
Azelphurpopey: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/screenshots/Janurary%202011/andshot.png call me when you can do this on iphone :D00:08
hamitronwhat is teh cheapest (decent) android phone now?00:09
Azelphurhamitron: I just told my mum to get a refurb off three for £15/mo00:09
Azelphurthat's a dirt cheap contract deal00:09
hamitronper month :/00:09
Azelphurif you do get it you have to be ready to get your hands dirty in terms of rooting, samsung abandoned it.00:09
Azelphurhamitron: what do you want your phone to do?00:09
hamitronbe handy if I can phone people00:10
* brobostigon hugs his htc dream00:10
hamitronerrr, also want something to "play" with00:10
hamitronso i can void warrenty00:10
Azelphurso you want the next step up from the dream?00:10
hamitronbah, whatever00:10
* hamitron shrugs00:11
Azelphurmaybe take a look at the milestone00:11
hamitronoh, must have wifi00:11
Azelphurit's kinda old now but if you want cheap, it is the next step up from the G100:11
brobostigonAzelphur: isnt thatthe nexus one?00:11
Azelphurmyself, I love my HTC Desire Z00:11
Azelphurbrobostigon: nope, it's a HTC Desire Z :D00:11
hamitronis a G1 ok?00:12
brobostigonAzelphur: oh,didnt know, researchneeded.00:12
Azelphurhamitron: sure, you've got it rooted and running android 2.200:12
Azelphurif you don't find it too slow, then by all means stick with your G100:12
brobostigonhamitron: lack on ram and internal meoeryreally, compared to whatyou get now.00:12
AzelphurI upgraded from G1 because I found it too painfully slow00:12
Azelphurthe G2 is muuuuuuuch faster00:12
hamitroncan you strip stuff off to make it run fast?00:13
Azelphurthe G1? Not really00:13
Azelphurit's gonna be slow more or less what ever you do00:13
brobostigonhamitron: yes,definatly, :)00:13
Azelphurit was pretty slow when it was on android 1 xD00:13
brobostigonAzelphur: i disagree.00:13
hamitronwhat is the going rate for a G1 now?00:14
brobostigonAzelphur: i can get my htc dream,running almost as good as my mums galaxy spica.00:14
Azelphurbrobostigon: that's what I want my mum to get, a spica :)00:14
hamitron£90 is above what I'm willing to pay00:14
Azelphurhamitron: I thought you already have a dream00:14
hamitronI had a nokia 523000:15
hamitronnow using a nokia ngage00:15
AzelphurI see :P00:15
hamitronleast my phone has proper gaming controls ;)00:15
brobostigonAzelphur: it needs a major android upgrade, it still has 2.1, and the laucher majotly needs changing, it is a majot resourcee hog.00:15
Azelphurbrobostigon: yea, I know it's still stuck on 1.500:16
Azelphurbut I can just reflash it there are roms for it00:16
Azelphurbrobostigon: cheapest G1 I can see :p00:16
brobostigonAzelphur: i was going to put 2.2.1on my mums,but my mum didnt want me too, as it wouldmeanshe is in breach of contract.00:17
Azelphurbrobostigon: yea, my mum is a lot more laid back with tech, she knows I know what I'm doing so just lets me get on with it :)00:17
Azelphurwhen she gets it she'll hand it to me and have me set it up nice for her, and off she'll go.00:17
brobostigonAzelphur: my mum believes the same, but still wont let me, she doesnt want to be inbreach of contract,00:18
Azelphurhamitron: if you want a G1 I might be able to sell you mine00:18
Azelphurbrobostigon: xD00:18
brobostigonAzelphur: i have done a huge amount of tweking on mymums already,.00:18
AzelphurI breached 3 different mobile contracts in the space of a month00:18
Azelphurbreaching contract like a pro.00:18
brobostigonlol, :)00:19
AzelphurHad t-mobile, tethered, they lowered cap to 500MB so I switched to 3, tethered, then popey linked giffgaff on twitter, so I switched to giffgaff, and tethered.00:19
Azelphurgoing for the high score!00:19
brobostigongood night all, sleep well.00:20
Azelphurhamitron: if you want a G1 I may be interested in selling you mine00:20
brobostigonme tired.00:20
Azelphurthen I can upgrade my brother00:20
Azelphurhamitron: It's in reasonably good condition too, it's had invisible shield on it since day 1 so no scratches :)00:20
Azelphurthat said, buying a G1 is pointless now days, you can get a milestone for hardly anything more and they are astronomically faster.00:23
=== HazRPG1 is now known as HazRPG
hamitronAzelphur: well, if it is that pointless, it should drop in price the going rate00:28
hamitronthis is my thinking, wait till it is "useless" according to most people, then use it if I can00:29
hamitronpart of me wants to get a N800:30
hamitronor one of teh cheaper versions00:30
* Azelphur refuses to buy phones without a keyboard00:30
hamitronwell, I think my ideal phone would have no keyboard, but have an option to use a seperate keyboard and screen00:31
Azelphurhave you thought about an n900?00:34
Azelphurthey are pretty cheap now and still cool00:34
=== dougal_ is now known as dougal_away
hamitronAzelphur: my idea of cheap is below £100 ;/01:03
pr0ph3thi all01:04
Azelphurhamitron: yea, so buy my G1 off me and I'll put a bit on top and get my brother a droid :D01:04
Azelphur(as long as my brothers interested)01:04
pr0ph3tis there a tool in ubuntu that helps finding out which websites are being visited by the computers connected to a home wifi network?01:05
Azelphurpr0ph3t: seems like a bad invasion of privacy :p01:05
pr0ph3tAzelphur, it's my home network :P01:05
Azelphurare you notifying the users that your doing it?01:06
pr0ph3twell of course01:06
pr0ph3tbut they don't think I can01:06
AzelphurI'd do it at the router level01:07
Azelphurpr0ph3t: you could do it with wireshark01:07
Azelphurand a fancy filter.01:07
pr0ph3tI know how to block sites from the router01:07
pr0ph3tbut it's more of a logging thing01:08
pr0ph3tso when if I'm told they are studying, I can actually check they are, from like a log file01:08
Azelphurpr0ph3t: so yea, tcpdump/wireshark maybe01:08
Azelphurpr0ph3t: why not just use a vnc server on the machine01:09
Azelphurfar more effective / easy01:09
pr0ph3tAzelphur, that's intrusive though, I was just thinking I come back home, and check whether users have been on facebook all day or just a little bit etc.01:11
Azelphurhehe, not really any more intrusive than logging every website anyone has ever visited tbh01:12
hamitronG1 takes 2 sims?01:12
Azelphurhamitron: nope01:12
Azelphurpr0ph3t: personally, I'd work on a different approach though01:13
AzelphurI'm gonna go on one of my parenting rants now, xD01:13
hamitronN900 does?01:13
Azelphurhamitron: not afaik01:13
Azelphurif you do stuff like what your doing, your teaching your kid basically that they can get away with it as long as you don't notice01:13
Azelphurthe way you should be doing it, is consequences if they mess up :)01:13
Azelphurdon't get your homework done on time? firewall facebook for a week or something01:14
Azelphurfar more effective01:14
pr0ph3tAzelphur, it's not that serious, I'm not into punishments etc, it ends up being more of a laugh and perhaps a challenge rather than a lesson for someone01:15
Azelphurok :P01:15
pr0ph3tthe only one that's gonna learn from it is me01:15
Azelphurthen yea, break out the man tcpdump01:16
Azelphuror wireshark01:16
pr0ph3twireshark works on wireless?01:16
Azelphurmy router has tcpdump built in :D01:16
Azelphurbut I only really use it for debugging purposes.01:16
