
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
karnion one hand, Python beauty lies in dynamic typing, on the other hand, it's such a pain to port pieces of that to statically typed language00:47
kklimondakarni: but then that's not really python's fault that it's more flexible than Java :)01:02
karnikklimonda: I know. I didn't say it's 'fault of Python'01:02
lifelessproving that python is not more flexible since 1999 (or something)01:35
AJenbovideoen vare over 3 minutter så jeg skulle have set dit indlæg inden for 25 sec :)01:54
kklimondalifeless: it doesn't work on Android afair :/01:56
lifelesskklimonda: thats cause android isn't Java™01:59
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
ralsinagood morning!12:28
alecuI mean, hola13:00
alecuhola nessita!13:09
nessitahola alecu13:10
nessitaa quarter of Córdoba is out of electricity13:10
alecuoh, ouch!13:10
alecuwhere are you working from?13:10
nessitaright now, my mother and father in law's13:11
nessitabut they were out of power as well, until just now13:11
nessitaayways, I'm here, let's do some hacking!13:11
alecucatch a bus, I have some office space here!13:12
duanedesignhello alecu nessita13:31
alecuhi duane!13:31
alecunessita, I have a question regarding testing the import of modules...13:31
alecunessita, I have to test a conditional module import, but .patch will not patch things that have not been imported yet...13:32
nessitaalecu: shoot13:32
aleculet me find an url to the code...13:32
nessitaalecu: right, I did that by using sys.modules, let me point you to the example13:32
nessitaalecu: ubuntuone/controlpanel/tests/test_utils.py13:33
aleculooking, thanks!13:33
duanedesigncordoba...Argentina, right?13:33
nessitaalecu: I said that by heart, I'll confirm in a few minutes13:33
nessita(i'm in the middle of a syncdaemn bug report)13:34
alecuI trust your heart13:34
nessitaalecu: yeah, that file, for example: sys.modules[CONSTANTS_MODULE] = None  # force ImportError13:38
alecuCardinalFang, dobey, mandel, nessita, ralsina, thisfred, vds: standup in 2'13:58
ralsinaoh, right, ack!13:58
* ralsina has no notes!13:58
alecuhey thisfred! how are you today?13:58
thisfredalecu: better13:58
thisfredalecu: ah, I just saw your mail to neil: I spoke to him yesterday13:58
alecuthisfred, oh, you did?13:59
thisfredalecu: the progress bar API is unlikely to land before alpha 213:59
thisfredwhich may mean we won't have it in time for natty at all13:59
thisfredalecu: I already spoke with ralsina about it briefly and meant to discuss it with you too13:59
thisfredalecu: the best idea seems to build all the infrastructure anyway14:00
thisfredso when it does land, we only have have to hook up the new api calls14:00
alecuthisfred, should I send another email to neil saying "sorry!"14:00
thisfredalecu: I'll reply, it's no big deal, my communication fail14:01
alecuthisfred, no problem, I already replied with a "sorry" :-)14:02
* ralsina looks fordobey's homephone number14:04
ralsinahi dobey :-)14:04
ralsinavds ping?14:04
ralsinathisfred, say me14:04
thisfredsry was typing a mail14:05
ralsinacool, nessita start14:05
nessitaDONE: packaging of u1cp, ussoc, landed string tweaks and added support and14:05
nessitafollow us buttons, several chats with tons of people, reported chicharra bugs14:05
nessitaTODO: start with shares subscription functionaility14:05
nessitaBLOCKED: power outages all over Córdoba14:05
nessitaNEXT: alecu14:05
alecuthisfred, even if this lands after alpha2 we should be able to track their branches to make sure we talk to that api by alpha 3, even if it's not working14:05
alecuDONE: found bug in twisted, submitted patch: http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/4823 Also found a (slow....) workaround for us in the branch up for review: lp:~alecu/ubuntuone-client/aggregate-file-events14:05
alecuTODO: work on new udf/shares events14:05
mandelCardinalFang: you or me?14:07
ralsiname, but alecu is not finished? ;-)14:07
alecuI am!14:07
ralsinaok, then me14:08
ralsinaDONE: reviews, team leads call, did my canonicaladmin work, read code.14:08
ralsinaTODO: reviews, management stuff, someday actual coding ;-)14:08
ralsinaBLOCKED: no14:08
ralsinaLOVE: rain14:08
ralsinaHATES: heat14:08
CardinalFangDONE: Landed fix for #705448.  Prematurely proposed another branch for merging.  (Sorry.)  Worked on tests.  Looked over upstream changes to Subsonic client.14:08
CardinalFangTODO: Fix tests and land fix for #706939.14:08
CardinalFangBLOCKED: Can't get mocker.replace() to work.  Harrassing niemeyer.14:08
CardinalFangmandel, please.14:08
