
lifelessspm: so thats about 1/2 what we see00:00
lifelessat most00:00
lifeless(even allowing for 2 instances)00:01
wgrantlifeless: The deloyment report is happy now, except for 12272 which has been rolled back, but is still shown as not being OK.00:03
wgrantlifeless: Halp?00:03
thumperIArchive says description is requried00:05
spmlifeless: huh, not even that. looking at prod-1 from the 12th of Jan, ~ 5-8 nagios pings are logged on guava per *hour*.00:05
thumperArchive.description says it isn't required00:05
spmI wonder. we may have multiple redundant checks coming from elsewhere....00:06
pooliewa-hey, a kanban!00:06
lifelesswgrant: gmb filed bugs about rollback not being set properly00:06
lifelesswgrant: you may need to ignore it00:06
wgrantlifeless: Do I have your blessing to request a deploy of 12274, despite qa-tagger's protests?00:06
lifelesspoolie: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/70896100:06
_mup_Bug #708961: loggerhead oops reports are missing diagnostic data <oops> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/708961 >00:06
lifelesswgrant: let me eyeball00:06
poolieanyhow, spm, whenever you get a moment (it's not urgent) i would like to get a bucket-ful of the firehose00:07
lifelesswgrant: yes00:07
pooliethen we can turn it off again00:07
lifelesswgrant: there is a partially complete request you can extend to save some time00:07
StevenKI don't think we can QA r12272.00:07
lifelesswgrant: just grab the new bug numbers etc00:07
spmpoolie: yeah will do00:07
lifelessStevenK: its rolledback00:07
wgrantlifeless: Yup.00:08
lifelessStevenK: read 1227400:08
StevenKlifeless: Yes, but the QA tagger thinks we're blocked on 7200:08
wgrantlifeless: Just the bugs listed on the deployment report?00:08
lifelessStevenK: so, did you see my reply to your query; you were not less shiny, you were answered.00:08
spmlifeless: poolie: we do have other checks, but even that only takes it to around 15 an hour max.00:08
StevenKlifeless: Sorry, I thought you were going to explain more00:08
lifelesswgrant: for rev in revs, copy Bug 123 -> Bug:123 in the deploy request00:08
_mup_Bug #123: There's no direct way to see the project info when translating it <lp-translations> <Launchpad itself:Fix Released> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/123 >00:08
lifelesswgrant: where revs starts at the one after the one I'd gotten up to00:08
lifelessStevenK: you need to shuffle order of parameters in your python code00:09
lifelessStevenK: to control how things are output00:09
lifelessStevenK: do you understand what right outer does?00:09
StevenKlifeless: If I follow your query, you're selecting from SPRB, which storm then returns00:09
lifelessStevenK: no, I'm not00:10
StevenKSELECT SourcePackageRecipe.name, SourcePackageRecipe.owner FROM00:10
spmpoolie: actually - I wonder. is this something we could possibly trial on staging at all? I don't believe we have a haproxy there (??). Just thinking we could start there and see if we can dupe, or get sufficient WTF info. and then look into prod?00:10
lifelessStevenK: the *entire* thing between FROM and WHERE is what you select from00:10
lifelessStevenK: its a composite table00:10
lifelessStevenK: store.using(table description) is how you tell storm about that, which you already do00:11
poolieif we have an haproxy there that would be a great place to do it00:11
lifelessStevenK: the .find((Things to select), constraints) is where you tell it *what* to pull out of the composite00:11
StevenKlifeless: Out of interest, I can't find any other uses of RightJoin00:15
lifelessStevenK: doesn't surprise me00:16
lifelessit is materializing a view00:16
lifelessbut it will scale quite a bit I think00:17
lifelesswe'll have to revisit it when we're in the 5K mark, I'd say00:17
StevenKNow the query looks good00:18
StevenKWell, it's ordered differently to yours00:18
pooliesearching for bugs assigned to me through the api seems to consistently time out00:22
poolieshould i file or is this probably known?00:22
poolieah, it is00:25
lifelessStevenK: so, fiddling suggests left outers on all the joins will be better here00:26
lifelessStevenK: but can I ask00:26
lifelessStevenK: why do we need all these different tables ?00:26
lifelesspoolie: which bug ?00:26
pooliethe oops finder says https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/63892400:27
_mup_Bug #638924: Milestone:+index timeouts with many bugs <lp-registry> <pg83> <qa-ok> <timeout> <Launchpad itself:Fix Released by edwin-grubbs> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/638924 >00:27
poolieand it looks similar, but it's not fixed00:27
lifelessthe oops finder?00:27
lifelessif you mean the lp-oops ui, its useless00:27
lifeless(for our needs)00:27
StevenKlifeless: Because BuildFarmJob tells us when the build was created, which links from PackageBuild, which links from SourcePackageRecipeBuild00:28
lifelessawesome data collection, brilliant rendering. Terrible heuristic about what bug00:28
lifelessStevenK: and we always have all three tables, or never all three, right ?00:28
poolieah, is it00:28
pooliein this case it's not a bad guess00:28
lifelesspoolie: I've been ranting since day one :)00:28
StevenKlifeless: Right, we need a SPRecipeBuild to have the other two00:29
pooliei don't know if this indicates the same bug was not totally fixed, or if it needs a different bug00:29
lifelesspoolie: no, its a terrible guess. Its only chance that it seems relevant to you00:29
lifelessthe page id is Person:EntryResource:searchTasks00:29
lifelessgo to https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+bugs?field.tag=timeout00:29
lifelessand search for searchTasks00:29
lifelesspoolie:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/66976600:31
_mup_Bug #669766: Person:+bugs timeouts <dba> <lp-bugs> <timeout> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/669766 >00:31
poolieseems similar00:31
lifelesssame query00:31
lifelessthe unions in there are a red flag to me00:31
poolieright, it looks a bit insane00:32
lifelessStevenK: so if we have all three, why are they separate tables?00:33
lifelessStevenK: its a great way to make sql slow00:33
lifelessStevenK: anyhow, on balance, I've tried a bunch of query plans00:34
lifelessStevenK: go with LEFT OUTER...LEFT OUTER...LEFT OUTER00:34
lifelessthat this whole schema needs fixing is a separate problem.00:34
lifelesshmm, I'm getting biting. Lunchtime, please excuse me folks00:35
pooliewow i don't know what changed but apis are distinctly faster than they used to be00:56
wgrantWhich APIs?01:00
pooliereading bugs01:03
poolieactually i'm not really sure if that's true; i think what this process is doing is not comparable01:04
pooliestill actually several seconds per bug :(01:04
* wgrant fixes the db-devel merge conflict.01:11
thumperI'm finally done with the text widget refactoring01:23
thumperthe diff is a bit bigger than originally expected01:24
thumpergood thing that flacoste has already committed to reviewing it01:25
thumperotherwise I'm sure it'd get rejected due to size01:25
wgrantWhat does it change?01:28
wgrantSurely not.01:30
thumperwgrant: look at the documentation in the diff01:34
thumperwgrant: it covers most of the interesting stuff01:34
wgrantAlso ouch.01:34
thumperwgrant: why ouch?01:41
StevenKthumper: That moves an awful lot of code around, but nice work!01:42
