
esingsun-javadb-client is the correct original java plugin?00:00
hblountcool thanks guys00:00
esing*searching the original package to avoid incompatibility00:00
szczuresing, you mean the web browser plugin?00:01
esinggrml i installed google earth but cant find it anywhere ^^00:01
esingnot working00:03
esingsays it is not availabke00:03
szczurshould work00:04
szczurat least for me00:04
esingsudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin00:05
esingthen it says it is not available00:05
szczurdid you enables the partners repository?00:05
szczurrun synaptic00:05
szczurSettings -> Repositories00:06
szczuron "Other sources" tab00:06
szczuror something like that00:06
szczursecond tab :)00:06
szczurtick the partners repository and close the window00:07
szczurrefresh the list of packages00:07
szczurand search for sun java plugin00:07
szczurthese are the java packages i have installed00:07
esingnot working00:09
esingcommonjava is listed but java6 plugin not00:10
szczurhmm, should be00:11
szczurrefreshed the package list?00:11
esingmb I should remove icedtea6 first?00:11
szczurand your repositories looks something like http://szczur.ath.cx/repo.png00:12
szczuri mean the first entry00:12
esingyes first two entries exisdt00:13
esingothers on the bottom dont00:13
szczurexists and are ticked?00:13
szczurhmm, then i don't really know00:14
esinghehe :D00:14
szczursun java plugin is in partners repo00:14
esingmaybe i find out tomorrow00:14
esingicedtea6 i can remove tho?00:14
* szczur is puzzled00:14
szczurdon't know what is it so i'm not the right person to ask :P00:14
szczurwait for a moment00:15
szczurahh, free java plugin00:15
szczuryou can remove it if you want00:15
esingcan i install java6 plugin directly from java.com?00:16
esingor will it be too dificult to compile etc?00:16
esing(never done before)00:17
esingi have found it now00:17
szczuri wouldn't do it. There may be more problems with removing it and etc. :P00:18
esingy ^^00:18
esingit worked now00:18
esingI looked under J not S00:18
szczurso you have sun java now00:19
szczuri should say Oracle00:19
esingyea :D00:20
esingwith ur help00:20
szczurglad you worked it out :)00:20
esingthanks :)00:20
szczurno problem00:21
szczuri'm bioterror's mentee. need to collect points :)00:21
szczurI need00:21
esingi can agree you captured 100% of possible points ;D00:23
esingsynaptic crashed00:24
esingtaskmanager doesnt show synaptic either00:24
esingnow my system seem damaged00:37
szczurwhat synaptic says?00:38
esingit says something about dpkg process00:40
esingE: dpkg process is stopped00:40
esing"you have to to do manually sudo dpkg --configure -a00:40
szczurthen run it :)00:40
esingk ^^00:40
szczurit should work00:40
esingnow it says00:41
esingThe independences of 1 package of the system is defect00:41
esingchose filter "fecet packages " to show them00:41
szczurdid you run "sudo dpkg --configure -a"00:42
szczurit shows it after running it, right?00:42
esingi run first sudo dpk ..00:42
esingthen I restarted synpactic00:42
esingthen it says 1 package is damaged00:43
esingit is java00:43
esingbecause java didnt install correctly00:43
esingwhat should I do now?00:43
szczurtry to reinstall it00:43
szczurselect reinstall00:43
esingdo I need sun-java6.jre00:44
esingor only sun-java6-bin + plugin?00:44
szczurjre too00:44
szczuri think00:44
esingnow the same screen occures as before. it stops and when I click on details I see a shell with configure sun-java6.bin00:46
szczurclose the synaptic00:47
esingnot possible00:47
szczurwhat is in the shell?00:48
szczurcan you do the screenshot00:48
szczurwith details opened?00:48
esingi try to make a screenshot00:48
esingbut how do i do this?00:48
esingi cant find "print" on my laptop00:48
szczurthis would be helpful :)00:48
esingi found print00:48
esingi cant paste the picture in gimp00:48
szczurcheck your home folder00:49
szczurif there's file that have scrot in it's name00:49
esingah full of pictures there *G* ^^00:49
szczurack :/00:49
szczurrun terminal00:51
szczurrun this command00:51
szczurscrot -d 2 synaptic.png00:51
szczurand go back to synaptic00:51
esingtwo laptops here00:52
esingnow iam with xchat online00:52
szczurahh :P00:52
szczurclick on the details "window"00:52
szczurpres tab00:52
szczurpress enter00:53
szczurorr, press tab until the OK "button"00:53
szczuris highlighted00:53
esing2so funny00:53
esing2i would have had been stuck along time at that point00:53
esing2sure it worked :D00:53
szczurand i would recommend installing00:54
szczurone package00:54
szczurfor the future00:54
szczurone moment00:54
szczurthis will create wonderful normal GTK windows00:54
szczurnot these text ones00:55
szczurlong night i'd say :)00:55
esingdamn ye00:55
esingyou live in europe too?00:55
szczuryup :)00:55
szczurhow did you know00:56
szczurahh, my ISP00:56
esingbecause you told me earlier00:56
esingand your screenshot00:56
esingiam from germany00:56
esingvery late00:56
esingits 1:56 now00:56
szczuri know this :)00:56
esingnot good00:56
szczurfrom your screenshot00:56
szczurwith "long night", i wanted to say that i bet that there will be something more to do :)00:57
szczurit always ends like this :)00:57
szczuri screwed up my friends\ ubuntu installation00:58
esing2lol what happened00:58
szczurbecause i wanted to make TV-OUT in his laptop work properly00:58
esing2grml ^00:58
szczurand i mage couple of xorg.confs00:58
esing2tv and linux is more difficult than in windows00:58
szczurand a script to switch between them00:58
szczurbut when it still ended up on being b/w00:59
szczuri gave up00:59
szczurand wanted to remove the files00:59
szczuri wasn't thinking at that moment00:59
esing2you had no backup?01:00
szczurand i issued the sudo rm -rfv /etc/X11/* command01:00
szczurso it removed all the files, showing all the destruction01:00
szczuri ended up doing reinstallation to 5 AM01:01
szczursince it was 2 AM while i did the most stupid thing in my life :)01:01
esing2i bet you learned much of this ^01:01
szczuryeah :)01:01
esing2i wonder01:02
esing2where i can find google earth01:02
szczurthink twice when you're going to edit something in /etc :P01:02
szczuron google :P01:02
esing2ye ^^01:02
esing2i alread installed the package01:02
szczuri have an idea, run synaptic, find the package01:03
esing2good idea :D01:03
szczurrightclick it > select the properties01:03
szczurselect the installed files tab01:04
szczurand check what files are in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin01:04
szczurthen when you got the name01:04
szczuryou can run the program from terminal01:04
esing2i tried this alread01:05
esing2but it doesnt work ^^01:05
szczurfor example the file is called /usr/bin/googlespysystem01:05
szczurso run googlespysystem01:05
szczurfrom where you got the package?01:05
esing2apt get01:06
esing2from synaptci01:06
szczuryou mean googleearth-package01:06
szczurthis one?01:06
szczur5 sec01:06
szczuri'm doing it right now :)01:06
szczurthere's program called make-googleearth-package01:07
esing2ah it is only a tool01:08
szczurnow it is downloading some file from google01:08
esing2to make a debia package of google earth01:08
szczuri think it is the program01:08
szczurgoogle earth doesn't weight only 80 kB01:08
szczurnot really a debian package i think01:08
szczurdon't know01:09
szczurwill se01:09
szczur2 minutes left01:09
szczur1Mbit is killing me :)01:10
esingy ^^01:11
szczur30 sec left01:11
szczurwill se if it formats hdd, make my monitor explode01:12
szczuror simply run google earth01:12