mandelDONE:Fixed multithreading bug in my branch which lead to a bug of tritcask on windows in which you get a exceptions.IOError: [Errno 0] Error when trying to write to the file. Seek on python 2.x is buggy on windows, hurray! Made a branch to fix it.14:08
mandelTODO: Fix the above, help to set up env for people in chicarra for windows testing. Need to talk with alecu about pyflakes error. Try to get all tests pass on windows14:08
mandelBLOCKED: no14:08
mandelHATE: dog throwing up on the sofa14:08
mandeldobey, please14:08
dobeyλ DONE: rbox plug-in nightlies fixes, ubuntuone-client release, triage14:08
dobeyλ TODO: 3rd party apis?, evaluate SRUs for maverick, lucid bugs14:08
dobeyλ BLCK: None.14:08
thisfredDONE: mostly  out with a cold | talked to Neil Patel about progress bar api ETA TODO: finish messaging, build progress infrastructure in the aggregator (even if the PB API is not there yet) BLOCKED: sinuses14:08
dobeyvds: you're up14:09
vdsDONE: second branch for #701029 landed third will be proposed after running tests14:09
vdsTODO: again and again...continuing with the views and keep checking that the back end does what it is supposed to do14:09
vdsBLOCKED: no14:09
vdsthisfred: please14:09
dobeythisfred was impatient14:09
ralsinaSo, that's everyone.Comments?14:09
ralsinavds: I don't know if you saw it , but sorry but I can't review your branch. beuno said he would take a look.14:10
vdsralsina, yup, no problem, the branch landed14:11
ralsinaI have only natty nowadays and server+natty = fail it seems14:11
ralsinavds: cool.14:11
nessitaeveryone: please use the word 'bug' when referencing a bug # so the bot can show the link here (#123456 is not enough for it)14:11
ralsinaIf anyone needs reviews, please tell me14:11
alecuralsina, https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/aggregate-file-events/+merge/4749214:12
alecumandel, pyflakes!14:12
ralsinaalecu: looking!14:12
nessitanothing more on my end14:12
alecuralsina, I'm adding a note on how to test it.14:12
mandelalecu: so, I  fixed the issues you mentioned except some that I have not clue of how to do properly, I was wondering if you could take a look14:12
ralsinaone last thing: congrats on the release, it seems to be working well for everyone trying it :-)14:12
mandelalecu: maybe you know how to get around it14:13
nessitaralsina: yey!14:13
alecumandel, I'll give it a look in 5'14:13
* ralsina points in the direction of the salt mines and waves dismissively14:14
mandelalecu: thx14:14
alecuralsina, comment added to the proposal14:15
ralsinaalecu: cool14:16
* thisfred whistles hi-ho hi-ho, it's off to work we go14:16
alecuthisfred, I can sure use your review on that branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/aggregate-file-events/+merge/4749214:16
thisfredalecu: I'm on it!14:16
mandelralsina: if you have time for a quick review: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/desktopcouch/fix_pep8_from_windows/+merge/4743314:18
mandelvds: youcan do that one too if you want ^14:19
nessitaCardinalFang: how's the desktpocouch deadlock fic going?14:19
vdsmandel, sure14:19
mandelvds: thx!14:20
ralsinamandel: yes14:24
mandelralsina: I thin vds was faster :)14:25
ralsinamandel: approved. Didn't actually run pep8 on it, but I am trusting you did ;-)14:25
CardinalFangnessita, I'm trapped in tests.  migration, u1 pairing, both use functions that try to connect to a couchdb after using DBus to discover the port.  I hope to have it fixed before half this day is over.14:25
mandelralsina: but this one will also be very welcome: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/fix_tritcask_windows/+merge/4753214:25
ralsinathis is one of those branches where I have to test it on windows?14:26
thisfredIn meaningless news: it's day 15000 of most computer clocks today14:26
ralsinavds: ddon't worry with mandel's branch, it's approved already :-)14:26
CardinalFangthisfred, base ten?  P'shaw.14:27
vdsralsina, ok14:27
mandelralsina: mmm yes, and no, you should but it cannot be done since the code in trunk cannot run the tests on windows14:27
ralsinamandel: so it's a branch to fix a bug on windows that can't be testd on windows. Tricky!14:27
mandelralsina: I've ask also in #chicharra for a review14:27
ralsinamandel: I suppose I could test that it doesn't break on Linux at least14:27
thisfredCardinalFang: well, days themselves are a pretty meaningless measure, so base 10 or base 2 does not make a whole lot of difference ;)14:27
mandelralsina: yes, otherwhise you will have lots of extra code to look at too14:28