thumperStevenK: thanks01:42
wgrantthumper: The diff size.01:43
thumperthe simple enum chooser needs some similar treatment01:43
thumperbut I'll get to that at some stage01:43
thumperwgrant: yeah, it did kinda grow on me01:43
thumperwgrant: when flacoste looked at it last night, it was only 850 or so01:44
thumperbut I added lots of documentation01:44
StevenKwgrant: Did I tell you how large the bpb-current-component diff got?01:44
wgrantStevenK: 4.5kish?01:44
StevenKwgrant: 4,80001:44
StevenKNot quite as bad as the soyuz enums branch, but as close as I've gotten01:44
pooliei'm getting "sorry there was a problem" talking to the api server01:46
lifelessis there an OOPS?01:46
poolieyes 50201:46
poolieno oops01:46
lifelessone off or repeatedly?01:47
poolieat least twice01:47
poolievery long timout01:47
wgrantedge or lpnet?01:47
pooliejust now; lpnet01:47
pooliecurl -v  https://api.launchpad.net/devel/ -H "Accept: application/vd.sun.wadl+xml"01:47
pooliepretty sure i ran that command successfully the other day01:48
poolieok, this time it worked, after a _long_ delay01:48
pooliebetween when i pasted the curl line and now01:48
StevenKLast revision deployed to QAStaging is 12274. There are no revisions waiting in the queue.01:48
pooliei'll look for or file a bug01:49
pooliemaybe bug 60796101:50
_mup_Bug #607961: wadl generation timeout? <lp-foundations> <timeout> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/607961 >01:50
poolieyes, that's it01:51
lifelesswgrant: feel like sending a yee-ha mail to the list ? :)01:52
wgrantlifeless: Just finishing closing old bugs.01:53
wgrantDid someone just put loggerhead into launchpad-project?01:54
lifelesswhy so sad?01:54
thumperwow, we are up to date with production01:54
wgrantNeed to fix my bugmail rules.01:54
lifelessthumper: cunning plan working :)01:55
wgrant237 critical bugs!01:55
wgrantWe are down to what we were at at the start of last week!01:55
* spm files some more01:57
wgrantlifeless: Do all these Bugs story-* tags need to be official?01:58
lifelesswgrant: how do you mean?01:59
wgrantlifeless: launchpadtags portlet01:59
wgrantlaunchpad's tags portlet is rather cluttered.01:59
lifelesswgrant: so, it is, but thats all not just official01:59
wgrantPartly because there are lots of very long story-* official tags from back when Bugs was separate.01:59
wgrantisn't it?01:59
wgrantI thought it was now.01:59
lifelesspoolie: hi02:08
lifelessyou marked bug 492614 as new, but I'm unclear why02:08
_mup_Bug #492614: bzr serve --http cannot find module loggerhead.util <loggerhead:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/492614 >02:08
pooliewow, benji's thing in https://launchpad.net/+feature-info is really classy02:10
poolielifeless, i marked it new because it seems possible someone could solve it since he gave more data02:11
pooliei may be wrong02:11
wgrantpoolie: Yeah, I saw that while checking what to close.02:11
wgrantIt is really nice.02:11
poolieat the moment i use 'incomplete' as 'should be killed by the expiry-bot if no more data is provided'02:11
lifelesspoolie: I'm driving NEW to zero02:11
poolieso i see!02:13
pooliefeel free to take a guess at whether it's invalid or confirmed02:13
pooliei would suspect something weird in his environment therefore invalid02:14
lifelessjelmer has it assigned to him already02:14
lifelessno, another bug has jelmer02:15
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
lifelessok, 0 untriaged bugs02:20
thumperjelmer: are you working on bug 698032?  I was told you had a solution.02:21
_mup_Bug #698032: recipe build for removed recipe triggers uploader exception <oops> <recipe> <soyuz-upload> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/698032 >02:21
lifeless=== Top 10 Time Out Counts by Page ID ===02:25
lifeless    Hard / Soft  Page ID02:25
lifeless    1398 /  424  BugTask:+index02:25
lifeless      34 /   83  DistroSeries:+queue02:25
lifeless      18 /   44  Branch:+index02:25
lifeless      17 /  356  Distribution:+bugtarget-portlet-bugfilters-stats02:25
lifeless      16 /  236  POFile:+translate02:25
lifeless      12 /   14  NullBugTask:+index02:25
lifeless      12 /   13  Cve:+index02:25
lifelessgoing to be fun on monday02:25
pooliethumper i think jelmer is on holiday this week02:26
pooliehow do i create a team with 'canonical' in the name?02:26
thumperpoolie: ok, np, just wanting a status update02:26
thumperpoolie: it isn't urgent02:26
thumperpoolie: ask a losa to rename a team once you've made it02:27
wgrantpoolie: There's a fix for that on db-devel. But now you have to get LOSAs to SQL it up.02:27
lifelesspoolie: hi02:27
lifelesspoolie: if you're going to set the status of new bugs in Launchpad, can you please follow the bug triage guidelines?02:27
pooliewgrant, by asking them to make a new one, or to rename one?02:27
wgrantpoolie: Rename.02:27
poolielifeless, i'm trying to; in what way am i not?02:28
lifelesswe don't use confirmed02:29
lifelessconfirmed is a state an end user might set it to02:29
pooliei know02:29
lifelessbut its a noop for our process02:29
pooliei'm setting them to that state specifically because i'm not doing your tirage02:29
lifelesspoolie: please don't then02:29
poolielook, the guidelines don't say "don't use confirmed"02:30
lifelessthe guidelines are for devs02:30
pooliebut, i'm happy to not use it if you want02:30
pooliewould you prefer i triage them, or leave them new?02:30
lifelesstriaging is great02:31
lifelessthat would be ideal02:31
lifelessI'm sorry if something I said there came across negatively02:32
poolieit's fine02:32
lifelessconfirmed is not a very useful status in the bug tracker IMO - its there mainly to support the Ubuntu 'lets get unskilled labour en masse' meme02:32
poolieit's just that i was using Confirmed specifically because i didn't want to contradict your triage process02:32
lifelessconfirmed doesn't contradict it, it just doesn't help it02:33
pooliei certainly agree about that02:33
poolieno, i was concerned that i would make it say triaged/high when you didn't think it would be high etc02:33
lifelessif there is disagreement, it can be altered beyond the first persons assessment02:34
lifelessthe broad rule of thumb is critical-for-emergencies, high for next-6-months, low for everythingelse02:34
pooliegreat, i shall do that from here on02:34
wgrantIs there any point keeping bug #705841 open?02:35
_mup_Bug #705841: bzr branch error: Error -3 while decompressing: incorrect data check <Launchpad itself:Confirmed> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/705841 >02:35
lifelesswgrant: I've commented and closed it02:36
pooliei think there's another bug asking for a better message02:38
thumperdoes anyone know if it is possible to annotate an existing exception class with a webservice_error code?02:38
thumperi.e. one that is in a separate module02:38
thumperlike bzr-builder02:38
thumperin particular InstructionParseError02:39
StevenKsubclass it and feed it webservice_error?02:39
thumperStevenK: but the exception is being raised in bzr-builder code02:41
StevenKthumper: Intercept it and raise the subclassed one?02:42
pooliestupid question i guess, but you can't just stick attributes onto it?02:42
thumperpoolie: possibly02:43
thumperpoolie: I was just reading the webservice_error code02:43
thumperfound it02:44
thumper error_status(400)(InstructionParseError)02:44
