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rickspencer3RAOF, bryceh hey guys01:12
RAOFrickspencer3: Good $TIME_OF_DAY01:13
rickspencer3hey dude01:14
rickspencer3so, I think xorg is acting really screwy on my i965 desktop01:14
RAOFSince the xserver-xorg-video-intel 2.14.0 upload yesterday?01:15
brycehrickspencer3, this is with current natty?01:15
rickspencer3hey bryceh, yeah, I updated last night after the new intel driver got in01:16
brycehrickspencer3, ok, tell us more01:17
rickspencer3basically, it seems like it just stops painting01:17
rickspencer3I can switch to a VT01:17
rickspencer3if I run top, nothing is going crazy01:17
brycehrickspencer3, and fire off a bug report 'ubuntu-bug xorg' for tracking and so we get logs n'at01:17
rickspencer3but then I can't really switchback01:17
rickspencer3here's the thing though ...01:17
rickspencer3I am also mucking with the menus in a program I am writing01:18
rickspencer3maybe I should hold off on the bug report and see if I can make the problem occur on my netbook with the same code01:18
brycehrickspencer3, if you report a bug we can check it to see if there are error messages in the log files that provide some clues01:19
RAOFIt sounds like similar symptoms to the page-flip related hangs we had with Maverick.  If that were the case, compiz would be in D state waiting on an ioctl.01:19
brycehor if you'd really prefer not to, pastebin your Xorg.0.log and dmesg01:19
rickspencer3bryceh, ok, I;ll do it right now01:19
rickspencer3nah, I just didn't want to spam you guys01:20
rickspencer3meantime, I think the mouse button on my netbook is wearing out01:20
rickspencer3like 2 weeks after the warrany expired01:20
brycehafter reading bdrung's blog post it makes me wonder how many of our X bugs are really dying graphics cards01:45
RAOFSome, but I'd wager not many.01:50
RAOFI think the rate of GPU failures is reasonably low, and I don't think our stack is so good that real bugs are less common than failing hardware :)01:51
broderhmm...i have a mental model for the symptoms that indicate failing ram. i don't have a model for symptoms that indicate a failing graphics card01:56
brycehRAOF, I dunno, I got two failed gfx cards here (dead fans), and a third that sounds like it's on its last legs01:58
RAOFbryceh: Maybe I just don't stress my GPUs; none that I've had contact with have died.01:59
RAOFWith, perhaps, the exception of my gaming laptop which would overheat, slow down by an order of magnitude, and then reboot. :)01:59
brycehand just yesterday I threw away a dvi cable with a bent pin (obvious on close investigation, but sounded like one of the many "weird random color" bugs we get)01:59
RAOFWe'll certainly have *some* bugs which are due to failing hardware...02:00
brycehadmittedly I swap cards quite a bit so they get more physical stress than normal perhaps02:01
RAOFMaybe I'm severely underestimating their number due to not interacting with broken hardware.02:01
brycehrats, kernel panic in middle of a natty upgrade.  gotta love that02:02
RAOFOooh, ow.02:03
brycehcame up ok02:04
brycehthis is definitely turning into one of those cases where testing the new driver is taking *way* longer than just packaging it....02:04
RAOFAh, the new ati?02:04
RAOFBefore you upload, have you updated the copy-fb patch to support both 1.9 and 1.10 ABIs?02:05
RAOF(And not have a stupid typo in the 1.10 codepath, like my -intel upload has? ☹)02:06
brycehah I wanted to ask if we needed that for radeon too02:06
RAOFYeah.  You'll need to do basically the same as for -intel, but without the “srcn” typo :)02:06
RAOFI split that out as a separate git commit, so it should be easy to see what to do.02:06
RAOF(For future reference, although “srcn” looks quite a lot like “scrn” the C compiler doesn't accept them as synonyms ☺)02:07
RAOFI can update the patch for you though, if you like.02:07
brycehnah I got it02:08
rickspencer3_bryceh, RAOF here's my bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/70899802:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 708998 in xorg "Desktop freezes intermitently" [Undecided,New]02:08
rickspencer3_sorry I couldn't be any clearer02:08
rickspencer3_I need to step away, but I can check back in a bit later02:08
brycehrickspencer3_, thanks02:08
brycehweird, apport collected a make.log.txt but no Xorg.0.log?02:10
RAOFYeah, that is strange.02:10
brycehthe make.log.txt seems to be from some vbox build issue from last year02:11
brycehRAOF, hmm no obvious errors in the logs02:15
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rickspencer3hey bryceh, I uploaded those files02:32
rickspencer3also, looks like the xorg apport hook crashed02:32
rickspencer3(I assume that's why the files didn't get uploaded)02:33
RAOFHeh.  I see you've been hit with the keyboard-config stick: “Option "xkb_model" "a4techKB21"”02:42
rickspencer3RAOF, not sure what you're referring to there02:43
RAOFI don't believe that will cause any problems, though.02:43
rickspencer3I haven't seen any issues on this 'puter02:44
rickspencer3my netbook thinks I care to swtich to arabic though02:44
RAOFYour Xorg.0.log.old indicates that you've been hit with the keyboard-config upgrade bug, which set the keyboard model incorrectly and added the “af” keymap, among other things.02:44
rickspencer3glad it's all still working ok02:45
RAOFThere don't appear to be any other interesting messages there.02:45
RAOFYou _may_ have successfully confused compiz, or possibly hit a damage bug.02:46
rickspencer3RAOF, is it at all possible that I'm bringing down compiz with this crazy sound menu integration thing?02:46
rickspencer3like I am sending bad data, and the sound menu barfs,and then so brings down unity, brings down compiz?02:47
RAOFThat's possible, yes.02:47
rickspencer3seems like that shouldn't happen :/02:49
rickspencer3maybe I can make a repro case and log a bug against sound menu (if that's what is happening)02:49
rickspencer3this is what fuzz testing if for ;)02:49
RAOFDid that only happen while you were futzing with the sound menu, or is it independently reproducible?02:49
rickspencer3RAOF, it's hard to say02:50
RAOFBut it doesn't happen *every* time you VT switch, right?02:50
rickspencer3that's the problem with intermitent bugs02:50
rickspencer3I don't know02:50
rickspencer3I only switched VTs to try to see if there was a rogue process to kill or such02:50
rickspencer3nah, it works fine, just tried it02:51
RAOFAh, yeah, that's right.  The problem manifested itself before the VT switch.02:51
* RAOF restarts to test new -evdev02:51
rickspencer3RAOF, feel free to set my report to invalid or what not02:53
rickspencer3gotsa run02:53
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pittiGood morning06:09
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pittimvo: good morning, how are you?08:04
pittimvo: you broke the CD builds.. :-(08:04
pitti software-center : Depends: python-piston-mini-client but it is not installable08:04
pittimvo: any chance to revert the dependency for now, and wait until the MIR is approved?08:05
* pitti hugs mvo08:06
mvopitti: unfortunately not easily, I could include it in the package itself, but that is not really great08:06
pittimvo: could it disable the functionality if it gets an ImportError?08:07
mvohm, that might be a option, let me check08:08
pittimvo: btw, thanks for the software-properties review; I'll debug the threading hang today08:08
didrocksgood morning pitti, mvo!08:08
pittithat already hit me with usb-creator, it seems GTK doesn't seem to like it very much to run in more than one thread08:08
pittihey didrocks, how are you?08:09
mvogood morning didrocks08:09