ralsinamandel: the patch sure seems harmless anyway14:28
mandelralsina: all my back doors look like that :)14:29
ralsinamandel: ok, on Linux that should be a noop, so I'm approving14:32
ralsinawhy SEEK_END and not SEEK_CUR?14:33
* ralsina lacks a bit of context on that file14:33
alecumandel, perhaps the code at ubuntuone/platform/__init__.py will be of use?14:35
alecumandel, a comment in that file: "very hackish way to avoid "import *" to satisfy pyflakes"14:35
mandelalecu: I have tried that and it bring and interesting problem, if you do that, then u1trial will not be able to load the tests, so not only you have to do that, but youalso have to write code that looks under tests/platform to add the test to the module14:37
mandelalecu: it would be very ugly, right?14:37
alecumandel, yup14:37
mandelalecu: so, the issue here is that I do not want to write some horrible code to avoid a pyflake error on the tests14:38
alecumandel, agree14:39
ralsinamandel: ^14:39
mandelralsina: the answer is that we append to the end, probably SEEK_CUR would wok too14:40
ralsinaI asked because if on Linux we were not doing a seek, then the behaviour may have changed14:40
ralsinaAnd because I have no idea about what that code is supposed to do ;-)14:41
alecunessita, do you have any idea why are we using pyflakes on ubuntuone-client and not pylint?14:42
mandelralsina: the file was open on append mode, that is why CUR and END should both work, right?14:43
ralsinamandel: in an ideal world yes. But in that world you would not have to do the seek ;-) I just approved it anyway.14:43
nessitaalecu: I think is because there are too many pylint errors, which from my POV we should fix instead of hide14:44
nessitaalecu: but I think that dobey knows more accurate info14:44
mandelralsina: yes.. in and ideal world we would not have to deal with windows ;)14:44
alecunessita, now we have pyflakes failing on weird imports and no way to silence it.14:45
dobeyalecu: we switched a long time ago due to weird issues in pylint, and haven't switched back. there are some other issues with pylint now that we can't solve easily though.14:45
nessitaalecu: yeah, I don't know how to silence pyflakes either. dobey, can you give alecu and mandel a hand, please?14:45
dobeypyflakes doesn't have disable comments like pylint does14:46
nessitadobey: which issues, on u1client? (I would like to help fixing them)14:46
dobeywhat warnings are from pyflakes that you can't fix?14:46
nessitaI know in u1sp we have the thing you emailed to the list14:46
mandelalecu, nessita: I though that using pylint comments work, but I failed miserably14:46
dobeynessita: well, the same issues as storage protocol. dealing with the metaclass issues14:47
mandeldobey: this merge proposal: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/fix_runner/+merge/4627514:47
nessitadobey: which class introduces the same issue in the client?14:47
dobeynessita: twisted does, for one14:47
mandeldobey: if you do make check you will see the warnings we want to remove14:48
dobeynessita: and i would presume that it has the same issues from protobuf as well, given it's using storage-protocol14:48
nessitadobey: right, we could ignore the whole storageprotocol dir for that case14:49
dobeynessita: if you want to try to fix some issues, you can just run u1lint without setting USE_PYFLAKES=true, in the client14:49
nessitadobey: I'll give it a quick try14:49
nessitaalecu: ^14:49
dobeynessita: there is no storageprotocol dir in client. but syncdaemon imports from storageprotocol14:50
thisfredalecu: approved, with two questions that are not really related to this branch.14:50
alecudobey, isn't that the same as "make lint"?14:50
dobeyalecu: no, 'make lint' does USE_PYFLAKES="true" to make u1lint use pyflakes instead of pylint14:50
alecudobey, ack. nessita: then using that is for making u1-client use pylint, not for fixing mandel's bug with pyflakes14:52
mandelalecu: if you use u1lint on ubuntuone-client you could go bananas, there are waaay to many warnings14:52
alecuand dobey, nessita: "<mandel> the issue here is that I do not want to write some horrible code to avoid a pyflake error on the tests". And I agree14:52
nessitaalecu: if we switch to pylint mandel can disable whatever he needs14:52
dobeywhat horrible code?14:53
nessitaalecu: what's the problem in particular?14:53
alecunessita, I agree we should switch to pylint as a medium term plan.14:53
alecubut what we need right now is a way of disabling files from being processed by pyflakes.14:53
