
lifelessmkanat: hi01:32
mkanatlifeless: Hello.01:32
lifelessmkanat: do you know if we've deployed your fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/loggerhead/+bug/643497 yet ?01:32
mkanatlifeless: I've never seen that bug before.01:33
mkanatlifeless: Oh wait.01:33
mkanatlifeless: Yes, you have deployed that.01:33
mkanatlifeless: That is a dup.01:33
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
lifelessspm: ping04:11
lifelessspm: is it possible that nagios etc are generating 7K requests a day per loggerhead instance?04:11
lifelessspm: including direct, and via ha proxy and via apache04:11
poolieok, out for a bit04:18
spmlifeless: not that I'm seeing - I did a grep on check_http on prod-1, and only saw ~ 15 an hour. Tho ... now the brain engages, we have two. behind a haproxy. which does it's own separate check. betcha dollars to peso's....04:54
AfCGotta love proxies. "Yes, the web site is responding. And rapidly at that!" "With what?" "Dunno. Does 404 mean anything to you?"05:14
chxhow can i see changes made in a branch, no merges?06:27
AfC$ bzr status --no-pending06:38
chxAfC: i mean, the already committed changes to the branch06:45
chxAfC: log shows the branch the commit "branch nick" and whether it's a merge or not, i juts want a cumulative diff for the commits to the current branch , no merges.06:45
AfC$ bzr diff -r -2..-106:48
AfCOh. You're asking about relative to _another_ branch. You didn't say that.06:48
AfCYes, ancestor:../mainline (or whatever) is very useful indeed06:48
chxmmm beautiful06:49
* chx staples the diff to a pink slip and mails to his boss06:49
chxjust as i thought...06:49
chxvery useful indeed.06:50
jelmergood morning #bzr07:05
=== GaryvdM_away is now known as GaryvdM_work
GaryvdM_workchx: also, if you have a submit branch set, submit: is a short cut for ancestor:<path to submit>07:25
vilaGaryvdM_work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/559415/ (sorry I forgot to mail this yesterday)07:48
vilagoooood morning jelmer !07:49
chxGaryvdM_work: good to know. next time i need to fire a developer based on his (non) work i can use that :D07:51
GaryvdM_workvila: thanks - My suspicion  was wrong, but I now have a better idea where to look.08:00
vilaGaryvdM_work: excellent !08:00
vilaGaryvdM_work: feel free to poke me at anytime if you want more tests, I know how hard it is to debug something any mean to reproduce and this one seem like a damn stealth bug08:01
vilapoolie: hey !08:01
GaryvdM_workvila: did you sleep well?08:01
vilaGaryvdM_work: I *slep* which is a huge progress :D08:01
vilaslept, rats08:02
vilaI still feel a bit like crap, but that's at 8pm instead of 11 or 12...08:02
vilapoolie: well done with the kanban stuff, I just found a bug that I forgot to mark fixed released !08:03
vilapoolie: the card give links for both the bug and the branch ! Awesome !08:04
vilapoolie: when are the pages updated ?08:05
jelmerhi vila, poolie, Gary!08:19
GaryvdM_workHi jelmer08:19
vilamaxb: any update about SRU/MRE for 2.2.3 ?08:20
vilamaxb: what is left to be done, where are we ?08:23
vilalp:~maxb/ubuntu/maverick/bzr/sru/ doesn't include 2.2.3 and08:24
maxbI don't think anyone has tackled updating the packaging for 2.2.3 yet. I could look into that over the weekend08:24
vilalp:ubuntu/maverick/bzr/ is still at 2.2.008:25
vilamaxb: that would be awesome08:25
mgzmorning all.08:25
jelmerhi mgz08:25
vilamaxb: tell me if I can help here08:25
vilahi mgz08:25
maxbNB lucid is in SRU freeze at the moment08:26
maxbAlthough we somehow seem to have not started discussing SRUing lucid, even though it's the LTS08:27
vilamaxb: from your explanations I thought we should start with maverick08:27
pooliehi vila, jelmer, gary, maxb08:28
vilamaxb: which is 2.2 and that's the one I mostly interested in, lucid is only at 2.108:28
poolievila, at the moment i built the kanban on my laptop and uploaded it08:28
maxbWell, we need to include maverick, certainly08:28
pooliei might see about running it somewhere more central08:28
poolielet's say roughly daily for now08:28