mvopitti: indeed, might be a bug in the code of s-c, usually I'm very careful about this (hit the gtk ui only from one thread). but that code was contributed08:10
pittimvo: for some reason that worked with pygtk, perhaps that did some extra locking or so; but I'll have a look08:10
pittiif it's a bug in pygobject, I'd like to track it down08:10
didrockspitti: I'm fine thanks, having compiz crashing only for me at start (same issue than early december) isn't quite fun though :/08:11
pittididrocks: compiz is naughty today indeed, at least under unity; breaks copy&paste and focus-follows-mouse08:11
pittididrocks: it didn't crash here, though08:11
didrockspitti: how breaks copy and paste?08:12
pittididrocks: I think the FFM issue could actually be due to global menu bar (I disabled that in my classic session)08:12
pittididrocks: well, neither Ctrl+C/V nor left/middle mouse work08:12
didrocksthere was no change for FFM08:12
didrockshum, middle mouse work there08:12
pittithat might not actually be a compiz issue, of course; could be unity, too08:12
didrockstrying ctrl+C/V08:12
pittididrocks: try from firefox to terminals? (that's what I tried)08:13
didrocksctrl+C/V is fine there too08:13
didrocksok trying08:13
didrocks(I tried in gedit)08:13
pittictlr c/v still doesn't work even under classic+compiz08:13
pittibetween terminals08:13
pittibut middle mouse does08:13
mvopitti: who is currently doing mirs ? just you and doko?08:13
didrockspitti: works for me… :/08:14
pittimvo: I left the team a while a go; currently didrocks, doko, mterry, kees08:14
mvoso didrocks … ;)08:14
* didrocks hides and handle his card of ETOOWORKANDBUGS :)08:14
didrockspitti: ok, finishing some triaging and debugging with same, then I'm back to you for copy and paste08:15
pittididrocks: no worries, let's track it down later; I'm currently wrestling with 10.04.2 and some urgent emails anyway08:16
didrockspitti: ok :)08:16
mvopitti: I assume downgrading the mini-client thing to a recommends is not enough for the cd builder?08:23
pittimvo: recommends works08:23
pittiit'll be silently ignored then08:23
pitticomponent-mismatches will still cry (which is desired)08:24
mvook, that sounds reasonable then08:24
mvoI will bribe the MIR team as quickly as possible, its a really easy MIR i think08:24
pittimvo: danke!08:25
mvodanke an dich - und entschuldigung für den ärger .)08:26
pittihappens, no problem at all08:30
pittiwould just like to have building CDs before a2 :)08:30
didrockshey rodrigo_09:23
seb128hey didrocks rodrigo_09:35
didrockshey seb12809:35
pittichrisccoulson: good morning!09:39
pittichrisccoulson: was bug 294187 deliberately targetted to natty?09:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 294187 in firefox "Firefox Locales should install locale specific search plugins" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29418709:39
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seb128mvo, is ratings different from reviews in s-c?10:26
seb128mvo, seems reviews are buggy, I can see items with starts and a number of "ratings"10:28
seb128but they all say "be the first to review"10:28
seb128like there is nothing at the bottom of the description page10:29
mvoseb128: parts of that is a bug in the cache invalidation10:33
mvoseb128: the other part is that if you e.g. on maverick you will see that there are 5 reviews, but they could be from natty so you will not see them (as they are not for a version you can install).10:33
mvoseb128: that was a design decision, not sure if its final or if mpt wants to tweak it10:34
seb128mvo, well I'm on natty and I would assume reviews are coming from natty?10:34
seb128mvo, do you have any example that should show any review?10:34
seb128just tried abiword, glade and some others10:34
seb128none has a review10:34
mptmvo, hm, that wasn't deliberate10:36
mptmvo, maybe the reviews you see, and the average rating you see, should be for all reviews from the latest version you can install and versions before it, not for versions after it?10:38
faganmvo: hey, is it me or is does the recomendations thing look like it has no space before the number and no space after the word recommendations10:39
* fagan is testing out the reviews too btw and they are very nice10:39
mvoseb128: if you are on natty, that is the cache problem10:39
seb128mvo, yeah I'm on natty10:39
seb128mvo, ok10:39
mvompt: ok, thanks for this clarification, I will talk to the server guys about it10:41
mvofagan: it is not only you :) but its fixed now, just uploaded a new version10:41
mptmvo, sorry, I was asking you what you thought10:41
faganoh ok10:41
mvompt: I think ideally we would aggregate the stats so that they represent the availalbe reviews and ratings for the user. its not easy on the server, AFAIK this is why it was changed there. there was a bug about that, let me look for it10:44
mvompt: the trouble seem to be that this is a relatively expensive operation (the stats). but yeah, stats(visible_only) is IMO the ideal solution10:49
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mptI wonder if there's some elegant way to weight ratings for recent versions more heavily than ratings for old versions11:00
mvoa good idea11:01
davmor2mpt: give the newer version preference over the older one :)  the issue is you still want ones marked as useful to surface nearer the top11:02
mptdavmor2, that's another way of wording it11:02
mptWe need a mathematician in here11:02
mptmvo, what do you think of this to start with: "The average rating for a software item, as shown to someone running a particular Ubuntu release, should be the mean of the latest 50 ratings for versions of the software that are less than or equal to the latest version available for that Ubuntu release."11:03
mptThat way at least old ratings eventually expire11:03
chrisccoulsonpitti - i'm not sure why bug 294187 was targetted to natty, i didn't do that11:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 294187 in firefox "Firefox Locales should install locale specific search plugins" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29418711:05
chrisccoulsongood morning / afternoon btw :)11:05
mvompt: I think we should not (yet) dive into the details but formulate a high level goal (like weight older versions lower or expire them) and then we can discuss how best to do it with the constrains we have (like that it needs to be fast to do on a db layer etc)11:07
mvompt: bug #709172 for the basic problem11:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 709172 in rnr-server "current reviews-stats is confusing to users" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70917211:08
davmor2mpt, mvo: If we work with lucid, maverick, natty, would the simplest way not be to award lucid 25%, maverick 50%, Natty 75%, and let the star rating and usefulness flags take it up the other 25%,  and then when O comes out drop lucid to 0% and so on?11:08
mvoI added the weight as a topic now too11:09
mptdavmor2, not really, because increasingly there will be multiple versions for the same OS release11:09
faganmvo: is there any way to edit your review after you post it?11:09
* fagan just realised that he made a mistake in his gimp review 11:10
mvofagan: not yet, its a planned feature. but you can just post a new one (based on the old one) and flag the other as a mistake11:10
davmor2mpt: Sorry I'm mixing versions with distroseries my bag11:10
faganoh thats ok11:10
* mvo is off for a bit to grab some lunch11:11
faganmvo: Oh and the title part isnt spell checked11:13
faganin the review11:13
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mvofagan: *ick* what is wrong?11:15
* mvo will fix that too after lunch11:16
faganmvo: yeah ill let you get some lunch. I was just using the review title bit and it isnt spell checked no biggy11:17
