
reya276anyone here knows Java?00:53
reya276if so is there a way for me to get my server information such as CPU type, Speed, Ram. Information sort of like iostats00:54
mhall119you can make system calls and parse the output00:56
govatent-j #ubuntu-jp00:57
govatentsorry my kb layout is all messed up 00:58
mhall119yeah yeah, blame the keyboard00:58
mhall119reya276: Java only really knows about the JVM00:58
govatenti am trying to setup the correct japanese layout for my jap kb00:58
mhall119that's kind of the point of a VM00:58
mhall119'jap kb' sounds a little derogatory00:58
govatentfine. my japanese keyboard {p00:59
govatenti dont even know where all the symbols are now 00:59
govatenti could set it to us layout, but i am alan. 00:59
govatentbtw, do you think they would yell at me if i asked a question in ubuntu-jp about my jp keyboard in english01:00
* mhall119 assumes 'but i am alan' is an excuse for all kinds of things01:00
mhall119govatent: only one way to find out01:00
mhall119I'd avoid using the abbreviation 'jap' though01:01
govatentof course01:01
govatenti was not gonna write it like that there 01:01
govatenthere i am just being lazy 01:01
govatenti figured if anyone can help with this layout problem is ubuntu-jp01:01
reya276is there a CLI script which can output all that information to a file?01:01
mhall119all what information?01:02
reya276or is there a way to do that01:02
reya276Server system information and stats01:02
mhall119reya276: cat /proc/cpuinfo01:02
mhall119for cpu stats01:02
mhall119'free' will give you memory stats01:02
mhall119or: cat /proc/meminfo01:03
mhall119for more detailed memory stats01:03
reya276ok maybe if I explain what it is I need to do you can point me to the right dircetion01:03
mhall119 /proc has all kinds of fun stuff to cat01:03
reya276I have to create a web app which will display server statistics for all of our servers including some WinJunk ones01:04
mhall119you're going to need separate code for the different systems01:06
mhall119there's no standard way, that I know of, of getting it01:06
govatentmhall119, they helped me01:16
govatentIt works now. Alan is happy 01:17
govatentActually talked with a very nice fellow for a bit. 01:53
reya276Hey how can I remove KDE files which I don't need02:32
reya276without breaking my system, I'm on Ubuntu 10.10 right now02:32
reya276is it sudo apt-get remove --purge kde*02:32
madcSPYnXhi guys13:00
maxolasersquadhi madcSPYnX 13:00
madcSPYnXcan anyone help me i wipe my files on my external hdd and i want to recover it all13:00
madcSPYnXcan anyone help me13:01
madcSPYnXis there any human here13:01
madcSPYnXcan u help me13:03
tiemonsterhow did you wipe them?13:03
madcSPYnXi want to recover my files in my 1tb 13:03
madcSPYnXi accidentall format in disk utility in my ubuntu desktop13:04
tiemonsteryeah - I did the same thing to my external13:04
tiemonsterI haven't found a solution yet, although I know one exists13:04
tiemonstermadcSPYnX: if you have luck, let me know13:05
tiemonsterI lost every photo we have of the first six months of my child's life13:06
mhall119tiemonster: do you still have the drive?13:15
tiemonstermhall119: yes. tucked away safely until the next LoCo meeting. :-)13:22
mhall119tiemonster: can you dd it to a file?13:44
tiemonsterI don't have a larger drive13:45
mhall119it's less safe to work on the original...13:45
tiemonsterI could mount it r/o, right?13:46
mhall119yeah, if it has no physical damage that should be okay13:46
tiemonsteryeah - it's fine13:46
mhall119apt-cache show recoverjpeg13:46
tiemonsterI just overwrote the partition table13:46
tiemonsterI was looking at foremost13:46
tiemonsterseems to do more13:47
mhall119apt-cache show testdist13:47
mhall119apt-cache show testdisk13:47
mhall119testdisk says it can recover lost partitions13:47
tiemonsterI'd rather try to recover the files first, then try that13:47
mhall119if the files are safe, maybe all you need is to recover the partition tables13:48
mhall119which would give you access to the old filesystems again13:48
tiemonsterI want to try to recover the files before I try recovering the partition table, though13:48
