
sandydWinCamXP: which means Pentium3 +00:00
WinCamXPdarn it00:00
aeon-ltdWinCamXP: there are other distros that go back to i38600:00
WinCamXPwould a Windows 7 comp with 4GB of RAM run a Minecraft server with up to 3 people lagless, or would it be better if I had 8GB?00:01
jiohdihelp! I have no idea what I did but gnome no longer sees my keyboard... icewm and others are still ok00:01
WinCamXPI'm thinking of upgrading cuz I'm stuck with 2GB...00:01
bastidrazor!ot | WinCamXP00:01
ubottuWinCamXP: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:01
nonix4jrib: bug #561390 is even more like it - /boot was mounted manually since fstab was referring to sda instead of sdd; changed that to UUID now, but haven't booted yet because physical access to that host is not available atm in case things go wrong.00:02
velcroshoozis there a way to get the mail icon to show when there is new mail?00:02
aeon-ltdWinCamXP: ram is not going to be the limiting factor here, 2gb is fine; the first step is making it work even if it is slow then using something like 'htop' see whats causing the bottleneck00:02
jiohdivelcroshooz: if you use docky, it has a widget for mail that puts number of new mail on an envelope00:03
nonix4What kind of permissions is /dev/shm supposed to have?00:04
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sandydnonix4: drwxrwxrwt00:05
nonix4hmm, it is missing group/other write. Can/should I just chmod or should I suspect things being mounted in backwards order, that shadows mountpoints?00:06
wjlafranceHowdy! I'm thinking of using Ubuntu as a router for a hackerspace (too many users for a traditional router), but I'm wondering if I should use a more specialized distro?00:07
sandydnonix: it should have nosuid permissions00:07
badger32dwjlafrance, I would look at smoothwall/monowall/pfsense00:07
sandydfstab line should be "shm                     /dev/shm        tmpfs           nodev,nosuid,noexec     0 0"00:07
Pyschogood evening, i was wondering if you can tell me what packages i need for libcurl, gnutls, and libpcre00:07
joeoshawasorry about that00:07
wjlafrancebadger32d, are those software or distros?00:07
badger32dwjlafrance, all distro's.00:08
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wjlafrancebadger32d, so you don't recommend ubuntu? Basically we have a wireless router we'd repurpose as an AP and then use a nix box right behind the modem00:09
nonix4sandyd: there is no fstab line for it at all, but /proc/mounts does list it, as does /etc/mtab00:09
badger32dwjlafrance, ubuntu is fine, and I've used it with iptables and squid, but if all you want is a routeros, then those are created just for routering as it were. Also, I think smoothwall has a nice easy to use gui00:10
joeoshawaevery time i reboot i have to log in and out and plug in and unplug my wires for my network on this machine to get it to connect to the internet00:10
badger32dwjlafrance, and by gui, I ment a web front end00:10
joeoshawaanyone know how to fix this00:10
wjlafrancebadger32d, thanks for the information. :)00:10
badger32dno problem man, good luck with the hackerspace!00:11
joeoshawaits really driving me up the wall00:11
bazhangjoeoshawa, next time try sudo dhclient eth000:12
joeoshawalemme write that down00:12
joeoshawaeeek wow hardcopy eeewwww00:13
joeoshawaso sudo dhclient eth000:13
joeoshawajust to be sure00:14
GeekMani got a question if i move to fedora with kde will most of my user data still be avalible if i install that over ubuntu00:14
bazhangjoeoshawa, yep00:14
bazhangGeekMan, separate home partition?00:14
epzil0nhey gus00:14
badger32dGeekMan, backup /home if it is not a seperate partition.00:14
GeekManoh ok00:15
intraderAnyone, I have done`sudo apt-get install --reinstall msttcorefonts` -- that works. I am rebooting. Thanks00:15
epzil0nif someone comes here asking for me..00:15
epzil0npls give them this link00:15
bazhangGeekMan, and really ask in #fedora as the would know if the installer allows keeping the home partition00:15
epzil0nal the instructions are there00:15
bazhangepzil0n, no need, really00:16
* epzil0n have to go to sleep now00:16
GeekManyou have to register with the server00:16
epzil0nyeah but i helped out00:16
epzil0nthat's the thing00:16
botssome of my startup applications are not starting anymore00:16
bazhangGeekMan, then do so, its easy00:16
epzil0nso be friendy m8ts00:17
epzil0nand cheerz00:17
botsthey are still listed as startup apps, but they dont start00:17
epzil0nbyebye n take care00:17
botsI had a reboot that took forever earlier, seemed like something was wrong00:17
joeoshawabazhang, you think maybe its a timing issue with dhcp?00:17
bazhangjoeoshawa, not sure, but that should do it00:18
joeoshawanow thats funky that put a big message across my screen00:18
GeekMani here in april the gui is changing00:19
nonix4jrib, sandyd: Thanks :) Kludged around the bug by adding permissions to /dev/shm for current user's group (only, since I guess those perms will get reset on boot and I don't need other users on that system on this boot anyway)00:19
jiohdihelp! I have no idea what I did but gnome no longer sees my keyboard... icewm and others are still ok00:19
badger32dGeekMan, is that why you are switching to fedora?00:20
joeoshawabtw for people having firefox crashing problems it's the google search tool  in your search toolbar00:20
jiohdihow do I get it back?00:20
GeekMannot entirly00:20
joeoshawaremove it and it will probably stop crashing00:20
badger32dGeekMan: you realize you don't have to switch, also you can install KDE in ubuntu, no distro hopping needed.00:20
DashkalIs there a quick way to get ubuntu to cough up what arch I installed?  I have no idea if I'm x86 or amd64 on this machine.00:21
AlexandreMBMNautilus require password for Windows share in loop. Help?00:21
GeekManwhats the most efficent way to install kde00:21
bastidrazorDashkal: uname -m00:21
joeoshawai might kill my ubuntu 32 bit for a install of debian to play with all the alternative window managers logins and just plain tinkering00:21
jiohdiAlexandreMBM: sometimes its just your root password00:21
Dashkalbastidrazor: danke00:22
bastidrazorGeekMan: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop00:22
bastidrazorDashkal: you're welcome00:22
GeekManusaly i do it and i get all kinda strange oddities cause its not originally installed first00:22
joeoshawajust don't install enlightenment00:22
joeoshawait made my system go crasy00:22
GeekMani suppose maybe the last time i tired changing gui's i was linilliterit00:22
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AlexandreMBMjiohdi, No. It is the share password. I see a bug ticket but I don't know the solution and I lost the link page.00:23
GeekManwhat if i want plasma kde00:23
anigmaokey, so basically I just tried copying an img file to a USB  stick. I unmounted it first and did dd=/file/path of=/dev/usb...  That's about it, right? It doesn't matter what kind of img file  it is as long as it is an img file?00:23
badger32dGeekMan, google can help, but if I remember right sudo apt-get install kde-desktop will get you kde.00:25
GeekManor does the current kubuntu have plasma i havent used it in ages00:25
GeekMankk sry for mind less questions00:25
badger32dGeekMan, kubuntu has plasma, but installing Kde-desktop also gets you that same environment00:25
bazhangGeekMan, kubuntu-desktop is the package and yes it has plasma00:25
GeekMank cool will try thanks00:25
badger32dthanks bazhang for the package name, good luck GeekMan00:26
GeekManhow long you think it should take00:26
bazhangGeekMan, similarly lubuntu-desktop , xubuntu-desktop and others will do00:26
bazhangGeekMan, depends on your download speed, I suppose00:26
badger32dGeekMan, with a good pipe, not too long.00:26
_vladtI have an ubuntu box that I use to do various functions that is connected to an intranet without being connected to the internet. I want to install certain packages on it, is there an easy way to download all the packages I need and the dependencies for them? Does apt-get -d download them to the local directory or will I have to wade through the pkg directory to find them?00:26
badger32dI think with a 5 meg link, it took about 30 minutes to download and install00:27
_vladtI want to download a good number of pakcages, so I want to avoid having to wade through the pkg directory00:27
magicianlordapt-get -d will do it00:27
bazhang_vladt, set up an apt-mirror? aptoncd? /msg ubottu offline as well00:27
KroplexWill ubuntu desktop work on my laptop?00:28
Jordan_UKroplex: Yes.00:28
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_vladtbazhang: aptoncd sounds like that's it. Thanks!00:28
anigmaokey, so basically I just tried copying an img file to a USB  stick. I unmounted it first and did dd=/file/path of=/dev/usb...  That's about it, right? It doesn't matter what kind of img file  it is as long as it is an img file?00:28
nofrillzit might be a bitch finding wifi drivers for it though, Kroplex00:28
Kroplexyea that is my problem why i was asking00:29
nofrillzi would look up wifi drivers for your laptop before installing desktop00:29
Kroplexi can't connect with an ethernet cord directly to the router and i cant connect w/ wifi00:29
bazhanganigma, image of what00:29
KM0201Kroplex: do you know what your wifi device is?00:29
conor_i'm trying to add a wildcard domain (not the right way to say this) to my machine.. essentially, when i try to go to 'proto://foo', i want my system to try 'foo' first, but then 'foo.bar.net' if the plain hostname doesn't resolve.. any ideas?00:29
GeekManwho uses Guake terminal00:29
Jordan_Uanigma: '.img' isn't really a file format. What was the image exactly?00:29
GeekMansry thats off topic00:30
Kroplexyea hold on KM0201 ill get it00:30
nofrillzlinux wifi driver (your laptop model here)00:30
nofrillz^stick that in google00:30
neuroaccelaI use Guake, Geekman, bound to ~, of course. I've been spoiled by years of FPS gaming.00:31
Kroplexits a Marvell TOPDOG PCI-Express (EC85)...00:31
Kroplexumm, how would i go about installing the wifi driver once in linux?00:31
nofrillzmake install00:31
GeekMan\fly "you feel lighter"00:31
neuroaccelaI use Guake as my primary terminal, actually, unless I need to do something across multiple terminals. I'd prefer separate windows over tabbed terminal windows.00:32
GeekMan\fly "gravity brings you down"00:32
chovynzso, how do I get a program to run everytime I boot up, without having to login? I'm using command line. No gui.00:32
joeoshawahas there been any gui made for mouse settings that deals with mouse wheel sensitivity00:32
nofrillzuse a daemon00:32
chovynzI did some crontab the other day but that didn't work the next time I booted.00:33
GeekMani finished the down load now its aking what i want to use as my default disp man00:33
pedrobuenas noches00:33
AlexandreMBMDon't work: http://ubuntu-install.blogspot.com/2009/07/mount-networkdrive-in-save-way.html00:34
dtcrshrhello! im trying to do a recodmydesktop with a command line, but i cannot specify the height width currectly with arguments, it always say my screen size is AxB, even if i set alower screen size than AxB00:34
joeoshawawhy would anyone want to autologin to a machine with no xserver00:35
Aikari need help. the WUBI windows installer is not installing correctly. i selected H: partition and it installed everything there, but when i try to boot ubuntu its trying to load the disk from my K: partition which doesnt have any unbutu files on it... how can i fix where grub is pointing to?00:36
chovynzjoeoshawa: talking about my question?00:36
Jordan_UAikar: Wubi does not support installing to a partition other than C:00:36
Jordan_UAikar: Why not just do a normal install?00:36
AikarJordan_U: then why is there a drop down asking where to install it00:36
joeoshawasounds kind of risky00:36
GeekMantrue dat i used wubi its pretty cool for what it is00:36
KM0201Aikar: because its going to install on a virtual disk.00:36
chovynzjoeoshawa: I have an ubuntu server box, but the commands are not ubuntu server. They are ubuntu command line. Just so happens that I have no gui.00:37
Aikarwell theres a new wubi out that lets you install on other partitions00:37
KM0201Aikar: i hope you're aware of the inherent problems that wubi can/does cause... you might want to reconsider using it.00:37
Aikarbut my problem is how do i fix grub to point to the correct partition with my virtual disk00:37
joeoshawayes but server works without login no00:38
GeekManit shouldnt be using grub it uses windows boot manager00:38
joeoshawayou only log in to admin the sytem00:38
Aikarwindows then grub00:38
GeekManif i remeber right00:38
ct529_joeoshawa: you have to login always I think ....00:38
GeekManoh XP00:39
Jordan_UAikar: Because they are irresponsible not to have removed the option.00:39
Jordan_UAikar: Why not just do a normal install?00:39
chovynzjoeoshawa: yes, but I need to get them to run everytime. Do you know how to answer my question?00:40
GeekManits diffrent cause with wubi your not suposed to change your partitions which is why i used it00:40
AikarJordan_U: will a normal install resize partition and add entry to windows bootloader too?00:40
Jordan_UAikar: Yes.00:40
GeekManits all under the windows partitions00:40
Aikarbah gotta burn a cd is why i wanted to do wubi :p00:40
joeoshawasorry no i don't my brother was admin for many servers they all worked on bootup00:40
chovynzjoeoshawa: before I login. e.g. start specific program before anyone logs in, so that users can login to that program. :)00:41
Jordan_UAikar: You can also use a flash drive.00:41
Aikardont have an extra to wipe to put it on00:41
GeekManyeah when i first read about wubi i thought the same thing00:41
Aikarill just grab a cd lol00:41
izinucsWhen you "x" Rhythmbox the music keeps playing.. isn't there suppose to be an icon on a bar someplace to recall the interface?00:42
KM0201izinucs: i believe its in notification area00:42
joeoshawathen you need to put the programs in the startup like on any os00:42
izinucsKM0201: that area would be up by the clock?00:43
KM0201izinucs: affirmative00:43
joeoshawathere is a file that tells linux which programs to start when it boots and when put it in there00:43
aflyingturtlenickserv aflyingturtle00:43
chovynzjoeoshawa: so how do I do that in command line syntax?00:43
izinucsKM0201: nothing there :(00:43
KM0201izinucs: hmm00:43
joeoshawaone sec00:43
aflyingturtledoes anyone know how to connect to a wireless network from terminal?00:43
gpmi use dvorak and i'm wondering if there's a way to make guest session use qwerty while keeping dvorak as my default layout? if not, where do i file the bug?00:44
GeekMani should have asked this before i installed if i wanted to go back to gnome is it the same programs and all00:44
Aikarand figures when i need a CD-RW i cant find one00:44
Aikari got a big stack00:44
ct529_chovynz: do you want to run services automatically?00:44
ct529_chovynz: or run services on demand without logging in?00:45
izinucsKM0201: ah.. they made a change in 10.10.. quirky.. you have to click the speaker in the notification appelate to see the options that are there.. How un-intuitive..00:45
badger32daflyingturtle: check out iwconfig / wpa_supplicant. those are the two programs that will help you00:45
KM0201izinucs: i'll be darned, i had proably clicked that a zillion times, and never noticed that00:45
chovynzct529_: if by services you mean programs like mysql (everytime I bootup, before login) then yes.00:45
GeekManaikar: i whouldnt use cdrw's impo00:45
ct529_chovynz: yes, those are services00:45
jukas_can anyone help me?00:46
ct529_chovynz: then you can use different approaches00:46
izinucsKM0201: yea.. I've been on ubuntu since 5.10 and there's been tons of changes since then.. it's a game of "Keep-up"00:46
chovynzct529_: Ok. yes. those are what I mean. Someone told me of a crontab the other day, but when I rebooted it did not work.00:46
ct529_chovynz: what distro do you have installed? ubuntu what?00:46
jukas_im trying to install gst-plugins-base-0.10.30 but i cant do the command make00:46
chovynzubuntu 10.10 server00:46
GeekMan5.10 iv been since 7.0400:46
mattt_Is it possible to boot from lvm/raid0?00:46
ct529_chovynz: you should be able to configure them over command line in /etc/init00:47
ct529_chovynz: or on the various /etc/rc.xxx00:47
AikarGeekMan: cd-rws are usually great for OS installs, why?00:47
jukas_make[3]: Entering directory `/home/jukas/Downloads/gst-plugins-base-0.10.30/gst/adder'00:48
jukas_  ORCC   tmp-orc.c00:48
jukas_/usr/local/bin/orcc: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/bin/orcc: undefined symbol: orc_parse_full00:48
jukas_make[3]: *** [tmp-orc.c] Error 12700:48
chovynzI've just ls /etc/init. Do I need to create a new file called something.conf in that dir so that it will autorun?00:48
jukas_make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/jukas/Downloads/gst-plugins-base-0.10.30/gst/adder'00:48
FloodBot2jukas_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:48
ubuni think i installed a plugin... but how do i use it00:48
ct529_chovynz: there is one /etc/rcX.d for each runlevel, choose the one that works better for you00:48
GeekMani had issues in the past00:48
* KM0201 agrees w/ GeekMan use CD-r's00:48
joeoshawact529_ i was going to show him this is this what he needs http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24679100:48
KM0201i'm not saying RW's can't/won't work.. but over the years, whenever i had a problem w/ an install disk, it was an RW.00:49
jukas_anyone know why this is happening00:49
bazhanggir1.0-gst-plugins-base-0.10  jukas was it this?00:49
GeekManafter the first burn and wipe your more susceptable to write issues00:49
jukas_no just gst-plugins-base-0.10.3000:49
badger32djukas_ - dont past all that info in here, use pastebin please. that will make it easier to see00:49
AikarGeekMan: oh i was gonna use a new one, i meant to use them up instead of a cdr which i use for music usually00:49
chovynzct529_: I've just ls /etc/init. Do I need to create a new file called something.conf in that dir so that it will autorun?00:49
bazhangjukas_, for what. please clarify00:49
bazhangjukas_, I dont see that in the repos00:50
joeoshawaubun what plugin for what program00:50
jukas_i have to install gst-python-0.10.2100:50
GeekManhonestly i never use cdrws cause i have issues with them but that was when i was more careless with my disks too ;)00:50
ct529_chovynz: yes, that is ok .... but you have o learn the syntax of the conf file00:50
badger32dbazhang, its because ( I think) he is making from source00:50
jukas_but first i need to have this package00:51
gpmi use dvorak and i'm wondering if there's a way to make guest session use qwerty while keeping dvorak as my default layout? if not, where do i file the bug?00:51
jukas_install this package00:51
GeekManbesides there way over priced now00:51
GeekMani think00:51
bazhangpython-gst0.10, python-gst0.10-dev  jukas_ then install them from repos00:51
Aikarso 10.10 got cool new stuff and should go with that right? noticed wubi was installing 10.4 but i like new shit :(00:51
bazhangAikar, language please00:51
chovynzinteresting. There is already mysql.conf.00:51
chovynzI wonder if I was logging in wrongly.00:52
jukas_ok let me see..00:52
ct529_chovynz: otherwise you could put a wrapper aroudn your script into the /etc/rcX.d of the lrunlevel X at which you would like to run your script.00:52
GeekManlol so he likes new poo theres wierder things :D00:52
Kroplexwould anybody mind helping me find a wifi driver for my computer? need it for linux, and maybe a tip on how to install it00:52
joeoshawagpm each login uses its own settings if you change the keyboard in the  new username it should stick00:52
bazhangjukas_, please check the package manager before going outside and getting 3rd party sources, or compiling00:52
* badger32d lol @ GeekMan00:52
ct529_chovynz: or your script directly .... coocle for "starting services /etc/init" or "starting services /etc/rc"00:52
KM0201Kroplex: we need to know the device... do ou know what chipset is on it?00:53
iIlL10oOserver cli , how to detect the fastest sources server ?00:53
ct529_sorry, Ihave to go .... 1am here good night!00:53
chovynzct thanks man00:53
GeekManlike zebra fetish but im not about to go there people00:53
joeoshawagpm and if it doesnt' then you can add a keyboard widget using add to panel00:53
badger32dhey, whats wrong with zebra's?00:53
joeoshawalet me check that00:54
GeekManhaha i have finished the install of justice HAHA00:54
Kroplexim sorry i disconnected.00:54
KM0201Kroplex: can i pm you?00:55
slkwrguys the command /ignore * joi/ns quits parts nicks ... is not working on empathy00:55
GeekMan:P XD00:55
slkwrare there any aternatives?00:55
badger32dahh, yes KDE. Lemme know how you like it.00:55
gpmjoeoshawa: i'm talking about for the guest session....does it just inherit the layout from the user that starts it?00:55
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ubunjoeoshawa: sorry i meant to put that in #gimp im logged into both... but its in gimp and its liquid rescale00:55
bazhangslkwr, to empathy, sure many00:55
badger32dGeekMan: I havent used it for a while, since 4.3 I think00:55
slkwrhow to stop empathy from showing join and quits notifications?00:55
GeekMani started linux on kde00:55
jukas_thanks this was very helpful one more question howcan i able the webcam on emesene?00:55
rwwGeekMan: #ubuntu is a support channel. If you want to chit chat, please do it in #ubuntu-offtopic.00:55
badger32dGeekMan: I started linux on slaxkde back in the day. Sorry rww, I brought him into this00:55
ubunno one in #gimp room....00:56
Ashlebedebadger32d: Isn't 4.3 the *current* version ?00:56
iIlL10oOhow to list all the sources server address , I want to write an ruby script to detect speed00:56
neuroaccelaI'd like to change from the GUI login screen to a login console that will then take me to the x session. Essentially, I'd like to log in in CL and be automatically brought to GUI after login. I'm on 10.10. What should I do?00:56
GeekMani have created a diversion to the true meaning of support away i go WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHH00:56
izinucsubun: #gimp is on another server..00:56
ubunyes i know00:56
badger32dAshlebede, I ment 3.3, sorry reading and typing is my new thing00:56
ubunno one on there00:56
slkwrbazhang: how do stop those notification messages?00:56
joeoshawagpm it uses the default keyboard you set on install but as soon as you add the new layout to keyboard it puts a keyboard icon to switch in the upper taskbar00:56
Aikarif i want ubuntu to resize a current partition thats NOT my current C: drive and install to that disk, would i choose "install alongside" or specify partitions manually00:56
* badger32d waves bye to GeekMan00:56
izinucsubun: so what are you trying to do with gimp?00:56
joeoshawaso your users can use either one00:57
ubuni downloaded a plugin i think i installed it but dont know where it is or how to use it00:57
bazhangslkwr, in empathy? sorry I thought you meant an alternative irc client00:57
gpmjoeoshawa: guest session also seems to be inheriting my startup programs (docky, gnome-do), i wonder if there's a way to disable THAT!00:57
izinucsubun: hang on a sec and I"ll check the manual on where it's suppose to go.00:57
gpmthe keyboard thing is semi-solved by the panel widget/applet/whatever00:58
joeoshawanot sure00:58
gpmthat's trickier00:58
ubunizinucs: thanks00:58
badger32dgpm - make a guest account out of the question? not to step on your toes joeoshawa00:58
prezidenthello world ....i have a dell xps one and every time i put in a cd the cd gets stuck until i turn off my computer is their any way i can fix this annoying situation?00:58
slkwrbazhang: no it's ok :) ...thanks00:58
gpmbadger32d: no, i really like the guest account, i just wish it were more tweakable.00:58
joeoshawathat can be a problem tho but they will get there own settings lol00:58
gpmbadger32d: but i guess that's the price you pay when /home is on /tmp and you're not a "real" user00:58
badger32dgpm: gotcha, thought you were using the guest session option from the menu00:59
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joeoshawanot a problem at all jump in you guys know more then me00:59
joeoshawahonest lol00:59
izinucsubun: what was the extension on the plugin?00:59
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gpmyeah from the logout/reboot/etc menu00:59
badger32dgpm: woah, guess I missed the first part of that. Sounds like an interesting setup00:59
gpmno, i'm pretty sure i read somewhere that that's how the devs implemented the guest account00:59
gpmi'll see if i can pull up the page00:59
AcceleratorCOCO PUFFS!!01:00
badger32dgpm: huh, never used it. it brought my docky in too just now01:00
izinucsubun: use my nick at the beginning of the line so it highlights me when you answer.. I'm multi-tasking right now.01:00
gpmbadger32d: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/Intrepid/GuestAccount01:00
gpmbadger32d: it's a cool feature.01:00
gpmneeds some refinin' though01:01
prezidentcan anyone help me with a stuck cd ?01:01
badger32dgpm, it seems so! I like that option, just never needed to use it01:01
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jetboyjetgirlis anything extra as far as anti-virus/anti-malware needed or recommended for ubuntu 10.10?01:01
gpmnow i just need to figure out where to file the bug...01:01
jpr133ya trick ya01:01
badger32djetboyjetgirl, not really - but you could check out clamav if you really want it01:02
joeoshawayou could make a guest account problem is it will have to be passworded lol01:02
jetboyjetgirlok, thanks badger32d01:02
macojetboyjetgirl: generally the use for AV on linux systems is if its a mail server and you want to scan for viruses so they dont reach your windows users01:02
gpmjoeoshawa: i can't parse that sorry01:02
badger32dgpm, maybe a dumb question, but do you have root access?01:03
gpmbadger32d: only through sudo01:03
gpmbut yeah i'm the boss01:03
badger32dmaco: agreed, but I use it to scan removable media that goes too and from windows machines01:03
macobadger32d: fair nuff. still for the protection of windows users though01:03
badger32dok, well you could always just make another user account with limited privs for guest access01:04
badger32dmaco: agreed01:04
gpmoh yeah01:04
gpmbut i doubt i could do it as slickly as them01:04
chovynznice feature on the guest account gpm01:04
macodid the the guest login thing go away?01:04
gpmand i'm sure they'd at least listen to my plight01:04
macothere was a sandboxed guest login thing implemented a few years ago...01:04
badger32dgpm: them?01:04
gpmwell, that's what i'm trying to figure out...which package provides the guest acct01:05
badger32dmaco, thats what we are discussing. But it has some control issues. Not a whole lot of tweaking possible01:05
macobadger32d: apparmor / policykit?01:05
gpmit's not even a bug01:05
gpmjust a feature request01:05
gpma wishlist bug as they say on debbugs01:06
tgp1994Can anyone tell me how I can have teamviewer start up right when my ubuntu box starts up?01:06
badger32dmaco: dont know much about either one of those01:06
gpmmaco: good guesses01:06
nickkontoshello guys, a simple question: alt+f2 opens a run dialog in ubuntu... what is the name of this appication? googled it with no luck...01:06
gpmi think it uses apparmor01:06
Guest96154hi all, how do i make vino available from the internet?01:06
gpmbut i'm not sure01:06
gpmand it's hard to find out where best to direct my request...01:06
macogpm: yes for the sandboxing it should. and policykit lets you do fine-grained permissions01:07
badger32dnickkontos, I've always referred to it as the run dialog. thats what its called as far as I know01:07
bastidrazornickkontos: its not a seperate application.. its part of gnome-panel01:07
gpmit's all so damn slick01:07
macogpm: system -> admin -> authorizations should be where to find policykit stuff01:07
joeoshawaguest96154 use a website like youtube01:07
badger32dbastidrazor, ah, yes.01:07
nickkontosbadger32d, bastidrazor so if gnome panel isn't running I can't call it any other way?...01:08
gpmmaco: i don't have that menu item. do you know which package provides it?01:08
badger32dmaco: hmm, now I'm going to have to check that out more. interested!01:08
Guest96154joeoshawa...what? umm yea..can i get an answer from someone who ISN'T suckin meth from the bathtub?01:08
bastidrazornickkontos: not that i'm aware of.01:08
badger32dnickkontos, what *is* running?01:08
macogpm: hrmm...something with a similar name in the menu? im not a gnome user so im going by a 2-year-old memory01:08
* badger32d thinks Guest96154 is not getting much help with that attitude01:09
joeoshawagust9614 you asked how to make a video available on the net right?01:09
maconickkontos: correct01:09
Guest96154not video01:09
joeoshawaor did i read that wrong01:09
FloodBot2Guest96154: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:09
maconickkontos: you could install krunner if you dont mind having a kde app handle it01:09
joeoshawasorry i read it wrong01:09
Guest96154no worries01:09
Guest96154sorry for being a douchebag then01:09
zakwilsonPeople, Guest96154 wants to order wine on the internet.01:09
joeoshawamy mistake01:09
chovynzso if I understood correctly, I create a file in /etc/init called mediatomb.conf and in that I write mediatomb -d, and this will run at boottime before anyone logs in?01:09
gpmmaco: maybe they chucked it....closest thing is users and groups01:09
tgp1994Can anyone tell me how I can have teamviewer start up right when my ubuntu box starts up?01:09
maconickkontos: oh....thatd involve installing the full kde workspace... rmph01:10
macogpm: used to both be there01:10
Guest96154no, vino, ya know..vnc for gnome01:10
ekimI didnt think teamviewer works with linux!  Does it?01:10
gpmmaco: you into kde now or something more minimal?01:10
macogpm: kde01:10
tgp1994ekim: Yup, check teamviewer's site :)01:10
gpmmaco: it's not in there.01:11
macogpm: um policykit-1-gnome and policykit-desktop-privileges both installed?01:11
nickkontosbadger32d, avant-window-navigator, see this http://tinyurl.com/4l5mlg701:11
gpmmaco: yeah01:11
badger32dOhhh, yeah. I use awn. Uh, you could try using synapse - its like gnome-do - and you can run commands from it01:12
badger32dstandby for link01:12
macogpm: try the good ol' start-typing-policy-and-hitting-tab thing?01:12
badger32dnickkontos: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/11/synapse-gnome-do-launcher-app-review-ubuntu/ -- this will let you have much of the same use as alt f2 did, and so much more01:13
gpmwhoa a jaka program called policytool01:13
gpmonly match01:13
ekimtgp1994:  thanks I will!01:13
gpmeven for pol01:13
nickkontosbadger32d, yeah, I know thanks, just don't like the looks of it...01:13
badpenguin86how do i move ppas from one installation to another?01:14
gpmwhatever i'll just post a feature request for policykit and see what happens01:14
gpmnot enough time to keep investigating01:14
chovynzlol . man kill. Anyone ever think what they were typing in unix?01:14
joeoshawaso is there a program i can install or a setting somewhere for mouse wheel sensitivity?01:15
ekimtgp1994:  not seeing on their site where it works with linux.  Gotta link or user manual?01:15
tgp1994ekim: Uhm, go to teamviewer's site, go to downloads, then click on the Linux button.01:15
badger32dnickkontos, bummer. I love it, not sure if there is another "slimmer" version that is more like alt-f2. I understand the desire to be rid of gnome-panel though.01:16
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joeoshawafor ekim01:16
chovynzI'm trying to stop a service that is running. How do I go about it? (mediatomb. It gets started by mediatomb -d, which runs the daemon)01:18
chovynzkill isn't ... more to teh point i dont know how to use kill01:19
nickkontosbadger32d found gmrun - in love :)01:20
gpmmaco, badger32d, joeoshawa: thanks for help01:21
aflyingturtlebadger left01:21
blinkjonesy2011never used this before01:21
blinkjonesy2011is anyone chatting01:21
ekimthanks for the info and link01:21
blinkjonesy2011r u guys familiar with backtrack01:21
macoim still digging. polkit-gnome-authorizations.desktop was in polkit-gnome back in karmic...01:21
TomFarrevery think were non update I see oops!01:22
* GeekMan GIDDY i like it thank you01:22
aflyingturtleanyone know how to connect to a wireless network from terminal?01:22
TomFarrwform what terminal?01:22
aflyingturtlecommand line...01:22
jribaflyingturtle: nmcli01:23
cc123anyone know off the top of their heads the command to make a user a sudo user? ive been googling it and just see peopel saying to edit the /etc/sudoers file directly, but i seem to recall there's a quick command for it01:23
bastidrazorcc123:  add the user to the admin group.. sudo adduser username admin01:23
TomFarraflyingturtle, you nead the ipwf demon01:23
jribaflyingturtle: nmcli is a command line interface to network manager...01:23
cc123bastidrazor, its saying group admin doesn't exist01:24
cc123just brought up this new box01:24
jribcc123: you're likely not using ubuntu then01:24
cc123it's ubuntu 10.0401:24
jribcc123: how did you install it?01:24
cc123jrib, rackspace cloud01:24
jribcc123: then ask them what they did.  Or read your /etc/sudoers and try to play detective-what-did-rackspace-do-to-a-default-ubuntu-install01:25
cc123how can i see what groups are on my system?01:25
jribcc123: getent group01:26
cc123jrip, there's an adm group01:26
cc123that's not it?01:26
bastidrazorcc123: that is for reading some logs01:26
jribcc123: that's not relevant to your issue... I'd suggest you just read /etc/sudoers...01:27
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cc123jrib, bastidrazor, got it. it was sudo adduser username sudo01:29
aflyingturtleis there a way to monitor all the commands that an application does as it does them?01:29
jribcc123: on your install, not a standard ubuntu install ;)01:29
cc123thanks for your help01:30
rtdosmy network card is connected to my network and ifconfig tells me that i have an ip address but nothing can connect to the internet.01:30
Jordan_UDangr_: Do you need help with something?01:30
Dangr_Jordan_U: Haha no I was trying to clear the screen but it wasn't working01:30