faganI miss spelled a word on purpose and checked11:17
mptmvo, remember the keywords system we started on, for keywords that aren't mentioned in the package description? Can you remind me where the keywords are stored?11:42
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nessitagood morning everyone! may I have a sponsorship for https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu/natty/ubuntuone-control-panel/ubuntuone-control-panel-0.8.1/+merge/4775712:13
mvompt: in the desktop file as "X-AppInstall-Keywords"12:16
mptmvo, thanks. Dylan McCall was asking about it (but didn't know it exists).12:17
mvofagan: hrm, hrm, it looks like gtkspell does not support gtk.Entries, so its not as trivial as I thought. could you please file a bug? looks like this needs some legwork first12:27
fagansure no problem12:27
seb128mvo, do you have any bug number for that caching issue?12:29
mvoseb128: yes, bug #70884112:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 708841 in rnr-server "review stats do not update on moderation or removal of reviews" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70884112:31
seb128mvo, thanks12:32
seb128mvo, ok, so what you are saying is that we have no user reviews yet which went out of moderation? which is moderating those?12:34
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mvoseb128: the bug is that if a review goes into moderation the stats are not updated12:36
pittichrisccoulson: right, seems like a wishlist thing to me; I'll downgrade12:36
mvoseb128: into the moderation-queue that is (that means that it becomes invisible until its moderated)12:36
seb128mvo, but are all comments going in the moderation queue by default before being accepted?12:37
seb128mvo, and who is moderating the queue?12:38
seb128mvo, like is there any review which is going to go out of moderation in the next weeks or will they stay there until a team is organized to do reviews?12:38
mvoseb128: currently we allow all comments12:39
mvoseb128: and then if someone flags them, they enter moderation queue12:39
seb128mvo, so it means basically that nobody did reviews out of testing comments which went to moderation12:40
mvoseb128: moderation I can do now, but the webui is not great yet, once the new UI lands we can formally put together a team12:40
seb128so I just need to wait for real user comments to be submitted?12:40
mvobut with the current UI I'm not sure, its just not good12:40
mvoseb128: yeah, but there are some real ones12:40
mvoseb128: like dejadup, audacity, lives thunderbird12:41
mvoabout 50 already12:41
mvoalmost scary12:41
chrisccoulsonmvo - i reviewed software center, but i didn't realise reviews weren't anonymous ;)12:41
mvochrisccoulson: you can flag your comment as inappropriate before I read it12:41
mvochrisccoulson: better do it now ;)12:42
chrisccoulsonit's ok ;)12:42
seb128chrisccoulson, audacity has 0 rattings there12:42
chrisccoulsonit's not bad, but not a very useful review ;)12:42
mvoseb128: a cache issue again maybe? its listed here in the stats12:42
* mvo looks12:42
seb128mvo, software-center is weird12:42
seb128the label says "write your own review"12:43
seb128but there is no star or comment listed12:43
mvoseb128: oh, for what package?12:43
seb128since chrisccoulson said he reviewed this one I tried it12:43
mvoseb128: same here, let me debug it12:44
seb128mvo, thanks12:44
chrisccoulsonoh, i can still see my own review for software-center :)12:45
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chrisccoulsonlibreoffice has a review12:46
chrisccoulsoni can see that12:46
geseranyone familiar with g-ir-scanner knows how to fix "Unknown namespace for identifier 'midgard_dbus'"? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/60877438/buildlog_ubuntu-natty-i386.midgard2-core_10.05.2-2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz12:47
mvoseb128: haha, so the problem appears to be (with the software-center review) - Sofware Center vs Sofware Centre ;) (GB vs US spelling)12:52
* mvo hugs chrisccoulson for his review text12:52
seb128oh, doh12:52
chrisccoulsonheh :)12:52
* chrisccoulson hugs mvo12:52
mvoI file a bug about that12:53
cyphermoxgood morning!12:55
pittiseb128: do you know a bit about epiphany? Can bug 575610 be fixed with a mere rebuild?12:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 575610 in epiphany-extensions-more "epiphany-extensions-more is not installable in lucid" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57561012:59
pittihey cyphermox, ca va?12:59
seb128pitti, not really no12:59
seb128or rather "dunno"13:00
cyphermoxpitti, oui, ca va ;)13:00
seb128mvo, http://paste.ubuntu.com/559506/13:01
seb128is that known?13:01
seb128it keeps displaying that via apport there13:01
seb128mvo, when it does that I also don't get the yellow background around the review13:03
ftaMacSlow, hi, please revisit bug 70849113:03
ubot2Launchpad bug 708491 in unity "Dash and indicators invisible when compositing is set in Metacity" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70849113:03
mvoseb128: not known, let me check the code13:03
seb128mvo, I can get it easily like this13:03
seb128mvo, open s-c, select "installed software", type "glade", double click on the glade line which has a review13:04
seb128hum, doesn't happen every time13:04
MacSlowfta, argl... yeah... really misread that sorry13:04
ftaMacSlow, it seems it regressed recently (~ when dash landed), because i used to be able to switch between these two modes13:06
mvoseb128: thanks, I have a look13:07
mvoseb128: its cool, lots of reviews already13:07
mvostuff like shutter13:07
seb128yeah, I can see those now that I use LANGUAGE=en13:08
seb128it's a conspiration against french I see13:08
mvobe the first ;)13:08
seb128which makes me think, does the spec handle we wanting to write english reviews?13:08
seb128or will those be flagged as french?13:09
mvoit looks like there is a russion review for vlc, if someone can read russia, would be nice to know whats written there13:09
mvo        "app_name": "Медиапроигрыватель VLC",13:09
mvoseb128: if you are using a french locale it will assume you write french reviews13:09
mvoseb128: and display you french ones13:09
mvoseb128: there was a bit of a debate over this at UDS, I initially thought we should display native lang, english13:10
chrisccoulsonmvo - google translate just translates that russian review to "VLC media player"13:10
mvobut then, amazon does not display you english reviews for the german site and my dad would not understand it13:10
mvochrisccoulson: great idea to use that, thanks13:10
seb128mvo, I guess having $locale and a "show english review" the same way you do for technical items would be nice13:11
mvosomeone reviewed libirrlich!?!13:11
mvoseb128: yeah, good point13:11
seb128mvo, ok, so schedule for the day is to get popcorns and sit in front of s-c to read the reviews coming in ;-)13:12
mvoand YES13:12
mvoeven unity has a review already13:13
seb128mvo, I get the stacktrace from before often and it's like displaying every second when it happens13:13
seb128the review list doesn't get its yellow rectangle when that happens13:13
seb128do you want a bug about that?13:13
mvofagan gets a badge for reviewing so many items already13:14
mvoseb128: please13:14
seb128mvo, ok, will open one13:14
kklimondamvo: wrt to X-AppInstall-Keywords I've asked you about some time ago - update-software-center scans only desktop files from /usr/share/app-install/desktop, so I have to add it there, right? When I do everything works as expected.13:17
mvokklimonda: if you add it to the package, it will be picked up automatically when the archive-crawler runs next time (about every week)13:20
