
=== tarun is now known as Guest16467
=== Guest16467 is now known as c2tarun
=== tarun is now known as Guest67331
=== Guest67331 is now known as c2tarun
=== tarun is now known as Guest35013
=== Guest35013 is now known as c2tarun
=== deegee_ is now known as plustwo
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== Fenris is now known as Guest25359
thoufihello ubuntu's ..18:21
jithany one is here18:22
thoufiwant to know abt ubuntu deepy..18:22
thoufipls help18:22
jithme too new to ubuntu18:22
thoufioh ....share some ideas to create a webpage using php18:23
=== head_v is now known as head_victim
=== kdrsx is now known as kuadrosx

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