pr0ph3tsorry, just the name suggests... never mind01:18
hamitronAzelphur: you know how to get the url filtering working on your router?01:26
Azelphurif I was going to do url filtering I'd probably use opendns01:27
hamitronyeh, that was my next plan01:27
AlanBellmorning peeps07:44
DJonesMorning all08:28
MyrttiI may need to buy The Oatmeal book08:34
imexilMorning. Has any of heard anything new about Skype's open source plans for the client. Looks like they completely dropped that idea :(08:40
DJonesimexil: Which open source plans are you thinking of? I run Skype on ubuntu, not sure if you mean that, or them actually opensourcing skype itself08:48
czajkowskiHow have I no eggs :( this never happens08:48
DJonesMorning czajkowski08:48
* DJones points czajkowski at AlanBell 08:49
imexilDJones: Skype announced back in Sep 2009 that they are planning to open source the client code (probably since they have no interest/resources to keep the linux client up to date)08:49
czajkowskiDJones: ello08:50
* daubers locks himself away in his office08:51
kaushalI am running the command /usr/bin/mail -s "DNDList" kaushal@example.com < /home/kaushal/ttsl/dndmessage08:51
kaushalinside the /home/kaushal/ttsl/dndmessage message there is a content wherein date is mentioned it needs to be changed I mean i need to run it on Monday and Thursday08:51
kaushalplease suggest08:51
MartijnVdSkaushal: write a small script (in Perl or shell)08:51
MartijnVdSor use something like:08:52
kaushalso lets say i run this via a shell script the message should say "The File dated "Monday" is uploaded"08:52
kaushalMartijnVdS: hope it is clear to you08:52
daubersGods damnit. I need to update libre office on the mac, and the download page doesn't offer me any friggin downloads08:54
MartijnVdSkaushal: make a small shell script that does:08:54
MartijnVdSTODAY=`date +%A`08:54
MartijnVdSsed -e "s/TEMPLATE_TODAY/$TODAY/g" input_file08:54
MartijnVdSand then put in your input file:08:54
MartijnVdS"The file for TEMPLATE_TODAY was done."08:55
MartijnVdSthen make the cronjob something like:08:55
MartijnVdSscript.sh | mail -s "Foo" foo@bar.com08:55
gordpopey, checked into your gnome-terminal maximize lag problems, seems its a bug with gnome-terminal itself under compositing blocks in an X call, prolly better to suggest the lovely Terminator for now :)09:13
* dutchie wonders what the chances of terminator becoming default terminal app are09:14
Myrttiterminator ♥09:15
MartijnVdSdutchie: ♫ The chances of Terminator becoming default, are a million to one he said </wotw>09:16
dutchieis this some music reference that i am too young to get again?09:16
MartijnVdSdutchie: http://www.thewaroftheworlds.com/09:16
MartijnVdSdutchie: Jeff Wayne's musical version :)09:17
dutchiehow did i not hear about this when it was in the uk09:17
MartijnVdSdutchie: because you're a recluse/shut-in? :P09:18
dutchiei'm going to say "because oxford is cut off from the rest of the world"09:18
MartijnVdSdutchie: I have it on vinyl :)09:18
dutchiepretty sure that all of my knowledge of current affairs is via twitter at the moment09:19
MartijnVdSdutchie: the original story is set mostly around Woking/London.. not too far away :)09:19
* MartijnVdS has just finished re-reasing the book09:19
czajkowskiAnyone have any experience with http://url.ie/8zv609:21
MartijnVdSGoogle Maps helped a lot with the geographic picture for me :)09:21
BigRedSczajkowski: whatever that is is taking a while to lad. What is it?09:21
MartijnVdSBigRedS: it's the Scroll09:22
czajkowskiBigRedS: android tablet09:22
MartijnVdSczajkowski: there's a review here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POn7TgzCR9M09:22
BigRedSaha! No, in that case...09:22
gordczajkowski, pretty much all android tablets at this point are.. not good. best off waiting for gingerbread devices, ideally one made by google09:22
MartijnVdSgord: honeycomb*09:23
MartijnVdSlooking at the Honeycomb article on ARs09:38
MartijnVdScan't wait for a tablet with it to be released :)09:38
MartijnVdSpreferably with "clean" firmware, not hacked-up Samsung/HTC/etc. poo09:39
Myrttitickets to Finland bought.09:45
MyrttiI had hoped a longer stay in UK but alas, that wasn't meant to be09:45
MooDoohello all09:50
DJonesI would have thought going home was a good feeling09:51
bigcalmMyrtti: emigrate to Blighty?09:51
Myrttibigcalm, DJones: I don't feel home in my apartment and the reason for quick departure to Finland isn't a happy one, so...09:53
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
* bigcalm hugs Myrtti09:54
Myrttimy only consolation in this is that the reason isn't so urgent that I needed to start harassing Ryanair to reimburse or anything09:54
Myrttiso, from Berlin to UK today, to Finland on Sunday09:56
MyrttiI'm going to be so dead next week...09:56
Neioti|workmoin all10:01
daubersMyrtti: Chocolate will help with that10:03
=== Neioti|work is now known as Neoti|work
Myrttidaubers: I highly doubt it10:16
daubersMyrtti: Enough of it will certainly give you a burst of energy for a short time10:17
daubersMyrtti: Cake is a better solution to any problem though10:18
DJonesdaubers: Chocolate cake sounds even better10:18
daubersDJones: I dunno... a victoria sponge is certainly very welcome at times10:19
* BigRedS is using ice cream to solve problems at the minute10:21
MartijnVdSbest problem solvent ;)10:22
Waterwolffyi installed ubuntu on my laptop using wubi10:26
Waterwolffyyesterday i installed some updates and shut down10:27
Waterwolffytoday when i opened it and try to select ubuntu from boot menu, it says "unknown command loadfont"10:27
Waterwolffyi have tried googling but too many answers to get any working-for-sure one10:27
Waterwolffyanyone know what's wrong?10:27
DJonesWaterwolffy: I don't use wubi and can't help with that, but if you don't get an answer here, try #ubuntu thats the main supprot channel & should might get a quicker response10:30
Waterwolffyyeah I found a thread that looks promising10:30
Waterwolffyif it won't work I'll try there10:30
bigcalmWhat ever happened to Kemopetrol? Need more Finnish goodness10:37
MyrttiVon Hertzen Brothers?10:39
* bigcalm investigates on Spotify10:41
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
bigcalmRockin' \m/10:42
MyrttiMagenta Skycode might be interesting too10:45
* daubers turns on the heating10:49
Myrttiapparently all purchases of iPhone4's are revokable in Finland, if the seller hasn't specifically told during sales that the device must not be used below 0 centigrade10:49
bigcalmHow does your Nexus One cope with the cold?10:51
Myrttihaven't had any trouble10:51
MartijnVdSneither has mine10:52
Myrttibut apparently one of the Nordic insurance companies is fuming at Apple because their clients are claiming insurance for their broken iPhones that Apple doesn't take responsibility of because "the warranty is void if the phone has been used in cold temperatures" - I heard that approximately quarter of all their insurance claims atm are from broken iphones10:55
MyrttiI knew there was some other reason for not getting an iphone than the need to use crippleware to manage it ;-)10:58
davmor2morning all10:58
* davmor2 prods czajkowski morning10:58
bigcalmMyrtti: have you modded your n1?10:59