szczuryeah, it build the package01:15
szczureven found the website01:15
szczurabout it01:15
esingah ok01:16
esingso I do it without synapctics01:16
szczuryou already installed the needed package01:16
szczurjust run make-googleearth-package --force01:16
szczurahh, and if you're running 32 bit system01:17
szczurdon't run first command01:17
szczur"sudo apt-get install ia32-libs lib32nss-mdns" << this one01:17
szczurhmm, from the comments it feels like it failed to work :/01:18
esingit worked perfectly :D01:22
esingi just had to wait01:22
esinguntil synapctic finished01:22
esinginstalling openoffice :D01:22
esingand iam a little slower now due iam so tired as hell ^^01:23
esingit is still working ..01:24
esingwith a lot warning01:24
szczurthe make-googleearth-package command01:25
szczursame for me01:25
esing2wow it takes much time ^01:25
esing2still not finished01:25
szczurwait some more01:27
szczurif it willl not stop01:27
szczurpress Ctrl+C01:27
szczuri'm trying something else01:27
szczurwhat ubuntu version you're running right now?01:27
esing2now it says success01:27
esing2iam running lubuntu 10.1001:27
szczurit finished?01:28
szczuror you pressed the Ctrl+C?01:29
esing2yes i run lubuntu 10.1001:29
esing2no i didnt press ctrl c01:29
esing2it finished well01:29
esing2but the last sudo dpkg -i googleearth_5.2.1.1588+0.5.7-1_amd64.deb01:29
esing2doesnt work01:29
szczuryou're running 64 bit system?01:30
esing2celeron 1,801:30
esing232 bit01:30
szczurthen why it creatied the 64bit package01:30
esing2i just followed the instruction on your link01:30
szczurdid you run the sudo apt-get install ia32-libs lib32nss-mdns command?01:31
esing2ye sure01:31
szczur<szczur> don't run first command01:31
szczur<szczur> "sudo apt-get install ia32-libs lib32nss-mdns" << this one01:31
esing2i did run it01:31
szczurthen uninstall these packages01:31
szczurit's for 64 bit systems01:31
esing2how can I uninstall it?01:32
szczursudo apt-get purge ia32-libs lib32nss-mdns01:32
szczurhe wrote it on the top of thej page01:32
szczurthat he's running 64 bit system01:32
szczurthat's why he had to install it01:32
esing2iam dumb01:32
esing2iam too tired01:32
esing2ok it finished deleting01:32
szczurremove these packages01:32
szczurand run make-googleearth once again01:33
szczuror wait01:33
szczuri'm trying something01:33
szczurhmm, you know what?01:34
szczurdownload and install this package01:34
szczurfaster than waiting to end the make-whatever command01:35
hblounthi. i just installed google earth but when i try to start it, nothing happens. any idea whats wrong?01:35
szczuryou installed google earth with apt get01:36
szczurI mean googleearth-package01:37
szczurfrom where you get these ideas :P01:37
szczuresing asked the same thing 30 min earlier :)01:38
szczurok, maybe not 30 min01:38
esing2hblount is trolling me :D01:38
szczurbut the same thing :)01:38
esing2he asks the same things as i do01:38
esing2I bet he is bioterror01:38
szczurhe's testing me01:39
esing2yes ! ^^01:39
szczurbioterror, CONFESS!!!01:39
szczurhblount, you're running 32 or 64 bit system?01:41
szczurand esing2, does the package work?01:41
szczurhave you installed it?01:41
esing2hm I think i use the old package i installed yet01:42
szczurthe one created by make-thing?01:42
szczurit is not installed right now i think01:43
szczurif it would be you would have google earth in Internet submenu01:43
esing2the one installed with synapatic01:43
szczurthe googleearth-package is only the script to download the program01:43
szczurand make the normal package01:44
esing2now I used this again sudo make-googleearth-package --force01:44
szczuryou created one01:44
szczur...for 64bit system01:44
esing2with synaptic ealier01:44
szczuraaah, you created another one01:44
esing2yep after i installed the google earth package with synaptic icreate rnother one01:44
szczurso my work is done01:44
esing2i go sleeping too soon01:44
esing2i have to tell bioterror01:44
szczurhblount, are you here?01:44
esing2that you are very good in linux01:45
szczurit went from menu through java ending on google earth01:45
szczuri knew it it won't be normal night01:45
szczuresing2, i think he knows it :)01:45
esing2ye me too ^^01:46
esing2damn notihng works01:52
esing2should I deinstall al?01:52
esing2damn iam starving in tiredness :D01:53
esing2so late in germany01:53
=== szczur_ is now known as szczur
hblounthi. sorry. it installed properly i think.it is in menu01:56
esing2i tried this too01:57
esing2and it is in menu aswell01:57
esing2but it doesnt run01:57
esing2yours running?01:57
hblountnothing happens at all when u click it right?01:57
esingnothing happens01:57
hblountyeah same here01:57
szczurwith the version from the medibuntu?01:58
szczuror make-googleearth01:58
esingno from synaptics01:58
esingi think it is medibuntu01:58
hblounti downloaded from google earth website and it let me choose "install"01:58
szczuri mean, the package that i gave link to it01:58
esinghow can I download that package01:59
esingpls send the link again01:59
szczuror the one that you build with the instructions from the webpage01:59
szczurthis package works for me01:59
szczurplease remove all other google eath packages before01:59
esingif i put that link02:00
esingin my browser i get redirected to ubuntuusers.de02:01
esingnow it works02:01
szczurworks for me02:01
szczurrun terminal02:01
esingchromeus shows it in the bottom02:01
szczurheh :)02:01
esingit is downloaded now02:02
esinghow should i run it?02:02
esingdouble clickß02:02
szczurdoubleclick should install it02:03
szczuror run terminal02:03
szczurgo to the folder where you downloaded it02:03
szczurand run02:03
szczursudo dpkg -i googleearth_5.1.3533.1731-0medibuntu1_i386.deb02:03
szczurdamn, i forgot about my kettle02:03
esingonly 16 mb file02:03
esinguhm hurry ^^02:04
szczuri would make my kitchen burn :)02:04
esingkettles are dangerous02:04
esingand everything for me ^^02:04
szczurphew :)02:04
szczurnow just drink some tea :)02:04
szczuryes, it is only 16 MB, and it works fo rme02:05
esingwhat should i do now02:05
esingit finished02:05
szczurat least i was able to track down osama bin laden02:05
szczurand my car on the outside02:05
esingit works02:05
esingawesome :D02:05
szczurmy sisters car02:05
szczuri don't have one02:05
szczurno problem02:05
esingcomputer crashed02:06
esingagain ^^02:06
esingi gotta go offline02:07
szczurmaan :P02:07
esingszczur pls go sleeping too ^^02:07
szczurcheck your ram02:07
szczurmaybe it is the problem02:07
esingye mb02:07
szczurnot now02:07
esinggot 1,5 gb02:07
szczurhouse md is waiting in the dvd drive02:07
szczuri was going to watch at least one episode :P02:08
szczurand i made some tea02:08
szczurhblount, does it work for you too?02:08
hblounti was gonna wait and see if it worked for esing02:09
szczurahh, mkay02:09
szczursafer way :)02:09
hblounthow do i uninstall all google earth packages?02:09
esingi uninstalled it with synaptcics02:09
esingJust unmarked google earth packages02:10
hblountand you said this other one works for you?02:10
esingJust download it from the link02:12
esingdouble click it in the folder downloads02:12
esingand install it02:12
esingthen go to menu / internet / googleearth02:12
esingszczur can I delete the .deb file now?02:12
esingor do I need it ?02:13
esingI will go offline now02:13
esingtoo late02:13
szczuryou can remove it02:13
esingHave nice night02:13
szczurno problem02:13
szczursee you tomorrow02:13
hblountok i try it too. thanks tea sipper02:23
szczurheh :)02:24
szczurno problem02:24
