
hggdhfolks, quick Q -- what would you like to be tested on Hardy/Dapper/etc re. server?00:06
SpamapShggdh: upgrades to lucid :)00:06
hggdhSpamapS: now that's unfair ;-)00:06
* hggdh carefully agrees, though00:07
SpamapSYou talking about SRU stuff or just in general?00:07
twbI think what I want most is for you to not break them00:10
hallynBrdavs: yeah, the good news is natty should fix those00:14
hggdhSpamapS: SRU, both server packages and kernel00:22
Brdavshallyn: hahaha...00:26
Brdavshallyn: natty, orphan, prancing etc... They might as well be replaced by freebsd by then.00:27
BrdavsJails - i hear - work.00:28
BrdavsAnyway... take care, buys...00:29
Brdavsguys I mean00:29
RichWPlease can someone help me with my IPv6 Networking problem, I have a thread at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1676715 but nobody has replied and I have provided a detailed explanation.01:08
RichWI am really stuck.01:09
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BilgeMy server just rebooted twice unexpectedly01:46
BilgeIn the syslog I see01:46
ascheelquestion about Ubuntu server 10.10.  Fresh installation, it's only Ubuntu Server meaning it's only booting to a CLI anyhow, but the video is not displaying.  It worked just fine during the entire installation of server, but the video is not working at all right now.  Anybody know what I can try to modify to get it to recognize this video adapter/02:00
ascheelRelated, the screen blacks out also during part of the Ubuntu Desktop installation.  it displays the initial splash screen, you can see it flicker like it's changing video modes to the next step, but then VGA signal is lost.02:01
sushi_Amigos. Is this an ideal sources.list for Ubuntu LTS server http://www.usefuljaja.com/assets/2007/4/19/sources.list.txt02:01
sushi_Or should I just leave the sources.list to what I got be default.02:02
ascheeldapper isn't LTS anymore02:02
ascheel10.04 is LTS02:02
nilessushi_: leave it alone02:02
sushi_ascheel: Thanks. This dude consfused me http://www.usefuljaja.com/2007/4/ubuntu-setup-page-202:02
nilesit shoule be fine02:02
sushi_niles: Yeah. IT's fine already. Just wanted second opinion02:02
uvirtbotNew bug: #709000 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.6~dfsg-4ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70900002:16
nilespostinst probally didnt start with #!/bin/sh02:17
nilesdpkg can be a real pain sometimes, it always screws up my repository02:20
kirklandRoAkSoAx: hmm03:29
kirklandRoAkSoAx: i'm getting: PowerNap will take the following action in [6] seconds: [/usr/sbin/powernap]03:29
kirklandTo cancel this operation, press any key in any terminal03:29
kirklandRoAkSoAx: but it's never taking the action (powersave)03:29
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ascheelI've got a working install of server 10.10 running off of a CF card so I can use all 4 SATA ports as an array using adm.  Obviously it's a bit slow.  To speed it up, I want to move directories that get written to the most moved off to the array.  The largest part of that is apt-get.  Where does aptitude download the .deb files prior to dpkg when using apt-get?04:07
shaunoascheel: /var/cache/apt/04:17
ascheelshauno thank you very much04:28
ehndehow can i identify which network card is eth0, eth1, eth2?04:34
ehndei have my nics plugged into a patch panel04:34
ehndei want to label the ports on the patch panel04:34
ehndei've found no correlating information between lspci and ifconfig04:35
twister004hi guys... im writing a script to copy a folder to a location,  zip the  folder and then move it to some other location.. can i write these commands in sequence and will they work without any issue?... im doing this on my ubuntu-server 8.0404:37
twister004basically, I want the copy command to complete... and only then should the compression start.. and then the move04:40
shaunotwister004: the usual way to do that is with '&&'.  chain each command together eg copy /that/file here && gzip file && mv file.gz /somewhereelse/.04:59
shaunoif any step fails, the chain breaks and the next step(s) don't run.05:00
twbOr set -e05:00
shauno(if failure is okay, you can use ; instead)05:00
twbSee also #bash05:00
twister004shauno.. gr8!05:05
twister004ill use &&05:05
twister004shauno.. do u suggest i use gzip or bzip2?05:05
shaunoI've no real preference between them really.  as long as I know bzip2 is going to be available at the destination too.05:09
SpamapStwister004: gzip is faster, bzip2 is more tolerant of corruption.05:15
SpamapSand achieves a bit higher compression ratios on certain types of data (like source code :)05:15
* SpamapS would love to resurrect his multi-threaded bzip2 compressor project.. :-P05:15
fakhirhello. ubuntu server 10.10. i have "@reboot /root/firewall.sh > /dev/null 2>&1" in crontab. the script works fine but does not run at boot.05:18