Myrttibigcalm: nah, apart from the stickers I have on it10:59
* czajkowski hugs davmor2 10:59
bigcalmAwww ;)10:59
Myrttimy only reason for it would be to get openvpn to work, and that's not good enough reason11:00
bigcalmFair enough11:00
davmor2czajkowski: you're just going out of you way to freak me out now aren't you ;)11:00
Myrttisince froyo enabled tethering, my main reason for rooting it disappeared11:00
czajkowskidavmor2: cannot wait to see you next week :)11:01
Myrttibesides, my adventures with the warranty proved the point of not messing with the phone11:01
Myrtti"hi, my phone is broken, it is jammed in boot, no I don't have a receipt, I got this for free in California"11:02
Myrtti"ok, let's see" - two weeks pass, the phone is sent to UK and back - "ok, here's a new phone"11:02
davmor2czajkowski: Nice :)11:02
Myrtti"our bad"11:02
MooDooczajkowski: davmor2 what the heck are you two playing at?11:04
davmor2MooDoo: We're trying to figure out the best way of freaking out the channel is it working :)11:07
MooDoodavmor2: it's working, hugging czajkowski isn't natural11:07
* davmor2 hugs czajkowski to show how natural it is :P11:08
MooDoodavmor2: czajkowski i'm going to be sick11:10
* czajkowski hugs MooDoo 11:10
MooDooczajkowski: don't be disgusting11:10
MooDooczajkowski: er you stopped why?11:13
davmor2MooDoo: She saw the effect the hug was having on you and ran11:14
MooDoodavmor2: i melted, she's good, think i'm in love :)11:14
davmor2czajkowski: run faster11:15
* MooDoo runs after czajkowski with flowers and chocalate :)11:15
DJonesMooDoo: 2 weeks + a few days to valentines day, don't forget the card & red roses11:15
MooDooDJones: i don't know you that well ;)11:15
* AlanBell whispers "white chocolate" to MooDoo 11:15
* MooDoo is very thankful his wife doesn't use irc :)11:16
AlanBellmoving on, anyone else about for the expo on Thursday?11:16
andylockranczajkowski: is helpdesk-coordinator a mgmt role or secretarial ?11:17
czajkowskiandylockran: not sure tbh11:17
czajkowskiandylockran: I only poke the adverts, Kelly is dealing with them11:17
davmor2MooDoo: don't look now but guest1234445 is looking really steamed11:17
MooDoodavmor2: huh?11:18
andylockranczajkowski: ok, I might ping a email over to kelly in time.11:18
AlanBelldavmor2 have you been giving Mrs MooDoo IRC lessons?11:18
* MooDoo cottons on :)11:18
davmor2guest1234445 is now know as MrsMooDoo11:19
andylockranczajkowski: how you enjoying life since the move?11:19
czajkowskiyup all good thanks11:19
czajkowski3rd month down11:19
MooDoodavmor2: pmsl, i can't get her off windows never mind irc11:19
czajkowskikinda flown by tbh11:19
davmor2MooDoo: you know they do irc clients for windows right :D11:20
Myrttiwell, according to the Telegraph IRC is  used by Russian hackers and criminals anyway11:20
MooDoodavmor2: i'm not worried, she finds computers boring11:20
DJonesThere's also freenodes webchat11:20
davmor2MooDoo: infact they do pidgin for windows :)11:20
daubersMyrtti: Which are you then?11:21
MooDoodavmor2: yes they do indeed, but she checks facebook and reads the entertainment news and that's about it lol11:21
andylockranczajkowski: you going to any of the 6nations ?11:22
czajkowskiandylockran: nope11:23
czajkowskiandylockran: we do have this planned though http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/615/detail/11:24
andylockranlook at the second registered :p11:25
andylockranoops - I've dropped down the list11:25
MartijnVdSandylockran: people travelled back in time to register before you!11:30
bigcalmJust had my company xmas meal reimbursed. Better late than never :)11:32
MartijnVdSbigcalm: wow, just over a month :)11:32
* bigcalm throws it at his credit card bill11:32
andylockranMartijnVdS: looks like it :p11:33
andylockranbigcalm: I've got expenses from Nov outstanding.11:33
MartijnVdSandylockran: call The Doctor :)11:33
MartijnVdSmy employer guarantees payment within 2 weeks, as long as you collect all relevant signatures :)11:34
andylockranI don't mind too much - stops me spending it... and quite nice to get a lump sump put in now and again.11:35
bigcalmAye, I like that too11:35
daubersJust had an email from Microsoft which contains the text "Upgrade upto three PCs running XP and Wista to Windows 7 for only £149.99"11:50
daubersI must have missed Windows Wista....11:50
=== richard is now known as RichardPa
shaunotweetie for mac eh.  didn't peg you for a freedom hater ;p11:55
daubersshauno: Useful for testing stuffs with. A lot of my customers use OSX.11:55
davmor2shauno: we all hate freedom that's why we follow popey and jono :D11:58
bigcalmFreedom is overrated11:59
* bigcalm caresses his electronic tag12:00
iclebyteam i correct in thinking that /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf should have 4 entries? 2 per array when using RAID112:07
matttdon't think so12:07
matttat least not on mine12:07
matttit's one per array12:07
iclebyteshould it be the UUID of the mdX device or of the one of the hard disks?12:08
iclebytefstab has the UUID's of the arrays rather than specific devices12:09
mattti'd imagine the mdX device12:09
iclebytecan you check for me?12:09
matttyeah, i'm using it on lenny tho -- so there's no UUID reference12:10
iclebytetype blkid into your shell as root12:10
iclebyteoh  =(12:10
iclebytei'm trying it on 10.04 and it's just causing issues. if i do a warm reboot after hitting rescue mode the system comes up fine. as soon as i do a cold boot it fails12:10
iclebytethis is driving me insane in the membrane12:12
daubersiclebyte: I've got a raid 1 on 10.10 which has one entry per raid112:15
daubersin /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf12:15
daubersTHats a 2 disk raid112:15
daubersand my fstab uses the blkid of /dev/md0 :)12:16
HazRPGor afternoon rather12:17
daubersiclebyte: http://pastebin.ubuntu-uk.org/10222812:18
bigcalm"Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clause12:19
bigcalm" Why?12:19
MartijnVdSbigcalm: which RDBMS?12:20
MartijnVdSbigcalm: what kind of database engine are you talking to12:20
gordwhy would you need two timestamp columns in a table?12:20
MartijnVdSgord: lots of reasons12:20
bigcalmI'm just wondering why the limit should be in place12:21
bigcalmMartijnVdS: checking12:21
gordi don't see a single reason12:21
MartijnVdSbigcalm: postgresql, mysql, sqlite, etc.?12:21
bigcalmoh, mysql12:21
bigcalmI thought you meant something else :)12:21
iclebytedaubers, and is that the UUID of the RAID array?12:27
TwinkletoesIf I want to install the kernel headers, if I use apt-get install "linux-headers-$(uname -r)" will that package also get updated when I update my kernel? (or just do apt-get upgrade?)12:31
daubersiclebyte: The UUID in mdadm.conf is the UUID given by mdadm, not of the blkid of /dev/md012:32
daubersiclebyte: To get that UUID do "sudo mdadm --query --detail /dev/md0" where md0 is the identifier of you RAID device12:33
bigcalmTwinkletoes: I don't think so as you are specifying a perticular kernel. Have a look for the dummy package instead12:34
Twinkletoesbigcalm: Is that just linux-headers-2.6?  THe one that's listed as a virtual package?12:34
* bigcalm shrugs :)12:34
Twinkletoesbigcalm: Haha! - Ok, thanks :)12:35
