
Nekoit copies the asm stuff right but it seems any platform with a plat- and a mach- doesnt copyor link the plat-blah/include stuff into place00:07
Nekohmn doesn't do it for omap either00:47
Nekokernel bugggggg00:47
persiaIndeed.  This may explain a number of fail-to-build module reports on armel installs.00:47
Nekohow would you work out what the parent plat-???? directory is to the mach you're building for though, to fetch the right headers00:50
persiaWell, linux-image-${target} could depend on linux-headers-${target}, and one could encode the requirements in the specific dependencies for linux-headers-${target} with a lookup table in the package source.  That said, doing it without the packaging sugar would be lots harder.00:52
Nekothat assumes the target is directly related to the machine00:52
persiaah, but ${target} might support several machines?00:53
Nekoall scripts/headers.sh knows is arch, srctree, and what kind of header build it's doing (check or install)00:53
Nekoumm no00:53
Nekobut what if the target is, like in Ubuntu -generic or -server00:53
Nekoright now there's fsl-imx51 but what about fsl-imx53.. or does it get changed to fsl-mx5?00:54
Nekothat still doesn't give you a direct indication of the need for the includes from plat-mxc00:54
persiaThey're just strings, and the semantic meaning is weak.00:54
Nekoisn't what what I am saying? :D00:55
NekoI don't want the fix to be a case block in a bash script00:55
persiaSure, but in practice, we assign semantics.  For example, the -omap kernels only work on omap300:55
Nekowhat about -omap400:55
persiamakefile, but yeah, there ought be a better way :)00:55
Nekoseperate kernel?00:55
persiaCurrently, yes.00:55
persiaIf someone is able to make a kernel that boots both cleanly with full support, I'd expect that there would be available headers will the same level of support.00:56
Nekocurrently make headers_install calls scripts/headers.sh arm arm install00:56
persiaSo if someone created -generic for armel, I'd expect that to work for nearly every device (this is probably some years off)00:56
Nekoor something similar00:56
Nekomakefile doesn't do much, in the end there's a perl script too00:57
persiaMost of the packaging sugar is managed by debian/rules, which is traditionally a makefile, which is why I mention make.00:57
Nekoloops over files and unifdefs them00:57
Nekodebian headers rules from kernel-package makes some clever changes but it still does not handle it00:58
NekoIMO it's a kernel bug not a packaging bug00:58
persiaIndeed: that's the bug.00:58
Nekoit's not a packaging bug00:58
Nekomake headers_install needs to do this as well or the headers are useless00:58
persiaI agree it's a kernel bug.  It could be masked with a packaging-class fix, but fixing it in the kernel would be vastly superior00:58
Nekomach/memory.h comes from plat- on 10 subarches of arm00:58
Nekoyou can't build libc without that file00:58
Nekothere are google pages for hacks to fix bionic compilation with broken headers like that00:59
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rsalvetiapw: patches sent to our kernel team and linux-omap04:12
rsalvetiapw: finally working at normal beagle and xM04:12
rsalvetispent a lot more time building and testing than actually coding04:13
rsalvetirecreate the rootfs, etc04:13
rsalvetibut should be fine now, I'm able to see the console and X1104:13
ka6soxrsalveti, what should I expect the rndis ethernet device to show up as in maverick?04:22
baggehi :) I'm about to install ubuntu-arm on my phone, but I'm wondering about something... I can only get packages that are made for ARM right?05:45
Nekobagge, if you have to ask that I'd say you're not ready to install ubuntu on a phone :D06:00
baggeNeko: I'll have to crash my phone to learn ;)06:13
ka6soxbagge which phone?06:18
baggeka6sox xperia x10 mini pro (hehe)06:22
ka6soxGood Luck...I have no experience with that.06:30
ograhrw, console-setup (1.57ubuntu5) was just uploaded, that should solve all hangs of the keyboard stuff on upgrade/dist-upgrade and install12:44
apw_rsalveti: yo ... saw your patches, have some kernels building with them applied, will you be about in about half hour to test them?12:57
rsalvetiapw: yup, lunch is in one hour :-)12:57
rsalvetiapw_: ^12:57
apw_rsalveti: ok cool13:01
apw_will get it to you before then :)13:01