JuanantonioHello, there03:45
JuanantonioI got a little problem03:45
JuanantonioI installed lucid to a PIII and it goes wonderfully, but I updated yesterday and it is not recognizing my 1680x1050@60 resolution03:46
JuanantonioWhat should I do?03:46
bioterrorJuanantonio, you have to make xorg.conf and put resolution there04:10
JuanantonioYes, I am being helped in ubuntu-es, thanks04:10
JuanantonioI will see if I manage04:10
JuanantonioBy the way, lubuntu is wonderful04:10
bioterroryou cheated us with a loco channel :( ;)04:13
Juanantonioloco channel04:14
Juanantoniono, no, hehehe04:14
bioterrorlocal community04:14
JuanantonioOh, yes, that's it04:14
charliemacHow do I choose the correct Partitioning option when following <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows> ?09:27
quemhey, i guess this question would've worked in #ubuntu too.. but anyway.09:47
quemjust wondering if it's possible to install lubuntu on a fat32 file system?09:47
quemi guess permissions would be a problem.09:48
quembut for the purpose i intend, it'd be convenient.09:48
quem(lubuntu on a usb memory so i can carry it with me.)09:48
MrChrisDruifquem: USB can also be reformatted to NTFS etc....09:50
quemwould i be ableto install lubuntu on ntfs?09:53
esinggood morning09:54
esingi wonder how I can see a files format in lubuntu09:55
MrChrisDruifquem: You can also format to Ext2,3,409:56
MrChrisDruifI think the best of those three would be 2 or 4 in 2 mode.....journaling turned of.....journaling on USB causes unwanted writes09:57
esing(more exactly the file ending)09:57
esingMrChrisDruif you present?09:59
MrChrisDruifYes half :)10:01
quem_MrChrisDruif: currently i have two partitions on it, 6gb ext3 with ubuntu 10.04 and 2gb fat32, so i can use it on windows systems too if i want to transfer something to it.10:01
MrChrisDruifLittle bit wasted from yesterday10:01
esinglol **10:01
MrChrisDruifWould work I think :)10:01
quem_can't linux just ignore all about ownership and permissions somehow... :)10:01
=== quem_ is now known as quem
quemguess carrying two memories with me is an option too.. they're not clumsy after all.10:02
quemlove those really really small ones by verbatim.10:03
MrChrisDruifLittle pendrives aren't too big to carry around10:03
quemyeah, i keep that 8gb in my wallet. heh. i guess it should be half the price by now.10:03
MrChrisDruifquem: Why have you got Ubuntu on ext3?10:04
MrChrisDruifOn the pendrive?10:04
queminstalled it long ago10:04
quemwell, not that long.10:04
quemjournalling unneccessary or should i rather use ext4?10:05
MrChrisDruifWell....afaik is ext3 just ext2 with journaling...10:06
MrChrisDruifOn a normal HDD that isn't a problem, but on flash memory...meh...10:06
quemahhhh... yeah.10:06
quemmore writes.10:06
quemthat's a very good point.10:06
quemthat's why i disabled swap on it.10:06
quemthanks for pointing it out10:06
MrChrisDruifBut...what I've read somewhere that you can use ext4 speed without journaling...10:07
* quem checks the tune2fs man page10:07
quemreading about the ext4 features, i get reminded of how i've always  missed creation timestamps...10:08
quemlazy me googled, http://fenidik.blogspot.com/2010/03/ext4-disable-journal.html10:10
MrChrisDruifGood going O:-)10:11
charliemacHow can I to choose the right partitioning method from <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows> ?10:12
quempreparing for a trip to cameroon, wife thinks i'm nuts about bringing all the electronic junk i'm packing10:12
MrChrisDruifIndeed you are :) (sorry if I offended you :))10:13
charliemacI was thinking of saving about 1/3 of the 80 GB hard disk for the remnants of WinXP in case I screw up the linux partition lol10:14
MrChrisDruifcharliemac: For a beginning ubuntero it's indeed a pretty good idea to keep the "known" Windows XP on the drive :)10:15
quemthe ubuntu installer uses parted right? and can resize partitions?10:16
charliemacYes, I thought so!  Would that entail resizing the c:/ partition?10:16
MrChrisDruifBut when you boot from the USB or CD and go into live-mode you can use gparted to first partition your drive if you want.....or use the installer's partition section10:16
charliemacI'm not sure I can use the USB or CD methods because my computer's a little funny that way...10:17
MrChrisDruifAnd yes, that would mean you resize "C:/" ;) (or sda1 in Ubuntu)10:17
MrChrisDruifGparted should recognize the Windows partition etc...10:17
quemyou should be able to configure that in bios charliemac10:18
quemboot order and options10:18
MrChrisDruifIf your question is if your computer can boot from CD or USB....that kind of thing you check/alter in the bios or the bootmanager or whatever it's called...the latter is for single boot from a different media10:20
charliemacUSB doesn't even show up in my boot menu, and I tried booting from the CD thru BIOS, but it couldn't make it happen!  Kinda sad, not sure why.  Currently in progress w/ Grub10:20
MrChrisDruifWe understood what you mend with Grub :)10:21
MrChrisDruifBut how do you mean that? Progressing with Grub?10:22
charliemacOh lol, I'm in the middle of installation already, but when it asked me about partitioning disks, I froze.  In over my head?10:24
MrChrisDruifNah...your not :)10:24
charliemacI was planning a windows partition, a fat-32 partition for shared files, a 3-5 GB swap/paging partion, and the rest I don't know lol10:28
charliemacWould that require manual partitioning, LVM, or guided partitioning?10:29
=== quem_ is now known as quem
MrChrisDruifThat would be manual I think...guided only asks for swap & separate /home10:35
esingMrChrisDruif xeon-enouf where can I start the programm I deleted the short link from?10:37
MrChrisDruifWhat do you mean?10:38
MrChrisDruifesing: ^10:44
esingshort question10:51
esingwhere can I see all programs I installed yet in a list?10:51
esing(only in synaptic when i installed it through synaptic?)10:51
bioterrordpkg -l10:52
esingMrChrisDruif I mean when I deleted the symlink, but I found out , i can find it in /usr/bin mostly or with which10:52
esingthx bioterror10:52
bioterroresing, always use apt-get or dpkg for installing ;)10:52
MrChrisDruifYou can also save that list with piping right bioterror?10:52
bioterrordpkg -l > installed.txt10:53
esingawesome thx10:53
MrChrisDruifbioterror: Synaptic is a GUI for apt-get right? ;)10:53
esingbtw bioterror your friend xzdecze helped me much yester day ^10:53
esingthx alot10:53
bioterroresing, I noticed from log, he's a great guy10:53
bioterrorno wonder he's my padawan ;)10:53
esing( is it possible to search within a shell?)10:54
esing(because dpkg -l shows alot programs) ^^10:54
bioterroresing, what you want to search10:54
MrChrisDruifdpkg -l shows installed programs10:55
esingI'd like to search within the list of dpkg -l10:55
esingin firefox I can click ctrl +f and search a text10:55
MrChrisDruifapt-cache search pidgin searches the repos for anything pidgin10:55
esingI'd like to search the text within the shell too10:55
MrChrisDruifWell...you could save it to a text file and search that atleast....but I think that it should also be possible to search with dpkg10:56
bioterroresing, dpkg -l |grep shell10:56
MrChrisDruifbioterror is more technically inclined O:-)10:57
bioterroresing, dpkg -L bash |less10:57
bioterrorI've kept some apt-get/dpkg teaching in here before too10:59
MrChrisDruifYeah, the more you use it, the easier it becomes :)11:00
esingdpkg -l |grep shell is an awesome search command11:00
esingi will note it down11:00