gobbeif you want run script in boot crontab is not correct place, you place your script to init05:20
fakhirgobbe, ok thanks05:23
jetoleHey guys. Does anyone know how I can do a automatic do-release-upgrade without being prompted to answer any questions?05:39
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twister004hi guys... I'm "tar'ring a linux directory.. but the tar file is 0KB is size07:24
twister004not sure what's going on07:24
twister004im checking the size as the tar command is being executed.. the tar file size doesn't increase.. it's 0KB07:25
twister004please advise here07:25
twister004the command im running is " tar -cf folder_`date "+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M"`.tar /mnt/images"07:26
reisihas anyone ever had luck turning a kubuntu-desktop install into "headless" (by removing kubuntu-desktop metapackage)?07:29
* twb encourages date --rfc-3339=seconds07:40
twbtwister004: is /mnt/images a symlink?07:40
KristianDKHello! Is there any way to use an interval in cron jobs? Like 8-21, or do i have to make a commalist like 8,9,10 .. 21?07:41
twbKristianDK: you can say "every Nth" -- */1007:41
twbFor something like "9 AM to 5PM", I usually see scripts that run every hour, and the script will start by checking the current time and exiting if it's outside that window07:42
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KristianDKtwb, thats what i do now, but there is absolutely no reason to run it, while our company is closed ;)07:42
KristianDKbut i guess i could use your solution as well, scriptside07:42
shaunoKristianDK: 8-21 should work just fine07:50
KristianDKshauno, great, thanks :)07:50
uvirtbotNew bug: #709071 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.6~dfsg-4ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70907107:56
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lauchmod issue on usb stick ext4 ,10:10
lau/dev/sdb1 on /mnt/flash type ext4 (rw)10:10
lau-rw-r--r-- 1 lau lau 32505856 2011-01-28 10:30 disk-crypt.img10:10
lauchmod u+x disk-crypt.img10:10
lauls -lsa returns the same10:10
lau-rw-r--r-- 1 lau lau 32505856 2011-01-28 10:30 disk-crypt.img10:11
laufixed !10:13
iclebyteis there a release date for the next LTS edition?10:38
twbiclebyte: just so10:42
twbiclebyte: Ubuntu release schedule is every six months, of which every fourth release is an LTS10:42
iclebytecool thanks.10:43
iclebytejust trying to assertain if it's worth jumping from 8.04 to 10.0410:43
iclebytei'm leaning towards yes10:43
twbNEVER upgrade unless you NEED a feature/bugfix/security patch that you KNOW the new version will provide.10:47
iclebytehas any one experienced trouble with software RAID 1 on 10.04?11:06
KenHi all. I have two locations, one with three computers another with seven. The location with seven has a "file sever*" for sharing files between all of the Windows XP machines. (*It's actually just a Windows XP with a shared network drive. Don't ask.) I'm trying to encourage the migration to Linux Server and one of the winning points would be if we could set it up so we have remote access to the same folders over the in11:08
iclebyteit just wont boot. gives me the grub error no such disk. if i run the rescue cd, mount md1 then reboot it starts up fine. as soon as i power off the machine and do a cold boot it fails. I suspect it's something to do with LVM's uid's changing so I updated /etc/fstab to reflect /dev/md1 and /dev/md0 instead of the UID's however I still get the same issue. should I update grub.conf to point to /dev/md0 and /dev/md1 also?11:08
iclebyteKen, you can use a VPN to achieve what you want.11:08
iclebytelook at openvpn11:09
Keniclebyte: Thanks for the confirmation. I really appreciate the help.11:09
iclebytemost welcome.11:11
iclebyteKen, i've also found cost to be a pretty good one to convince management to move to linux for servers11:12
KenIclebyte: I've expressed that it's free and the reasons why but they were very much "Oh, but free stuff must be insecure"11:16
KenI've had that debate with them too. I think the winner would be to show them it in action.11:16
KenThanks again for the assistance.11:23
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uvirtbotNew bug: #709186 in mysql-5.1 (main) "Error installing MySQL Server 5.1 on Ubuntu 10.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70918611:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #709188 in samba (main) "Samba in Lucid upgrade killed Envelope Feeder on HP LJ4000 printer" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70918812:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #709194 in vsftpd (main) "package vsftpd 2.2.2-3ubuntu6 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70919412:15
