
=== rickspencer3_ is now known as rickspencer3
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kvaloeh, ppa builders have seven days long queue07:12
smspillazdavidbarth: morning :)08:04
MacSlowgreetings everybody08:05
smspillazdavidbarth: I have some more patches + something that might fix the stacking bug and a fix for bug#t68278108:05
smspillazbug 68278108:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 682781 in Unity "empathy buggy list vanish when opened twice using the indicator" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68278108:06
smspillazMacSlow: guten morgen08:07
MacSlowhey smspillaz08:07
smspillaztyping german makes me really want to go back to germany, I was there last year08:07
smspillazdidrocks: morning08:08
MacSlowsmspillaz, wait with that until it's warm again here :)08:08
didrockshey smspillaz, good morning!08:08
MacSlowhey didrocks08:08
didrocksGuten Morgne MacSlow08:08
smspillazdidrocks: I think I have a fix for this gconf issue (can't reproduce it but it is "theoretical")  I will mail you a patch08:08
smspillazit err, *cough* breaks the ABI though08:09
didrockssmspillaz: oh nice08:09
didrocksoh "nice"08:09
didrockssmspillaz: just wait a second08:09
smspillazsure :p08:09
didrockssmspillaz: so, you know what happens? I now see the unity interface before the hang08:09
kvaloMacSlow: do you still have snow?08:09
didrockssmspillaz: if I click on a launcher just before it hangs (it happens 2s after), I can get it crash08:09
didrockssmspillaz: interested in the stacktrace?08:09
smspillazdidrocks: well, the crash happend in Glib::Mainloop::Run - and that is created after gconf is loaded, so maybe it doesn't like that08:10
MacSlowkvalo, thank god no08:10
smspillazdidrocks: that sounds like a completely different issue08:10
didrockssmspillaz: yeah, and that's the one I'm seeing reliably now08:10
smspillazISTR it crashing earlier on08:10
smspillazgive me a stacktrace for this one I guess08:10
didrockssmspillaz: ok, let me install some debug symbols first08:11
smspillazI'd like to merge glib into upstream before the release too08:11
smspillazso then we can just rebase on upstream for A208:11
smspillazdidrocks: also I have a fix for empathy vanishing too08:13
didrockssmspillaz: excellent :)08:13
didrockssmspillaz: ok, let me upgrade without the workaround first to ensure we are on the same basis with the right debug symbols08:19
didrockssmspillaz: I can give it to you without them though08:19
didrockssmspillaz: http://paste.ubuntu.com/559423/08:20
smspillazdidrocks: #2  0x00163ce0 in Glib::Source::unreference (this=0xb6e11380) at main.cc:765 we're doing something wrong here, although it shouldn't impact startup08:28
didrockssmspillaz: well, I clicked on a launcher as said before the interface got frozen08:29
smspillazmaybe something is creating a glib main loop and then trying to quit it08:29
smspillazand of course, there's this bug where we crash on exit08:29
smspillazthat I haven't really gotten around to fixing yet08:30
didrocksyeah, so maybe something wrong happen at initialization and that doesn't work well…08:31
smspillazdidrocks: ok, I'll mail this patch to you08:34
smspillaz(haven't tried it with the unity plugin yet, but it should work)08:34
smspillazdidrocks: I have been checking all my commits with git diff now for cleanliness :)08:35
smspillazso no more random whitespace changes08:35
didrockssmspillaz: nice! :)08:35
didrockssmspillaz: can you just try it with the unity plugin first?08:35
didrockssmspillaz: because as it's an ABI break, I don't want to speak 1h30 of rebuilding for nothing :)08:36
smspillazdidrocks: this is true08:36
didrocksthanks! ;)08:36
smspillazdidrocks: I'll mail it to you for now (so you can build in the background) and test it too08:36
smspillazbecause I'm pretty sure it should work08:36
didrockssmspillaz: well, the issue I'm rather seeing now is the other hang TBH08:38
smspillazoh brilliant08:38
smspillazI did a merge and forgot to commit right after the merge08:38
didrockssmspillaz: if you change the way glib mainloop it handled maybe it can impact it08:38
smspillazso now my local changes are stuck in alongside the merge08:38
smspillaz*cough* I wonder how evil it is to just have that08:39
smspillazsince I don't know how to fix it08:39
didrockssmspillaz: well, the other changes are already in the package?08:40
smspillazI think so08:40
smspillazthats the problem08:41
smspillazwell, I have everything open08:41
smspillazmaybe I can just reset, then git stash, then commit the merge, then merge the stashed branch08:41
didrocksnot sure about git :)08:42
smspillazI think I'll need to just get the diff, reset, pull from master and then do edit the diff till it applies >.>08:49
didrockssmspillaz: good luck ;)08:50
dbarth_packaging issue?08:57
smspillazdbarth_: nah, me forgetting to do something with git issue :)08:57
didrocksdbarth_: what?08:57
didrockstrying something for the hang, brb08:58
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didrockssmspillaz: hold on, I know from where the hang is coming!09:02
