
doctormoakgraner: Tonight was my turn to make baggetts, (last night was wife's) they came out really good too.02:17
doctormoI'm just afraid now that wife will ask for fresh bread when she comes home from work.02:18
doctormoOr worse, don an apron and have a filled cocktail glass waiting.02:18
akgranerdoctormo - pgraner cooks and cleans for me :-)  treats me like a queen  but shhhh don't tell him I said that...02:19
akgranerI think queen is only half of the name he uses for me - but we won't go there :-P02:19
doctormoakgraner: I already clean, but I can't cook, wife needs to, it's her thing.02:20
doctormoBut I get to sort, do all the laundry and buy rations. Not quite the same, but meh.02:20
akgranerawww....the first year Pete and I were married I cooked so badly he just cooked from then on...:-)02:21
doctormolol! You used my tactic!02:21
doctormoActually I know how to cook, it's just I cook not on recipes but on concepts.02:22
akgranerbut that was almost 20 years ago...be figured me out  - I have to cook now every once in a while02:22
akgranerdoctormo, I'm working on a inkscape poster - and I am sucking at it :-(02:23
akgranerI am going to figure this out yet...02:23
doctormoakgraner: Need any help?02:24
doctormoI can guide as well as art.02:24
akgraneryes  - but I can't work on it now til after Monday02:25
doctormoakgraner: How fast is your internet connection?02:25
akgranerI can send you a pic of my drawing that I am trying to work out on inkscape and see if you have suggestions02:25
akgranernot fast at my parents won't have the fast connection back til sometime next week02:26
doctormoakgraner: We can desktop share if your internet connection is faster than 6Mb/s or so. The up needs to be 1Mb/s you see.02:27
akgraneroh ok - will you have some time next week?  I have to finish some $work for day job right now...02:28
doctormoakgraner: Hopefully, just prod me when you're ready.02:29
akgranerk - I'll send you the drawing maybe you'll have some artsy suggestions I haven't thought about02:30
akgranerI want to turn the picture into a poster and then into both bookmarks and thankyou cards to send to people once the house is finished02:31
doctormoakgraner: sounds great, would gladly help. :-)02:41
nigelbddecator: Hey! Its been a while :)06:36
dholbachgood morning08:16
pleia2good evening, dholbach!08:17
dholbachhey pleia208:17
nigelbMorning dholbach08:27
dholbachhi nigelb08:27
dholbachkim0, are you there?08:28
nigelbpleia2: oh, you're still up!09:02
nigelbdholbach: Met a bunch of Canonical folks yesterday :) GOod fun09:02
dpmmorning al09:03
nigelbHey dpm09:04
dpmhi nigelb09:04
dholbachnigelb, nice09:04
dholbachhola dpm09:04
dpmhey dholbach09:04
nigelberm, kim0 is blacked out? :(09:06
dholbachnigelb, that's why I asked09:07
nigelbdholbach: It just dawned on me.09:08
dholbachI just hope he's safe09:13
czajkowskiRe Egypt http://twitter.com/#!/glynmoody/status/3091940878424473609:26
mvohi, a quick question for the planet and wordpress literates: I posted a entry about software-center to http://mvogt.wordpress.com/ but planet.ubuntu.com picks it up incompelte (no screenshot, link in heading does not point to blog entry). does anyone have a idea what might be wrong?10:06
* nigelb looks10:12
nigelbmvo: ok, your wordpress feed setting is not set to full10:12
mvonigelb: thanks, how do I fix that ? something on my side or in the planet config?10:13
nigelbmvo: its on your side10:13
nigelblogin to wordpress admin10:13
nigelbon the left you'll ahve the control panel, go to settings and click on reading10:14
nigelbthe settings heading would be the last one and reading should be third under settings10:14
nigelb"For each article in a feed, show" --> make that full text10:15
mvothanks nigelb, it appears it is already set to this10:16
nigelbmvo: ah, your feeds are by tags10:16