thumperwhere error_status is in lazr.restful.declarations02:44
lifelesswgrant: can you triage bug 338858?02:48
_mup_Bug #338858: Buildds do not follow versioned build-dependencies <sbuild> <Launchpad Auto Build System:Confirmed> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/338858 >02:48
lifelesshuwshimi: bug 336913 might be nice if you're driving the wiki theme stuff to zero02:49
_mup_Bug #336913: Marking text as --(strike through)-- has no effect <Launchpad Development Wiki Moin theme:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/336913 >02:49
lifelesshuwshimi: (I don't know if you are)02:49
wgrantlifeless: sbuild makes me cry.02:49
wgrantBut sure.02:49
lifelesswgrant: sadly we own the stack.02:49
lifelessnoone in ubuntu looks at these projects02:50
lifelessnot by default02:50
wgrantI know.02:50
wgrantHowever, I have an evil plan and branch to make us use system sbuild, which almost pushes the Perl onto Ubuntu :)02:50
lifelessbug 309645 needs a more stateful eye too02:51
_mup_Bug #309645: sbuild gets confused when the dsc version does not match the changelog one <sbuild> <Launchpad Auto Build System:Confirmed> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/309645 >02:51
persiawgrant, Were you able to address lamont's outstanding issues with that branch?02:51
wgrantThe main issue is that it probably needs a couple of lines added to sbuild.02:52
wgrantAnd I moved onto other things before I worked out how to solve that nicely.02:52
huwshimilifeless: I was doing some work on the help wiki and decided to clear out all the bugs that had a status above low. I haven't really touched the dev wiki yet. Hopefully I'll do the same thing for that at some stage.02:53
lifelesshuwshimi: no worries02:54
StevenKCan I instruct bin/test to match tests with a regex?03:02
wgrantIt should by default.03:03
wgrant-t takes a regex, doesn't it?03:03
* StevenK adds a $ and tries it03:03
wgrant    -t TEST, --test=TEST03:03
wgrant                        Specify a test filter as a regular expression.03:03
poolielifeless, i don't think bug 703807 should be incomplete03:27
_mup_Bug #703807: "easy_install pyOpenSSL" says "error: Unexpected HTML page found at http://launchpad.net/pyopenssl/main/0.11/+download/pyOpenSSL-0.11.tar.gz" <Launchpad itself:Incomplete> <pyOpenSSL:New> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/703807 >03:27
poolieit's an intermittent error but it can be reproduced, and the user has given as much as they reasonably can03:27
pooliethere are multiple dupes03:27
pooliesorry, there is a dupe, and i reproduced it myself03:28
lifelessfrom what I could see theres still no evidence of lp itself having the issue03:28
poolierather than what?03:28
lifelesssetup.py doing something weird perhaps?03:29
pooliei could reproduce it using curl03:29
wgrantI can reproduce it right now using curl.03:29
lifelessok, then triaged critical03:29
pooliei'll do that03:29
lifelessif the headers show crap coming from the lp squids03:29
StevenKlifeless: You did mean this when you said left outer join, right: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/559348/ ?03:30
wgrantAt the moment, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/58498441/pyOpenSSL-0.11.tar.gz gets the right type from nutmeg, but the wrong from banana.03:31
lifelesswgrant: check_permission('launchpad.Edit', branch) isn't really a URI call03:59
wgrantlifeless: That's another way to bypass the security check.04:00
wgrantYou get to see the URL if any of these three conditions are satisfied: the URL is None, you can edit the branch, or the URL is not on a blacklisted domain.04:00
lifelesslike I said04:00
lifelessit was a question04:00
lifelessanother day04:02
lifelessno code04:02
lifelessTime Out Counts by Page ID04:32
lifelessHardSoftPage ID04:32
lifelessthats a little alarming this early into the day04:32
lifelessor perhaps its just one script ;)04:32
lifelessall steve beattie :)04:33
lifelesshmm 12200 still04:34
wgrantIs there a better way of getting the webapp's root URL than looking directly in the config?04:35
StevenKSigh. SQL sucks04:35
lifelessStevenK: yes thats what I meant04:37
StevenKWhich doesn't actually work anyway04:37
lifelessyou forgot the distinct04:38
StevenKHow does a distinct help me when the query returns zero rows?04:38
lifelesshang on04:38
lifelessyou need SPR left join SPRB04:38
lifelessbecause you want all rows in SPR04:39
lifelessworks for me04:40
lifeless97 rows04:40
lifeless96.751 ms04:40
StevenKOn staging?04:41
StevenKHow out of date is that database?04:41
lifelessusing 2010-11-26 as the date04:41
lifelessyour query doesn't work04:41
lifelessthe fixed one (switch the SPRB and SPR right after the FROM) does04:41
lifelessSELECT DISTINCT SourcePackageRecipe.build_daily,04:41
lifeless                SourcePackageRecipe.daily_build_archive,04:41
lifeless                SourcePackageRecipe.date_created,04:41
lifeless                SourcePackageRecipe.is_stale,04:41
lifeless                SourcePackageRecipe.name,04:41
lifeless                SourcePackageRecipe.OWNER, SourcePackageRecipe.registrant04:41
lifelessFROM SourcePackageRecipe04:42
lifelessLEFT JOIN SourcePackageRecipeBuild ON SourcePackageRecipeBuild.recipe = SourcePackageRecipe.id04:42
lifelessLEFT JOIN PackageBuild ON PackageBuild.id = SourcePackageRecipeBuild.package_build04:42
lifelessLEFT JOIN BuildFarmJob ON BuildFarmJob.id = PackageBuild.build_farm_job04:42
lifelessWHERE SourcePackageRecipe.is_stale = TRUE04:42
lifeless  AND SourcePackageRecipe.build_daily = TRUE04:42
lifeless  AND (SourcePackageRecipeBuild.id IS NULL04:42
lifeless       OR BuildFarmJob.date_created < '2010-11-26 22:47');04:42
lifelessbtw http://sqlformat.appspot.com/ is your friend :)04:42
lifelessback soon, grocery shopping time04:42
StevenKHm. How do I shoehorn DISTINCT into Storm?04:50
StevenKgrep is not being my friend04:50
StevenKwgrant: Ah! Thanks04:54
stubI think there is a nicer spelling of that, but I can never remember it :-(05:09
LPCIBotProject devel build (399): FAILURE in 4 hr 51 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/399/05:36
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=sinzui][ui=none][bug=687564] Fixed bug #687564 so that the license05:36
LPCIBotselection widget on new project does not overlap other content05:36
LPCIBoton the page.05:36
_mup_Bug #687564: license widget sections overlaps on projectgroup +newproject and projects/+new <bug-1> <javascript> <lazr-js-upgrade> <lp-registry> <regression> <ui> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/687564 >05:36
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=bac,jcsackett][ui=none][bug=613958,681125] Fix recipe build mail.05:36
wgrantallenap: Can bug #656823 be closed? I know it's probably not actually done yet, but the revs are all deployed.06:03
_mup_Bug #656823: Subscribing to a search lacks a UI <lp-bugs> <qa-ok> <story-subscribe-to-search> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by allenap> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/656823 >06:03
wgrantOK, now this is interesting.06:08
wgrantHudson and buildbot both have the same spurious-looking error which I haven't seen recently, and there are no relevant changes :(06:09
StevenKThe Hudson error looks to have confused subunit, too06:11
wgrantWell, in both cases something has gone catastrophically wrong.06:12
