
=== behrooz is now known as Guest26181
=== Guest26181 is now known as B_Z
royaflashnow i use transparent mode in squid but can not browse with domain name just i can see site with ip address how fix them ?07:26
miladدوستان من تازه با اوبونتو اشناشدم08:19
miladهرچی گشتم نفهمیدم08:19
miladپسوند فایل های اجرایی توی اوبوبنتو چی هستش08:19
miladوچطوری نصب میشه کرد یه برنامه رو که دانلود میکنیم08:20
sinasalam be hame. khoobin? bacheha anti filter man tor bood. ama alan az kard oftade. kesi anti filtere khoob soragh nadare?09:59
sina salam be hame. khoobin? bacheha anti filter man tor bood. ama alan az kard oftade. kesi anti filtere khoob soragh nadare?10:05
sinathe-light:  salam be hame. khoobin? bacheha anti filter man tor bood. ama alan az kard oftade. kesi anti filtere khoob soragh nadare?10:15
=== behrooz is now known as Guest66675
* WhiteCrow1 be bax salam mide11:12
WhiteCrow1bmoqimi: ping11:12
WhiteCrow1bmoqimi: salam aziz khobi ke enshala11:12
WhiteCrow1bmoqimi: ba ejaze MSG11:13
bmoqimiWhiteCrow1: merc bad nistam biasari ke sare clasam11:13
c0resalam , in arios ba chi menu hasho intori karde ?12:26
rezasبرنامه های نوشته شده  پایتون13:16
=== behrooz is now known as Guest18133
=== Guest18133 is now known as B_Z
B_Zmikhastam be porsam man ye pak download kardam pasvande  .sh dare14:28
B_Zmishe begon chejori bayad nasbesh konam14:28
bmoqimish filename.sh B_Z14:34
B_Zbmoqimi, zadam nasb shod kojaraft alan az koja mitonam ejra konam14:38
B_Zbmoqimi, alan ye site oracel ham baz shode14:38
B_Zyeki rahnamayi mikone14:39
narcislinux1saeed: alan ubuntu nasbe ?14:48
=== behrooz is now known as B_Z
tHrsalam doostan man 1 moshkeli ba ubuntu 10.10 peida kardam ke ro systemam kheili kond kar mikone kheili kondtar az windows xp! gablan ubuntu 8.4 ya noskhehaie gabli sorateshoon ziad bood ke baes shodan man be linux mohajerat konam vali nemidonam alan chera soratesh kahesh yafte! tori ke ro asabam ra mire be nazaretoon chikar konam?16:42
tHrنشسه پهفخخدث نپشنشپ نخدث؟16:44
tHrkasi mitoone komakam kone?16:44
=== nixoeen__ is now known as nixoeen
behroozlxsameer, salam khobin17:08
=== behrooz is now known as Guest5851
lxsameerGuest5851: mersi17:10
B_Zlxsameer, shoma barname nevisi mikonin17:15
lxsameerB_Z: yup17:15
B_Zman emrooz NetBeans IDE 6.9 ino nasb kardam17:15
B_Zlxsameer, kar kardin shoma bahash17:16
lxsameerB_Z: :)17:18
lxsameerB_Z: na17:18
B_Zlxsameer,mishe begin shoma bara c/c++ chi pishnehad mikonin17:18
lxsameerB_Z: ye chi ke rahat bashi17:19
B_Zke compile ham dashte bashe17:20
lxsameerB_Z: man khodam emacs estefade mikonam ama anjuta khube codeblock am khube17:21
naserche jori mishe ye connection vpn sakht?17:48
Zpixdorood doostan18:37
Zpixkasi inja ba moshkele kami e soeaat e net movajeh nashode?18:37
Zpixva ghaati haye pey dar pey?18:38
B_ZZpix, salam doste man man ke na18:38
ZpixB_Z: mishe begid az che ISP net darid?18:38
ZpixB_Z: man az Datak18:38
B_ZZpix, man datak dashtam be  dalayeli taghir dadam shatel hastam18:38
ZpixB_Z: khosh be halet man Shatel dashtam be hamoon dalayel majboor shodam Datak use konam :(18:39