smspillazurgh, ok, applying the whole thing manually09:02
smspillazgo on09:02
didrocksit's only if I have unity-places-* installed09:02
didrocksdbarth_: ^^09:02
didrocksomer26 rocks!09:02
smspillazah yes09:02
smspillazdidrocks: grep unity-places stuff for g_main_loop_quit09:03
didrockssmspillaz: I'll, first need to thanks omer26 :)09:03
smspillazthanks omer26!09:03
smspillazhi njpatel09:06
didrocks(on this bug report, FYI: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/683328)09:06
njpatelhey smspillaz09:07
didrockssmspillaz: no ABI break for the empathy patch?09:07
njpateldidrocks, smspillaz, using latest compiz and latest defaults, excellet job guys :)09:07
didrocksnjpatel: I'll change two more settings for alpha2 btw, so you will need to reset soon to get the latest and greatest :)09:08
njpatelheh, will do :)09:08
kamstrupcompiz (core) - Error: Plugin 'core' has ABI version '20110126', expected ABI version '20110113'.09:08
kamstrupwhy do I always get ABI snafu whenever I update_09:09
didrockskamstrup: any reason you don't use the packages?09:09
didrocksI'm not sure you need compiz trunk :)09:09
didrocksseems duplicating the effort of rebuilding everything and such09:10
didrocks(furthermore, you don't have the same default than us)09:10
kamstrupdidrocks: so you suggest that we just submit branches without compiling or testing them? I can do that09:10
didrockskamstrup: did you submit branch of compiz?09:10
kamstrupdidrocks: no, and I didn't install it from source either09:11
didrockskamstrup: oh ok, it's unity bailing then, I was thinking it was because you rebuild compiz in jhbuild :)09:11
didrockskamstrup: my bad then, yeah, ABI is changing often09:11
njpatelhah compiz jhbuild09:12
kamstrupnjpatel: btw - is the compiz branch dbarth_ imported into LP the "official" one for Natty?09:12
didrockskamstrup: just think than everytime the ABI is changing, I have to rebuild 5 packages (and hate sam of course!) ;)09:12
kamstrupdidrocks: i just reinstalled *nux* *compiz* and *unity* packages, and I still get the ABI break... I think that maybe a source install of nux or unity overrides something the packages doesn't touch?09:13
didrockskamstrup: yeah, do you have the unity plugin in ~/compiz-1 ?09:14
kamstrupsource instal of anything => eternal doom09:14
kamstrupdidrocks: lemme check09:14
candokamstrup, maybe i don't help you..but i get your same error yesterday...i've reinstalled also plugins-main and plugin-extra09:14
candoand now works09:14
didrockskamstrup: I have the same issue there and I rm -rf /usr/local/***, that's not good :/09:14
njpatelkamstrup, i believe so, but we always carry distropatches so better to use what's in natty09:15
didrockskamstrup: ~/.compiz-1/plugins/libunityshell.so09:15
didrocks~/.compiz-1/metadata/unityshell.xml for the referential09:15
didrocksthen, you should have leftovers in /usr/local/share/unity/, /usr/local/lib/*unity*, /usr/local/bin/unity09:16
didrocks(and also the locales of courses… in /usr/local/share/locale/…)09:16
didrockskamstrup: I'll make a script "remove/destroy my local unity" for next release, that will be easier09:17
kamstrupdidrocks: indeed I appeared to have the local plugin - i need to kill someone for doing that when I specifically request another install dir...09:17
kamstrupnjpatel: so who do I need to kill for lp:unity installing into my homedir even when i set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX?09:18
didrockskamstrup: well, I know who played a lot with compiz cmake… ;-)09:18
didrockskamstrup: I think that's compiz to detect the plugins TBH09:18
njpatelkamstrup, smspillaz's neck is especially nice to hold during cmake issues09:18
didrocksall the rest is installed elsewhere09:19
njpatelkamstrup, it's autodetected from compiz's cmake stuff09:19
didrocksjust not the metadata and the plugin09:19
njpatelkamstrup, -DCOMPIZ_PLUGIN_INSTALL_TYPE=local is what defines installation of the plugin09:19
smspillazdidrocks: nope09:20
* kamstrup needs to restart09:20
didrockssmspillaz: you mean, you can install the metadata and the plugin wherever you want and compiz can detect it?09:20
didrockssounds "magical" :)09:20
smspillazdidrocks: either to ~/.compiz or to $COMPIZ_PREFIX09:20
smspillazdidrocks: I could make an install manifest file that goes in ~/.compiz or $COMPIZ_PREFIX (depending on the user?) so that you can install plugins anywhere you want09:21
smspillazbut that sounds like more trouble than its worth09:21
didrockssmspillaz: or we can maybe play with symlinks for now :)09:21
smspillazdidrocks: I think in the CMakeLists.txt we should make COMPIZ_PLUGIN_INSTALL_TYPE default to package09:22
didrockssmspillaz: hum, doesn't that set the prefix to /usr instead of /usr/local?09:22
smspillazdidrocks: it sets it to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX09:23
smspillazkamstrup: -DCOMPIZ_PLUGIN_INSTALL_TYPE=package09:23
smspillazwe'll make it the default :)09:23
didrockssmspillaz: oh? so that can be interested, as long as it doesn't install in /usr by default, I'm all for it :)09:23