mandeldobey: similar to the code that was added to ubuntuone/platform/__init.py with the extra work of loading the tests and not only the code from the module, if you do not do that u1trial will fail to load the tests14:53
alecunessita, dobey: https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntuone-client/fix_runner/+merge/4627514:54
ralsinaalecu: had a problem with the aggregate-file-events branch14:54
mandeland using something similar to  ubuntuone/platform/__init.py will create issues with u1trial14:54
alecuralsina, tell me.14:55
ralsinaGot a bunch of these: Traceback (most recent call last):14:55
ralsina  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/logging/handlers.py", line 77, in emit14:55
ralsina    if self.shouldRollover(record):14:55
ralsina  File "/home/ralsina/canonical/ubuntuone/alecu/ubuntuone/logger.py", line 101, in shouldRollover14:55
ralsina    msg = "%s\n" % self.format(record)14:55
ralsina  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/logging/__init__.py", line 719, in format14:55
ralsina    return fmt.format(record)14:55
ralsina  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/logging/__init__.py", line 464, in format14:55
ralsina    record.message = record.getMessage()14:55
ralsina  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/logging/__init__.py", line 328, in getMessage14:55
ralsina    msg = msg % self.args14:55
dobeymandel: so add tests/platform/__init__.py to the ignore list in pylintrc14:55
ralsinaTypeError: float argument required, not unicode14:55
ralsinaLogged from file sync.py, line 27414:55
ralsinaOops :-(14:55
nessitadobey: u1lint on a random file (ubuntuone/syncdaemon/action_queue.py) will not end14:55
alecuthisfred, thanks for the review, I'm replying to the threading ideas.14:56
dobeynessita: huh?14:56
mandeldobey: ok, if that is the best thing to do, I'll go for it14:56
ralsinasorry about the text wall, channel14:56
nessitadobey: yeah, is running using 100% cpu and does not finish14:56
dobeynessita: u1lint has no arguments. it lints everything in the tree14:56
nessitadobey: argh!14:56
mandeldobey: I was hoping for some very smart answer instead ;)14:56
nessitadobey: ok, I'll use pylint then14:56
dobeyralsina: also that pastebin is 40414:57
* ralsina is having a bad keyboard day14:58
ralsinaalecu: ^14:58
* dobey uploads the ftbfs fix for u1client14:59
dobeystupid gir file14:59
ralsinaalecu: other than that, the notifications popup nicely15:01
alecuralsina, nice!15:02
alecuralsina, do you have that same issue on trunk?15:02
ralsinaalecu: haven't tried this on trunk. Let me do it.15:03
alecuralsina, no, it's my branch....15:03
aleculet me check.15:03
ralsinaalecu: ok15:03
gordhey, the Share this folder button doesn't seem to work in firefox 4 beta 9 (what we have in natty), just thought i'd mention it - works okay when i press in chromium15:04
nessitagord: yes, we're having some issues on FF415:05
alecuralsina, hmm... I don't recall touching anything of that in my branch...15:05
alecuralsina, it seems unrelated to my branch. Would you mind trying it on trunk?15:06
ralsinaalecu: np, I'll check it now15:06
gordnessita, ahh okay then, if we already know then no worries15:06
nessitadobey: ok, after a quick try, we should disable (only for u1client), E1101 an E1103, and the rest are pretty much valid complaints from pylint15:09
nessitaanyways, this doesn't help mandel in the immediate term15:09
nessitamandel: what are the errors you're having right now?15:10
ralsinaalecu: yup, same error on trunk15:10
nessitaralsina: file a bug report and assign to ubuntuone-foundations+15:11
ralsinanessita: ok15:11
nessitaI think is just ubuntuone-foundations15:11
ralsinaalecu: approved15:12
ralsinanessita: and it's a bug on what? syncdaemon?15:14
alecuralsina, thanks!15:14
nessitaralsina: ubuntuone-client project15:15
ralsinanessita: ok15:15
nessitamandel: you have trialing spaces on platform/__init__.py15:17
dobeyyeah running pep8 on u1client is scary15:18
nessitaalecu: the fix for that seems simple, and clean, from my POV, let me show you15:18
alecunessita, the fix for mandel's issue?15:20
nessitayeah, one sec, running make lint now15:22
nessitahey didrocks and evilt twin brother didrocks1!15:23
didrocks1hey nessita :)15:24
nessitamandel, alecu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/558582/15:24
nessitawe can even make that a nice function, to avoid code dup15:25
didrocks1nessita: btw, are all the credential dbus interface in natty now? (I should miss a package IMHO)15:27
nessitadidrocks1: they are, yes. I haven't add the fix to support the window_id yet, but they are15:28