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aliveriusi am doing a frish install on a disk with raid and gtp12:37
aliveriuswith the boot bios partition12:37
aliveriusit goes fine12:38
aliveriusi enter the os for the 1st time and i do, what else, an update with apt12:38
aliveriusthe system wont boot afterwards12:38
aliveriusit reboot indefinitely12:39
aliveriusi have reinstalled the OS many times and it always happens12:40
iclebytealiverius, 10.04?12:49
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aliveriusiclebyte: yes13:30
aliveriusis it a known bug?13:31
iclebytealiverius, I'm having exactly the same issue13:34
iclebyteout of interest did you previously have a raid1 software array on those disks?13:34
iclebytewelcome to the club13:34
iclebytewhat i thought strange was that the installer didnt sync the disks13:35
aliveriushehe, if it is a global problem there is more hope for a solution13:35
aliveriusi am not experienced with raid 113:35
iclebytei know this because under gentoo when i built my array it took over 2 hours to sync 1tb13:35
aliveriusit makes sense13:35
iclebytei've been working on this all morning with no avail13:35
iclebytewhat im trying right now is destroying everything on the disks then building it from scratch13:35
iclebytei'm about half way through..13:36
JenniferB2hi folks.. I have installed a minimum version of ubuntu server ... and I would like to now install a minimum version of the gnome desktop on it.. without all the extra crap .. any tips on how I can do this ?13:41
iclebyteJenniferB2, do you actually want the gnome-desktop or just the ability to run gnome apps?13:42
JenniferB2i want the gnome user interface.. it's not going to be a server, but is my laptop13:43
JenniferB2the ubuntu desktop edition includes lots of software and an altered gnome desktop13:44
JenniferB2I want the core gnome without all that fluff.. a minimal version..13:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #709012 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.6~dfsg-4ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70901214:06
RoAkSoAxmorning all14:07
SpamapSRoAkSoAx: once again I am up too early. g'morning14:15
zulSpamapS: hah14:16
izinucsI think I just backed up my mysql database using mysqldump -u USER -pPASS --single-transaction -Q --databases foo bar .. looked like it went smoothly.. but where does it put the file(s)?  or am I missreading the command and at the end have two database names.. the secondary being the backup with path location?14:20
SpamapSizinucs: it spits the backup out to stdout as SQL and DDL14:22
izinucsSpamapS: I'm pretty novice with mysql.. what I would like to to is backup my joomla database on my home server and reuse it on some commercial space I bought.  Can you help with a link/method?14:24
SpamapSizinucs: so when you run that mysqldump, you need to add on the end   > backupfile.sql14:25
SpamapSizinucs: then just transfer that backup file to your server and import it with   mysql -uUSER -pPASS < backupfile.sql14:26
izinucsSpamapS: seems almost too easy :) .. thanks14:26
diabolicaloneQuestion about the lamp package installed. I just reinstalled the package via Tasksel, I had been using the lamp package via tasksel that i installed long ago. However this time upon install extensions such as Curl, were not included I do understand they are different versions but why are they not included this time around, Secondly where do you got the curl extensions and the missing others14:31
gobbewhat is curl extension?14:31
diabolicaloneI mean it is not an older version that i just installed, Secondly it is not deperciated, and not marked unsafe14:32
RoAkSoAxSpamapS: morning!! I just hope you sleeping well my friend >P14:33
diabolicaloneprior to this came all rolled into one now such functions as header redirects and curl and such other things fail14:33
RoAkSoAxzul: howdy!! So I'm still waiting for upstream to release new cluster-agents. The fixes for bashisms plus lots of other fixes to those RA's are in the new upstream. so it is either wait a bit more, or patch the files completely, ideas?14:34
zulwait a bit more14:34
SpamapSizinucs: you should note that if you are using MyISAM tables, and your database was being written to in any way while you run mysqldump, the backup may not be complete14:35
pmatulisdoes anyone have an opinion on the 'proxmox ve' kvm/libvirt environment?14:36
RoAkSoAxzul: ok :)14:36
zulRoAkSoAx: i rather have more bugs fixed than one little bashim but we know about14:37
izinucsSpamapS: how do I tell what type of tables are being used?14:37
RoAkSoAxzul: indeed!14:40
SpamapSizinucs: you can look in INFORMATION_SCHEMA or just 'show create table X'14:42
SpamapSizinucs: select engine,count(*) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES group by engine;14:44