mvoor every two weeks, no fixed cron job13:20
kklimondamvo: ah, that makes more sense then modifying it directly :)13:21
mvoyep, it will probably become a freedesktop standard too btw13:22
mvo(without the x-appinstall- in front ;)13:22
kklimondagreat, I can push it upstream after that :)13:22
mvohey mterry! thanks for your reviews and for deja-dup with a utf8 in the appname, that helped finding/fixing a encoding bug in the server13:25
mterrymvo, heh, awesome.  At first I thought you guys had maybe added an anti-review-your-own-app feature  ;)13:26
didrocksmterry: no, he just blacklisted your app, as easy as that :-)13:30
didrockshey mterry btw ;)13:30
seb128hello mterry13:30
mvodidrocks: blacklisted stuff that sounds french actually13:30
seb128is deja-dup supposed to have a review?13:30
didrocksmvo: yeah yeah, I understand :)13:31
mvoseb128: it has one for me13:31
mterrydidrocks, seb128: hi  :)13:31
mvoseb128: but submit will give a error (also the review makes it acually)13:31
seb128mvo, well it doesn't here even in english13:31
didrockslike "the application is awesome… unfortunatly, it sounds french…"13:32
mterryseb128, I hit a bug with my English review too, it was the title of the app that was causing the bug13:32
chrisccoulson"But I do love it, and it saved all my data when I accidentally erased my hard drive."13:34
chrisccoulsonhow did you manage that? ;)13:34
seb128I'm curious to know if users will turn reviews in bug reports13:34
mvobugfix is in bzr, but will probably take a little bit until its rolled out to the server though13:34
mvoseb128: well, "flag" :)13:34
mterrychrisccoulson, ah, the review did go through it seems.  I was testing 10.10 install CDs, and picked the wrong drive.  :-/13:39
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* bcurtiswx_ waves to room13:50
* kenvandine waves back13:51
didrockshey kenvandine, bcurtiswx_13:52
kenvandinehey didrocks13:52
bcurtiswx_hey didrocks13:59
seb128hey bcurtiswx_ kenvandine14:00
kenvandinehey seb12814:00
bcurtiswx_hey seb12814:00
seb128kenvandine, ronoc rolled a new indicator-sound tarball which fixes the build14:00
seb128kenvandine, if you want to do the update14:01
kenvandineseb128, great14:01
kenvandinei was going to ask him for that14:01
kenvandineseb128, but... it won't build either i bet14:01
kenvandinelooks like ted broke the api14:01
kenvandineindicator-sound.c:191:3: error: passing argument 3 of 'dbusmenu_client_add_type_handler' from incompatible pointer type14:01
kenvandine/usr/include/libdbusmenu-0.4/libdbusmenu-glib/client.h:141:22: note: expected 'DbusmenuClientTypeHandler' but argument is of type 'gboolean (*)(struct DbusmenuMenuitem *, struct DbusmenuMenuitem *, struct DbusmenuClient *)'14:01
kenvandinemake[4]: *** [libsoundmenu_la-indicator-sound.lo] Error 114:01
seb128right, that's why it failed to build, seems ronoc updated the indicator-sound api use14:02
seb128well I pointed him to the build log14:02
kenvandineoh... ok14:02
kenvandineseb128, last night it had failed to build because of timestamps14:02
kenvandineat least i thought14:02
seb128kenvandine, isn't the lib using a .symbols?14:02
kenvandineno... we really need to change that14:02
kenvandinein fact14:02
seb128how come neither of you did notice the api break?14:02
kenvandinei will do that today14:02
kenvandinei looked at the headers that changed14:02
kenvandineit looked fine14:02
kenvandinei thought14:03
nessitakenvandine: hey! I wanted to let you know that Ubuntu One will be in the messaging menu since we will be reporting user-oriented messages (we talked about this with Neil in Dallas). So no need to hard code us in the me menu :-)14:03
seb128well reading the indicator-sound debdiff not sure it' using public apis14:03
nessita(hello all!)14:03
seb128those are not prefixing with the lib scheming14:03
seb128hey nessita14:03
nessitahi seb128, how are you?14:03
seb128I'm fine thanks, how are you?14:03
kenvandinenessita, when you are ready for me to remove it from the me menu, file a bug please and assign it to me14:04
nessitaI'm looking forward to the weekend! I need to do some stuff away from the computer14:04
nessitakenvandine: if you (or someone else) could sponsor https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu/natty/ubuntuone-control-panel/ubuntuone-control-panel-0.8.1/+merge/47757, is done!14:04
seb128nessita, oh, away from the computer? ;-)14:05
kenvandineseb128, ugh... the new tarball has the timestamps in the future again14:05
seb128kenvandine, how much in the future?14:06
nessitaseb128: yes, I need that. My wrists are starting to hurt a bit...14:06
kenvandineseb128, this is why the build had failed yesterday... the buildds don't seem to be happy with that14:06
mvoseb128: just a quick question, the bug about the surface_mask_cache - that happend relatively quickly after startup?14:06
kenvandinei love how specific that is14:06
mvoseb128: I think its done, but it appears to be a race14:06
seb128kenvandine, hum, enough to still be an issue14:07
mvoseb128: and only triggerable quickly after statup of s-c14:07
kenvandineseb128, i guess he is still having trouble with his clock... we couldn't set it in dallas14:07
kenvandinewhich was very weird14:07
seb128mvo, well, I ran it, searching for glade and double clicked on it14:07
seb128mvo, so yeah, less than 10 seconds14:07
kenvandineseb128, yesterday's built for me in pbuilder but failed on the buildds14:07
seb128kenvandine, well if it build locally upload14:07
seb128kenvandine, we will retry on the buildds in some hours when it will be over that timestamps14:08
kenvandinei would rather maybe get the tarball recreated :)14:08
seb128kenvandine, ronoc is travelling to the office, he should be back online rsn14:08
seb128kenvandine, you got tedg to complain meanwhile if you want ;-)14:09
seb128hey tedg14:09
mvoseb128: ok, should be fixed in trunk now14:09
seb128mvo, ok, so no need to open a bug?14:09
mvoseb128: no14:09
tedgseb128, Hmm, not sure I like that introduction to the channel :)14:09
seb128mvo, great, thanks14:09
seb128tedg, howdy, how are you ;-)14:09
kenvandineseb128, at least it builds now14:09
seb128tedg, we were just discussing how you broke some apis which made indicator-sound not build14:10
kenvandineindicator-sound.c:191:3: error: passing argument 3 of 'dbusmenu_client_add_type_handler' from incompatible pointer type14:10
kenvandine/usr/include/libdbusmenu-0.4/libdbusmenu-glib/client.h:141:22: note: expected 'DbusmenuClientTypeHandler' but argument is of type 'gboolean (*)(struct DbusmenuMenuitem *, struct DbusmenuMenuitem *, struct DbusmenuClient *)'14:10
kenvandinemake[4]: *** [libsoundmenu_la-indicator-sound.lo] Error 114:10
kenvandinetedg, ^^14:10
kenvandinetedg, today... i am going to switch dbusmenus to using a .symbols file :)14:10
tedgseb128, Ah, yeah.  I realized that too late.  It's an easy fix (and actually ABI compatible)14:10
tedgkenvandine, Won't catch that one ;)14:10
seb128tedg, right, in theory soname change14:10
tedgThat's a prototype change not a actual code change.14:11
seb128mvo, waouh, we get reviews from people who are not hanging around on IRC14:11
tedgNo, no so change is needed as it's ABI compatible.14:11
seb128mvo, cheese got one from someone I don't know ;-)14:11
mvoseb128: popcorn for you as well, eh ;) ?14:11
seb128mvo, tea you mean? ;-)14:12
kenvandinetedg, got some time this morning to help me fix the tests in dbus-test-runner?14:12
mvoseb128: lol14:12
kenvandineseb128, did you get any time to work on geoclue?14:12
seb128kenvandine, no, I got sidetracked in unity and compiz issues14:12
tedgkenvandine, Sure, I didn't realize they were failing :-/14:13
kenvandineit isn't failing14:13
tedgHaven't built that for a while.14:13