bigcalmMy knowledge stops there12:35
bigcalmgord: to counter your statement. There is already a column that is updated with the current timestamp on each write. The column I want to add is a 'created_at' that will only be set once.12:39
iclebytedaubers, this has gone totally pear shaped12:39
iclebytei've ended up rebuilding the array in the rescue mode - i did think it was strange that when i instructed the 10.04 install to build the array it never performed a sync12:39
* daubers has just written a more or less generic python built in type to xml and back again library12:45
daubersNow I can send my dicts and tuples across the wire without having to worry about them \o/12:46
=== denny- is now known as denny
iclebytedaubers, playing with python? =)12:48
daubersiclebyte: Kinda, doing this for work though12:50
brobostigonafternoonings all.12:53
MartijnVdSafternoonigon :)12:54
brobostigonafternoonings MartijnVdS :)12:55
HazRPGwow... my hearing must be dying O.o12:59
* HazRPG watching hak512:59
HazRPGapparently they played a 16000hz sound in the background to prove a point, but I couldn't hear it...13:00
MartijnVdSpoint proven :)13:01
HazRPGoh hey brobostigon :)13:01
brobostigonhey HazRPG :)13:01
HazRPGhey MartijnVdS13:01
MartijnVdShey RPG13:01
HazRPGMartijnVdS: yeah they played it in the background to show that as you get older you can't hear that sound anymore... hold on, I'm going to ask my sis if she can hear it xD13:02
MartijnVdSHazRPG: your stereo might be filtering it ;)13:02
HazRPGMartijnVdS: I like how you assumed it was stereo ;)13:02
HazRPG5.1 Surround ftw ;D13:03
MartijnVdSHazRPG: "a stereo set" could be a home theatre system imho :)13:03
MartijnVdSHazRPG: and have 21.6 for all I care ;)13:03
HazRPGI guess13:04
HazRPG(googles for a 16000hz file)13:04
HazRPGMartijnVdS: it stops at 52s for me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nUkNvl8mQw13:07
MartijnVdSvolume drops around 40, but still audible13:08
HazRPGall the way throught :O13:08
MartijnVdSthere is no sound after 52.. I hear a *click*13:08
shaunoI'm always wary of those, because compression codecs vary in their handling of high frequencies too.  and with youtube recoding everything you hand it, you don't control that13:08
dogmatic69hi all13:08
MartijnVdSshauno: that might explain the click -- the codecs truncating inaudible frequencies13:09
HazRPGI'm having a feeling the podcast I'm watching might have put in a sound file for 16,000hz... but the codec compression might not have done it right13:09
dogmatic69trying to get usb wifi working, its a tl-wn821n v3.1 but not having any luck13:09
HazRPGcos my sister said she couldn't hear anything either13:09
shaunoclicks off at 52s for me too, and others in the comments.  not gonna claim I'm not getting old, but that's suss ;)13:10
HazRPGwell I can hear up to 18000hz on this site: http://www.freemosquitoringtones.org/hearing_test/13:12
HazRPGmaybe my hearing isn't as bad as I thought13:12
brobostigondogmatic69: have you looked inside lsusb  and dmesg , to see if the kernel is picking it up properly, and then have you installed bluez, bluetooth drivers.13:13
HazRPGmight explain why I always hear a buzzing noise in my computer room13:13
brobostigondogmatic69: sorry, yousaid wifi, ingnore the last bit of what i said.13:13
HazRPGtoo much electrical stuff floating around13:13
dogmatic69brobostigon: lsusb shows it i think13:14
brobostigondogmatic69: and does "ls /dev/wlan*" return anything ?13:14
dogmatic69atheros comms13:14
brobostigondogmatic69: hmm, have you done a search "sudo apt-cache search" to see if there any specific drivers you need to install for atheros.13:15
dogmatic69ls /dev/wlan says no such file or folder13:16
brobostigonls /dev/wlan*13:16
brobostigondont forget the *13:16
dogmatic69nothing found13:16
brobostigondogmatic69: do a search, you might need a firmware blob for it.13:16
brobostigondogmatic69: try the hw database on help.ubuntu.com/commmunity13:17
dogmatic69i have13:17
brobostigonand ?13:17
dogmatic69last 6ish https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsTP-Link13:17
dogmatic69right at the bottom13:17
dogmatic69everyone says 'works out the box'13:17
dogmatic69i have followed the instructions on the last one and installed the drivers but still nothing13:18
brobostigondogmatic69: can you check dmesg before and after you have plugged it in, and pastebin the output, also lsusb please.13:19
BigRedSQuick sanity check, if I have a script with a bash shebang, but I call it as `sh script.sh`, sh ignores the shebang and it gets parsed by /bin/sh, doesn't it?13:20
BigRedSso bashisms wotn work13:20
dogmatic69i cant paste the output cos its not connected :D13:20
dogmatic69ill give you a summary, one sec13:20
brobostigondogmatic69: how did you install drivers then, you mentioned?13:20
* brobostigon goes to make a cuppa.13:21
brobostigondogmatic69: have you had a lookat https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Atheros13:23
brobostigon!info ath5k13:24
lubotu3Package ath5k does not exist in maverick13:24
brobostigon!info madwifi13:25
lubotu3Package madwifi does not exist in maverick13:25
dogmatic69brobostigon: http://bin.cakephp.org/view/24804530913:26
dogmatic69line 800ish where the gap is was after connecting it13:26
brobostigon[ 1325.450988] ath9k_hif_usb: probe of 2-1:1.0 failed with error -2213:28
brobostigonlooks like it knows it there, but is trying to load it, with error, not seen it before,13:28
dogmatic69brobostigon: that last link 'Install the package using either Synaptic or apt-get' is not an option13:30
dogmatic69all i got is my laptop to download things with13:30
brobostigondogmatic69: it ispossible,  get the debian package from packages.ubuntu.com and copythe debian package to this machine, and inst6all it using dpkg.13:30
dogmatic69brobostigon: is this the stuff? http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick-backports/allpackages13:35
brobostigondogmatic69: what is the package name youneed ?13:37
brobostigondogmatic69: and which version of ubuntu are youusing?13:38
dogmatic69it says 'Look for the ath5k module, located in the package linux-backports-modules-intrepid.'13:38
dogmatic6910.10 x3213:38
dogmatic693x lucky :D13:38
brobostigonthere isnt an ath5k pckage that i can find, for maverick.13:39
brobostigonwell i thought atheros drivers were directly inthe kernel now, as my eeepc has an atheros wifi chipset, and it worked straight out.13:42
BigRedSmm, i'm fairly sure it's in the kernel now13:43
brobostigonthats what i thought BigRedS.13:43
BigRedSwikipedia agrees, but with no citation13:44
brobostigonmy eeepc also agrees, :)13:44
BigRedSHaha, ah yeah :)13:44
BigRedSHm. I've just found a bunch of files with suffixes 'old', 'older', 'evenolder' and 'oldest' :/13:45
brobostigonLinux debian 2.6.37-trunk-686 #1 SMP Thu Jan 6 14:39:08 UTC 2011 i686 GNU/Linux13:45
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BigRedSrather than the expected date +%F...13:45
shaunosounds like the kind of thing I'd do.  I still dread finding random 40Gb directories named 'stuff'.13:46
bigcalmAnybody here got their Nexus One to link to their car via bluetooth?13:47
MartijnVdSworks fine13:47
MartijnVdSwell my dad's car, but same thing really ;)13:47