kvalokamstrup: does vala have pop() for string[]?09:24
smspillazdidrocks: sure09:25
kamstrupkvalo: nope, strings and arrays are immutable afaic09:30
kamstrupwow, xchat has some really messed up rendering since the last round of x/compiz/theworld updates09:31
aquarius_didrocks, njpatel, ping ;)09:35
didrockshey aquarius_09:35
aquarius_didrocks, I'm having unity problems (specifically, it isn't starting :)) I don't have unity-place-applications or -files installed (I would have thought that an upgrade should pull them in, but it doesn't seem to have done). njpatel said I should come and talk to you09:37
didrocksaquarius_: do you see the unity interface still or nothing at startup?09:38
aquarius_didrocks, no unity interface at all.09:39
didrocksaquarius_: ok, can you pastebin ~/.xsession-errors?09:39
aquarius_didrocks, I killed compiz, metacity --replace, gnome-terminal, then unity --replace from inside that gnome-terminal...09:40
didrocksor the output :)09:40
aquarius_and the terminal window just went solid grey and nothing else happened :)09:40
aquarius_no output. Will get xsession errors09:40
didrocksaquarius_: ok, try to start your session, then go a tty, and paste the xsession-erros :)09:40
aquarius_didrocks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/559455/09:41
didrockshum, weird, unityshell is loading, you don't have any ABI issue09:42
didrocksaquarius_: do you have a .crash in /var/crash/ ?09:42
aquarius_$ ls /var/crash09:42
aquarius_compiz-gnome. Hm.09:43
aquarius_except that I believe that the compiz-gnome crash was on *installation*, not on running, and I fixed that with apt-get -f install. I think.09:44
didrocksyeah, it's not that one09:44
didrocksso… can you still09:45
didrocksdpkg -l compiz, dpkg -l unity, dpkg -l compiz-fusion-plugins-main09:45
didrockssmspillaz: look at the htorque's comment on https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/68278109:48
aquarius_ii  compiz         1: OpenGL window and compositing manager09:48
aquarius_ii  compiz-fusion- Compiz Fusion plugins - main collection09:48
aquarius_ii  unity          3.2.16-0ubuntu Interface for Ubuntu Desktop Edition09:48
aquarius_didrocks, ^09:48
didrocksaquarius_: apt-cache policy or bigger terminal for the two first one, please :)09:50
aquarius_haha! oops :)09:51
aquarius_compiz - 1:, compiz-fusion-plugins-main       
didrocksall sounds fine then09:52
didrocksaquarius_: and so, you still see compiz running at start?09:52
didrocksaquarius_: do you have the same issue in the classic session?09:52
aquarius_didrocks, don't know if I see compiz or not. I get my desktop background and that's it09:53
aquarius_haven't tried the classic session...09:53
didrocksaquarius_: can you try the classic session first? (that will help)09:53
aquarius_didrocks, I can once I've finished all the other conversations I'm having about work and so can log out ;)09:54
didrocksaquarius_: ok ;)09:54
smspillazdidrocks: I'll look into it09:56
smspillazoh, I should mail you this patch09:59
smspillazI haven't tested it with unity yet (fixing another bug) but it should work09:59
kamstrupsmspillaz: i need your divine insight for a bit...10:01
kamstrupsmspillaz: can you off the bat tell which threads there are in compiz?10:01
didrockssmspillaz: what patch?10:01
didrocksthe empathy one?10:02
smspillazkamstrup: there is only one10:06
kamstrupsmspillaz: ok glad to hear :-)10:06
kamstrupsmspillaz: I'm tracking down a most vicked deadlock and the less threads to track the better :-)10:07
smspillazkamstrup: ah yes :)10:07
smspillazdidrocks: I mailed you the glib one. it is untested against unity though10:07
didrockssmspillaz: didn't I ask you to test it? as It will take me 1h30 to rebuild everything for the ABI break for maybe nothing?10:08
smspillazdon't have time right now :) I'm fixing another stacking bug10:08
didrockssame here10:08
smspillazok, it can wait then :p10:08
smspillazI'll just mail it to you for now10:08
didrocksyeah, as we can't reproduce it anymore10:08
smspillazwell I mean, the backtrace you gave me last night was crashing in Glib::MainLoop::Run, so that gave me a good idea of what is going on10:09
smspillazin any case, this patch does not break anything10:09
didrockswell, we don't know with unity10:09
smspillazyeah :)10:10
smspillazI will test that10:10
didrocksand it's an ABI break again, so rebuilding everything :)10:10
didrocksnot sure it worth risking this now for alpha210:10
didrocksas long as we don't have bug report about people getting it10:10
smspillazdidrocks: the workaround we've got now increases startup time10:10
smspillazthat's the thing :/10:10
didrockssmspillaz: it's been dropped since yesterday, you were there :)10:10
smspillazwe dropped the workaround ?10:11
didrocksthere is still the other one for dconf and unity10:11
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smspillazurhg, ok, cannot figure out what's going with gnome-terminal10:12
* smspillaz drops that issue10:12