kenvandinewell, it is in my package14:13
kenvandinei want to run the tests in my package14:14
kenvandinexvfb problems14:14
tedgAh, okay.  I can fix that.14:14
kenvandinetedg, i need to go dig my external drive that has that stuff on it... i'll ping you in a bit14:14
tedgkenvandine, FYI, I use "DISPLAY= make check" to test that stuff.14:14
kenvandinetedg, i think it was only failing in pbuilder14:14
kenvandinenow i have something to complain to ronoc about... distcheck fails!14:15
tedgseb128, BTW, it seems a bunch of my python stuff got corrupted at some point (bzr, ubuntu-one, software-center all broke) is that debugable?  Something I should worry about, or just reinstall them?14:15
mterrymvo, is there a review feed or something?14:15
seb128tedg, define corrupted?14:16
seb128like the pyc files on disk?14:16
tedgseb128, Segfault on startup.  Yeah, I think that's what's corrupted.14:16
seb128tedg, try asking barry or doko14:16
seb128but I would say you just better have to reinstall those since I've not read other issues14:16
seb128seems likely a local issue14:16
tedgThat's what I'm thinking as well, but I just wanted to make sure before I fixed it :)14:17
pittimvo: argh, seems when I uploaded aptdaemon the last time I acidentally pushed into lp:~pitti/aptdaemon/040-update instead of the actual packaging branch :/14:18
seb128pitti, no offense but it seems mterry doesn't like calibre :-)14:18
seb128it got only 2 stars in s-c now14:18
seb128pitti, s-c reviews14:19
pittiwell, I can't say that I particularly like the UI myself, but it gets the job done nicely :)14:19
kenvandineseb128, is the sound indicator translated at all?14:20
seb128kenvandine, yes14:20
seb128kenvandine, the sound preference and mute entries are in french there14:20
seb128current natty14:20
kenvandineok... looking at the source i am a little surprised :)14:20
kenvandinethe POTFILES was completely wrong14:21
pittimvo: I'll sort it out14:21
kenvandinenone of the files listed even existed anymore14:21
kenvandinebut that is just a dist problem14:21
seb128kenvandine, well it could be that it's still on the 10.10 template14:21
seb128if the template updates are broken14:21
seb128$ intltool-update --pot14:22
seb128can't open ./../data/indicator-sound.schemas.in: No such file or directory at /usr/bin/intltool-extract line 211.14:22
kenvandinei am fixing14:23
seb128kenvandine, so yeah it didn't success to build a template and so launchpad still has the last valid one14:23
seb128which already had the strings for the 2 entries14:23
kenvandineit was breaking distcheck... so he must not do that...14:23
seb128[encoding: UTF-8]14:24
seb128kenvandine, ^14:24
seb128should be set to that14:24
kenvandinealready done :)14:24
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mvoweh, I will have to go in and defend calibre then :)14:31
didrocksmaybe I should force unity to remove the places…14:32
* tedg is left wondering if ratings and reviews is going to result in a significant loss of productivity amoung Ubuntu developers defending their favorite apps14:32
seb128didrocks, well conflicts on them until the bug is fixed yes14:35
didrocksseb128: also, we are discussing again on readding the compiz workaround with smspillaz14:35
didrocks(it would only be the 3rd time :))14:35
didrocksseems aquarius get the bug14:36
seb128what bug?14:36
didrocksor we can wait over the week-end and decide on Monday14:36
didrocksa hang in the gconf part14:36
seb128well I would add the workaround back for one user14:36
seb128we got quite some people testing the new version reading bugs and comment14:36
seb128only one complained about the hand14:36
seb128doesn't seem worth doing another change just before the weekend14:36
didrocksyeah, but it's still random. I'll test on slow machine like netbook as well14:37
didrocksyeah, on Monday14:37
didrocksjust uploading the new settings + a fix14:37
didrocksand the conflicts for unity and places14:37
seb128better to give it a nice testing over some days14:37
seb128ok, got to run for some 2 hours, be back later14:53
didrockssee you seb12814:54
* mvo commits r2000 of update-manager15:03
loolpitti: Hey, so in apport I've seen that you have scripts under bin/, how do you arrange for them to pickup the local apport modules?  You set PYTHONPATH manually before calling?15:04
desrtpitti: hihi15:05
mptmvo, I get a traceback when clicking the review link in 3.0-reviews: http://paste.ubuntu.com/559545/15:06
mptI guess that should be a relative path instead of an absolute one?15:06
pittihey desrt15:06
desrtmvo: did anyone fork the software centre yet? :)15:06
pittilool: how do you mean?15:06
desrtpitti: did you talk to tomeu yesterday?15:06
pittidesrt: yes, I did; well, on Wednesday I believe15:06
desrtit's been a hell of a couple of days for me, so i lost track :p15:07
loolpitti: I mean, checkout lp:apport, run bin/apport-foo, and have it use the local apport/ module15:07
loolpitti: so that you can test your changes15:07
pittidesrt: you mean for http://git.gnome.org/browse/pygobject/commit/?id=27e3a6276ff5f2cdc03ddf69ee80d44c3bf2c094 ?15:07
desrtpitti: oh.  yes.  exactly about that15:07
desrtthank you :)15:07
pittilool: python searches in "." by default15:07
pittilool: so that doesn't need anything special15:08
pittidesrt: you're welcome, thanks for the suggestion15:08
desrtpitti: i can understand the desire to do what you did by allusion to g_variant_new()15:08
loolpitti: Hmm it didn't work for me15:08
desrtbut g_variant_new() is deeply broken by its necessity to deal with the limitations of C :)15:08
pittidesrt: NB, I didn't introduce that old syntax, I just kept the compatibility to it :) (I feel the same as you, it should only be one object)15:09
loolpitti: I have moved a script from top-level which would work, so bin/, and now it doesn't work anymore15:09
desrtpitti: ya.  i recognise it from when tomeu was working on it15:09
mvodesrt: not *yet*15:09
pittilool: ah, perhaps that's not ".", but "dir of the script you are running"15:09
desrtpitti: really quite awesome that you picked up this work btw.  thanks :)15:09
desrtmvo: ;)15:10
loolpitti: Yes, I think so as well15:10
pittidesrt: yeah, it was nice to be at the hackfest, and pick up some stuff15:10
mvompt: could you try "PYTHONPATH=. ./software-center" in the checkout 3.0-reviews dir?15:10
pittilool: test/run sets $PYTHONPATH explicitly, though15:10
mptmvo, it already is15:10
desrtpitti: i'm sort of surprised you went, to be honest.  i didn't know you had an interest there.15:10
mvompt: ok, need to debug it then :/15:11
pittidesrt: I started porting stuff to GI some three months ago, so I was quite interested15:11
pittidesrt: the gvariant stuff was actually a kind of side dish for making gdbus support in python really nice15:11
pittibut I thought while I was at it I could just as well fix it properly15:12
desrtya.  it's quite important15:12
desrtbtw: i'm happy that you didn't present the possibility to do something like GVariant(5)15:12
mptmvo, if you can do it in time for a demo, that would be brilliant :-)15:12
pittidesrt: you mean guessing signatures?15:12
desrtthis way lies madness...15:12
pittifull ack15:12
desrtit's very rare that you can guess properly15:12
mvompt: when is the demo? unfortunately I have a appointment very soon (need to lave in 5min)15:13
pittidesrt: I've been bitten by that in dbus-python too often15:13
desrtdbus is a little bit more interesting, actually15:13
desrtsince you have some possibility to abuse the introspection information15:13
mptmvo, any time in the next couple of hours. But, it's not critical, I could leave it till next week.15:13
desrtGSettings presents a similar chance too: we have the type from the schema15:13