* SpamapS just noticed that one of his wordpresses is on MyISAM.. doh14:44
SpamapSno wonder its so fast.. hopefully it never crashes. :)14:45
izinucsSpamapS: thanks again for the help.14:46
hallynSpamapS: can you comment in bug 708172 about the proposed upstream solution?14:50
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 708172 in libvirt "service libvirt-bin start does not set KRB5_KTNAME as required" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70817214:50
hallynSpamapS: kirkland: I'll send an email to ubuntu-server+devel, but want to look up what upstream is doing in more detail first.14:51
RoAkSoAxkirkland: howdy!! What do you mean powernap does not take the action?14:51
diabolicalonewhat is the phpmyadmin "Like" package for PGSql ? I forget the name of it :(14:53
diabolicalonephppgmyadmin right ?14:54
SpamapShallyn: I was going to bring it up today when we're all here.. I agree w/ kirkland that this should go to ubuntu-devel and ubuntu-server (and probably upstart-devel)14:54
hallynSpamapS: ok, do you want to send the intro email?14:55
hallynSpamapS: what was it you said upstream was proposing as a solution?14:56
hallyni just want to read up a bit14:56
SpamapShallyn: upstream is actively working on providing override files14:58
SpamapShallyn: so /etc/init/libvirt.override14:59
SpamapSor libvirt-bin14:59
SpamapShallyn: these would never be conffiles14:59
SpamapShallyn: so if /etc/init/libvirt-bin.conf had   env LIBVIRT_BIN_ARGS="-d" .. and the ovveride had env LIBVIRT_BIN_ARGS="-d --foo" .. the args are overriden to be -d --foo15:00
zulDaviey: ping15:00
aliverius<iclebyte> i'm about half way through..15:00
aliveriusdo you seem to have some success? ^^15:00
hallynSpamapS: and how do those files avoid the overhead of a stat?15:01
SpamapShallyn: they are loaded all at once at boot time15:02
SpamapShallyn: ureadahead is told to pre-cache /etc/init15:02
SpamapShallyn: or maybe not actually.. but the point is to avoid *random* IO15:02
hallyngot it15:03
* SpamapS afk15:04
Davieyzul, o/15:06
zulDaviey: so im looking at the axis2c bug and apparently axis2c builds how does that mess with eucalyptus?15:06
Davieyit now builds?15:06
Davieythat is fine for euca15:07
Davieyit was working before, just wouldn't rebuild15:07
zulso upload dokos version?15:08
zulDaviey SpamapS: on another note im going to prune the source in the cobbler bzr tree15:14
RoAkSoAxSo does anyone have any idea of what am I doing wrong with the packaging that when I'm purging a package it shows: "dpkg: warning: while removing powernap-common, directory '/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/powernap' not empty so not removed." (I'm using python-central)15:15
SpamapSzul: prune it back to the setup.py dist level?15:17
zulSpamapS: yep15:18
zulSpamapS: so it would acutally build in a nightly15:18
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izinucsSpamapS: one more question if you're around.. when using 'mysql -uUSER -pPASS < backupfile.sql'  how do I designate a specific database?15:23
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apwkirkland, about ?15:40
kirklandapw: yo15:40
apwabout this long filenamy thing for ecryptfs15:40
apwit seems to me that the changes are going to be pretty big, and15:41
apwif upstream don't expedite them we are unlikely to have working support15:41
apwfor natty ...15:41
apwnow as this is not a regression, but it does cause issues15:41
apwwe might want to be in a position to disable it by default in new installs15:41
apwi was thinking of bringing this up for discussion at the release meeting ... what do you think15:42
kirklandapw: hmm15:42
apwmy position is approximatly that we should prepare for the possibility that we want to turn it off15:42
apwand decide at A315:42
kirklandapw: so what do you need from upstream?  commits of jjohansen's stuff to the ecryptfs branch?15:43
kirklandapw: once the changes are agreed upon?15:43
apwthat would pre-supposed that his stuff was a fully featured solution and its not even that yet15:43
apwso even if its perfect in say 3 weeks time, thats very close to the wire15:43
kirklandapw: yeah, no kidding15:44
kirklandapw: so i mean, worst case is that we keep chugging as we are, dropping errno 3615:44
kirklandapw: right?15:44
apw(as i understand it we cna only have one long name pointing at a file in this solution currently etc)15:44
apwright ... so the question is are we ok with the status quo, or should we disable it, if jjohansen's patches arn't ready15:44
apwhey jjohansen you're with ius15:45
jjohansenjust sat down15:45
apwwhats your feeling on whether they will be production ready by A3 ?15:45
jjohansenI think there is a good chance15:45
Error404NotFoundI have 3 webservers which need a directory to be synced across each other. What would be the best solution here?Host it on an nfs server and share it from there?15:45