htorquesmspillaz: hi, about the empathy thing (bug 682781): the buddy list wasn't visible before applying the patch, so this could very well be a separate bug10:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 682781 in Unity "empathy buggy list vanish when opened twice using the indicator" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68278110:16
htorquesmspillaz: it also seems not to happen after every workspace switch10:17
smspillazhtorque: it is a similar bug10:19
smspillazI know what it is10:19
smspillazI'm just looking into why it happens now10:19
smspillazhtorque: seems that the decoration window is being destroyed10:19
smspillazhtorque: will have a fix in 1 - 1.5h10:25
smspillaz(if the bug isn't complicated, which I don't think it is)10:26
htorquesmspillaz: nice :-)10:26
smspillazI really need to write a workspace switcher for the 2D mode, that would make my life so much easier10:26
aquariusdidrocks, I confirm that I have the same problem with the classic desktop, so that suggests it's compiz. Also, I got a compiz crash complaint from apport, and so filled out https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/70916110:46
didrocksaquarius: oh nice, let's wait for a retrace then :)10:46
aquariusdidrocks, what's a retrace?10:46
aquariusdidrocks, is that where one of you guys runs a thing over my core dump? Or do I need to do that?10:48
didrocksaquarius: exactly, you need to do nothing if the report is fine, let me look10:49
aquariusdidrocks, I'm happy to provide any more information you guys might need, as long as you don't try and make me actually fix the problem since my C-fu is weak ;)10:49
didrocksaquarius: can you subscribe me and smspillaz to the bug report please? I don't know why I can't have access10:50
aquariusdidrocks, done. I think that might be because it said "this will contain your gdm logs, which might be sensitive information"10:50
didrocksyeah, but I should as a core-dev have access to it… weird10:51
aquariusdidrocks, what sensitive information might it contain? If it's not *really* sensitive, I'm happy to mark the bug public.10:51
didrocksaquarius: not sure, #ubuntu-x would know, I never saw sensitive information apart from your login name :)10:51
didrockshum, that's a new bug10:52
didrockssmspillaz: maybe something to take into account quite seriously ^^10:53
didrockssmspillaz: see the Stacktrace.txt file10:53
aquariusdidrocks, smspillaz, that file says that I don't have symbol info: would it be helpful if I installed some -dbg package or other and recreated the bug? Or do you have enough info from the bug already?10:54
smspillazhtorque: try the patch I just attached on the bug report10:54
* smspillaz prepares for a long night10:54
smspillazdidrocks: seems that one of my recent patches has reintroduce the stacking bug :/ tracing which one it is10:55
didrocksaquarius: depends, do you have some time right now? :)10:55
smspillazdinner first though10:55
=== smspillaz is now known as smspillaz|dinner
didrockssmspillaz: sure, enjoy10:55
aquariusdidrocks, I have a little time; having a working desktop is important, so I can devote a small amount of time to it :)10:55
didrocksaquarius: do you still have the .crash file in /var/crash/ ?10:56
didrocksaquarius: you should still have the classic session (No Effect) as a backup :)10:56
didrocks(it launches metacity)10:56
aquariusdidrocks, I have a _usr_bin_compiz.1001.crash file in /var/crash, yes10:56
didrocksok, nice10:56
didrocksaquarius: so, apt-get install libglibmm-2.4-1c2a-dbgsym libglib2.0-0-dbg compiz-core-dbgsym compiz-plugins-dbgsym compiz-gnome-dbgsym libstartup-notification0-dbgsym10:58
didrocksthen apport-unpack /var/crash/_usr_bin_compiz.1001.crash /tmp/compizcrash10:59
didrockscd /tmp/compizcrash10:59
didrocksgdb /usr/bin/compiz CoreDump10:59
didrocksapply all thread bt full10:59
didrocksand paste the output :)10:59
=== MacSlow|cops is now known as MacSlow
didrocks(apport will do that for you on launchpad, but we can stil win some time doing it locally)11:00
aquariusdidrocks, none of those packages exist. :(11:01
aquariusdo I need some extra repo enabled?11:01
didrocksaquarius: oh sorry, you need the ddeb repository11:01
didrocksone sec11:01
didrocksaquarius: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash11:01
didrocksecho "deb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com $(lsb_release -cs) main restricted universe multiverse" |11:02
didrockssudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ddebs.list11:02
didrocksthen apt-get update…11:02
aquariusdidrocks, (gdb) apply all thread bt full11:08
aquariusUndefined command: "apply".  Try "help".11:08
smspillaz|dinnerdidrocks: I am hitting this hang too now11:08
smspillaz|dinnerlet me try and apply this patch11:08
didrockssmspillaz|dinner: this == aquarius' one?11:08
didrocksaquarius: hang on, it's thread apply all bt full11:09
aquariusdidrocks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/559475/ is the output I think11:11
didrocksaquarius: excellent :)11:11
smspillaz|dinnerdidrocks: its the one where removing the workaround makes compiz hang on start11:11
didrockssmspillaz|dinner: ^^11:11
