
magciusOther applications like Songbird that use the XUL libs?00:00
chrisccoulsonwe're not making those libraries public, this has been discussed to death already00:00
magciusSo remove the pkg-config files then00:00
magciusI'm curious why you would deliberately break those applications though00:00
chrisccoulsonother applications using xulrunner have a supported way of loading the libraries which doesn't involve linking against them ;)00:00
chrisccoulsoncalled the standalone XPCOM glue ;)00:00
magciuschrisccoulson, what about something like gjs that uses libmozjs directly?00:01
micahgmagcius: gjs isn't in natty ;)00:01
magciuswhy is the standard dynamic linker bad?00:01
magciusmicahg, does it matter?00:01
chrisccoulsonfor that, it needs to do LD_LIBRARY_PATH and accept the risk that ABI might break00:01
chrisccoulsonmagcius, it's not ABI stable or versioned. libmozjs is shipped as part of the toolkit, not as a public library00:02
magciuschrisccoulson, that's quite possibly the dumbest decision I've heard00:02
magciuschrisccoulson, it is ABI stable, and it versioned.00:03
micahgmagcius: when mozilla 506890 or mozilla 618381 is fixed, we'll revisit it00:03
ubot2Mozilla bug 506890 in Build Config "Make it possible for Ubuntu to provide libmozjs.so as a system library" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=50689000:03
ubot2Mozilla bug 618381 in JavaScript Engine "Add a version number to spidermonkey suitable for distributions and embeddings" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=61838100:03
chrisccoulsonmagcius, it isn't ABI stable and it isn't versioned. not sure where you got that idea from00:04
chrisccoulsonin fact, it broke ABI just a couple of days ago, screwing up couchdb etc00:04
magciuschrisccoulson, with compartment stuff?00:06
magciusWas the breakage the introduction of the compartment stuff?00:06
chrisccoulsonoh, talking about compartments, that has now broken couchdb again01:06
chrisccoulsonso, 2 breaks in as many uploads01:06
chrisccoulsoncouchjs crashes on start, again01:06
=== asac_ is now known as asac
magciuschrisccoulson, simplest fix is to replace JS_NewGlobalObject(...) with JS_NewCompartmentAndGlobalObject(NULL, ...);06:47
magciuschrisccoulson, of course that doesn't get you any of the benefits of compartments06:47
DeeVeeawww the daily failed to build again..11:29
chrisccoulsonDeeVee, oh, that's not good. and i only fixed them yesterday ;)12:02
DeeVeeyeah :-P12:03
DeeVeewent to update today, since it was said to be fixed.. and was like.. "oohhh damn..."12:03
ftachrisccoulson, indeed, lot of red: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/ppa-dashboard/ubuntu-mozilla-daily--ppa.html  :(12:40
chrisccoulsonfta - yeah, i only sorted those out yesterday. i'll fix them again in a bit12:56
ftachrisccoulson, no pressure from me ;)12:59
ftachrisccoulson, micahg: fyi, when you commit a +buildX version in a branch used for the dailies, the bot won't update it the reason is that get-orig-source is not able to produce a version >= to it until upstream bumps it17:55
micahgfta: usually those builds come once trunk has been bumped to the next minor revision, this time was unusual in that regard, but thanks for the warning18:02
chrisccoulsonb'ah, tbird didn't build in the archive18:15
chrisccoulsonmissing build-dep18:15
chrisccoulsoni really should test my uploads in a clean environment18:15
chrisccoulsonit worked fine on my laptop ;)18:15
micahgchrisccoulson: you probably had curl installed18:16
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yeah, that's the problem. i seem to have pretty much everything installed on this machine!18:18
* chrisccoulson fixes18:18
ftachrisccoulson, http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=49743  last comment20:44
chrisccoulsonfta - yeah, i saw that. he posted the same on the mozilla bug too20:46
ftachrisccoulson, you pointed me to the moz bug, i pointed evan to it, he pointed me back to the chbug, then i did the same to you ;)20:48
ftacall me proxy20:48
chrisccoulsonheh :-)20:51
julius__hello, everyone21:08
julius__what is wrong with ff-4.0 builds?21:09
chrisccoulsongrrr, couchdb is driving me crazy22:53
ftachrisccoulson, the mono guys found the problem22:53
chrisccoulsonfta - oh?22:53
chrisccoulsonoh, nice catch!22:55
ftagrrr, when will they fix the indicators?? they keep growing23:21
chrisccoulsonyeah, that's really annoying23:21

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