vilapoolie: daily is fine by me to start with but if we can target hourly it will be better in the long run08:29
GaryvdM_workHi poolie, maxb, mgz!08:29
maxbLucid is going to need a SRU sooner or later to clear up those pesky references to the LP beta API that got left in08:29
maxbBecause the LP beta API is supposed to expire on the death of Karmic08:29
vilamaxb: sure, I'm forgetting lucid, but I'd like maverick first08:30
maxb(i.e. in three months)08:30
vilaI'm *not* forgetting08:30
vilamaxb: And I'm not *that* concerned about LP beta API, there are other clients and I suspect LP will have to take them into account even after we manage the lucid SRU08:31
maxbWarning has been given08:32
vilamaxb: I've landed the relevant patches on all releases for bzr, *we* are ready08:32
poolievila, i'd just need to get the dependencies installed on devpad or whatever08:32
poolieat the moment it is staff-only08:32
maxboh - neat08:32
poolieit might be better off public, if we omitted private bugs08:32
maxbright, byebye, I should go to the office now08:32
vilamaxb: enjoy !08:33
pooliejelmer, are you back at work today or just saying hi?08:33
* vila set mode +just_say_hi08:33
jelmerpoolie: I'm back at work08:34
poolievila, really all references to beta are gone? just recently?08:34
pooliewelcome back; i wondered if you would help vila push our srus through?08:35
pooliealso, i'm going to the developer membership board on monday evening utc to ask for ppu for bzr08:35
pooliemaybe you should too?08:35
vilapoolie: yes, but we may need to cut releases for 2.1 and 2.0,08:35
vilapoolie: but 2.2 first08:36
jelmerpoolie, vila: Sure, I'd be happy to08:36
poolievila, bzr.2.2 in bzrlib/plugins/lp_api still has hardcoded urls for the beta service root08:37
pooliethey probably shouldn't be hardcoded at all but they may predate lplib facilities to get them08:37
vilameh, for 2.2.3 ?08:37
pooliein 2.2 tip08:37
vilahaaaaa beta not edge !08:38
vilamaxb: ^ I was wrong08:38
poolieyes, there are two similar but different things08:38
poolieedge, and beta08:38
poolieedge is a bit more urgent08:38
vilaedge is done08:39
pooliethere's a separate bug about beta08:40
vilahmm, and I suspect we have no tests about whether we use 1.0 supported features :-/08:40
pooliei don't think we have any tests about interaction with lp08:41
pooliewhich would be the main way to catch it08:41
pooliein theory you can statically check against the wadl, but not so easily in python, or with the approach lplib takes08:41
vilapoolie: The more I think about it, the more I feel the launchpad plugin should not be in core but part of launchpad itself08:43
vilapoolie: this way we could stop worrying about 1) testing it properly 2) being compatible with launchpad08:44
vilapoolie: we will still package it in our installers and other packagers should be warned to do it too if/when we switch08:46
pooliewe still need to work out how to test it08:48
pooliebut it does create some special cases by being in the tree and yet a plugin08:48
pooliei would probably test it by having an environment variable giving the service root to test against08:49
poolieand making the tests skip if that's not set08:49
vilapoolie: so lp devs can test it properly ? Sounds fine to me and could even be set on babune if/when I manage to run a local lp vm08:50
vilabut that's still significantly more work for me than for an lp dev08:51
poolieanyone who changes the plugin code, or things it relies on, needs to test it08:54
poolieif we use a variable, they can test it either locally or against staging08:54
poolieif it makes minimal assumptions about what will be in the instance08:54
GaryvdM_workvila: how long does it take for you to run the whole test suit?09:06
vilaGaryvdM_work: < 10 minutes with ---parallel=fork09:06
vilapoolie: meh, where are you :(09:07
jelmervila: is there a bug # for the SRU?09:07
GaryvdM_workvila: Is there a way to run the test suit across multiple computers?09:08
GaryvdM_work--parallel=cluster :-)09:08