nigelbI think you'll fare better by category10:17
nigelbwe all use category10:17
nigelbin the planet config file10:17
mvothanks, I will fix that now10:17
nigelbmvo: you'll have to create a new category and provide the appropriate feed link10:18
nigelbmvo: you can perhaps look at mine http://justanothertriager.wordpress.com/category/ubuntu-planet/feed/?mrss=off to get an idea :)10:19
mvowhat does mrss=off mean?10:19
nigelbthe planet instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PlanetUbuntu ask us to do that10:20
mvothanks a lot for your help! updated now, lets see if that fixes it10:24
dpmmvo, I like your blog's tagline. "I like tea and free software", that's definitely very you :)10:30
mvodpm: haha, thanks :)10:32
nigelbmvo: It works!10:50
mvosweet! thanks nigelb10:50
jussiOoh, I just got 10 new invites to diaspora (the real one) - if anyone wants one, PM me11:26
dakerhey kim0 , still alive !!11:38
duanedesignmorning all11:39
dakerhi duanedesign11:46
nigelbhttp://twitter.com/#!/SultanAlQassemi looks interesting re:Egypt situation11:50
duanedesignnigelb: cool link12:01
duanedesignor i should say interesting link12:01
duanedesignnothing 'cool' about what is going on12:02
duanedesigndoes kim0 still have internet?12:02
dakeri don't know12:03
dakeri think it's the irssi session on his server12:04
dakernigelb, note that the Tunisian revolution is copylefted, so feel free to reuse it ツ12:05
duanedesignsounds like only Coke, Nestle, and other large multi-national corporations are the only ones with internet12:05
nigelbdaker: hah12:05
nigelbduanedesign: I saw the graphs of internet access.  Scary.12:06
dakerVERY Scary!!12:06
duanedesignbrb, reboot12:06
dakernigelb, http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/13:24
doctormonigelb: ping13:44
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
* JFo sings I always feel like somebody's watching me ;-)14:41
jcastrodholbach: have you done a "how to fix a bug in ubuntu" thing lately?15:33
dholbachwhat kind of thing?15:33
jcastrolike an irc session or a screencast?15:34
popeyreminds me, i need to write my session for tomorrow15:40
nigelbdoctormo: pong16:36
doctormonigelb: panic over, how are you?16:37
nigelbdoctormo: I'm good :)16:37
doctormonigelb: India still there, is it?16:38
nigelbdoctormo: oh yes.  We even had Canonical come down here ;)16:40
nigelbgah, the pics are on colleagues cam :(16:41
* nigelb calls16:41
nigelbcan't get it for another 2 hours :(16:43
JFolikely story ;)16:44
doctormonigelb: It didn't happen for another 2 hours then.16:45
popey\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/16:45
popeyThat is all.16:45
popeydoctormo: on the subject of tea! I am really getting into Twinings Chai Teabags16:45
popeyomety nomety nom16:45
jcastronow that I know taco bell meat is fake I think I want some16:46
nigelbAlso, good thing about UDD16:46
nigelbThe UDS will be at Corinthia HOtel.16:46
popeyTaco bell meat is "meat"?16:47
jcastrothis week people found out it's some meat filler thing16:48
jcastrowhich is probably why it's so DELICIOUS16:48
* JFo thinks it is tasty 'S'meat'16:48
* JFo ^5's jcastro 16:48
popeyI have never been to taco bell16:48
popeyoh, no, I have!16:48
popeyI florida16:48
jcastroman dude16:49
jcastrosometimes I wonder how you guys ever became an Empire16:49
doctormopopey: As much as I dislike Twinings, their Chai isn't hald bad.16:49
jcastroI remember the first time we took Jono to White Castle16:49
popeyI pulled out of Taco Bell onto international drive, (first time driving on the wrong side of the road) and pulled out not far enough, into oncoming traffic!16:49
popeyI pulled onto the median, and a pick-up drove past me shouting "God damnned asshole"16:49
nigelbjcastro: is that how that movie came about?16:49
nigelbJono and Jorge go to white castle :p16:50
popeyI responded in my best of british "Yes, very sorry chap!"16:50
