
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
project2501aum, if i wanted to post a reward, say USD$5k for someone to fork launchpad and incorporate native git and hg support, instead of bridging which has now, where should I do it? and how should i put the money in escrow?03:22
magciusWhy a fork?06:05
lifelessmagcius: they've left already ;)07:25
micahglifeless: is bug 594916 worth a bump in importance?07:31
ubot5Launchpad bug 594916 in Launchpad Auto Build System "buildd doesn't correctly check versioned ORed build-dependencies" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59491607:31
lifelessmicahg: a patch would be nicer ;)07:31
micahglifeless: I'm not sure I want to tackle yet another massive codebase :)07:32
wgrantmicahg: That particular codebase is in Ubuntu :)07:32
wgrantIt's an ancient sbuild bug.07:32
lifelessmicahg: tis sbuild07:32
micahgwgrant: lifeless: oh, ok, well, I might take a look then, thanks :), should I open an sbuild task?07:33
wgrantProbably not, because our version of sbuild diverged in mid-2004.07:33
micahgwgrant: so, it's a bug in the fork of sbuild or a bug in the current version of sbuild in Ubuntu as well?07:36
wgrantmicahg: Probably both.07:36
wgrantAt least it was when I last checked a year or so ago.07:36
wgrantDebian has basically rewritten it since then, though.07:36
wgrantIf you can confirm it's fixed in modern Debian/Ubuntu sbuild, I may be more convinced to finish porting LP to the new version.07:37
micahgwgrant: ok, I'll have sbuild set up locally next month, I'll get back to you on that07:37
lifelesswgrant: getting back to mainline would be useful07:38
lifelesswgrant: less to maintain07:38
wgrantlifeless: Definitely.07:38
wgrantIt's very close.07:38
lifelesswgrant: just offering tuits :P07:38
wgrantPlus it means we can tell the Perl to GET OUT OF MY TREE.07:38
lifelessdon't make me port lp to perl07:39
wgrantStevenK would like that.07:39
StevenKWhich ORM and tech?08:17
xrg_hi again: need somebody to check lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-server/vmt-server-module08:34
xrg_up. help with some mis-behaving branch on lp, please? ( lp:~openerp-dev/openobject-server/vmt-server-module)08:41
wgrantxrg_: What's the problem?08:42
xrg_wgrant: hello. Problem is that when we try "bzr checkout <url> -r 3326", bzr doesn't like the "-r ..." parameter and comes up with:08:43
xrg_ Requested revision: u'3326' does not exist...08:43
xrg_very strange that it considers the revision a unicode08:44
pooliexrg_, that's just a formatting bug in the error, i tihnk08:45
pooliethe bigger question is why is it failing?08:45
xrg_as far as we've tested here (from 2 machines), error only happens when we supply the -r parameter08:46
pooliei get that too08:46
pooliewithout the u'' fwiw08:46
xrg_if we checkout w/o revision, it brings 332608:46
wgrant-1 doesn't work either.08:47
pooliexrg_ please file a bug against bzr08:47
xrg_could it have to do with the server this branch is located at?08:47
poolieas a workaround, you can probably make a checkout of tip and then 'bzr update -r whatever'08:47
poolieit possibly could08:47
xrg_because, local checkout of the directory this branch originated from, works.08:47
xrg_let me try the "update" command..08:48
xrg_bzr update works08:49
pooliedoes that command work on other branches?08:49
xrg_it is our buildbot server which uses that mainly: http://test.openobject.com/latestbuilds08:50
xrg_only fails at the vmt-... branchh08:50
xrg_you may notice that we have a bunch of branches there, some of which for the same 'team', and only the "vmt-server-module" failed08:52
wgrantxrg_: How long has it been failing?08:52
xrg_since yesterday. That branch is new08:52
xrg_and we tried today to push the same content into a new lp branch, failed the same way.08:53
poolievila, ^^08:53
pooliethe last call before it fails in08:53
poolie39.212  hpss call:   'get', '/~openerp-dev/openobject-server/vmt-server-module/.bzr/branch/last-revision'08:53
poolie39.212               (to bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~openerp-dev/openobject-server/vmt-server-module/)08:53
poolie39.536     result:   ('ok',)08:53
pooliewe shouldn't really be reading that08:54