wgrantWith the subprocess hanging and then being killed.06:12
* StevenK has a closer look at Hudson06:12
wgrantBut they are on different branches.06:12
wgrantIt is rather unlikely that they would both show up within an hour of each other.06:13
StevenKThat looks like a deadlock to me06:13
wgrantWindmill was reenabled this morning.06:13
wgrantI bet that's not unrelated.06:13
wgrantOh look.06:14
wgrantIt was tearing down AppWindmillLayer.06:15
wgrantLet's see if it does the same locally.06:15
wgrantI've so far had it crash in 6 other ways, but not that way :(06:27
lifelesswgrant: bug 19213507:12
_mup_Bug #192135: Bug nickname field needs better validation <lp-bugs> <oops> <Launchpad itself:Invalid> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/192135 >07:12
lifelesswgrant: does the API allow bug nicknames to be set?07:12
jelmerthumper: hi07:15
jelmerthumper: with regard to bug 698032, I would just ignore and delete the build if the recipe has disappeared07:16
_mup_Bug #698032: recipe build for removed recipe triggers uploader exception <oops> <recipe> <soyuz-upload> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/698032 >07:16
jelmerwe're doing the same thing for binary builds of source uploads07:16
wgrantlifeless: Yes, and I thought the validator was OK there.07:18
wgrantBut it misses one case :(07:18
lifelesswgrant: so perhaps invalid is premature ? :)07:18
wgrantlifeless: It wasn't until you just prompted me to test further. :(07:18
lifelesswgrant: don't you hate attention to detail ? :)07:19
wgrantBug #3246407:26
_mup_Bug #32464: guess_bugtask() fails on distribution tasks without a source package <lp-bugs> <oops> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/32464 >07:26
wgrantThe function referenced there has a higher WTF level than any part of Soyuz.07:26
* jelmer is curious07:29
wgrantI always wondered what IDistribution.members was for.07:30
wgrantIt turns out it's for making wild guesses at which bugtask an email is directed at.07:30
jelmerwhat is it used for, just for telling the user in what way they are subscribed?07:31
wgrantNo, it's for incoming email.07:31
wgrantThat function is used to determine the bugtask to edit, if you don't explicitly tell it.07:31
wgrantI just presumed it failed if there was more than one.07:31
wgrantBut no, it guesses.07:31
wgrantIn the wrong order.07:32
lifelesswgrant: members is a PublicPersonChoice ?07:34
wgrantlifeless: Sounds right.07:34
wgrantI presumed it was used for nothing at all.07:34
wgrantBut I didn't know this wonderful piece of guesswork existed.07:35
wgrantIt appears to be the only callsite.07:35
lifelessnuke it ?07:35
lifelessemail ubuntu-dev, then nuke it07:36
adeuringgood morning08:56
allenapwgrant: Yes, I've marked bug #656823 released.09:09
_mup_Bug #656823: Subscribing to a search lacks a UI <lp-bugs> <qa-ok> <story-subscribe-to-search> <Launchpad itself:Fix Released by allenap> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/656823 >09:09
wgrantallenap: Thanks.09:12
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
gmbDoes anyone know if there's a canonical example of a good way of handling Zope enum values in JS widgets (i.e. where we pull in the form with ++form++) other than just rewriting the form manually?10:55
gmbI ask because Zope widgets that use enums have uppercase values, but our API demands that they be standard-caps (e.g. Lifecycle instead of LIFECYCLE).10:56
Ursinhagood morning11:03
gmbOh, never mind. What you do is make the vocabulary not suck.11:19
LPCIBotProject db-devel build (329): FAILURE in 5 hr 43 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/329/11:19
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
deryckMorning, all.12:04
jelmerjkakar: hi12:33
jelmerjkakar: how does the categorization in the HTML kanban boards work?12:33
=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad development https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | PQM is open | firefighting: - | On call reviewer: bac | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
bacadeuring: are you reviewing today?12:34
jkakarjelmer: Hi!12:39
jkakarjelmer: It's based on bug tags that start with 'story-'.  Any bugs that are part of the same story will be grouped together in a lane.12:40
jelmerjkakar: ah, thanks12:41
jkakarjelmer: np.12:41
jkakarjelmer: There's one other convention that's worth noting.12:41
jkakarjelmer: The bug states, 'Queued', 'In progress', 'Needs review', etc. are all based on information from Launchpad.  You don't need to do anything special to have a bug in the right place, with the exception of 'Needs testing'.12:42
jkakarjelmer: Er, sorry, with the exception of 'Verified'.  In order to move a bug from the 'Needs testing' column to the 'Verified' column you need to add a 'verified' tag to it.12:42
jelmerjkakar: Ah - I was wondering about that. I have a bunch of "Fix Committed" bugs that are currently sitting in Needs Testing12:43
jkakarjelmer: The columns are based on the process we use in Landscape where a QA step happens after code review... so it might not make sense for your projects if you do things differently.12:45
jelmerjkakar: yeah, because of the way bzr development works we don't really need a separate step for that12:46
jelmerjkakar: It's only minor overhead to set that tag though. I'm going to give the HTML kanban board a try and evaluate in a week or two. If it works well enough we can always improve it.12:47
jkakarjelmer: Cool, I'm curious to know how you find it.12:49
jkakarjelmer: Also, if you don't care about the difference between 'Needs testing' and 'Verified' you could just ignore the tag.  I might be nice to add an option to turn those columns into 'Ready to release' or something.12:49
gmbderyck: You might know the answer to this: are Windmill tests automatically run as part of our test suite? I'm guessing so given the most recent build failure, but I wanted to check.13:05
deryckgmb: yeah, they are now again.13:05
gmbderyck: Cool, thanks.13:05
deryckI'm also about to start looking into that failure, unless someone else has a fix worked up.13:06
gmbderyck: I was going to look into it in a bit, but if you're going to take a look I'm happy for you to do so ;)13:09
gmbThough if you need an extra pair of eyes just ping me.13:09
=== benji changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad development https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | PQM is open | firefighting: - | On call reviewer: bac, benji | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
adeuringbac: well, I am also CHR today... I focused more on that task. Also, I did not see any review requests  this morning I dared to take. But I'll add myself to the OCR set.13:16
=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | PQM is open | firefighting: - | On call reviewer: bac, benji, adeuring | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
bacadeuring: ok, i was just curious13:17
maxbHi, is the revno shown at the botton of production pages a stable branch revno?13:21
maxbBasically I'm trying to establish whether http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~launchpad-pqm/launchpad/stable/revision/12201 has reached prod yet13:22
* maxb reopens bug 68073313:28