doctormojcastro: Empire through owning a bunch of countries and being better at them at snobbery.16:50
JFopopey, my kingdom for some film footage of that16:50
popeyyeah, only in my mind luckily16:50
JFoI think we should recreate that16:50
popeyas a cultural collaboration?16:50
doctormoA film! I demand a film!16:51
JFopopey, errr, yes16:51
popeydoctormo: I do find my self having to use two chai bags, not strong enough16:51
popeyI have become a lover of Starbucks chai16:51
popeybut if I drink that stuff all day I'll be:-16:51
popeya) Fat(er)16:51
popeyb) Bankrupt16:51
JFoc) all of the above16:52
popeye) Where did d go!?16:52
popeyd) Ah, there it is.16:52
JFod) profit!?!?!16:52
doctormopopey: Oh dear! Now that's bad.16:52
JFooh, sorry16:52
doctormopopey: I remember living in Surrey with a Guturati guy. The best chai tea evar.16:52
popeySurrey! That's dangerously close to me.16:53
* popey raises the drawbridge and lowers the portcullis16:53
doctormopopey: Nah, it was in Red Hill, no where near anything.16:53
popeyOh, unlucky16:53
popeyI used to work over that way in Haywards Heath16:53
popeyhad to get the choo choo from near home16:53
* JFo readies the trebuchet16:53
popeyhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farnborough_North_railway_station  <_ from there16:54
popeychoo choo!16:54
doctormoI dunno, Mertham is kinda quiet and the rent isn't too high. Train goes to London Victoria. Not terrible IMO.16:54
popeyhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:NSE_EMU_at_Farnborough_North.jpg proper trains116:54
doctormoI always loved the train maps down there, there a metric ton of train lines.16:55
doctormoUp north, you're lucky if you can get from town A to town B without 3 busses and a mule.16:55
popeyyeah, I turned into a bit of a train nerd when I travelled on them16:55
popeyI would see the ID numbers on the trains as they arrive and know all kinds of very sad info about them before I got on16:55
popeybut that railway line is tinged with sadness, it's where my brompton was stonlen :'(16:56
doctormopopey: You had an entire tow... oh you mean bike. right. the folding ones?16:58
* czajkowski really needs to get to know UK areas better and stop living off maps 16:58
popey\o/ maps16:58
popeyI _love_ maps16:58
popeyI am beginning to sound like I have ADHD in this channel aren't I?16:58
* popey calms down a bit16:59
* czajkowski pours popey a cuppa tea16:59
* JanC loves old maps16:59
doctormopopey: Don't be scared of who you really are! embrace your inner nerd!16:59
PiciI like neat graphs16:59
JanChave an original map of the "Expo 58" world exhibition in Brussels hanging on the wall above my desk  ☺17:00
doctormoalthough I don't think it's the 'I like trains' part that's nerdy, it's the 'I can tell you when this train was commissioned from it'd id' thing which sets popey apart.17:01
jcastroI love trains17:03
popey\o/ I think we're really making progress here group, well done!17:04
popeySame time next week?17:04
nigelbjcastro: <3 Me too17:04
doctormonigelb: Shame openttd doesn't do network play.17:11
popey\o/ minecraft trains :)17:12
* czajkowski does wonder about this channel at times 17:13
jonojcastro, can I hop the phone with you quickly?17:21
jonowell, Skype17:21
jcastroyep, give me a tick17:21
jonocheers, pal17:21
jcastrook all set17:22
jcastrojono: ^17:22
jcastrowiki syntax for attachment is ... ?17:48
czajkowski[[attachment: filename]] isn't it ?17:49
czajkowskijcastro: should show you at the end of the page17:49
czajkowskionce you've uploaded it17:49
nigelbjcastro ^^17:49
jcastrook I've reset the uds page for budapest, if anyone eagle eyes any errors, let me know17:55
nigelbjcastro: sigh, styles broke again17:56
AlanBellJoin us in Orlando17:56
jcastrooh yarrrrgh, an image17:57
AlanBellbig and inaccessible image with text on it17:57