aflyingturtletry /clear01:31
Dangr_much better thank you, was missing that01:31
aflyingturtlemost commands are all starting with a /01:31
aflyingturtlei think all of them01:31
Dangr_Yeah I haven't used IRC in years so I am getting to know it again so to speak01:32
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wjlafranceHow can you force Ubuntu to redetect it's network hardware?01:33
aflyingturtleforce it to01:34
aflyingturtlei think it just scans though. not force it to.01:34
aflyingturtledoes anyone know how to monitor what commands an application does?01:35
rtdos my network card is connected to my network and ifconfig tells me that i have an ip address but nothing can connect to the internet. i even rebooted. several times. probably causes?01:35
wooteraflyingturtle, program debugger01:36
ZykoticK9rtdos, verify that /etc/resolv.conf has your DNS server's IP address01:36
wjlafrancertdos, try this: ping
wjlafrancertdos, that'll see if you can hit Google's servers01:36
aflyingturtlewooter: thanks01:37
ZykoticK9wjlafrance, google's DNS is a lot easier ;)01:37
dsnydersWhere do I submit suggestions for the desktop people?01:39
pchow can I use this/01:39
Dangr_pc: How do you mean01:39
pcthis is first time I join ?01:40
ZykoticK9pc, do you have an Ubuntu support question?  If so ask away.01:40
pcI do not know01:40
dsnyderspc, ask a question.  If someone knows the answer, they will tell you.01:40
Dangr_pc: Oh, you can talk about anything Ubuntu related - but most people look for support help ehre01:40
buntunubhey anyone know how to get rid of scratchy/crackling noises when using pulseaudio?01:40
ZykoticK9Dangr_, incorrect!  Support only here see !ot01:40
buntunubits annoying as all get out01:40
pcyes I just downlaoded01:41
xanguaDangr_: for talking is #ubuntu-offtopic , only support here01:41
pcand I want to downlaod Gromac 3.1.401:41
Dangr_ZykoticK9: my mistake :P just trying to be friendly01:41
dsnyderspc, Also, when you are replying to a specific person, type in their name and press tab.01:41
linogehi, where can i download the firmware for b43 wireless card?01:42
bazhangpc gromacs?01:42
devkorcvincelinoge you can try viewing your restricted drivers?01:42
pcyes Gromacs01:43
bazhangpc install from the package manager01:43
dsnydersbazhang, gromacs looks like a program for visualizing protiens01:43
rtdosZykotick9: it does01:43
linogedevkorcvince: mmm, i installed ubuntu minimal and i don't have a gui so i think.... not01:43
pcgromacs version 3.1.4 in specific01:43
bazhangdsnyders, not version three though01:43
rtdoswjlafrance:i can't but when i run ifconfig it tells me that i am recieving data.01:43
ZykoticK9rtdos, are you able to ping the outside world?  Or beyond your first router?01:43
bazhangpc what version of ubuntu are you on01:44
rtdoshold on let me re-check01:44
devkorcvincelinoge try sudo apt-get install broadcom then hit tab01:44
Jordan_U!broadcom | linoge01:44
ubottulinoge: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx01:44
dsnyderspc, you can go to a terminal and type in sudo apt-get gromacs01:45
dsnydersOops.  I hit enter instead of backspace.01:45
pcubutu version 10.1001:45
ZykoticK9dsnyders, that won't install the specific version pc is asking about...01:45
bazhangpc sudo apt-get install gromacs01:45
linogemmm let me se, i would love to download the firmware from windows (which i'm using now) and install through b43-fwcutter as i always have...01:45
bazhangpc thats not version 3.1.4 though01:45
pcI saw it01:46
dsnyderspc, gromacs is distrubuted as source code tarballs.  You'd have to download the 3.1.4 tarball, unpack it, and then compile it.01:46
linsosCould everyone help me to tell about ssh server01:46
bazhangVersion 4.0.7-3 pc01:46
pcthat was 4,1,7 something01:46
pcyes i do not need this01:46
bazhangpc wh y that particular version please explain01:46
jrib!ssh | linsos01:46
ubottulinsos: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)01:46
pcI want 3.1.4 from the website of grmacs01:46
bazhangpc why01:47
dsnyderspc, is their something the 3.14 version does, that the latest version doesn't do?01:47
pcbecause I have some files I can not open them unless I use 3.1.401:47
linogeok already found the firmware on the page you gave me Jordan_U, thanks so much01:47
sergiunegarahowdy, does anyone know what font is here: http://irssi.org/themefiles/mithru.png ? thanks in advance01:47
Jordan_Ulinoge: You're welcome.01:48
coz_sergiunegara,  mm thatmight  be a bit difficult off hand01:48
coz_sergiunegara,  let me check my fonts01:48
dsnyderspc, check http://www.gromacs.org/Downloads/Installation_Instructions01:48
linsosCan everyone help me to pass web filter like fortiguard ?01:49
bazhanglinsos, pass?01:49
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rtdosZykoticK9: when i ping googles ip i get a unauthorized message so it seems my privs have been corrupted somehow.01:49
pcI tried from the website but It just saved in my downlaod file01:49
pcand I can not set up it as a pogram01:50
ZykoticK9rtdos, "unauthorized" that an odd message... I have NO idea, best of luck.01:50
SnakkahHi, I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 and I'm wondering, do I really NEED the ATI fglrx driver to enable 3D acceleration and use things like Compiz, or can I just opt to not install it?01:50
sergiunegaracoz_: I've tried "what the font" from myfonts.com but it did not give me the right one... :(01:50
xangua!compile | pc01:51
ubottupc: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)01:51
drunkncrewso newly joined noob, throwing a wrench in the gears prolly. What exactly would one need an SSH for/01:51
coz_sergiunegara,   i have mostly default fonts here but for 2  and none of them match although  Americka Sans comes close but not quite the same01:51
pcI mean i did not work as a program01:51
smallfoot-drunkncrew, remote administration01:51
bazhangpc indeed. you need to compile it yourself01:51
bazhangpc see the link above.01:51
sergiunegaracoz_: thanks anyway for trying to help ^^01:52
coz_sergiunegara,  it could be a manually installed font....who's screenshot is that?01:52
dsnydersdrunkncrew, ssh allows you to securely connect to another machine.  For example, from work, I can ssh into my home machine and run programs.01:52
pcthanks I 'll have a look01:52
smallfoot-well there should be an irc command like !compile http://www.example.com/file.tgz, then bot downloads file, extracts it, compiles it, packages it, and then you can download it and install it01:52
drunkncrewsmallfoot, that makes a bit more sense. remote admin, in the sense of a friend needing help? or remote admin, in that you own your own hardware and need to make changes to it?01:52
FredGeekwhy there's no more /proc/pci and /proc/bus/devices on proc filesystem???01:53
smallfoot-drunkncrew, remote admin that you own a server, and need remotely access it and administrer it01:53
drunkncrewdsnyders ; Perfectly easily explanation, thank you very much01:53
drunkncrewsmalfoot, thanks again for clarification01:53
smallfoot-drunkncrew, you install ssh server on your server, then you use ssh client from you desktop to connect and admin01:54
drunkncrewthis is why I love this room, and hell the whole ubuntu community as a whole01:54
dl2agonfinaly got ubuntu install and i give credit it faster then linux i tried in the past ( still know nothing about it but it is faster )01:54
sergiunegaracoz_: it's from irssi themes on their website, theme's name is "mithru"01:54
drunkncreweveryone willing to take a noob in that area and quickly set them straight01:54
drunkncrewit's awesome.01:54
nileswhich area01:55
coz_sergiunegara,   ah ok... no indication which font was used?   would it be inside the theme package?01:55
drunkncrewvery few other distro communities are as helpful.01:55
coz_sergiunegara,  I dont use irssi so I dont know01:55
dsnydersdrunkncrew, ssh is a protocol.  There are various clients and various servers.  If you are trying to connect from a windows machine, I strongly suggest looking into a program called putty.01:55
chdmy wireless adapter wasn't turned on when I booted my laptop and when I turn the physical switch on ubuntu doesn't recognize it. is there a way to manually start that interface?01:55
ascheelI just finished installing Ubuntu server and while it works fine, the primary monitor does not display anything after installation is complete and it boots to the new primary drive.01:55
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Dangr_Putty is very useful on Windows01:55
SnakkahHi, I'm running Ubuntu 10.10 and I'm wondering, do I really NEED the ATI fglrx driver to enable 3D acceleration and use things like Compiz, or can I just opt to not install it?01:56
ascheelIt is booted up, I can find the ip and ssh into it, but it's annoying that I have nothing on the main screen.  no VGA signal.  I also got the same issue when I was trying to isntall ubuntu desktop01:56
nileschd: yes, /etc/init.d/networking restart01:56
nilesas root01:56
drunkncrewi mainly use my dual boot netbook with windows 7/Ubuntu 11.04.  and then my desktop dual boot with Ubuntu 10.04 and windoze 701:56
nilesor dhclient01:56
nilesalso as root01:56
Dangr_drunkncrew: Try checking out the man for ssh too, if that wasn't mentioned before, idk01:57
chdniles it says "networking stop/waiting"01:57
pcplease anybody is expert in Gromacs ????01:57
nileschd: try dhclient01:58
pcI am doing simulation and facing a difficulties01:58
nileschd: or /etc/init.d/networking start01:58
AginorSnakkah: some of the ATI cards are supported with the open source driver, you can also run opengl completely in software but it'll use lots of cpu01:58
sergiunegaracoz_: irssi is a terminal based irc client, that I'm using, but the themes can change only the colors, not the fonts, so it's the font used by that guy for terminal, I guess01:59
ascheelquestion about Ubuntu server 10.10.  Fresh installation, it's only Ubuntu Server meaning it's only booting to a CLI anyhow, but the video is not displaying.  It worked just fine during the entire installation of server, but the video is not working at all right now.  Anybody know what I can try to modify to get it to recognize this video adapter/01:59
pclooking for some tips in simulation ..any advise would be appreciated01:59
chd"since the script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an upstart job, you may also use the start(8) utility, e.g. start networking" then "networking stop/waiting"01:59
dl2agonhow can you change a usr password  from shell ?01:59
nilessergiunegara: are you using gnome-terminal?01:59
dsnydersdrunkncrew, routers, printers, and other network hardware will frequently have ssh or telnet (similar, but unsecure) interface for remote management.01:59
sergiunegaraniles: yep, why?01:59
AndrewMCascheel: try #ubuntu-server02:00
nileswell the font can be changed in preferences02:00
ascheelAndrewMC: thank you02:00
drunkncrewdsnyders  - thanks alot man, greatful02:00
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drunkncrewi got the idea now.02:00
coz_sergiunegara,  ah I see,,, yes I know its a terminal based irc client  but wasnt sure about the themes and what is included  thanks :)02:00
nileschd: what happends when you use dhclient02:00
sergiunegaracoz_: I wasn't sure as well till a minute ago, while executed cat themefile.theme | grep font :D02:01
dsnydersHas anyone used putty for linux?02:02
nilestheres a putty for linux?02:02
nilesoops, wrong channel02:03
pcI have tired used putty but I could not download it02:03
pcI use it in vista only02:04
smallfoot-$ sudo apt-get install putty02:04
nilespc: wget http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/putty.exe02:04
smallfoot-linux binaries available02:04
smallfoot-dont need wine02:04
Aginorbut why?02:05
nilesor just use ssh......02:05
smallfoot-yes, just use ssh02:05
nilesssh user@remotehost02:06
ChipCherouJust had massive crash during reboot and not kinda stuck.  backup server is running now....whats the best way to repair primary server?02:06
nileseg, ssh niles@niles.mooo.com02:06
dsnydersOkay,  putty for linux looks pretty much identical to putty for windows.  Good!  I'm unimpressed with minicom.02:06
ZykoticK9pc, you really don't need to use "putty" on linux, open a terminal and use "ssh -Y user@server" for ssh with X forwarding as well02:06
sergiunegarassh user:password@host02:06
ZykoticK9sergiunegara, putting you password like that isn't just a great idea, get put in your history file02:06
nilesyes, ssh niles:make my day@niles.mooo.com02:07
ZykoticK9sergiunegara, s/just/such02:07
pcI just downloaded this ubuntu and many things I need to check02:07
sergiunegaraZykoticK9: agree, bad idea %)02:07
ChipCheroubetter english.  I just had massive crash during an ubuntu upgrade.  Ubuntu won't fully load anymore.  whats the best way to repair this?02:07
nilesChipCherou: I can fix this, one sec02:07
dsnydersZykoticK9, It does serial and telnet as well.02:07
pceven the terminal I do not no how to open it02:08
ZykoticK9dsnyders, for those uses fine i agree02:08
ZykoticK9dsnyders, actually telnet is terrible!02:08
dsnydersZykoticK9, True.  However, so is minicom02:08
ZykoticK9dsnyders, are you the nvidia ppa guy?02:08
ZykoticK9dsnyders, i guess that's dsnyder...02:09
dsnydersZykoticK9, no.  Someone else.02:09
nilesChipCherou: boot while holding shift, select recovery mode, at the recovery menu select netroot, type root password, su usertologinas, startx, right click, create folder, open that folder, navigate to /usr/share/applications, double click Terminal, put screen -S unity02:10
nilesChipCherou: type unity, hit enter02:10
nilesChipCherou: close the terminal, if it says its not installed, try gnome-panel02:11
ChipCherouniles, rebooting now to try...its pretty messed up02:11
dsnydersWell, pizza's here.  Later folks!02:11
nilesChipCherou: you have to manually start ssh and apache2 with the commands "service apache2 start" and "/etc/init.d/ssh start" respectively02:12
nilesas root02:13
jribniles, ChipCherou: you should be using upstart to start services not init.d in general02:13
pchow can I use the putty from the terminal ???02:13
nilesjrib: ssh has a problem with the service command, it wont work02:14
jribpc: why?02:14
nilespc: win or linux02:14
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jribniles: for this specific user?  Because that isn't true in general02:14
ChipCherouniles, when you say recovery ode...do you mean when selecting kernel?02:14
m1chaelhttp://dpaste.com/360952/ # i want to use fdisk to use this drive as an ext4 file system.. what does that DOS warning mean?02:14
pcby the way when I want to send to specific person what I do ?02:14
nilespc: ls /usr/share/applications | grep putty02:14
nilesthan start that02:14
nilesjrib: I dont know, it wont work for me or root02:15
ChipCherouniles, I don't think what you told me will work02:16
nilesit worked for me, i dunno02:16
Descriptionedhow i make my screen stop autolock when im seeing a movie...02:17
Descriptionedhow i make my screen stop autolock when im seeing a movie... it just interupted me from a movie a nice one :@02:17
ChipCherouniles, normal boot will get me to the login screen but wont give me the fields to login.  recovery mode gets as far as mounting swap successfully then sits.  in both case ctrl+alt+del sucessfully shuts down02:18
nilesChipCherou: I would say your screwed but keep looking02:18
linsosCan you talk about free ssh server02:19
Descriptionedhow i make my screen stop autolock when im seeing a movie...02:19
nilesmine is really screwed up, I installed gnome3, or gnome-shell, wich didnt work, than uninstalled it, taking all my .la files with it, and it set update to automaticly remove .la files after update02:19
Cyberfusiondescriptioned did you check screensaver timeout?02:19
Descriptioned5min but why when im seeing a move..02:20
MadpilotDescriptioned, which movie player? Totem (the default one) locks out the screensaver...02:20
atulHi, I have dual boot machine, 1 with win7 and other is Ubuntu 10.10, I seen Ubuntu Internate is very slow. Any Idea..02:20
Descriptionedthe default.02:21
ChipCherouWould installing ubuntu over ubuntu fix it?02:21
AlexanderCould somebody help me?02:21
DescriptionedMadpilot: sorry wrong.. i see from broswer..02:21
nilesChipCherou: yes02:21
rtdoswhen i use the sudo command on another machine i get a "unable to resolve host <hostname>" error. how can i correct this? (i think it is tied to the network issues on the same machine)02:21
MadpilotDescriptioned, totem is default, not mplayer.02:21
nilesChipCherou: you would lose all not-backed-up data02:21
AlexanderWhen I minimize programs to my tray, they dissapear.02:21
Descriptionedafk removed it :S02:22
nilesAlexander: are you using gnome-panel or unity02:22
AlexanderI think gnome-panel02:22
nejodeChipCherou, can you get to a recovery mode prompt?02:22
AlexanderI have a stock Ubuntu. :X02:22
nilesAlexander: is there a bar all along the left side with buttons?02:22
fishingkidAfter I reboot my system, I have to "restart" /etc/init.d/mdadm in order for the monitoring to work as intended.02:22
ChipCherouniles, nope... its not freezing...its like it does have the bash files anymore02:23
fishingkidAny Ideas?02:23
xangua!panels | Alexander02:23
ubottuAlexander: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »02:23
ChipCherouniles, *doesn't02:23
AlexanderWait what do I type?02:23
ChipCherounejode, , nope... its not freezing...its like it doesn't have the bash files anymore02:23
nilesChipCherou: reinstall ubuntu02:23
ChipCherouniles, I was hoping to run live disk and continue update from wher eit left off02:24
jribrtdos: pastebin the contents of /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts02:24
ChipCherouniles, is that possible?02:24
nilesubottu: I thought it was gconftool-202:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:24
prozac4312sup guys02:24
AlexanderXangua, so what do I type?02:24
nilesChipCherou: I dont think so02:24
AlexanderI'm a little confused.02:24
AlexanderI'm new to Ubuntu.02:25
Cyberfusionubottu what is the meaning of life the universe and everything?02:25
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:25
nejodeChipCherou, you can chroot into your filesystem fron the live CD02:25
prozac4312i have a 2 pin s/pdif cable running from my gtx260 to the internal s/pdif header on my motherboard...audio works fine in windows, but i can't make it work in ubuntu 10.10...any ideas? i posted on the ubuntu forums but got no responses02:25
AlexanderHey Niles, can you help me?02:25
ChipCherounejode, do you know the apt-get command to continue an upgrade?02:26
nileswith what exactly02:26
prozac4312oh...to clarify i'm using the internal s/pdif because i use hdmi out from my video card to my monitor02:26
nejodeChipCherou, "apt-get -f install"02:26
erik71usaaahi all02:26
prozac4312no one has any ideas?02:26
ChipCherounejode, does this sound about correct? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-422523.html02:26
AlexanderDoes anybody know how to fix the panel? When I minimize something, the program dissapears.02:26
nilesin a terminal type "gnome-panel --replace" and paste what it says02:26
imcdhi every102:26
Cyberfusionprozac4312 did you look on nvidia's website for drivers?02:27
rtdosok jrib. brb. (it's on another machine)02:27
nilesAlexander: ^^02:27
erik71usaaame im still running 9.0402:27
prozac4312i've installed the driver yes...but it's only for the video card there's nothing specific for audio02:27
MadpilotAlexander, did you remove your Window List from the panel by mistake?02:27
MadpilotAlexander, try Alt+Tab - does that switch between programs?02:28
erik71usaaaone day ill upgrade02:28
imcdcan we ask any questions here plz ?02:28
Cyberfusionprozac4312 what i mean is that its probably proprietary, the spdif may not be but the hdmi out is02:29
prozac4312so if i have the driver installed and it's still not working then I'm SOL?02:29
erik71usaaaeveryone says02:29
smadJest ktos z Polski?02:30
nileshi smad02:30
erik71usaaa10.10 is more secure than 9.0402:30
rww!pl | smad02:30
ubottusmad: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.02:30
rtdosjrib: i can't really use pastbin to paste the contents of the files as i have not internet access on the affected machine: hostname is "UB810" and the first to lines of hosts is " localhost" & " UB810" the remaining lines in hosts are the default for ipv6.02:30
smadI dont can speak polish hir ?02:30
Cyberfusionprozac4312 no not necessarily, im just saying that you probably need two parts one to get spdif out and another to get hdcp02:30
nejodeChipCherou, that's about it... chroot into your filesystem, mount /dev and continue the upgrade02:30
Alexander_Can somebody help me?02:30
rwwsmad: no. English in #ubuntu, Polish in #ubuntu-pl.02:31
nilesAlexander_: nothing spits out into the terminal?02:31
Alexander_When I minimize things, they dissapear.02:31
erik71usaaai wonder if thats only a opinion02:31
rtdosjrib: my modem / router is
jribrtdos: and « hostname » returns UB810?02:31
rtdosyes jrib02:31
prozac4312so if i have the driver installed already what would you suggest?02:31
nileshi root02:31
ChipCherounejode, having problems finding my old disk...you bychance know of a smaller one?02:31
dtcrshris there any other app as alternative to recordmydesktop? i got a bunch of errors, that are already in the bug reports for years02:31
=== root is now known as Guest42536
ubottuSome programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.02:31
smadrww thx ;)02:31
erik71usaaanothing but video caqrd issues on ubuntu 10,1002:31
rtdosjrib, ifconfig says i am connected to the network (even gives me an ip address) but i cannot use my browser or browse the network.02:31
nejodeChipCherou, smaller one???02:32
imcdhi every1 - plz am i allowed to ask any question here ?02:32
jribrtdos: what does it actually say instead of "<hostname>" in what you pasted?02:32
nilesdtcrshr: or xeyes02:32
ChipCherounejode, smaller dvd to download02:32
jribrtdos: wait, isn't this the sudo error question?02:32
fishingkidAfter I reboot my system, I have to "restart" /etc/init.d/mdadm in order for the monitoring to work as intended. Any Ideas?02:32
nejodeChipCherou, if you can work command line, there's a mini-iso of about 12 mb02:33
Guest42536good day all02:33
dtcrshrill try that. bad thing is that i need jack to do my video tutorial02:34
dtcrshrwill give a try on those02:34
smadIn polish kanal room is empty :/ and i have problem :/02:34
pdg1I'm trying to find some more information on creating a persistent boot with an SD card02:34
rtdosyes, jrib, but i'm wondering if it's correlated with my not being able to get on the internet or browse my network? wonder if its my dns settings? is there a way to reset my dns settings or ?02:34
ChipCherounejode, it would be perfect if it has the commands I need (chroot ifconfig, etc...)02:34
paradise67Hello, is there something as a "NIC array" to allow more network cards in my server? I wan Ubuntu to act as a bridge/switch02:34
Cyberfusionprozac4312 i know its not a solution but can you use spdif by itself?02:34
erik71usaaahas the ubuntu resolved splash boot screen problem when the monitor goes black02:34
ChipCherounejode, I take back ifconfig, I don't think I need it (it crashed during the installation part)02:35
Cyberfusionmost tv/monitors have a "digital input" orange rca jack for it02:35
fishingkidpdg1: google linuxliveusbcreator02:35
erik71usaaaany help appreciated02:35
jribrtdos: well can you ping an ip in the outside world?02:35
dtcrshrniles, cant see the xeyes relation with screencap02:35
rtdosjrib: typing hostname also returns "UB810"02:35
rtdosbrb, i'll check now jrib\02:35
smadi have problem and i dont know this is problem with drivers or what, i go to YouTube and pley klip , when i teak to fuul screen then this screen is stop02:35
nejodeChipCherou, it's fairly easy, it has a text installer and because you download all the packages, your system will be updated02:36
bluefox83how do i locate an unmounted sdcard in terminal? i have to dd something to it and once you unmount it it's kinda hard to find >.>02:36
nilesdtcrshr: oh, I thought it was a screen recorder for the x window system02:36
pdg1fishingkid: would that work well with an SD card? i've heard that if i use an sd card ( like i am now) it might die a lot quicker02:36
AlexanderAnything I can do to restore defaults?02:36
erik71usaaacan anyone help02:36
ChipCherounejode, if I remember right, thats the network installer...trying to find it now02:36
smadnobady help me :/02:36
dtcrshrniles, xeyes is the eyeballs that follows the mouse cursor arround the screen02:37
nilesAlexander: oh dear02:37
fishingkidpdg1: Flash Memory wears down over time with writes. I have a 4GB microsd card running Linux on my netbook.02:37
nilesdtcrshr: oh, sorry02:37
dtcrshrxvidcap works, but i cant set the audio inputs02:37
rtdosjrib: i get an operation not permitted error when i try and ping anything in the outside world.02:37
smadi need 1 person who help me with this and with network02:37
paradise67smad: sounds like a flash player thing to me02:37
jribrtdos: what does it say exactly?  What did you run exactly?02:37
pdg1fishingkid: well i don't really want to write to it... i just want to read the os and write/ swap on a partition on my hdd02:37
Alexander Anything I can do to restore defaults?02:37
reya276Hey how can I remove KDE files which I don't need02:38
reya276without breaking my system, I'm on Ubuntu 10.10 right now02:38
reya276is it sudo apt-get remove --purge kde*?02:38
nejodeAlexander, the bot gave you the comman to fix it02:38
jribAlexander: restore *what* to defaults?02:38
Alexanderthe panal02:39
fishingkidpdg1: Why not just install Linux on the hdd and partition it?02:39
AlexanderNejode, which command?02:39
nejodeChipCherou, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD02:39
rtdosping <google's IP> i get this message: ping: sendmsg: operation not permitted02:39
smadparadise67 thx i reinstal this , i have problem with network becouse i have laptop and i have wirlles and i whant internet too in stacjonary computer but i whant from laptop to computer plugin cable02:39
ChipCherounejode, thanx, alreayd burning it to cd02:39
rtdosrjib: i even tried pre-pending it with sudo02:39
sparkowitzhey, does anyone have any idea why udev would remove a synaptic touchpad?02:39
smadi have ubuntu 10,1002:40
pdg1fishingkid: good question. i have an asus netbook that has this silly/stupid expressgate thing. i heard it has to use the windows partition02:40
genewitchUpdate manager crashes if my laptop is running on battery power. And by crashes i think i mean it hangs.02:40
JoseeAntonioRis there someone who uses empathy?02:40
nilesAlexander: reset gnome-panel with gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/panel; killall gnome-panel02:40
pdg1fishingkid: I'm afraid if i install grub it will forever ruin the expressgate instant on thing02:40
paradise67smad: as far as I understand you want to share Internet connection? could you explain more?02:40
Alexander reset gnome-panel with gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/panel; killall gnome-panel02:41
nejodeAlexander: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »02:41
AlexanderCopy paste that?02:41
Alexander gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel02:41
nilesfor the 3rd time, yes02:41
AlexanderThanks!!! :DDD02:41
nilesis it working, you should need to reboot02:42
nilesor run gnome-panel --replace &02:42
fishingkidpdg1: So you do use the features of express gate?02:42
smadparadise67 ok , i whant share me internet with secend computer but i must confiugure  ubuntu in laptop too share internet to secend computer , when i connect in cable02:42
JoseeAntonioRcan anyone help me with empathy?02:42
AlexanderActually niles, it works fine.02:42
AlexanderThanks! :D02:43
pdg1fishingkid: no... but i'm pretty sure it's compressed as a squashfs file somewhere in windows and i want to find out if i could replace it with android for x8602:43
rwwniles: gnome-panel has no --replace switch. You may be thinking of metacity or compiz or something.02:43
nilesoh, sorry02:43
nilesprobally unity02:43
pdg1fishingkid: goofy... i know02:43
dtcrshrwhat annoys me is that recordmydesktop command line entryies just dont work at all, but is the perfect software to do what i need, jack inputs, size selections.. :( very sad02:44
fishingkidpdg1: yes indeed well that's over my head.02:44
smadparadise67 sorry for speaking English but it's better than writing02:44
dtcrshrxvidcap wont work with jack02:44
botsanyone know what could be causing this error when I try running certain apps:02:44
botsInconsistency detected by ld.so: ../sysdeps/i386/dl-machine.h:02:44
dtcrshrpyvnc2swf also02:44
paradise67smad: well, I'm not a network expert but you want to configure IP forwarding to allow your linux act as a router, something in relation with sysctl.conf if I remember02:44
pdg1fishingkid: so what did u say i should google?02:45
superlinkxI want to run ubuntu studio next to my current ubuntu install. Problem is, I don't want it to replace my current grub setup. What would be the best way to install any linux next to my current installation without installing their own boot manager?02:45
fishingkidpdg1: google "linuxliveusb creator" it creates a bootable OS with persistence02:45
fishingkidAfter I reboot my system, I have to "restart" /etc/init.d/mdadm in order for the monitoring to work as intended. Any Ideas?02:45
pdg1fishingkid: thanks02:46
=== j\ is now known as jmad980
smadin laptop i have ubuntu 10.10 in secend computer i have windows 7 I'm not expert in configure in ubuntu and i have whit this big problem and i search help hir02:46
JoseeAntonioRempathy isn't working fine, my contact list is empty.02:47
babalucould someone plz tell me why I get this error trying to execute wow via wine ??plz The file '/media/F2ECAEE2ECAEA079/Program Files/World of Warcraft/Launcher.exe' is not marked as executable.  If this was downloaded or copied from an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.  For more details, read about the executable bit.02:47
smadbabalu i have this problem too02:47
babaludid you solve it?02:47
Philip_Right click permissions set them to read and write.02:47
smadbut i reinstall wine and i dont have this02:48
fishingkidbabalu: you must set the file as executable02:48
nilesJoseeAntonioR: contact the maintainers of the ldap server02:48
babaluI did02:48
Philip_RIght click prefrences or properties whatever.02:48
=== Matt__ is now known as MattHarrison
babaluI set it as executable but no luck02:48
nilesJoseeAntonioR: if applicable02:48
JoseeAntonioRniles: ldap server? can you explain me, please?02:48
nilesthan dont02:48
paradise67smad: maybe you should try this http://www.howtoforge.com/internet-connection-sharing-masquerading-on-linux02:48
nilesbabalu: chmod +x /media/F2ECAEE2ECAEA079/Program Files/World of Warcraft/Launcher.exe02:49
nilesfrom terminal02:49
smadparadise67 this is hard :|02:49
AlexanderOh my God.02:49
superlinkxAnyone have suggestions for the best way to multiboot multiple ubuntu installations? I don't want to have the installations constantly changing the MBR.02:49
AlexanderI love Ubuntu.02:49
AlexanderIt is so cool. <3302:49
babaluguys how do I unistall wine?02:50
_skplAlexander: i agree.02:51
paradise67smad: well, there's ubuntu GUI method https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing02:51
nilesbabalu: apt-get remove wine?02:51
imcdHi - is there anywhere i can download Gnome 2.30.2 binaries plz ?02:51
babaluok ty let me see if that workds02:51
smadparadise67 do You have in polish this hahaha :D02:51
fishingkidsmad: google translate :D02:51
nilessmad: get a new translator02:52
smadhaha :d02:52
nilessmad:  its :p02:52
derpis this ubantu channel02:52
=== derp is now known as Guest60459
smadok i back to 5 min i go to google translator :D to translate this page :P02:52
=== Guest60459 is now known as Cpt_CornCobs
Cpt_CornCobsDCC SEND "LOL.EXE" 0 0 002:52
=== kaneda is now known as Guest13647
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.02:53
babaluwhich version of wine is the best>?02:53
nilesbabalu: the most recent stable version02:53
babalunice ty02:53
imcdHi - is there anywhere i can download Gnome 2.30.2 binaries plz ?02:53
=== Guest13647 is now known as luminare
nilesit can be installed with the command sudo apt-get install wine02:53
paradise67smad: not really02:53
paradise67!pl | smad02:54
ubottusmad: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.02:54
fishingkidAfter I reboot my system, I have to "restart" /etc/init.d/mdadm in order for the monitoring to work as intended. Any Ideas?02:54
nilesfishingkid: nope02:54
bluefox83my sscard suddenly isn't being detected...can someone help with that?02:55
nilessorry babalu, forgot to mention it resets the network drivers02:55
=== slobbernoggin is now known as royrogers
Ice_???DCC SEND "ff???f?𝑹𝑰𝑷𝑳𝑶𝑳𝑺𝑼𝑷𝑮𝑼𝒀𝑺" 0 0 002:56
smadim back02:56
nichoshi all, im having problems with boxee - when I test "Default" (as defind in my asound)  aplay is fine, but when i set boxee to use "default" i get nothing02:57
nileshi smad, time to get yet a new translator02:57
imcdHi - is there anywhere i can download Gnome 2.30.2 binaries plz ?02:57
smadniles http://translate.google.pl/#02:57
nilesprzejdź do # ubuntu-pl02:58
nilesman polish is a wierd language02:59
nilesbabalu: good, your back02:59
nilesforgot to mention it resets the network drivers02:59
Switon a magic carpet ride02:59
JoseeAntonioRniles: How do I contact the maintainers of the ldap server?02:59
smadniles the Polish kanbale no people02:59
nilesJoseeAntonioR: do you have an ldap server you use?02:59
nilesif not, something else removed all your contacts03:00
nilespossibly you03:00
JoseeAntonioRniles: As far as I know, no. I use Empathy for MSN Messenger.03:00
nilesdont know03:00
nilesdid it delete your msn contacts?03:00
smadniles you know how to share internet with your laptop to another computer via cable? Ubuntu on the laptop is 10.10 and the second computer is Windows 703:02
nilessmad: no, but google is your friend03:02
nilessmad: in your case, google.pl03:02
smadniles google dont like me ;( :D :D03:02
Guigaoffmy name03:02
NoobUntuevening Ubuntuers03:03
imcdHi - is there anywhere i can download Gnome 2.30.2 binaries plz ?03:03