didrocksyou mean, we are heading to add a third time my ugly workaround? :)11:12
smspillaz|dinnerdidrocks: no, I'm going to try my solution11:12
didrockssmspillaz|dinner: ok, then maybe we can propose it to aquarius to confirm it works (I'll prepare the packages in a ppa)11:13
smspillaz|dinnerdidrocks: let me see if it works here first! :)11:13
smspillaz|dinnerso to add a new patch to series, I need to bzr bd-do; export QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches; quilt-push -f 100_fix_mainloop.patch; quilt refresh; exit 0 right?11:14
aquariushooray, I shall be running not *just* alpha packages from natty, but also not-even-released PPA packages! I am so cool. OMG I'M GOING SO FAST OH F***11:14
smspillaz|dinnerwith patches from the upstreams themselves11:14
smspillaz|dinneryour request is important to us :)11:14
=== smspillaz|dinner is now known as smspillaz
didrockssmspillaz: nooo!11:14
smspillazI didn't really have dinner, that was a false alarm from lurking parents :p11:15
didrocksaquarius: well, oneconf is crashing because of desktopcouch right now, do you want to trade? :p11:15
didrockssmspillaz: ahah :)11:15
didrockssmspillaz: so11:15
didrockssmspillaz: bzr bd-do; export QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches;11:15
aquariusdidrocks, touché ;)11:15
didrocksquilt new 100_fix_mainloop.patch ; quilt add <every files you will touch>11:15
didrocksquilt refresh11:16
didrocksexit 011:16
didrocksaquarius: héhé ;)11:16
smspillazdidrocks: by "every files you will touch, you mean every file in the src right?11:16
didrockssmspillaz: no, the file that will be affected by your patch11:16
* smspillaz does that11:16
didrocks(do that before applying your patch!)11:16
didrocksthere is another solution with edit-patch as a wrapper but I don't want to trouble you with yet-another-way :)11:17
smspillazdidrocks: I'm getting dpkg-source: error: cannot read compiz- after bzr bd11:23
smspillazdid I miss something?11:23
didrockssmspillaz: bzr add?11:24
smspillazdidrocks: ah, right :P11:24
smspillazdo I need to do that in bzr bd-do ?11:25
didrocksno, after exit 011:26
smspillazargh :/ even when applying this patch using quilt it still fails to apply11:30
didrockssmspillaz: on all files?11:31
didrocksthat's because quilt is expecting -p111:31
didrocksnot -p011:31
smspillazdidrocks: right11:31
didrocksand git diff generate -p011:31
smspillazso how do I fix that? :)11:31
smspillazI'm using git format-patch11:32
didrocksquite easily, sed to prepend "foo"11:32
didrocksyeah, git format-patch is doing the same11:32
didrockswell, prepend "foo/" even :)11:32
smspillazmy bash skills are not exactly brilliant :)11:32
smspillazso sed -e foo/ 100_fix_mainloop.patch ?11:33
didrockshum… no :)11:33
didrockscan you pastebin the patch?11:33
didrockssmspillaz: it's already in -p1 format11:35
didrockssmspillaz: so, it should work without any issue11:35
smspillazhrm ok, it doesn't seem to apply11:36
didrockssmspillaz: ok, just bzr revert11:36
didrocksthen cp <your_patch> debian/patches/100_fix_mainloop.patch11:36
didrocksecho 100_fix_mainloop.patch >> debian/patches/series11:36
didrocksbzr add11:37
didrocksbzr bd11:37
didrocksjust to ensure it doesn't apply first :)11:37
smspillazyeah, it doesn't apply11:37
didrocksok, so now11:38
didrocksbzr bd-do11:38
didrocksquilt push -f 100_fix_mainloop.patch11:38
smspillazit fails11:38
didrocksdo some chunks applies or it's rejected everywhere?11:38
smspillazit's rejected everywhere11:38
didrockshum, weird, let me try there11:38
didrockssmspillaz: can you pastebin to pastebin.com or somewhere I can download the file without credentials? (hard in wget…)11:39
didrockssmspillaz: ?11:44
smspillazdidrocks: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=0VsiM4Mk11:50
didrockssmspillaz: excellent, thanks! :)11:50
didrocksahah, I needed to remove some html, but it's fine :)11:52
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didrockssmspillaz: it doesn't fail on every file11:53
didrockssmspillaz: just some chunks don't apply11:53
didrockssmspillaz: so, it's as yesterday, just reapply them manually11:53
didrocksbzr bd-do11:53
didrocksquilt push -fa11:53
didrocks-> reject11:54
didrockslook at all the .rej files11:54
didrocksreinject the changes in each file11:54
didrocksquilt refresh11:54
didrocksexit 011:54
smspillazwhat do you mean by "reinject the changes in each file? "11:54
smspillazthat was at 1am for me, I don't remember much :)11:54
didrockssmspillaz: like, look at the .rej file, see what should be added back to the file11:55
smspillazand then?11:56
didrockssmspillaz: it's reject because it can't apply the patch (something in the context changed)11:56
didrocksso edit the files to add them11:56
didrocksonce all changes are back in the files11:56
didrocksquilt refresh11:56
didrocksexit 011:56
didrocksbzr bd11:56
smspillazsince ah right!11:56
smspillaz*ah right!11:56
smspillazso quilt will automatically fix the patch11:56
didrocksnot automatically?11:56
didrocksyou make the change in the files11:56