AlanBelland the site as a whole isn't using the ubuntu font17:58
AlanBellbody { font-family: "Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", "Lucida Sans", Verdana, Tahoma, sans-serif; }17:58
AlanBellImage fails at http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/community/ http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/upstreams/ http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/vendors/17:59
AlanBellhttp://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/sponsorship/ has a link to http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-n/18:00
AlanBelllinaro top link goes to https://wiki.linaro.org/Events/2010-10-LDS18:00
AlanBellschedule link goes to http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-n/18:01
AlanBellother than that, full of awesome \o/18:01
jcastroDaviey: do you happen to know if uds.u.c/schedule a redirect?18:05
AlanBelljcastro: the ubuntu font is now available as a webfont as well18:06
jcastrook got everything but the pics and the font18:10
* jcastro gets on the font18:10
jcastroUbuntu Loco Light Theme 0.2-rc by Stas Sușcov18:11
jcastrois what we're using right now18:11
jcastrodo themes not autoupdate?18:11
jcastrooh nm, I found the CSS editor thing18:12
jcastroah bummer, no write permission18:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 709395 in ubuntu-website "uds.ubuntu.com needs the use the Ubuntu font" [Undecided,New]18:16
jcastrocan someone confirm my bug please?18:16
nigelbjcastro: doesn't that bug just get assigned to you? ;)18:17
* AlanBell just published http://ubuntuaccessibility.wordpress.com/2011/01/27/meet-faisal/18:17
jcastrothey just give me an account on wordpress and I'm in charge of the content18:17
jcastronot the design or anything18:17
jcastrook, time to go get tacos18:17
jcastroAlanBell: there has to be some cool CSS way we can do those images without making images right?18:18
jcastrolike, a background, and then just text over it that we can edit?18:18
AlanBelldo the background, add the text on top18:18
* jcastro will think about that as he gets tacos18:19
dholbachI'm calling it a day - have a great weekend!18:19
nigelbnight dholbach18:19
dholbachbye nigelb18:19
jcastrohahah man18:21
jcastrowhat are the chances they put this out18:21
jcastrojust as I prepare for a taco bonanza18:21
cjohnstonjcastro: unity !fail :-/18:53
jcastrocjohnston: ?18:59
jcastroAlanBell: ooh, nice work on that blog post18:59
cjohnstonwhen I have terminal open, but not maximized, and move my mouse to the top bar, the menu (file, ....) partially covers the word terminal19:00
cjohnstontrying to find a bug report on it19:00
jcastrodude that's just a bug19:01
cjohnstonI know19:01
jcastro"fail" would be like, it formatted your disk19:01
cjohnstonbut that was my first impression19:01
jcastro"unity kicked my dog"19:01
cjohnstonpoor dog19:01
paultagyeah, it kicked my dog, that's for sure19:01
paultaganytime I hear unity, I cringe19:01
paultagcjohnston: not joking, man19:02
cjohnstonim sure a lot of people feel that way19:02
paultagwhen it renders my system unsable, I'm not happy19:03
cjohnstonya.. that'd be a problem19:03
jcastrosays the tiling window manager guy19:03
cjohnstonso far, after about 15 minutes, I'm doing ok19:03
AlanBellthanks jcastro, I think it is a good project and I have a slightly different slant on it than other persona projects that are about19:03
paultagjcastro: I don't using a tiling window manager, dude :)19:03
paultagjcastro: have you ever used Fluxbox? ;)19:03
jcastroAlanBell: *nod*19:03
doctormopaultag! My friend! Can I ask a favour?19:04
jcastropaultag: I have transcended window manager arguments19:04
jcastrothough if you think about it, if you moved the unity launcher to the right we'd be windowmaker!19:04
doctormojcastro has transcended argument full stop.19:05