bioterroresing, apt-cache search game |grep mmorpg11:01
bioterroryou dont need grep for apt-cache11:01
bioterroryou can do it 'apt-cache search project gantt'11:02
charliemacHow can I avoid using guided partitioning (in GRUB) when there is 3.8 GB empty space at the beginning of the disk?11:03
bioterrorcharliemac, ?!11:05
charliemacI could just leave it there as an empty partition (FAT-32, used to contain recovery data)11:06
bioterroryou can boot livecd, use gparted for deleting it and move it to another partition with resize11:06
bioterrorI think11:07
charliemacI would if i could, trust me! ;)  (Lol, my laptop refuses to boot from the CD)11:09
esinggotta go swimming x) catch you later up :)11:11
esingthx again11:11
=== quem_ is now known as quem
MrChrisDruifLogical Volume Manager11:37
MrChrisDruifBut I don't know how that works11:39
charliemacCan my swap partition be at the beginning at the disk?  I have 3.8GB of unused space there...11:40
charliemacIs there a downside?11:43
MrChrisDruifNot that I know of....beginning is center of the disk if I'm not mistaking :)11:43
MrChrisDruifSo would be better I would guess11:44
bioterroras the reader head moves less, it's faster11:44
charliemacCool, good coincidence11:45
charliemacHow do I make the choice between primary and logical?11:47
MrChrisDruifLogical isn't a "real" partition....you can put real/functional partitions on it...11:48
MrChrisDruifSeeing a Linux partition can easily take up 3 partitions (/,swap,/home) you can decide to put them all on a logical partition11:50
quemmay i disturb you again, MrChrisDruif ? ;) any software i must not forget to bring with me?11:51
* quem has already installed important things such as snes and nes emulators11:51
MrChrisDruifHow do you mean? Which software, bringing it were?11:51
charliemacOkay.   How much space will I need for the various linux partitions?11:52
quemto cameroon.11:56
MrChrisDruifcharliemac: If you want you can only take / (root partition), swap and /home are optional..11:57
charliemacIt looks like (<http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=282018>, <http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/partitioning>) some of those optional partitions might be helpful, as well as bonus fat-32 space.12:00
MrChrisDruifThe swap needs to be AS big or bigger than the systems RAM for Hibernation and /home is handy for your files...so they won't be deleted when you reïnstall12:04
charliemacOk.  What does "mount point" indicate?12:05
charliemacHow do I determine which mount point I would select?12:07
MrChrisDruifRoot partition (which is necessary :P) is /12:08
MrChrisDruifHome partition is /home12:08
MrChrisDruifAnd linux swap is swap12:08
charliemaclol ok because it's asked between " dos, windows, enter manually," and "don't mount" and I don't really know how to choose.12:09
szczurcharliemac, what filesystem did you choose for the partition12:11
szczursounds like fat or ntfs12:11
charliemacWent to set up a new partition, and after selecting file system, Fat-32, because it can be accessed from both WinXP & Ubuntu, and next I had to choose the mount-point and other mount options12:12
szczuryou can't intsall ubuntu on fat or ntfs filesystem. you can acess these partitions but installation is not possible12:13
szczurfor / you need to choose ext or reiserfs12:14
szczurdon't know if /home needs to be the same12:14
szczurprobably yes12:14
charliemacOk, but I'll still set up the / partition last.  Will 30GB suffice?  Overkill?  (I want to include the / as a primary and /home etc. as logical)12:14
szczur30GB will be enough12:15
szczureven little too much12:15
charliemacToo much for root and home combined with whatever other data I may wish to backup?12:16
szczurif you create /home as separate partition you don't have to format it if you're going to reinstall the system12:17
szczurso even the programs configuration stays12:18
szczurand /home is the place when you normally keep data12:18
szczurso on / there's only installed programs12:18
szczuri have 15 GB for it12:18
szczurand it is enough for me12:18
charliemacI'm cosidering the advice of the "guru" who started the <http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=282018> thread, claiming that /data is better than /home - only for multi-linux computers?12:20
MrChrisDruifI've got 10GB for /12:20
szczurcharliemac, he have /data partition to backup important data12:24
MrChrisDruif /data partition?12:25
szczur"you have a separate /home for some data and a separate /data partition to backup important data."12:25
szczurMrChrisDruif, i talking about http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28201812:25
charliemacWhat about a seperate partition for windows paging?12:25
charliemacNevermind windows paging, its not like there was one before lol12:31
victor__hello! i have a netbook and ubuntu gnome is too heavy... what differences lubuntu from ubuntu?12:32
MrChrisDruifThat it uses LXDE instead of Gnome :)12:32
victor__lol but what's the relation between lxde and openbox?12:33
MrChrisDruifOtherwise you should be able to do the same jobs on both systems...might be a little less flashy12:34
MrChrisDruifWell LXDE uses OpenBox as Window Manager if I'm not mistaking...12:35
victor__and the performance get better with lxde?12:35
MrChrisDruifThat I don't know....but LXDE is like the abbr. stands for Lightweight X Desktop Environment....it's a complete set of tools for desktop :)12:37
MrChrisDruifNeed to reboot....new kernel update :P12:37
victor__and is it possible to set thunar or nautilus elementary as the default files manager?12:38
victor__and is it possible to set thunar or nautilus elementary as the default files manager?12:46
MrChrisDruifSure it is....but PCmanFM is also very light and works well with LXDE12:47
victor__MrChrisDruif, yes but what about installing dropbox? :S12:49
charliemacIs Gnome or KDE more user-friendly than LXDE for someone coming off windows?12:50
MrChrisDruifI've heard there are some scripts that enable Dropbox functioning in PCmanFM....but if you install Nautilus(-Elementary) it works no prob...12:51
MrChrisDruifcharliemac: Linux is different, no matter if you take Gnome or KDE or LXDE12:51
charliemacWhat DE's work best with SLiM?  (I've had SLiM recommended to me in the past).12:52
victor__ok i'm gonna install be right back ;)12:53
MrChrisDruifcharliemac: LXDE comes with with it's own login manager....which works better with it then SLiM (just my own experiences)...however both Gnome and KDE should work with no problems12:54
MrChrisDruifBut LXDE's login manager (can't remember it's name) is also very light :)12:55
charliemacHow does PCmanFM weigh in?12:56
MrChrisDruifAlmost the same as thunar I think, if nog lighter12:56
charliemacIs it LXDE just as easy as Gnome or KDE?13:00
MrChrisDruifI think so, the basics are the same :)13:00
charliemacWhat are the pros and cons to adding  /boot and /tmp logical partitions?  Are they completely unnecessary? What will  happen without them?13:03
charliemacThe linux partitioning guide at <http://www.overclock.net/linux-unix/11208-linux-partitioning-guide.html> would appear to indicate them as integral...13:05
szczurseparate /boot partition would be nice if you have more linuxes than one. for /tmp partition don't know why it should be separate. Without them they will be created inside / partition13:06
szczuras separate folders13:06
szczuri don't have them as separate partitions13:06