didrocksthen, quilt refresh11:56
didrocks-> this will regenerate a new patch based on your manual changes11:57
smspillazgotta run12:02
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smspillazdidrocks: so this is weird - I edit the files and then quilt says "nothing to patch"12:53
smspillazI hate this bloody thing12:54
didrockssmspillaz: did you quilt push -fa first?13:00
smspillazdidrocks: I just reset everthing and did it all again and it worked ^_^13:01
* smspillaz hugs didrocks 13:01
didrockssmspillaz: nice! ;)13:01
htorquesmspillaz: no luck with that patch: window buttons still vanish and even with the windows buttons showing up i now cannot move the window13:02
htorque(that is, after the first workspace switch)13:02
smspillazhtorque: works fine here13:02
smspillazhtorque: with the window buttons showing up can you post your xwininfo -root -all again ?13:03
htorquesmspillaz, oh... probably it's not enough to just run 'patch --dry-run ...' *facepalm*13:06
smspillazif that patch works I will push it upstream13:07
smspillazoh gawd patches everywhere!13:07
smspillazI wonder if there's any way to make bzr bd use -j$somethingridiculous13:09
smspillazhtorque: yeah, I'm not getting the bug here with my patch13:11
htorquesmspillaz, fine here too :-)13:13
smspillazdidrocks: another incoming patch for you :)_13:14
smspillazdidrocks: I'm wondering if we should just re-sync with master, we're carrying a lot of patches which are just all the commits being backported13:14
didrockssmspillaz: well, not now13:14
didrockslike, not before alpha2, that would be crazy13:14
smspillazyeah, A2 time13:14
didrocksjust after, right13:15
didrocksjust put me a list of patches to apply13:15
didrockswith the empathy fix13:15
smspillazheh, ok :)13:15
didrocksand your mainloop :)13:15
smspillazthe empathy fix is 2 patches13:15
didrocksthen, we will resync with master once you merge the glib branch13:15
smspillazI'm going to have a stab at 693441 and the u-w-d bugs13:15
smspillazbug 69344113:15
ubot5Launchpad bug 693441 in virt-manager (Ubuntu) "[natty] Some virt-manager dialogs fail to appear" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69344113:15
smspillazok, I am not getting that bug13:16
didrockssmspillaz: did you fix the mainloop issue?13:20
smspillazwaiting for everyting to rebuild13:22
didrocksok ;)13:23
smspillazargh I hate apport13:26
smspillazwhy does it insist on sitting there and telling me about every single crash that's happened on my system in the past 3 years every 10 seconds?13:26
didrockssmspillaz: well, that's because we don't have a systray in unity13:27
smspillazthat's true13:27
smspillazits still _really_ annoying13:27
smspillazis there any way I can turn it off for everything *but* compiz? :p13:27
didrockssmspillaz: there is a blacklist property, right13:28
didrocksbut you can remove what's in /var/crash/13:29
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* kenvandine waits to pounce on tedg13:51
didrockssmspillaz: is it built now?13:54
smspillazdidrocks: still waiting14:04
didrockssmspillaz: waow, because you build everything in a row?14:05
smspillazABI break baby14:05
smspillazthey should make a movie about me14:05
smspillaz"Honey I broke the ABI!"14:05
didrockslike with every single commit :)14:05
smspillazok, all done14:06
smspillazbut before I test lets see if I can nut out this u-w-d bug14:06
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rodrigo_njpatel, where does the panel service write its log (g_debug, g_warning, etc) to?15:27
rodrigo_well, njpatel or anyone who knows :-)15:27
didrocksrodrigo_: in the output15:36
didrocks~/.xsession-errors then15:36
rodrigo_didrocks, no, nothing on .xsession-errors15:36
didrocksoh the service15:36
rodrigo_I wanted to look at some debugging messages from the last try15:36
didrockshum, not sure for that one, but you can launch it ourself if needed15:36
rodrigo_I'm adding code to write to a log file15:37
didrocksI was thinking seb128 wanted to do it?15:37
rodrigo_oh, seb128?15:38
didrocksjust ensure not duplicating the work :)15:39
didrockswell, he wanted to it for the compiz plugin part AFAIK15:39
janimo_didrocks, please consider bug 708928 when doing a new upload of gnome-session, I hope it is enough to allow unity-2d run without too many deps15:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 708928 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) "recommend unity-2d" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70892815:42
janimo_is jaytaoko around these days?15:43
didrocksjanimo_: no, I can't do that15:43
janimo_does anyone else know of a nice rectangle painting testcase in nux ( he showed it at the rally) which I cannot see in the sources15:43
didrocksjanimo_: putting is as a gnome-session recommends will bring it on the CD15:44
didrocksand that's not the plan, neither we have the space15:44
janimo_didrocks : even if it is an alternate recommends?15:44
didrockswill bring qt and all friends15:44
didrocksjanimo_: alternate to what?15:44
janimo_right now it is gnome-panel | unity15:45
