
nigelbbonjour :)06:41
dholbachgood morning08:16
denis_noobЗдравствуйте! Подскажите, пожалуйста, как заставить работать Flash-приложения в Ubuntu Go 11 в полноэкранном режиме? В обычном окне всё работает во всех браузерах, а при переключении на полный экран плагин libflashplugin.so падет12:16
denis_noobПробовал обновлять флеш, пробовал Оперу, ФФ, хром и всё равно не хочет раскрываться в полноэкранный режим. Ни видео, ни приложения вконтакте...12:17
denis_noobЕсть тут кто живой вообще?)12:19
daker!ru > denis_noob 12:20
ubot4denis_noob, please see my private message12:20
ubot4Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:20
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czajkowskihere's troublem 14:13
cjohnstondid you get all my spam?14:13
YoBoYyes :]14:16
cjohnstonand czajkowski, just cause you deeply miss me doesnt mean you gotta say that im trouble14:19
czajkowskibut you are :)14:20
cjohnstonok.. maybe a little14:21
Pendulumcjohnston: you're a ff, it's part of your job description :P14:21
cjohnstoni get to break stuff and get paid for it14:22
YoBoYhum... ok14:22
YoBoYhere we use ff to talk about firefox xD14:22
czajkowskicjohnston: so did I when I did sw testing 14:22
czajkowskinow I just break my own machines14:22
czajkowskidoesnt make me as happy 14:22
cjohnstonYoBoY: just context.. :-)14:23
cjohnstonlol czajkowski 14:23
Pendulumone of my mates who's been a firefighter for probably close to 20 years probably has to quit due to a new health thing :( he's pretty heartbroken (I'm pretty heartbroken for him since I had to give it up in a much shorter time and it was still hard)14:23
cjohnstonbut i get to take axes to stuff14:23
cjohnstonnew health thing?14:23
Pendulumyeah, he collapsed one day and they couldn't wake him up and the tests are showing he needs a pacemaker14:24
cjohnstonsorry.. i thought i read this new health thing not a new health thing14:24
cjohnstonthat really sucks14:24
cjohnstonit happens though.. often14:24
cjohnstonwe had a guy who had a seizure one day.. went to workign a desk job.. its been prolly ~20 years and he hasnt had another one.. but his pension went to crap for it14:26
Pendulummy mates about 40 and has been doing fire stuff since he did juniors type stuff when he was in high school14:28
cjohnstondid he get to medical out?14:29
Pendulumdunno yet. this all happened this week14:29
cjohnstongotcha.. here we have a law that anything that happens to our heart or our lungs is considered workers comp.. so we would atleast get to medical out14:30
PendulumI suspect he will too14:30
cjohnstonI would hope14:30
dholbachif you're a loco contact, please answer to the "LoCo Census" mail on the mailing list, thanks! :)14:41
dholbachYoBoY, merci beaucoup14:43
YoBoYdholbach: de rien, désolé pour le retard et merci pour le rappel ;)14:43
dholbachde rien, mon ami :)14:43
serfusas a point of contact, do i qualify for a @ubuntu.com email address even though i am not a ubuntu member?16:02
czajkowskiserfus: the @ubuntu.com is for ubuntu members who;ve gone throught the process16:03
czajkowskiserfus: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership16:03
serfusokay, thanks16:03
mhall119does anybody know of any cheap digital photo frames that run Linux?18:15
nigelbthere are ones that run ubuntu core I think18:19
mhall119any idea where I could find such a device?18:20
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nigelbmhall119: I saw someting like that at udd18:28
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