paultagdoctormo: yeah, what's up19:05
doctormopaultag: Visit http://www.livestream.com/technicallyaclassroom?t=358762 and tell me if you see or hear anything19:05
paultagjcastro: dude, it broke my netbook. I upgraded to Ubuntu 10.10 UNR, and Unity made that machine chry19:05
paultagcry *19:05
doctormoI'm trying to see if I can get webcam studio and livestream to talk nicely in time for tomorrows inkscape session.19:05
paultagMutter is a sack of junk19:05
jcastrooh dude on 10.10?19:05
jcastroyeah screw that, do unity2d dude19:06
paultagjcastro: yeah, I know it's not using Mutter anymore19:06
doctormopaultag: Why do you think it was junked for compiz?19:06
paultagdoctormo: because it sucks19:06
paultagdoctormo: i'm there but it's offline19:06
doctormoAsk a stupid question...19:06
paultagdoctormo: now I have to sit through a 30 second ad19:06
doctormopaultag: Give licestream a second,19:06
jcastrothere you go bro19:06
jcastrothat's the way to make 10.10 UNR rock again19:06
paultagjcastro: it's cool. I don't muchly care for it, I'll just stick to GNOME / Fluxbox19:07
paultagdoctormo: kk, I'm up and waiting19:07
doctormoIt was interesting, the 10.10 normal install + netbook-launcher + 3d = suck, but netbook-launcher + 2d = awesome. I guess it's a legacy package now, but I thought it was better than unity on 10.1019:07
doctormopaultag: What can you see/hear?19:09
doctormojcastro: Can you test my livestream please? It's for user days tomorrow.19:12
jcastroone sec19:12
paultagdoctormo: http://i.imgur.com/MIV2a.png19:12
paultagdoctormo: it's ugly19:12
jcastroit says offline19:12
jcastrobut works19:12
doctormoIt's offline but works?19:13
jcastroI see an ad with susan sarandon now19:13
jcastroare you broadcasting?19:13
jcastrothen no, it's not working for me19:13
paultagnot here either19:14
doctormoRetrying, stand by mission control.19:14
jcastrothis is ground control to doctormo19:14
doctormoOK it says it's recording and online19:16
jcastrothere we go19:16
paultagAh there we are doctormo19:16
* JFo wants to play too :-(19:16
jcastrotext is a bit hard to read19:16
paultagdoctormo: it looks a bit shitty19:16
JFocan haz link?19:16
paultagJFo: http://www.livestream.com/technicallyaclassroom?t=35876219:16
JFothanks paultag :)19:16
jcastromuch better!19:16
paultagJFo: sure :)19:17
paultagdoctormo: right19:17
jcastroyeah but now the text is unreadable again19:17
paultagdoctormo: I see very little righ tnow19:17
jcastrotoo zoomed in19:18
paultagdoctormo: I can't see shit19:18
* JFo is having technical difficulty19:19
jcastroyou sound fine19:19
paultagdoctormo: we can19:19
paultagdoctormo: sec, realoading19:19
paultagdamn, the video keeps freezing on me19:19
paultagwonder if it's my net line19:20
jcastroit's stuck on that 640x480 bit19:20
paultag+1 jcastro19:20
doctormoThe video has frozen here too, I just wanted to know if it was still going you rend19:20
paultagdoctormo: We can hear you19:20
paultagdoctormo: have no idea why you're typing ;)19:20
* JFo sees offline now19:21
JFothere it goes19:21
paultagdoctormo: damn, looks like hell19:21
JFoI see my typing :-D19:21
paultagdoctormo: ja :)19:21
paultagdoctormo: looks like we're back in the 50's19:22
doctormoOK guys, thanks for your help19:24
paultagroger doger19:24
doctormoI'll investigate what can be done to increase the resolution. Until then, over and out.19:24
jcastrocool idea though19:25
jcastroit'll be nice if you get it sorted, I've always wanted to live-desktopcast19:25
jcastroAlanBell: how you liking alfresco?19:27
AlanBellbloody great monolithic java heap of steaming19:27
AlanBellit is great jcastro :)19:27
AlanBelljust needs better import tools19:28
doctormoJanC: You took _ages_ to leapfrog on askubuntu ;-)19:28
JanCdoctormo: heh, I haven't been very active recently  ;)19:28
=== jono_ is now known as jono