gpcimcd: check packages.ubuntu.com03:03
imcdthank u so much - i will03:04
smadI looked on google but not found anything that helped me to share the internet on the second computer as I have ubuntu on ubuntu 10.10 10.04 I had and I did but that does not work new ununtu03:04
nichoshi all, im having problems with boxee - when I test "Default" (as defind in my asound)  aplay is fine, but when i set boxee to use "default" i get nothing03:04
paradise67smad: just try, *it says 9.10 and up*03:05
nilessmad: no idea03:05
mbvpixies78my internet is a little slow--   it always says "looking up" before it finds and connects to any web site03:05
mbvpixies78any ideas?03:05
kholis1hi. i have problem after installing solaris 11 express. Solaris grub fails to detect ubuntu partition, while it can detect windows partition. similar problem with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1663749. need help03:06
nilesyea, clear your dns cache03:06
smadI tried different ways but I could not to share the internet. probably come back on ubuntu 10.04 or on Windows03:06
mbvpixies78niles:  ty03:06
nilesgotta go03:06
Scottti have a problem with installing ubuntu 10.1064bit03:08
smadno, and nobody would help me: (03:08
smadScottt dont install ubuntu 10.10 instal 10.04 is better03:08
Scotttthat one atleast works03:08
Scotttim upset03:08
Scotttbut thanks neways03:09
imcdgpc : thank you v much :)03:09
JerphI've installed redmine through apt on Ubuntu server 10.04 LTS. It's version 0.9.3 i believe. What would be the best way to upgrade to the 1.1? If i try to upgrade in place from a tarball, would apt get confused?03:10
snypzzstill trying to get displaylink working..03:10
snypzzon ubuntu 10.1003:11
=== fridgerator is now known as Guest15683
snypzzhad to go back to windows7 running ubuntu 10.10 in virtualbox because I could not get diplaylink working...03:13
KM0201smad: thats ridiculous.03:13
snypzzI want my UBUNTU 10.1003:14
KM0201about 10.04 being better than 10.10...03:14
smadfor me is better 10.0403:15
KM0201smad: for you... so why would you tell soemone to remove 10.10 and install 10.04?03:15
Guest15683I am trying to block a connection using Firestarter.  I can see the active connection, and even after i type the information into the "outbound traffic policy" the service is still connected.03:15
neothecathello.  i just installed 10.10 desktop w/ gnome.   how come whenever the ctrl key comes up after being pressed, there is an animated target that comes under the cursor?03:17
smadI told him my opinion that Ubuntu is better 10.04. Could you speak up and express his own opinion and to help him03:17
noisewaterphd_1Guest15683: I don't know what firestarter is, but I'm assuming you need to restart the service. If it's a front end to iptables then restart iptables03:17
Vixieneothecat: you have locate cursor turned on03:17
Vixie*locate pointer03:17
Vixieyou can turn it off in mouse preferences03:17
neothecatVixie: thanks, it was drving me insane :)03:18
KM0201smad: i'm helping someone else at the moment....03:18
noisewaterphd_1what is the 10.10 issu03:18
smadok this helps someone else.03:18
markosodo they make google earth for ubuntu?03:19
=== MDavid is now known as MauDave
noisewaterphd_1markoso: yes03:19
KM0201markoso: works quite well actually03:21
noisewaterphd_1markoso: i think the medibuntu repos even have an apt package03:21
KM0201noisewaterphd_1: but its an old old version... your'e better off downloading the google earth 6 .deb package from the google earth homepage03:21
markosoty km03:21
aweh0peyou guys use ircii?  i do setenv IRCSERVER irc.freenode.org in .profile and it does not work03:23
itaylor57aweh0pe: setenv is for csh or tcsh03:24
noisewaterphd_1aweh0pe: not an answer to your question, sorry, but I really like Konversation on Ubuntu. You should check it out. sudo apt-get install konversation03:24
aweh0peset is for bash, right?03:25
itaylor57aweh0pe: try export IRCSERVER=irc.freenode.org03:25
aweh0peoh okay03:25
noisewaterphd_1bash uses export03:25
noisewaterphd_1you can set it permanantly in /etc/bashrc03:26
seekwillHi. I got a little problem. My 10.04 LT sort of boots. I can ping it, but can't ssh to it. There is literally only a blinking cursor at what should be the login prompt. Any ideas?03:29
fridgeratorHello, I have a question reguarding Firestarter and blocking a connection that i can see in my Active Connections03:30
himanshui have java 6. i want to install java 5 in a temp folder?03:31
himanshuhow can i get java5 as a debian package03:31
=== Spacewalker_ is now known as Spacewalker
Balmunganyone here good with partitions? I have royally screwed my computer up03:32
jon8how can i give full permissions to /var/www to the account 'ken'03:33
noisewaterphd_1fridgerator: I replied to you when you were known as Guest03:33
BalmungI am like really desperate... >.<03:33
subcoolHey can someone help me I am running off of the live usb. I just installed windows 7 and to fix my loader03:33
=== matt__ is now known as MattHarrison
noisewaterphd_1jon8: chown03:34
the_pharoahhey is KM020103:34
rob_bailey191looking for help installing raid 1 in Ubuntu anyone know how to do it?03:34
the_pharoahKM0201: u here?03:34
KM0201the_pharoah: yeah... hang on just a minute, working on a complex prob03:34
iflemaspill it Balmung... details...03:34
iflema!grub2 | subcool03:34
ubottusubcool: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub203:34
fridgeratornoisewaterphd_1 sorry about that, i can see the connected IP and port in my active connections, but when i apply the policy the connection stays active03:34
jon8noisewaterphd_1 can you give me a working example? on how to give 'ken' full permissions to /var/www/03:34
jon8and every file inside of it03:34
noisewaterphd_1jon8: use google or man03:35
noisewaterphd_1chown is the command you want03:35
noisewaterphd_1man chown03:35
noisewaterphd_1or google chown03:35
noisewaterphd_1both will show you usage and all of the options03:36
Balmungiflema , well when trying to dual boot with windows 7 and ubuntu I some how fugered up my windows 7 so it wont even start now. So I did  a few things and now I have ubuntu running on a dual boot but I tried to nuke windows 7 or even the whole computer and I cant even reformat the computer to default03:36
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions03:37
leapy0yois ircii the most used program that is basic?03:37
leapy0yofor console03:37
noisewaterphd_1Balmung: hopefully it's jut a bootloader issue. Google for Rescatux. It creates a bootable CD with a wizard that walks you through fixing your bootloader03:37
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap03:37
Balmungiflema every time i try to do a fresh install off a windows 7 installer cd it runs fine but can not load ANY of my drivers thus not letting me delete or touch any of the partitions03:37
leapy0yoand is emacs the most used for console still?03:37
daniel32708Hello. I have a Toshiba 3D ready laptop, with a Geforce 350M.  I already installed and I am running it, the latest nvidia driver 270.18, which is a beta. Anyways, Do you guys know if it is possible to enable 3d here? to use with the nvidia 3d vision glasses ?    THx!!!!03:37
syddrafIs there a way to prevent NetworkManager from overwriting the data stored in /etc/resolv.conf? I use a custom DNS server, and the NetworkManager continually resets it to my local network DNS.03:38
iflemaBalmung try do nuking from livecd environment03:38
Detection@Balmung - go into windows 7 > disk management > right click the partitions you want to recover > delete > create new > format03:38
xanguasyddraf: you can set your dns using ntwork manager applet03:39
Balmungiflema & Detection it doesnt reconize ANY partitions THERE ARE NONE LISTED at all :/ which makes me worry03:39
Balmungif they were there I could easily do this.03:39
Detectionnot in disk management ? Im not talking about just in the My Computer bit03:39
daniel32708Anyone has had success at making Nvidia 3D vision work in Ubuntu?03:40
leapy0yoi installed ubuntu netbook remix and it has an option to run ubuntu desktop thgat i can change via pulldown menu at the bottom. I like ubunutu desktop because it has pulldown tabs like administrator03:40
syddrafxangua: Where might I find this tool?03:40
SSShvbHello  how to check    how many threads has a process03:40
xanguasyddraf: top right in gnome03:41
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noisewaterphd_1SSShvb: ps03:41
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BalmungI am talking about in anything lol,  Step one: put in windows 7 installer cd, step two: boot cd, step three: install fresh copy of windows ( advanced) step four: can not load drivers.  (no options given beside trying to browse for nothing)03:41
syddrafxangua: I think I found something in the System > Preferences menu. Thanks.03:42
SnakkahHi. I asked this question in the Xubuntu room but never received na answer so I figured I'd try here. Where are the wallpapers for Xubuntu located?03:42
santhoshhi can some one pls tell me the ubuntu command to search for all log files *.log03:42
Detectionyou need the SATA Controller drivers for the mothERBOA03:42
Balmungwhere do i obtain that?03:42
syddrafI'm also looking for a program to emulate the Mac OS Dashboard behavior. Screenlets isn't quite what I'm looking for. Are there any others that anyone can recommend?03:42
santhoshi need to search the entire system for all files called *.log03:42
Detectionmanufacurers site03:42
Niles|iPodUsually /usr/share/wallpapers or something in /usr/share03:43
SSShvbnoisewaterphd_1: thanks03:43
=== nick_ is now known as Guest33530
xanguaSnakkah: /usr/share/backgrounds03:43
Balmungum then just install it through ubuntu? because thats about the only os i can boot03:43
iflemaBalmung: booted with livecd, can you wipe drive/see partitions?03:43
Niles|iPodFind / *.log|grep .log03:43
Balmungiflema no the partition listing is blank....03:43
Detectionif it is an ASUS board, goto asus support driver site, get the sata controller driver, stick it extracted onto a fat32 flashdrive, start windows 7 setup, when it says browse, point it to the flash drive03:44
iflemaBalmung: =/03:44
Balmungits a Hp compaq presario03:44
santhoshthank you03:44
Detectionok well goto HP site03:44
fridgeratorI have a question reguarding Firestarter and blocking a connection that i can see in my Active Connections03:44
Niles|iPodsanthosh: Find / *.log|grep .log03:45
daniel32708Hello. I have a Toshiba 3D ready laptop, with a Geforce 350M.  I already installed and I am running it, the latest nvidia driver 270.18, which is a beta. I cant find any google help.... Do you guys know if it is possible to enable 3d here? to use with the nvidia 3d vision glasses ?    THx!!!!03:45
Balmungok will do ill look for it thanks detection03:45
santhoshthank you niles03:45
Detectionok good luck03:45
Niles|iPodsanthosh: Oh and run that as root03:45
JRChas anyone used backtrack03:45
rwwJRC: #backtrack-linux have, presumably03:46
santhoshsure niles03:46
KM0201rww: lol, win03:46
syddrafrww: well done03:46
* KM0201 thinks a public service announcement should be put out by the channel, to avoid Wubi03:47
SSShvbnoisewaterphd_1: could you please write an example how to do  it ?03:47
Niles|iPodWhy avoid wubi?03:47
UnguidedHello all. Can someone please tell me what the recommended partition size for root and swap partition is for a new install please?03:48
subcoolIflema I cant mount the file system03:48
KM0201Niles|iPod: lol, 3rd system in 2 days i've dealt w/ that was messed up because of it.03:48
syddrafUnguided: I usually do 20gigs for linux just to give it plenty of breathing room. and as far as I know, swap should be equal to the size of your RAM, but I'm not 100% sure on that one.03:49
KM0201syddraf: 1.5-2x03:49
Balmungdid Detection leave?03:50
syddrafKM0201: Good to know, thanks for the info.03:50
UnguidedSyddraf and Km0201: thank you for the information.03:50
=== patrick is now known as Guest61645
Balmungifelma did you understand what detection was talking about earlier ?03:51
iflemasubcool  I have never had to install winblows and then recover linux...03:51
subcoolthanks for the link I'll be back later03:51
daniel32708Swap is reccomended to be twice the RAM,  but if thats not possible make it at least the same as RAM03:52
neothecati manually download netbeans 6.9.1.  but when i switch between openjdk and sun jdk, netbeans still uses the same jdk i had when i installed it.  does anyone know how to use the systems default jdk with netbeans?03:52
EnigmaticCodercd --help shows cd [-L|-P] what do the options do?03:52
Niles|iPodMan cd03:54
EnigmaticCoderDoesn't have a manual03:54
Niles|iPodDon't know03:55
Niles|iPodTry em'03:55
iflema!tab | Balmung03:55
ubottuBalmung: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.03:55
syddrafTried em03:55
syddrafNo visible difference....03:55
iflemaBalmung sort of... winblows talk =)03:55
syddraf-L and -P03:55
rwwEnigmaticCoder: try 'help cd'03:55
Balmungiflema well I am just having trouble actually finding that file he said, I have a usb and such.03:56
EnigmaticCoderAh, that worked03:56
rwwEnigmaticCoder: cd is a builtin shell command, so it uses bash's internal help system instead of manpages.03:56
SSShvbhow to check    how many threads has a process ?03:56
EnigmaticCoderAlways learning new things in linux :)03:56
iflemaBalmung /join ##windows maybe...03:56
linogehi, what's the name of this so usefull program that installs drivers for you? the one that is shipped with ubuntu03:58
rwwlinoge: jockey03:59
smallfoot-system->admin->additional drivers03:59
bluefox83ok, i need some help with dd, it keeps making my card go invisible and NOT mount when i put it in...it might as well be broken...except that some devices i have can see it but not boot off the .img i dd'd to it03:59
linogei was wondering, as i don't use gnome nor kde but dwm, and really, it saves time04:00
EnigmaticCoderShould I name my bash script: script.bash or script.sh?04:00
RubyTNhey guys I was just using my wireless internet, and then it just kicked me off and when I click on the wireless icon in  the toolbar the enable wireless text is greyed out, how can I enable it again or get it working?04:00
SegankuZa .sh suffix is not terribly unusual even if it's a bash script04:01
KM0201RubyTN: whats your wireless device?04:01
smallfoot-EnigmaticCoder, script.sh04:01
ascheelWhere does apt-get store the files it downloads prior to dpkg?04:01
EnigmaticCodersmallfoot-: ty04:01
hblounthi. anyone here use xfburn? i am trying to blank a cdrw but it says "cannot access drive (it might be in use)"04:01
smallfoot-EnigmaticCoder, but if its a bash script, then it should have a bash shebang at the top, the first line04:02
smallfoot-like #!/bin/bash04:02
smallfoot-but if its a shell script that dont use bashisms then it  should be #!/bin/sh04:02
RubyTNKM0201:  I have an atheros AR928504:03
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KM0201RubyTN: did you just upgrae your kernel?04:03
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RubyTNKM0201:  maybe, I  did an upgrade earlier today!04:04
RubyTNhow would that affect things and how can I repair it?04:04
RubyTNor rather an update04:04
KM0201RubyTN: try looking at this.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165050704:04
linogedoes jockey-text displays some kind of progress bar while downloading or it just stays blank?04:05
SSShvbhow to check    how many threads has a process ?04:08
linogeif i install nvidia-current from aptitude it's the same as installing it from jockey right?04:09
RubyTNKM0201:  thanks, that fixed it04:09
KM0201RubyTN: great....04:10
daniel32708Hello. I have a Toshiba 3D ready laptop, with a Geforce 350M.  I already installed and I am running it, the latest nvidia driver 270.18, which is a beta. Anyways, Do you guys know if it is possible to enable 3d here? to use with the nvidia 3d vision glasses ?    THx!!!!04:10
KM0201RubyTN: if i had to guess, it "disabled" during an update, and you simply had to enable it again... now why that happened, will remain the mystery wrapped in a riddle04:10
michael_hey all.  i installed ubuntu on this dell laptop, and grub doesn't 'see' the windows install.  i've never had this happen before.  update-grub2 didn't find it either - what can i do?04:10
leapy0yowhat is a good email program for console?04:11
leapy0yoor command line04:11
linogeleapy0yo: mutt04:11
rtdosi have disabled the graphical login so that i'm starting xserver manually, how do i use startx to specify which desktop i want to use: KDE or GNOME?04:12
SegankuZmutt > all04:13
michael_anyone?  i don't understand what to do if GRUB doesn't find windows... it always has found windows.04:17
UnguidedI have an older Gateway laptop. it has a 2.4ghz proc with a 40gb HD and 512mb ram. Can anyone give me a recommendation on how to partition the HD please? I know that the swap partition should be 2x the ram.04:18
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daniel32708michael_: are you sure u didnt delete the win partition?04:18
xanguaUnguided: or you can leave the ubuntu installer to do it04:18
linogeUnguided: root shall not be larger than 7 GB, home would take the rest04:18
michael_daniel32708, positive.  i can still mount/see it in ubuntu.04:18
fridgeratorin my FIrestarter events tab, about 11 or 12 times a minute i'm seeing a blocked connection from 3 different ip addresses, is this normal?04:18
Unguidedlinoge: thank you.04:19
daniel32708michael_:   try grub from a live cd and check if it can see the win partition04:19
Unguidedxangua: thank you also04:19
michael_daniel32708, fdisk -l confirms there's still 1 NTFS partition.04:19
daniel32708or unistall and reinstall grub04:19
michael_daniel32708, update-grub2...?  not the same thing?04:19
fridgeratorhere is the pastebin of my events tab: http://pastebin.com/5f65ECY904:20
daniel32708michael_: i would remove it compoletely using synaptic, and then reinstall it04:20
smartwoolhow do you get  a fortran file from desktop to run in the terminal?04:20
daniel32708michael_: grub has some weird bugs04:20
NoobUntuWhat is the best application to use to run windows native programs?04:20
michael_daniel32708, i've installed ubuntu tons of times and never had this happen04:20
daniel32708 NoobUntu: windows xp within a virtual machine,   or wine04:20
leapy0yoi am installing mutt and it asks about postfix but i use gmail not postfix... postfix is for business right04:20
KM0201michael_: me either...04:21
KM0201!grub2 | michael_ i would try reinstalling grub from the live cd(like you lost it after installing windows) and see if it picks up windows04:21
ubottumichael_ i would try reinstalling grub from the live cd(like you lost it after installing windows) and see if it picks up windows: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub204:21
daniel32708michael_:  yeah thats really weird... what do u want to do btw?04:21
michael_daniel32708, well this isn't my laptop.  i just want him to be able to get back to windows in addition to booting ubuntu.04:21
leapy0yomutt asks for postfix configuration...is there a omre updated console program... maybe one that uses imap instead of postfix?04:22
michael_i guess i'll boot back from my liveusb key and reinstall grub then...04:22
daniel32708michael_:  ok, yeah i think you should take ubottu's advice04:22
sacarlsonSSShvb:  is this what your looking for ps uH p <PID_OF_U_PROCESS> | wc -l   ;  example find process number of firefox-bin and use that in this line and I see 13 returned04:22
xio91how do i configure wpa with the command line? is there no way to do it without editing a file?04:22
SSShvbsacarlson: thanks a lot04:23
leapy0yois there a way to commandline send....?04:25
leapy0yodoes mutt do that?04:25
sagarchalisehi, is there a way to mount the iso in hardrive to boot as live cd in the same computer04:25
SegankuZecho howdy | mailx -s "this is a subject line" user@test.com04:25
sagarchalisemy ubuntu takes me to initramfs on boot04:25
sacarlsonsagarchalise: yes you can create a grub2 entry that will mount and boot an iso file example seen here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128860404:27
hunterkasydoes anyone knows what block list is used in transmission?04:28
cr1990Hello, when someone gets the chance, can somebody please help me with a network/firewall problem that's even left me stumped... :/04:28
smallfoot-hunterkasy, to block RIAA, MPAA and record industry assholes04:28
unreturnedHello, peoples, please, where i could take free *.edu mail accaunt?04:29
sta7iccr1990: what is the problem04:29
smallfoot-unreturned, you cant, you only get it if you study at university04:29
unreturnedsmallfoot-, thx, it`s really bad(04:29
xio91unreturned: actually you can get them from some Australian university04:29
jiohdiI hit some combo of keys and now gnome does not recognize my keyboard, what do I do to fix it?04:30
cr1990Whenever I either restart or shutdown my machine (Ubuntu Server 10.04), both my ethernet cards are recognized by the system, but I can neither access the internet or ssh into the server04:30
sacarlsoncr1990: only time you need a firewall is if you want different subnets to have access to different things,  if you don't want anything to access it just close the service that is listening on the port04:30
rollmanwill ubuntu work with my ipad?04:30
RubyTNhey guys still having issues with my wireless connection, it is always disablaed and I don't have the ability to enable it.  when I view the NetworkManager.state file, wireless is set to false.  when I change it to true, save and then restart, it reverts to false.  any ideas?04:30
rww!ot | unreturned04:30
ubottuunreturned: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:30
Roastedhas anybody noticed ubuntu get slower over time? I find it takes longer for my desktop to show up on my laptop when I log in. once in, its wicked fast though as always. just odd it has gotten slower but ONLY for the login process.04:30
cr1990I believe I did it by accident (long story).04:30
unreturnedubotu, ok04:30
aflyingturtleso i know that the command to start the GUI is startx04:30
aflyingturtleis there a command to stop the gui?04:30
hunterkasysmallfoot-_ I figured it was used to block those, but I was wondering what list is used04:30
xio91unreturned: some Australian edu offers them to non-students free...04:31
cr1990DHCP is successful, ip route is successful, ipconfig shows eth1 and eth0 working properly04:31
FloatingGoatwhat do i add to the repo's to get java om 10.1004:31
rollmanRoasted: i don't have that problem mines seems faster now04:31
sagarchaliseMy init just crashed if its the right term to say it ?? I m taken to initramfs at boot is there a way to solve it without live cd ?04:31
unreturnedpeoples, who setup InterWrite Board on Ubuntu? My problem with gtco bluetooth pads04:31
xio91unreturned: you might tell me what you are doing though ... i suspect i know.. private msg me. i have a solution for you.04:31
RubyTNnever mind, figured it out04:31
sacarlsonaflyingturtle: I think it can be normaly shutdown by killing gdm04:32
cr1990when I restart /etc/init.d/networking, I can all of a sudden access the internet04:32
aflyingturtlesacarlson so look at the activity manager and kill gdm?04:32
cr1990I truly don't understand what's going on04:32
unreturnedxio91, sorry, i dont know how to to private msg you...))) first connect to irc with irssi04:33
amitfacebook and yahoo doesnot logout and also mail from yahoo didn't sent04:33
sacarlsonaflyingturtle: you could try ps -A  and see if gdm is running then try killall gdm  I guess,  I'm not sure what that will do04:33
rollmanhey bottu is there a beginner channel this is moving way to fast now04:34
Chr|show do I have Thunderbird show up in the indicator applet instead of Evolution? I have already uninstalled evolution04:34
FloatingGoatwhat do i add to the repo's to get java om 10.1004:34
gpcrollman: #ubuntu-beginners04:34
xangua!java | FloatingGoat04:34
ubottuFloatingGoat: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.04:34
CriscoJava isn't already on there?04:35
Criscowow things have changed04:35
xanguaChr|s: i believe i saw hot to do that on omg!ubuntu! or webupd8 blog04:35
amitmy facebook and yahoo mail account didn't logout? why it happens always04:35
cr1990@sacarlson: in an attempt to get back the original firewall scripts, I uninstalled and reinstalled iptables and ufw04:35
aflyingturtlesacarlson: theres gdm-binary and gdm-simple-slav04:35
xanguaamit: no idea what are you trying to say04:35
cr1990I ran a script which caused the problems to start04:35
Criscoso why don't the Ubuntu repos have Java 1.6.0_22?04:36
aflyingturtlethey shud04:37
aflyingturtleat least i think they do04:37
* cr1990 prob has no choice but to reinstall due to a script that messed up his settings in a way he can't figure out :/04:37
* KM0201 recommends cr1990 not use that script again after reinstalling04:37
Criscoaflyingturtle: I've tried everything but installing with an RPM or from source04:37
arrrghhhhey all.  i have that dell laptop that GRUB isn't picking up on win704:38
arrrghhhi just reinstalled grub04:38
cr1990well yea, but I wish I knew what was wrong at least04:38
FloatingGoatxangua: thanks a bunch home dawg, later04:38
arrrghhhrebooted, did the update-grub... and still no windows in the boot menu.04:38
Criscowhat did you install first?04:38
CriscoI had that problem04:38
bluefox83i need some help with an sdcard04:38
Criscodid you delete a recover partition? that's what I did >_>04:38
KM0201arrrghhh: that is weird.... did you install grub to the MBR, or to a /boot04:38
sacarlsonaflyingturtle: I see a process gnome-session that might wipe out most of your X sessions04:39
rtdosi have disabled the graphical login so that i'm starting xserver manually, how do i use startx to specify which desktop i want to use: KDE or GNOME?04:39
Chr|sxangua I think you are right. I think that is where I found it before. thanks for the info04:39
sacarlsonaflyingturtle: I'm not sure04:39
arrrghhhKM0201, mbr04:39
GluI need to delete a file by inode number, but the file has 0000 permissions, any suggestions? Im using a cron job to accomplish commands04:39
Criscoarrrghhh: did you delete any partitions?04:39
aflyingturtlesacarlson: just go for either one?04:39
KM0201arrrghhh: thats a strange one04:39
dw-so i pressed some weird keyboard combination in Firefox and all of a sudden my whole desktop has its colours inverted... what are the keys to get it back? lol04:39
arrrghhhCrisco, there were three.  i removed a recovery partition... maybe that was it?  that wasn't the boot partition tho, it's not where windows is installed.04:40
aflyingturtledw-:do you have advanced compiz installed?04:40
Criscothat was it :P04:40
CriscoI did that too to my dell laptop04:40
sacarlsonaflyingturtle: if you hit the top they will all fall04:40
arrrghhhCrisco, i've done this before without this problem.04:40
Criscodid the exact same thing04:40
dw-aflyingturtle: dunno04:40
evilvishdw-: check compiz settings04:40
dw-evilvish: k04:40
Criscoarrrghhh: what model is it?04:40
arrrghhhCrisco, how can i fix it?  windows is still installed04:40
arrrghhhCrisco, inspiron n401004:40
aflyingturtlesacarlson: so just hit one out?04:40
cr1990Does anyone know what would cause a network card to be recognized by ubuntu, and a DHCP router, yet all attempts to connect to the internet fail anyway?04:40
Criscowell, I just decided to use Linux only04:40
cr1990ifconfig shows that the card is working04:40
Criscobut I do have it in a VM04:40
dw-ok... alt-f2 compiz solved it04:40
aflyingturtlesacarlson: I'll hit out the binary. It sounds more important04:41
Criscothe only thing I can think of is to reinstall arrrghhh I tried everything04:41
sacarlsonaflyingturtle: experiment at your own risk,  just start to kill and see what happens,  maybe in a virtualbox session that won't damage anything04:41
gunndawgHey folks, how do I get rid of all the outdated verions of the ubuntu kernel in my grub ?04:41
arrrghhhCrisco, fawk, seriously!??!04:41
gunndawgit keeps adding more to my grub menu04:41
arrrghhhgunndawg, delete them in /boot and update-grub04:41
Criscoarrrghhh: well, atleast that's what happened with my Inspiron 154504:41
gunndawgthx arrrghhh, I'll look for them04:41
arrrghhhCrisco, oh noes.  this isn't my laptop.04:41
Criscoaaronyy: that's some nice IPv504:41
arrrghhhlol @ipv504:42
Criscoarrrghhh: well, if you have an external you could backup your stuff then reload it04:42
Criscoor you could try fixing the MBR from a windows install disc04:42
arrrghhhCrisco, hrm.  i'd really prefer to avoid that.  i think i'll try to add a manual grub entry.04:42
Criscolol tried that04:42
sacarlsoncr1990: ok so pastebin us sudo iptables -L04:43
Criscocame up with a  "can't find bootloader" error or something like that04:43
arrrghhhCrisco, so what about blowing up the mbr thru the windows recovery disc, then reinstalling grub?04:43
Criscoarrrghhh: that's what I meant04:43
Criscoit didn't work for me04:43
aflyingturtlesacarlson: That was weird. Left me with a blinking cursor that wouldn't let me type anything. Reacted to the power button though and turned off succesfully04:43
Criscobut you might have more luck04:43
arrrghhhCrisco, that didn't work?  oh man.04:43
gunndawgarrrghhh do I delete the .gz files or the text files in /boot ?04:43
Jon--Need to take .one format and convert it to be readable (doesn't have to be editable, pdf works) in Ubuntu. Easiest way? Possible?04:43
Criscoprobably because I'm more used to bash than cmd04:44
sacarlsonaflyingturtle: I knew I could break something04:44
Criscoso I was really confused04:44
arrrghhhgunndawg, i just find the file names and do rm *2.6.xx*04:44
aflyingturtlesacarlson: I think its ok. Cause it reacted to power off succesfully.04:44
arrrghhhgunndawg, just be *VERY* careful to not delete the newest kernel!04:44
sacarlsonaflyingturtle: maybe before you close it you should just try <alt><ctl> +f204:44
cr1990h/o one second sacarlson (sorry dont remember the reply IRC command)04:44
gunndawgarrrghhh, thats what I am worried about04:44
aflyingturtlesacarlson whats that supposed to do?04:44
arrrghhhgunndawg, find the one with the highest number :P04:45
sacarlsonaflyingturtle: that will put you at a none graphic console04:45
Jon--Need to take .one format and convert it to be readable (doesn't have to be editable, pdf works) in Ubuntu. Easiest way? Possible?04:45
gunndawgarrrghhh, ok04:45
NoobUntuHow do I set my permission level to owner?04:45
Jon--NoobUntu: Do you mean to root?04:45
Jon--NoobUntu: Or from root down to the owner?04:46
sacarlsonaflyingturtle: <alt><ctl> + f7 should return you to your X session04:46
unreturnedwhat the best irc client with gui on ubuntu?04:46
xanguaunreturned: the one you like04:46
sacarlsonsorry I got to go eat breakfast be back in 15 min04:47
aflyingturtlesacarlson: WORKED. thank you so much. have been trying to figure this out for ages04:47
jiohdiunreturned: x-chat and konversation are good04:47
* Crisco uses X-chat04:47
unreturnedjiohdi, thx i`m try it04:47
gunndawgarrrghhh the newest version is
unreturnedпинг пинг04:47
arrrghhhgunndawg, so delete all other entires basically04:48
unreturnedух ты, здесь и русский пашет))04:48
maodanyone know if it's possible to pipe a tty virtual console into a file?  (this is for lxc containers, but could be applicable anywhere...)04:48
gunndawgarrrghhh so anything that isnt I can get rid of i ?04:48
Jon--Can non-root level get write access to a root file without chown down to their level?04:48
arrrghhhgunndawg, just delete the stuff that has 2.6.xxx in it.  but NOT anything that has
cr1990sorry, that did not work as intended. My mistake04:49
gunndawgarrrghhh ok04:49
=== cafe is now known as Guest1118
arrrghhhgunndawg, if you're worried, pastebin ls /boot04:49
arrrghhhgunndawg, and i'll give you a command (or a couple of commands) to clean it up.04:49
Jon--Can non-root level get write access to a root file without chown down to their level?  [come on it's easy question]04:49
Jon--Basically asking if chmod if sufficent to allow r/w from user on a currently read-only file.04:50
gunndawgarrrghhh doesnt give me permission to remove them04:50
arrrghhhgunndawg, sudo?04:51
gunndawgarrrghhh no im just using rm inside the /boot dir04:51
arrrghhhgunndawg, i'm saying use sudo dude...04:53
gunndawgarrrghhh I am rather new to linux so pardon me04:53
arrrghhhgunndawg, no worries04:53
gunndawgso sudo apt-get remove ?04:53
arrrghhhgunndawg, that's for removing software.04:53
gunndawgI tried that inside the /boot dir and said it couldnt find any package named that04:53
gunndawgoh ok04:53
arrrghhhgunndawg, pastebin ls /boot04:53
=== louie is now known as franzce
arrrghhhgunndawg, basically type 'ls /boot' at a prompt and pastebin the result04:54
rwwarrrghhh: Is there any particular reason you're advising to delete files out of /boot directly instead of just removing the relevant packages?04:54
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arrrghhhrww, is there a better way?  i just rm the stuff in boot and do update-grub.04:54
gunndawgarrrghhh, http://pastebin.com/MfaWHZVY04:55
rwwarrrghhh: yes. Kernel packages are named linux-image-2.6.XX-YY-generic (assuming one's using the -generic kernel). Remove the ones not being used...04:55
gunndawgevery time kernel updates it keeps adding another boot option to my grb, hope I can get this sorted04:56
arrrghhhrww, ha i didn't realize it was that easy.04:56
gunndawgI dont know which ones to remove or how to remove them, did I mention I was new here, heh04:56
arrrghhhgunndawg, i guess there's a better way.  "sudo apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.35-22-generic linux-image-2.6.35-24-generic"04:57
gunndawgah ok04:57
rww!info linux-image-generic04:58
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 5 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)04:58
gunndawgok it got rid of both of those04:58
rwwah. guess they came out with a new version since my last package update.04:58
arrrghhhgunndawg, then sudo update-grub.  you're done.04:58
rwwthe package removal also triggers update-grub ;)04:58
arrrghhhit probably already did that for you actually.04:58
arrrghhhyea lol i just thought that.04:58
gunndawgguess I should restart and see if they are still in my grub or not, heh04:58