bigcalmWhat's the car?13:48
popeybah, did I miss a meeting?13:49
MartijnVdSbigcalm: it's a HFP system: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluetooth_profile#Hands-Free_Profile_.28HFP.2913:50
AlanBelleggs fried in chilli oil are yummy13:50
AlanBellpopey: yup13:51
TheOpenSourcereroooh - mince pie :-)13:51
popey:( sorry13:51
AlanBellnever mind13:51
bigcalmMartijnVdS: I've never been able to get my 407 to link :(13:51
MartijnVdSbigcalm: what kind of set/radio? or is it built-in?13:52
bigcalmBuilt in13:52
bigcalmLinked with my GF's old phone13:52
bigcalmI should see if it will link with her HTC Wildfire13:52
* bigcalm ponders13:52
dogmatic69will a download from today be different to the one from a month ago?13:52
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: download of what?13:53
dogmatic69the ubuntu  that is13:53
dogmatic69like 10.10 x8613:53
AlanBellnot if it is a released version13:53
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: if it's the same version, the download should be the same, but you can always check against the MD5SUMS file13:53
TheOpenSourcererAlanBell: take a look at bug 700966 Sounds like there is a simple fix.13:57
lubotu3Launchpad bug 700966 in OpenERP Web Client "[6.0.0_rc2] Wiki pages displayed in wiki syntax" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70096613:57
* AlanBell beats openerp with the chown stick14:00
MartijnVdSclown stick!14:01
czajkowski 14:01
bigcalmczajkowski: lost for words?14:02
Pendulumczajkowski: I didn't know you were ever lost for words14:04
czajkowskiit happens from time to time14:04
AlanBellPendulum is far enough away to say stuff like that :)14:05
PendulumAlanBell: nah, czajkowski just loves me too much. She needs me to get nice rooms with without windows in the showers and with jacuzzis in them at UDS ;-)14:06
czajkowskiPendulum: awwwww you know you're more to me than a room buddy :(14:06
czajkowskiwho else is going to listen to youtube wake up calls!14:06
Pendulumor bring you salt water taffy14:07
czajkowskithis is true :D14:07
Pendulumbtw, was the taffy from Baltimore superior at all? because I'm going to be in Baltimore again in March...14:07
czajkowskiyes was nice, it did have a lot of the chocolate one in it, which isn't the nicest, but had lots of the red and white ones:D14:08
* daubers makes a pot of coffee14:11
Pendulumczajkowski: was it better than the stuff from Martin?14:13
MooDooyum yum yum subway eaten :)14:13
czajkowskiPendulum: aye14:13
* Pendulum adds buy czajkowski salt water taffy to the BAltimore todo list14:14
MooDoocreep ;)14:14
Pendulumoh, I take that back. I have seen czajkowski speechless. And it generally involves her mouth having salt water taffy in it14:16
czajkowskiPendulum: to be fair then I just mumble14:16
czajkowskior stop talking mid sentence14:16
Pendulumor interrupt yourself to mumble about taffy14:17
Pendulum"What do you think about the changes beind ma-- oooh taffy!"14:18
MooDooPendulum: "<insert anything witty here-- oooh taffy!"14:19
PendulumMooDoo: nah, it was generaly an Ubuntu related statement14:19
MooDoopah Pendulum we could of had some fun here at czajkowski 's expense :)14:19
PendulumI don't think she ever interrupted herself saying "Let's go to breakfast" for example14:20
czajkowskiyup pretty much sums up Orlando hotel14:20
PendulumMooDoo: well it was at UDS14:20
PendulumI love that hotel14:20
czajkowskiand breakfast did mean bacon and syrup14:20
PendulumI really hope we go back14:20
MooDooczajkowski: pancakes bacon and maple syrup.....ftw!14:21
AlanBell^^ WRONG14:21
AlanBellpancakes and syrup is full of win, bacon is full of win. These are separate things14:22
czajkowskiAlanBell: eh no your wrong14:22
MooDoono no no no14:22
czajkowskiwhy nobody gets this is beyond me14:22
MooDooczajkowski: i get it :) i love it :)  lets do breakfast.14:22
* hamitron agrees with AB14:22
czajkowskiMooDoo: indeed14:23
PendulumAlanBell: have you tried them together?14:31
daubersIf I want to duel boot OSX and Ubuntu do I still have to muck around with rEFIt?14:36
AlanBellI will try anything Pendulum14:36
* AlanBell isn't sure that came out quite right14:36
shaunodaubers: it should work without, but much smoother with refit14:37
shaunothat said, I haven't poked grub-efi for a while14:37
daubersshauno: Smoother how?14:37
X3Nis duel booting where each OS battles each other until one wins?14:37
AlanBellI have had bacon with syrup on it, it isn't quite as good as bacon with syrup off it14:37
X3NI want that14:37
daubersX3N: Surely thats what Windows does when another OS is present :)14:38
shaunodaubers: bootcamp can be a bit obnoxious in expecting windows. refit is on your side14:38
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
AlanBellX3N: with the new trend of 4 primary partitions all used, Windows wins :(14:38
AlanBellit really is a nasty thing to do14:39
HazRPGhmm, is there anything like cPanel for ubuntu - but with a lil more sauce ;)14:39
TheOpenSourcererMicrosoft's Windows revenues plunge 30% http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9206799/Microsoft_s_Windows_revenues_plunge_30_14:40
BigRedSHazRPG: virtualmin?14:41
Neoti|workHazRPG : webmin14:41
BigRedSI've not seen cPanel in a Looooooong time, but find virtualmin quite agreeable14:41
TheOpenSourcererHazRPG: What do you want to do? I find things like CPanel, Plesk, Webmin etc all just get IN MY WAY14:41
MooDooi <3 cpanel14:41
dogmatic69webmin is pants14:42
HazRPGwell I'm thinking of changing my hosting provider - but thinking of going the VPN way instead of a regular web host14:42
BigRedSTheOpenSourcerer: handy thing with virtualmin is that it keeps the files all human readable, so if you want to go crazy with vi you still can14:43
HazRPGbut I'm not exactly a linux server guru just yet (heck I still haven't even used one yet)14:43
dogmatic69HazRPG: im with slicehost and they are pretty good14:43
BigRedS...and also webmin, virualmin's just an extension to it14:43
AlanBellHazRPG: get a VPS running Ubuntu server or Debian14:43
HazRPGAlanBell: that is the plan ;)14:43
AlanBellbytemark or bitfolk14:44
MooDooor memset14:44
* TheOpenSourcerer notes how AlanBell is coming round to the idea of servers *without* GUIs. :-)14:44
dogmatic69BigRedS: but webmin's idea of structure and the new ubuntu / apache ideas clash14:44
BigRedSwhat's changed in new ubuntu/apache?14:45
HazRPGI just want to finally shift over my 5 or so domains away from GooHost.co.uk cos I'm getting royally screwed over with them14:45
BigRedSI thought we'd put it on a relatively modern ubuntu server14:45
HazRPGat first, wasn't so bad @ £49 - I could deal with it, but not that they've pumped the price up, not so much14:45
AlanBell£49 per month?14:46
HazRPGa year14:46
HazRPGshould have pointed that out ^^,14:46
AlanBellI was going to sell you something a little cheaper :)14:46
HazRPGlike what? lol14:47
AlanBellwe do fairly big VPS boxes for some of our customers14:47
HazRPGsee you said a little cheaper, I have a feeling your going to say its something like £30p.m.14:48
shaunoI believe ebox is the closest thing to a suggested replacement for webmin now.  it's still not great tho.  servers are pretty much sticking to "tty or go home".  we may never be free from 1970 :)14:48