mvompt: ok, in about 1h I shall be back15:14
desrtit would be nice to be able to omit the type information in this case15:14
desrtbut it would have to be done at the level of the individual bindings...15:14
pittidesrt: I actually had a thought about doing dbus introspection to figure out the types if you don't specify them, but that's ridiculously expensive15:14
desrtpitti: it's quite cheap for GSettings, though15:15
desrthash table lookup, basically15:15
pittiright, but not with dbus; needs XML parsing etc.15:15
kenvandinecyphermox, how important is it to have that "About" menu item in the nm-applet appindicator?15:15
kenvandinecyphermox, it seems weird to have one indicator by default that has an About menu item15:15
desrtand even worse: a blocking roundtrip and 4 context switches15:15
loolpitti: Ok; thanks!15:16
mptkenvandine, KIWF15:16
mptKill It With Fire15:16
desrtpitti: anyway... if you have any ideas about how we could improve the GSettings interface so that we could do something like this:15:16
kenvandinempt, :)15:16
desrtsettings.set('key', [1,2,3])15:16
desrtplease let me know.  i'm happy to introduce helpers into the C API if needed to support this15:17
desrteven cooler would be settings.key = [1,2,3] or maybe settings['key'] = [1,2,3]15:17
pittidesrt: will do; but TBH I haven't played with gsettings yet, so I don't have current ideas15:18
desrtthe first one is problematic due to possible namespace clashes with built-in methods and the fact that many keys contain the character '-'15:18
desrtbut it's one of the main things that stands to benefit from the work you just did :)15:18
pittidesrt: the second one would avoid that, and avoid pretending that it was an actual property of the object, and still look quite nice15:19
pittikenvandine: hey, how are you?15:19
kenvandinepitti, good :)15:19
kenvandineand you?15:19
pittikenvandine: question about "build libappindicator with gtk3"15:19
pittikenvandine: I'm fine, thanks!15:19
pittikenvandine: I saw in the changelog that it got "build fixes for GTK3"15:19
kenvandinepitti, yeah... my upstream branch was merged15:20
kenvandinebut i am still struggling with packaging it!15:20
pittikenvandine: so, what exactly did this WI mean? that it builds against GTK3, or that it shold build an extra GIR for GTK3?15:20
pittior build a separate library which uses GTK3 (plus GIR)?15:20
pittiah, ok15:20
kenvandinewhich i had working in a package in december15:20
kenvandinebut now the packaging is giving me grief15:21
pittikenvandine: so we can safely move that to a3, as it's not blocking natty itself (just app developers)15:21
ronocaquarius, hey, did you see there was an update/correction to the playlist extension of mpris15:21
pittikenvandine: did you try the new cdbs multibuild thingy?15:21
pittikenvandine: let me know if you want me to look at it15:21
kenvandinei haven't seen that!15:21
pittidesrt: actually, a gsettings test case in pygobject would sound quite fine, as it's one of the things that we really ought to keep working once it does15:21
kenvandinepitti, the problem i have is when i add the gtk3 build targets it stops installing the python builds and the gtk3 build15:22
kenvandinei've done this in other packages with no problems... and it worked before, so probably something dumb :)15:22
kenvandinepitti, got an example using cdbs multibuild?15:23
pittikenvandine: I don't, but maybe seb128 or didrocks still remember which package used that15:23
pittiI know we talked about that recently15:23
desrtpitti: the situation right now is somewhat mediocre: you can only deal with basic types15:23
didrockskenvandine: isn't there that in the current gtk?15:23
aquariusronoc, I did not. What's that, then?15:26
ronocaquarius, its a signal to inform that a playlist has changed15:27
aquariusronoc, ahaha, yay! that's what we want. this is an upstream change from mpris?15:27
aquariusronoc, or a change by you?15:27
kklimondashouldn't python-piston-mini-client be a dependency of software-center? It doesn' start without it being installed15:27
ronocaquarius, something i noticed only late last week in using it,  so I asked the MPRIS to make a spec correction15:28
ronocaquarius, http://www.mpris.org/2.1/spec/Playlists.html#Signal:PlaylistChanged15:29
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aquariusronoc, hm, that only flags changes to an existing playlist; it doesn't let you say "there are now more playlists than there were before, so call GetPlaylists again"15:30
pittidesrt: for the test suite/demo program, is it possible to have a temporary gsettings store, i. e. to not mess up the actual user one?15:30
desrtset the GSETTINGS_BACKEND environment variable to 'memory'15:30
ronocaquarius, for that you just monitor property changed for playlistcount15:31
ronocaquarius, this works already15:31
pittidesrt: before calling g_settings_new()?15:31
desrtbefore doing anything that might initialise gsettings15:31
aquariusronoc, ah, so if I call PropertiesChanged on the playlist interface you'll reload the list of playlists?15:31
ronocaquarius, in fact in 0.5.8  just released this is working already15:32
desrtsee the test cases in glib/gio/tests/15:32
aquariusronoc, sweet15:32
aquariusronoc, and that's the way I do it -- with PropertiesChanged?15:32
ronocaquarius, don't think it has been uploaded yet, I updated your bug to fix released15:33
ronocaquarius, yes15:33
ronocsee the mpris2-controller.vala in my src dir15:33
aquariusronoc, excellent.15:33
cyphermoxkenvandine, I don't think it's critically important, I only felt it was right to credit the original author, but there are other places for that as well, so I'm not feeling strongly for keeping it -- I'll do an update today ;)15:33
pittidesrt: ah, got it15:33
* ronoc digs up the link15:33
cyphermoxkenvandine, ETOOMANYCOMMAS15:33
kenvandinecyphermox, great, thx...15:41
cyphermoxkenvandine, I'm also contemplating moving the new wireless and hidden wireless items into the "More networks" submenu15:42
cyphermoxI'll try that in my ppa first though ;)15:42
kenvandinei ike that too15:42
kenvandineless noise15:42
kenvandinempt,  what do you think?15:42
mptcyphermox, hidden wireless is "Other Network..." at the top level in the new design <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Networking#menu>, so I'd prefer that you either (1) changed it to that or (2) had it exactly how it is in nm-applet15:45
mptcyphermox, what do you mean by "new wireless"?15:45
cyphermoxmpt, there are two items immediately below VPN Connections, Connect to Hidden wireless, and Create New Wireless (for adhoc networks), I'm wondering if it would make sense to move that out the the "More Networks" submenu15:46
cyphermoxOTOH, I can also just not touch it and leave it as it was, which would make just as much sense15:47
mptcyphermox, to minimize support and training costs etc, I really think we should (a) stick to the nm-applet position+wording of each thing until we're confident of the ideal design, and then (b) switch to that ideal design exactly15:48
mptI don't know where setting up an ad-hoc network will end up, but I am fairly confident that connecting to a hidden wireless network will stay at the top level of the menu.15:49
cyphermoxthen I probably would rather avoid moving just one.15:49
mptfair enough.15:49
cyphermoxas far as I'm concerned, the placement really doesn't matter much15:49
cyphermox(because I know how nm works), but I understand how changing things can confuse people15:50
cyphermoxmpt, however, I think Flight Mode is already a big change too ;)15:50
mptcyphermox, yes it is, but that's ok as long as it is as close as possible to what we think the eventual design for it is15:51
mterrypitti, how do I disable scour on a per-package basis?16:03