arrrghhhgunndawg, yea just reboot.  forget that update-grub command :P04:59
gunndawgalready did it04:59
gunndawgoh well04:59
gunndawglol brb04:59
=== aflyingturtle_ is now known as aflyingturtle
supergladosanybody know how to change the mouse speed for a laptop touchpad?05:00
gunndawgyay, fixed :)05:00
gunndawgthx guys05:00
amiti cannot logout to my yahoo or facebook account,plz help me05:00
heatxsinkanyone know of open office alternatives?05:00
arrrghhhgunndawg, np.  thanks to rww for pointing out that i like to do things the hard way :P05:01
jiohdiheatxsink: libre05:01
daniel32708heatxsink: openoffice is old, now it is  libreoffice05:01
daniel32708libreoffice is the default for 11.0405:01
gunndawgarrrghhh how often do they update the kernel so I know how often I need to do that ?05:01
soreausuperglados: Try sys>prefs>mouse05:01
arrrghhhgunndawg, i don't think that's on a regular schedule... not sure.05:01
arrrghhhevery couple of months i think.05:01
gunndawgoh alright05:01
soreauaniWhat does that have to do with ubuntu?05:02
supergladosSoreau: doesn't effect touchpads, so nothing changes.05:02
gunndawglearn something new every day over here. So far all I have really done with linux is write a few of my own shell scripts05:02
gunndawgI am a programmer, though new to linux05:02
leapy0yolibreoffice looks like a different developmnent than openoffice... that is seperate05:02
cafe_binghi,I have a little trouble with upstart.I want to make  stardict run automatic after poweron. But i did not find the event emit starting stardict.05:03
cafe_bingstart on runlevel [2345]05:03
cafe_bingthe result is (stardict:848): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.005:04
rtdosleapy0yo: i think libreoffice will be included in the next release of ubuntu (unfortunately i'm on a different machine otherwise i'd share the link)05:04
ubottuCurrent stable releases of Ubuntu use OpenOffice.org, and do not have supported packaging for LibreOffice. Ubuntu developers are working on packaging for Ubuntu Natty and backports for 10.10 and 10.04. See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-January/032298.html for more information on progress and an unstable, unsupported PPA.05:05
cafe_bingthe event should be "start on starting Xserver" ?05:05
cdybeijingHi all, I'm having an issue that I can't seem to figure out... running lucid... my Rhythmbox is opening itself up, and activating it's own window on my screen constantly... even when I minimize or try to close the program, it will pop back up again in 5 seconds or so... is this a known bug?05:05
cafe_bingwhere can i find that?05:05
amitplz help me why i cannot logout to my yahoo or facebook account  on my system while gmail doesnot give such problem? help me05:06
salmonso i just installed skype, as the canoical page suguested i installed pavcontroll or whatever it's called, im using a usb head set, i did the test call and when it played back my voice all i heard was static, any suggestions?05:06
rwwcafe_bing: If you're looking to start a GUI program after Xorg starts, upstart is not the best way to do it. Use your desktop environment's session manager (e.g. System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications in GNOME).05:07
arrrghhhCrisco, lol when you tried to restore win7 did it basically say you have no OSes installed?05:07
cdybeijinganyone have any insight on my rhythmbox problem?05:07
amitalso on typing yahoo.com the browser doesnot opens the page. i have to go to yahoo login page through google05:07
Criscoarrrghhh: no, I just didn't know how to do it05:08
Criscoand I don't think I'm going to go back05:08
amitno answer?05:09
Criscocause Linux is too amazing to go back to windows :P05:09
arrrghhhyea.  my neighbor is freakin out that his windows is gone lol05:09
salmon so i just installed skype, as the canoical page suguested i installed pavcontroll or whatever it's called, im using a usb head set, i did the test call and when it played back my voice all i heard was static, any suggestions?05:09
gunndawgI am loving WeeChat, so much better than Xchat05:10
cafe_bingrww: thank you !05:10
Criscoarrrghhh: tell him that you can back up his data and restore it if it doesn't work05:11
arrrghhhCrisco, so reinstall windows, then recover GRUB?05:12
Criscoarrrghhh: that should work05:12
Criscobut remember to backup your data05:12
arrrghhhCrisco, oh yea, i'll backup his data.  thanks.05:13
Criscoyou should also try his settings and programs05:13
Criscotry to get it as if nothing ever happened05:13
gunndawgI feel accomplished writing my won shell script tool ;005:13
soreauWith apt-get update && apt-get upgrade I get "The following packages have been kept back:  linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic". Is there a way to fix it?05:14
soreauor at least find out why they're being held back05:14
gunndawgsoreau, try apt-get dist-upgrade05:14
Chr|sHow to I remove Mail, Compose New Messaeg and Contacts from the indicator applet? I want nothing to do with Evolution. I use Thunderbird for my email needs.05:15
fakhirhello. ubuntu server 10.10. i have "@reboot /root/firewall.sh > /dev/null 2>&1" in crontab. the script works fine but does not run at boot.05:15
soreaugunndawg: Seems to have worked, thanks05:15
xanguaChr|s: sudo apt-get remove indicator-messages ; i believe05:15
gunndawgSoreau, your welcome, and your also the first person I have been able to help as I am new my self! :)05:16
gunndawgsoreau, glad it worked :)05:16
john38Is there a laptop version of 10.0405:16
xiongZWhi all05:16
arrrghhhjohn38, there's the netbook remix...05:16
john38arrrghhh, is that for laptop05:16
soreaugunndawg: Well I am not new by any means but I was feeling lazy tonight, so congrats. I'm usually helping other people ;)05:17
gunndawgjohn38, desktop version should work just fine for a laptop05:17
gunndawgif its a "netbook" then there is a netbook version05:17
john38gunndawg, i cant get wireless internet to work05:17
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soreauhi xiongZW05:17
arrrghhhjohn38, there isn't a specific 'laptop' version.05:17
gunndawgjohn38, I am on a toshiba laptop with desktop version of 10.10 and my wireless worked right away, no tweaking05:17
gunndawgmaybe I just got lucky05:18
arrrghhhjohn38, if you have a closed-source driver card connect it to a cable and run the 'additional drivers'05:18
john38gunndawg, yeah i got a toshiba satellite05:18
john38arrrghhh, good idea05:18
gunndawgjohn38, mine is a Toshiba Satelitte C65505:18
arrrghhhgunndawg, if the drivers are OSS then it can be included.  if the drivers are closed, then it won't work.05:18
Chr|s_xangua, that uninstalled the Indicator applet itself, I didn't want that05:19
gunndawgarrrghhh we have the same laptop type, we probably have the same wireless adapter05:19
gunndawgarrrghhh, so it should work just fine, I figured.05:19
john38gunndawg, i know 10.10 supports most wireless05:19
gunndawgjohn38, ah right, I forgot you were talking about 10.04, my bad05:19
arrrghhhjohn38, why aren't you using 10.10?05:19
john38arrrghhh, it suck dont like it05:20
leapy0yolibreoffice does not replace open office05:20
gunndawgI <3 linux an dubuntu :)05:20
john38arrrghhh, i prefer 10.0405:20
arrrghhhjohn38, lol ok05:20
arrrghhhthen don't use wireless...?05:20
Loshkifakhir: dunno why it doesn't work. But consider running 'once, at startup' things from /etc/rc.local instead.05:20
sam_sami m getting this error -->configuration defaults for gnome power manager have not been installed correctly <-- i cant move mouse or keyboard.. other alt+ctrl <f1> etc doesnt work05:20
john38arrrghhh, i do that addtional drivers......05:20
sam_samI cant login and  nothing responds05:21
KM0201john38: how on earth could you say 10.10 sucks, and 10.04 is better?.. they are essentially the same.05:21
Jon--Need to take .one format and convert it to be readable (doesn't have to be editable, pdf works) in Ubuntu. Easiest way? Possible?  [Come on guys been asking a while and even helping a user right now]05:21
rwwleapy0yo: LibreOffice is a fork of OpenOffice.org that has the support of a large amount of the OpenOffice community. Ubuntu's been using the set of patches that make up most of LibreOffice's changes for a long time anyway, so us replacing OO with LO in Ubuntu makes a lot of sense.05:22
KM0201john38: whats your wireless device anyway?..05:22
john38KM0201, trust me 10.10 has bugs you can notice it05:23
john38KM0201, Toshiba Satellite A66005:23
KM0201john38: i've been using 10.10 since it came out, and i've had exactly zero problems05:23
KM0201john38: thats a laptop model, not a wireless model05:23
gunndawgjohn38, like I said I have the C65505:23
gunndawgjohn38, and no problems on 10.1005:24
KM0201gunndawg: but its horrid!05:24
KM0201problems are just creeping around the corner!05:24
Jon--Need to take .one format and convert it to be readable (doesn't have to be editable, pdf works) in Ubuntu. Easiest way? Possible?  [Come on guys been asking a while and even helping a user right now]05:24
gunndawgKM0201, what is horrid ?05:24
KM0201gunndawg: i was being facetious05:24
john38KM0201, hey if you like it thats fine05:24
KM0201john38: and you've STILL not answered the question....05:24
gunndawgKM0201, I know :) but calling 10.10 horrid or my laptop horrid?!05:24
KM020110.10 :)05:25
gunndawgah ok05:25
sam_sam I cant login and  nothing responds ,i m getting this error -->configuration defaults for gnome power manager have not been installed correctly <-- i cant move mouse or keyboard.. other alt+ctrl <f1> etc doesnt work05:25
gunndawgKM0201, I am new to linux and 10.10 is my first distro, so far I love it05:25
gunndawgKM0201, I am an avid windows programmer and looking to expand my horizons :)05:26
KM0201gunndawg: be not swayed, it's a good newb distro... i'm not sure what john38's problem is, but i suspect it has to do with the guy pounding on the keyboard05:26
opakavicdoes anybody have clue about next mahor release of ubuntu?05:26
john38KM0201, im trying to use wireless antenna05:26
KM0201john38: WHAT... WIRELESS... DEVICE... DO... YOU... HAVE... ?05:27
gunndawgKM0201 so far I have more fun drinking beer and hashing my shell scripts together on linux than I do drinking beer and playing call of duty on windows ;)05:27
Chr|sopakavic, Yes join #ubuntu+1 and also  check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule05:27
john38KM0201, take it easy not using adapter05:27
KM0201gunndawg: lol, well i'm not much of a "shell script feller"05:27
* KM0201 sighs... i'm gonna talk to my pet brick, i get better responses05:27
gunndawgKM0201, but shell scripting is so much fun! I have made my own update and maint. utility05:27
KM0201just not my thing05:28
gunndawgKM0102, it runs all my package updates, updates the distros, clears cache and does trash clean up all from a tidly litle menu I made :)05:28
KM0201gunndawg: i'm not realy a power user.05:28
rwwKM0201: best to just step away. getting frustrated in-channel just leads to ops having to poke you ;P05:28
KM0201rww: i think i'm still knocking out this flu, not to mention spending about 90min dealing w/ a wubi mess..lol05:28
john38gunndawg, you connected through your laptops antenna right05:29
Jon--Need to take .one format and convert it to be readable (doesn't have to be editable, pdf works) in Ubuntu. Easiest way? Possible?  [Come on guys been asking a while and even helping a user right now]05:29
gunndawgjohn38, no antenna, built in wireless05:29
Cydit's almost 12:3005:30
john38gunndawg, ..yeah thats what i meant05:30
Cydin NYC05:30
Cydam, not pm05:30
KM0201john38: lmao, thats what i asked you like 20x..05:30
gunndawgjohn38, then yes, I use my laptops built in wireless, worked just fine on ubuntu 10.1005:30
gunndawgjohn38, no driver installing, tweaking or anything05:30
ibnarrashidjohn38: you can try to get a reading of your wireless chipset using 'lspci | grep net'05:30
KM0201gunndawg: impossible, 10.10 sucks!05:30
gunndawgKM0201, ENOUGH ALREADY!!!05:30
=== lucas_ is now known as bl0wh0rd
gunndawgKM0201, 10.10 works just perfect for me, sounds like if I went with 10.04 I wouldnt be online...05:31
bl0wh0rdi'm running 10.0405:31
KM0201gunndawg: no, you probably would be, becuase you can ask/answer a question...lol.05:31
Cydnot today05:31
rwwubottu: enter | Cyd05:31
ubottuCyd: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:31
john38gunndawg, i know it would work with 10.10 im trying to get it to work on 10.0405:32
gunndawgKM0201, point is... my ubuntu works just perfect for me :)05:32
KM0201gunndawg: i know yours does... i've just tried to help john38 and it's like he just wants to complain, and won't answer questions...05:33
john38KM0201, take it easy ok 10.10 is good damn05:33
LoshkiJon--: what is '.one format'?05:33
Jon--OneNote format05:33
rwwAlrighty people. Ubuntu version debates to #ubuntu-offtopic, metadiscussion to there or LiveJournal. Thanks :)05:33
KM0201john38: you still don't get it, i don't care what you think about 10.10.. you're on 10.04.. your wireless doesn't work, and i was trying to help you with that... and you just seem like your'e lost in space05:33
KM0201you're telling me about your "wireless antennae" (which was hilarious by the way)...05:34
john38KM0201, holy shit cause i didnt answer your wirelss question relax...dude05:34
yonderinghola.  Anybody happen to know if there's any recent word on poulsbo support in maverick?05:35
john38KM0201, its built in ....05:35
KM0201john38: no kidding?05:35
john38KM0201, so whats your suggestion05:35
Jon--Loshki: Should have tagged you. It's for OneNote.05:35
crondyondering, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsPoulsbo/05:35
KM0201john38: well... *I*.. would probably open a terminal and type "lspci" w/o quotes, and hit enter, and find your wireless device in that list, and tell us what it is.05:35
Chr|sjohn38 and KM0201 keep it cool guys, no reason to get bent out of shape05:35
LoshkiJon--: yeah, been googling. Does this help? http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159522905:35
john38KM0201, one sec...05:36
KM0201Chr|s: i'm not bent out of shape.. if this place bent me out of shape, i wouldn't come here.05:36
* KM0201 sings the hallelujah chorus05:36
Jon--Loshki: That thread has 0 replies helping that individual. ;p05:36
yonderingcrond, thank you.. unfortunately, I've tried this on my ao751h, and it seems to create other problems.05:36
crondyondering, you can also try the fbdev, iegd and emgd drivers05:37
Jon--Loshki: Oh. He wasn't asking for help. Basically, his sol'n was to load OneNote in Wine. That'd mean I'd have to go torrent one, I just had my buddy send me some class notes in .one. =(05:37
crondyondering, egmd is Intel's 'official' driver for the gma50005:37
yonderingcrond, oh, really.. thank you.  making a note of that, will give it a go.05:37
yonderingI wonder if the egmd one will handle unity..05:38
wjlafranceFor some reason, when I open Network Manager in Gnome, none of my interfaces show in the list05:38
john38KM0201, its the network controller right05:38
Jon--Loshki: There are clones of OneNote but they don't open OneNote files. Is the FOSS community currently unable to open OneNote files at ALL? Do I have to go pirate/buy Microshaft software and wine it to use this thing?05:38
KM0201john38: well, probably, but you may well have 2 network controllers, you should be able to tell which one is wireless05:38
crondyondering, https://launchpad.net/~lucazade/+archive/emgd - WARNING - I have never tried these and don't know if they will not work/break/eat your family.05:39
john38KM0201, Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Device 8176 (rev 01)05:39
KM0201john38: i *think* thats your wired controller05:39
yonderingcrond, thanks again.. no sweat, I have no family and it can't make my little netbook work any worse ;)05:40
KM0201john38: whats the other one?05:40
john38KM0201, one says Network controller one says Ethernet Controller05:40
Jon--LAST CALL - been in here for a few hours. Is there any way to open or convert OneNote files without OneNote in wine on Ubuntu?05:40
crondyondering, that ppa page also has a link to the ubuntuforums post on the drivers, read that before installing :)05:40
mneptokKM0201 / john38: the Realtek 8176 is a wireless controller05:40
VigilanteHello World!!!05:40
KM0201mneptok: yeah, i wasn't 100%.05:41
yonderingcrond, will do :)05:41
KM0201john38: does the machine have a wired internet connection?05:41
john38KM0201, yeah it has ethernet port05:42
KM0201john38: is it hooked up?05:42
LoshkiJon--: well, it *is* a proprietary format. If it isn't published it has to be reverse-engineered and that takes time. Your best bet is to ask someone with access to OneNote to print it to pdf for you I think....05:42
john38KM0201, yeah05:42
john38KM0201, ....getting updates05:43
Jon--Loshki: The worst part is this guy is in my software engineering project-based course on my team and he sends the linux guy a .one file. I got some real rockstars on my team. ;)05:43
KM0201john38: ok05:43
Jon--Loshki: This will be fun. *prepares to do the job of 4 developers in one while doing 5 classes*05:43
Jon--Loshki: Thanks for the help.05:43
delinquentmehey all i just d/led this file full of drivers i want to install .. theres no visible executeable file ... soo i guess " how do i install them?"05:43
crondJon--, OneNote will run in Crossover, apparently.05:43
KM0201john38: post 6 seems to have gotten good reviews... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=162069705:43
LoshkiJon--: on the other hand, we can even digest .one format, so how smart do we look right now?05:43
Jon--crond: Yeah I don't have it though. Wine works too05:43
LoshkiJon--: can -> can't05:44
Jon--Loshki: You guys do look perdy dumb. OneNote has been out for ages and it's the absolute best app to take notes with a tablet...05:44
crondJon--, free trial.  http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/onenote/redir/XT102493905.aspx05:44
cronddownload, install, open file :P05:44
Loshkicrond: worth trying...05:45
Jon--Loshki: Not bashing FOSS community but having at least read-only reverse engineering of the format.. I figured that'd be a priority for OpenOffice. I guess not.05:45
john38KM0201, thanks i'll try it05:45
mneptokJon--: as you said, there aren;t even apps on Windows that do this05:45
crondI can't fathom why you'd want to take notes on a tablet via pen input.  Typing is so much faster.  But to each their own.05:45
KM0201mneptok: lol05:45
mneptokJon--: feel free to write any file translator you need. until you do, don't assume it's easy or legally smart05:46
K6HX2hey mneptok!05:46
K6HX2(RayTracer here...)05:46
K6HX2or, formerly raytracer, trayreacer.05:46
mneptokK6HX2: MTvdW!05:46
Jon--mneptok: Excuse me? It's called OneNote and it's offered by Microsoft. You must have misread me. I'm not assuming anything's easy but OpenOffice has got to be in the top 10 largest FOSS projects and they didn't take that long with docx. They just don't seem to care.05:47
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KM0201Jon--: so how much have you donated to Document Foundation this month?05:47
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=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest35097
miststlkrI mounted a network share to a directory in root, but want to chgrp to my user group, the way /media is.  sudo/gksu say I don't have privileges to do that despite this user having access to those commands.  do I need to log in as root directly or am I being stupid here?05:48
=== tode is now known as nijabo
mneptokJon--: the .docx format documentation was made available, and MS promised not to interfere with those writing import/export filters.05:48
crondIf you really need OneNote support, use the bloody web app.05:48
Jon--KM0201: This year, yes. I've also written documentation for OpenOffice.05:48
Jon--KM0201: I believe the appropriate term is "owned".05:48
w1n5onI have a problem05:48
KM0201Jon--: well, then you likely have their ear, why are you griping about it here?... sounds a bit like griping at the Janitor because a company is financially failing05:48
w1n5onWhen I close the lid on my laptop, ubuntu sleeps05:48
KM0201Jon--: hardly... appropriate term is "learn where to gripe".05:48
w1n5onI have power manager set to do nothing05:49
rww!ot | KM0201, Jon--05:49
ubottuKM0201, Jon--: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:49
crondw1n5on, does your bios have settings that are applied when you close the lid by chance?05:49
w1n5onNo, I've had this laptop a long time and have had ubuntu on it before without this problem05:50
w1n5onI just upgraded the hard drive and reinstalled05:50
crondw1n5on, hm05:50
Jon--KM0201: You should support the most prominent offerings for most, if not all software out there. OpenOffice competes with Microsoft Office. Gimp, Photoshop. Etc. The only decent app for a tablet right now is OneNote. I've used a tablet, it's about 1000x better than the FOSS or paid Windows alternatives... and there is zero support in linux. Even the clones to compete with onenote are weak....05:51
Jon--...Weak man, weak. Tablets are so good for university.05:51
Jon--I know I'm ot. I'll drop it before ban-hammer.05:51
crondI am sure libre/openoffice have an irc channel.  they'd be the ones to speak to.05:51
Jon--The latest distro has TRIM for SSD. I suppose I can't bitch too badly.05:51
yonderingspeaking of libre, anyone tried it? (if abi & calc are doing what I need, should I bother looking?)05:52
w1n5onI just checked and it started working05:52
rwwyondering: yes I have, no you shouldn't05:52
w1n5onGuess I just needed to reboot05:52
yonderingrww, sweet, thanks.05:52
crondw1n5on, sweet, working ftw! :)05:53
Yuyoquestion: i'm running ubuntu 10.10 in a vmware VM. every time a suspend it and resume it, the network connection is lost.. so i went to System > Administration > Additional Drivers, and i deactivated the driver, closed the window, brought it up again, activated the driver again, and the connection is re-established..  i was wondering if there was a way to do this from a terminal, any ideas? i had tried sudo ifconfig eth0 up, but that gave me an "Unable to alloca05:53
crondYuyo, sounds more like a vmware issue than an ubuntu one tbh.05:53
Yuyolikely... i just want to know how to reload the driver in the terminal though05:54
crondYuyo, and your question was too long and part of it got cut off :)05:54
yonderingYuyo, try ifup -a05:54
Yuyoyondering, let me try05:54
Jon--Man, screw this, you guys don't support anything. I'm converting to OpenBSD for my desktop platform.  [I'm trolling. :P. Goodnight guys]05:55
Jon--And yes, I did mean to put OpenBSD, the super minimalistic to be secure one.05:55
yonderingJon--, bye then.  Enjoy the headaches. ;p05:55
rshlinux for human beings and Windows for ??05:55
Jon--rsh: People who are willing to sacrifice power for usability.05:56
mneptokJon--: please /part before trolling05:56
Jon--rsh: Is the real answer. And that's coming from a guy that uses Ubuntu 95% of the time now. ;P05:56
Jon--mneptok: May I /wrists instead?05:56
mneptokJon--: if it gets you back on-topic, sure.05:57
KM0201 "/wrists " ?.05:57
yonderingheh.  windows = useability?  My 85 year old mother hates windows with a passion.  She's much more comfortable with linux.05:57
Jon--KM0201: slash wrists.05:57
miststlkrclearly my question was too stupid. :-P05:57
K6HX2I actually think Ubuntu has gotten worse in the last two years.05:58
KM0201K6HX: probably not "worse" but its gotten more bloated...05:58
yonderinghmm.  yes and no :)  I don't care for gnome or kde, xfce just.. works.05:58
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:58
K6HX2I'm really beginning to hate anything to do with sound lately.05:58
yonderingsince when is discussing ubuntu between questions offtopic?05:59
rshoh we've got channel monitors05:59
mneptokyondering: since the founding of the channel05:59
KM0201rsh: well duh05:59
Yuyoyondering, that didn't do anything05:59
K6HX2Installed the pidgin festival voice plugin.  enabled it.   configured voices.  No sound.  have no idea why.05:59
mneptokYuyo: sudo service networking restart05:59
yonderingwithout the banter/chatter, nobody would bother watching the channel to answer questions, but w/e.05:59
Jon--mneptok: There aren't any questions. It's not like we're spamming so much people can't see questions. I never understand the OT rule.05:59
Yuyofoo@ubuntu:/etc/udev$ sudo service networking restart06:00
Yuyorestart: Unknown instance:06:00
rshy blueman isnn't available 4 8.0406:00
yonderingYuyo, hm.. sorry, was just a quick guess. =/06:00
Jon--Yuyo: sudo service networking stop && sudo service networking start06:00
Jon--Or was it complaining that networking isn't a service? D:06:00
Yuyoi wanted to try doing what they say here re:modprobe http://askubuntu.com/questions/6129/why-does-my-ethernet-port-sometimes-not-work06:01
rshhello imi06:01
coolhelp, i have a corrupt live cd, I can boot to try environment but i can't do an installation06:01
imittf-droid and ttf-umefont has no signature06:01
Yuyobut i couldn't find anything in  /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules06:01
Jon--cool: Run the check-cd part of theboot disk?06:01
imiis is some error on my side?06:02
R0b0t1I've installed ndiswrapper and I believe it is up and running properly. However, my wireless still never connects.06:02
Jon--Okay, enough helping, I needs sleeps.06:02
coolhow do i do that?06:02
R0b0t1I can see a list of networks and can attempt to connect, but... nothing...06:02
LoshkiJon--: I don't like my support mixed up with my chat. I can mix them together if I want, but I can't unmix them....06:02
Jon--cool: In the menu when you start up there should be an option for checking the disk for errors, unless 10.10 changed the boot disk.06:02
yonderingcool, it's an option when you're booting from the cd.   if the disc check shows issues you'll need to burn another disc and possibly download a fresh image.06:02
yondering10.10 did not remove the option.06:03
Yuyoany idea where i can find the networking driver id so that i can use it with modprobe?06:03
coolwhat if i can't do anything with burning a new disk in my environment?06:03
crondYuyo, google your lspci result06:03
imittf-droid and ttf-umefont has no signature. is it some error on my side?06:03
coolcan I use my corrupted cd and still do installation and then download the rest stuff from the net?06:04
R0b0t1cool: Perhaps, depends on which part is corrupted. I'd burn a new one.06:04
rshsounds immposbl06:04
Yuyocrond, what do you mean by "your lspci result"?06:04
Jon--cool: Computer -> Window -> Enraged jumping up and down.  AKA : It is beyond my level of experience to repair boot disk corruption in-place... Probably not even possible, if you have binaries corrupted, how do you plan on installing?06:04
KM0201cool: you'd be playing w/ fire, i would download/burn again06:04
Jon--Can he somehow pull the disk?06:04
Jon--And burn WITH the live cd?06:05
Jon--Doesn't ubuntu have an option to dump itself to disk/ram so your disk drive is free?06:05
Jon--He said he can boot but not install06:05
coolmy headache is i have internet connection but i don't have any resource to burn a new cd at the moment06:05
vikingurinncool: is brasero not on the livecd?06:05
Jon--cool: Oh. Shit. You're kind of screwed then. I thought your issue was your CD drive was occupied by the livecd ;)06:05
yonderingI don't think that'd work well unless he's got a second drive to burn the image on.06:05
vikingurinnoh yeah herp der06:06
vikingurinncool: borrow a friend's computer06:06
yonderingCool, have you got a usb thumbdrive?06:06
R0b0t1I've installed ndiswrapper and I believe it is up and running properly. However, my wireless still never connects.06:06
Jon--I love how not getting linux installed has everyone in the chat helping this guy.06:06
R0b0t1I can see a list of networks and can attempt to connect, but... nothing...06:06
coolthis is the most disgusting part,I can't boot from usb either06:06
Jon--*turns off his light and snuggles in with some nice irc*06:07
KM0201cool: ugh.06:07
yonderingcool, then I don't know of a way to get it done. =/06:07
Campfiremight try unibootin06:07
Jon--cool: so, in summary, no burner/blank media, corrupt disk, no usb boot. There is no solution that I can see.06:07
KM0201Campfire: not gonna work if he can't boot USB06:07
Campfireto put os on usb thub06:07
yonderingcool, has the pc got a windows partition?06:07
coolyeah, it has a windows partition06:07
Jon--yondering: He can dump the live cd to local storage and free up the drive. It sounds like he doesn't have a burner or blank media.06:08
coolmbr is broken as well,06:08
Jon--cool: agh. fyl. really?06:08
yonderinghmm.  I think there's a way to install it from within windows still, but I don't know if it installs to a virtual diskfile in the windows partition or if it actually does a proper installation.06:08
vikingurinncool, you must have at least one friend willing to let you borrow a computer for long enough to burn a disc.06:09
Jon--yondering: It's called wubi, and I wouldn't recommend it. Grub updates sort of make it blow up. Besides that, it's stable.06:09
yonderingJon--, that's what I thought.06:09
coolha, i do. However, they are not nearby06:09
cooli guess, there isn't an easy solution out this other than wait tell i get a burning media06:10
coolthanks everyone06:11
jacquesdupontdhi guys06:12
the_pharoahneed help?06:13
gunndawghi jacquesdupontd06:13
Jon--cool: I still prefer my "computer -> window" solution. Guaranteed "fix". You won't have any boot problems [namely because it will not boot]06:13
Jon--!hi jacquesdupontd06:13
jacquesdupontdis there anybody that knows what is the command for that damned ChanServ to auto OP me on my Registered Channel when i join it ? :)06:13
Campfirei,m new to linux but i,m starting to learn term commands06:14
rwwjacquesdupontd: ask in #freenode for help with channel services06:14
Jon--Campfire: Question?06:14
the_pharoahyea thats not really a linux question06:14
Campfirei forgeting the command to file out a line in linux06:14
jacquesdupontdanyway thx alot guys i'm back in a sec i had question relative to ubuntu06:14
Jon--Campfire: I'm not sure what you mean by "fill out a line"06:15
Campfirelike in a dir06:15
the_pharoahhe said file out06:15
Campfirefill out i mean06:15
santhoshin a server version with only command line how do it cut and paste lines of text06:15
jacquesdupontdi know tha was because it was one of my first question but i'll go especialy on that channel for that answer and come back for ubuntu Questions, Thanks a lot, brb06:15
Jon--Campfire: Sorry bro, still not following. What are you trying to do? Please give me some detail. Fill out a line in a directory not giving me much D:06:16
x2z_random question. i have 2 hdd in my box. powersupply wont turn on when plugged into both. will turn on when plugged into just one and wont turn on when plugged into just the other. any ideas?06:16
santhoshguy in a server command line version how do i cut and paste lines of text06:16
rh1n0Is there anything new that i can try for an ATI Radeon HD6850 card in ubuntu? everytime i try to use the restricted driver i get an error on boot - Hypertransport overflow. Then have to remove the xorg.conf just to boot into any window manager.06:16
Campfireok say if a program folder is named ubuntu with friends06:16
omniwingI'm using xubuntu on a netbook. I have multitouch drivers installed and I have multitouch support (I can scroll with two fingers) but I can't right click on anything...How do I fix this?06:16
Campfireand i just type ubu to find it06:17
Campfirei forget that command06:17
thauriswulfais there any ebook or website to learn linux programming in c????/06:17
Jon--Campfire: The <TAB> key will do this.06:17
Campfirety jon06:17
Jon--Bed times.06:18
Campfirenight jon06:19
franzcehey guys06:19
Campfireask question i,m new i can,t help06:20
franzceis it posible that i can add space in my hdd on ubuntu06:20
franzceis it posible that i can add space in my hdd on ubuntu?06:20
Campfirewelp i,ll try06:20
Campfirelike compressed space?06:21
rshtrying pays off 10 days bt is not working optimistc still06:21
soreaufranzce: You mean resize the partition?06:21
bhaveshfranzce, you can do it with a software called Gparted06:22
soreaufranzce: You can grow the partition in a live session with gparted06:22
franzcesoreau: im using a wubi06:22
franzcesoreau: then my space is almost full06:22
soreau! wubi | franzce06:22
ubottufranzce: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe06:22
x2z_what would cause a computer to not power on only with a specific hard drive.06:22
the_pharoahhow do i just give myself admin priveleges on ubuntu06:23
gunndawgfranzce, myspace sucks anyways06:23
the_pharoahis there a simple way or do i have to download something so it can ask for the password06:23
franzcesoreau: and i want to increase it06:23
soreaux2z_: That isn't really related to ubuntu. Try #hardware06:23
Campfirethe p06:23
x2z_soreau: thanks06:23
Loshkix2z_: But I'd guess your hard drive is shorted...06:23
imittf-droid and ttf-umefont has no signature. is it some error on my side?06:23
soreaufranzce: I would recommend installing to the drive directly so you get the added benefits of using the native file system06:23
x2z_Loshki: so its junk?06:24
soreau! sudo | the_pharoah06:24
ubottuthe_pharoah: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo06:24
Campfirecool room i,m allredy learning06:24
franzcesoreau: what do you mean installing it directly to the drive?06:25
the_pharoahso i just put in sudo?06:25
rshpharoh get urself ubuntu pocket dictionary06:25
franzcesoreau: doesnt wubi support that?06:25
the_pharoahwhere is pocket dictionary06:25
john38I had to sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lexical/hwe-wireless ....  apt-get update...and....apt-get install rtl8192ce-dkms06:25
rshsearch it06:25
Campfireyou learn more when you lisen be in the back ground peeps06:26
soreaufranzce: wubi is a way to install ubuntu but it actually exists in the windows file system AFAIK which means it's slightly slower06:26
john38to install wireless driver but i had to install pae kernel image now i dont have wireless im guessing i have to uninstall and reinstall06:26