kirklandapw: if his patches aren't ready, then they just don't make natty, and we keep chugging with long file name failurs15:45
apwok so i am just trying to work out if there is anything needed if that isn't true15:45
apwie there are 3 outcomes working support/status quo/turn off15:46
apwand if 1 is not available do we continue with 2 or recommend 315:46
apwkirkland, so you vote 2 i take it, i  am abivalent i guess 2 is easier15:46
apwjjohansen, any reaction to your patches from upstream?15:47
kirklandapw: i've haven't seen the code so i don't know how easy it would be to "turn off"15:47
kirklandapw: i think i understood jjohansen to be working on an option where those could be turned off at mount time15:48
kirklandapw: which would be great15:48
apwkirkland, i thought it was a mount option or something15:48
jjohansenapw: not yet, yes mount time option15:48
apwjjohansen, ok so for 3) we need a patch for that as well ... as well as installer changes15:48
apwso unless someone is pushing for 3) i am saying nothing :)15:49
FidelixPlease help! My server name resolution is REEEEALLY slow, like 15 seconds! What can I do to fix this?15:50
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kirklandapw: i'm not pushing for 315:52
kirklandapw: but i'm not against 3 either15:52
apwkirkland, yeah i think i'll wait for guidance from release before worrying about that15:53
RoAkSoAxSpamapS: btw.. IIRC, this kind of warnings are lintian related due to upstart jobs right? "W: powernap: script-in-etc-init.d-not-registered-via-update-rc.d /etc/init.d/powernap"15:53
kirklandRoAkSoAx: hmm, what version of lintian are you running?15:54
kirklandRoAkSoAx: i just fixed that15:54
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RoAkSoAxkirkland: maverick :)15:55
kirkland50 lashes with a wet noodle15:55
RoAkSoAxkirkland: hehe I was gonna upgrade yesterday but SpamapS convinced me not to >P15:55
RoAkSoAxkirkland: btw.. what's the issue you have with powernap not taking the action?? I tested it this morning from archive's in a natty laptop and no issues whatsoever15:56
kirklandRoAkSoAx: i don't know yet15:56
RoAkSoAxkirkland: ok, this is what it should show when in powersave mode: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/559541/15:57
kirklandRoAkSoAx: hmm, well, i'm not seeing my cpu's go offline15:59
RoAkSoAxkirkland: hmmm does tail -f /var/log/pm-powersave.log show's any errors after performing powersave action?16:01
zulDaviey: so if you are ok with it il upload the new axis2c today16:02
zulDaviey: so after this release meeting you will never hear about it again ;)16:03
shubbarhow can i test printing from ssh? it seems the default printer is to pdf.16:04
zulkirkland: cobbler just has some new power features that im uploading today16:08
kirklandzul: okay16:14
RoAkSoAxkirkland: roaksoax@shift:~$ tail -f /var/log/powernap.err16:20
RoAkSoAxexec: 60: /usr/bin/pm-powersave: not found16:20
Error404NotFoundI have 3 webservers which need a directory to be synced across each other. What would be the best solution here? Host it on an nfs server and share it?16:22
zulSpamapS: have you ever used func?16:22
SpamapSzul: please baby, I invented the func16:23
* SpamapS wants the func16:23
SpamapSgotta have that func16:23
SpamapSzul: no what is it?16:23
zulfedora unified network controller16:24
maswanError404NotFound: Either that, or rsync16:24
oCeanfunc is ok16:24
Error404NotFoundmaswan: hmmmm...16:25
kirklandRoAkSoAx: it's /usr/sbin/pm-powersave16:29
kirklandRoAkSoAx: but yet16:30
kirklandexec: 60: /usr/bin/pm-powersave: not found16:30
RoAkSoAxkirkland: yeah! Fixed in the branch already :)16:30
kirklandRoAkSoAx: k, i'll test, pull, upload16:30
geekbriis there an apt-get of adding a repository as an apt-get source, but have it disabled by default and then specifying on command line when i want it used?  IE simliar to yums --enablerepo=repo16:31
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kirklandRoAkSoAx: i think we need a config option to disable the wall message16:45
RoAkSoAxkirkland: sure16:47
kirklandRoAkSoAx: i'm running powernap on my laptop now, with absent=30, grace=516:47
kirklandRoAkSoAx: and i'll just let it sleep and wake up as much as it wants16:47
kirklandRoAkSoAx: but i don't want a wall message every time16:47
RoAkSoAxkirkland: I'll add an option "WARN" default to "y" which will enable/disable wall messages16:49
kirklandRoAkSoAx: cool16:49
RoAkSoAxkirkland: I guess that in the future we can add other warning types such as email the administrator or etc etc16:49
smoserDaviey, kirkland around ?17:01
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smosercan one of you please take a look at my debconf config file: http://pastebin.com/xYWHTAe717:01