MrChrisDruifcharliemac: They will be added to the root nonetheless....however, some people would prefer separate /boot and /tmp with different filesystems13:07
MrChrisDruifFor Beginner and even intermediate users they aren't necessary to create :)13:07
charliemaclol ok, but i like to leave myself with room to grow into new territory ;)13:08
MrChrisDruifYou can always reconfigure the partition table :)13:09
MrChrisDruifYou don't need to add everything you MIGHT like in the future :)13:12
charliemacMrChrisDruif: Without LVM?  Ok, I'll have to keep that in mind.. SO the only thing I really have to figure out right now is the Windows partition, paging/swap, and the root?13:19
esingIs it okay updating the Kernel of Lubuntu 10.10 to 2.6.35 ?13:20
MrChrisDruifYeah, you can change size by just booting a liveCD13:20
charliemacIFF the CD will work lol13:20
MrChrisDruifI'm not running Lubuntu, but my Ubuntu runs fine on the new kernel13:21
esingyou have kernel version 2.6.35 ß13:21
charliemacMrChrisDruif: which DM and DE are you running on Ubuntu?13:21
MrChrisDruifDefault...Gnome and GDM13:21
MrChrisDruifI need to burn the mini-ISO13:22
MrChrisDruifI want a AMD64 systemm13:22
MrChrisDruifesing: Updated today, running it now :)13:23
esingI will get it too then13:24
esingthis -> sudo apt-get install linux-source-2.6.35  ye13:25
charliemacDo all of the DM's and DE's have broadly the same capabilities?13:25
MrChrisDruifesing: Isn't it an update for Lubuntu?13:26
esingIt is for ubuntu 10.1013:27
esingbut i have lubuntu13:27
esingis that a problem?13:27
esingI can still aboard the installation13:27
esinghmm it is still showing the same kernel version13:28
MrChrisDruifcharliemac: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_X_Window_System_desktop_environments13:28
esingsudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.3513:29
esingcan I  do this too with my lubuntu 10.10 ?13:29
esingy/n ? :D13:29
szczuresing, ubuntu and lubuntu uses the same kernel13:30
bioterrorit's just the candy that's different on the top13:30
szczurand parts of system like cli etc. only difference is the desktop environment and default installed programs13:30
szczurhi bioterror13:30
bioterroranother one likes marshmallow and another salmiyuck ;)13:30
MrChrisDruifSo it should prolly work13:30
esinghey szczur13:31
charliemacMrChrisDruif: ^^13:37
MrChrisDruifYour welcome :)13:37
charliemacWhat are the advantages of Ext3 with journaling over Ext2?13:37
MrChrisDruifJust that: it's Ext2 with journaling :)13:39
charliemacWhat's journaling all about?  Does it log my every move?13:46
charliemac... because that sounds bulky.13:46
charliemacbioterror: thanks!13:47
bioterrornext time you can google by yourself! ;D13:47
bioterrorit's not really that hard, you go to www.google.com and you put some words you want to search like "journaling file system"13:48
charliemaclol, I was just going to, honest! :)13:48
esingwhat is the mimeinfo.cache ?13:49
charliemacWhich file sys do you implement, personally?13:49
charliemacBecause I'm wondering if the journaling is worth the extra resources, or if it slows things down a lot.13:50
esingHow can I change a name in Lubuntu of a .desktop file ?13:55
esingright click "name changing" doesnt work13:55
bioterroredit with nano or leafpad or even with vim vi joe what ever you want to use13:56
esingI did this too13:56
esingdidnt work13:56
bioterrorit does work13:56
esingah k13:57
esingnow it works13:57
esingyou are a very expert in linux13:57
esingnever used windows before? ^13:57
bioterrorI've beta tested Windows ME and Windows XP13:57
bioterrorI have some knowledge13:58
esingi see13:58
bioterrorI can build AD for a small company13:58
esingi didnt find out what the app "screenlock " does yet14:05
MrChrisDruifDoesn't it "lock your screen"14:06
MrChrisDruifI.e. turn your screen black and makes your enter your password before you can continue working? :)14:10
charliemacI bet most linux users are more intellgent than microsoft users lol ;D14:13
charliemacsee. just look @ how I spelled "intelligent!"14:14
charliemacStill, I'm wondering if the journaling is worth the extra resources, or if it slows things down a lot.14:14
MrChrisDruifWell, that overhead isn't really much...14:18
MrChrisDruifIt just writes WHAT it's going to do before DOING said operation :)14:19
ChogyDandoes lubuntu use networkmanager? if not, what does it use?14:19
esingwith xchat i can go to more than 1 IRC servers14:19
esingawesome :)14:19
esingMrChrisDruif no it doesnt, that is why I wondered about its function14:20
esingMrChrisDruif it centers all windows but no more is happening14:20
MrChrisDruifWhat do you mean esing?14:20
bioterrorwith weechat my IRCing goes to eleven14:21
esingwell the symlink "lock your screen" doesnt lock my screen14:21
esingwow are you on 11 server bioterror? ^^14:21
esingMrchrisdruif but when running it all windows will be centered on my screen but nvm thx tho14:21
bioterroresing, not really, just 414:21
esingah ok ^^14:21
bioterroresing, it was spinal tap -joke14:22
charliemacWhat percentage of the system's time is taken up through journaling?14:23
szczuresing, run terminal14:23
szczuramd tell me if this command locks the screen for you14:23
szczurxscreensaver-command -lock14:23
esingok sec14:26
esingyes it does14:26
szczurhmm, then why screenlock icon doesn't14:27
charliemacDoes everyone here use the journaling version of Ext2, ext3?14:27
bioterrorwe use ext414:27
bioterrorthat's like year 201114:27
szczurChanServ, i wouldn't bother about the perormance side of ext314:27
szczurdata security is more important i think14:27
bioterrorif he's using some usb pen drive14:28
szczurexcept the times when you're running debian on P16614:28
bioterrorthen ext214:28
szczuror flashdrives14:28
szczurthat's true14:28
charliemacok...  What about a 6-10 year old hard disk?14:28
bioterrorinstall ZFS ;D14:28
MrChrisDruifesing: You were talking about that lock screen....14:32
charliemacIs zfs pretty good?  I was thinking of having a large fat-32 partition as a sort of reserve parachute but that would bring me to 4 partitions...14:32
MrChrisDruifMeh....don't talk on two conversations after 4 hours of sleep :P14:32
MrChrisDruifFinally; found it: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/33552/htg-explains-which-linux-file-system-should-you-choose/14:42
MrChrisDruifComparison of #nix filesystems14:42
MrChrisDruifHowever you can use Ext4's optimalisaties without journaling...14:51
victor__hi! i'm here again! so ho can i make thunar the default file manager?¿14:52
MrChrisDruifvictor__: I think you can just install thunar or nautilus and remove PCmanFM14:55
bioterroredit xdg-open :D14:55
bioterrorMrChrisDruif tells you what and where14:55
bioterrorI'm off from work14:55
MrChrisDruifI do? =-O14:56
MrChrisDruifI don't know14:56
victor__please! i want nautilus as a default14:57
bioterrorand ofcourse, preferred applications is okay setup too14:57
bioterrorpreferences -> preferred applications14:57
bioterrorI think there was filebrowser14:57
victor__no just email and web browser14:58
bioterrorwell, then it's xdg-open14:58
MrChrisDruifAlways try...if I only had Lubuntu installed atm....then I could look at the file myself14:58
bioterroryou dont have?14:59
victor__it's my first time on lubuntu :(14:59
victor__where's xdg-open?15:00
bioterrorsudo find / |grep xdg-open15:00
bioterrorwho has the fastest hard drive15:01
MrChrisDruifYou? :P15:02
MrChrisDruifI don't care xD15:02
szczurit's a script file15:02
MrChrisDruifI've got it as well on "normal" Ubuntu15:03