john38whats the commands06:26
NineTeen67CometHi all; I'm looking for a 27" LCD monitor (x3) w/out speakers! Do they make such a thing? (I've got the okay to replace this old computer and monitors with new goodies)06:27
soreaufranzce: If you boot the computer using a live cd or usb image, you can install it to the hard drive in it's own partition. The automated process makes it very easy to do06:27
john38how do i undo the commands i entered in??06:27
soreauNineTeen67Comet: How is that related to ubuntu?06:27
soreaujohn38: You don't. What did you do?06:27
yonderingNineTeen67Comet, I've got a 28" LCD, but I wouldn't recommend it for anything beyond normal gaming/desktop use.06:28
NineTeen67CometNot necisarily related; I just trust the advice I get from fellow Bunter's ..06:28
john38soreau, i entered those commands at terminal for internet but with updated pae kernel it wont work now06:28
franzcesoreau: i can transfer my wubi in the hard drive by using live cd?06:28
soreauNineTeen67Comet: Try #ubuntu-offtopic06:28
john38soreau, how do i uninstall06:28
soreau! ot | NineTeen67Comet06:28
ubottuNineTeen67Comet: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:28
NineTeen67Cometyondering: I'm not a big gamer/movie watcher, but I do love my desktop space (currently have 2 19" HP monitors).06:28
NineTeen67Cometokay soreau .. sorry06:28
soreaufranzce: I don't know if you can transfer the wubi installation to the hard drive but I'm not too familiar with wubi06:29
delinquentmewhat do i put into the terminal to find all the installed programms with the string "arduino"06:29
john38soreau, Post #6  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=162069706:29
john38soreau, that worked for me but i had to update pae kernel i just need to uninstall rtl8192ce-dkms06:30
linuxfreakerIs Xorg 1.10 ported into 11.04 Alpha06:30
john38soreau, and reinstall it06:30
franzcesoreau: ahhhh06:30
soreaujohn38: Did you use a ppa?06:30
john38soreau, yeah06:30
franzcesoreau: tnx06:31
john38soreau, terminal06:31
soreaujohn38: Ok, install ppa-purge, then use ' sudo ppa-purge <repo-name>'06:31
banpdtr_How can I go to end of file in the VIM ? Could anyone suggest me the reference to find short cuts for VIM usage...06:31
=== zulgaban is now known as wakkarto
john38soreau, how do i install ppa-purge06:32
soreaujohn38: sudo apt-get install ppa-purge06:32
soreaujohn38: It's only available in ubuntu 10.10 and later06:33
john38soreau, i got 10.04 what do i do06:34
soreaubanpdtr_: Try ##linux and/or google06:34
Yuyonobody really knows what the "Additional Drivers" window does when you click on Deactivate??06:34
K6HX2dear lored.06:34
soreaujohn38: You can actually install xorg-edgers to get ppa-purge in 10.04 .. but it would be a bit of a trick because you'd have to purge xorg-edgers as well after you use it06:34
K6HX2The code for the pidgin festival plugin is horrible.06:35
Chr|sAnyone know how I remove Evolution Email from the indicator applet? ( Mail, Compose New Message and Contacts)?06:35
K6HX2this guy allocates a char array as an automatic variable, and then returns it.06:35
* K6HX2 bonks his head on the keyboard.06:35
john38soreau, is there any way to uninstall....apt-get install rtl8192ce-dkms06:35
soreaujohn38: Which repo did you add btw, the hwe-wireless one?06:35
john38soreau, yeah06:35
john38soreau, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lexical/hwe-wireless06:36
soreaujohn38: Try sudo apt-get remove rtl8192ce-dkms06:36
xTheGoat121xI have a Sansa Clip 8gb that mounts fine in Windows as the full 8gb, but when I hook it up to Ubuntu, it only shows 4gb and I don't know why.06:36
soreaujohn38: And go to sys>admin>software sources to remove the repo06:36
rshhow do you add other repos06:37
soreaursh: You don't want to add any other repos unless there is some latest development you need to keep track of, or you're a developer06:37
soreauleapy0yo: hello06:37
leapy0yoi have a program that accepts only one file name at a time... how can I make it so I put one filename then, i wait until the program is finished, then I load the program again but with the next filename?06:38
no_mindin my ubuntu ltsp, all users can view data in other user's home dir. How do I prevent this ?06:38
soreauleapy0yo: Is it a cli command? What is the command06:38
leapy0yoyes cli06:38
bhueyhow do I dual boot using Ubuntu on second partition ?06:38
leapy0yoit is rma ... real media analyzer ... to fix rm files06:39
bhueyfrom another Linux OS ?06:39
rshedit grub06:39
leapy0yoso, i run rma -fz filename ... then i wait a long time for it to finish. then I want to run it again but with the next filename... i want to do this overnight06:39
ilonleapy0yo: have you tried a for loop in bash? in case the program accept the filename as a command line argument that is06:39
soreaubhuey: What are you trying to do? You can use a virtual machine to install ubuntu or boot a live session and install it alongside your other OS06:39
leapy0yoilon, how do i do that06:40
bhueysoreau: I have fedora 12 on the first partition and I'd like to install ubuntu on the second06:40
soreauleapy0yo: It would be something like 'for i in *.ext; do rma -fz "$i"; done'06:40
bhueybut this bootloader stuff is driving me crazy06:41
soreauleapy0yo: Try it with 'for i in *; do echo "$i"; done' in a directory to see the values 'i' will be06:41
soreaubhuey: What is the confusion?06:41
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode06:42
jake__I need to up date my amsn Can some one help?06:42
Yuyosrsly, anyone know how to do what the "Additional Drivers" window does but in the terminal?06:42
Yuyoi can't find anything on google06:42
leapy0yosoreu... it gives me blank06:42
soreauYuyo: To find a command to any program, use alacarte (sys>prefs>main menu) then find the entry and right click to go to preferences06:43
soreauYuyo: In this case, 'gksu jockey-gtk' should do what you want06:43
ilonleapy0yo: chat extensions do the files have?06:43
leapy0yothis is becoming complex.... it is a simple program that is not supported as in not in the database06:44
soreauleapy0yo: Well it doesn't have anything to do directly with ubuntu. Maybe try ##linux or #bash06:44
ilonleapy0yo: what are the filename extension on the files?06:44
jake__Can any one help me find a update of Amsn?06:44
leapy0yoi can do ls >> list.txt  ... then i need to use that for rma -fz $i   and for $I you get input from the file then move on the next input after about 5 minutes because that is how long it takes06:44
Yuyosoreau, thanks.. but i want to know what the windows does internally... specifically, what command it calls when i click on the Deactivate button06:45
bhueysoreau: any online examples of how to do it easily ?06:45
leapy0yoilon, *.rm06:45
soreauYuyo: Ah, it's a python program I believe06:46
soreauYuyo: Basically it's a catch-all way to install and remove drivers without messing up the system06:46
=== bonjoyee is now known as BugBuster
Yuyosoreau, i want to do it in the terminal, do you know what command i can use?06:47
leapy0yorma -fz < list.txt  ,, i want to do something like that.. but that does not work...  how do i make it more complex like with for or find or so06:48
soreaubhuey: Just boot a live ubuntu image and click install then partition it and it will auto-detect the other OS and install the boot loader06:48
=== BugBuster is now known as bonjoyee
Campfirei got an orinoco card pcmcia for lappy how would i get that to work on linux06:48
crondo_O you found a laptop with a pcmcia slot?06:48
gunndawgWhat is the "Update Manager" used for when you have apt to update ur packages ?06:49
hilarieHow do I run a program with administrative powers?06:49
soreauleapy0yo: You want 'for i in *.ext; do echo "$i"; done' but change .ext to the extensions on your files and change echo to the command you want to run on each06:49
soreau! sudo | hilarie06:49
ubottuhilarie: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo06:49
bhueysoreau: how do you get to the boot menu on ubuntu when it starts ?06:49
bonjoyee!sudo | hilarie06:49
soreaubhuey: Esc IIRC06:49
jake__Trying to update Amsn How do i go about that06:49
Campfirewish the one i bricked had a floopy instead06:49
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)06:50
gunndawgjake__ try sudo apt-get update aMsn06:50
soreaujake__: What does amsn have to do with ubuntu?06:50
bhueysoreau: so it should auto detect the sda1 partition ?06:50
soreaubhuey: Yes.06:50
gunndawgSoreau, what is the "Update Manager" used for when you have apt to update your packages, etc ?06:50
leapy0yosoreua, i think the sytx is wrong , for it is not working06:50
Yuyosoreau, any ideas?06:50
jake__Its msns  Im for ubuntu06:50
bhueyI'll give it a shot06:50
soreaugunndawg: It's just a gui way of doing the same thing06:51
gunndawgSoreau, cool, thanks06:51
hilarieThanks, I'll try those links06:51
soreauYuyo: What driver is it?06:51
john38gunndawg, were you able to setup your webcam ,microphone?06:51
soreauleapy0yo: Show me the command you're using. You're not supposed to include the embracing 'tick' marks btw06:51
Yuyosoreau, it's called VMWare Virtual Ethernet driver06:52
allan8904hey, i just installed ubuntu. It was booting to a black screen so after some looking on the internet i found that i needed to use i915.modeset=0, but now X wont start...any ideas?06:52
jake__It just gives me E: The update command takes no arguments06:52
hilarieSo in terminal I would type sude vmware workstation?06:52
Campfirety for ubuntu rock on06:52
gunndawgjohn38, I dont have a webcam06:52
iinamei replaced 10.04 with 10.10 as a fresh installation on a touch netbook which was working alright without touch in 04, but with 10.10, the netbook requires an interrupt to boot, several F1s through the boot process for the boot to proceed, touch was working DURING installation, but after installation, touch does not seem to work, the system also hangs quite a bit, what should I do to trouble shoot?06:52
john38gunndawg, no built in webcam06:52
gunndawgjohn38, nope06:52
john38gunndawg, laptop06:52
soreauYuyo: Yea I have no idea about that. Typically, the driver info stuff is kinda locked up because then people start writing scripts which break and in turn break the system06:52
gunndawgjohn38, laptop06:53
soreauYuyo: But it's open source if you want to read how it works06:53
john38gunndawg, was it you who said they had toshiba satellite06:53
gunndawgjohn38, yes06:53
john38gunndawg, oh06:53
bonjoyee /msg nickserv register Start123 joyz_mailbox@yahoo.com06:53
jake__It just comes back with this E: The update command takes no arguments06:53
Yuyosoreau, shit... i might do that, though06:54
Yuyothanks anyways06:54
soreauYuyo: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=jockey&searchon=names&suite=maverick&section=all You would click on where it says 'maverick' for each entry there, then look to the right panel for the sources06:54
john38Can somebody help me locate Toshiba Satellite laptop webcam microphone drivers06:55
soreauYuyo: Yea, it's python. They have some example code files.06:56
soreau! language | Yuyo06:56
ubottuYuyo: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.06:56
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode06:56
soreaujohn38: What makes you think you need a driver to get the microphone working?06:57
hilarieAnd sorry, all caps was warranted, it took me 3 days to figure it out06:57
gunndawghilarie, care to share ?06:57
ilonhilarie: enlighten us :)06:57
hilarieYou all said it couldn't be done!06:57
john38soreau, i looked in Sound preferneces ..no devices for internal microphone?06:57
ilonhilarie: :(06:57
gunndawgmeh, im not gonna mess with VMware06:57
ilonhilarie: then it isnt in "linux", but rather in vmware06:58
leapy0yosoreau, okay, i got the loop to work... the issue is i ddi not think "done" was necessary... thank you06:58
leapy0yoand ilon06:58
soreauleapy0yo: Yes, you need the whole thing06:58
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hilarieThis is true, but it lets you defrag even the system crap that you can't if your actual NTFS volume is mounted06:58
ilonleapy0yo: good! enjoy the power of bash!06:58
soreaujohn38: Hmm, not sure then. What is the output line from 'lspci' for the audio card?06:59
john38soreau, one sec06:59
geegeegeeI want to jail a user in SSH to their home directory, what is the best way to do it?06:59
soreauhilarie: Didn't it freak out because of so many detected hardware changes or what did you do?06:59
hilarieWill let you know in a couple hours07:00
bethdoi am installing ubuntu desktop 10.10 on a computer for the first time and know nothing about linux except for a very limited introduction when I was learning windows system07:00
hilarieOh, as far as mounting it?07:00
soreau! help | bethdo07:00
ubottubethdo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:00
hilarieNo, I mounted a BartPE as the install, then told VMware to check out the SCSI drive07:00
ilonbethdo: what do you need help with?07:00
bonjoyee /server irc.freenode.net07:00
hilarieNow, every file on my NTFS volume is degraggable, and my laptop isn't going to overheat in the windows PE envirement07:01
soreauhilarie: Should write up a how-to on the forums07:02
hilarie@soreau Think its worth a writeup on a ubuntu forums anywhere?07:02
bethdowhen I rebooted the 1st time rather than coming up to the desktop login screen it booted to a terminal like interface and we couldn't go any further.  what did I do wrong?07:02
hilarieI am gonna hold off writing it up until my vista partition boots up again, I may be destroying something lol07:02
john38soreau, i have two....00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) (rev 40)07:02
john38soreau, 01:05.1 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc RS880 Audio Device [Radeon HD 4200]07:02
Diverdudehello, I have 2 computers running ubuntu. When i do remote control of one computer from the other using the remote desktop tool, it is exremely laggy. Often the picture is not even transmitted even though its over cabled  local area network. How can i make the remote tool more usable?07:02
soreaujohn38: And which is the microphone controlled by? The intelhda I assume..07:03
rumpe1bethdo, what kind of terminal? grub-terminal or usual terminal?07:03
john38soreau, i think probably07:03
bethdoI don't know07:03
soreauDiverdude: You can try disabling desktop effects by selecting None in sys>prefs>appearance>visual effects07:04
rumpe1bethdo, can you login with username/password? ... then try "startx" in commandline07:04
john38soreau, should be intelhda07:04
Diverdudesoreau, on the computer to be controlled?07:04
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soreaubethdo: Can you explain what happens after you boot it exactly? How far does it get and how long does it take to get there?07:04
ayushPlease Help! I can't connect my keyboard which has a PS2 port and I connect it with my laptop using a USB to PS2 converter cable.07:04
Blue1i am getting a weird message from update-manager preventing me from updating opera:  (64 bit 10.10)  The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources.07:04
bethdoit was asking for login and password and was telling me about packages and apps that could be updated07:04
soreaubethdo: Also, what kind of computer is it? How much ram does it have?07:04
rumpe1bethdo, very good... then enter "startx" as i told07:05
soreauayush: Did you try connecting it then rebooting?07:05
bethdosony vaio 4gb ram, new 500 gb hard drive.  nothing except ubuntu installed on it07:05
Diverdudesoreau, it is already none07:05
ayushyes I tried but It didn't07:05
Blue1ayush: i had the same problem.  i got a ps/2 k/b the usb thing just never worked07:06
ayushBLUEl: any suggestions07:06
Blue1ayush: get a ps/2 keyboard07:06
Diverdudesoreau, other solutions?07:06
ayushI have a PS2 keyboard07:07
ayushlaptop has USB port07:07
Blue1ayush: i ended up having to take the usb keyboard and the adapter back, and bought a ps/2 keyboard07:07
Blue1i have 2 keyboard == one for each - seems usb to ps2 doesn't work well07:07
john38soreau, ?07:08
ayushWhat IT means UBUNTU can't recognize USB to PS2 Converter. But why07:08
ayushAny explanations07:08
Blue1ayush: the convertor doesn't work - nothing to do with ubuntu - it wouldn't work in windows either (for me)07:08
soreauayush: Are you sure the keyboard is receiving enough power to function?07:08
soreaubethdo: I would try 'sudo service gdm start' and review the output of that, then try 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' and make sure all of those complete without error07:08
ayushSir! I have flawlessly used it in windows, OPENSUSE07:09
bethdothe terminal interface was like the old c prompt in dos but i was unfamiliar with the architecture of the terminal command set up and commands I thought would be there kept saying not found07:09
ayushAnd yes it is receiving the enough power07:09
ayushthe light glow07:09
ayushand fade as usual07:10
soreaujohn38: Sorry, had a network malfunction07:10
Blue1ayush: as with most things YMMV applies07:10
soreaubethdo: I would try 'sudo service gdm start' and review the output of that, then try 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' and make sure all of those complete without error07:10
rumpe1bethdo, which commands?07:10
bethdolist; update07:11
Blue1ayush: your mileage may vary07:11
soreauayush: What is the line for the device in the output of lsusb?07:11
bethdoused the sudo preface on them and nothing07:11
ayushNo Line for that!07:12
bethdoi finished reinstalling and got to the reboot screen, clicked the button, removed cd-rom screen went to black and says system is going down for reboot NOW!07:12
rumpe1bethdo, never heard of commands like "list" or "update" for linux07:12
Diverdudehello, I have 2 computers running ubuntu. When i do remote control of one computer from the other using the remote desktop tool, it is exremely laggy. Often the picture is not even transmitted even though its over cabled  local area network. How can i make the remote tool more usable?07:12
bethdocomputer just seems to be stuck on this screen07:13
omacbethdo: when you say you did the "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"         Did you see gdm stop, then blink a bit and then come back to the terminal?07:13
ayushI am pasting the output here http://paste.ubuntu.com/559413/07:13
omacbethdo there is a way to reconfigure the xserver hangon.07:13
Blue1Diverdude: well reduce the colour depth to 8 bit.  you also might consider ssh for remote admin07:13
DiverdudeBlue1, did that...cannot use neither ssh nor ssh -X has to be graphical where user can follow my actions07:14
soreaubethdo: So you're saying the live session worked fine to install ubuntu but when you rebooted, it wont boot?07:14
omacbethdo:  try this:  sudo dpgk-reconfigure gdm07:14
Blue1Diverdude: then reduce your colour depth. that's what I had to do.07:14
bethdoyea that is it in a nutshell07:14
rumpe1soreau, he boots to a login-shell .... like in recovery-mode i guess07:14
delinquentmeanyone know what the ant package does?07:14
Blue1Diverdude: it's easy to do that in remote desktop07:15
asfjiohello, guys! why i can't mount samba share with normal user without using sudo? i got this error "mount.cifs: permission denied: no match for /path/to/mount/point found in /etc/fstab".07:15
DiverdudeBlue1, yes it is, but it is already only 8 bit07:16
Blue1Diverdude: when you hit connect, there should be a dropdown menu toward the bottom that will let you choose the colour depth07:16
john38soreau, you there07:16
bethdobefore the message about going down for reboot; their is a message "ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ -Broadcast message from root@ubuntu (unknown) at 2:09)"07:16
shivajiI've installed 10.10 and my mouse and keyboard freezing at any time, any solution?07:16
Blue1Diverdude: are the ports open in the router?  5900 iirc07:17
DiverdudeBlue1, yes i know, i selected 8 bit already a long time ago07:17
omacbethdo: the resolution your card is delivering to the monitor is too high through gdm.  Try doing "ctrl-alt +" or "ctrl-alt -" to cycle through the different resolution profiles.07:17
lwizardlwhat would be the easiest ftp server to setup on linux ?07:17
soreaujohn38: yea07:17
DiverdudeBlue1, hmm i guess so...if they would be closed i guess connection would not even be possible?07:17
DiverdudeBlue1, its running on local network07:17
john38soreau, damn bro i guess you dont want to help07:18
Blue1Diverdude: true but indulge me, check the port forwarding.07:18
bethdowhat does that have to do with the pause in rebooting?07:18
AscavasaionMy sound settings on the op panel has disappeared, as well as the shortcut I had there for Pidgin and chat.07:18
soreau! intelhda | john3807:19
ubottujohn38: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto07:19
omacthe pause when rebooting has something to do with probing for hardware.  By pressing enter, it will go straight to the gdm.07:19
bethdopressing enter did nothing07:20
Blue1john38: click on a unused portion of the taskbar, then click on add to panel, then on indicator07:20
=== jollygood is now known as bonjoyee
omacbethdo: just press enter a few times when rebooting...if not once, just press enter a few times more.  It should be running gdm login after that.07:20
john38Blue1, why07:20
shivajiI've installed 10.10 and my mouse and keyboard freezing at any time, any solution?07:20
delinquentmeis there a way to list the recently installed programs .. from say the last 3 hours?07:20
Blue1john38: that will restore the speaker07:21
soreaubethdo: Can't you just reboot it and get to a prompt again?07:21
john38Blue1, no my mic is not working07:21
omacbethdo:  don't reboot07:21
omacbethdo:  there are virutal terminals available.07:21
soreau! tty | bethdo07:21
ubottubethdo: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.07:21
Blue1john38: on then left click on the speaker, sound preferences, input, and choose your input07:22
bethdohit enter several times nothing happens07:22
omacbethdo:  ctrl-alt f1 will give you another virtual terminal. You should see a login prompt.07:22
bethdonothing happened with that either.07:23
omacbethdo: ctrl-alt f2 to f6 will do the same.  Then f7 or f8 is reserved for the default gdm session.07:23
bethdoits like the whole system has turned off except the display07:23
john38Blue1, only input i have is Internal Audio Analog Stereo07:23
omacbethdo:  you're telling me you can't see a terminal asking you to login after pressing three keys together at the same time:  ctrl   alt   F1?07:23
bethdothat is what I am telling you07:24
Blue1john38: input volume not muted, and microphone 1 selected?07:24
=== bonjoyee1 is now known as bonjoyee
Blue1john38: not sure which is mic 1 and which is mic 207:25
john38Blue1, not muted there is no microphone option07:25
omacbethdo: do me a favor. check your video cable connectors are well seated into the computer and the monitor at both ends.  Check your monitor power plug is well connected into the wall.  Turn off your monitor and then turn it on again.07:25
bethdoI have a blinking cursor under the system shutting down message and pressing ctrl alt and F1 - F6 did nothing07:25
Blue1john38: if you run alsamixer do you see one?07:26
bethdoIm on a laptop with this and everything is plugged in07:26
john38Blue1, how do you run that07:26
omacYou said ubuntu 10.10?07:26
Blue1john38: from a terminal window07:26
john38Blue1, you mean gstreamer-properties07:26
omacbethdo: you installed ubuntu 10.10?07:26
Blue1john38: no07:26
Blue1john38: alsamixer07:27
bethdoyes downloaded the iso file for 10.10 i38607:27
soreaujohn38: In alsamixer, use arrow keys to navigate/adjust and 'm' to toggle mute on/off07:27
bethdoburned to disc and installed07:28
gunndawgwhen I get more RAM I might try the 64bit version of 10.10. Right now I've only got 2gb ram on this laptop so I am running the 32bit version07:28
john38Blue1, ok i just boosted mic07:28
soreaubethdo: Can you get to a terminal while you are talking here?07:28
john38Blue1, how do i test...07:28
omacbethdo:  Is this your first attempt without the CD since you installed it with 10.10?07:28
Blue1john38: best I can do.  try speaking into the mic and see if you can hear yourself in the speakers.07:29
john38Blue1, is it front mic or mic boost?07:29
bethdoyea, I am on my laptop and we are installing the OS on my son's laptop07:29
bethdoshould I do a ctrl alt del to force restart of system?07:29
omacok...stop rebooting.07:29
soreaubethdo: Are you at the command line now?07:29
Blue1john38: i dont have mic boost on mic boost on mine, dont know07:30
Blue1john38: i don't have mic boost on mine --07:30
bethdono when I tried the Ctrl alt del the screen tells me its going down for reboot and that those are the buttons I pressed07:31
omacbethdo:  I would have recommended to try to reconfigure your son's machine remotely on another computer, but you probably didn't install ssh when you installed everything did you?07:31
bethdoshould I force shut down by holding in the power button?07:31
Cydtry dancing07:31
Cydthis helps when im in stressful situations07:31
bethdoi don't dane07:31
omacbethdo:  if you're stuck in shutdown yes.  hold the power button until it's off.07:32
soreaubethdo: If it's still stuck, try entering these letters in sequence while holding down Alt+Print Screen R+E+I+S+U+B07:32
john38Blue1, i still dont see in sound prefernces07:32
john38Blue1, how do i test mic07:32
Blue1john38: what sound card do you have?07:32
soreaubethdo: If that doesn't respond, then hold the power button07:32
bethdocomputer is off now.07:32
bethdowhat is ssh?07:33
soreaujohn38: Turn on the boost and turn up the mic, then turn up the main and pcm audio and try tapping on the mic to see if you hear any output from the speakers07:33
john38Blue1, it sayd Card: HDA ATI SB...Chip: Realtek ALC26907:33
Blue1!ssh | bethdo07:33
ubottubethdo: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)07:33
soreau! ssh | bethdo07:33
omacIt's a tool to allow you to remotely access your computer if you installed it.  It's not installed by default.07:33
Blue1john38: do this:  lspci | grep Audio07:33
bethdoturned back on and we are rebooting07:34
mythidCan anyone help me out with a question07:34
omacbethdo: ok.07:34
Blue1mythid: depends on question07:34
omacpress enter if it delays at the startup sequence.07:34
mythidIt has to do with me trying to install lubuntu07:34
AscavasaionMy sound settings on the op panel has disappeared, as well as the shortcut I had there for Pidgin and chat.07:34
mythidI think i screwed up the pc i tried to do it with07:34
bethdois there a tutorialwhere I can work on teaching myself more about linux and ubuntu?07:34
omacbethdo: press enter if it delays at the startup sequence.07:34
bethdoback to a login screen07:35
Blue1mythid: i am the wrong guy for that - never heard of lubuntu07:35
omacbethdo: good07:35
soreaubethdo: Now login and run 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' to update the system, then try 'sudo service gdm restart' to try and start gdm to login to X07:35
mythidOk well still07:35
Blue1Ascavasaion: did you try clicking on an unused portion of the taskbar, then add to panel, then indicator?07:35
mythidbasically what i did is made a whole partition for the install of lubuntu and the installer failed, faulty disc or whatever and shut me down. Now i boot up and don't get a splash screen or anything just a black screen with a blinking cursor07:35
john38Blue1, you want me pastebin07:36
bethdoit is asking for a password07:36
Blue1john38: you should have gotten back just 1 line past here07:36
mythidlubuntu is a lighter form of ubuntu because i was using my old pc for this07:36
bethdois that the keyring one or the regular one07:36
omacbethdo: good  enter the password you gave that user.07:36
AscavasaionBlue1: Oh, perfect.  Thank you.  I was looking for an applet with speaker etc on it.  Thank you so much.07:36
soreaumythid: Try the installer again?07:36
Blue1Ascavasaion: welcome07:36
omacyour administrator one.07:36
mythidIt won't boot from disc because it doesnt even give me a splash screen I don't even think the bios is still there07:37
Blue1mythid: maybe someone here is fam. with that, but I am not.07:37
omacbethdo: it is the user "root"'s password...he's the adminstrator.07:37
john38Blue1, 00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) (rev 40)07:37
bethdoa boat load of failed to fetch errors filled the screen and now back to login07:37
Blue1john38: okay pretty standard guy.  you are using 10.10?07:38
bethdoindex files failed to download and they have been ignored07:38
geegeegeeIs there something that i can change somebodys shell to, that they will stay logged in, but wont be able to type any comands?07:38
omacwhile you're doing sudo stuff, please consider doing:  sudo apt-get install ssh07:38
Blue1omac: don't forget openssh-server07:38
omacbethdo: that's possibly because you're not on the internet with your sony vaio07:38
dandamancan anyone explain to me why ubuntu is such a pain in the ass to install?07:38
john38Blue1, 10.0407:38
soreauBlue1: indeed07:38
omacblue1:  the ssh package is a virtual package which pulls in the openssh package07:39
soreau! details | dandaman07:39
mythidSo can anyone help me if I don't see a splash screen and I'm not getting the option to boot from cd, all i get is a black screen with a blinking cursor, is there anyway to install ubuntu still and actually get an os on this old pos?07:39
ubottudandaman: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:39
Blue1omac: ahh I have to install sep. on mine07:39
Blue1john38: don't know in 10.04 --07:39
soreaumythid: Do you see your bios splash screen?07:39
mythidsoreau: nope07:40
Geoffrey2how exactly do you go about uploading music to your Ubuntu One cloud?07:40
Cydyou dance07:40
soreaumythid: Well that's probably not good. Might want to ask in #hardware07:40
omacbethdo:  did you configure the network for your sony vaio yet.  If you're using some router like dlink with 4 ports, just type in:  dhclient07:40
Blue1Geoffrey2: don't know but if it's like dropbox, just copy/paste07:40
omacThen you'll be up on the internet.07:40
mythidok I'll try that the computer is more of my experiment but I'm just seeing if i can get it to work now that i fudged it up07:41
mythidHow do i get invited to the hardware channel?07:41
soreaumythid: /j #hardware07:41
omacbethdo: dhclient......then you will be up on the internet and when you do the 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'07:41
mythidSays it's invite only07:42
soreaumythid: ##hardware07:42
Blue1john38: another quick question before my brain completely turns to jello, 64 bit or 32 bit?07:42
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bethdowe have a sagem 1704 2 wire modem/router07:42
bethdowhen we installed we put in the wpa-2 PW and connected to the network07:43
dandamani'm on windows 7, i downloaded ubuntu 10.10, i am using universal usb installer to put it on my usb flash drive to boot from so i can install, is there another recommended way or is using the usb installer generally pretty safe?07:43
omacbethdo: you won't have index files failed to download errors.07:43
bethdo32 bit07:43
Blue1dandaman: yeah I do that with my netbook I;ve had no probs07:43
omacbethdo:  login at the terminal and just do dhclient and let the magic happen.07:44
sarthorHi, i want to copy .iso image of 4.1 GB, from the home directory to my usb drive, but it says. " scp Al-Safa.iso /media/Amazai/Software-iso/ "  " cp: writing `/media/Amazai/Software-iso/Al-Safa.iso': File too large ", How can i copy this image to USB drive?07:44
Blue1dandaman: just make sure the bios is set to boot off of usb is all07:44
omacping google or something to make sure you're on the net.07:44
bethdocan't creaate permission denied07:44
soreaudandaman: usb installer should work fine as long as the image is good07:44
Blue1john38: my brain is toast - but this may/may not help:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/07:44
Blue1night folks07:45
bethdowhen trying to do the dhclient07:45
john38Blue1, 32bit pae07:45
omacbethdo: "can't create permission denied."  What are you referring to.07:45
void_pointerbethdo "sudo dhclient"07:45
john38Blue1, im using this ...https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto07:45
dandamanok i just reinstalled it on my usb flash drive for like the 5th time(it booted live once, the 2nd time, for some reason but hasn't worked since)07:45
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mythidhow do i register with the irc server07:45
dandamangoing to try booting live now07:45
dandamanwatch it get stuck07:46
soreau! register | mythid07:46
ubottumythid: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode07:46
mythid!register mythid07:46
geegeegeeIs there something that i can change somebodys shell to, that they will stay logged in, but wont be able to type any comands?07:46
soreaudandaman: Have you tried a cd?07:46
bethdogetting a bunch of dhcpdiscover on wlan messages07:46
dandamansoreau: yeah, the burn got botched07:46
antociao a tutti07:46
dandamanoh wow, look at that, it actually got to the ubuntu splash screen this time07:47
dandamanand loaded, time to restart and install to drive07:47
omacbethdo: good.  wait for it...when it's done you'll have your net up and then you can do the update commands above.07:47
omacbethdo:  while you're at it, after the update, before rebooting, install the ssh package too.  sudo apt-get install ssh07:48
soreauomac: you're assuming dhclient will succeed ;)07:48
john38soreau, hey how do i know if i have analog or digital mic07:49
pratzhow to use gdm as default ??07:49
Travelertrying to mount my sda / sdb to live CD and having trouble - either can't find it or don't understand the -t parm.07:50
soreaujohn38: mics are analog devices. the audio hardware turns the microphone signal into a digital format AFAIU07:51
john38soreau, ok07:51
bethdotried that - no dice but something message says "something wicked happened resolving us.archive.ubuntu.com and resolving security.ubuntu.com :http (-5-no address associated with host name)07:51
omacsoreau: the wireless router is already configured for the outside world using their other computers in the house.  All it's going to do is request for an ip address wirelessly.  dhclient stands for dynamic host control protocol client...it's the handshaking responsible for assigning the ip addresses all the different devices in the network at home.07:51
