
=== smorar_ is now known as smorar
=== smorar is now known as smorar_
superflyohi folks06:28
deegee_superfly: hi07:22
DraZoroGreetings deegee_ 07:24
DraZoroGreetings everyone 07:24
deegee_DraZoro: hello ...07:25
superflyhi deegee_, DraZoro07:25
inetprogood mornings08:22
deegee_lo inetpro08:47
inetprodeegee_: hi08:48
inetprodaniel: hi08:48
inetprodeegee_: why you have a tail?08:48
danielhow do I setup a pppoe client on my wireless interface08:49
deegee_could get rid of it.... noticed my nick is used somewhere else....08:49
inetprodeegee_: ahh08:49
* deegee_ is trtacking duplicate nicks08:49
inetprodaniel: what version of ubuntu?08:49
danielubuntu 10.1008:50
inetprodaniel: hmm... I've never set up a pppoe connection on ubuntu08:50
inetprodeegee_: you done it?08:50
inetproperhaps froztbyte or cocooncrash08:51
inetproor superfly 08:51
superflyinetpro: I've done it, but only via the command line08:51
inetprodrubin: you also use ubuntu all the time08:51
deegee_inetpro: nope08:51
superflyMaaz: google for setting up pppoe on ubuntu08:52
Maazsuperfly: "ADSLPPPoE - Community Ubuntu Documentation" https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ADSLPPPoE :: "PPPoE Modems" https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/internet/C/modems-adsl-pppoe.html :: "Installing Ubuntu using PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE)" https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/powerpc/pppoe.html :: "Connecting to the Internet" https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/internet/C/connect-to-internet.html :: "Configuring PPPOE connection - Ubuntu Forums" http:08:52
superflylooks like there is some documentation hanging around08:52
inetprohmm... what's the difference between a ppp and a pppoe coonnection?08:55
superflyMaaz: define ppp08:55
Maazsuperfly: PPP n 1: surgical resection of unnecessary palatal and oropharyngeal tissue to open the airway; intended to cure extreme cases of snoring (with or without sleep apnea) [syn: {palatopharyngoplasty}, {PPP}, {uvulopalatopharyngoplasty}, {UPPP}], PPP Point-to-Point Protocol (Internet, PPP, RFC 1171/1661) 08:55
superflyMaaz: define pppoe08:55
Maazsuperfly: PPPOE Point-to-Point Protocol Over Ethernet [protocol] (ADSL, RFC 2516), "PPPoE" 08:55
=== deegee_ is now known as plustwo
inetprodaniel: please tell us if you succeeded or not08:58
* inetpro wonders whether daniel is still around09:00
danieli am09:01
inetprodaniel: cool, I hope you found something from the links above09:03
inetprodaniel: feel free to ask more questions, I'm sure someone should have more answers even if they all seem very busy09:04
danielinetpro: thanks for the help I've got some reading to do 09:05
inetprodaniel: np09:05
nuvolarithink I made a mistake. Turned down a lady calling wrt. Java devs in Pretoria. I don't know where she got my name, so how she got the work number is even stranger09:13
superflynuvolari: it's never a mistake to turn down a recruiter :-P09:13
nuvolarisuperfly: lol ok, good then.09:15
nuvolariwhy exactly is it not a mistake?09:15
confluencyBecause they usually suck.09:15
confluencyAnd use spam tactics, and try to get you to do their job for them for free.09:16
superflyAnd, more often than not, they don't actually know anything about IT09:19
superflyI've almost never come across a recruiter that doesn't play buzzword bingo09:19
confluencyAlso, they call you during working hours -- when you are *working*.09:20
confluencyNot only is this annoying, it seems unlikely that you will be keen to discuss your desire to leave your job over the phone *while you are at work*, even if you want to.09:21
superflyI have also had recruiters contact me via my WORK e-mail address09:21
superflyI just ignore them09:22
confluencyI refuse to talk to recruiters over the phone *ever*, and I bounce email requests unless I am actually being offered a great job opportunity which interests me, which is never.09:22
confluencyLogic is not a strong point of recruiters.09:22
confluencyI have killfiled a couple of people who keep sending me the exact same crap job offer which has absolutely nothing to do with my skill set.09:23
confluencyMy unfavourite part is when you tell them you're not interested and they ask if you can give them your friends' contact details so they can spam them too.  Um, no.09:23
confluencyOTOH, if you're really desperate for a new job, feel free to talk to them -- even a stopped clock is on time twice a day. ;)  Just be aware that they will never lose your number, and neither will their gazillion friends.09:26
superflyI *still* get calls from recruiters I last interacted with over 5 years ago09:31
superflythey *never* leave you alone09:32
kbmonkeyit's friday :)16:32
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kbmonkeyhi all. can anyone point me to configuring a firewall to allow nfs mounting? :)20:32
kbmonkeymost of the tuts I see online refer to /etc/sysconfig/nfs, which doesnt exist on the pc20:32
superflykbmonkey: WAYTTD20:48
kbmonkeysuperfly: I want to mount a nfs share on my desktop, hosted on another ubuntu pc20:57
kbmonkeyhowever I _just_ got it working, after so many tries and googles :)20:57
superflykbmonkey: so what does the firewall have to do with it?20:57
kbmonkeybasically, and my heads spinning a bit from this..20:58
kbmonkeynfs uses a few select ports, and also some dynamic ones to mount 20:59
kbmonkeyand the firewall interferes with this. I just changed nfs service to use a fixed port instead20:59
kbmonkeyand allowed that through the firewall. seems to work okay20:59
kbmonkeymurpheys law: you find the solution just as you ask somebody else :)21:02
superflyif neither of the two computers is on the internet you don't need a firewall21:16
kbmonkeyboth of them are, and the one hosting the share will eventually run a dyndns service21:24
kbmonkeywhich I will ssh in from anywhere, so I'd like it to be firewalled :)21:24
superflykbmonkey: does it not have 2 interfaces then?21:25
kbmonkeyideally yes21:26
* superfly gives up on his ADSL woes for the night, and heads off to bed21:26
kbmonkeymyself, no more work for now21:27
drubinsuperfly: Follow tumbleweeds split routing tutorial but remove the split routing stuff21:29
kbmonkeydrubin: thanks, I'll do!21:33
drubinkbmonkey: That was for superfly 21:35
drubinkbmonkey: I can't help with your firewall issue sorry ;/21:36

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