AlanBellitym Zentyal14:49
HazRPGsee, the most I've ever done with my server was try and get tty (or similar) access - and after a month of e-mailing managed to get some access... and all I really needed it for was cron jobs14:49
HazRPGI hate trying to work out how much bandwidth one would need - its mind boggling14:52
gordi love sd cards, you can "copy" 500mb across in two seconds but it'll take half an hour to unmount14:52
MartijnVdSgord: \o/ cache14:52
shaunough, who's idea was it to rename ebox to sound like an off-brand pharma?14:53
MartijnVdSshauno: Tesco Value Ebox14:53
HazRPGis Zentyal essentially eBox?14:58
HazRPGcos the logo looks exactly the same14:59
BigRedSI hate websites like that14:59
AlanBellHazRPG: yes, it was rebranded14:59
HazRPGhmm, 100GB doesn't sound like an awful lot of bandwidth - might just be me though15:01
* HazRPG is thinking of going with bitfolk15:01
AlanBellit is rather a lot, unless you are hosting .isos or videos15:01
BigRedSyeah, I only ever hit my 30GB limit at around release day15:01
HazRPGBigRedS: release day for what if you don't mind me asking?15:02
HazRPGAlanBell: Well I plan to put mumble and host maybe 6-7 domains15:02
BigRedSit's a torrent node for ubuntus and debians. I almost don't notice debians15:02
HazRPGnone of which have real heavy traffic15:03
AlanBelldon't worry about it at all then15:04
AlanBelland bytemark are really nice about traffic spikes15:04
HazRPGI worked it out, if I set the limit on 560Kb/s per session (I think its per session) that it comes down to about 3GB per month (I think)15:04
AlanBellwe got slashdotted a few times and they gave us more ram temporarily and we never discussed bandwidth15:04
AlanBellHazRPG: look at the total size of your websites, multiply by the total number of visitors per month, bet it is under a GB if everyone read everything15:06
HazRPGnot sure how many visitors I get (if any haha)15:08
lazarus_grr windows is going bye bye15:08
HazRPGI know I do all the time, cos I tend to put up important files/exes/scripts that I might need to help someone out15:08
shaunoI think my average weight per page is pretty obscene, and 100Gb would still give me about half a million pageviews15:08
HazRPGtotal comes to around 200MB of files so far though15:09
HazRPGI should really learn to monitor how much bandwidth I use :/15:10
HazRPGAlanBell: is bitfolk a company you've dealt with before?15:11
HazRPGjust noticed "consultancy services £50/hour" I'm guessing that's not for general support is it15:12
AlanBellno, that would be for consultancy services :)15:13
HazRPGyeah, I was just having a dumb moment15:14
DatabaseHey people.15:16
sandflyI am looking for a little advice, i have ascanner is not being recognised, Should i file a bug report and with whom15:17
popeysandfly: which make/model of scanner?15:17
sandflyits  combo15:18
sandflytho printer works15:18
HazRPGthanks for the help gusy15:18
HazRPGguys* even15:18
popeyok, which make/model of scanner multifunction device is it sandfly ?15:18
sandflyphotosmart B11015:18
popeyoh, hp15:19
HazRPGtypical, guys I'm working for are on holiday - and the FTP is down :/15:19
popeynot listed unfortunately15:19
popeybug 68558315:20
lubotu3Launchpad bug 685583 in HPLIP "HP Photosmart B110 does not work on Ubuntu 10.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68558315:20
popeysandfly: known bug :(15:20
popeysome tips there sandfly15:20
sandflyhow did u find that15:20
popeygoogle :)15:21
MartijnVdSmagic :P15:21
sandflyi am rubish at finding any thing on launchpad15:21
popeyuse google, it finds stuff in launchpad15:21
popeyI used the terms photosmart B110 scanner ubuntu15:21
popeysecond hit was that forum post, which links to the bug15:22
sandflyjust back fram a long trip so i haven't hard your show for a while , looking forward to catching up15:23
sandflyAnd thanks for the pointers15:24
popeyno probs and thanks! :)15:25
dogmatic69should i install this for my tp-link wifi issue? http://linuxwireless.org/download/compat-wireless-2.6/15:30
brobostigondogmatic69: its packages inthe repos,i think.15:32
dogmatic69brobostigon: uname -a == 2.6.35-2215:32
dogmatic69how can i update the system 'manually'15:33
dogmatic69brobostigon: i dont see anything to download there15:36
lubotu3If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging15:37
brobostigondogmatic69: that is the list, when i did a search for compat wireless.15:37
brobostigondogmatic69: youneed to work out which package matches your system, get the debian package fromtthe package page, and then download it,copy it to said machine, and instll it manaullywith dpkg.15:38
dogmatic69well i just downloaded on and it wont install15:43
dogmatic69software center opened and 'install' is not clickable15:44
brobostigondogmatic69: install it from cli will dpkg.15:44
brobostigonsudo dpkg -i *.deb15:45
dogmatic69brobostigon: dependency problems15:46
* hamitron spanks popey15:46
brobostigondogmatic69: look lower down the package page, for things it depends on, its listed on the same package page lower down.15:47
utrinqueparatushow do i joing a ubuntu server to a samba based centos PDC domain?15:47
dogmatic69i downloaded this http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/i386/linux-backports-modules-compat-wireless-2.6.36-maverick-generic/download15:47
utrinqueparatusit will be acting as a fileshare15:48
brobostigonlookfuther down the page, it klists its package dependencies.15:48
popeyhello hamitron !15:52
popeyhamitron: love the volcano!15:52
utrinqueparatusis it possible to have a fileshare with domain authentication from a samba pdc?15:53
andylockranhey guys16:14
andylockrananyone good with perl?16:15
andylockranor just logic :p16:16
moreatiandylockran: what's the question?16:18
=== Halifax is now known as AAA1
andylockranmoreati: looks like the last two lines are out of order.16:19
andylockranin that swap the two round16:19
moreatiyes: also remove the semi-colon from line 8, and place the swapped line 7 in {}16:21
moreatiandylockran: why does line 6 end  with + 1?16:21
moreatiactually, i don't get that whole paste. What exactly is being tested for?16:22
andylockranmoreati: actually, looking at it16:27
andylockranthe last line is part of the previous line (as no colon) so it returns as expected..16:27
andylockranit's meant to be checking for a sane vat value.16:27
andylockranI don't get the paste either.. I'm not a dev :;p16:28
dogmatic69brobostigon: even using it on my upto-date ubuntu10.10 does not work, i do not know how people have on the site that it works out the box16:52
brobostigondogmatic69: i am not sure then, there might be someintricasy in said usb adaptor or you computer thats causing aproblem, i dont know.16:53
dogmatic69gonna try it on windows tonight16:54
dogmatic69there is not even a led on the stupid thing to show that its working16:54
dogmatic69tx for the help though16:55
brobostigondogmatic69: i am quite used to that, no seeing hw do things like that, i look in other places.16:55
hamitrondamn phone, popey: had serious lag16:57
hamitronbut gone now16:58
popeywhen was that?16:58
hamitronwhen I said "LAG" on server16:58
hamitronjust after 3:30 I think16:59
popeyace, will look at log16:59
hamitronI am not hardcore enough for AM16:59