omacbethdo:  ping www.google.com07:51
soreauomac: Yes but just as in this case, it does not always succeed ;)07:51
omacbethdo: ifconfig07:52
upslausb adsl modem problem.running ubuntu 10.10.the modem runs in window 7.07:52
atxqhow can i add a user to group? sudo adduser <group> <user>?07:52
bethdoglad  that all the programmers associated with programing ubuntu and linux have a sense of humor07:52
mythidAnybody good with bios related stuff07:52
bethdois that sudo ifconfig or just ifconfig?07:52
omacjust ifconfig07:53
omacbethdo:  or if you want to completely avoid sudo all the time, just do sudo bash and then you become the superuser called "root".07:53
Us3r_Unfriendlyhi room07:53
void_pointeromac oh my, how un-ubuntu ;)07:53
bethdoit now still says thee something wicked message but appears to be downloading something from somewhere??  up tto 13 %07:54
gunndawghi Us3r_Unfriendly07:54
Us3r_Unfriendlyomac: being root is not a good thing07:54
omacyeah i know.07:54
Us3r_Unfriendlyomac: i should know with my week of ubuntu and java virus07:54
omacwe're in the middle of a fix here so going superuser isn't bad.  It's all good.07:54
gunndawgUs3r_Unfriendly, thanks for turning me onto Weechat btw, lovin it07:54
Us3r_Unfriendlythank god i wasn't using firefox as root07:54
gunndawgUs3r_Unfriendly, how did you get a java virus ?07:55
AginorUs3r_Unfriendly: java virus?07:55
soreaubethdo: You can use Ctrl+Alt+1-6 to get to the 6 available tty's if you want to run other commands while waiting for that to download07:55
upslaadding info:modem name beetel 100 cx ,usb adsl modem connected with usb cable.comes with conexant chipset,problem:doesnot work in ubuntu 10.1007:55
void_pointeromac heh, yeah, I'm all for it. Was just anticipating the peanut galleries comments ..07:55
Us3r_Unfriendlygunndawg: it's good to hear that, no problem...it's very good to have a cli irc client just in case your X stops working and you only have a tty screen07:55
mythidugh nobody can help me :(07:55
Us3r_UnfriendlyAginor: yes, in all my years in linux, not once did i get a virus...untill this week07:56
omacbethdo:  is your update happening ok?07:56
bethdook will do07:56
gunndawgUs3r_Unfriendly, I uninstalled Xchat, lol07:56
bethdoyes it appears to be doing something07:56
Travelermount is fussing at me....  what is -t parm supposed to be ?   I am using ext3 / ext4 and it fusses about either one.07:56
omacbethdo: you mean it's downloading and it's showing download progress messages?07:57
Us3r_Unfriendlygunndawg: well xchat i hear is good too, but i love cli so i'll probably always use irssi and wee-chat07:57
mythidwhy won't it let me into the hardware channell07:57
gunndawgUs3r_unfriendly, define CLI for me, please07:57
upslaadding info:modem name beetel 100 cx ,usb adsl modem connected with usb cable.comes with conexant chipset problem:doesnot work in ubuntu 10.1007:57
Progalpls how can i remove wine completely07:57
AginorUs3r_Unfriendly: o you know what type of virus / where you got it from? - I'm curious about it since I haven't heard of java viruses before07:57
Us3r_UnfriendlyTraveler: -t is the file system07:57
Us3r_UnfriendlyAginor: now this is going to sound unreal07:57
soreaubethdo: When you got the image to burn to disk, did you check the md5sum or run the built in disk checker utility on the disk?07:57
crankharderhow do I install bridge-utils on my virtual box guest machine, if that guest machine doesn't have networking yet?07:58
dandamanafter bootling live, i restarted, booted from usb, ran install on hard disk07:58
mythidHow can i get into the hardware channel anyone know?07:58
dandamanand now im stuck in the area you see in that image07:58
soreaumythid: #hardware is probably for freenode staff or some other non-public chat07:58
Us3r_UnfriendlyAginor: but i was trying to download ubuntu 4.10 from "www.thepiratebay.org", I believe one of the pop ups from that site gave it to me.  that site is always getting hacked07:58
soreau! ot | Us3r_Unfriendly07:59
ubottuUs3r_Unfriendly: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:59
Us3r_UnfriendlyAginor: and it didn't go beyond my home directory but it was spread out in various places on my home directory07:59
bethdoyes and it checkeed ok07:59
Us3r_Unfriendlysoreau: i know07:59
dandamananyone wanna take a peek at my issue? i keep getting stuck, http://i54.tinypic.com/2072plv.jpg when trying to install to hard disk08:00
Aginorsoreau: we'll behave08:00
dandamanubuntu 10.1008:00
john38soreau, how do you save when you open conf file in terminal08:00
omacbethdo:  where are you at?08:00
Us3r_Unfriendlyjohn38: how so?08:00
AginorUs3r_Unfriendly: see PM08:00
omacbethdo:  did you do all the updates?  did you install ssh just in case?08:00
Us3r_Unfriendlyjohn38: you using "echo", vim, nano?08:00
soreaujohn38: Which editor are you using?08:00
bethdowhen I chang to a different tty to run more commands do I have to do the sudo dhclient again to connect08:01
john38Us3r_Unfriendly, nano08:01
omacbethdo:  if so, type in reboot and press enter.08:01
soreaudandaman: Is it stuck at this point? Are the LED's on the keyboard blinking?08:01
soreaubethdo: no08:01
soreaujohn38: Ctrl+X then y and enter08:01
john38soreau, ok08:01
superxglhi all08:02
omacbethdo:  you only need to do dhclient once, when you turn on the computer.08:02
geegeegeeIs there something that i can change somebodys shell to, that they will stay logged in, but wont be able to type any comands? I have tried a bash script with a while loop inside it, but it uses 100% CPU while they are logged in.08:02
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bethdoon tty2 thhe somethhing wicked mice have jumped in again08:02
superxgli got into a problem, when i type " service network restart', it gives me the message :eth0 has different MAC address than expected, ignoring08:02
dandamansoreau: LED's on the keyboard never blink.... but nothing is blinking on my pc, i can hear the hard disk moving even though it shouldn't be, i'm not doing anything with the hd, so it must beunrelated08:02
Us3r_Unfriendlyjohn38: ctrl and x08:02
superxglcould any one help me with this ?08:02
soreaugeegeegee: 1) I don't see a legitimate reason to do that 2) What does it have to do with ubuntu? 3) Tried ##linux?08:03
geegeegeesoreau, I have friends that use my VPS for SSH tunneling, I dont want them using it for anything else.08:03
dandamansoreau: any idea?08:03
soreausuperxgl: Have you recently switched network hardware?08:03
omacbethdo:  once you have the gui up with gdm though, you might not even have to do that.  It should automatically start it up from the gui.08:03
x20twelveim brand new to ubuntu08:03
x20twelve10.04 and up wont work on my system08:04
superxglsoreau: no, i have not08:04
x20twelvebut 9.04 works fine08:04
x20twelvedoes ubuntu have webcam support?08:04
Us3r_Unfriendlyjohn38: it also depends if your editing a file other than in your home directory.  say if i want to go edit my sudoers file in ubuntu, i'd have to type in "sudo visudo" which will give you a shell with root permission to edit that file.  otherwise without sudo it won't let you mod your file08:04
bethdowhy is it going so slow doing the updates?08:04
soreausuperxgl: Is it causing a problem for you?08:04
soreaux20twelve: up wont work?08:05
bethdoupgrades anren't connecting at all.  Something wicked surely has taken over08:05
john38soreau, damn i tried guide here still no go...https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto08:05
superxglsoreau :  yes, the eth0 can not active,08:05
x20twelve10.04 or 10.1008:05
x20twelveim runnin 9.04 right now08:05
l0c4luserare ubuntu kernel exploits updated automaticly? ive read up some 32 bit kernel exploit recently08:05
soreausuperxgl: What card is it as reported by lspci?08:05
omacbethdo:  1)Because you are doing the updates wirelessly. 2)because this is the first round of updates you've done for 10.10.  once it's up to date, it won't be as painful.08:06
superxglsoreau : NetXtreme BCM577208:06
omacbethdo:  it should be giving you an ETA(estimated time of arrival) for all your updates.  It should be around 20-30 minutes.  What is it saying for you?08:07
superxglsoreau: NetXtreme BCM5722,  sorry08:07
soreaujohn38: Did you try the audio recorder program?08:07
soreaudandaman: What graphics card is it?08:08
bethdono eta given08:08
gunndawgMy only regret with LINUX is that I didnt convert years ago, heh08:08
john38soreau, alsa mixer08:08
soreausuperxgl: That is the full lspci output line?08:08
john38soreau, how do i test mic08:08
omacbethdo:  is it still stuck on the first package to download?08:08
l0c4lusersame here gunnadawg08:09
superxglsoreau: no , wait a sec08:09
soreaujohn38: Try applications>sounds and video>sound recorder08:09
bethdotty2 is not connecting at all which wass the sudo apt-get upgrade command08:09
crankharderhow do I set up networking on an ubuntu server virtual box guest?  it's using nat, but I set up a static IP in /etc/networking/interfaces and i still can't ping may gateway, ideas?08:09
tripelb<x20twelve> yes but not for every webcam, there are lists. eg mine works but not on skype08:09
omacbethdo: stop that command by doing ctrl-c.08:10
omacbethdo:  ifconfig wlan008:10
x20twelvei have a ms vx3000 webcam...just lookin up on da forums right now bout it08:10
omacbethdo: ifconfig eth008:10
gunndawgAfter using linux, if I use a windows system I feel like I am a slave, lol08:10
gunndawgno freedom, bound to limits, etc08:10
omacbethdo:  do you have an inet addr: xxx.xxx.xx.xxx?08:10
x20twelvelol @ windows slave08:11
gunndawgMy only regret with LINUX is that I didnt convert years ago, heh:)08:11
gunndawgmeant to type :) some how I reprinted an earlier statement08:12
bethdoyes it appears to be a v6 address08:12
mythidcan someone help me with picking the right ubuntu distro08:12
john38soreau, nope nothing08:12
gunndawgbut yeah, windows seems soooo locked down and limited after using linux08:12
omacthat's ok.08:12
superxglsoreau : Ethernet Controller:  Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5722 Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express08:12
bethdoHWaddr 00:1a:80:0a:75:3108:12
x20twelveso where can i find a list of supported webcams that'd work with ubuntu?08:12
omacping ipv6.google.com08:13
soreau! webcam | x20twelve08:13
ubottux20twelve: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras08:13
x20twelveahhh nice thanx08:13
omacbethdo: oops....ping6 ipv6.google.com08:13
x20twelvehow about compiz stuff?08:13
mythidI have a dell xps 140 that has 80 gigs of hd space 512 ram and an intel pentium m 770 1.73 ghz what version of ubuntu should i use08:13
x20twelve! compiz08:13
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz08:13
omacbethdo:  ping6 ping608:13
omacbethdo: hwaddr is not the ip address.08:14
FloatingGoathey i have a question, the search bar in firefox isnt working ever since I tried installing java, should I reinstall firefox?08:14
mythidanyone willing to help me?08:15
john38soreau, let me try deactivate pulseaudio08:15
omacbethdo:  you ip address is going to be something like:  inet6 addr: fe80::226:2dff:fe39:2600/64    or   inet addr:
soreaujohn38: yes I was thinking the same08:15
bethdothat is the only address I see08:15
bethdounknown host was response for the ping08:15
guestis there any way to format a drive to NTFS with ubuntu08:15
soreaubethdo: Can you just try 'sudo service gdm restart' to see what happens?08:15
omacBethdo:  HWaddr 00:1a:80:0a:75:31 is not an ipv4 address or ipv6 address.  It's a hardware address.08:16
x20twelvehow do i change so i have the 4 screen cubed desktop instead of the measly 2?08:16
bethdook my mistake08:16
omacbethdo:  ifconfig and then show me the results08:16
soreaux20twelve: Make sure both 'Desktop Cube' and 'Rotate Cube' are enabled in !ccsm.  Then, in General Options --> Desktop Size, set the horizontal virtual size to 4.  Then you can grab the desktop with control+alt+left-mouse-button, and drag the cube around, or rotate the cube with control+alt+left/right.08:17
bethdoif I do the sudo service restart will that stop the download happening on tty1?08:17
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz08:17
guestwhat's an easy to use partitioning program?08:17
bethdook got a internet address now08:17
omacbethdo: what service do you want to restart?  It depends.08:17
x20twelvewhere do i find ccsm08:18
soreaubethdo: No it will attempt to restart gdm and hopefully present you with a graphical login screen or, some useful output as to why it's failing08:18
FloatingGoatx20twelve: in the software center08:18
superxglsoreau : do u think there is some problem with my kernel?08:18
omacbethdo:  if you just want to restart the gnome display manager, you can go ahead.  type: /etc/init.d/gdm restart08:18
soreausuperxgl: I don't know, is there? :)08:18
x20twelveccsm - says no matching application available08:19
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espansbabhey wazzup08:19
omacbethdo:  only do this after the update is complete.08:19
superxglit is a very strange problem08:19
mythidcan anyone assist me with picking the right version of ubuntu for my laptop08:19
x20twelveim running 9.0408:19
soreausuperxgl: The only thing I see from googling is that broadcom has released the hardware specifications for this chip so there should be an open driver in the works somewhere I imagine08:19
espansbabsoreau: do you know about mailwasher?08:19
soreauespansbab: Does it have anything to do with ubuntu?08:20
bethdoshould I restart the get update & get upgrade downloads?08:20
espansbabsoreau: yeah i think08:20
omacbethdo:  there's no point to do it now because the latest patches to whatever devices drivers you happening to be using are on your machine yet.08:20
nunyais there someway to have ubuntu start with bluetooth off?08:20
soreauespansbab: Doesn't sound like it08:20
espansbabsoreau: im looking for a mailwasher for my ubuntu08:20
superxglsoreau : so u mean i should download a driver and install for it ?08:20
omacbethdo:  they are possible still on tty2...go there:  ctrl-alt F2.08:21
soreausuperxgl: Well I didn't find any driver yet08:21
delinquentmecan i change the path /command thats run when clicking an icon in the applications drop down menu?08:21
omacor on TT1...ctrl alt F108:21
superxglhmm...so bad08:21
espansbabsoreau: ahh, ok08:21
x20twelveTripleD: so i cant find the software center08:21
omacgnite.  it's 3:20am here.08:22
john38soreau, damn i got no sound now bunch of HDA ATI SB ALC269 options08:22
soreauespansbab: http://tinyurl.com/5wwkcxb08:22
john38soreau, no webcam option08:22
john38soreau, strange im able to get video but no mic08:22
bethdothe something wicked has returned08:23
soreaujohn38: That isn't strange.. video and audio are controlled by two different subsystems08:23
superxglsoreau : i think maybe the kernel did not load the module for it08:23
john38soreau, yeah but webcam is integrated with mic08:23
mythidcan anyone please help me pick out the right version of ubuntu for my laptop08:24
gunndawgmythid, get desktop version08:24
gunndawg10.04 or 10.10 up to you08:24
soreaujohn38: That doesn't really mean much08:24
gunndawgI use 10.1008:24
x20twelvecan anyone help me with getting the compiz workin on my system: 9.0408:24
superxglcause i use dmesg , i did not find anythin08:24
mythiddo you know my specs john?08:24
john38soreau, it should08:24
soreaujohn38: Did you check the output of 'lsusb' for the mic?08:24
john38soreau, i dont know which one it is08:24
soreaux20twelve: You really need to upgrade your ubuntu08:25
x20twelvebest i can upgrade to would be 9.1008:25
soreaux20twelve: What graphics card is it?08:25
x20twelve10.10 wont work on my system and neither would 10.0408:25
mythidjohn38:I have a dell xps 140 that has 80 gigs of hd space 512 ram and an intel pentium m 770 1.73 ghz will 10.04 run well on that?08:25
x20twelvenvidia GeForce 150LE08:25
x20twelveon board tho08:25
mythidanyone know if the latest version of ubuntu will run on those specs i gave?08:26
delinquentmeOO OOO! is there a way to run a program from the command prompt .. while allowing you to EXIT the command prompt .. without killing said program?08:26
nunyais there someway to have ubuntu start with bluetooth off?08:26
norfikput & at end with space08:27
soreaux20twelve: Ok. Pastebin the output of 'compiz --replace ccp' from your terminal to ubuntu.pastebin.com08:27
bethdoit is downloadding on tty1 and has 87% left.  I am going to laydown and get a little rest while it is doing this08:27
delinquentmenorfik, was that to me?08:28
TravelerHow to mount LVM_member ?   mount does not recognize it.  I am in liveCD08:29
mythidcan anyone confirm 10.04 will run on my specs?08:29
soreaununya: chmod -x /etc/init.d/bluetooth08:29
mythidbefore i go through the hassle of burning a cd08:29
soreaumythid: Why not get 10.10?08:30
mythiddoesnt it require more08:30
x20twelveheres the pastebin08:30
john38soreau, http://paste.ubuntu.com/559424/08:30
mythidmy specs are I have a dell xps 140 that has 80 gigs of hd space 512 ram and an intel pentium m 770 1.73 ghz08:30
nunyasoreau: thank you, I'm going to give it a shot08:30
soreaux20twelve: That output is normal which means compiz should be working08:31
soreaununya: Use the same command but with +x to make it executable again08:31
x20twelvesorry here08:32
x20twelveok so im only seeing 2 screens instead of 4 how do i set that08:32
nunyasoreau: ohhhhhhhhh I see... but I'd rather be able to just have it start up off, and then be able to work with the bluetooth applet to turn it on08:32
Loshkimythid: just burn a live cd and try it...08:33
anup_too much bug in ubuntu08:33
anup_too much bug in 10.1008:33
gunndawganup_, no bugs for me08:33
john38soreau, ?08:33
anup_i got too much problem08:34
anup_shiting in ubuntu 10.0408:34
soreaux20twelve: I told you already08:34
x20twelveyu told me what to do, not where to find the stuff to do it08:34
gunndawganup_, linux is not spoon fed to you like winbloz, you have to use the system08:34
john38soreau, anything from the output08:35
Aginorgunndawg: I disagree with your attitude, there is no reason why linux cannot be as user friendly or user friendlier than windows08:35
soreaux20twelve: 1) Open ccsm by typing ccsm in your terminal or finding it in sys>prefs> 2) In General Options > Desktop Size, set the horizontal virtual size to 4. 3) Done.08:35
gunndawgAginor, it is for me, but then again I tweak it and learn the system enough to make it friendl08:36
nunyasoreau: also, that command didn't work, does it matter that my bluetooth is usb external?08:36
soreau! ot | Aginor gunndawg08:36
ubottuAginor gunndawg: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:36
soreau! work | nunya08:36
ubottununya: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.08:36
baltazorHello, What is max block size for Ext4 ?08:36
soreaununya: It prevents the service from starting in the first place. To disable it, use 'sudo service bluetooth stop'08:37
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x20twelvejust typed ccsm in terminal says its not currently installed. says how to install it. so im going to install it as directed...?08:37
nunyasudo service bluetooth stop08:37
nunyalol, oops08:37
dortmouthI really got a problem with my Ubu 10.10 system08:37
soreaux20twelve: Or have a 2 sided cube forever, it's really up to you :p08:37
dortmouthI messed with by installing the KDE 4.6 on my GNOME Maverick08:37
x20twelvei'd prefer the 4. got used to it when i had sabayon a few years back08:38
nunyasoreau: bluetooth: unrecognized service08:38
soreaununya: What about 'sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth stop' ?08:38
dortmouthand now it signs me off just 30 seconds or so after I log in into GNOME or Ubuntu Desktop edition08:38
x20twelveok i got the compiz settings screen08:38
nunyasoreau: /etc/init.d/bluetooth: command not found08:39
nunyasoreau: though when i look into the /etc/init.d/ directory i see bluetooth there08:39
Loshkibaltazor: dunno. But man mkfs.ext4 says the command only allows 1024, 2048 and 4096 for '-b block-size'...08:39
soreaununya: You have it -x'd08:39
nunyasoreau: ah, i'm gonna +x and try that last command08:39
soreaununya: You have to rerun the chmod command with +x for it to be recognized08:39
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john38Bus 002 Device 002: ID 064e:a216 Suyin Corp....can anybody tell me what driver i need08:40
john38to make microphone work08:40
nunyasoreau: okay, now I get no response but bluetooth is still off... is there anyway to see what the command the applet is doing when it turns off the bluetooth, then I can just run that command at startup?08:40
x20twelveok i got the cube workin now08:41
nunyasoreau: I guess "no response" is a bad way to put it, i get no output, just a new command line08:41
x20twelvenow to get background images behind the cube....is that hard?08:41
soreaujohn38: Have you tried looking at the output of 'dmesg' to see if there is any interesting messages?08:42
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soreaununya: try service bluetooth restart08:42
=== RobBeane is now known as eXistZ
amitport 443 open means?08:43
guest1I'm trying to partition my hard drive with gparted, but every time it gives me this error and I don't know how to solve it08:43
guest1Create Primary Partition #1 (ntfs, 89.06 GiB) on /dev/sdb  00:00:01    ( ERROR )             create empty partition  00:00:01    ( ERROR )       libparted messages    ( INFO )             Partition(s) 5 on /dev/sdb have been written, but we have been unable  to inform the kernel of the change, probably because it/they are in  use.  As a result, the old partition(s) will remain in use.  You should  reboot now before making further chang08:43
guest1what does this mean?08:43
FloodBot1guest1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:43
soreaux20twelve: A skydome is the background image you see when rotating the cube. It can be set in ccsm>Desktop>Desktop Cube>Appearance>Skydome.  Skydome images can be jpeg, png, or svg (if the relevant image-handling plugin is loaded).08:43
amitport 443 tcp open means?08:43
john38soreau, holy crap what am i looking for08:44
Loshkiamit: http over TSL/SSL i.e. some kind of web server?08:44
guest1sorry i think i flooded did it post the last message?08:44
soreauguest1: Are you trying to edit mounted partitions?08:44
soreaujohn38: Anything relevant, I would assume08:44
guest1well it told me one was mounted but i mounted it from the terminal08:44
guest1sorry umounted08:44
john38soreau, [    9.575676] uvcvideo: Found UVC 1.00 device USB 2.0 Camera (064e:a21608:45
x20twelvesoreau: is there a way to use an animated gif file? would it function the same way?08:45
guest1for ubuntu 10.10 the command is unmount right?08:45
soreauguest1: The message says you need to reboot now. Are you doing this from a live cd?08:45
guest1yeah i'm running from a USB08:45
soreauguest1: It's umount08:45
Loshkiguest1: umount (note, only one "n" in it)08:46
guest1lemme try to unmount it again and see if it works08:46
nunyasoreau: bluetooth still on, gives me no output08:46
soreaux20twelve: no, there is no gif plugin in compiz08:46
john38soreau, what good is webcam without mic08:46
x20twelvenvm...didnt see the last part of yur last message08:46
soreaujohn38: I don't know really08:46
x20twelve<<wonders how he sees alot of videos with the skydome image moving/animated08:47
fiduszkajoin #ubuntu-hu08:47
pscoe2some of the processes in my system scheduled to close are stuck on futex_wait_queue_me08:48
pscoe2anyone has any idea how to get rid of this problem08:48
dosydoo1234hi can someone help i need to run a fsdsk on ubunut 10.10 as the hard drive is making funny noises08:48
john38soreau, damn manual said i have built in mic08:49
the_pharoahhow do i join another channel?08:49
the_pharoahi want to go to the java channel08:49
Loshkidosydoo1234: have you backed up anything you can't live without on that hd? I'd do that first...08:49
soreaujohn38: Is it an aspire 6930?08:49
dosydoo1234yes i have done that08:49
john38soreau, Toshiba Satellite A665D08:50
dosydoo1234Loshki: i understand i need to run it from the start, but how do i get  a command line prompt at start up ?08:50
pscoe2anyone guide me to the channel where i can discuss bug in ubuntu kernel?08:50
dosydoo1234Loshki: i understand that i cant run it whilst im on gnome08:50
xnixanhi, is there an ubuntu release for atom ?08:50
gunndawgwhats the apt command to update GRUP ?08:50
dosydoo1234Loshki: the disk utility has check filesystem and repair but it says drive is busy so i think i need to restart at command line ?08:50
pscoe2apt command... use update-grub08:50
the_pharoahhow do i get an invite to the java online chat?08:51
dosydoo1234Loshki: but not sure how to do this08:51
Loshkidosydoo1234: and do you also understand that 'funny noises' from a disk usually mean a hardware failure, something that probably can't be fixed via fsck?08:51
guest1the drive is /dev/sdb1 so i entered "umount /dev/sdb1" and it returned the drive is mounted08:51
gunndawgso whats the terminal command to update grup ?08:51
eXpLoDcan anybody tell me the package name of a good irc client(except irssi)?08:51
gunndawgI forgot it08:51
pscoe2sudo update-grub to update grub.cfg enteries and sudo grub-install for installing/updating grub08:51
gunndawgeXpLoD, try Xchat08:51
guest1so then i entered "umount /dev" and it output " "umount: device is busy. (In some cases useful info" etc08:52
dosydoo1234Loshki: it happened before and i wiped it and started again and it was fine but maybe fsck will do it ?08:52
dosydoo1234Loshki: i have tried shutdown - r F but that did not work08:53
Loshkidosydoo1234: it's worth trying. which disk is it?08:53
guest1i have no clue how to find the processes that are using the device08:53
dosydoo1234Loshki: it is my only disk the one that the system is mounted on08:53
x20twelveok so the images i choose do not work in skydome. any reason why? they are jpg08:53
dosydoo1234Loshki: i suppose i dont know how to start 10.10 in command line and then run the fsk command08:54
soreaux20twelve: Do you have jpg plugin enabled?08:54
Loshkidosydoo1234: try the forcefsck trick here: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-force-fsck-on-the-next-reboot-or-boot-sequence/08:54
x20twelvesoreau: where would i find plugins to be enabled or disabled?08:55
soreaux20twelve: In ccsm08:55
dosydoo1234Loshki: tried that it is not working08:55
soreaux20twelve: In the upper left, there is a Filter box. Type 'jp' there08:55
made2shredhow can i change the opacity/transparency of windows? eg gedit08:55
x20twelveyea it is and so is png svg and text08:55
dosydoo1234Loshki: how do i force 10.10 to go to command line to start with - it always goes to the login screen., 9.04 had options at the start to go to command line08:56
john38soreau, the strange thing is in Sound>Preferences there is no camera hardware in ..Input08:56
Prometheshi i have very slow access to browsing samba shares on my pc. This happened recently, about a month ago everything was ok. Now is very slow. Is there any change in samba handling in Ubuntu 10.4 ?08:56
soreaumade2shred: You can use a compositing manager like compiz or some programs allow to set transparency for their background08:56
barfHow can I make a local apt repo?08:56
x20twelvedoes the image have to be a certain size or would ubuntu compensate?08:56
made2shredsoreau: i have CCSM08:56
soreaujohn38: I'm having trouble finding information about your device. Is it in the supported list here?:08:57
john38soreau, just Internal Audio Analog Stereo08:57
soreau! webcam | john3808:57
ubottujohn38: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras08:57
Loshkidosydoo1234: Sorry dunno. I don't run gdm. Can you boot a live cd? That's probably next easiest08:57
soreaumade2shred: Then use obs plugin08:57
john38soreau, its new laptop08:57
dosydoo1234Loshki: cant believe 10.10 does not have the option to start at command line08:57
soreaumade2shred: The Opacity, Brightness and Saturation plugin is responsible for the opacity (transparency), brightness (brightness) and saturation (of color) for all windows. It can be found in !ccsm > Accessibility08:57
made2shredok thanks08:57
Prometheswho destroyed samba server package in ubuntu 10.4 recently? Now i am unable to browse shares in my organization08:58
dosydoo1234does anyone in the room know how to start ubuntu 10.10 at command line so that i can run a disk check ?08:58
soreaudosydoo1234: Select Recovery Mode from the grub menu08:58
eXpLoDi am using xchat and it doesn't let me to join a channel08:59
dosydoo1234soreau: how do i get to the grub menu08:59
Loshkidosydoo1234: not sure it would help anyway. You still can't fsck a disk partition while you're running from it...08:59
soreaudosydoo1234: When your machine boots, press shift or are you using a live cd?09:00
dash9Hi, I went to System -> About Ubuntu and it sais I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwahl released in April 2011. Why? I was thinking I'm using Maverick..09:00
LoshkieXpLoD: many channels require you register first09:00
Loshki!regist | eXpLoD09:00
Loshki!register | eXpLoD09:00
ubottueXpLoD: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode09:00
eXpLoDis there any command to do so my irc client(xchat) doesnt show up the server messages(x has joined etc)?09:01
dosydoo1234soreau: ok will do thanks guys im off to try this09:01
yonderingdosydoo1234, in a terminal:  sudo touch /forcefsck09:01
yonderingdosydoo1234, then reboot.  It'll run fsck at next boot.09:01
guest1ok so i unmounted the disk and tried reformatting again and it gave me the same error about the disk being in use would rebooting really do anything if I'm running live from a flash drive?09:01
opsHello All: I am on a ubuntu-10.10 machine ; how canI find out whether its desktop or server edition.09:02
soreauguest1: I would reboot it and do it right the first time09:02
Loshkiguest1: are you sure it unmounted? df -h shows it's gone?09:02
guest1let me check09:02
pocchahello, i just tried to set up teamspeak on an ubuntu server. when only using the root user it works fine but when usind a specific ts user im getting nowhere. i cant even download the install file as a non-root user.  what can i do about it ?09:02
guest1ooo well actually09:02
guest1it's renamed09:03
frybyehi - a couple of weeks ago I had installed kindle for pc running under wine with 10.10 with no problem at all .. had to reinstall 10.10 afresh yesterday and now a new installation of kindle for pc not working.. done all the stuff google finds but no joy...??09:03
guest1i will try to unmount this09:03
soreaupoccha: Do you know if it uses a low number port?09:03
guest1and try again if that doesn't work i'll reboot09:03
pocchasoreau teamspeak uses a high port09:03
guest1thanks for the help hopefully this will work09:03
eXpLoDis there any command to do so my irc client(xchat) doesnt show up the server messages(x has joined etc)?09:04
soreaupoccha: Have you tried deleting the config folder from ~/ ?09:04
soreaupoccha: to reset the settings09:04
pocchai just reset the whole server09:04
dash9Phew "cat /etc/issue" shows "Ubuntu 10.10 \n \l", I'm using Maverick, after all, not Natty as  System -> About Ubuntu is saying.09:04
pocchaso right now there is nothing on the server09:04
pocchathe thing is: how do i create a user that is able to download things and install them in his home directory09:05
LoshkieXpLoD: yes, there is. I think you right click on the channel name and then untick 'show join/part messages'. Something like that. Sorry, this is from memory...09:05
CryptoSecI there, I have a question... which I posted couple of times before in this channel but nobody has helped me... are there any Ubuntu Dev. groups here that can give me a hand09:06
eXpLoDthank you Loshki09:07
frybyehow to get rid of join/leave channel messages in konversation???09:08
CryptoSecI accidentally deleted the PPA package from my software sources... now i can't download, remove, and install ubuntu software, including pidgin.... does anyone know how it can be fixed?09:08
mythidhey guys why is ubuntu 10.10 giving me issues connecting to my wifi09:08
mythidim running on live cd09:08
mythidis there a way to scan my networks?09:09
soreaumythid: Which wifi chip is it from lspci?09:09
mythidits just an integrated one09:09
soreaumythid: Does iwconfig show a wireless iface?09:09
psycho_oreosmythid, lspci is a command09:09
mythidintel pro wireless 2200bg09:10
mythidits saying wireless is disabled09:11
skiwithpetehi I'm using fstab to mount an external drive - but it mounts as root only, does anyone know how to set it to be my user?09:11
mythidbut its showing my card under the network connections thing09:11
mythidhow do i enable wireless09:11
mythidenable wireless is grayed out09:11
bart1987wath is this09:11
soreaumythid: Does iwconfig show a wireless interface?09:12
txomonhello!, how can I reset X ¿?09:12
soreautxomon: You mean restart?09:12
frybyeany tips for getting kindle for pc to work with wine?? (have already config to win98 mode but didn't work-?)09:12
txomonsoreau: no, reset, I've upgraded and it crashes09:12
mythidwlan it says ieee 802.11bg09:12
soreautxomon: How did you upgrade?09:13
txomonsudo apt-get upgrade09:13
redA few of my USB devices fail to mount until I reboot usually (my mobile phone and my mp3 player), I heard that it might be resolved by modifying my fstab, as to what and how I do not know09:13
txomon(updated) could be said09:13
redCan anyone help? :)09:13
soreaumythid: Try sudo iwlist wlan0 scan|grep -i ssid09:13
soreautxomon: Which graphics card is it?09:14
txomonsoreau: integrated in motherboard09:14
mythidlol how do you guys know these things09:14
txomonsoreau: I think it crased due to grub upgrade09:14
soreaumythid: read, experiment, learn.09:14
frybyethey find the stuff under a stone at the bottom of the garden where the faries live!! or?09:15
mythidwell tyvm soreau09:15
mythidI'll never remember that command though :P09:15
soreau! grub2 | txomon09:15
ubottutxomon: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub209:15
txomonsoreau: but it works well09:15