vilajelmer: bug #687653 will be a good candidate for 2.2.309:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 687653 in Launchpad itself "infinite recursion trying to format NotBranchError" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68765309:08
vilaGaryvdM_work: there is a plugin for that named ec2 something09:09
GaryvdM_workOh - cool09:09
vilaGaryvdM_work: without plugins it's ~5 minutes09:12
GaryvdM_workvila: cool - I have managed to reproduce09:29
vilaGaryvdM_work: cool !09:38
jelmervila: I've pushed a branch to lp:~jelmer/ubuntu/maverick/bzr/proposed-2.2.310:36
vilajelmer: rock&roll10:37
vilajelmer: the test were run and passed during build right ?10:45
jelmerthey should have been, but the package did build fairly quickly. Let me double check10:47
viladebian/rules contains a selftest invocation at least10:47
vilajelmer: regarding bug #704647 does  http://paste.ubuntu.com/559471/ looks correct to you ?10:59
ubot5Launchpad bug 704647 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "lp-propose default target doesn't work for packaging branches" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70464710:59
vilajelmer: I needed it to lp-propose a bug branch11:00
vilajelmer: i.e. not related to  a packaging branch11:00
vilajelmer: and should I attribute the lag since your 'Let me double-check' as an indication that something went wrong ?11:01
* jelmer looks11:03
jelmervila: no, I'm waiting for the package to build11:04
jelmervila: +1 on that patch11:04
vilaha good, not so fast then ;)11:04
vilajelmer: ok, I'll make a proposal for it then11:05
vilajelmer: I'll take your branch as a base to see if you added tests for it (unlikely as it seems to be closely tight to lp anyway :-/)11:06
jelmervila: no, there aren't any tests for this code unfortunately :-/11:06
vilajelmer: np11:06
vilajelmer: https://code.launchpad.net/~vila/bzr/704647-lp-propose/+merge/4779011:13
jelmervila: +1, thanks!11:14
jelmerheh, we voted Approve within 3 seconds of each other :-)11:14
vilajelmer: my pleasure11:14
vilabut I sent it to pqm first !11:15
=== oubiwann_ is now known as oubiwann
vilaGaryvdM_work: any news ?14:04
vilajelmer: any news ?14:04
* vila sets mode +any_news14:04
jelmervila: what kind of news are you looking for?14:05
vilajelmer: the test were run and passed during build right ?14:06
vilajelmer: I'm waiting for your feedback to nominate bug #687653 for SRU14:10
ubot5Launchpad bug 687653 in Launchpad itself "infinite recursion trying to format NotBranchError" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68765314:10
vilajelmer: or did I misunderstood something ?14:10
jelmervila: yeah, that's a good one for the SRU14:11
jelmergarr, looks like I should enable swap on my laptop again.. it goes bonkers without it14:11
vilajelmer: I want to say that the tests passed during build, hence my question :)14:12
vilajelmer: buy a real desktop ;)14:12
jelmervila: I've got one.. it's just not the machine I was running the tests on :-)14:19
vilaoooh, you mean the build is still running ?14:20
jelmervila: looks like there was actually one failing test14:50
vilawhich one ?14:50
jelmervila: the packaging required 'test' to be specified in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS, it didn't enable them by default. I've fixed that now, too.14:50
jelmervila: the test_locale issue we fixed last week. I'm cherrypicking the fix.14:51
vilajelmer: you rock, don't forget to fire a mp for lp:bzr/2.3 too14:51
vilagood morning jam !15:02
jelmerhi John!15:05
jamhi vila15:19
jamand jelmer15:19
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jamPeng: if you're around, I had a loggerhead Q for you15:44
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exarkunI dunno if that's the same basic problem as https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/701940 or not.  It happened in the same place under (one supposes) roughly the same circumstances.16:03
exarkunIt looks kind of similar, in that the error seems to be about a missing .pack file.  But it's not reported /exactly/ the same way.16:04
jelmerbug 70194016:04
ubot5Launchpad bug 701940 in Bazaar "Pack moved to obsolete_packs, but still referenced in pack-names" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70194016:04