doctormoOK managed to convince it to do 480x270, slightly heigher than the 340x220.19:34
Technovikingjcastro: any reason to save any of the ubuntu dev release forums other than the last 2? http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=23720:08
jcastroI wouldn't think so20:08
jcastrokill them with fire!20:08
jcastrojono: where's that tweet functionality?20:24
jonojcastro, ratings and reviews :-)20:25
jonoin Natty20:25
jcastroI did one for shutter20:25
jonowhen you leave a review20:25
jonothere is a check box20:25
jcastroI just can't find the tweet button20:25
jcastrohmm, maybe I missed it the first time, let me write another20:25
jcastrooh I get it20:27
jcastroit's connected to gwibber20:27
JFojono! ;-)20:29
jcastrowhich of course, crashes20:29
jonoJFo, yo!20:33
JFohey buddy20:34
JFodude, I just now found https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/20:41
JFowhy aren't we shouting this from the rooftops?20:41
jcastrobecause it's not very good. :)20:42
jcastroactually it's linked from the firefox home page20:42
JFoI didn't even know it was there20:42
* JFo is not very observant20:43
AlanBellhttps://help.ubuntu.com/ 10.10 to 6.0620:43
* czajkowski tickles #ubuntu-community-team 20:46
* jcastro jiggles20:46
czajkowskiJFo: less face pulling, so not pleasing20:51
czajkowskijcastro: howdy !20:52
czajkowskiJFo: the face :-|20:52
JFouh huh20:52
jonoTechnoviking, is there a wiki page that outlines what someone should do if they want to raise an issue with a forum member's conduct?21:00
jonoe.g. posting slurs and nasty comments21:01
czajkowskijono: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ForumsFAQ#How do I report bad posts or bad behavior on the forums?21:03
jonothanks czajkowski21:03
czajkowskianyone hear from kim0 ?21:50
jcastrojono: did someone talk bad about severed fifth or something?21:52
jonojcastro, eh?21:53
jcastrowrt. reporting someone on the forums?21:53
jcastrooops, I left off the :)21:53
jonojcastro, lol21:53
jonono just someone who was saying that he experienced some negative comments on there21:53
paultaghey doctormo, did you hash out anything for the ubuntustudio-controls GUI?21:53
jcastroyeah people have been very negative lately21:54
paultagjcastro: people always suck21:54
jcastrojono: I was thinking of having a few sessions about this at UDS, the mailing lists are turning into hostile territory as well21:56
jonojcastro, yeah21:56
czajkowskijcastro: well oonly sounder and user21:57
czajkowskijcastro: which is a small section and doesnt I think represent the large community, lcoo contacts never gets like that21:57
jcastrotrue, but loco-contacts is more of a leader list, the people have more of a stake in the project21:58
jcastroplus I can't remember the last time someone was like "man I can't wait to check out -devel-discuss, the quality of discussion there is SO HIGH."21:58
czajkowski-doc is one I find bad21:59
jcastrowhich brings me to another point21:59
jcastrowe have too many lists21:59
czajkowskijcastro: and yet for annoucing and planning UDS we don't have one place22:00
jcastroyeah, I've always wondered why we don't have -project22:01
jcastrofor "soft" like things22:01
czajkowskifor annoucments?22:01
doctormopaultag: I'm waiting on ubuntu studio to decide what it is it wants.22:01
czajkowskiliek Ubuntu -NEXTRELEASE22:01
jcastrowell, we have -devel-announce22:01
czajkowskijcastro: but not everyone wants to be on a devel mailing list22:01
czajkowskiI know I'm usually shitless posting to that one tbh22:01
czajkowskias I know the developers are on it and while the majority are lovely22:02
czajkowskithere are a few who are rather rude22:02
doctormojcastro: How many people in this room are active on these mailing lists and in the forums?22:02
doctormoWe have a core of people who protect and stand by the Code of Conduct.22:02