pooliebut i suspect that file is out of date08:54
pooliexrg_, also, just a tip, it's probably going to be faster to branch from launchpad and then use 'bzr bind'09:00
xrg_poolie: thanks for the tip09:02
ttxhey, I wondered if there was anything more I should do to get my branch merge proposal merged into a future release of Launchpad ?09:04
ttxIt's been "approved" by Gavin, but I don't know what the next step is09:04
wgrantttx: Normally your reviewer will land it for you.09:05
wgrantallenap: Around?09:05
wgrantIf not, I can.09:05
ttxwgrant: be my guest :)09:06
allenapttx: I'm so sorry, I should have merged that before.09:11
ttxallenap: I should have pinged you about it before... I just thought it was in some queue and then thought of something else09:11
=== adeuring changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/ | Read https://help.launchpad.net/ for help | On-call help contact: adeuring | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: https://dev.launchpad.net/
allenapwgrant: Are you landing ttx's branch?09:55
wgrantallenap: I'm pretending that I'm not here, since it's past EOD.09:56
allenapwgrant: I'll land it. I almost let it fall through the gaps again, oops.09:57
allenapttx: Okay, I've sent it off. It should get through testing in about 5 hours and then land, and it'll be in qastaging shortly after that. The deploy queue for production is short so we might be able to get it into production today if we're lucky.09:59
ttxallenap: oh! that's faster than I thought :)10:00
allenapttx: If not today then Monday.10:00
ttxperfect, many thanks10:01
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Hanmachello, i thy to make a ppa for libpng with apng support, but i am fail with making the packages ... some one chould help me?13:40
maxbHanmac: The #ubuntu-packaging channel is more suitable for that sort of thing, but you will need to ask specific questions about the things you are having problems with, not expect someone else to research the overall problem and provide a complete solution14:05
Hanmacok the key was missing ... i used dput to upload my files, but there are not in my ppa ... did i something wrong?14:27
maxbThere is usually up to ~5 minutes delay14:30
aquariusCan I create a mailing list on launchpad that people can join without having a launchpad account?15:28
adeuringaquarius: no, only LP uses can subscribe15:33
aquariusadeuring, OK, thanks15:33
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Hanmachello, it is posible to upload a source for mavick and natty without changing a file?20:33
shadeslayerHanmac: yes, just change the distro in the changelog20:54
shadeslayerbut id advise to suitably adapt the changelog20:54
Hanmac"File libpng_1.5.0-1~apng.debian.tar.gz already exists in Hanmacs ppa, but uploaded version has different contents." --> i thy with "debuildĀ -S" but it does not work ...20:56
bigjoolsHanmac: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+faq/99020:57
Hanmac:/ it was an error in the build ... *hmmm* ... i hope "1.5.0-1.1" will work ..21:02
Hanmacok it worked ... how to add my ppa to https://launchpad.net/libpng ?21:18
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slangasekI'm desperately trying to get a sane bzr import of a git tree that has submodules; just when I think I'm most of the way there, I try to push to launchpad and I get the following error:22:21
slangasekbzr: ERROR: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', "'Bazaar development format 8\\n'")22:21
slangasekis development-subtree not supported by launchpad's server-side bzr?22:22
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poolieslangasek, sorry, i guess it's not22:51
pooliebut i'm a bit surprised that's the case22:52
pooliei wonder if it's because they're running 2.2/22:52
poolieslangasek, please file a bug and we could use that to hurry up an upgrade to 2.322:52
slangasekpoolie: ack22:52
slangasekpoolie: bug #709539, cheers22:54
ubot5Launchpad bug 709539 in Launchpad itself "launchpad doesn't accept branches in format developer-subtree (development format 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70953922:54

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