szczuredit it with nano, gedit or whathever editor you want15:03
szczuri think it is what bioterror meant15:03
=== zmijunkie_ is now known as zmijunkie
victor__what about get compositing?15:15
charliemacIs it possible to have a primary partition for the ubuntu swap in stead of a logical partition under the same partition as the root?15:19
charliemacCorrection: Is it possible to have a seperate/unique primary partition for the ubuntu swap in stead of a logical partition under the same primary partition as the root?15:19
charliemacSorry If my question belongs in #ubuntu-beginners :/15:21
szczurswap can be either primary or logical partition15:22
szczurthere's no difference there15:22
szczurbut i prefer swap as logical15:22
szczurvictor__, did you found out how to change default file manager?15:23
victor__nop :(15:23
szczurright click on lxpanel15:23
szczurchoose settings15:24
szczuron advanced tab you have file manager entry15:24
szczurreplace pcmanfm %s with thunar %s15:24
szczurand you're done15:24
szczurdid you find it?15:25
victor__thanks so much! :P15:25
szczurno problem15:25
victor__szczur, what about compsiting? is it possible?15:25
szczuryou can use xcompmgr15:26
szczurdon't know if compiz works15:26
szczuri think it should15:26
szczurbut i used xcompmgr without problems15:26
szczurjust put it in /etx/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart15:27
szczuras @xcompmgr15:27
szczurand compositing will be enabled at the start of the system15:28
szczuryou can try compiz15:29
szczurplus compiz-icon to control it easily (this will put an icon in taskbar to change all of the options)15:29
charliemacDoes the /Boot partition have to be primary, or can it be logical?15:30
szczuryou don't have to make separate /boot partition15:30
szczurevery partition can be logical, (except the windows one, because Windows can't boot from logical ones, at least every windows to XP including )15:31
szczurincluding XP*15:31
szczurcharliemac, easiest way to go would be creating /home, /, swap15:32
victor__szczur, and to start dropbox at the startup just add @ dropbox here? /etx/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart15:32
szczurvictor__, never used dropbox15:33
szczurbut if you're running it this way from cli15:33
victor__ok i'm trying15:33
szczuri think it is the correct way to do it15:33
szczurand LXDe folder may be called Lubuntu too15:34
szczurplease check this before changing anything15:34
bioterrori thought we use .desktop files in autostart15:35
bioterrorjust pointing to openbox conv15:36
bioterrordropbox, sorry15:36
szczurdon't know15:36
szczuri put commands like i would run it in terminal15:37
bioterrori use .desktop15:37
szczurbut i'm talking about /etx/xdg/lxsession/LXDE/autostart file15:38
victor__szczur, compositing didn't start :(15:39
victor__or perharps i don't know if it's active lol15:40
szczurrun lxterminal15:40
victor__and then?15:41
bioterrortitia@konna:~/.config/autostart$ ls15:41
bioterrorconky.desktop  xfce4-settings-helper-autostart.desktop  xfconf-migration-4.6.desktop15:41
bioterrorguess whos conky starts on login15:42
szczurvictor__, Edit -> preferences15:42
szczurand set opacity to for example 16015:43
bioterrorszczur, thats correct way for lubuntu as its per user15:43
szczurand tell me if lxtemrinal is transparent15:43
victor__ok wait15:44
victor__i don't find bachground15:44
szczurEdit > Preferences15:46
szczuron Style tab, there's Background colour15:46
szczurwhere you can change it15:46
charliemacWhat would the mount-point be for a windows/linux shared fat-32 shared space?15:47
bioterrorcharlie, /media/share15:48
bioterroror what ever you want15:49
charliemacbioterror: The only options I have in grub are /DOS, /windows, enter manually, and do not mount it.  I take it you're suggesting I enter it manually, no? What if I choose no-mount?15:51
szczurcharliemac, i would use ntfs15:51
szczurnot fat3215:51
szczurif you choose not to mount, the partition will not be mounted15:51
charliemacWhat are the implications of ntfs vs fat32?15:52
bioterrorare you a troll15:52
szczurmax file size of fat32 is 4 GB15:52
bioterrorhonest answer15:52
charliemactroll?! who lol15:52
bioterroryep, ure a troll15:53
charliemacwhat's that  even mean in this context?15:53
bioterrordoesnt know :(15:54
=== quem_ is now known as quem
szczurcharliemac, http://www.theeldergeek.com/ntfs_or_fat32_file_system.htm < i think it is obvious :P15:58
charliemaccan all file systems hold the same formats?  For example, will an Mp3 take up the same amount of space on a fat-32 as it would on Ext2?16:01
bioterrortry it out16:02
bioterrormake fat3216:02
bioterrorunzip whole hvsc into it16:02
bioterrorand then take lets say reiserfs16:03
bioterrorand tell us if theres difference16:03
charliemacI've actually read that "Linux has a history of disliking NTFS so it should be avoided whenever possible." <http://www.overclock.net/linux-unix/11208-linux-partitioning-guide.html>.16:03
bioterrorwhich was written 2005 when they didnt have any clue about NTFS-3G or NTFS-FUSE16:14
bioterroroh gsus16:15
* szczur starts firefox16:20
szczurwhoa ipv6 address ;)16:21
szczurhi guylain16:21
guylainhi szczur, just installing lubuntu and checking the apps. sorry for disturbing you... :)16:22
* szczur wasn't disturbed at all16:22
=== quem_ is now known as quem
esinghey :L)17:28
esingI need to configure my own kernel17:28
ChogyDananyone know about networkmanager in lubuntu?17:37
esingI wanted to compile a program which doesnt worked, could it be that there is more difference between ubuntu 10.10 and lubuntu 10.10 than the desktop environement lxde??17:46
ChogyDan*shrug* what program?17:47
esingit from dedected17:47
esing(dedected.org) for testings dect phones17:47
esingwith a "com on air pcmcia III card"17:48
ChogyDanmaybe pastebin all your terminal output?17:48
esingsee here http://pastebin.com/7P1PKE3b17:49
ChogyDanis it a kernel patch?17:50
esingbioterror you there? :))17:50
bioterrornot taking part in this, not my speciality17:50
esingChogyDan i compiled the program with this17:51
esingChogyDan sudo make && make -C tools17:51
esingbut could it be that lubuntu has a slightly different kernel than ubuntu17:51
ChogyDanI doubt it17:52
esingbut someone tells me to install ubuntu 10.10 to check if it works there17:52
esingshould I do it or not?17:52
ChogyDantry sudo -i, and then running the make stuff17:53
esingnot working17:53
bioterrordid you use alternate install?17:53
bioterroror was it lubuntu-10.10.iso?17:54
esingit was lubuntu 10.1017:55
esingnot alternate17:55
esingsomeone can send me the chromium simlink17:57
esingI deleted it17:57
ChogyDanesing: it looks like it is tripping up on some kernel code, and it looks like the project hasn't been updated for 2 years17:58
ChogyDanprobably it is just out of date  :(17:59
esingyes this could be17:59
esingin the tutorial they said I need following kernel ...18:00
esingsudo apt-get install linux-source-2.6.3518:00
esinghow can I get that kernel?18:00
ChogyDanwhat does uname -a say for you?18:01
esing3 2.6.35-25-generic18:02
esingit is the same? isnt it ?18:02
esingsudo apt-get install linux-tools-2.6.35-2218:03
esing( i should get that too)18:03
esingI did it too18:03
ChogyDansorry I dunno, gl18:04
esingbioterror :D18:10
esingcould you have a short look on it with teamviewer? ^18:10
esingyour professional eye is required xD18:10
esingszczur here? :P18:13
bioterrorthat's not how we deal with problems18:23
esingthis problems is expoding my nerves18:27
esingPleeeease Help Somebody :(((((((((18:31