paultagdoctormo: let's roll with my framework and get it done22:02
jcastroI am active on 2 subforums and mostly read-only on mailing lists22:02
paultagdoctormo: a working beta is better segfaulting final product22:03
doctormoI just don't think we do enough to be visible, and part of that is of course that we're very busy getting things done.22:03
doctormopaultag: Got that wiki with field names?22:03
paultagdoctormo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/SettingsApp/Redux22:04
dakerczajkowski, no his last tweet was yesterday22:07
doctormopaultag: I need to you to review those in the list and format them into fields. I.e. text/bool/number/enum. Just tell me what data you want out of the user and I'll organise it.22:07
JanCit's mostly only 2 or 3 people who are almost always negative on sounder22:07
czajkowskidaker: ok22:07
czajkowskidaker: thanks22:07
paultagdoctormo: OK. I'll do that tonight -- can you whip up some logo action while that's going?22:07
doctormopaultag: Ubuntu studio already has a logo. :-/22:08
paultagdoctormo: no, for the interface and such22:08
czajkowskiwhoo nice lot of Ubuntu community at FOSDEM next weekend https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fosdem/201122:08
czajkowskijono: can you tweet if anyone in Ubuntu community will be at FOSDEM to add their name to the wiki if they want to meet up, please.22:08
doctormopaultag: I've either made you an icon, or created kubuntu studio http://imagebin.org/13490922:14
paultagdoctormo: I really like that logo, a lot, actually22:14
paultagScottL: prod22:14
paultagScottL: http://imagebin.org/134909  <-- doctormo's doodle22:14
paultagdoctormo: I'm grooving off the speaker-esque center bit22:15
paultagI love the waves thrown off on the right22:15
doctormopaultag: You've seen the ubuntu studio icon, right?22:15
* doctormo doesn't want to take credit for that.22:16
paultagdoctormo: yeah, but I've never looked that deep into it -- I glaze over most details22:16
jcastroand now22:18
jcastroweekend time22:18
jcastropaultag: make sure you behave while I am gone22:18
paultagjcastro: <322:18
paultagBBl, wine time right now. Much love!22:19
jcastroyou don't seem like a wine person22:20
AlanBellI was going to have a hot chocolate, but now I think I will add a little something to it22:20
paultagjcastro: srsly?22:21
paultagjcastro: I'm an i-tal, dude22:21
jcastroyou strike me as more of a wine /cooler/ kind of guy22:22
jcastrosee what I did there22:22
paultagjcastro: you should go on tour, dude22:23
doctormopaultag: You're in italia?22:23
paultagdoctormo: c'mon *tagliamonte*22:24
doctormopaultag: But you sounds American22:26
paultagdoctormo: my family, dude. I was born and raised in the US22:26
paultagdoctormo: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs016.snc6/166600_1312299727860_1241640381_31326082_7044428_n.jpg  <-- for christ's sake22:26
czajkowskithat's like saying I'm polish!22:26
paultagczajkowski: no one says they are american in america -- they always identify with where their family is from22:27
AlanBellyou are English!22:27
paultagAlanBell: actually, yeah -- 1 / 422:27
czajkowskipaultag: odd22:27
czajkowskiAlanBell: I am not!22:27
paultagAlanBell: 1/4 english, 1/4 austrian, 1/2 italian22:27
paultag = 1 badass22:27
AlanBellczajkowski: just following your logic22:27
paultagohh. czajkowski22:27
paultagyeah, czajkowski is english as hell22:27
* czajkowski hugs the Shamrock! 22:28
jcastroshe's about as english as I am australian22:28
paultagjcastro: soooo, lots?22:28
czajkowski31 years in Ireland and 4 months in UK my dears :)22:28
paultagOK, for real22:29
paultagwine time22:29
paultaglove ya'll much22:29
jussipaultag: no, 1/4 english, 1/4 austrian, 1/2 italian = 1 scary paultag :D22:51
jcastrojono: jfo: I just found the coolest thing23:27

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