txomonI can boot and use normal terminal09:15
nafunuTrying to run Machinarium( flash based game) using steam via WINE. any clue how to get flash to work in WINE?09:16
soreaunafunu: Try #winehq09:16
soreau! wine | nafunu09:16
ubottunafunu: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu09:16
x20twelvehey again...can you please tell me how to install adobe on 9.04?09:17
skiwithpeteyeah, i need help with fstab09:17
soreaux20twelve: You don't09:17
ucenik16where are u from???09:17
soreau!info evince09:17
ubottuevince (source: evince): Document (postscript, pdf) viewer. In component main, is optional. Version 2.32.0-0ubuntu1.1 (maverick), package size 178 kB, installed size 668 kB09:17
x20twelvehow do i get it working then? is there a plugin i have to enable somewhere?09:17
soreauskiwithpete: What do you need help with?09:18
ucenik16can i download a movie??09:18
soreaux20twelve: What are you trying to do exactly?09:18
x20twelveview vids on youtube. other flash stuff on facebook09:18
bart1987hoe to download movie ???09:18
x20twelveyu kno what...09:18
txomonsoreau: any idea?=09:18
ucenik16where u from????09:19
x20twelvelemme upgrade to 9.10 then check back with yu guys....sound good?09:19
soreautxomon: Follow the instructions ubottu gave to restore grub09:19
ucenik16sve vi ebam]09:19
ucenik16any1 there????09:20
x20twelve! adobe09:20
x20twelve! flash09:20
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash09:20
poccha./ts3server_startscript.sh: 108: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied09:20
poccha     how can i change the permissions for the user so he can run the program ?09:20
eXpLoDcan somebody tell me what type of archive provides the best compression rate?09:20
nafunuok, thanks ubottu09:21
mythidsoreau: it's taking a while to load after i hit forward on the install is that normal?09:21
soreaumythid: install for what?09:22
mythidfrom the live cd09:22
krayonHi all.09:22
txomonsoreau: the grub is not wrong here09:22
vinnyHi, where do I can find original ubuntu 10.04 source.list?09:22
soreautxomon: What's the problem then?09:22
txomonthe X server09:22
soreautxomon: What kind of graphics card is it?09:23
krayonQuick question regarding ubuntu's alternatives stuff: I'm using claws-mail and I want to launch gvim as an external editor but it doesn't work.  I'm assuming it's because gvim seems to run vim.gtk -g which seems to run vim FIRST, then turns it into a gtk app or something.  Can someone tell me how I can do this or do I have to build gvim myself?09:23
pocchawhat exactly is the rist when starting a teamspeak server as root ?09:23
txomonsoreau: nothing special09:23
Und3rf4c3French Chan?09:23
txomonsoreau: the main problem is between the X server and Gnome09:23
soreautxomon: gdm?09:24
soreautxomon: If you know what is wrong, why dont you fix it?09:24
eXpLoDwhen i press ctrl+atl+f1 the text looks stretchy and goofy,last time i used it it looked fine?what could be the problem?09:24
soreau! fr | Und3rf4c309:24
ubottuUnd3rf4c3: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.09:24
txomonsoreau: thats the point, that I dont know how to reset the X server nor the Gdm09:25
A_Jwhats the partion ubuntu installs on ? swap ?09:25
pocchaplease anyone: i have a teamspeakserver which works perfectly fine with the root user but when trying to start it with another user it doesnt work any more ...09:25
soreautxomon: Can you pastebin your X log file?09:25
pocchais it a problem to start it as root ?09:25
txomonsoreau: I am trying.,.. but I dont have any internet access but iw... do you know how to connect by terminal to an access point?09:26
krayonpoccha: If it was working as a user, and you have launched it as root, and now it doesn't, it's probably a file permission thing.09:26
soreaupoccha: You should never run anything as root unless you absolutely have to. It could have messed up any permissions or settings file09:26
pocchakrayton. it never worked as a user09:26
rshlet all be bored there came rsh09:27
mythidhow can root user screw your os up?09:27
pocchai used the root to create the directorys, download the files etc and then switches to the ts user to start it09:27
A_Jwhats the partion ubuntu installs on ? swap ?09:27
A_Jany1 ?09:28
shcherbakA_J: No, standard, can be logical09:28
iflemapoccha does the minimal_startscript not run as user? do you have an upstart job? sudo create /opt/TS3, copy files, chmod user /opt/TS309:30
KranixI uninstalled OpenOffice via the software center, but it still opens when I click the menu shortcut...09:30
eXpLoDcan somebody tell me what type of archive provides the best compression rate?09:30
pocchaiflema the minimal_startscript was working and returned all the details (password+token) but the server was nut running afterwards09:31
A_JTY shcherbak09:31
classical_what is a easy audio editor software ? i just want it for cuting unnecessary parts from mp3 file09:31
InferuseXpLoD: just get winrar and slap it on best09:31
Inferusoh crap, wrong chan hah09:32
tetsuo--hello, what is the keyboard shortcut for switching displays?  i have my laptop hooked up to a standalone monitor as the primary screen, but as is often the case it doesnt display an image anymore, so i need to switch back to the internal laptop lcd09:32
iflemapoccha: just unpack and go again, create /opt/TS3, copy/extract files, chmod -R <username> /opt/TS3  in terminal09:32
InferuseXpLoD: afaik, tar.gz =]09:32
shcherbakclassical_: mencoder, but most powerfull is Audiacity09:32
classical_shcherbak, which one is easy for using ?09:33
skiwithpeteanyone know fstab?09:33
skiwithpeteI can't seem to mount a drive as rw09:33
skiwithpeteor as any user except root09:34
iflemapoccha not chmod chown -R..09:34
pocchaiflema im trying right now ... 2 min09:34
shcherbakclassical_: mencoder is cli, so you need to have a look on their web site of man pages, Audiacity in complex, but fairly intuitive.09:35
iinamehello, I find it very difficult to locate the home folder in ubuntu 10.1009:36
iinameI need to see / and /home09:36
iinamewhat do I do?09:36
iinamehave partition in a separate /home partition09:37
=== taka is now known as Guest72412
Jordan_Uiiname: In nautilus go to "Filesystem".09:37
iinamedon't know how to get there from a 10.10 CD09:37
iinameI can't get nautilus from CD09:37
iinameJordan, I am on the CD, trial09:38
Jordan_Uiiname: It should be listed in Places. It won't be called "/home" though, you'll have to look at the contents to tell which partition is which.09:38
its-me-againhi where can i find a good clean pidgin download the latest version ppa is broken and does not support ubuntu 10.1009:39
iinamethanks jordan09:39
pocchaiflema the minimal_start stops at listening on
iinamecan't get there either because of another problem, the netbook is hanging, restarting, will come back to ask if I can't see places09:40
shcherbakclassical_: and ffmpeg (this on is realy easy) examples: http://blog.yimingliu.com/2008/10/07/ffmpeg-encoding-gotchas/09:40
maR3is it possible to change my user@ for Xchat and Irssi? or is it bound to my account name?09:40
iinamethe 10.10 installation has some problems that 10.04 did not have on the same machine09:40
iiname10.10 requires F1 interrupts for the boot to proceed, several times09:41
classical_I have installed audiacity09:41
iinamewhile restarting it says system cmos checksums bad09:41
classical_its seems pretty easy09:41
classical_thanks gays09:42
J_DawGAnyone have any idea why my toggle-windows doesnt work? It is, as far as i can see only binded to alt+tab, but doesnt work. It works on the other hand when i bind it to super+tab09:43
eXpLoDwhen i press ctrl+atl+f1 the text looks stretchy and goofy,last time i used it it looked fine?what could be the problem?09:43
J_DawGcycle windows*09:43
J_DawGAnyone have any idea why my cycle-windows doesnt work? It is, as far as i can see only binded to alt+tab, but doesnt work. It works on the other hand when i bind it to super+tab09:46
A_Jhow do i define a root, in the advanced partition, to install ubuntu ?09:47
bonjoyeeis this #ubuntu?09:50
=== oCean_ is now known as oCean
ray_wenas, alguien que sepa algo de mysql ?09:51
oCean!es | ray_09:51
ubotturay_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.09:51
Jordan_U!pm | iiname09:51
ubottuiiname: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.09:51
iinamei dont see places09:52
iinamein 10.1009:52
iinamefile system is difficult to naviage09:52
Jordan_Uiiname: It should be at the top of the screen.09:52
iinameJordan, on top of the screen I don't see places09:52
iinameI see a blank black bar, the ubuntu symbol on the left corner, audio etc symbols on the right top09:53
iinamethat is the problem09:53
Jordan_Uiiname: Are you using Ubuntu, or one of the variants like Kubuntu or Ubuntu netbook remix?09:53
ray_ok, thanks for you help obottu09:53
iinameubuntu netbook09:53
iinameusb is netbook09:54
iinamenow on cd09:54
iinamesorry, now on usb, netbook09:54
ray_anyone know any ide to control mysql?09:55
Jordan_Uiiname: I'm not familiar with the netbook interface unfortunately.09:55
iinamethat is ok jordan09:55
iinamehope someone here will hep me09:55
bonjoyeehow to enable ssl for ssl in pidgin?09:55
bonjoyeesorry for IRC09:56
esingi wonder how I can see a files format in lubuntu09:56
iinamefrom the usb trial without installation, i can't install natillus, the exiting interface does not seem to have a way of getting me to the / folder or /home folder (of the main machine)09:56
iinameso what should i do to copy one or two files that i have in the main drive in a separate /home partition?09:56
=== claudia is now known as zumwoifi
iinameterminal does not seem to get to / or to /mnt09:57
A_Jcan i resize my ubuntu primay HDD ?09:57
iinameor may be i am not typing the right terminal commands09:57
dnivrahello. if ubuntu is the only operating system, how can I make the grub menu appear?09:59
psycho_oreos!grub2| dnivra09:59
ubottudnivra: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub209:59
oCeandnivra: hold shift during boot09:59
Jordan_Uiiname: Run "sudo blkid" to list your partitions, then "sudo mount /dev/sdXY /mnt/" to mount a partition to /mnt/.10:00
iinameubottu, i will ask questions here, but the problem is that the traffic in the main window is so much that any responses scroll up fast, tend to miss some10:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:00
dnivraoCean: psycho_oreos thanks!10:00
tripixHell0 ;)10:01
Jordan_Uiiname: In most IRC clients you can type "/lastlog iiname" to see all of the messages that have been directed to you in the channel.10:01
Guest1358who can teach me?? how do I use ettercap?? my new linux users10:01
iinamegot to that direcory10:03
iinamenow need to locate the usb drive plugged in10:03
iinameit is on /dev/sda110:03
gunndawgim baaaack!10:04
iinamejordan thanks for the tip, i didn't know that10:04
iiname'/lastlog iiname10:05
bonjoyeehow do i check my irc usermode?10:05
iiname"/lastlog iiname10:05
iiname"/ lastlog iiname10:05
iiname"/lastlog iiname10:06
oCeaniiname: please keep your posts/reactions in a single line, irc commands start with / at beginning of line, not " nor '10:06
iinameoCean, i am trying /"lastlog iiname command to see all posts directed to me10:06
jink/lastlog iiname10:06
CryptoSecI'm getting this error every time I try to update: "E: pidgin-ppa: subprocess installed post-removal script returned error exit status 2"10:07
CryptoSecI don't know how to fix this problem10:07
Guest1358who can teach me?? how do I use ettercap?? my new linux users10:07
CryptoSecany one have any idea?10:07
iinamethanks jink10:07
oCeanGuest1358: this is ubuntu technical support. Maybe you could try channel ##networking for your question10:07
iinameand how do i direct a message on the main window to jink without pmming ?10:07
jinkiiname: Most people just use: "nick: message"10:08
oCeaniiname: start the line with that persons nick (use <tab> to autocomplete)10:08
czardozany way to boot into CLI mode10:08
czardoz(I am using lucid)10:08
iinameoCean,  this is how?10:08
oCeaniiname: you got it!10:09
iinamei have  a few files in /mnt/myumpc which need to be copied to /dev/sdb1: LABEL="HP (and there is a space here) v220w" UUID= "0000-0001", need to create a new folder there and copy all from sdb110:13
iinamecd /dev/sdb1  says not a directory10:14
gobbewell, it's because it's device10:14
czardozyou'll have to mount it first to a directory10:14
gobbenot directory10:14
doohanhello, would anyone be able to tell me if theres a channel for discussing ubuntu-vm-builder and kvm?10:14
iinamesudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/ ?10:15
gobbeiiname: yep10:15
iinamegobbe thanks10:15
oCeandoohan: I think there is (was?) #ubuntu-virt, just not sure how active it is10:15
doohanthanks oCean10:16
eXpLoDwhen i press ctrl+atl+f1 the text looks stretchy and goofy,last time i used it it looked fine?what could be the problem?10:16
czardozany way to block the "has joined" and "has left" messeges in xchat?10:16
oCeanczardoz: right-click on channel tab > settings10:17
iinamegobbe, after doing that it still says /mnt/sdb1 or /mnt/dev/sdb1 is not a directory10:17
czardozgot it10:17
devdrinkerhelping - big problem, when i log in it just keep returning to the login screen. i was messing about with .bashrc and .bash_profile and .profile. i pointed .bash_profile to .bashrc and i deleted .profile. need to fix this, cant get past the login screen. any ideas?10:17
gobbeiiname: if you did it with that command then it's mounted to /mnt10:17
gobbeiiname: not /mnt/sdb110:17
czardozdevdrinker, try to log in through a tty10:18
devdrinkercan you explain how, please?10:18
czardozpress ctrl+alt+f110:18
czardozit is CLI mode10:18
czardozto exit, press ctrl+alt+f710:18
iinamefirst i mounted my home folder that was in a separate partition10:19
iinamewith sudo mount /dev/sdb510:19
czardoziiname, make a directory in /mnt10:19
czardozsay something10:19
devdrinkerczardoz, thank you, worked10:19
iinameczardoz will do that10:19
czardozand mount it there10:20
DhaniJeremywhy i cannot play wmv files in ubuntu? there is an error "The stream is encrypted and decryption is not supported"10:21
karexWhat's the difference between gsm-utils and gammu?10:21
czardozDhaniJeremy, one way to get past that error is to use VLC10:21
txomondoes anyone know how to mount a USB by terminal?10:23
txomonI have it in10:23
bonjoyeetxomon: a storage device?10:24
Akytarustxomon:  /dmesg to find where it is in dev10:24
czardozuse sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /path/to/some/folder10:24
txomonbonjoyee: yes10:24
bonjoyeetxomon: sudo fdisk -l10:24
czardozit is usually sdb110:24
Akytarusnote each time you mount a usb device it increments by +110:24
bonjoyeetxomon: to know the name of it... /dev/sdX format.. then use "mount"10:25
czardozwhat increments?10:25
bonjoyeeAkytarus: thats not true..10:25
Akytarusdepends on system10:25
repgahrollhello guys! How can i disable that graphical login screen after boot?10:25
bonjoyeeAkytarus: is doesnt increment..just on the number of drives you have connected..10:25
czardozrepgahroll, edit /etc/grub/default10:26
Akytarusbonjoyee: thats what i ment if you have 2 dev's you get 2 mount points10:26
czardozin place of "quiet splash" put "text"10:26
repgahrollczardoz, thank you.10:26
czardozbackup before editing10:26
txomonand to unmount it?10:26
bonjoyeeAkytarus: ok.. no offense meant;)10:27
czardozand update grub after editing10:27
Andy-at-homeguys, ive got a persistant netbook ubuntu on my usb drive but when it boots up a menu appears to either 'try' or 'install', im assumming this option is redundant since its already installed, how can i get rid of that option from appearing?10:27
repgahrollczardoz, well. but i was talking about the login screen (that asks for username password) i think you're talking about the loading screen, right?10:28
Yoko_anybody here got experience with setting up grub?10:28
Andy-at-homewhen i hit 'try' it takes me into my install with all my data but the process takes about 5min10:28
txomonczardoz: to unmount it?10:28
oCeanYoko_: better ask your real question and find out. Many users in this channel10:29
AkytarusYoko_:  depends which version10:29
Yoko_well, I've got an encrypted partition, and /boot on a separate partition. i'm trying to figure out how to install windows and recover ubuntu after that with this kind of setup10:29
Akytarusczardoz:  umount  "wherever you mounted it"10:29
Yoko_in the official instructions, it involves specifying the root directory, but of course that's encrypted10:30
Yoko_any way i can point it to /boot instead?10:30
oCeanrepgahroll: for that you should disable the 'gdm10:31
repgahrolloCean, yep... that seem to be what i need...10:32
oCeanrepgahroll: for that you should disable the 'gdm' service from starting. There are various ways (to be found in google) I don't know which is "best" (if any)  this seems correct: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8854574&postcount=410:32
Yoko_oh, and i'm running Grub210:33
eXpLoDwhen i press ctrl+atl+f1 the text looks stretchy and goofy,last time i used it it looked fine?what could be the problem?10:33
repgahrolloCean, thank you very much! :)10:33
oCeanrepgahroll: most welcome.10:33
AkytaruseXpLoD:  bad frame buffer not matched to your screen res10:34
its-me-againhi i have this error with pidgin so i ran sudo apt-get -f but it want fix it here is what i get http://pastebin.ca/204076710:34
eXpLoDand what can i do then?10:35
its-me-againhow can i fix my broken pidgin10:35
its-me-againi cant remove it it gives the etror hi i have this error with pidgin so i ran sudo apt-get -f but it want fix it here is what i get http://pastebin.ca/204076710:35
txomonsoreau: I finally succeeded in taking the log from the computer, here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/559466/10:35
AkytaruseXpLoD: depending on what GFX card you have compile the correct frame buffer driver into your kernel10:35
Andy-at-homeanyone know why my install of netbook keep asking me to 'try or install' even though its already installed?10:35
Gneaits-me-again: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a10:35
its-me-againi need to remove it to reinstall it10:35
Andy-at-homeevery bootup10:36
GneaAndy-at-home: how did you install it?10:36
txomoncan anyone help me with this error? when I power on, it gets stuct in the ubuntu violet screen10:36
wiwwow, wmii is so bloated...10:36
Andy-at-homeuniversal usb creator persistant option10:36
wiwjk XD10:36
Akytarusits-me-again: invalid paste10:36
GneaAndy-at-home: and you removed the usb drive?10:36
its-me-againit works here10:37
wiwanyone have a link to a simple guide for total noobs on how to customize wmii?10:37
its-me-againdame that sire10:37
txomonthe X enviroment cant be started with this error $startx: http://paste.ubuntu.com/559466/10:37
Gneaits-me-again: ?10:37
Andy-at-homeits persistant on the usb, the usb is running it10:37
conconpastebin.ca has problems10:37
its-me-againis there another pastbin site  that can do posting restrictions pastbin.com dont10:37
conconpastebin.ru pastebin.ubuntu.com and so on10:37
* Akytarus pastebin.ca is DOWN10:37
GneaAndy-at-home: oh okay, sorry, I misunderstood. are you sure you pointed to the correct device to install?10:38
Yoko_there's tons of them :D10:38
conconYeah, or just start a new page on wikipedia10:38
karexAnyone know GUI frontend for SMS daemon?10:38
Andy-at-homemaybe not10:38
Andy-at-homeim confused actually10:38
GneaAndy-at-home: probably worth looking into10:38
Andy-at-homeits a live ubuntu that lets me saves my data (persistant) but netbook doesnt seem to know its not live anymore10:39
AkytaruseXpLoD: are you familiar with recompiling the kernel10:39
Andy-at-homenah wait, when i try the install option no storage devices appear10:40
aeiouwhat network interface in /etc/network/interfaces is the 'default'?10:40
eXpLoDnot really10:40
aeiouis it just the first one you specify?10:40
GneaAndy-at-home: so how did you install it to the usb device in the first place?10:40
Gnea!caps | its-me-again10:41
ubottuits-me-again: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.10:41
txomonplease help with this ! I cant use X, and startx returns this10:41
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code10:41
Andy-at-homeuniversal usb creator sets it up10:41
Gnea!details | Andy-at-home10:41
ubottuAndy-at-home: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:41
AkytaruseXpLoD:  maybe you should stick to a GUI with a terminal emulator10:41
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages10:41
ubottuThe Ubuntu Kernel gets updated in stages.  If you have the updated kernel, but do not have the corresponding restricted modules, you may be leaving yourself with no X when you reboot.  If you have compiled binary versions of your video driver, eg from the nVidia site, you will need to recompile them for the new kernel.  This is normal, and not a bug.10:42
AkytaruseXpLoD: or try Gentoo / Arch Linux10:42
oCeaneXpLoD: please use /msg ubottu10:42
its-me-againGnea: oops that darn caps key si to colse to my a kjey10:43
Gneaits-me-again: is there a possibility that you could type correctly or are you drunk?10:43
its-me-againGnea: pastbin.ca does nto work everywear it used to10:45
txomoneXpLoD: that is not the problem, I dont use any privative driver in ubuntu10:45
its-me-againi am fussy with my infomation i liek to have option to limit posts not leave them there for everyone to access10:45
troubleDeephi, it seems i've lost my databases and web based ledger-smb installation on upgrade to 10.04 last summer10:45
its-me-againpastbin.ca does have options but not work everyware10:46
Andy-at-homei downloaded the ubuntu netbook edition and used universal usb creator with the persistant option checked, when i boot i am presented with an option to 'try' or 'install' and when i select 'try' it takes me into the live version (which is really a persistant version) and i can see all my data. i just want to get rid of the 'try'\'install' option10:46
Gneaits-me-again: then don't use pastebin.ca, there are a bunch of other pastebin sites10:47
oCeanits-me-again: there is really no need to bother this channel with availability of pastebin.ca There are *many* other pastebin sites. http://stikked.com/ has also possibility to "delete after.."10:47
bonjoyeeAndy-at-home: i think removing(purging) ubiquity from it does what you want...10:47
Gneaits-me-again: officially, we recommend http://paste.ubuntu.com10:48
Andy-at-homebonjoyee, thanks that could be it10:48
tadohey all. does anyone know where banshee saves the downloaded album art? can't find it!10:49
eXpLoDhow to use pastebinit?10:49
bonjoyeetado:  check ~/.cache10:49
Andy-at-homeI think this is a bug btw, anywhere i should mention it?10:50
oCeaneXpLoD: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com10:50
bonjoyeeAndy-at-home: what the selection menu?10:50
aeiouis it OK to change the order of network connections and IPs? http://pastebin.com/3ekfsY1H10:50
oCean!bugs > Andy-at-home10:51
ubottuAndy-at-home, please see my private message10:51
Andy-at-homethat netbook cant detect its in persistant mode10:51
Gneaaeiou: why would you need to?10:52
tadobonjoyee: i do have a banshee folder, but the only sub-folder with stuff inside is "lastfm", and it contains plenty of sub-folders that do not seem to contain album art10:52
aeiouGnea, ive got two ips pointed at my server and i want to swap which one is primary10:52
Andy-at-hometheres an error appears after i select 'try', where is that logged?10:52
Gneaaeiou: well whatever has the default route is going to be considered primary10:53
tadobonjoyee: found it! there was a media-art folder10:53
aeiouGnea, what is the 'default route'?10:53
bonjoyeeAndy-at-home: its just a livecd anyways...if you want you could install ubuntu on the usb!10:53
Gneaaeiou: in your case, eth010:53
k_szeHi guys,10:53
aeiouGnea, how do you define or how does the system determine what the 'default route' is?10:54
Gneaaeiou: it's already defined as 'gateway'10:54
Andy-at-homeim pretty sure it is installed10:54
aeiouGnea, adding the 'gateway xx.xx.xx.xx' makes it primary?10:54
bonjoyeetado: in ~/.cache?10:54
k_szeDo you know if Ubuntu (or other distros) can readily mount Windows Mobile phones as a USB drive? I don't have a machine that I can test with (USB support in VirtualBox isn't exactly reliable either.)10:55
Andy-at-homeall my programs are installiing to the live version10:55
tadobonjoyee: yes. ~/.cache/media-art10:55
Gneaaeiou: yes, and there can only be one, so it's setup right10:55
Andy-at-homebecause its persistant10:55
bonjoyeeAndy-at-home: installing and creating a persistent liveusb are two very different things..not to mention the latter is a lot slower10:55
tadobonjoyee: now i have to find out whether it is possible to import the whole thing in gtkpod without having to match them one by one...10:55
mads-Can I somehow copy a folder from /home/me/a/b/c/d/ to /home/me/copy/a/b/c/d/ without making a,b,c,d folders in the copy folder first? I mean - can I copy a file to another folder, but keep the folder structure?10:56
Martin_vWI've got two displays connected to my ubuntu machine, and ubuntu sometimes dims one of these displays... it becomes bright when I restore a window, but it dims as soon as I minimize the windows again. Any idea on what's going on here?10:56
Andy-at-homewhere can i find the bootup error log on netbook edition?10:57
uwjweqHow can I change the font color for gtk?10:58
karexmads-: I'm sure, but you can check the manual for copy, find such a "recursive"11:00
its-me-againGnea: then y is that nolonger in the topic here11:01
Gneaits-me-again: it is in the topic, are you blind?11:03
its-me-againhttp://goo.gl/ixcN9 and http://paste.ubuntu.com/ are different links arnt they11:05
its-me-againso i am nto as bliend as ou might think11:06
Gneaits-me-again: please to be showing a spark of intelligence11:06
its-me-againgenewitch: so dotn be rude please11:06
balki_i loose my  internet connection when I create a bridge network on ubuntu, somebody  any idea ?11:06
its-me-againgenewitch: i am i dotn liek that sire it does nto have any options. y does ubuntu use that site now it used to have a good one that had options such as to limit the paste to 1 hor or eays or forever11:07
Gnea!guidelines | its-me-again11:07
its-me-again* 1hour or days or forever11:07
ubottuits-me-again: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines11:07
suicidalmindsCan anyone help me with Ubuntu?11:08
its-me-againGnea: okl i get that you dotn liek me atm11:08
Gneasuicidalminds: only if you explain your problem11:08
its-me-againi am fussy with my infomation11:08
ranjanis there any library management system written in php like Koha??11:08
suicidalmindsSure, ok, I'm new to this, I have a Toshiba Satellite L305-S590611:08
Gneaits-me-again: you are free to believe what you want to believe, even if it's wrong.11:08
suicidalmindsand I can't seem to get the wifi working, so I installed the Windows Wireless Drivers11:08
its-me-againi pr3fer a pAstbin/imagebin site where i have the mentioned options.11:08
its-me-againlol what a joke11:09
Gneaits-me-again: suck it up and get over it11:09
its-me-againgenewitch: there used to be a good opne.11:09
suicidalmindsThen I tried those .infs, still no luck, so then I looked up Atheros Wireless LAN linux drivers11:09
its-me-againi am not going to paste things on sites where there free for everybody to use11:09
bazhangits-me-again, please stop11:09
Gneaits-me-again: then don't paste a thing.11:10
its-me-againpastbin.ca si the best but it is nto available everyware in the world11:10
suicidalmindshttp://news.softpedia.com/news/Free-Linux-Wireless-Driver-from-Atheros-90843.shtml says they support with the following chipsets11:10
suicidalmindsI don't know which one will work with my Toshiba Satellite L305-S590611:10
suicidalmindsCan anyone help me resolve this issue?11:10
=== behrooz is now known as Guest66675
* opakavic going idle for few minutes.......................11:11
suicidalmindsI'm totally lost :D11:11
Gneasuicidalminds: well, with ubuntu, there is a method that tends to work that is ubuntu-based. the site you showed is not an official ubuntu site, therefore the information on there could be misleading.11:11
Gnea!wifi | suicidalminds11:11
ubottusuicidalminds: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:11
Gneasuicidalminds: I suggest following that site ^^^ and see if you can get it to work11:11
protieWhy is it I seem to sometimes lose my min/max/close buttons around my windows?11:11
Gneasuicidalminds: if you still have problems, please ask again11:12
suicidalmindsthis is my first night using linux, I have no idea :(11:12
Gneasuicidalminds: it's cool, everyone has issues at first11:12
suicidalmindshow do I find out what kind of chipset is on my laptop's wifi card?11:12
suicidalmindsI can't even find that out, if I could, I could download the right one, but everything is shown as general knowledge of which I am completely lost11:13
Gneasuicidalminds: I like to start by opening a terminal, and then typing lspci and lsusb11:13
Gneasuicidalminds: no problem, I'll help you step-by-step11:13
suicidalmindskk, I see "Network controller: Intel Corporation WiFi Link 510011:14
suicidalmindsok, I don't know what that is, but, where from there?11:15
Gneasuicidalminds: incidentally, which version of ubuntu did you install?11:15
suicidalmindsUbuntu 10.1011:16
Gneasuicidalminds: well, you're in luck, because according to the ubuntu documentation, it's been working since 9.0411:17
Gneasuicidalminds: are you familiar with pastebin?11:17
Andy-at-homethanks to whoever said that taken out ubiquity would fix it, it did11:17
suicidalmindsSorry, I am not11:17
Delahuntanyone ever able to get apt-get to use local repository ONLY?  i'm having some issues with linux mint 10 (i have install dvd and entire 9 dvds of the repo)11:17
Gneasuicidalminds: not to worry, please visit this site:  http://paste.ubuntu.com11:18
gobbeDelahunt: this is for ubuntu-support, not for mint11:18
Andy-at-homeif anyone else cba making a bug report... ubiquity needs to uninstalled for persistant mode to work11:18
suicidalmindsok, i'm at that website11:18
Delahuntgobbe: i know, and i apologize, but this is the closest thing i can find (the guys on spotchat #linuxmint-help don't know what i'm doing wrong)11:18
oCeanDelahunt: nope. no mint support here11:18
Gneasuicidalminds: what I'd like you to do now is to run the following command in a terminal:  ip a11:18
Delahuntcan i get apt support here? or is there a better location?11:19
Gneasuicidalminds: then, copy and paste it to the site, click submit, and paste the resulting URL here11:19
Gnea!ask | Delahunt11:19
oCeanDelahunt: you are on mint, no support here11:19
ubottuDelahunt: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:19
suicidalmindsI wish I could copy and paste it to the site, but, it's on a laptop without wifi er internet11:20
GneaDelahunt: ah yes, if you are using linux mint, you need to ask in their channel. if they don't know, wait around for someone who has a clue there.11:20
suicidalmindsi can type it out, maybe in a PM?11:20
Gneasuicidalminds: oic, didn't realize that you're on another machine11:20
suicidalmindsthere's 1, 2, and 3, lo: eth0: and wlan0:11:20
Gneasuicidalminds: oh, there IS a wlan0?11:20
protieUsing Ubuntu10.10 I seem to have lost my top bar of all my windows. Call it the drag bar maybe? Where the min/max/close buttons are. Any idea how I did this?11:20
suicidalmindswell, with windows wifi drivers, i installed a broadband driver lol, but that's no good11:21
suicidalmindsright, there's a wlan011:21
Gneasuicidalminds: well, let's see.... what do you get when you type this command:  iwconfig wlan011:21
suicidalminds: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN qlen 100011:21
suicidalmindslet me try11:21
suicidalmindsok, I get11:22
Gneasuicidalminds: do you get a lot or just one or two lines?11:22
suicidalmindsIEEE 802.11abg  ESSIDE:off/any11:22
suicidalminds4 lines11:22
suicidalmindslast line being Power Management:off11:22
Gneasuicidalminds: okay, good.11:22
Gneasuicidalminds: are you using your own access point?11:22
=== nick is now known as Guest73273
suicidalmindsI'd like to connect to an unsecured wifi router11:23
oCeanprotie: it's probably the titlebar. It could probably be fixed by restarting the windowmanager (just type metacity in terminal)11:23
suicidalmindsit is my neighbors11:23
Gneasuicidalminds: is there one nearby that you know of?11:23
suicidalmindsyes, I'm connected to it with this current desktop11:23
protieoCean:: I get Window manager warning: Screen 0 on display ":0.0" already has a window manager; try using the --replace option to replace the current window manager.11:24
Gneaat the top of the screen should be a panel from left to right - near the right of the middle should be a wifi icon, is it there?11:24
suicidalmindsit has a red ! and all the options are grayed out, except for VPN Connections11:25
oCeanprotie: that is because metacity process still running. try the metacity --replace command in terminal11:25
protieoCean::  ok11:25
Gneasuicidalminds: alright, if you right-click on it, it should bring up a different menu with 3 check-marks next to 3 different options... is that the case?11:25
suicidalmindsyes, Enable Networking is checked and so is enable notifications11:26
suicidalmindsenable wireless and connection information is grayed out11:26
suicidalmindsedit conenctions sand about are not checked11:26
Gneasuicidalminds: is wireless the only connection to the internet that you have?11:27
suicidalmindsi can download and burn onto a dvd, but my dvds are getting low lol11:27
Gneasuicidalminds: don't suppose you have some ethernet cable and a switch laying around that you could connect the two laptops together using internet connection sharing on the system you're on now...11:28
suicidalmindsi have ethernet cable and a router, i don't know if that's helpful ?11:28
suicidalmindsethernet cables*11:28
Gneasuicidalminds: does the router have a switch builtin?11:29
suicidalmindsno, i don't think so11:29
Gneaso it only has 1 or 2 ethernet connections?11:29
protieoCean:: Well, that worked until I tried to close the term window which froze everything on me, had to reboot. But I am ok now...11:30