hamitrongot work and rl ;/16:59
hamitronmaybe all the kiddies got home from school :/17:01
popeyhamitron: have suspended the map generation jobs, and moved them all to early morning 6-8AM17:02
popeyshould make it less wobbly17:02
hamitroncool :)17:02
Azelphurpopey: did you see my android screenshot earlier? :P17:02
Azelphurpopey: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3832397/screenshots/Janurary%202011/andshot.png17:03
TheOpenSourcererSheesh - I've just got a renewal bill (£20) for my driving license - That never used to happen. Been driving for 25yrs. Got to send a new photo.17:03
AzelphurThat's an FTP server, SSH Client, Skype, Playstation emulator, Remote notifier, XMPP client, IRC Client, Overclocking profiler, vnstat-like thing, tasker, and 2 voip accounts17:03
Azelphurall at the same time :D17:03
Azelphurdo that on an iphone, lol17:04
bigcalmpopey: track finished17:06
Azelphurpopey: it actually manages all that fine too, the emu is running happy at 50+fps all the time :D17:06
AzelphurI could run more, I just couldn't find anything else to run, lmao17:06
popeybigcalm: yay17:06
bigcalmpopey: would be more of a yay if it worked :P17:06
popeywell, yes17:06
bigcalmI think that the number on thing that servers need is passwords17:07
bigcalmYou don't think?17:07
HazRPGrofl, have you seen how numb3rs describes irc?17:07
HazRPGI think its using IRSSI xD17:07
gordi love setting something "going" only to return to it half an hour later with it sitting on a password dialogue17:08
popeyYay! http://www.graze.com/b/GQXPP17:08
daubersWoot \o/ Missus is having dinner with her parents, which means it's take away and geeky tv night!17:08
popeytomorrows box is on the way17:08
popeyyay daubers17:09
popeydaubers: minecraft!17:09
dauberspopey: I'm all Minecrafted out17:09
popeybah, unpossible!17:09
daubersI built my massive underground railway last night17:09
daubersGot fed up trying to keep the damn thing moving under it's own power....17:09
daubersI could sit and paint some Warhammer miniatures and watch Thunderbirds with a curry from the place down the road.17:10
popeybut but but17:10
popeyjoin us on the popey server :)17:10
popeyor not :)17:11
gorddaubers, do you know about boosters?17:11
daubersgord: Yeah, I can't get them to work particularly well :(17:11
gordthey aren't too tricky, poke me some time and i'll take a look17:11
popeytracks seem broken in smp17:11
gordno they work fine17:11
popeyno, laying them17:11
popeyput 10 in a row, the last one is wrong orientation17:12
popeylay the 11th, and that one flips, and the 11th is wrong17:12
popeyso lay 100 in a row and you end up with a few here and there the wrong way round17:12
popeythere's loads of them on the bridges in the popey map17:12
gordweird, doesn't happen on my server17:13
popeywonder if mine is outdated17:13
hamitronyou not gonna reset? :(17:14
hamitronthank gawd17:14
popeyjust wondering if I need an updated jar file17:14
gordlast one i got was for the colours update thingy17:15
gordi really need to figure out a way of farming sheep, seems like there is no good way of getting wool17:15
hamitronhow much you need?17:16
gordhundreds and hundreds17:16
hamitronif you can put it to good use, can have mine17:16
gordmeh i abandoned the giant zx spectrum mascots idea17:17
popeyhmm, mine is outdates17:17
popeywill update it later on17:17
bigcalmHopefully not losing much17:18
popeygord: you could probably farm them with fast moving water :)17:19
bigcalmpopey: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asImTDkPWKA17:19
gordyeah there are ways of building traps to basically farm anything that spawns on land, but those always feel like cheating17:20
bigcalmJust set this video to full screen17:23
bigcalmI'm being sucked into the monitor17:23
* brobostigon shakes fist @ the adsl17:33
n1md4hello.  anyone know if it's possible to upgrade hardware RAID disk capacity on SAS1068.17:33
directhexn1md4, you're already using 8 disks?17:34
n1md4directhex: Sorry, 2 disk RAID1.17:35
Azelphuranyone know of an IRC bot that'll read an RSS feed and chuck new entries into a channel?17:35
bigcalmAzelphur: I'd suggest running an eggdrop and finding a tcl script to do that17:36
Azelphurbigcalm: :)17:36
AzelphurOmNomSequitur: haha, you know there's a bot in here that does it right? ;)17:37
popeyubuntuuk-planet <-17:37
n1md4Citing http://hwraid.le-vert.net/wiki/LSI "LSI MegaRAID SAS (megasr crap): This is the first of the broken cards series by LSI. I hope you don't have one." Well, I have! Lovely when that happens.17:38
popeywhats broken about it?17:42
popeyahh, fakeraid17:43
popeysay no more17:43
popeyuseful page17:44
* popey hugs bigcalm 17:44
bigcalmpopey: I've just disconnected17:44
popeyso i saw :)17:45
* popey pokes gord with a disconnection :)17:45
selinuxiumEvening   o/17:45
* bigcalm drums his fingers17:46
czajkowskioh a selinuxium17:47
bigcalmI have trees to plant!17:47
gordpopey, okay done that, sorry was logged in and left it running in the background, was just keeping the server from sleeping so my grass would grow17:48
* popey backs up first17:48
selinuxiumI do love joining the end of a conversation... :)17:48
bigcalmIt's pretty much constant17:48
selinuxiumWell, not the beginning...17:48
selinuxiumthere is no end...17:49
bigcalmThere is no end to the minecraft talk17:49
selinuxiumHow is everyone today?17:49
selinuxiumOH! I have yet to play it...17:49
MartijnVdSYou have yet to play today?17:49
* AlanBell also admits to a lack of minecraft experience17:50
selinuxium*cough*   ....ever ?17:50
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
MartijnVdSare you a Minecraft virgin, AlanBell?17:50
* AlanBell resists crude puns17:51
AlanBellnever played it, yes17:51
* Darael sees no problem with not having played minecraft. He hasn't either.17:51
davmor2MartijnVdS: so am I, I don't have enough hours in the day to play too17:51
popeybigcalm / gord it's back17:51
shaunoI can't touch minecraft.  I'm still recovering from a 3 year warcraft addiction.  And minecraft seems to just suck people right in17:52
brobostigonor the spare money, to buy it.17:52
selinuxiumSo has someone done a PPA for minecraft? or do I have to just download it?17:52
bigcalmpopey: track is fixed17:52
popeyits payware17:52
selinuxiumpopey, O_o17:52
bigcalmpopey: But we have to manually correct all of the kinks17:52
popeyselinuxium: its cheap17:52
popeycan do that in a train :)17:52
selinuxiumPeople... Paying... For game.... On Linux... ;)17:52
bigcalmselinuxium: every platform17:53
popeyselinuxium: its java17:53
MartijnVdSIf you pay for Minecraft, you pay ORACLE17:53
popeyyay, home time17:53
popeyttfn all17:53
=== OmNomSequitur is now known as asfadfasfdfsadaf
* daubers ponders which takeaway to go to18:32
daubersChinese, nepalese, indian or the chippy18:32
brobostigon+1 indian18:32
Daraelindian++; chinese++18:33
macommm bibimbap18:42
directhexkorean's really uncommon in the uk, but i had some in cambridge18:43
macohmm UK loses a point for lack of korean food then18:43
TheOpenSourcerer++indian - and grab me a bag of Onion Bhaji too would you please?18:44
directhexmaco, "ethnic foods" are tied to immigration. the uk is filled with people from india, bangladesh, and pakistan - not so much korea18:44