janimo_I was thinking of adding | unity-2d15:45
didrockshum, that can maybe work, I need to make some tests15:45
didrocksjanimo_: not sure how the seeds will work with that15:45
didrocksjanimo_: I'll give it a try after alpha215:45
janimo_ok, it should work if I understand Recommends correctly15:45
janimo_didrocks, ok thanks15:45
didrocksjanimo_: Recommends will work, the CD builder, not sure15:45
didrocksso trying to not break alpha2, but just after, sure :)15:46
janimo_ok, thanks15:46
didrocksyw :)15:46
janimo_although I am pretty usre it should work, plenty of other Suggest Recommend fields in packages on the CD and only the seeded alternative is on the image15:47
arowwould it be appropriate to ask questions about soundmenu indicator extensions in here?16:05
kenvandinetedg, yay... you fixed the tests in dbus-test-runner16:26
tedgkenvandine, Woot!16:26
kenvandinetedg, can you do a 0.0.3 release?16:26
tedgkenvandine, Sure16:26
kenvandinei'll push my packaging branch in a few16:26
arowronoc: do you know if there are any plans to upgrade the soundmenu in maverick to the third version, and if not, what is the client registration process like for the 5.0.x version?16:31
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ronocarow, I don't think so to be honest. I need to write some docs on the Maverick version.16:32
ronocone sec I'll see if I can muster something16:32
arowcool, thanks16:32
kenvandinetedg, lp:~ubuntu-desktop/dbus-test-runner/ubuntu16:33
kenvandinetedg, can you figure out why the tests hang in pbuilder?16:33
tedgkenvandine, Working on that :)16:33
kenvandineok, so you've reproduced it?16:33
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ronocarow, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundMenu#Registration%20process16:51
ronocaquarius, updated registration docs to cover Maverick also16:51
arowgreat, this looks really helpful, thanks again16:53
and471ronoc, thanks as well, that will be useful for me in the future :)16:57
ronocno probs17:01
aquariusronoc, good work!17:02
ronocaquarius, so I need to do a dbus method to all clients to change the title of their entry dynamically17:04
ronocto enable all ..17:04
ronochow about 'set-media-player-title (string desktop-name, string new_title)17:06
ronocaquarius, ^17:06
aquariusronoc, well...the spec ays that you're allowed to add something new to your title, not that you're allowed to totally overwrite it?17:08
ronocone sec17:09
ronocaquarius, okay well in that case I think it would probably be best for the client to send the full string17:14
ronocconcatenating might not work too well17:14
aquariusronoc, yeah, but then I can do something unspecced, which means that I can change my client's name to Banshee if I want :)17:15
ronocaquarius, not if I did a match on the name given on the desktop file17:17
ronocand the first word of the string provided17:18
ronocthis would ensure we are altering the title for the right player17:18
aquariusronoc, well, I suppose -- so you're suggesting that for Ubuntu One Music, I pass my string as "Ubuntu One Music (connecting)"? And if I pass just "(connecting)", you'll ignore it because it doesn't begin with the right name?17:19
aquariusronoc, that's quite annoying, especially in a world with translated names in it -- the point of using the desktop file name is that the name of the app gets translated in the desktop files17:19
ronocaquarius, so we have the option of two dbusmethod or one17:19
ronocaquarius, ah I hadn't thought of that sorry17:20
ronoceven though not many players names are translated17:20
aquariusronoc, yeah, but they *ought* to be -- especially ones like "Ubuntu One Music". ("Banshee" is just a name, so that doesn't get translated :))17:21
ronocaquarius, indeed17:21
ronocaquarius, okay so two dbusmethods - one for adding the amendment and another to reset it17:22
tedgronoc, If you're using the name out of the desktop file you need to ensure you're using the right translation domain.  That's also in the desktop file, but can be a bit tricky to use.17:26
tedgronoc, There's code in libindicator that does it for the action items.17:26
aquariusronoc, do we need two? surely to reset the amendment you just add an amendment of "" ?17:27
ronoctedg, cool good to know, I plan to use the name of the desktop file which is exposed in the mpris root interface17:28
ronocaquarius, i prefer to be explicit17:28
aquariusronoc, so what happens if I set an amendment of "" ?17:29
aquariusi suggest it will do the same thing as resetting the amendment, whch means you have two different ways of doing the same thing :)17:29
ronocaquarius, yeah but it's more about api semantics, calling amendment with an empty string smells as opposed to just calling reset()17:30
ronocjust a thought17:30
ronocamend-media-player-title (string mpris-desktop-file-name, string amendment)17:31
ronocaquarius, was going to go for pint. let me know you thoughts over email.17:33
ronocso you can track it, will do this early next week17:34
aquariusronoc, excellent, cheers17:34
ronocand good w/end all ...17:34