mhall119testdisk package also has photorec, which I've used before with moderate success13:48
tiemonsterI have another TB I can try to restore to13:48
tiemonsteranyways, I'm off to class13:49
mhall119have fun13:49
mhall119madcSPYnX: check out testdisk, foremost and recoverjpeg14:04
mhall119they're in the repositories14:04
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mhall119zoopster: ping16:15
zoopsteryo mhall11916:15
mhall119want to do OG today?16:16
mhall119anybody in the Boca Raton area interested in a 6-month contract for perl developer?16:17
tiemonsterBoca - strike 116:18
tiemonstercontract - strike 216:18
tiemonsterperl - strike 316:18
amougeI still have a perm php position available in tampa area16:19
amougenot gonna make you rich16:19
tiemonster=="there still room in the 9th circle of hell for you"16:19
amougebut its 40+ hours a week16:19
tiemonsterI'd rather learn perl16:19
amougelmfao @ tiemonster16:19
mhall119tiemonster: lolo16:20
mhall119tiemonster: I've got a contract position in Tampa for a django developer still16:21
tiemonsterif only it were a little closer16:21
tiemonsterI'm enjoying my job atm, though16:21
mhall119I know16:21
tiemonsteris it at Moffitt?16:21
mhall119it's hard to beat a full time django developer position near you16:21
tiemonsterI made it myself16:21
mhall119tiemonster: yeah, at Moffitt, through a contracting company16:21
amougeyea unfortionatly my boss is looking for an entry level php developer16:21
mhall119probably $40/hour for the contract here16:22
amougeheh damn knew i shoulda grabbed django a little harder by the horns16:23
amougethats double what im getting right now16:23
mhall119amouge: you can apply without knowing Django16:23
mhall119we're open to someone who is strong enough in everthing else16:23
mhall119since learning python and django isn't all that hard16:23
mhall119heck, they hired me here before I knew any python or django16:24
tiemonster$40/hr? I might relocate for that...16:29
mhall119zoopster: ?16:33
tiemonster"PHP: Personal Hell of Phail... PHP will become the perl of web development: historically important, with a small, loyal following, but useless for large, modern apps." -chaynie /cc mhall119 amouge 16:37
zoopstermhall119: cannot do lunch today16:38
zoopstermhall119: am on a call and not paying attention16:39
maxolasersquadtiemonster: Unfortunately, PHP is where the jobs are at, so what's one to do?17:16
mhall119learn java17:24
mhall119it pays better most of the time anyway17:24
maxolasersquadI'm not sure I'd want that stigma.17:27
maxolasersquadWorse than PHP IME.17:27
maxolasersquadThe stigma that is.17:27
maxolasersquadIt seems that there is an abondance of horrible developers out there who trend towards programming in Java.17:28
mhall119maxolasersquad: true, Java makes it easy for horrible developers to survive, because it limits just how bad your code can be17:58
mhall119there's plenty of horrible PHP developers out there, but they tend to expose their horrible-ness much faster18:00
mhall119but that part of the reason major corporations prefer Java18:00
mhall119you can get a lot done safely with mediocre developers18:01
mhall119done of it will be brilliant, but it'll mostly work18:01
maxolasersquadmhall119: Given I also work heavily in PL/SQL, I should have no shame. :O18:24
tiemonsterI read that as "<masochist> I work in PL/SQL. I have no shame."18:59
tiemonsterand thought, "that's about right"18:59
mhall119itnet7: have you done any hacking on your chumby?19:28
itnet7mhall119: I never received a chumby, I won a Pandaboard at UDS. I have the firmware on the sd card, and I need to get an HDMI to DVI converter (really the time more or less to pick up a converter)19:47
itnet7It looks like it's going to be really cool19:47
itnet7they have a netbook 11.04 image for it19:47
mhall119itnet7: oh, i thought you had a chumby, nevermind then19:49
itnet7mhall119: no, zoopster has a chumby19:50
mhall119ah, ok19:51
mhall119zoopster: ever do any hacking on your chumby?19:51
RoAkSoAxitnet7: \o/21:00
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