szczuresing, what's the problem?18:36
szczurhmm, never used teamviewer18:38
szczurscan't help ypu with it18:38
szczursince i don't have LAN in my home18:39
esingszczur I wanted to install a driver for my pcmcia III com on air card (dect card)18:47
esingbut when compiling several error occure18:47
szczurack :/18:48
bioterrormaybe you're missing some -dev -files?18:48
bioterrorI'm too lazy to svn or git that source18:49
esingheh c'mon18:49
esinghow do I delete all files? just remove the folder via gui?18:49
esingthen I can redownload all18:49
esingszczur i think u dont need lan for teamviewer, only your internet IP ;)18:50
esingor better to say my internet IP when you access my computer18:50
szczuryeah, but i love to test something18:52
szczurbefore telling the solution18:52
szczurotherwise you're going to install packages for 64 bits :P18:52
esingsuczur you and me were too long awake yesterdya18:54
szczurhave to go with the dog18:54
szczurbe right back18:54
szczur10 mins18:54
esingcleaned the whole home at this time *smile*19:11
bioterroryou seem to be rm -rf(trigger) happy ;19:11
esingwhat do you mean with rm -rf(trigger) ^^19:12
esingi googled it but cant find out what it is ^^19:13
bioterrorrm = remove19:13
bioterror-r = recursive19:13
bioterror-f = force19:13
esinglol ^^19:13
esingIam not a trigger :P19:14
esingbioterror pls link in :D19:15
esingsvn co :P19:15
bioterrorszczur, you better have a mastiff dog19:18
szczurcompilation faild with the same error19:18
szczurnormal dog19:19
szczurwiki calls it "Mixed-breed dog" :P19:19
bioterrorthose usually lives longer than pure breeded19:20
esingwe have daily a cat visiting us from our neighbour19:20
szczurwish they hadn't :P19:20
szczurat least this particular dog19:20
esingshe likes eating fish meal19:20
bioterrorthis is sloooow19:21
bioterrorI'm used to my desktop and arch mirrors19:21
bioterror32% [1 linux-source-2.6.37 25.3 MB/77.5 MB 32%]                  1,050 kB/s 49s19:21
esinglet us all solve my problem :D19:22
esingsee what this user wrote:19:23
esing<dm8tbr> if the sources haven't been updated you won't get the kernel modules compiled19:23
esing<dm8tbr> userspace won't help you in such a case. so make sure your kernel module works first.19:23
esingszczur tanked enough energy for teamplayer?19:24
esingyou can see my laptop, just have to give u my ip19:25
esingsee what this user just wrote to me19:25
esing<roox> the reverse engineered drivers from dedected.org won19:25
esing<roox> t work on actual kernels19:25
esing<roox> https://dedected.org/trac/ticket/13919:25
esing<roox> you have to use an older one to use dect_cli and so on19:25
esing<roox> use Patrick McHardys DECT Stack to get dect working with actual linux kernels19:25
esing* Fatuo (~FuegoFatu@ hat #osmocom betreten19:25
esingszczur and bioterror I think I need to get an old kernel or customize my kernel19:27
szczurnever did it successfully19:27
szczurso i wont be helpful here19:27
esingbioterror ^^19:28
esing*eyes looking on you*19:28
esingbioterror ..19:32
bioterror% make && make -C tools                                                            .:21:32:33 on 11-01-28:.19:33
bioterrormake -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build/ M=/tmp/dedected/com-on-air_cs-linux modules19:33
bioterrormake: *** /lib/modules/2.6.37-ARCH/build/: No such file or directory.  Stop.19:33
bioterrormake: *** [default] Error 219:33
szczur:/ ack19:35
szczurthis wasn't helpful at all :P19:35
=== RedW is now known as RedM
szczurteamviewer is windows program packed with wine19:40
szczuresing, are you running teamviewer right now?19:40
szczurso i can connect to you?19:40
esingI just get some usefull patches19:42
victor__hey how can i make xcompmgr start at reboot?19:43
szczuryou're sure that you're not running it after the thing we did earlier?19:44
szczurps aux | grep xcompmgr19:44
szczurrun this in terminal19:44
victor__szczur, victor    1558  0.0  0.0   4024   764 pts/0    S+   20:45   0:00 grep --color=auto xcompmgr19:45
szczurack :/19:46
szczurok, lemme try something19:46
victor__what do i exactly have to write on autostart?19:46
szczuri had @xcompmgr19:46
szczurbut we will do it bioterror's way19:47
szczurvictor__, download this file http://szczur.ath.cx/xcompmgr.desktop19:49
szczurand put it in ~/.config/autostart19:49
szczurthen log out and log in19:49
szczurxcompmgr should be running19:50
bioterrorprobably needs a tap in to something in preferences19:50
bioterrornot using lxde atm19:50
szczurbe right back19:51
szczurjust checking if it is working19:51
szczuryes, it works :)19:53
bioterrornow you remember how to make app to autostart ;)19:54
esingszczur iam soon finished with my attempt19:57
esingthen you are free to enter my lap :D19:57
esingsome guy sent me some patches I should try to use on the driver19:57
victor__szczur, don't worry it isn't that important... however dropbox is... i got installing it but no chance at statup :(20:03
esingszczur iam stuck currently cant do anything at this laptop20:06
esingthere comes an error20:06
esingafter trying to run /home/user as root20:06
esinghow can I close the error ?20:07
szczurummm, what youre trying to run as root?20:08
szczurwhat command20:09
esingi run the file manager as root20:20
esingin the folder /home/user20:21
szczurand something like "Permission denied" popped up?20:27
szczurclick ok :)20:28
esingok re20:34
esingi was disced20:34
esingyep I clicked ok20:34
esingbut it didnt close20:34
esingI tried sudo killall pcfanman20:34
esingszczur I tried to patch the driver but an error occures see here http://pastebin.com/FWDBu3z320:35
szczursudo patch -Np1 -i patch120:35
szczurthis will work i think20:35
esingok thx20:36
esingthat is the same20:36
esingI tried20:36
esingah np120:36
esingstill failed20:37
szczurhmmm p1 should work20:37
szczuranything changed?20:37
esingsame errors20:37
szczurgive me this patch20:38
esinghmm p2 worked20:38
esingbut patch1 not20:38
esingwant to access to my pc now?20:38
esingsec I download teamviwer20:38
szczurnope, i want to get the patch :)20:39
esingyou have an email?20:39
esingsend me you email then I can send you all 8 patches20:40
bioterrorseems like someone is not going to give up easily20:41
esingok out20:42
esinghehe bioterror , you are the funniest one ^^20:42
esing*smile* ^^20:43
esingszczur received?20:43
esinggrml I wanted to read this night a swedish book ^^, but lubuntu is more important :D20:45
esingi think patch 2 didnt work too20:47
esingI didnt read carefully enough20:47
szczurnot every patch applies20:47
esingwhat should I do now?20:48
szczurwhy p220:48
esingah p120:48
esing(patch 2)20:48
esingpatch 2,3,4 worked patch 5 skipped20:49
szczursame for me20:49
esingnah I mean 2,3, 5 worked 4 skipped ^^20:49
esingszczur you downloaded the driver? :))20:50
esingok all worked20:50
esingexcept patch 120:50
szczurdownloaded the source20:50
esingso now I compile again yee20:51
szczurfor me it still fails20:51
szczurmaybe i did something wrong20:51
esingYe for me it fails too20:52
esingmaybe patch 1 is necessary20:52
esingpatch 1 need to "--" more in first line20:55
esingbut compiling still doesnt work20:55
esingbut patch1 works20:55
esingis it important to execute Patch1 first before others?20:56
esingszczur you still here?21:00
esingwhat would you suggest now21:01
szczurbut i'm not experienced in fixing compilation errors21:01
esingszczur in ubuntu 9.10 it will work21:01
esingis it difficult to change the kernel back to old ubuntu?21:02
bioterrorinstall 9.10 in a virtual box21:03