pittimterry: cdbs?16:04
mterrypitti, yes16:04
mterrypitti, though I'd also be curious about the dh7 way16:04
pittimterry: only cdbs uses scour by default16:04
pittimterry: btw, I updated cdbs to only scour main packages now16:04
mterrypitti, ah.  So I could switch to dh7 to disable  ;)16:04
pittimterry: so if you have an universe package, just upload a rebuild16:04
mterrypitti, ah k.  yeah, was just curious for the next time I update deja-dup.  Sounds like it's automatic then16:05
pittimterry: with cdbs, you can set DEB_DH_SCOUR_ARGS=-X*16:05
pittisorry, it's a regexp, so -X.16:05
pittimterry: right, just upload16:05
scott-upstairsdidrocks, do you have time to help with the gnome-classic default xsession?16:07
didrocksscott-upstairs: 30 minutes?16:08
scott-upstairsdidrocks, sure :)16:08
chrisccoulsonhmmmm, when i open the list of users in xchat-gnome now, the top of the menu ends up going underneath the panel :(16:18
chrisccoulsonanyone else seeing that?16:19
kenvandinechrisccoulson, nope... for me it is on top of the panel16:19
kenvandinein unity16:19
chrisccoulsonhmmm :/16:19
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kenvandinewow the right click menu in evolution is out of control16:35
cyphermoxkenvandine, how so?16:36
kenvandinethere is like 15 menu items in there16:37
kenvandineor more16:37
kenvandineright click on a message, all rather useful things16:37
kenvandinebut way too much stuff to put in one place16:37
cyphermoxah ok16:37
cyphermoxbbl: lunch16:37
=== oubiwann is now known as oubiwann_
didrocksscott-upstairs: around?16:45
scott-upstairsdidrocks, yes :)16:45
didrocksscott-upstairs: so, what's up?16:45
scott-upstairsdidrocks, so last time we talked it looked like when /etc/gdm/custom.conf had [daemon]16:46
didrocksyeah, that's where you are heading to16:46
scott-upstairsdidrocks, then when a new user was added it should have come up in the login with gnome-classic16:47
didrockslet me check the default session name again, btw16:47
scott-upstairsdidrocks, but it doesn't appear to be doing that currently16:47
didrocksscott-upstairs: it shuld be gnome-classic, not classic-gnome16:47
scott-upstairsyeah, i thought about doing that last night as well but didn't :/16:47
scott-upstairsdidrocks, huh, that could be the problem now, couldn't it LOL16:47
didrocksthe name you set there are the names in /usr/share/xsessions/16:48
didrocksright :)16:48
nessitahey guys, if anyone is available, can I haz a couple of sponsorships for https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu/natty/ubuntuone-control-panel/ubuntuone-control-panel-0.8.1/+merge/47757 and https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu/natty/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-client-1.1.10/+merge/47831 ?16:48
scott-upstairsdidrocks, doh, i feel like an idiot, alright, i'll rock this and see what happens again16:48
scott-upstairsdidrocks, thanks :)16:48
didrocksscott-upstairs: keep me in touch :)16:48
didrocksnessita: will get to it in 30min if nobody is16:49
nessitadidrocks: awesome, thanks!16:51
bcurtiswx_if anyone is available, could I get sponsorship for https://code.launchpad.net/~bcurtiswx/ubuntu/natty/empathy/empathy-2.32.2-0ubuntu7/+merge/47557 ? Thanks :)17:01
bcurtiswx_lunch time, bbl17:01
pittigood night everyone, have a nice weekend!17:03
didrocksenjoy you week-end pitti17:05
didrocksaquarius: do you think that desktopcouch will be fixed for alpha2?17:08
didrocksstill preventing me to work on oneconf :/17:08
aquariusdidrocks, that's a ralsina question (and he's not here, let me nudge him)17:08
didrocksaquarius: thanks :)17:08
chrisccoulsondidrocks - bug 707774 by any chance?17:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 707774 in couchdb "couchjs crashed with SIGSEGV in JS_NewGlobalObject()" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70777417:09
chrisccoulsonfixed already if that's the case ;)17:09
didrockschrisccoulson: no, the server doesn't answer for me…17:09
aquariusralsina, didrocks was asking whether desktopcouch will be fixed for alpha 2 because it's preventing work on oneconf17:10
ralsinaaquarius: we are trying.17:11
ralsinaWe intend to?17:11
didrocksralsina: hey17:11
didrocksralsina: I guess this bug is known: bug #70936617:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 709366 in desktopcouch "natty: oneconf-query crashed with ServerError in request(): (500, ('os_process_error', '{exit_status,139}'))" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70936617:11
ralsinaBut! We are having some problems asking for support because of the version number17:11
didrocksok, but if it's doing the same issue than the one I had in maverick preventing oneconf to be there by default, I'll really consider using an alternative this time17:12
ralsinadidrocks: I had not seen it, and it's unassigned, so no, not known yet :-)17:12
didrocksgot that one my two natty machines17:12
ralsinadidrocks: will look into it immediately.17:13
didrockslet me see if my couch is running17:13
didrocksralsina: thanks :)17:13
ralsinadidrocks: np17:13
didrocksralsina: it's been there for some weeks already, I didn't file it before because I was thinking it was more general and waited :)17:14
ralsinadidrocks: I had never tried oneconf yet17:14
didrocksralsina: well, it's still using the old sso, I wanted to port to the new one, and then integrate in ubiquity, but I need to be able to run it :)17:14
ralsinadidrocks: well, we need to run the new sso, so we can't really test it easily either. A bit of a problem :-)17:15
didrocksurgh :-)17:15
chrisccoulsondidrocks, are you sure your issue isn't really bug 707774? couchjs crashing seems to result in the response you get17:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 707774 in couchdb "couchjs crashed with SIGSEGV in JS_NewGlobalObject()" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70777417:16
didrockschrisccoulson: maybe, I'll confirm once I'll download the new version (not published for me yet)17:17
didrocksat least, today, the good news is that cjwatson fixed the keyboard issue \o/17:17
didrocksno more tty in qwerty :)17:17
ralsinadidrocks: what version of oneconf is causing that problem on natty?17:20
chrisccoulsonoh, couchjs still crashes here when i run oneconf-query :/17:20
didrocksralsina: 0.1.2build1 which is a rebuild of the maverick version (0.1.2)17:21
didrockschrisccoulson: ok, so… no :/17:21
ralsinadidrocks: ok. can I get that somewhere?17:21
didrocksralsina: sure, are you on natty?17:21
ralsinadidrocks: yes17:21
didrocksjust apt-get install oneconf17:22
didrocksthere is a trigger ran after each install17:22
ralsinaOk, then I tried the right version, but I need to update some other bits.17:22
didrocksok :)17:22
chrisccoulsonb'ah, this is what is causing all the problems: http://andreasgal.wordpress.com/2010/10/13/compartments/17:23
ralsinaand yes, the trigger failed on install. Later I get what looks like bug #707774 too.17:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 707774 in couchdb "couchjs crashed with SIGSEGV in JS_NewGlobalObject()" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70777417:23
chrisccoulsondidrocks, it is definately couchjs crashing which is your problem. i've fixed one crash and get another now ;)17:24
didrockschrisccoulson: "nice!" ;)17:24
chrisccoulsontime to head in to #jsapi on irc.mozilla.org17:24
didrockschrisccoulson: thanks!17:24
didrocksralsina: and thanks for having looked at it!17:24
ralsinadidrocks: no problem, happy to help!17:25
chrisccoulsondidrocks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/559610/17:25
chrisccoulsonthat's the problem :)17:25
didrockschrisccoulson: ok, it fails then :)17:26