ZpixB_Z: google be zoor load mishe :(18:40
B_ZZpix, zang bezan poshtibani ta be dastoreshon chand ta file download koni hal mishe18:40
ZpixB_Z: man avval fekr kardam ke shayad Ubuntu ghati karde amma jaye dige test kardam didam aslan injoori nist18:40
B_ZZpix, man alan ba 128 shatel 60/70 download migiram18:41
B_ZZpix, datak yeho gheymatash raft bala man  namahdod dashtam azashon18:41
ZpixB_Z: are midoonam shatel dashtam 3 sal kheili khoob bood o razi boodam man :( 100K ham gahi mishe dl kard18:41
B_ZZpix, bezan poshtibani18:42
ZpixB_Z: man khoonamoon avaz shod ejare kardim in khoone ro sab khoonehe gir dad ke man hamin net ro mikham bashe chon takhfif dade behesh datak18:42
ZpixB_Z: are alan zang mizanam bebinam chie ghazie18:42
Zpixajab gereftari shodim be khoda18:42
B_ZZpix, hers nakhor :d18:43
ZpixB_Z: akhe kare man ba Net e inam hamash vasate kar ghaat mishe :(18:44
ZpixB_Z: besiar sepas az pasokh ha :) khoda negahdar18:48
B_ZZpix, chishod18:48
B_ZZpix, hal shod18:48
ZpixB_Z: nazadam hanooz alan mizanam :/18:48
B_ZZpix, biya shatel18:49
ZpixB_Z: agha az khodame amma moteasefane felan daste khodam nist ta shahrivare dige ke az in khoone bargardim khoone khodemoon :(18:49
Zpixakhe inam shod mamlekat :(18:49
B_ZZpix, iran ba in sorate eftezah to hack 3 jahane18:50
B_ZZpix, agar in net bishtar bod chi mishod?!18:50
ZpixB_Z: =))18:50
ZpixB_Z: ey kas kami sazandegi mishod be jaye kharab kari18:51
B_Zdarksun kojayi18:51
B_Zishala 201218:51
ZpixB_Z: che khabare 2012?18:53
B_ZZpix, armagedon mishe dige18:54
ZpixB_Z: chi chiak?18:54
B_Zgoogle kon18:54
ZpixB_Z: =))18:57
B_ZZpix, shoma chand vaghte linui shodin18:57
ZpixB_Z: man ubuntu 6.0618:58
B_Zyani ertegha nadadin18:58
B_Zchand vaghte18:58
ZpixB_Z: :|18:58
ZpixB_Z: yani az ubuntu 6.06 tahala ubuntu daram man18:59
B_ZZpix, aha bebakhshid18:59
ZpixB_Z: nemidoonam chand vaght mishe18:59
B_ZZpix, man taze karam18:59
B_ZZpix, :d18:59
ZpixB_Z: ajab khandeii bood in Armagedon18:59
B_ZZpix, nasuss nadarin ?18:59
ZpixB_Z: bavar e adyane Sami e18:59
ZpixB_Z: nasuss kie baz? :D18:59
ZpixB_Z: ahan na19:00
B_Zzade nasbe vali nemidonam chejori ejrash konam19:01
ZpixB_Z: che begooyam!? dar in bare agahi nadaram man19:01
B_ZZpix, mamnoonam eybi nadare shoma tehran hastin19:02
ZpixB_Z: bale19:02
B_ZZpix, ok19:02
ZpixB_Z: badbakhtane!19:02
B_ZZpix, chera19:03
ZpixB_Z: chon yek baghe vahshe be tamam manast19:03
B_ZZpix, movafeghammmm19:03
B_ZZpix, delam hamayeshe linuxi mikhad19:04
ZpixB_Z: ey baba!19:05
ZpixB_Z: kash tanha hamayeshe linuxi bood19:05
B_ZZpix, dige chi hast?19:06
ZpixB_Z: lotfan 1 min wait19:07
royaflashsalam nixoeen aziz20:40
royaflashnixoeen: khob hastin20:40
the-light!ask | saeed20:45
lubotu3saeed: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:45
royaflashdostan man dar squid transparent ro anjam midam vali ba ip hala cjetor mitonam 2 client ba zadan url betonam site ro show konam ???20:48
the-lightsaeed: age patition e home jodast nemipare, ama be sharti ke tuye nasb format esh nakonin20:49

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