nessitadidrocks1: for the u1.credentials one you need ubuntuone-client package installed15:28
didrocks1nessita: weird, I have the latest version and d-feet just show me com.ubuntuone.SyncDaemon*15:30
nessitadidrocks1: well yes, those services are not running all the time, like syncdaemon is15:31
nessitayou have to 'start' them using dbus activation15:31
nessitawanna an example?15:31
nessitadidrocks1: let me link you to an example15:32
alecumandel, if you fix it like nessita says, let me know so I can review.15:32
nessitaalecu: I know is not optimun, but is simple and can make us move forwards15:32
nessitadidrocks1: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntuone-control-tower/ubuntuone-client/trunk/view/head:/ubuntuone/platform/linux/dbus_interface.py#L191915:34
nessitadidrocks1: that comment is old, so '# call ubuntu sso' should read '#call ubuntuone credentials'15:34
* nessita will fix15:34
nessitaok, I need to do some real hacking now for adding subcription to shares. I'll be away from IRC for a while15:34
didrocks1nessita: oh excellent, I was thinking the dbus service was already running, thanks :)15:35
didrocks1nessita: ok, I have all what I need, then, thanks ! :)15:35
hvis there a plan to offer VPS (openvz or xen) in ubuntuone ?15:42
beunohv, not really, no15:43
hvI see15:43
CardinalFanghv, maybe we don't understand.  VPS in Ubuntu One?  What do you mean?15:44
hvCurrently there is the storage plan, I thought application hosting might be coming in the future. probably not.15:47
hvafterall, many of us ubuntu users might know a hint of [web-] programming. so it wasn't that stupid to expect.15:48
CardinalFangEr, like holding and running virulal machines?  We have no plans for that.  Ubuntu One isn't aimed at programmers at all, but at the grandfathers and daughters of people likely to be programmers.  :)15:49
hvhmm, fair enough.15:50
hvshould have asked in launchpad ...15:51
CardinalFanghv, perhaps #ubuntu-cloud ?15:52
dobeysigh, need to fix my server i guess15:54
mandelalecu: nessitas code works, but I feel like we are playing the system… should we be doing this things just to avoid complains from pyflakes?16:03
alecumandel, I don't like it either, but it sounds reasonable for the time being. We should really convince ralsina to let us fix all pylint warnings in order to be able to drop pyflakes16:05
alecumandel, but not right now16:05
mandelalecu: indeed not now16:05
ralsinado I need convincing? N, what we need is 2 more weeks in january ;-)16:05
mandelalecu: I'm uploaded the branch, will ping when done16:06
mandelralsina: and Feb :)16:06
karnihi guys16:07
mandelalecu: feel fre to take a look at that pyflake branch :)16:19
dobeylunch time, bbiab16:21
alecumandel, ack16:21
alecuvds, would you mind reviewing this, and testing on lucid to see if it solves that bug? https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/disable-zg-on-lucid/+merge/4754916:23
alecunessita, the code to test module import was very useful, thanks!16:23
nessitaalecu: prego!16:23
alecunessita, in that branch I added a "patch_module" method, that we may move to a utils place somewhere.16:24
nessitavery nice!16:24
vdsalecu, I'll need some help to test it16:24
alecuvds, just run the tests and then start syncdaemon on lucid.16:25
alecuvds, it should just not show the error that you found today.16:25
alecuvds, please let me know if you need any more help with that. thanks!16:49
vdsalecu, sure16:52
alecumandel, pyflakes seems to be happy now16:52
alecumandel, I'm running all the tests right now, I'll approve in a few minutes16:53
mandelalecu: superb, thx16:53
mandelalecu: that would be the first windows code landing, form there more is to come with green lights on the tests :)16:53
CardinalFangmandel, high-five!16:54
mandelCardinalFang: :)16:54
alecuthisfred, I'm about to start on the backend code for new UDFs/shares... any ideas on how we should define the interfaces for that?16:55
alecuthisfred, I'm mostly interested on which classes/methods your code will provide for that...16:56
thisfredalecu, right, it's very similar to how the notifications work.16:57
thisfredexcept one has to provide callbacks16:57
thisfredalecu: method signature for now looks like this:16:58
thisfred    def show_message(self, subtype, sender, body, callback, message_time=None):16:58
thisfredbut I'm unhappy about the subtype, which is very Ubuntu specific, and will be the same for all our messages, I assume, so I may factor that out into the __init__ of the specific implementation16:59
