superflyyou will mess your computer up08:37
Kilosspent a coupla days looking at the bug fixes and can mount the floppy with sudo udisks --mount /dev/fd008:39
Kilosbut see nothing on it08:40
superfly<superfly> Kilos: that means that if you want to access it, you need to be part of the "floppy" group08:40
Kilosthe floppy icon in places does nothing08:40
Kilosoh and how do i become part of that group08:41
Kilosbut we will need a ubuntu guys help 08:41
superflyon the command line "sudo adduser miles floppy" 08:41
Kilosi dont know if kubuntu also battles with floppies08:41
Kilosok will do that ty08:42
Kilosnow i done it. it says miles is already a user fo floppy08:43
Kilosthats because of the chown08:43
superflyKilos: WAYTTD08:44
Kiloscan i chown it back to root08:45
Kilosshould i08:46
Kilosdon't worry superfly you are much too busy and i just wanted to get some books off floppies to sore on here08:50
Kilosstill have time ty08:50
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drubinMaaz: tell nuvolari goeie goeie verjaarsdag! Happy Happy all around hey!16:42
Maazdrubin: Got it, I'll tell nuvolari on freenode16:42
superflydrubin: "gelukkige" AFAIK is the correct Afrikaans16:45
superflyor "veels geluk met jou verjaarsdag"16:46
drubinsuperfly: Dankie.16:47
* drubin tried16:47
superflymy Afrikaans is rusty, thanks to disuse16:48
drubindisuse? 16:54
superflyyeah, dis-use, I don't use it much16:55
drubinI read it as "disuse" like something arb16:56
inetprogood evening17:55
inetprodrubin: ping17:55
Kiloshi inetpro 17:55
inetprohi Kilos17:55
drubininetpro: pong18:01
inetprodrubin: how's you doing today?18:02
drubininetpro: good good and you?18:02
inetprohad a very busy day but am doing ok18:03
inetprodrubin: I was just thinking of posting something to the guy who asked about access 18:03
inetprobut then decided against it18:03
inetprosorry to bother18:03
drubininetpro: Post it... it can't heart18:04
inetprodrubin: eish, no18:04
inetproI think marcog's post was ok18:04
inetprodon't want to waste my time18:05
marcoginetpro: no harm more knowledgable people telling them they're being ignorant not looking at real alternatives :)18:06
* inetpro gets very worked up about anything in access18:07
drubinand so you should be18:07
marcogso do i18:07
inetpromarcog: I like the following: "its very nature encourages users to create "little" applications which become "not so little applications". Then the user leaves and I have to support..."18:08
inetprofor the sake of others not on the mailing list ^^18:09
marcoginetpro: i'm not so sure that matters in the context of teaching18:09
inetpromarcog: you will be surprised18:09
marcoghow many people go away from IT and use access in the real world?18:10
marcoginetpro: perhaps18:10
inetprothere are a many of these crappy access "solutions" out there18:10
inetproand the worst of all is that many of them still believe they know something about computers18:11
inetproif they have done this "massive" thing on access18:12
marcogi think that's worth adding on the list18:12
marcogi don't think teachers would really be aware of what happens after school18:12
marcogand what is required18:12
inetpromarcog: honestly, I'll rather stay out of it18:12
marcogfair enough18:13
inetpromarcog: perhaps it's just the mood that I'm in after a rough day, so better to stay out of it :-)18:35
marcoginetpro: np, i've had similar feelings about that list at times18:36
inetproI hate meetings, and I just had one to many today and another grueling one tomorrow18:36
drubinme needs to learn when not to post things18:38
inetprodrubin: it's not worth it most of the time18:39
drubinbut must post ....18:40
inetprodrubin: it's a catch 2218:41
drubinI think my biggest problem is trying to stay awake till at least 1018:41
inetprowell I really wish that I could educate the (some) educators about technology but I have come to realise that it's just about an impossible task18:44
drubinwell only because people's willingness to learn has just stoped18:45
inetproand there's just not enough time in a day18:45
marcoginetpro: i disagree, i've had great experiences with a handful of them18:45
drubinmarcog: he mentioned "some"18:46
marcogand for those cases, the impact it has on all their learners is worth it for me18:46
inetpromarcog: I'm speaking for myself18:46
drubininetpro: at one point I was doing 18 -20 hour days18:46
drubinit helps but unsustainable18:46
marcogdrubin: just saying it's not impossible18:47
drubinmarcog: it is impossible to get through to "some people"18:47
drubinie some spesifc people18:47
drubinMaaz: spell spesific18:47
Maazdrubin: Suggestions: specific18:47
drubinye that one thanks Maaz 18:48
marcogdrubin: yes some, sure18:48
marcoglike the ones who chose delphi :(18:48
drubinmarcog: even suggested oo don't say it Java over delphi18:49
superflyas much as I love Delphi, it's not really suited to teaching programming concepts19:01
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:24
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