didrocksit's just the 15th stack I saw today, a little bit depressing for a Friday :)17:27
kiwinotemvo: hi! do we want to accept reviews for pkgs without an origin, or not?17:28
mvokiwinote: I think we shouldn't17:30
kiwinotemvo: ok - I'll commit a fix in a bit17:30
mvokiwinote: cool, you rock!17:30
kiwinotemvo: hehe - congrats on all your rnr efforts - it's looking all quite sweet :)17:31
mvokiwinote: I need to leave for dinner now. there is another bug in the code that it can't display blender, I have a cli fix commited to trunk as r1431, that needs to be massaged into the gui now :) just if you look for a challange ;)17:32
mvokiwinote: thanks, much appreciated, people already review like crazy17:32
charlie-tcaseb128: I have 62 applications affected by the resize grips bug. Do we really want a bug report on each one?17:33
kiwinotemvo: enjoy dinner! I'll take a look if I don't decide to fix too many other things ;)17:33
mvokiwinote: PYTHONPATH=. python softwarecenter/backend/rnrclient.py that dumps them all, remarkable good the reviews17:33
mvokiwinote: heh :) any fix is welcome!17:34
* mvo hugs kiwinote and vanishes for dinner17:34
charlie-tcaseb128: reference would be bug 70410517:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 704105 in gtk+2.0 "Resize grip always appears in bottom right of GTK+2.0 windows" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70410517:34
* kiwinote hugs mvo17:34
seb128charlie-tca, how did you count those?18:23
seb128charlie-tca, but no, email rather the list or talk to bratsche18:24
seb128we might just need to roll that out18:24
seb128kenvandine, gtk is doing cdbs builds18:27
bratschecharlie-tca: How did you get the number 62?  And what do you mean by "affected"?  Just that they have resize grips, or that the resize grips are interfering with the app?18:29
charlie-tcaI opened every application in Application finder and looked at them using Industrial theme to see the thing18:35
seb128what is application finder exactly?18:35
charlie-tcaSome have the resize grip interfering, but all have it showing18:35
seb128well applications are supposed to have that, but do they show where they should not or break things?18:36
charlie-tcaIt is an application designed to show applications installed18:36
seb128like it's normal that standard applications get it in their corner18:36
charlie-tcayes, for many they show over the close button or a scroll arrow18:36
seb128it's not normal for things like the desktop background etc18:36
charlie-tcaIt is always in the bottom right corner, regardless of all other things there18:37
seb128hum, are you sure it's not the finder which display those buggy?18:37
seb128can you give some application examples?18:37
charlie-tcaall the finder does is open the launcher18:37
charlie-tcafirefox, claws-mail, liferea, gedit, catfish, keepassx, mousepad, xfce-notes18:37
seb128ok, no way18:38
charlie-tcatomboy, solitaire, mahjong, mines, quadrapassel, gbrainy18:38
seb128gedit is fine18:38
seb128tomboy is fine18:38
seb128do you have a screenshot of the issue for those?18:38
charlie-tcanvidia settings18:38
charlie-tcaI did not screenshot 62 apps, no18:39
seb128well can you take one of gedit or tomboy?18:39
seb128they are not buggy there18:39
seb128so I want to see what issue you get18:39
charlie-tcaso, you want the ones it overwriting another control?18:39
chrisccoulsonfirefox is already known about18:40
charlie-tcaI will go looking again18:40
chrisccoulsonso, not that one18:40
seb128charlie-tca, I want to see what is wrong in gedit or tomboy18:40
seb128since they seems fine there18:40
didrocksnessita: sorry, I didn't got time to deal with them and I'll log off soon… either someone can deal with it, either I'll do it on Monday.18:40
seb128didrocks, deal with what?18:40
nessitadidrocks: no problem!18:41
nessitadidrocks: enjoy your weekend18:41
didrocksseb128: 2 merge proposals18:41
seb128oh, saw that18:41
charlie-tcaThis is why I asked first. I was told to file them all by someone, but it didn't seem right if it is just a few slashes in the corner18:41
seb128nessita, I will handle those18:41
didrocksseb128: thanks :)18:41
seb128charlie-tca, well those are a fix not a bug18:41
didrocksseb128: still there for a few minute18:41
seb128charlie-tca, it shows that you can act in this triangle18:41
nessitaseb128: is ok, it can wait until MOnday if pitti doesn't freeze the repo before that :-)18:41
charlie-tcaGlad I asked the right person18:41
nessitaseb128: anyways, thanks a lot!18:42
seb128charlie-tca, that's what the patch in gtk is about18:42
seb128nessita, no worry18:42
seb128nessita, they will go in a2 for sure18:42
charlie-tcaseb128: I will go through and just look for the ones it covers things in, then. It will take a bit to do that.18:42
seb128well no hurry18:42
seb128we know of some buggy ones18:42
seb128but it's likely to be less broken cases than what you indicated18:43
seb128bratsche, ^18:43
charlie-tcaI just did not want to file a ton of bugs, that aren't needed18:43
nessitaseb128: awesome! you rock18:43
charlie-tcathank you for the information, seb128 and bratsche18:43
seb128charlie-tca, thanks for checking18:44
seb128nessita, thanks, you rock as well ;-)18:44
seb128nessita, btw you should probably apply for upload for those packages this cycle18:44
seb128nessita, seems you are ready for that18:45
seb128usually your updates are just fine for uploads18:45
nessitaseb128: I want to, I haven't had the time to fill my application. After alpha2 I promise I will18:46
nessitaI want to stop bothering you all :-D18:46
bratschecharlie-tca: Thanks very much for your help!  It's hugely appreciated. :)18:47
charlie-tcaYou are welcome18:48
charlie-tcasometimes I wish I could do half of what the rest of you do, though18:48
didrocksok, week-end time :) enjoy everyone!18:51
* kiwinote goes to make some dinner18:54
kiwinotemvo: as always, feel free to make any changes you may want to the fixes I've provided18:54
mvokiwinote: nice, thanks! I have a look now18:55
seb128mvo, urg, s-c just hanged on a django reply error18:57
seb128bah, it does it every time it seems18:58
seb128mvo, s-c doesn't like the battle of wesnoth review18:59
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i keep getting windows opening occasionally without a decoration19:02
chrisccoulsonand occasionally when i un-maximize windows, they don't get decorated either :/19:02
mvoseb128: blender is the same, I'm preparing a fix now19:03
seb128mvo, you should prepare the end of the week and fix that on monday rather ;-)19:03
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mvoseb128: actually a good point19:13
ernstpWill the new Unity interface have desktop search and how will that work?19:26
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mvoseb128: new version is up, let me know19:50
seb128mvo, k19:50
mvoseb128: if I broke more, but showing the reviews should work now :)19:50
seb128just back from dinner you should really call it  a wekk!19:50
bcurtiswx_seb128, you should call it a week too :)19:56
mterrymvo, in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PostReleaseApps/Metadata , there are example screenshot URLs that *seem* to use the apt archive 'pool' layout.  Can I correctly infer that if there is ever a library-viewer app, it will live under libr/library-viewer instead of l/library-viewer?20:31
mvomterry: we haven't designed it like this, it will be only the first char. for the pool it makes sense to have lib[a-z] as there are loads and loads of libraries and l/ would explode otherwise. but for apps I don't foresee a problem here. so it will be l/library-viewer20:33
mterrymvo, ok, great20:34

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