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=== Ursinha-lunch\ is now known as Ursinha-lunch
vilaexarkun: what bzr version are you using, this bug is fixed in 2.2.3 (released), 2.3.0 (unreleased) and trunk16:20
exarkunvila: I'm using 2.2.316:21
exarkunThe one packaged for lucid in http://ppa.launchpad.net/bzr/ubuntu/16:22
vilathat's bad :( File a new bug mentioning 70194016:23
exarkunokay, will do16:23
vilaIIUI, issuinga 'bzr pack' locally should work around the problem16:24
vilathe weird thing is that it occurs on a buildbot instance which should do commits by itself, only pulls no ? Ha, wait, there may be concurrent pulls there..16:25
vilas/issuinga/issuing a/16:25
vilas/should do/shouldn't do/16:25
exarkunvila: Yes, it is concurrent.16:26
vilaexarkun: 'bzr pack' during happy hours :-}16:27
vilaand definitely file a bug16:27
vilaexarkun: no-on is pushing there with a different bzr version right ?16:28
exarkunit's only pulls16:28
vilaexarkun: so forcing 'bzr pack' should reduce the occurrence of the bug16:37
exarkunvila: Once?  Once in a while?  Before any pull?16:38
vilaexarkun: well, depends on how often it occurs, *between* the pulls if there is such a time slice16:38
exarkunThis is the first time I've seen it happen, over probably about a month of operation.16:39
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exarkunBut that probably just means a hidden variable suddenly changed and the probability when from ~0% to ~100%16:39
vilaor two pulls were identical ?16:40
exarkunThey're probably usually identical, I guess16:40
jelmerthat's what the other bug was related to, too16:41
exarkunThere's two builders on the machine using a shared repository16:41
exarkunSo when a build is triggered they both probably try to pull exactly the same thing into it16:41
vilaa more drastic workaround would be to use one shared repo by builder until the bug is fixed :-/16:41
exarkunif it turns out to happen with much frequency, I'll probably do that16:42
exarkunif not, I'd rather leave it in this configuration and keep reporting bugs :p16:42
exarkunsomeday it will have to work right, right?16:42
vilaexarkun: that's more valuable for us :) Yeah, definitely16:42
vilamention that in the bug too (2 builders probably pulling the same revisions) that may help16:43
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exarkunvila: 'bzr pack' doesn't look like it can deal with the state the repository is in now, though16:50
exarkunMaybe you didn't mean that it would fix the state, just that it would help after I manually fix the state16:50
vilaexarkun: do you need help to fix the state ?16:51
exarkunI think it's fixed, I moved the .pack from obsolete_packs into packs and the other files into indices16:53
exarkunAnd then 'bzr pack' worked16:53
vilaperfect thne16:53
exarkunand filed bug 70934916:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 709349 in Bazaar "bzr: ERROR: bzrlib.errors.RetryWithNewPacks: Unprintable exception RetryWithNewPacks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70934916:53
vilaoh ! didn't link the nick and the lp login name :)16:54
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vilajelmer: can I nominate the bug for the sru now ?17:09
jelmervila: tests *still* running17:19
vilajelmer: oh my...17:19
vila. o O (Who said "a laptop is good enough for bzr dev" :-)17:20
jelmervila: it's passed17:26
jelmervila: ... and I've pushed17:26
vilacool, thanks a lot, I should really do this myself, I'll look at your branch anyway17:27
maxbMy laptop is good enough for bzr dev :-)17:39
jelmerargh, python 2.7 has broken bzrtools17:40
jelmer"ReadError: empty header" from bzrtools17:40
jelmer'evening max17:40
maxbjelmer: yeah, I think I filed that bug already17:44
maxbbug 70826817:44
ubot5Launchpad bug 708268 in BzrTools "bzrtools testsuite has python 2.7 incompatibility" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70826817:44
kireany ideas if bzr 2.3 will get to lenny backports (I am currently unable to install a decent ubuntu release on my server)?17:49