alecuthisfred, ok about subtype. sender is the person sending the share, right?17:00
alecubody... is the line of text on the menu17:00
alecuand callback?17:00
thisfredbody will be the message, and time is the time it was sent17:00
thisfredcallback will be whatever happens if you click on the message17:00
thisfredi.e. open u1controlpanel to the right tab17:00
alecuthisfred, nice!17:01
thisfredmessage time will be what causes "1m" "2h" etc. to show in the menu17:01
alecuthisfred, in the messaging menu mockups I see that there's an app icon and contact photos as well... do you know if that is implemented at all?17:02
alecuthisfred, also, is there a limit on the amount of lines we add to that menu?17:02
thisfredAFAIK, no limits. I'm not sure about sender icons/avatars, app icons work in maverick already17:03
thisfredI think they are discovered through the .desktop file17:04
thisfredI'm still thinking a little bit about what to set up when: The application line is supposed to be there always, even when 0 messages are there17:06
alecuthisfred, has that method landed already, or is it part of "dammit-janet" ?17:06
thisfredso we can't do that in show_message obviously17:06
thisfredit's in there, which is nearing completion17:06
alecuthisfred, we might be able to do it on startup. Just add a method to put the u1 icon and I'll make sure it gets called when the listener is created.17:08
alecuthisfred, also, what about cleanup? I might be able to set up something to be called when the twisted reactor is turned off.17:09
thisfredalecu: AFAIK for the messaging menu you don't remove stuff even when the app shuts down17:10
thisfredclicking the message should just open the application again17:11
alecuthisfred, oh, right.17:12
alecuthisfred, and how are we supposed to remove the "new shares" icons when they are clicked or when they are shown in the control panel?17:13
thisfredso we actually need to register the application only once17:13
thisfrednot 100% sure, I think they actually remove themselves when clicked, and I don't think they persist across sessions17:14
alecuthisfred, right. But (ideally) we need some way to remove them all at once when one of them is clicked17:15
thisfredbut maybe this needs to happen as part of the callback, I'll investigate that17:15
alecuthisfred, because we show them all together in the control panel...17:15
alecuthisfred, right, making that part of the event handler makes sense17:15
thisfredI'll look into that17:15
DanRabbitclarita: ping17:16
alecumandel, approved17:16
alecumandel, good luck finding another reviewer :-)17:17
* alecu goes to have some lunch!17:17
=== alecu is now known as alecu-lunch
ralsinaguys I am not feeling very well (stomach pain) so while I will stay here, I may not be paying much attention :-(17:26
RoDiMuS-Xhow do I delete files from my ubuntu one account?17:27
ralsinamandel: your pressure was successful ;-)17:29
mandelralsina: hurray! thx :)17:30
dobeyRoDiMuS-X: delete the file on your computer17:35
RoDiMuS-Xi figured it out, just stopped syncing the folder17:40
=== alecu-lunch is now known as alecu
keesis this the best place for questions about Ubuntu One Mobile (specifically music streaming)?20:08
karnikees: here it is20:08
keesI just got an HTC G2, and installed Ubuntu One Music, but nothing seems to work. after I log in to the browser, it wants me to pick my phone, but the HTC G2 is not available, and that's basically it.20:10
beunokees, you may not have the mobile plan, let me check20:10
beunokees, also, it doesn't matter what phone you pick20:10
keesbeuno: ah-ha. I wasn't sure if that was included.20:11
beunokees, it is now20:12
beunoyou're ready to go20:12
beunoeverything should work20:12
* kees re-logs in...20:12
keesbeuno: \o/20:13
* beuno dances20:14
keesbeuno: so, can I log out of Ubuntu SSO in the browser and remain logged in to Ubuntu One Music? (I assume so, if it follows the LP API stuff)20:14
beunokees, yes, it stores the credentials to access music locally20:14
beuno(which is separate from accessing everything else)20:14
keesokay, cool. I thought so, but just wanted to double-check :)20:15
* kees streams music! rock.20:15
beunokees, let me know if you get any hiccups20:15
keesbeuno: cool; I will. I need to haul a bunch of mp3s into the cloud now. I just have a few from the Music Store so far. :)20:16
beunokees, you have an android phone?20:17
beunoif you do, I have secret features for you  :)20:17
beuno(everyone else close there eyes)20:17
keesbeuno: yeah, HTC. T-Mobile calls it the "G2", but I can't figure out if it's the Vision, Dream, or something else20:17