_mup_Bug #680733: broken recipe build gets stuck at top of "5 latest builds" list on recipe page, forever <lp-code> <qa-ok> <recipe> <Launchpad itself:New for thumper> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/680733 >13:28
gmbbenji, bac: Howdy. Can you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~gmb/launchpad/hooky-hooky-bug-699719/+merge/47803 for me?13:29
benjigmb: sure13:29
sinzuiHello everyone. Hello, power, hello internet, hello small heater at my feet13:58
deryckhello sinzui.  glad to hear you have power again.13:59
deryckadeuring, abentley -- standup ping14:00
abentleyderyck, hi.14:00
bacping mrevell14:02
bacsinzui: how was that "hand ground" coffee?14:02
sinzuiIt was good. I used a French press (why is it French when it was invented in New Jersy)14:03
deryckmaybe someone from Belgium living in New Jersey made it14:05
bacsinzui: would you buy a New Jersey Press?14:05
bacoh, the cachet14:05
sinzuiOr the inventor was named Frenchie (As in the case of the French dipped sandwich)14:06
benjisinzui: the same reason Chinese fortune cookies were invented in a Japanese restaurant in San Francisco14:06
bacbenji: gullible white people?14:06
sinzuibenji: yes. Those were Shito fortunes14:06
benjisinzui: they've gotten better since then14:07
sinzuiIce cream was invented in China...a nation of lactose intolerant people. That does not make sense14:07
sinzuileonardr and I had some interesting fortune cookies in Montreal. I like the misreading of "You will have an affair with one of your students."14:08
mrevellhi bac14:09
vilaabentley: ping14:16
vilaoh, standup, bad time I guess14:17
benjigary_poster: yellow/Subscriptions includes a first cut description of the mute UI; I'd say we shouldn't include the "no events" part in the normal subscribe workflow14:17
* benji wanders away into the right channel.14:18
abentleyvila, pong14:18
vilaabentley: I cam across https://dev.launchpad.net/Foundations/NewTaskSystem/Requirements in the context of the package importer,14:19
vilaabentley: AIUI from a related thread in lp-dev, the best candidate at one point was celery+rabbitt, is this still true ?14:19
abentleyvila, yes, that was the leading candidate, but the project was put on hold before I could reach a conclusion.14:20
vilaabentley: ok, no urgency14:21
vilaabentley: thanks !14:22
abentleyvila, no problem.14:22
abentleyvila, you could consider using one of our existing systems such as the Job System or the build farm if you're looking at migrating.14:25
vilaabentley: yup, that's was my understanding from the thread14:26
vilai.e. tss14:27
vilabigjools: ha, that's why I thought you weren't in England ;-D14:32
bigjoolsvila: yeah, but *Holland*? :)14:32
vilabigjools: people wake up later there :D14:33
bigjoolslol - having been jelmer's manager I know that :)14:33
abentleylosa, bigjools: do normal staging updates include refreshing the archiveuploader?14:56
bigjoolsabentley: what's the archiveuploader?14:56
abentleybigjools, lib/lp/archiveuploader/14:57
bigjoolsabentley: yes, but staging can only do binary uploads from the build farm14:58
bigjoolsor recipe builds14:58
abentleyI'm not sure what you mean by "can only do binary uploads from the build farm".  Do you mean that the code that performs uploads for recipes is on the build farm and therefore not updated?15:00
abentleybigjools, ^^15:02
bigjoolsabentley: there's a process-upload.py cron job that processes any build coming from the build farm; there's no mechanism to process external source package uploads yet.15:03
bigjoolsit's not on the build farm, no15:03
abentleybigjools, I'm trying to figure out why my email changes haven't taken effect.  They landed in r10158, which is deployed on staging.15:05
bigjoolsis that recipe build failure notifications?15:05
bigjoolsor success in your case15:05
benjibac: will you review my review of https://code.launchpad.net/~gmb/launchpad/hooky-hooky-bug-699719/+merge/47803?15:06
abentleybigjools, yes success notifications.  I'm testing failure now.15:06
bigjoolsnot sure why you're not seeing those then - you're looking in the staging outbox?15:07
gmbbenji, bac: FTR, there *is* a feature flag: malone.use-advanced-subscriptions (or something of that nature). But I couldn't use it here because this is very, very pre-alpha.15:07
abentleybigjools, yes.  The message "[STAGING] [PPA abentley-test] [ubuntu/maverick] wakeonlan 5.5~maverick1(Accepted)" is formatted as if it were a user upload rather than a build upload.15:07
gmbbac, benji: But Y.bugs.bugtask_index.use_advanced_subscriptions will be set to true by that feature flag once this is ready for alpha testing.15:07
benjigmb: that's cool; I was thinking of something more pre-alpha-like; I'm not entirely sure feature flags are well suited for that though, because you may just want the functionality on demand.  I'm curious how you enable that functionality now (i.e., in development).15:10
gmbbenji: I just hack "Y.bugs.bugtask_index.use_advanced_subscriptions = true; " in above the call to Y.bugs.bugtask_index.setup_bugtask_index().15:11
abentleybigjools, my failure test is still "uploading", 3 minutes after the build completed: https://code.staging.launchpad.net/~abentley/+archive/test/+buildjob/218512015:15
benjibac: https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/trivial-soyuz-ui/+merge/47767 looks like it could use some review love; shall I claim it?15:16
bacbenji: yes, it looks pretty straightforward15:16
bigjoolsabentley: I'm not sure how often the cron job runs to upload them on staging15:17
bigjoolsDEATH TO pagetitles.py15:17
abentleybigjools, Oh, completed now.15:17
abentleybigjools, failure behaviour is unchanged too.  I am really strongly suspecting that process-email was not updated.  Do you know where it runs?15:19
bigjoolsabentley: on staging itself15:20
bigjoolswhatever that box is called15:20
bigjoolsmaybe there's a separate tree?15:20
abentleybigjools, there are a bunch of boxes that make up staging.15:20
bigjoolsyou need to find a friendly neighbourhood losa15:20
allenapbdmurray: Do you remember doing @operation_removed_in_version stuff for IHasBugs.searchTasks()?15:22
abentleylosa, I can't figure out which machine runs "process-upload.py --builds" on staging, but whatever it is, I think it hasn't been updated to r10158.  Could you please investigate?15:25
Chexabentley: let me look for you15:27
allenapderyck, gmb, abel: Do you remember anything about @operation_removed_in_version stuff for IHasBugs.searchTasks()? I think (well, bzr ann says) that bdmurray was the last to touch the API declaration.15:29
abentleyChex, ty15:29
deryckallenap: yeah, I think he did that to add a couple params that weren't there before.15:30
allenapderyck: Yeah, it looks like there's a different set of defaults for the arguments in devel to 1.0 (no mention of beta). I can't see that it needs the operation_removed_in_version() declaration though, and wondered why its there. I haven't tried removing it, so maybe I should see if smokes comes out.15:32
deryckallenap: yeah, I would.  I'm sorry, but I don't recall the specifics.  He worked with leonard to get the format this is in now.15:32
allenapderyck: Okay, thanks.15:33
gmballenap: What are the params being removed from?15:33
gmbNow here's an amusing thing, my IRC client is only sending *some* of what I'm typing.15:34
allenapgmb: The devel declaration it appears, though I'm not sure if the declarations group up or down.15:34