directhexor mexican18:44
macoi know theres at least some ethiopian there too18:46
macobecause i looked up ethiopian restaurants in edinburgh to figure out the likelihood Riddell wouldve already tried it before visiting DC18:46
MartijnVdSLook what I found: http://www.imgur.com/dFYri.jpg18:47
macodirecthex: one of the ethiopian restaurants in the city i grew up in was started by a lawyer who fell in love with the food while visiting DC all the time. DC has high ethiopian immigration, Pittsburgh does not18:49
ali1234MartijnVdS: nice18:49
MartijnVdSali1234: 12" -- another nice find at the local record store :)18:50
directhexmaco, well, "tied to", not directly a part of ;)18:52
daubers\o/ went to the indian18:58
HazRPGhurray, my google extension is published :D19:38
MartijnVdSHazRPG: cool19:38
HazRPGMartijnVdS: thanks :)19:39
HazRPGbrobostigon: thanks :)19:39
brobostigonHazRPG: :)19:39
HazRPGfinally I feel I gave back a lil ^^,19:39
HazRPGgranted, can't take full ownership since the base is google's version - but I think I done some good tweaks to it :)19:40
* brobostigon gets HazRPG a congratulatory beer19:40
HazRPGbrobostigon: hurray :D19:40
* HazRPG raises beer glass19:40
* brobostigon joins in.19:40
MartijnVdScongratulatory beer? count me in!19:41
* brobostigon gets MartijnVdS one.19:41
=== asfadfasfdfsadaf is now known as GentileBen
* HazRPG wondering if there's actually a need for an RSS subscribe addon to open up juice19:47
gordpopey, maps don't seem to be generating :(20:09
popeyyeah, supressed for a bit because they were bogging down and possibly causing lag20:10
popeydid you notice any?20:10
gorddo you not run the map gen with nice?20:10
brobostigongammon, yummy, :)20:11
gordgrass still hasn't grown far enough... left it for two hours already!20:12
MartijnVdSit's like watching grass grow/paint dry/etc.20:13
popeygord: hmm, nice idea20:16
popey\o/ gord20:23
gordyou broke the server?20:23
popeyminecraft, fullscreen in unity. IT R FIXED!20:23
gordoh cool20:23
gordwonder what went wrong20:23
popeyoh, server broke?20:23
gordi alt tabbed back and i was disconnected, tried to connect and can't log in it seems20:24
popeyit seems "busy"20:24
popeyi blame you for recommending nice -19 :)20:24
dogmatic69hows the pizza?20:25
popeynot arrived yet20:25
gordi didn't say nice -19!20:25
popeyhow do you specify +19?20:25
gordnice -n1920:25
popeyswapping its poor little heart out20:25
gordi'm not supprised :)20:26
gord"stop running the kernel! need to generate maps!!!"20:26
popeyshould be okay now20:28
gordah there it goes20:29
popeyunity fail20:29
popeywell, sloppy focus fail20:30
popeyi should turn that off20:30
=== jxt is now known as Guest19191
dogmatic69popey: when did you start that map?20:32
dogmatic69before the updates or after?20:32
czajkowskihmm I am all out of something nice to eat ;( no goodies20:40
* czajkowski needs treats 20:41
* brobostigon scp's czajkowski some of his chocolate buttons.20:41
gordchocolate buttons are so great20:42
* Darael looks disappointed that brobostigon used scp - now he can't intercept them.20:42
brobostigonhehe, :)20:43
brobostigonis there a prog i can use for google latitude, without acutally using google's latitude app. ?20:59
HazRPGwhat sort of things are you wanting that latitude provide?21:02
Neotihey anyone use Trixbox/asterisk/freepbx?21:02
brobostigonHazRPG: friend location, and broadcastof mylocation. without the massive battery drain.21:03
HazRPGah, is that on the android?21:04
* MartijnVdS has 2.2.221:08
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: on Nexus One21:08
brobostigonMartijnVdS: htc dream.21:09
MartijnVdSis that the G1?21:09
* MartijnVdS strokes his Nexus21:10
brobostigonsamething, justdifferent names.21:10
* brobostigon also strokes his g121:10
MartijnVdSgave my magic to my dad21:10
MartijnVdShe has 2.2.x now as well21:10
* brobostigon wouldnt say no to a donated upgrade.21:10
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: you're a bit young to be my dad, sorry :P21:11
brobostigonMartijnVdS: very true, iamsure, :)21:11
czajkowskipopey: did you ever have a job working with trains21:41
=== james is now known as Guest41287
popeyczajkowski: nope :)21:50
czajkowskipopey: just a child hood love :)21:51
HazRPGbrobostigon: hmmm, trying to find something for ya but can't see to find anything, you could always try to make your own?22:19
HazRPGthe API's are out there22:19
HazRPGMartijnVdS: I have a Nexus One too :)22:19
HazRPGwell worth the import :)22:20
brobostigonHazRPG: i thought so, iihavent found anything either.22:20
AlanBelltax return done \o/22:22
* AlanBell rewards himself with a hot chocolate with Baileys22:26
HazRPGAlanBell: ^522:29
AzelphurOh dear, anonymous just declared open season on the UK police force22:30
AzelphurI think we're kinda screwed now22:30
gordoh noe, they might make a website go offline22:30
Azelphurgord: or take out a call center, or start a huge protest22:31
Azelphuror DDoS a fax machine, who knows with those nutters. I'm sure they'll come up with something inventive.22:31
brobostigonor DDoS'ing the number10 website. who-ho.22:32
gordthey never actually do anything big, they do one thing that gets them some attention then skulk off declaring victory even though nothing has changed22:34
drt494223how can i extract the audio from flv files? (wanting to get youtube mp3 rips)22:47
gordmplayer foobar.flv -dumpaudio22:48
drt494223danke ,22:48
* brobostigon implors gord to say bitte,22:49
drt494223didnt work :(   it creates a file called stream.data  ; not playable by mplayer22:51
ali1234drt494223: i've used ffmpeg for that before, let me check ...22:59
ali1234specifically i decomposed a flv to wav audio and png sequence so i could put it back together and have the audio stay in sync22:59
drt494223i tried using ffmpeg just now,   with this cmdline : ffmpeg -i bqpXy991dGY.flv  -f mp3 -vn -acodec copy ouputfile.mp323:00
drt494223file outputfile.mp3 says its an audio file, but still mplayer cant play it23:00
drt494223ali1234: how would i do that?23:01
ali1234hmmmmmmm my usb drive has gone funny23:01
brobostigondrt494223: have youtried toplay it with vlc , which uses ffmpeg.23:01
drt494223brobostigon: didnt work23:04
brobostigondrt494223: have you got ubuntu-restricted-extras installed.23:05
drt494223brobostigon: how to check?23:06
brobostigondrt494223: in synaptic, searchfor it, and it will tell you.23:06
drt494223i have ....buntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid main restricted   in sources.list23:07
brobostigondrt494223: ubuntu-restricted-extras is a package, not a repo.23:08
drt494223brobostigon: ok, its installed now23:10
brobostigondrt494223: it inscludes packages for restrcited formats, hence the name,like mp3, which is according to dfsg a restricted format.23:12
drt494223well i managed it now with this:   ffmpeg -i bqpXy991dGY.flv -acodec copy bqpXy991dGY.aac23:13
drt494223thnx all23:13
brobostigonyou're welcome drt494223.23:14
* brobostigon rocks out to hendrix, (bbc4)23:15
brobostigon:( only one song.23:16
brobostigonnos da, sleep well all.23:53
BigRedSg'night brobostigon!23:53
brobostigonnos da BigRedS23:54

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