beunoah, right, you said G220:18
dobeykees: google search seems to suggest dream20:21
keesdobey: yeah, though the G2 rooting app calls it vision, IIRC.20:22
keesoh! will I be able to see music that has been shared to me in U1?20:22
beunokees, no, we explicitly leave out shares to avoid things getting out of control20:23
beunobut everything else is in20:23
* kees nods20:23
keesoh, urm. "Error playing ... MediaPlayer error: -131 (0) (Exception)"20:25
beunothat's not nice20:26
beunois this an mp3?20:26
keesoh! no. it was playing for about 5 minutes and died. it was oga. sorry, that's still not all the way done.20:26
beunokees, still, it's interesting to see the logs for that20:27
beunocould you install alogcat and send them to me?20:27
keesbeuno: sure, one sec20:27
beunowell, install, reproduce, send20:27
keesinsane idea: sync photos and videos from phone to U120:31
karnikees: not insane, we're working on it20:34
karnikees: :)20:36
karnikees: in the mean time, you can google AndroidU1 if you haven't seen it before. the new version is/will be much better than that.20:37
karnibeuno: I had to rest a little from the syncdaemon stuff, so I'm working on publishing ATM.20:38
beunokarni, awesome.20:38
karnivds: nessita: are there any docs on the publishing API apart from the syncdaemon/action_queue.py ?20:50
nessitakarni: not that I know of :-/20:51
karninessita: ack20:51
karnimaybe you guys can tell me if -- dict(is_public=bool(self.is_public)) -- means that the value of 'is_public' key is something sort of 'True' and 'False', am I right?20:52
beunokarni, right20:53
karnibeuno: thanks :)20:53
nessitakarni: not sure if you're talking dbus here, but if you are, True is 'True' and False is ´20:54
karninessita: no, just an http request, but thanks!20:55
nessitakarni: ok. Anyway, take into account that bool('False') is True20:56
karninessita: will remember that :)20:56
karninessita: oh, that's Python you mean? good, that's important.20:56
dobeykarni: i don't remember if it's 1/0 or True/False20:56
nessitakarni: ah! you're doing java, right20:57
karnidobey: right.. that's exactly what I'm wondering20:57
karninessita: uhm :)20:57
dobeykarni: but if you're looking at the code it should be obvious what it does20:57
karnidobey: dict(is_public=bool(self.is_public)) -- bool(sth_here) as a value to 'is_public' key. not that obvious either from C/C++ nor Java perspective ;)20:58
karnidobey: but I do know Python has 'True' and 'False'20:58
karnihowever, bool('False') is True (like nessita said) is something I'm happy to know.20:59
dobeyhmm, oh, yeah, that is a bit confusing i guess20:59
karnianyway, Python is reeeeally cool. it's definitely my next language.21:00
ralsinakarni: 'False' isTrue because non-empty strings (and lists,and other  stuff) are True.21:02
karniralsina: definitely makes sense, yes :)21:02
karniralsina: like any non-zero value in C/C++21:02
ralsinaBut I can see how it can be a surprise :-)21:02
karniJava is pretty stupid here ;) (can't say if !5 is true)21:03
karniralsina: yup21:03
ralsinakarni: pretty much, yeah. except things like True=0 can really mess up your day ;-)21:03
dobeykarni: so because str(bool(1)) gives you "True", it's foo=True when the urlencode() happens21:03
karniralsina: hahaha right21:03
karnidobey: great21:04
dobeyralsina: /bin/true && echo $?21:04
ralsinadobey: nope,you can actually changethe meaningof True and False in python, in a way.21:04
karni#define TRUE FALSE // C/C++ ;)21:05
ralsinakarni: like that,but even more messed up :-)21:05
ralsinakarni:  because the non-bool stuff will work right, most ofthe time. Only when you use boolean literals your program gets confusing :-)21:06
ralsinakarni: but that's just a personal gripe with python, you willnot run into it ever21:06
karniralsina: right. :)21:07
ralsinaat least I hope so ;-)21:07
dobeyralsina: yes, i know, you can do it in any language, really.21:07
ralsinadobey: well... not Java, I think.21:08
ralsinaBut then again, in java Boolean("true") is true and Boolean("false") is false so what can I say21:09
keesalright, next up... how do I force U1 to notice file I've added to my ~/Ubuntu One/ directory?21:28
keesu1sdtool -q  u1sdtool -c   doesn't seem to help21:28
ralsinakees: it should do it automatically21:35
keesah, nm, seems to be going now. weird. maybe I'm misunderstanding something in u1sdtool -s's output, but it looks idle21:36
keesor rather, looked21:36
ralsinakees: check the logs.It may take a while to start uploading if you added many files at once21:36
keesralsina: yeah, that's likely it.21:36