* gmb looks15:35
gmballenap: For the first time in my life, I dislike decorators.15:37
gmbI have NFI.15:37
jmlI know things about stuff15:37
jmlesp decorators15:37
allenapgmb: Lol, cheers :)15:37
* gmb sits back and waits for the wisdom to flow forth from jml15:38
jmlwhat's the question?15:38
allenapjml: IHasBugs.searchTasks() has a whatimcalling compound declaration.15:38
allenapjml: So that devel and 1.0 have different arguments.15:39
allenapjml: But there's an @operation_removed_in_version("devel") declaration.15:39
allenapjml: However, the operation appears to be available still in devel.15:40
allenapjml: And I'm not sure what was meant to replace it.15:40
allenapWe'll get lynched if we remove searchTasks.15:40
bdmurrayIs there anyway to find the mp that added that?15:41
gmbbdmurray: Maybe.15:41
abentleybdmurray, sure.15:41
gmb(Ooh, forensics).15:41
allenapbdmurray: Hello :) I guess it was yours from the 18th August.15:41
gmbDamn, I was going to get all Grissom.15:41
abentleybdmurray, see bzr lp-find-proposal15:41
bdmurrayallenap: hey, I don't recall specifically but if I looked at it I might remember better15:42
jmlallenap: searchTasks gets re-exported with different params in devel15:42
jmlallenap: above the "removed" line is an export line15:42
=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch]
jmlallenap: the order of decoration goes from bottom to top, and each decorator gets executed15:43
bdmurraythis is starting to sound familiar ...15:43
jmlallenap: so the "export_read_operation" just above the "def" is for the 1.0 version15:43
allenapjml: Ah, so when we export different declarations according to API version we need to remove it so that the next one can fit... getting vague, lights dimming...15:43
jmland the one just above the "operation_removed" is for the devel version15:43
jmlit's sort of abusing the fact that decorators are actually executed in a particular order15:44
jmlas in, it's using them imperatively rather than declaratively15:44
jmlwhich is not _so_ bad I guess, but enough to make me start wondering if there's a better way.15:45
allenapjml: If I removed the operation_removed_in_version it'll either complain that it's already declared, or it'll stomp over the previous declaration?15:45
allenapSorry, tenses all over the place.15:46
jmlallenap: I don't know. I know how to find out though :)15:46
allenapOkay, I'm going to run some tests now :)15:46
allenapSmoke comes out.15:46
allenapHow interesting.15:46
bdmurraythis was for bug 32059615:46
_mup_Bug #320596: Series.searchTasks() always returns an empty collection <api> <lp-bugs> <qa-ok> <ubuntu-qa> <Launchpad itself:Fix Released by brian-murray> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/320596 >15:47
brendand_hello launchpadders15:48
brendand_can i please stop getting two emails for each bug status change. kthxbye15:48
allenapbrendand_: Do you have an example bug?15:50
allenapbdmurray: Awesome, thanks for digging that up.15:50
allenapAnd thanks jml too.15:51
brendand_allenap - any bug15:51
brendand_allenap - it's because i'm a member of a mailing list15:51
allenapbrendand_: Ah, yes :-/15:51
brendand_allenap - which gets set the bug mail15:51
jmlallenap: my pleasure.15:51
brendand_allenap - i guess i could address it with a filter. but can't something be done in launchpad?15:52
allenapbrendand_: I'm sure that something could be done, but my guess is that it's harder than it seems. The new Yellow Squad are currently working on bug subscription improvements. They might have something in mind.15:54
jmlis there a bug filed about it?15:56
allenapgmb: As a yellow squaddie, can you help brendand_?15:56
gmballenap, brendand_: Do either of you know if there's a bug filed about this problem?15:57
gmb(If not, I'll file one)15:57
brendand_gmb - i don't know15:57
allenapgmb: I don't know; my knowledge of bugs in Launchpad is the exact opposite of mpt's.15:57
* gmb goes to file a bug15:58
brendand_gmb - it is easily worked around once you know why it's happening, but i'm sure it happens to lot's of people15:58
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
mptit appears to be bug 18734615:59
_mup_Bug #187346: Multiple duplicate bug mails received when both subscribed to an external list which is the contact for a team subscribed to a bug and subscribed to the bug in some other fashion <lp-bugs> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/187346 >15:59
maxbDoes anyone have any recommendations for how to start learning YUI3 ?16:00
gmbbrendand_: Does bug 187346 accurately summarise your problem?16:01
_mup_Bug #187346: Multiple duplicate bug mails received when both subscribed to an external list which is the contact for a team subscribed to a bug and subscribed to the bug in some other fashion <lp-bugs> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/187346 >16:01
brendand_mpt - not just bug mails16:02
brendand_mpt - even more annoyingly it's merge mails too16:02
allenapbrendand_, gmb: Also bug 350390 is interesting because of its status.16:02
_mup_Bug #350390: Duplicate Messages Across System <email> <lp-registry> <mailing-lists> <oem-services> <Launchpad itself:Won't Fix> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/350390 >16:02
brendand_mpt - 'more annoyingly' because the message fields are exactly the same, so impossible to filter16:02
mptAny time a team is subscribed to something, it's a symptom of a missing feature in Launchpad16:03
abentleyChex, how's it going?16:06
Chexabentley: ok, I found the branch, and its not on the correct revison, chekcing the restore process now16:08
abentleyChex, cool, thanks.16:09
benjiok, bac: you can review my review of https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/trivial-soyuz-ui/+merge/47767 at your leisure16:10
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=== Ursinha-lunch\ is now known as Ursinha-lunch
jcsackettsinzui: might you have some time to mumble in a bit? i'm hitting something odd in the testcase for that question assertion bug. (which i can finally work on again).16:21
LPCIBotYippie, build fixed!16:22
LPCIBotProject devel build (400): FIXED in 5 hr 2 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/400/16:22
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=allenap][ui=none][bug=688479,16:22
LPCIBot708028] Dragged updateTranslation and its evil allies out of their16:22
LPCIBotholes and gave them to the sharks for breakfast.16:22
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=gmb][ui=none][bug=707478] bugs.freedesktop.org (Bugzilla 3.4.6)16:22
LPCIBothas decided to take notice of the columnlist parameter we pass over.16:22
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=lifeless][ui=none][bug=665135] Don't OOPS when attempting to16:22
LPCIBotdisplay an empty remote branch URL.16:22
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=allenap][ui=none][bug=669288,16:22
LPCIBot683798] Delete SourcePackageRecipes when merging.16:22
sinzuijcsackett: in a few minutes16:25
jcsackettsinzui: thanks.16:25
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
bacbenji: re CSS i was talking about the same section16:47
benjibac: ok, cool; I still don't understand why that constitues "CSS ... for global styles".  I will continue to seek enlightenment.16:50
bacbenji: perhaps i wrote badly.  i was trying to say only put stuff in the CSS file if it is reusable16:51