jelmerkire: please request a backport using the normal channels17:50
maxbkire: The standard debian backports rules prevent it being updated until squeeze releases and testing thaws17:56
vilaSoo, I have a jubany VM, with a first package tracking its depedencies (ouch, based on hardy so bzr-2.1.1 so far)17:59
jelmermaxb: of course, squeeze should be out soon. before 2.3 hopefully (or is that too hopeful?)17:59
maxbI tend to the cautious where Debian stable is concerned17:59
vilamaxb: by the way, bug #687653 has been nominated for the 2.2.3 sru, thanks to jelmer providing a branch18:01
ubot5Launchpad bug 687653 in bzr (Ubuntu) "infinite recursion trying to format NotBranchError" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68765318:01
jelmerabentley: hi18:01
vilaI wasn't able to create to nominate for maverick, some weird lp backtrace about not being owner and as such lacking permissions18:02
vilas/to create//18:02
abentleyjelmer, hi.18:02
jelmerabentley: bzrtools' tests/upstream_import.py has some strange code that appends more data to a tarfile that is already present18:03
jelmer(around line 125)18:03
abentleyjelmer, is this related to the 2.7 incompatibility?18:04
jelmerabentley: Removing that code unbreaks bzrtools' tests on python2.7, but I wonder why it's there in the first place.18:04
kiremaxb, thanks (and of course i meant 2.2.3, not 2.3 but my question is answered anyway :))18:04
jelmerabentley: yep18:04
abentleyjelmer, I don't know the answer right away, and I'm taking the rest of the day off for a trip.  I'll look into it, though.18:05
jelmerabentley: thanks, no hurry18:05
vilaOh, for the record, the vm use a 32GB HDD but the package importer currently uses ~90GB. Most of it being logs, debug files and maybe some working trees that could be re-created18:14
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Pengjam: Obviously, i wasn't around. :P Feel free to ask me anything, but I may or may not know the answer.22:16
jamPeng: did you see the discussion about the launchpad team taking stewardship for loggerhead?22:17
jam(I think most of the *discussion* took place on launchpad-dev, but some summary stuff showed up on bazaar@)22:17
Pengjam: No. I've been doing an even worse job reading my email than following bzr/lh/lp. :P22:18
PengI think someone mentioned it here a week ago, though?22:18
jamPeng: anyway, Launchpad is trying to take more direct responsibility for code they rely on, loggerhead being one of those things22:19
jamat the same time, loggerhead "trunk" is not 100% ready to be just deployed on launchpad22:19
jamso they wanted to move it 'to the side' as a future-work branch22:19
jamI didn't know how much that would specifically affect you, since you've run some bleeding edge loggerhead stuff22:19
PengErgh, I'm not awake yet... And like I said, I've fallen out of bzr/lh/lp.22:20
PengWhy isn't LH trunk usable for LP? Because it's, well, a not-always-stable trunk branch?22:21
Pengjam: Thanks for the heads-up. I'll dig into the list archives today.22:22
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
jamPeng: not-always-stable, and without tweaking the launchpad side of things, history-db is an initial perf regression22:24
jam(once caches are filled, it is generally a big win, but the first load is slower than the existing code)22:25
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
jamPeng: looking at it, the launchpad branch of loggerhead also has some site-specific customization. But the "launchpad code team wants to start with a stable base" is the big thing they want to move trunk to the side for22:27
jamI've been poking at it a bit, because I'd really like to see my code deployed22:27
jamand I've been given some leeway to push on that22:27
PengISTM, even if the LP folks mangle trunk for a while, I could just pull future, no?22:29
PengThis is encouraging me to finally update LH, which I haven't done in a while, so I'll feel like I really deserve to have input on this. :P22:30

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