ralsinaUnless you have the latest version, metadata takes a while.The good news are, lastest versions areabout 100x faster at that :-)21:37
keesralsina: what in u1sdtool -s would show that?21:41
ralsinakees: let me check21:41
keesralsina: e.g. I see "description: processing queues" but --current-transfers shows 021:41
keesI figure there must be something I should be checking besides -s and --current-transfers21:41
ralsinakees: not really21:42
ralsinakees: at least I don't think you can *see* when it's stuckwith the metadata21:43
ralsinakees: what version of ubuntu are you on?21:43
keesralsina: okay, that explains my confusion, then. I'm running natty21:43
ralsinaok, we did a *great* release for natty yesterday ;-)21:44
keesI'm on 1.5.2-0ubuntu121:44
keesI'll update :)21:44
ralsinaLatest is 1.5.321:45
ralsinaalso check the cool new control panel21:46
dobeycheers all21:49
* nessita -> eods21:58
karniI must have just generated a ridiculous oops, don't read it :D !21:59
* karni laughs21:59
karniCardinalFang: You ever included a jar into android project and encounter NoSuchMethodException?  java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString22:21
karniI can definitely see it's there.. Hmm. I'll try ant, maybe eclipse is playing with me.22:22
CardinalFangkarni, Hrm.  Is the signature the same?  Watch the log on installation, too.22:25
karniCardinalFang: Yes, it compiles and builds nicely.. I'll watch the log carefully.22:26
karniCardinalFang: right, I/dalvikvm( 4909): DexOpt: not resolving ambiguous class 'Lorg/apache/commons/codec/binary/Base64;' -- looks like a conflict.22:29
CardinalFangMmm.  karni, I think I remember reading something about something like this.22:31
CardinalFangkarni, I don't know what, though.  Sorry.22:33
karniCardinalFang: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2047706/apache-commons-codec-with-android-could-not-find-method22:33
karniCardinalFang: np, solved :)22:33
karniCardinalFang: thanks for heads up22:34
CardinalFangkarni, Yep, that was it.  Hah.22:34
CardinalFangOkay, Zzz now.22:34
CardinalFangthisfred, if you're still on for a bit, please run my proposed d-c branch to see if tests work for you.22:35
thisfredCardinalFang: sure thang, beats banging my head against lib indicate22:36
CardinalFangOkay, AFK, at least for 30 minutes.  Checking back after that.22:37
thisfredCardinalFang: when you're back, branch approval from me22:47
thisfredand with that I'm going to EOD medicinally22:48
karnibeuno: could you feed me back with OOPS-ID-1852appserverZBeEcGbfddAecEbdBbbJJCeFFaJDbGcDA212973 ?23:11
CardinalFangthisfred, yay!23:18
karniAnyone with OOPS access :) ?23:20
karniah, found the problem23:20
arch_is_awesomeHey, anyone know how to upload from url?23:30
karniarch_is_awesome: you can't. but you certainly ca: cd ~/Ubuntu\ One && wget url_here23:31
karniarch_is_awesome: there's no possibility to upload a file directly from a url, afaik23:31
arch_is_awesomeMy internet is super duper slow23:31
karniarch_is_awesome: I see23:31
arch_is_awesomeI have a web server23:33
arch_is_awesomeWhich has fast internet23:33
arch_is_awesomeso... any way to speed up a 200 mb upload?23:34
karniHTTP/1.1 200 OK {"is_public":false,"public_url":null} -- I'm doing something wrong..23:36
karniarch_is_awesome: no idea, sorry23:36
arch_is_awesomedoes lynx do uploads?23:36
karniarch_is_awesome: not sure what you are asking. does a webbrowser do uploads?23:37
arch_is_awesomeLike could I install lynx on my server, do a wget then upload through lynx?23:38
karniarch_is_awesome: if you have shell on your cerver, that should be possible. just log in first and try to upload a small .txt file to ubuntu. if it works, go for it.23:38
karniarch_is_awesome: by 'if it works' I mean, if you manage with the UI in text based lynx23:39
arch_is_awesomeubuntu one seems to hate text-based browsers23:39
karniarch_is_awesome: haven't checked, but that's possible :(23:40
karni__lucio__: Chipaca: hey guys. as authors of action_queue.py, could you tell me please how should the publish http request look like? https://one.ubuntu.com/files/api/set_public/[base64 encoded volumeId]:[base64 encoded nodeId]?is_public=True ?23:52
karni__lucio__: Chipaca: I'm asking, because I'm getting HTTP/1.1 200 OK {"is_public":false,"public_url":null} whatever I try23:53
karni__lucio__: Chipaca: btw sorry don't look at the url. is_public='True' is a POST pair, not a GET pair. just asking whether it should be 'True' or 'true' or something else23:54

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