dpm_hi deryck. It seems we've got a critical problem with translations, whereby upstream imports are overriding Launchpad transaltions unconditionally. I've been in touch with Danilo and Henning about this, but they are away today, and I'm not sure whether I should talk to your team or to the maintenance squads. May I just forward you the e-mail with the discussion and let you decide?16:52
deryckdpm_: sure, that works.16:52
deryckdpm_: is it fallout from the recent feature work?  i.e. something has changed and now causing issues?16:52
benjibac: ah, that makes more sense; perhaps I've been hit over the head with the inline-styles-will-kill-kittens stick too many times16:53
jcsackettsinzui: have a sec? i don't know that mumble is necessary.17:00
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
dpm_deryck, sorry for the delay, Evolution crashed on me. I've now put you on CC on the thread. Yes, it seems that this has to do with the new upstream imports in Ubuntu that came with the last LP rollout17:05
jcsackettsinzui: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/69729417:06
_mup_Bug #697294: AssertionError editing a question  <oops> <questions> <Launchpad itself:In Progress by jcsackett> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/697294 >17:06
deryckdpm_: ok, cool.  I'll look closely at the thread now.17:06
dpm_thanks a lot deryck. I can provide more info if it helps, but I'm not familiar with the LP code17:07
deryckdpm_: no worries.  I'm new to translations, too. :-)  But I'll see if I can at least get my head around the issue, and work out what we can do next.17:07
dpm_deryck, I appreciate that, I know you guys are doing an extra effort getting your way around parts of LP new to you now :-)17:09
deryckdpm_: ok, so let me see if I get the main points right....17:12
deryckdpm_: 1) we messed up huge here :-) because we're updating translations we shouldn't (i.e. we're not following the precedence rules we always have....17:13
deryckdpm_: 2) but the damage is done for now since you disabled imports.....17:14
deryckdpm_: 3) and we need to work out a) what happened and b) how quickly we can get this fixed.17:14
dpm_exactly, well summed up. At least that's my understanding. Henning or Danilo would perhaps be able to add more context, but that's how I understood it.17:15
deryckok, cool.17:15
deryckso the problem is that we really don't have any domain expertise until Monday17:15
deryckand if we're not causing any more damage, I don't think we should call people at home now, unless you think it requires that kind of attention.17:16
dpm_no, I don't think it does17:16
deryckdpm_: ok, so I'll send email to my squad now, and make sure we're clear that this has to be looked into ASAP when everyone is working again Monday.  sound fair?17:17
dpm_Right now I just wanted to raise the issue, I assumed that even with domain expertise this is not something that can be fixed quickly17:18
dpm_deryck, that sounds good, thanks a lot17:18
deryckdpm_: np.  Sorry this got messed up so badly.17:18
dpm_no need to apologise, let's look at how to fix it next week :)17:19
jmlgary_poster: hi17:25
gary_posterhey jml17:25
jmlgary_poster: just letting you know that I have indeed received your email, and that I'll be looking at the LEP again as soon as I may. (Probably my Monday morning)17:25
gary_posterjml, awesome, thank you.  I'm hopeful that there won't be any surprises for you given out previous conversations, and am proceeding in that hope, so that timing is fine.17:26
jmlgary_poster: cool :)17:26
=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | PQM is open | firefighting: - | On call reviewer: bac, benji | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
jmlI wish subunit were one project per language17:33
jelmerI sometimes wish that too, but that's only because I'm not doing the release management / packaging :-)17:35
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jmlgah, emacs redraw bugs18:22
deryckbdmurray, hey.... I thought you were one of the main ones driving to disable subscriptions for ubuntu.  Am I completely recalling this wrong?18:38
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gmbHave a good weekend folks.18:42
* gmb -> exeunt, in pursuit of a Friday evening18:42
* benji thought exeunt was plural; maybe gmb is a colonial organism.18:44
bdmurrayderyck: No, you are right and have exposed me!18:45
deryckbdmurray: ok, at least I'm not crazy then18:46
bdmurrayderyck: nope not at all.18:48
bdmurrayderyck: its complicated ;-)18:49
deryckbdmurray: invariably everything with Launchpad is, for some reason ;)18:51
deryckbdmurray: I won't call you out on list for the two-faced requester that you have become.  but I'll probably tell gary_poster this in secret.18:52
gary_posterderyck, bdmurray, lol18:52
bdmurrayderyck: I think I wrote some of the code disabling it so it wouldn't be hard for somebody to out me18:53
gary_posterso, bdmurray, you share deryck's social concern, but would really like the functionality for yourself?18:53
gary_posterIOW, as a clunky interface example, you would like to say that users *can* subscribe to distributions, but they get warned about it?  Or...you have to be a member of some team?18:54
bdmurraygary_poster: yes, that's a fair statement my concern is people doing something they didn't intend and getting hate mail about it.18:55
gary_postergot it, bdmurray.  yeah, hate mail is no fun.  OK, I'll add that to the LEP discussion too.  thank you18:55
bdmurrayIt'd be neat if you could see how many bugs would have met your criteria over the past 24 hours or a week18:56
bdmurrayYou could even just allow distro subscriptions via the API and I'd be happy18:56
gary_posterhow many bugs: that would be neat, I agree.18:57
gary_posterdistro subscriptions via API: ok18:57
deryckI need someone smarter than me about layers to weigh in on my proposed fix for Windmill LayerIsolationError issues.19:13
deryckmaybe gary_poster or lifeless  (if around)? :-) ^^19:13
gary_posterderyck: oh meh.  :-) lifeless' layer knowledge is way more recent than mine, but I guess I'll give it a try.  I know you are EoD soon, but I'd like to wrap something up first.  10 min?19:15
deryckgary_poster: totally fine.  I don't EOD for another 2 hours.19:15
gary_posteroh ok cool19:15
gary_posterwill ping soon then19:16
deryckgary_poster: ok, cool.  thanks!19:16
lifelessgary_poster: deryck: ?19:16
gary_poster+1 on lifeless answering your question, deryck ;-)19:16
deryckhi lifeless.  So I'm trying to fix the LayerIsolationError problems breaking the build....19:16
derycklifeless: the simpleness of this fix has me worried I missed something.  https://code.launchpad.net/~deryck/launchpad/kill-windmill-test-pain-ftw/+merge/4785219:17
deryckwould value input from you19:17
lifelessuhoh, we're in trouble then :P19:17
lifelessso this assumes that None is the correct value19:19
lifelesswhat is actually making the change?19:19
deryckwell the BaseLayer throws the error if it isn't None, i.e. we want it to be None when we're done.  Windmill messes with the timeout at various places.  Windmill itself, not our use of it.19:20
lifelessso our hardcoded check is for a timeout of None19:20
lifelessso setting it to None is indeed appropriate19:20