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geekbriif im installing sun's java instead of openjdk, it seems to want to install a milliion other things i have no need for (such as x11-common)  is there a package within partners that will just install the java enviroment and not allt his extra junk?17:15
kirklandsmoser: yo17:15
kirklandsmoser: looking now17:16
smoserforgot i'd typed already17:16
bcessahi there, I'm having problems getting UTF8 characters on my server, I check using: echo $LANG and I get an empty line, in another server where it do works I get this: en_US.UTF-8, any ideas on how/where to configure this on the first server? :O17:16
EvilPhoenixmaybe this: dpkg-reconfigure locales17:18
EvilPhoenixbcessa:  ^17:18
EvilPhoenixfor the record though, i've never had taht problem on ubuntu servers17:19
kirklandsmoser: okay, i've digested it17:19
EvilPhoenixcept for an openvz image for a VPS17:19
kirklandsmoser: what's your question(s)?17:19
bcessaI'm using in fact a virtual server with openvz17:19
smoserdoes it look sane ?17:20
smoseror is it absolutely wrong to try wget/curl in config there.17:20
kirklandsmoser: well, that part is a little strange17:20
kirklandsmoser: but i get what you're doing17:20
kirklandsmoser: having sane timeouts is pretty essential17:21
bcessathis may be obvious but I'm guessing a reboot is required after the reconfigure right, I just run it without any problems17:21
smoserok. then i'm going with that.17:21
smoserthanks for review17:21
RoAkSoAxkirkland: done! WARN option added17:26
kirklandRoAkSoAx: sweet ;-)17:26
kirklandsmoser: sure thing man17:26
kirklandRoAkSoAx: i'll pull and test in a few minutes17:26
RoAkSoAxkirkland: cool :)17:27
bcessasolved, the /etc/default/locale file was missing, thnx a ton17:34
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* RoAkSoAx off to lunch17:59
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FidelixPlease help! My server name resolution is REEEEALLY slow, like 15 seconds! What can I do to fix this?18:20
evilsushianyone using cacti and snmpv3? I am having trouble getting the user generated18:25
evilsushi snmpwalk -v 3 -n '' -l authPriv -u user -A passw0rd localhost IF-MIB::ifName18:25
evilsushisnmpwalk: USM generic error18:25
phsiI need to call a script via upstart when the _first_ HDD finished fsck/mounting.18:29
phsiIs there a trigger or something? mountall is pretty late18:30
genii-aroundphsi: Perhaps filesystem18:40
phsigenii-around: Tried that, seems to be the same as mountall?18:41
genii-aroundhmm. No other idea offahnd then18:42
SpamapSargh.. I hate updating ssl certs18:42
genii-aroundphsi: I'm not sure if plymouth still runs up to end of fsck18:44
JanCphsi: you might be able to use the "mounted" event for that18:48
JanCsee mounted(7)18:48
SpamapSphsi: curious, whats the use case here?18:50
phsiThanks, that looks pretty good JanC19:04
phsiSpamapS: Speeding up boot on a machine that can't use ureadahead. I call preload on started cryptdisks-enabled for now.19:05
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phsiSpamapS: /home/ is on LUKS but thhe rest isn't, so waiting for mountall is silly.19:06
SpamapSphsi: interesting19:06
phsiYeah it did _nothing_ while waiting for the correct passphrase.19:07
phsiSince almost everything waits for mountall apparently.19:07
phsiWhich makes sense :p19:07
MTecknologycan I force logrotate to run?19:08
MTecknologydumb question.. better question.. how?19:08
phsiMTecknology: logrotate -f -v /etc/logrotate.d/19:09
MTecknologythanks :)19:09
RoAkSoAxSpamapS: zul any ideas:19:14
RoAkSoAxsudo cobbler check19:14
RoAkSoAxhttpd does not appear to be running and proxying cobbler19:14
zulsudo a2enmod proxy_http19:15
RoAkSoAxzul: oh lol was enabling just proxy19:16
SpamapSRoAkSoAx: that one has gotten me too19:26
zulSpamapS: ill fix it soon19:26
zulSpamapS: in theory we can just run it in the postinst19:29
Roastedhey there guys19:30
Roastedanybody set up a freeradius server before?19:30
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bencerRoasted: have a look at the radius module of Zentyal, maybe helps http://doc.zentyal.org/en/radius.html19:33
Roastedbencer, never heard of zentyal. What is it? A distro?19:34
bencerRoasted: a web based configuration tool which runs on top of ubuntu server19:34
Roastedbencer, I see. I see something here regarding a subscription though. Is this application free?19:35
benceris gpl19:35
bencerpackages in universe are a bit old, just add the ppa and install it19:35
Roastedbencer, nice. Is its only purpose to be a config tool for freeradius or does it have other uses?19:35
benceryou can configure many many things19:36
Roastedbencer, is this gizmo kind of like ebox?19:36
bencerzentyal is the new name of ebox19:36
Roastedlol. no kidding??19:36
bencerwas renamed on september19:36
RoastedI love ebox.19:36
