
MutantTurkeySamuraiAlba: sorry just got in from making an awesome snow fort00:10
MutantTurkeyi have band practice tonight after dinner but i may be able to hop on later00:10
SamuraiAlbaband practice?00:11
MutantTurkeyback but sorry, we are getting lanterns and continuing our fort01:25
rmg51going to throw snowballs at passing cars?01:26
JonathanDMutantTurkey: when I was a kid, during some giant snowstorm...01:28
JonathanDI built a fort beside our house, in a plow-bank01:28
JonathanDit had several rooms, a plywood roof, and a hot water heat system :)01:28
JonathanDMy legacy... melted :(01:28
JonathanDMy parents may still have the plywood, though :p01:29
JonathanDsnow. is. fun.01:29
rmg51until you get behind some fool who can't drive in it :P01:30
MutantTurkeyJonathanD: last year we made a 20 + foot snow castle out of giant ice brics01:34
MutantTurkeypics or it didn't happen01:35
MutantTurkeylemmie find01:35
JonathanDrmg51: my snow fort didn't have wheels01:35
JonathanDso it wasn't that much of an issue.01:35
MutantTurkeygah no pics :[01:36
rmg51JonathanD: I was referring to your snow is fun comment01:36
MutantTurkeywhat does snprintf do?01:37
MutantTurkeyah safe printf01:37
JonathanDrmg51: I know :)01:45
waltmanMutantTurkey: no, safe sprintf :)02:19
waltmanprintf itself is safe.  it's sprintf where you have to worry about overwriting the string.02:20
TravelerHello any still awake ?07:43
Travelerwho knows all about mount.  Trying to mount ubuntu parts in liveCD.08:02
Travelersleeping bbl8tr08:32
Travelerknow about mounting LVM volumes in a live CD ?11:58
chuckh1958I've got a non-ubuntu question but I though this might be a good place to ask. I've got someone who wants to send me a 26g file over the net. We cant set up a direct connection between our networks so we need something like dropbox that allows really large files like that. It's a one-time thing so we dont really want to pay for a membership either. ? He's not very tech savvy either and trying to get him to spit the file into 2g chunks 17:02
JonathanDget someone to loan you ftp space for the day instead.17:03
JonathanDalthough ftp isn't as easy to use as dropbox, for a non-tech person17:03
chuckh1958like who though? I've asked here at work and they dont have that much free space on an ftp server. He's tech enough to handle ftp.17:04
chuckh1958even thought about giving him temporary sftp access to my home PC but I dont really want to do that unless I absolutely have to17:04
chuckh1958are there any free services to do what I want for that large of a file?17:05
MutantTurkeyactually nevermind17:26
MutantTurkeyjust do a direct transfer instead17:26
MutantTurkeywhy the hell is it 26g chuckh1958? if its an archive of something, split it up to make it more manageble.17:26
andrewNice, it's snowing17:30
andrewI should get lunch/showered/dressed, probably in that order, then check to see if shoveling is needed17:31
andrewOk, starting that list now17:40
TravelerHi, who knows how to mount lvm volumes to a live CD ?17:47
MutantTurkeyTraveler: well i guess you'd have to load the lvm module then go from there18:00
TravelerMutant I've done that so far.  There is lots more to discover which are volumes and what they are called to get them mounted and usable.18:34
=== calvin is now known as MutantTurkey
=== calvin is now known as MutantTurkey

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