lifelessgrah, someone needs to take that library out and shoot it; changing global state is Not Cool19:20
deryckyeah, and just as I was making peace with the monster19:21
lifelessan ideal fix would be to find and wrap all those places19:21
lifelessas we *may* still run into issues within the layer that uses it19:21
deryckI can fix Windmill itself, but I was wondering if this would get the build working again as a temp fix.19:21
lifelessbut this certainly should address our symptoms19:21
deryckshall I XXX this line with a bug describing the badness of Windmill and then land it?19:22
lifelessderyck: +119:22
derycklifeless: cool, thanks!19:22
lifelessyes indeedy, and a bug somewhere for us to hammer on later; High pri IMO.19:22
deryckbug 70943819:27
_mup_Bug #709438: Windmill mucks about with socket default timeout and shouldn't <javascript> <windmill> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/709438 >19:27
deryckI can fix this next week.19:27
deryckI need to get a patch upstream for the 512k bug anyway19:28
bdmurraygary_poster: looking again I think bug supervisors can structurally subscribe to distro bugs if a bug supervisor is set19:48
bdmurraygary_poster: at least that is the way it was when I wrote it19:50
gary_posterbdmurray, oh?  I'm afraid I'm not even sure how bug supervisors fit into it19:51
bdmurraygary_poster: its only for distributions with bug supervisors set that structural subscriptions are restricted for and they are restricted to the members of the bug supervisor team19:53
bdmurraygary_poster: so there is no need to "re-allow" structural subscriptions on distributions19:54
gary_posterah!  so you can already subscribe to distributions, so if we add filtering for that then that will allow you to use that again?19:55
bdmurraynot again but yes19:55
gary_posterI thought you were not using that now, because it was too much?19:56
bdmurrayOkay, yes *I* personally have not been subscribed to all ubuntu bugs for a long time now19:57
gary_posterI think I got you, then.  thanks for clarifying19:57
bdmurraygary_poster: here is the mp https://code.launchpad.net/~brian-murray/launchpad/bug-556489-distro-struct-sub/+merge/3109019:58
gary_posterawesome, thanks19:58
bdmurrayno problem19:59
SpamapSwhy oh why can't I delete my own comments on a bug? :-(20:20
dobeySpamapS: buyer's remorse? :)20:28
SpamapSwrong window :-/20:28
SpamapSat any given time of day I have between 5 and 20 bugs open in chrome20:28
SpamapSsometimes I mistake them for eachother..20:28
SpamapSI can only imagine how that lady with octuplets must feel :-P20:29
dobeyheh, i wish i could delete others' comments sometimes. especially when they are mailer autoreplies20:31
lifelessthat would be nice20:31
lifelessbefore we make it cheaper20:31
lifelessI think we need stable indices (in progress), as well as some sort of defined rule for who can hide what, and who can unhide what.20:31
lifeless(and who can see whats hidden)20:32
dobeyor a collapsable view that is collapsed by default except the most recent comment, or something20:32
dobeybusy bugs can be pain to follow when you have to scroll 2000 pages to see the last comment :)20:33
lifelessthat might be nice too20:33
lifelessI don't know if you know, but we don't show all comments by default20:33
lifelesswe show first + last 80 or something20:33
dobeystill too much, i think. even with only showing partial comments, because each comment can still be quite large, even if it's partial20:34
lifelessthe End key is also helpful20:35
dobeybut no i didn't really know that20:35
dobeyyes, but browsers are slow.20:35
lifelessexcellent, I think we squashed Distribution:EntryResource:searchTasks20:35
dobeyespecially on complex sites like launchpad20:35
lifelessMonday, time to drop a second off of the timeouts20:36
lifelessdobey: Launchpad is slow for many reasons :)20:36
cr3lifeless: I noticed a bug mentionned in a thread by poolie about a couple queries taking a long time, one for the count() and the other for the actual result set. have there been discussions to improve retrieving result sets so that they don't necessarily need to also return the count?20:49
lifelessI first raised this in July I think20:51
cr3lifeless: if these discussions are recorded somewhere, I'd be interested :)20:51
lifelessjtv made a good suggestion on a different dimension at the epic, to improve the efficiency of slicing20:51
lifelesscr3: the dev mailing list20:51
cr3lifeless: will have a look, I had ideas too about retrieving slice+1 items or somesuch, nothing terribly innovative but might provide a good bang for the buck20:52
lifelesscr3: so for nontrivial counts we should use query plan estimates - there is code in the tree20:52
lifelesscr3: for efficiency rather than offsets we should use limits20:52
lifelesse.g. instead of offset 100 limit 76, use id > 1234 LIMIT 7620:53
cr3lifeless: hm, that never occured to me but makes total sense!20:54
deryckHave a nice weekend everyone.20:54
wgrantsinzui: Morning.21:09
sinzuihi wgrant21:10
wgrantsinzui: The new nightly.sh is on loganberry, which means p-r-f won't run until you land your crontab change.21:11
sinzuiI struggled with that.21:11
sinzuispm merged it about 18 hours ago, but did not push the branch. Chex helped with that21:12
wgrantAhh, I asked him about that, but he didn't say he'd merged it.21:12
sinzuiThere was a lot of confusion when I asked Chex to merge it and we had a zero-length patch21:13
lifelesshi sinzui21:13
sinzuiSo the next step is to ensure crontabs are live21:13
sinzuihi lifeless21:13
wgrantsinzui: Apparently that is done before the branch is touched.21:14
wgrantThat is, the crontabs become live *first*.21:14
sinzuiSo so I wait for hate mail form script-monitor to learn of the change is in production?21:15
wgrantsinzui: IIRC spm said that the change is made live first, then put into the branch.21:15
wgrantSo we should have no hatemail.21:15
wgrantWhich will be a pleasant change.21:15
wgrantsinzui: In https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/trivial-soyuz-ui/+merge/47767 I hardcode 'https://launchpad.net/'... is there a good way to determine that from the config?21:21
* sinzui thinks21:25
wgrantIt is really tempting to kick Windmill out again until deryck can get it to work.21:26
wgrantBecause we're not leaving testfix until that happens.21:26
wgrantAny objections?21:26
wgrantIt's a one-line change to reblacklist.21:27
sinzuiwgrant: I think we want to use config.vhost.mainsite.hostname for the case I see in the merge21:29
wgrantsinzui: OK, I wondered if there was some way apart from digging directly in the config.21:30
sinzuiwgrant: list a helper function?21:30
sinzuiWe may have had some in the past, but not now. webapp.vhosts.allvhosts is used in some places. it is a specialised config21:35
wgrantsinzui: allvhosts.configs['mainsite'].rooturl looks relevant.21:41
sinzuiindeed. I think that is what canonical_url uses21:41
=== benji changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Topic for #launchpad-dev: https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | PQM is open | firefighting: - | On call reviewer: - | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
jcsackettsinzui: are we doing standup today, given it's wgrant's saturday?22:35
wgrantI hope not.22:39
jcsackettwgrant, i think you're free. :-)22:39

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