Roastedbencer, last question. you specified "ubuntu server" . it can run on ubuntu, right?19:36
Roastedcause I'm running the desktop edition in this setup19:37
Roastedbencer, thank you for your time.19:37
bencerinstaller is based on server flavour installer, but that's it19:37
bencerno problem, enjoy19:37
Roastedbencer, ehh bit of confusion here.19:39
Roastedzentyal is coming down as an ISO...19:39
RoAkSoAxzul: are you guys working in cobbler only or also in koan?19:40
zulRoAkSoAx: cobbler mostly19:40
benceryou can download the installer, or install from ppa: http://trac.zentyal.org/wiki/Document/Documentation/InstallationGuide19:40
RoAkSoAxzul: cause just found couple bugs in koan19:40
RoAkSoAxzul: related to modules that do not exist in ubuntu19:40
zulRoAkSoAx: sure file them away19:41
RoAkSoAxzul: one is yum >P19:41
zulRoAkSoAx: gah19:41
RoAkSoAxzul: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/559669/19:42
SpamapSzul: I don't want to enable the proxy module by default19:42
SpamapSzul: I think we could add a reminder in the cobbler check..19:42
SpamapSzul: proxy is dangerous ;)19:42
zulSpamapS: why is it dangerous?19:43
zulRoAkSoAx: yeah koan is still very rh specific19:43
SpamapSzul: without checking their configuration, users may accidentally expose their network to abuse w/ proxy19:43
TophatIve setup exim4 to use gmail to send messages from my server for alerts in Opsview-- any ideas on how to test it to make sure it is able to send an email?19:44
SpamapSTophat: mail someaddress@somewhere.com19:44
SpamapSTophat: then check /var/log/mail.log19:44
zulSpamapS: so something like "httpd does not appear to be running and proxying cobbler...did you enable proxy_http"  ?19:45
SpamapSzul: "right.. and a clear set of instructions in README.Debian19:46
RoAkSoAxhas anyone been able to netbook a KVM19:46
zulSpamapS: sounds reasonable to me19:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #276365 in vm-builder "/var/run/network is not created" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27636519:47
kirklandRoAkSoAx: around?19:47
RoAkSoAxkirkland: yes19:49
RoAkSoAxkirkland: what up? :)19:49
kirklandRoAkSoAx: skype?19:50
RoAkSoAxkirkland: sure19:50
Tophatthank you spamaps19:53
RoAkSoAxlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 2011-01-28 08:38 usb-Primax_Electronics_Dynex_Wireless_Optical_Mouse-event-mouse -> ../event519:59
RoAkSoAxlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  9 2011-01-28 08:38 usb-Primax_Electronics_Dynex_Wireless_Optical_Mouse-mouse -> ../mouse019:59
RoAkSoAxkirkland: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/559677/20:02
uvirtbotNew bug: #709468 in openssh (main) "sshd is not restarted properly on libc6 upgrades" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70946820:07
genii-aroundThat bug would be unfortunate if it was on a remote box20:13
Tophathow can i add a user to mail ?20:20
TophatCannot open mailbox /var/mail/nagios: Permission denied20:20
Angryfurbyquestion i am trying to configure sendmail on ubuntu 10.10 and i am getting a reject on relay20:24
JFoAngryfurby, I'd say that was more of a statement :)20:30
Angryfurbythis is true n00d  of me20:31
gobbethere's nice tutorial, wait20:31
Tophati have opsview running, and root can use mail, but the nagios user gets a permission denied error.  there is no /var/mail/nagios ..how can i add the user to mail?20:35
RoAkSoAxkirkland: yeah /dev/input/mice tracks every single mouse connected... I just wished there was one work keyboards...20:36
Tophatusing exim4 if that makes a difference20:36
kirklandRoAkSoAx: sweet20:37
kirklandRoAkSoAx: that should be enabled, then20:37
RoAkSoAxkirkland: what can be done for keyboards, is use a keyboard = y, that will attempt to find a keyboard in /dev/input/by-id by searching for a kdb or keyboard regex... though that doesn't ensure that all devices create symlinks with kdb or keyboard names20:39
genii-aroundTophat: I'd probably instead send it to root with   nagios: root                 in /etc/aliases20:41
kirklandRoAkSoAx: hmm, okay20:41
kirklandRoAkSoAx: okay, i'm going to shut down, pull my battery, and see if and how much powernap is saving on my laptop20:42
Tophatgenii-around thanks, will this work if its the nagios user thats sending the email?20:43
genii-aroundTophat: I'm not sure what the parent process is there20:44
genii-around( I don't use nagios )20:44
Tophatlucky you :P20:44
RoAkSoAxkirkland, Another option is to restrict the InputMonitor for keyboard/mouse only then... and the config will default to "mouse = y" and "keyboard = y" (the latter will attempt to detect keyboard automatically)20:57
kirklandRoAkSoAx: oh, another thing ...21:24
kirklandRoAkSoAx: i think we need a timestamp in front of "PowerNap will take the following action in [6] seconds: [/usr/sbin/powernap]"21:24