esingbioterror what about changing only the kernel?21:03
esingI give you my IP and I watch you :D21:03
esingbioterror seriously what should I do now?21:04
bioterroras your lawyer I suggest you to get wasted21:05
esingbioterror iam very near to that point *smile*21:08
esingbut be honest now21:08
esingshould i get virtual ubuntu or compile it reverse?21:08
bioterrorwhat's the kernel you need21:10
esingthe kernel 9.10 used back in the days21:11
esingI dont know which version it was21:11
esingbut it certainly have to work with it21:12
bioterroroh well21:12
esingthis posted somebody on the mailing list :  "21:13
esingif you read the list here longer than 2 days you have seen that our driver21:13
esingat the moment will not work with ubuntu 10.10, but with 9.10.21:13
bioterroryou need image and header21:14
bioterrordpkg -i asdasdasdasd.deb21:14
esingmhm which kernel version should I take tho?21:15
bioterrorhttp://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.31.13-karmic/ maybe this?21:15
esingok good21:15
esingdpkg -i http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.31.13-karmic/linux-headers-2.6.31-02063113-generic_2.6.31-02063113_i386.deb21:16
esingi do this first21:17
bioterrorwget it first21:17
esingah k21:17
bioterroruse /tmp21:17
bioterrorfor example21:17
esingi read the manual a little bit21:22
esingbut i cant figure out how to determine where wget downloads the file to21:23
bioterrorwhere you said it21:23
esinghow to write the syntax21:23
esingok i found out bioterror21:27
esingnow I download the image21:27
bioterrorsmall moments of satisfaction when you figure out things ;)21:28
szczursooo delightful :_21:29
esing*smile* ^^21:29
esingwhat should I do next21:29
bioterroryou installed image and headers?21:29
esingah ok21:30
esing*hurrying up*21:30
esingok ready21:32
esingit says "done"21:32
bioterrorreboot and choose your "brand new" :D:D:D kernel from the grub's list21:32
esinghehe awesome :D21:32
esing*that easy* ?? :D21:32
bioterrorhoep it boots21:32
bioterrordo you get grub list on the boot?21:32
esingok I try immediatly21:32
esingno i dont21:32
esingI have only 1 os21:32
bioterrorwell, press shift21:33
bioterroris it left shift21:33
bioterrorafter bios stuff instantly shift21:33
bioterrorhammer that shift!21:33
esingokay, see you in a minute then :D21:33
* bioterror holds his breath21:33
szczurbioterror faints21:34
bioterrorwe get pretty lame payment for an hour with this case21:34
szczurheh :P21:35
szczurpretty low speed of solving problems21:35
bioterrorworse code...21:36
szczuryesterday was easier21:36
szczurand not working patches21:37
szczursomething like acx10021:37
szczurfor my wireless card21:37
szczuri got rid of it since it supported only WEP21:37
bioterrorthat's alwasy great21:37
szczur5 minut longer21:38
szczurwithout entry21:38
szczuri'd say awesome :)21:38
=== head_v is now known as head_victim
bioterrorlong boot21:41
szczurmaybe he broke his L_Shift :P21:41
bioterrorhe's having eternal boot loop as he cant get into grub list21:42
szczurweee, and here comes esing :)21:44
esingheh :D21:44
bioterrorwith 2.6.35 kernel? :D21:44
esingit worked booting from the older kernel yeaa21:44
bioterroresing, uname -a21:44
bioterroror we dont belieave you21:44
esingcore-ThinkPad-T43 2.6.31-02063113-generic #02063113 SMP Fri Jun 4 19:02:37 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux21:45
esing2.6.31 ^^21:45
esingbut I tried to compile yet21:45
bioterrorcan you now compile21:45
esingno ^^21:45
bioterrorit doesnt work?21:45
esingI think because of the patches I did?21:45
bioterrorcvs it again?21:45
esingmaybe I should delete everything21:45
esingyes I do again now21:45
szczurthen download it again21:45
bioterrorsvn to another dir21:45
bioterrorcd /tmp21:46
bioterrorsvn asdasdasd21:46
bioterrorI'm waiting, I have to hit the bed21:47
esingsee here http://pastebin.com/4MKAkatZ21:49
esingit says Makefile: didnt find directory21:49
esing"no rule to create Makefile"21:49
esing"exiting directory ..."21:49
esing2 errors21:50
bioterroryou should not use sudo for make21:50
bioterroronly for make install21:50
esingah okay21:50
esingwhat should I use instead?21:51
bioterrorjust make21:51
bioterrorwithout sudo21:51
esingokay i try again21:51
esingdoesnt work21:51
=== quem_ is now known as quem
bioterrortime to put hands down and say "that software sucks"21:52
esingmaybe because i still have the OS 10.1021:58
esingis it possible to install an older distru apart from 10.10?21:59
esingor should I try virtual 9.10 /8.1021:59
bioterrorfor what you really need that driver22:01
bioterrorcould you tell me again22:01
esingit is to test my dect phone on encryption22:01
esingI bought a card plus antenna for this, I dont want to waste that hardware ^^22:02
esingit basically caputeres 1.5 mhz data to pcap and then I have to convert and merge it... and then i can see wheather my calls are encrypted or not22:03
esingbioterror I just downloaded this http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads22:03
esingis this correct for a virtual 9.10 ubuntu?22:04
bioterrorI have no idea22:04
esinghehe :)22:04
* bioterror summons phillw22:05
esingbioterror np22:06
esingI will try tomorrow then22:06
esingI go asleep earlier today too22:06
bioterrorphillw runs 9.1022:06
esingah I see22:06
phillwesing: there is a work around for some of the kernel problems with 3G devices22:06
bioterrorI just remembered22:06
bioterrorphillw, could you would p-p-p-please22:06
esingphillw i dont use 3g devices22:06
esingphillw i want to use dedected22:07
esingwhich doesnt work on 10.10 ^^22:07
esingMaybe you could try if it works on your 9.10 os22:07
phillwesing: that should be reported as a bug22:08
esinghere you go phillw svn co https://dedected.org/svn/trunk dedected22:08
esingphillw it is reported yet22:08
esingthat made a patch which doesnt work tho22:08
esingcd /dedected/com-on-air_cs-linux22:09
esingand then    sudo make && sudo make -C tools22:09
esing*** make && make -C tools22:09
bioterrorjust make22:09
phillwesing: update the bug, ibugs can only be fixed if the devs know about them :)22:09
bioterrorphillw, dont you start dodging this problem!22:09
esing*big smile*22:09
bioterrorme n my mate sz been working with this whole evening22:10
phillwbioterror: I'm just admin - you h22:10
bioterrorbut you have 9.1022:10
phillwguys are front line support :)22:10
esingmy name is phil too in real life22:11
esingcmon help me ^^22:11
bioterrorusually I am grumpy, but now I am almost laughing22:11
phillwbioterror: I run 9.10 ubuntu, no kernel updates for my 3G device, I'm not too sure how I can help?22:11
bioterrorphillw, svn the source code, and try to run make22:12
bioterroryou're only one with ancient os ;)22:12
esinghah :-]22:12
bioterror9.10 is so old that it have been enbalmed and it almost walks22:13
esingbioterror i even soldered the transceiver of the pcmcia III card externly so it fits into the II slot22:14
esinggrml internet cuts sec22:14
bioterroryou're working with embedded systems or something?22:14
phillwesing: I'm sending you an invite22:15
esingnah I dont do openBSC, this pcmcia III card (com on air) does only receive the 1.5 mhz dect signals22:15
bioterrorI'm off to ed22:16
bioterrorwife went already and was angry :D22:16
bioterrorgood night22:16
esinggood night to you22:16
bioterrormaybe I'll get more than 4 hours of sleep22:16
esinghah :D22:16
esingas you said yesterday22:16
esingphillw does it work?22:17
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