didrocksaquarius: ok, I have the same issue than you for compiz on my netbook, I'll try and push to my ppa the package with my workaround17:46
aquariusdidrocks, aha, good, I'm glad it's not just me :)17:55
didrocksaquarius: I'm not that glad TBH, but good for you, yeah :-)17:55
kenvandineseb128, lp:~ken-vandine/geoclue/splitoutproviders and lp:~ken-vandine/+junk/geoclue-providers/17:57
kenvandineseb128, can you look over those17:57
kenvandinetedg, dbus-test-runner still seems to be hanging in pbuilder18:05
kenvandinehasnt' timed out yet... but it seems hung18:05
tedgkenvandine, Is the output somewhere?18:06
tedgkenvandine, It was hanging because it was failing to launch something.18:06
tedgkenvandine, Did all the tasks get run?18:06
kenvandinedoesn't look like anything18:06
kenvandine/usr/bin/make  check-TESTS18:07
kenvandinemake[3]: Entering directory `/tmp/buildd/dbus-test-runner-0.0.3/tests'18:07
kenvandineand that is the first time it hit the tests dir18:07
* kenvandine needs to eat, bbiab18:07
didrocksaquarius: made 5 startup in both my netbook which were crashing and the workaround fix it18:11
didrocksso, my workaround wants to live it seems, we dumped it 3 times without any success18:11
aquariusdidrocks, hooray for undying workarounds!18:13
didrocksaquarius: heh, especially bad ones :)18:14
didrocksaquarius: ok, uploading it to natty (again)18:18
tedgkenvandine, Do you have GIR-ifying IDO on your TODO list?18:19
aquariusdidrocks, I will be happy to test it when it's available18:19
didrocksaquarius: just wait for new compiz and that should do it :)18:19
didrockswork on both my netbook18:20
didrocksaquarius: is your computer quite slow?18:20
didrockstrying to find the common denominator for this issue18:20
aquariusdidrocks, I don't think it's quite slow, but maybe it is and everyone else has a cray or something. 3989.97 bogomips, according to /proc/cpuinfo.18:21
didrocksbogomips: 3994.6418:22
kenvandinetedg, i don't18:23
kenvandinebut i suppose we need that18:23
kenvandinetedg, let me just say it... grrrr :-D18:24
kenvandineseb128, did you see my geoclue branches?18:26
kenvandinetedg, any thoughts on the dbus-test-runner tests?18:26
seb128kenvandine, well I read it but I'm just back and I don't think I will work on that this week18:27
seb128it's 7:30pm on friday there18:27
kenvandineseb128, no worries18:28
kenvandinei'll remind you on monday :-D18:28
seb128does it block anything you need to upload?18:29
kenvandinebut that isn't broken... so ok18:30
tedgkenvandine, No thoughts, it's weird they're not even running.18:30
kenvandinethe eds stuff would be nice though18:30
seb128there is a new tarball?18:30
seb128can you just upload the geoclue thing?18:30
tedgkenvandine, The tarball doesn't have klattimer's eds stuff yet, it's causing some weird bugs.18:30
kenvandineseb128, i would rather have a review... plus i won't upload indicator-datetime until geoclue goes to main18:31
kenvandineseb128, tedg: so without eds in it... even less of a rush18:31
seb128kenvandine, ok, yeah, you will not get mir etc today18:31
seb128will do the review on monday before you start your day18:32
kenvandinewe can look at it monday18:32
kenvandinetedg, weird bugs in indicators? never :-p18:32
seb128did you fix the duplicate entries one btw?18:33
kenvandinethat one is annoying!18:33
kenvandinetedg, yeah... we're talking to you!18:33
tedgThere is no bug18:33
tedgThere is no bug18:33
tedgThere is no bug18:33
tedgThere is no bug18:33
kenvandineseb128, the menu parsing stuff was a higher priority... but i'll make tedg's life hell until he fixes it18:34
kenvandine1600x1200 here and my messaging menu is too long to fit on the screen!18:34
seb128kenvandine, thanks18:34
kenvandineand xchat-gnome is at the bottom... so i can never see when someone highlights me!18:35
seb128but agreed for the parsing so other can help on testing and debugging the appmenu now18:35
seb128while ted fixes the other issues18:35
* kenvandine will make gwibber-service restart itself every 5 minutes so tedg can feel the pain18:36
kenvandine:) even18:36
tedgkenvandine, It does that already :-/18:36
kenvandinetedg, bah!  i don't believe you... there is no bugs :)18:37
tedgkenvandine, Half the time clicking on links causes it to crash for me.  Or open in the message view.18:37
kenvandineactually the culprit for me is empathy, been restarting that a lot lately18:37
kenvandinei have like 30 chat entries18:37
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arowbus = dbus.service.BusName("org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.myPlayer", bus=dbus.SessionBus())23:46
arowdoes anyone have any idea why this line might make Python output an error ^23:47
arowI've imported dbus23:47
arowerror is: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'service'23:48
kklimondaarow: there is no service in dbus/__init__.py23:50
kklimonda(this answer, while being a proper one, is also completely useless ;))23:52
kklimondaarow: import dbus.service should help23:53

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