kirklandRoAkSoAx: so that if you miss this message in real time, you know when it *was* delivered ;-)21:25
RoAkSoAxkirkland: ok ;)... btw what do you think about making the InputMonitor only for mouse/keyboard as explained above?21:30
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kirklandRoAkSoAx: i think that sounds better21:35
RoAkSoAxkirkland: btw.. doesn't your logging show date/time like mine?? 2011-01-28_15:33:52 WARNING  PowerNap will take the following action in [5] seconds: [/usr/sbin/powernap]21:36
kirklandRoAkSoAx: i meant in the warn message21:36
RoAkSoAxkirkland: oh ok lol!! >P21:37
kirklandRoAkSoAx: ;-)21:37
kirklandRoAkSoAx: the logging looks great21:37
RoAkSoAxkirkland: yeah!! everything works very neatly!!21:38
wizardslovakwhat would be cons to use dns server in my private server?21:38
wizardslovaki mean pros hehe21:38
wizardslovakRoyK, hahahahah21:42
patdk-lapwizardslovak,  what kind of dns server?21:44
wizardslovakpatdk-lap, BIND? well i am just curious what would be beneficiares of it21:45
patdk-lapa dns server? or a dns recursor?21:47
RoyKpatdk-lap: most dns servers can recurse21:48
patdk-lapwell,I'mjust asking :)21:49
patdk-lapwhat he wants to use it for21:49
RoyKwizardslovak: for a dns server, bind is the most used software on the net - it's a little hard to get used to, but it works well21:49
zulSpamapS: ping21:49
SpamapSzul: pong sup?21:49
SpamapSzul: note, have to go in about 10 min21:49
zulSpamapS: heh im already gone21:50
zulbut 5.3.5 is the only changelog entry the CVE21:50
SpamapShrm.. maybe not sure21:50
SpamapSI TOTALLY forgot that we already had 5.3.421:50
zulbecause if its just a CVE then we basically have 5.3.521:51
SpamapSzul: yeah. I think so. :-P21:51
SpamapSzul: well damn now I feel silly. ;)21:51
* SpamapS got all excited to triage a bug today21:51
zulyes i noticed21:51
SpamapSok well its still nice to have :)21:51
zulyes well ill let mdeslaur worry about it then ;)21:52
SpamapSzul: have a nice weekend.. :)21:52
* SpamapS disappears too21:53
GatorAlliWhat is the best way to recover overwritten data, I accidentally overwrote some scripts a couple of minutes ago. Please help :(22:19
guntbertGatorAlli: pulll them from your backup :-)22:24
GatorAlliIs the backup provided with the service?22:25
GatorAllior the OS?22:25
guntbertGatorAlli: what service?22:26
guntbert!crosspost | GatorAlli22:27
ubottuGatorAlli: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.22:27
iclebytei've got ssh key based login running from one machine to a server no problem. for some reason the same process wont let me login from the actual host which i want to connect to22:40
iclebytei.e. ssh root@localhost22:41
iclebytei've enabled root login in /etc/ssh/sshd_conf22:41
guntberticlebyte: did you put the pub key into /root/.ssh/authorized_keys?22:42
iclebyteyup. say the server is machineA - I can get to it from machine B no problems, but when I try to connect from machine A to machine A it fails22:42
iclebyteask's me for a password everytime...22:43
iclebytei've added the public key from the convirture user to roots authorized_keys22:43
fluvvelliclebyte: using ssh-copy-id is often better22:47
pmatulisiclebyte: check your logs22:47
RoAkSoAxkirkland: I don't think we should enable by default any InputMonitor given that not everybody will have a USB keyboard/mouse connected22:48
iclebytepmatulis, don't see anything unusual22:51
iclebyteusing ssh root@localhost -v helped22:54
iclebytethanks chaps.22:54
kirklandRoAkSoAx: hmm22:55
hallynSpamapS: the neat thing about bzr is you coudl just branch my trivial tree, make your trivial fixes, and merge your own :)22:57
hallynI sometimes feel that by sticking too much to the 'classic' review model, we really slow down quality fixes22:58
binaryhatim reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Networking#bridgednetworking but i dont have /etc/vmbuilder/libvirt/libvirtxml.tmpl  on 10.1022:59
kirklandRoAkSoAx: can't we detect that23:03
uvirtbotNew bug: #709542 in cloud-init (main) "100% cpu console-kit" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70954223:06
RoAkSoAxkirkland: everything is possible >P but let me think first how can I do that without breaking the simplicity of loading the config file >P23:10
kirklandRoAkSoAx: ack23:12
RoAkSoAxkirkland: ok so it would be something like: In config, left keyboard/mouse = y, however, if regex for mouse/kbd in /dev/input/by-id exists, then create monitors, otherwise don't23:14
kirklandRoAkSoAx: sounds complex23:14
shaggy2hello I need help with bind9 I have my dns server running fine, everything works correctly, only problem is, I need to change the time it take to use a newly created subdomain/domain23:43
shaggy2how do I do that?23:43
tallis_hi to all23:59

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