* ogra wornders if you can actually make sure that with all these food things around these kernel patches since yesterday you dont leave breadcrumbs and fatty finger prints on the package :)13:05
ograevery time i see you guys talking about these patches one of you is busy with food stuff :)13:06
apw_ogra: the kernel always has a bunch of fingerprints all over it :)13:10
apwrsalveti, http://people.canonical.com/~apw/misc/arm/linux-image-2.6.38-1-versatile_2.6.38-1.28~pre1_armel.deb13:27
apwif you could do the honours13:27
rsalvetidownloading :-)13:27
rsalvetiapw: the name versatile is right?13:33
apwrsalveti, no i've pushed the wrong one cause i am stupid13:33
rsalvetiok :-)13:33
apwbe about 5 mins ... bottom13:34
apwrsalveti, http://people.canonical.com/~apw/misc/arm/linux-image-2.6.38-1-omap_2.6.38-1.28~pre1_armel.deb13:36
apwsilly apw13:36
rsalvetiok, installing13:47
apwrsalveti, how they looking?13:59
rsalvetiapw: and we have a winner, using normal desktop :-)14:00
rsalvetiapw: and tim already applied at master-next14:02
apwrsalveti, heh yeah he and i are duplicating work today :)14:02
rsalvetiok, sounds good timing for lunch14:02
apwrsalveti, yep, you are done, thanks muchly14:03
rsalvetiapw: ping me if you want any test or have any update on the omap side14:03
apwrsalveti, will do indeed, i expect there will be a final final a2 kernel on monday to test14:03
rsalvetiapw: cool14:03
rsalvetiand it seems that it'll work fine, at least it didn't explode at my face yet14:03
rsalvetiapw: do you want the patch to remove the WARN_ONCE from the erratum?14:04
rsalvetiwe could just use a simple printk14:04
rsalvetiI have it here if you think it's worthy14:04
rsalvetiapw: http://rsalveti.net/tmp/0001-OMAP3630-PM-don-t-warn-the-user-with-a-trace-in-case.patch14:05
apwrsalveti, i think it is worth while, send out to the kernel-team list, i recon14:05
rsalvetiapw: ok, will do14:06
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apwogra, i am not sure what you mean about srus being pushed out by securty.  we h16:52
apwwe haven't done that for the last two months at least16:52
ograapw, well it happens occasionally i dont think its currently the issue17:06
apwogra, ok so what is the issue17:06
ogranone, its just that not all SRUs have been tested yet17:06
ogra * Maverick kernel SRU testing is still in progress17:07
ograthats all i said17:07
apw<ogra> and we wlao often clash with security uploads17:07
apw<ogra> which force the SRU out of -updates17:07
apwwell you said that which prompted my question17:08
apwi think everyone would have taken that as the reason the testing was not done from the context17:08
ograhmm, i didnt mean it like that17:08
ograthough its often enough the cause17:08
ogranot thins time though17:08
apwwell its going to be rare now as most security is going in the hopper with the rest of the updates17:09
apwas long as we don't have a process issue between us i am happy17:09
ograi think we dont17:09
ograbut that would be a question for GrueMaster17:09
ograsince he is the one who suffered from it in the past17:10
ograi really didnt mean to blame anyone i just tried to quieten marjo :P17:11
ograsorry if it came across that way17:11
apwogra, no harm no foul, just wanted to make sure we'd not missed something, ta17:11
ogra(the phrase above is always in my report since it is nearly always true that there are some SRUs to test)17:11
ogra*nobody* ever asked about it :P17:12
apwogra, yep and we are making more now-a-days so it'll be even more true17:12
* GrueMaster hears his name being mentioned.17:53
GrueMasterwhat kernel in maverick still needs testing?17:54
GrueMasterogra: apw ^^^17:54
rsalvetiogra: both images are using the new x-loader package, so we should be ok to remove the x-loader-omap4 one17:58
ograrsalveti, awesome18:43
ograGrueMaster, dunno, i just saw several uploads this week and assumed some would still need testing18:44
GrueMasterogra: I haven't seen anything for omap4.  Until Monday, I can't test omap3 stuff easily, unless I build a stripped down image for my beagle.  Too painful otherwise.18:46
ograGrueMaster, right, i was referring to omap3 rather18:47
GrueMasterWell, unless there is a specific patch for omap3 in the main kernel, I'm not too worried.  Security updates usually get pushed through without my help.  It is specific omap3 bug fixes I usually have issues getting tested on time.18:49
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