suicidalmindsit has a WPS button11:30
protieoCean:: can you explain what might have caused it and what the metacity is for?11:30
suicidalmindsit's a wifi router with 4 or 5 connections11:30
Gneasuicidalminds: I'm referring to the places on the router where you can plug the ethernet cables into11:30
Gneasuicidalminds: aka the rj-45 connectors11:30
suicidalmindsoh ok, let me check11:30
Gneasuicidalminds: one of them should be labeled WAN while the rest are the LAN or something11:31
suicidalmindsit has WAN and 4 LANs11:31
Gneagood, then it has a switch builtin :)11:31
Gneasuicidalminds: are you proficient with setting up ICS in windows?11:31
suicidalmindsah, not really, but I'd love your help11:32
suicidalmindsshould I grab the router and cables :D?11:32
Gneasuicidalminds: the idea is to hook your toshiba up to the system you're on right now and piggy-backing the internet connection off of it11:32
suicidalmindsis it difficult?   will i disconnect?11:33
suicidalmindscan I have a step to step11:33
suicidalmindsand come back or can you walk me through it?11:33
Gneasuicidalminds: it's going to be tricky, if the router hands out IP's to the ethernet ports11:33
suicidalmindsit's an SMCWBR14S-N411:33
suicidalmindscomcast lady said it was their newest model at the time11:33
suicidalmindsi have this IP on a static IP atm11:33
Gneaone moment...11:34
suicidalmindsok :D11:34
Gneasuicidalminds: okay, here is an easy test: power the router up, then plug an ethernet cable from the netbook to one of the LAN ports - don't connect your windows computer to the router yet11:36
suicidalmindsok, one moment11:37
Gneasuicidalminds: then see if the netbook acquires an IP from the router - should become obvious from that networking icon we looked at before11:37
suicidalmindsok, plugged in11:39
suicidalmindsit looks connected11:40
Gneaokay, check the connection information, what ip does it have?11:40
suicidalmindsit is waving, Auto eth0 connection established11:40
suicidalmindsshould I open a new console?11:40
Gneayou can, or just right-click on the network icon in the panel11:41
suicidalmindsthe IP address is
Gneaalright, then the router is handing out IPs to the switch, hrm...11:42
Gneait might be more trouble than it's worth at this point...11:42
cautionErr http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com intrepid/main Packages11:42
caution  404 Not Found11:42
cautionhow do I fix my sources.list?11:42
suicidalmindshmm really, hmm11:43
Gneasuicidalminds: which wireless driver did you say you're using right now?11:43
jpdscaution: Use old-releases.ubuntu.com.11:43
cautionwhere can I find the official sources.list for intrepid?11:43
jpdscaution: Or upgrade to a supported release.11:43
suicidalmindsif we can figure it out, I could run xbox 360 from this ay ;)?  lol joke11:43
suicidalmindsWifi on the toshiba or desktop?11:43
Gneasuicidalminds: the toshiba11:43
suicidalmindshere's the specs on their main site http://us.toshiba.com/computers/laptops/satellite/L300/L305-S590611:44
suicidalmindsAtheros Wireless Lan11:44
jpdscaution: I would highly recommend upgrading, if you care about security updates.11:44
Gneasuicidalminds: right, but which driver are you using right now? the ndiswrapper? or the atheros?11:44
gunndawgmy toshiba satellite wifi works just perfect after installing 10.1011:44
suicidalmindshere's toshibas wifi drivers on their site http://www.csd.toshiba.com/cgi-bin/tais/support/jsp/modelContent.jsp?ct=DL&os=&category=&moid=2199092&rpn=PSLB8U&modelFilter=&selCategory=2756709&selFamily=107376866311:44
suicidalmindsi tried to install the atheros using windows wifi driver install11:45
suicidalmindsi don't know what i'm using11:45
repgahrollwhere is the file that ubuntu is reading to start services, like inittab? there's not even event.d anymore, and sysv-rc-conf doesn't list some events...11:45
Gneasuicidalminds: lsmod | grep ndis   <-- any results from that command?11:46
A_Jhow can i partition a HDD, say 1tb into smaller partions ?11:46
Gneagunndawg: if you think you can help, feel free to jump in :)11:46
hateballAJ_Z0: You can use the disk utility and/or gparted11:46
suicidalmindsndiswrapper     184207 011:46
A_Jin gpated in comes blacked out11:46
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Gneasuicidalminds: okay, what happens if you type the following:  sudo ifconfig wlan0 down && sudo modprobe -r ndiswrapper11:47
A_Jhateball ?11:47
suicidalmindsthose are seperate command lines right?11:47
suicidalmindsnothing, i think i typed that sudo ifconfig wlan0 down earlier11:48
suicidalmindswhen i was trying to find a solution online11:48
repgahrollman... how can i change which services upstart will load??11:49
Gneasuicidalminds: yes, separate commands, but you can type them all out on one line like that11:49
suicidalmindsah i see11:49
czardozrepgahroll, just rename the script in /etc/init.d/11:49
Gnea!upstart | repgahroll should say here11:50
ubotturepgahroll should say here: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/11:50
Gneasuicidalminds: the && means that the second command won't run unless the first command executes successfully11:50
suicidalmindsso retype it all?11:51
Gneadid you already type the whole thing out and press enter?11:51
Gneathat's fine11:51
Gnealsmod | grep ndis  <-- anything this time?11:51
suicidalmindskk, no results came up11:51
repgahrollczardoz, well... whre is the script for getty?11:51
Gneasuicidalminds: good. do you have the regular atheros linux driver installed somewhere?11:52
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czardozrepgahroll, its probably called getty11:52
suicidalmindsi tried to install it using windows driver install11:53
suicidalmindsbut it says the hardware isnt present11:53
franzcedoes anyone know how to exand the space in hdd on wubi?11:53
bazhangfranzce, there's a tool for that, let me find the link11:53
Gneasuicidalminds: so forget about that11:54
franzcebazhang: thnx11:54
repgahrollczardoz, that's the problem... there's nothing there, not even written in any file...11:54
DEN007Who is the thread from Russia?11:54
Gneasuicidalminds: iwconfig wlan0   <-- any results?11:54
suicidalmindsyes, 4 lines11:54
Gneasuicidalminds: okay.....11:54
czardozrepgahroll, then you must not have getty installed11:54
suicidalmindswlan0  IEE 802.11abg  ESSIDE:off/any11:54
Gneasuicidalminds: sounds like you had 2 drivers trying to vy for the same device11:54
repgahrollczardoz, omg... but gettys is launching at boot time11:55
suicidalmindsi have a broadband card driver installed atm too11:55
franzcebazhang: just pm me ok11:55
repgahrollczardoz, i'm on 10.10... maybe they changed something in this version11:55
Gnea!pm | kuna11:55
ubottukuna: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.11:55
franzcebazhang: brb11:55
suicidalmindsi have 3 other drivers that are installed, but says no hardware present11:55
Gneasuicidalminds: okay, if you can remove the broadband card, that would be helpful11:55
suicidalmindsshould i remove all, but "netathw"11:55
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#head-c1b3095de0e43733f9336427bb90d7ef322de99c franzce11:56
Gneakuna: stop PMing me please11:56
abdelplease can anybody help me11:56
suicidalmindsbroadband card removed11:56
Gnea!ask } abdel11:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:56
Gnea!ask | abdel11:56
ikoniakuna: if you have a question ask it in the channel please.11:56
abdelhow can i create pdf11:56
ubottuabdel: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:56
abdelwant to save my document in pdf format11:57
Gneasuicidalminds: okay, what other drivers did you load?11:57
Gneaabdel: in openoffice?11:57
bazhangabdel, choose a document, select print choose print to pdf from the menu11:57
suicidalmindsi installed all the other wifi drivers on the toshiba drivers site for this toshiba11:57
abdelno i mean i want to save it as pdf......11:57
suicidalmindsnet8187b, w29n51 as the other 211:57
Gneasuicidalminds: are they linux or windows drivers?11:58
bazhangabdel, that's what it does.11:58
ikoniaabdel: that will "print" it as a file11:58
bazhangabdel, have you tried yet?11:58
czardozi think suicidalminds is trying to install windows drivers through wine11:58
suicidalmindsall windows11:58
czardozis that right?11:58
abdelI dont want to print it.........I want it in pdf format11:58
Gneasuicidalminds: okay, no problem then since you've unloaded ndiswrapper11:58
suicidalmindsno, i was using Windows Wireless Drivers11:58
Gneasuicidalminds: now:  sudo ifconfig wlan0 up11:59
abdelbut no worries thanks will surely take a look @ it11:59
ikoniaabdel: are you listening, it prints it to a FILE, which is the same as saving it as a file11:59
bazhangabdel, it prints a pdf on your desktop, thus the print to pdf part here print = save11:59
ndlovuhi all... something is eating up my disk space (about 200MB per day) - is there some way to figure out what's doing it? Could logs be generating that much?11:59
abdelthanks bazhang11:59
Gneasuicidalminds: then:  sudo iwlist wlan0 scan11:59
suicidalmindsoperation not possible due to rF-Kill11:59
czardozndlovu, use baobab to figure out whats eating the memory12:00
Gneaer what?12:00
suicidalmindsSIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possible due to RF-kill12:00
suicidalmindsthat's from the sudo ifconfig wlan0 up12:00
suicidalmindsshould i continue with sudo iwlist wlan0 scan?12:00
Gneasuicidalminds: sure12:00
abdelI have a pc (HP) I tried installing ubuntu 10.1012:01
suicidalmindswlan0 Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down12:01
abdelit worked but the system freezes12:01
ndlovuczardoz, I've used that to figure out what's really big, but can it keep track of what's changing size?12:01
Gneasuicidalminds: okay, reboot12:01
Gneasuicidalminds: and make sure the ethernet is disconnected12:02
czardozndlovu, it cant, but you can hace a look every now and then12:02
suicidalmindskk, it's rebooting without ethernet connection12:02
Gneasuicidalminds: this step is to see what the system loads as a default driver for the wireless12:02
suicidalmindsah, ok12:03
IledenHi! My Ubuntu system is unbearably laggy. There are no resrouce-hogging processes, dmesg doesnt say anything weird (afaik), the system has 2GB tested memory, and processor is fast enough. The lag seems to affect window rendering operations only. Compiz runs very fast. Turning compiz off doesn't help. What's wrong? Any diagnostic help is appreciated!12:03
Renskianything odd looking under top?12:03
IledenRenski: no12:03
czardozIleden, any proprietary drivers?12:03
ikoniaIleden: probably your video card not configured/compatible12:03
suicidalmindsok it looks loaded12:03
Iledenczardoz: Yes, proprietary drivers.12:04
suicidalmindsterminal present12:04
Gneasuicidalminds: okay, open a new terminal and:  iwconfig wlan012:04
ikoniaIleden: if it's visual, it's going to be a video card support/intergration issue12:04
Iledenikonia: hm? but compiz is running fast, so I'd think video driver is ok...12:04
ikoniaIleden: what card is it12:04
suicidalmindsno such device12:04
ikoniaIleden: compiz is not the video card working fine12:04
suicidalmindswlan0 No such device12:04
ikoniaIleden: that is just one aspect12:04
Gneasuicidalminds: what did lspci say again?12:04
Iledenikonia: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3600 Series12:04
czardozIleden, what happens if you disable the drivers?12:05
suicidalmindsthere's a lot, but at the last end, there's12:05
czardozdoes it run normally then?12:05
Iledenum what? okey that might well point toward the problem.... it's definately not Mobility radeon...12:05
suicidalminds03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation WiFi Link 510012:05
Gneasuicidalminds: thank - sorry, closed my browser earlier by accident12:05
suicidalminds03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation WiFi Link 510012:05
suicidalmindsno problem12:05
IledenI mean, isn't mobility radeon only for laptops? This is a desktop... it's Radeon HD 365012:06
Iledenbut lspci reports Mobility Radeion 3600 series... is that wrong?12:06
IledenI'm using the proprietary FGLRX driver.12:07
Gneasuicidalminds: do you have any firmware in /lib/firmware/ ?12:07
Gneasuicidalminds: er, there should be a lot...12:07
suicidalmindshow do I go there?12:07
suicidalmindsto lib?12:08
Iledenczardoz: do I disable the drivers by just removing them from the "additional drivers" list, or is disabling some other procedure?12:08
suicidalmindsoh found it, one sec12:08
sha#devmo on irc.mozilla.org12:08
xiaoyi've just install kde in my ubuntu...but when i get back to gnome all the menus are changed to english, but my original language is chinese. I tried to move up chinese in the language selection window, but i can't move it and it displsys "chinese" in grey...12:08
suicidalmindsyes, I have lots in firmware folder12:08
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ikoniaGuest11566: wrong network12:08
xiaoyhow can i change back to chinese ?12:08
Gneasuicidalminds: okay, do you have a usb thumbdrive?12:08
suicidalmindsabout 48 folders12:08
suicidalmindsi do not have usb thumbdrive folder12:09
Gneasuicidalminds: what I'm asking, is do you have a usb jumpdrive/thumbdrive/flashdrive that you can copy files from windows to your toshiba?12:10
Guest11566 /server irc.mozilla.org12:10
suicidalmindsI don't, I have some DvDs though12:10
Gneasuicidalminds: and you can burn from the windows and read them on the toshiba?12:10
Gneasuicidalminds: first of all, I'd like to direct you to this site:  http://art.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=127321412:11
Gneasuicidalminds2: welcome back12:12
suicidalminds2sorry, didn't know that would happen by clicking that link12:12
suicidalminds2ok, i'm at that website12:12
suicidalminds2oh nice12:13
Gneasuicidalminds2: yes :)12:13
Gneasuicidalminds2: if you read through it, it will show you a link where you can download the firmware and it tells you where it should go12:13
suicidalminds2i have no idea how to install the firmware12:14
Gneasuicidalminds2: don't worry about that part for now, the important thing is that you find the link and go there12:14
ajahi cant browse my phone trough blueman , but can send it files12:15
suicidalminds2his is the download link: http://www.intellinuxwireless.org/?n=Downloads and you can find the " iwlwifi-5000-ucode-" firmware. ?12:15
Gneasuicidalminds2: correct.12:15
Gneasuicidalminds2: it's pretty easy to find, everything's labeled pretty well12:15
skilz_someone please help http://pastebin.com/KUJ21cKD12:15
suicidalminds2what is a ucode?12:16
suicidalminds2is tgz like .zip/rar?12:16
LjLsuicidalminds2: yes, it's similar12:16
obscurant1sti justa tsrted to use screenlets and installed the flower screen let. There is an option for give water, i just wonder if it will grow day by day! i cnt handle my curiosity. sorry!12:16
Gneasuicidalminds2: firmware - piece of software that goes between the driver and the hardware that allows the two to talk to each other12:16
obscurant1stsomebody pls tell me!12:17
suicidalminds2right, i've installed it on my phone and windows, but12:17
suicidalminds2this is totally foreign to me12:17
* Gnea looks oddly at obscurant1st 12:17
suicidalminds2i don't understand anything12:17
Gneasuicidalminds2: it's cool - did you download the .tgz?12:17
suicidalminds2want me to burn that one file?12:18
Gneasuicidalminds2: yes please12:18
suicidalminds2i'm getting lost looking at the page lol12:18
suicidalminds2ok, let me download it on my other computer :)12:18
Gneait will make sense, eventually :)12:18
obscurant1stGnea: no, if will not grow, why bother about giving water, i know i am being silly, but still?12:18
Gneaobscurant1st: really, how is that an ubuntu support question?12:19
EmpoyLayawhi! has anyone reported Brasero disc burner not functioning for Ubuntu 11.04?12:19
obscurant1stGnea: oh, ok! oops, sorry, this is not #ubuntu-offtopic! sorry! this xchat was supposed to goto that channel by default!12:20
Gneaobscurant1st: no problem12:20
dattahow do i edit the boot menu so that i load up windows first and the boot menu does not show up12:20
suicidalminds2ok, it is burning onto dvd, should take 1 minute or less12:20
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suicidalminds2to finalize12:20
skilz_someone please help, im trying to use http://sourceforge.net/projects/smartcam/ and I get this error >> http://pastebin.com/KUJ21cKD12:21
dattacan anyone tell me how i can change the configuration in the boot menu so that Windows pops up in every boot and when i restart the system and pick Ubuntu, Ubuntu pops up12:21
obscurant1stand btw i had installed KDE and now i revreted back to gnome, but still the screen just before login screen shows Kubuntu, what to do with that?12:22
dattai could not find a single tutorial to do this12:22
skilz_datta, edit your grub configurating12:23
suicidalminds2ok done, i'm putting the dvd into the dvd rom12:23
obscurant1stdatta: you want to make windows boot default?12:23
sacarlsondatta: I might be able to think of a way so if you run ubuntu it will modify the default grub2 on boot but if it boots windows I'm not sure how to change grub2 settings but I bet there is a way12:23
dattaskilz_ how do i do that?12:24
Ranngerdatta: man grub-mkconfig12:24
obscurant1stdatta: vim /etc/default/grub12:24
dattaskilz_ this had been said in much of the only resources but no direct tutorial12:24
suicidalminds2ok, it's in Gnea12:25
skilz_do what obscurant1st said12:25
dattaobscurant1st: yeah i get a editor up but what should i write?12:25
obscurant1stand if windows is the 2nd one, make the default=112:25
obscurant1stif windows is shown 3rd in the boot menu GRUB_DEFAULT=212:25
skilz_and to read how to use it by typing man grub-mkconfig12:25
Gneasuicidalminds2: alright, you should be able to open it on the desktop area under files12:26
obscurant1stdatta: ^^ you betr do what skilz_ said if dont have any idea12:26
sacarlsondatta: if you just want to change the config one time in ubuntu there is a gui app that you can use to make it easy12:26
kongshello everybody... im not sure what to search for so im asking in here: Where can I read more about the system/script Ubuntu uses when an system event is triggered? like when loss of internet connection accur, and a notification is pushed to the screen. I would like to implement this in a script im planing to write. Can anyone point me in the right direction?12:26
marcobiscaro2112kongs: are you talking about libnotify? I think that research for it is the first step12:27
Gneasuicidalminds2: let me know when you're ready - got some terminal commands when you are12:28
suicidalminds2all ready12:28
suicidalminds2oh i extracted the folder from the tgz12:28
suicidalminds2and put it on the dvd if that was ok12:28
suicidalminds2all ready tho, looking at the folder and terminal12:28
kongsmarcobiscaro2112: Yes that could be it. Im not sure but i will look for information about that. TransmissionBT has also implented this when a filedownload is complete.12:28
Gneasuicidalminds2: awesome. now we need to run a few more commands before we do anything with the files12:28
Gneasuicidalminds2: lsmod | grep iwlagn   <-- any results?12:29
shcherbakkongs: zenity, libnotify? You talk of baloon tip? For system events most comfy is hook up script to syslog.12:29
suicidalminds2no results12:29
marcobiscaro2112kongs: yes, it's libnotify. If you want to use a script, you will need the package libnotify-bin12:29
marcobiscaro2112!info libnotify-bin | kongs12:29
ubottukongs: libnotify-bin (source: libnotify): sends desktop notifications to a notification daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.0-2ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 6 kB, installed size 76 kB12:29
kongsshcherbak: so if i add to syslog the ballon tip would emerge?12:30
Gneasuicidalminds2: okay, any results from this:  ifconfig wlan012:30
cautionhow do I use old-releases.ubuntu.com with my sources.list?12:30
suicidalminds2wlan0: error fetching interface information: Device not found12:30
kongsmarcobiscaro2112: that seems to it! thanks12:30
bazhangcaution, what version of ubuntu12:31
cautionintreped, I think I've worked it out though12:31
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shcherbakkongs: you can make script to monitor syslog and (in case of revelant line) sent request to libnotify.12:31
Gneasuicidalminds2: ok good... let's double check something before continuing... open a second terminal window and type:  tail -f /var/log/syslog12:31
Iledenczardoz: Well, that deems to have solved the issue, though Compiz seems now a bit slower.12:31
marcobiscaro2112kongs: read the manpage for notify-send to get more info12:31
tyskahi guys, my touchpad does not work with ubuntu 10.10, can anyone help me?12:31
tyskamy notebook is a dell vostro 131012:31
kongsshcherbak | marcobiscaro2112: Thank you very much12:32
suicidalminds2it gave me a bunch of stuff12:32
Gneasuicidalminds2: when you have that done, go back to the other terminal and type:  sudo modprobe iwlagn   (see what happens in the other terminal when you type that)12:32
cautionhave there been any remote security holes since intrepid?12:32
marcobiscaro2112tyska: it really doesn't work? or some touchpad function doesn't work?12:32
tyskamarcobiscaro2112: doesn't work12:32
tyskamarcobiscaro2112: it stoped suddenly12:33
suicidalminds2ok it spit more stuff out on the 2nd terminal12:33
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repgahrollhow do i actually disable a tty in ubuntu... is it just by removing the conf file from etc/init/ ? thanks12:33
Gnearepgahroll: yeah12:33
marcobiscaro2112tyska: have you changed some configuration or updated some package?12:33
repgahrollGnea, thank you12:33
Gneasuicidalminds2: what you're looking for is something that says "loaded firmware  XX.XX.XX.XX"12:34
tyskamarcobiscaro2112: indeed it was working before, but now i started my ubuntu and it is dead12:34
sarge1221Just wondering but is the 10.10 upgraded advised or is it still pretty bug prone right now?12:34
Gneasuicidalminds2: or "loaded firmware version X.X.X.X"12:34
EmpoyLayawanyone who had success opening ipod using ubuntu 11.04?12:34
suicidalminds2loaded firmware version
marcobiscaro2112tyska: have you tried to reboot your system? maybe some driver failed to load or something like this12:35
Gneasuicidalminds2: great! hrm....12:35
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tyskamarcobiscaro2112: yeah, i've rebooted many times12:35
Gneasuicidalminds2: okay, now.... iwconfig wlan012:35
EmpoyLayawi really suck using chat... if anyone would pm re: ipod 5th gen on ubuntu 11.04 please do. thanks in advance for the kind soul12:36
suicidalminds21st or 2nd terminal?12:36
Gnea!11.04 | EmpoyLayaw12:36
ubottuEmpoyLayaw: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.12:36
marcobiscaro2112tyska: open a terminal and run: dmesg > $HOME/debug.txt12:36
GneaEmpoyLayaw: just type:  /join #ubuntu+112:37
marcobiscaro2112tyska: then upload the file debug.txt at your home to pastebin12:37
Gneasuicidalminds2: first12:37
EmpoyLayawthanks ubottu, gnea12:37
suicidalminds2ok 4 lines12:37
Gneasuicidalminds2: alright, now...  iwlist wlan0 scan12:37
suicidalminds2wlan0 failed to read scan data : network is down12:38
Gneasuicidalminds2: okay:  sudo ifconfig wlan0 up12:38
Gneasuicidalminds2: then try the iwlist command again12:38
suicidalminds2SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possible due to RF-kill12:39
suicidalminds2wlan0 failed to read scan data : network is down12:39
Gneasuicidalminds2: try with sudo:  sudo iwlist wlan0 scan12:39
tyskamarcobiscaro2112: http://pastebin.com/BtusN5iN12:39
suicidalminds2interface doesnt support scanning network is down12:39
suicidalminds2wlan0 infront of that12:40
Gneageez, that driver really sucks...12:40
suicidalminds2what do we do with this DVD?12:40
Gneasuicidalminds2: okay, see if you can access the network manager icon in the panel again12:40
Gneasuicidalminds2: at this point, you can safely remove it12:41
Gneasuicidalminds2: sorry about that12:41
eXpLoDhow can i paste stuff into the CLI(ctrl+alt+f1)?12:42
suicidalminds2network manager?12:42
suicidalminds2the network connections?12:42
Gneasuicidalminds2: yeah12:42
avinashhmHi, has any one tried playing "Apple QuickTime movie (fast start, compressed header)" in ubuntu 10.10 .. i am having issues in 10.10 ... 10.04 was working cool ... the problem is only audo  comes .. no video12:42
Gneasuicidalminds2: right-click, how many have checks?12:42
suicidalminds2ok, what am i removing?12:42
suicidalminds2enable networking and enable notifications12:42
repgahrolldoes the ~/.bash-profile still works ? Because there's none, but will it run if i create one?12:43
Gnealet me guess... 'enable wireless' is greyed out?12:43
suicidalminds2just so you know, there are 3 window drivers installed, but all 3 say no hardware present12:43
dibblegowhy might my function keys not be working?12:43
Gneasuicidalminds2: that's fine12:43
suicidalminds2right, it's greyed out12:43
jribrepgahroll: ~/.bash-profile never worked...12:43
suicidalminds2ok :)12:43
repgahrolljrdnyquist, okay ... _12:44
jribrepgahroll: what do you want to accomplish?12:44
repgahrolljrib, oops... sorry, jrdnyquist  =/12:44
tyskamarcobiscaro2112: any lead?12:44
repgahrolljrib, run somthing after login... should i use /.bashrc then?12:45
jribrepgahroll: run what?12:45
repgahrolljrib, a command12:45
jribwhy do people insist on being vague... it just makes harder to help...12:45
jribrepgahroll: what command?12:45
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic12:45
repgahrolljrib, a script.... anything... does it matter?12:45
jribrepgahroll: yes, it matters.  I'm asking so I can tell you the right place.12:46
FloodBot1Switch: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:46
repgahrolljrib, for example, xterm12:46
Gneasuicidalminds2: okay, I just found this:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166880412:46
jrib!startup | repgahroll12:46
ubotturepgahroll: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot12:46
suicidalminds2new thread?12:47
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repgahrolljrib, well.. how do i do that without gui?12:47
suicidalminds2hooray :D12:47
Gneasuicidalminds2: yes, 1 week ago12:47
suicidalminds2oh, it ends12:47
suicidalminds2at 2 posts12:47
Gneasuicidalminds2: not really, some other people have the same problem and there's no solution yet12:47
jribrepgahroll: you can create the .desktop file yourself in ~/.config/autostart, but I recommend you just use the gui12:47
suicidalminds2hahaha, ok :)12:48
Gneasuicidalminds2: my suggestion is to register and post a reply - let them know that they're not the only ones12:48
suicidalminds2so i should go buy that $10 usb wifi card thing :P?12:48
repgahrolljrib, it's not possible, because the system doesn't have a gui12:48
suicidalminds2i shall12:48
tyskamarcobiscaro2112: are you there?12:48
repgahrolljrib, anyways... thank you12:48
jribrepgahroll: then you can't run xterm.12:48
Gneasuicidalminds2: heh, it might help depending on the chipset12:48
repgahrolljrib, it was only an example12:48
suicidalminds2really, the chipset, is this on the12:48
DEN007I have a question how to clean, when, after pressing the off button in ubuntu black screen appears, as it is removed?12:48
marcobiscaro2112tyska: sorry, I am12:48
jribrepgahroll: I told you, the answer depended on what you want to do...12:48
suicidalminds2isnt there a chipset on the usb12:48
suicidalminds2can I use that instead of this 5100 thing12:49
Gneasuicidalminds2: there is, but look at this one, it's supposed to work but isn't - if you can make sure the $10 one will work before you buy it, would save some trouble12:49
marcobiscaro2112tyska: it appears ok, line 710 is the same that my dmesg (and here, all is ok)12:49
eXpLoDhow can i paste stuff into the CLI(ctrl+alt+f1)?12:49
LjL!info gpm | eXpLoD12:49
ubottueXpLoD: gpm (source: gpm): General Purpose Mouse interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.20.4-3.3ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 214 kB, installed size 560 kB12:49
marcobiscaro2112tyska: there is a external mouse connected or something like this12:50
suicidalminds2ok, can i show you it really quick?12:50
GneaeXpLoD: select it with leftclick and then rightclick when gpm is running12:50
Gneasuicidalminds2: sure12:50
jribrepgahroll: if you want to run some non-interactive command on logging into a non-gui environment, then you can use ~/.bash_profile (works for bash) or ~/.profile12:50
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tyskaafter it not worked out i connected a usb mouse12:50
suicidalminds2one sec12:50
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repgahrolljrib, thank you. that was the information i needed :)12:50
suicidalminds2The W311U is a Wireless-N USB Adapter12:52
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mrmistjoin ##linux12:52
marcobiscaro2112tyska: I don't know how to help you... everything looks like ok12:53
eXpLoDroot directory is empty12:53
marcobiscaro2112tyska: maybe someone else have another idea12:53
tyskamarcobiscaro2112: yeah, i've connected a usb external mouse after my touchpad does not worked out12:54
SirDidii tried to install ubuntu after a win7 install, but now there is now partition12:54
tyskamarcobiscaro2112: ok, tks anyway12:54
induzOk folks; i have been using goldenDict, but lately the display has gone haywire ...how can i get it back to default??12:54
SirDidiwhen i tried to format with disk utility, he says warning: contains GPT signatures12:54
SirDidihas someone a idea?12:55
AlexandreMBMHi! I want to embed a bounded image.12:55
Gneasuicidalminds2: I have no idea what that card really is12:55
suicidalminds2haha ok, i'll try it :)12:56
suicidalminds2well, thank you for all of your time Gnea12:56
marcobiscaro2112AlexandreMBM: can we talk on #ubuntu-br ?12:56
suicidalminds2i honestly truely ever so appreciate it12:56
suicidalminds2i never expected this, if i wasn't so poor, i'd donate12:57
AlexandreMBMmarcobiscaro2112, yes12:57
AlexandreMBMmarcobiscaro2112, I am in #ubuntu-br12:57
Gneasuicidalminds2: all in due time :)12:57
induzcan i setup KDE on Lucid??12:59
suicidalminds2lol, you know what's really funny12:59
suicidalminds2this laptop won't allow me to install windows on it12:59
suicidalminds2so i'm forced to learn Ubuntu :P13:00
repgahrollthere's a problem... if anything go wrong while loggin in because of problems in bash_profile, the login will fail... so it's better to just link a failsafe script from there.13:00
shcherbaksuicidalminds2: Forced? There is plenty of distros.13:01
Gneasuicidalminds2: I guess I'd try removing that module and trying the windows modules again13:01
suicidalminds2oh, not forced, but, ya know, learn this stuff13:01
Gneasuicidalminds2: just make sure you actually modprobe -r iwlagn13:01
suicidalminds2my friend who uses linux installed this for me :)13:01
repgahrollsuicidalminds2, what's the hardware?13:01
suicidalminds2type in modprobe -r iwlagn?13:01
suicidalminds2Satellite L305-S590613:01
Gneawith sudo13:01
induzhow do i know which Gnome i am using??13:02
bazhanginduz, which version of ubuntu13:02
suicidalminds2can you type that all out again?  my brain is so shot13:02
suicidalminds2i've been trying to figure this out for 6 hours straight lol13:02
eXpLoDroot directory is empty13:02
repgahrollsuicidalminds2, well. it ships with windows...13:03
FrankLvI expend the disk size in vmware, how can i use the extra disk in guest linux,which is using LVM? fdisk -l is the same.thanks.13:03
suicidalminds2i can't install windows on it Lol13:03
bazhanginduz, try the about gnome menu from system13:03
suicidalminds2it has some kind of boot sector error13:03
repgahrollsuicidalminds2, what version?13:03
suicidalminds2i've tried XP, windows 7, vista, ect13:03
knottieI got rid of my video card, and now when ubuntu boots up, it just takes me to tty1 instead of gnome13:04
knottiehow do I correct?13:04
suicidalminds2my friend installed Ubuntu and I was happy lol13:04
suicidalminds2it works :D13:04
repgahrollsuicidalminds2, try deleting the partitions, erasing mbr, etc. this hardware is made to work with windows.13:04
induz2.30.2 Gnome. Is it the latest??13:04
bazhanginduz, the latest is on 10.1013:05
suicidalminds2he tried doing all of that13:05
suicidalminds2harddrive is f'ckD13:05
Gnearepgahroll: that's really outside of the scope of the real problem13:05
bazhangsuicidalminds2, language please13:05
suicidalminds2naw, i will use Ubuntu13:05
normalRA_raThis stuff with sound is killing me. I have sound on both headphones and the speakers. I know i should be happy that I have sound at all, but seriously.13:05
normalRA_raPlayed with alsamixer, if I mute "Front" no sound at all.13:05
suicidalminds2so I can experience myself in the world of Linux (i don't know any terminology, forgive if i say things i don't know better)13:06
knottieI got rid of my video card, and now when ubuntu boots up, it just takes me to tty1 instead of gnome. how do I correct this?13:06
induzi am using Lucid 10.4 and gnome is 2.30.0..how can i upgrade to the latest of gnome or it is not suppoted on Lucid??13:08
aiurmI am sorry for a realy newbeginer question, but i deleted the folder /etc/exim4, is there a way to get a new basic config for it? I do not need what i deleted just fresh files13:08
repgahrollGnea, hmmm... well... i'm just telling that if he wants to use windows, it's possible... because that hardware should even have a windows sticker. but i heavily encourage to use ubuntu though.13:08
Dr_Willisinduz:  there may be PPA's of newer gnome versions13:09
made2shredwhats the best IP blocker13:09
suicidalminds2all that stuff reminded me of cisco networking13:09
Dr_Willismade2shred:  what are you trying to do exactly?13:09
repgahrollthat "impossible to install windows" history does't seems very true imho :)13:10
made2shredblock anti p2p13:10
kyospknottie:may be you should re-install the video card driver.13:10
induzDr_Willis, how can i get PPA for lates Gnome on Lucid??13:10
Calinouby the way.. where's the PPA of gnome for lucid, Dr_Willis ?13:10
Dr_Willismade2shred:  most torrent clients have a plugin/feature for that.13:10
knottieI'll be more specific. I removed my video card and now I'm using video chipset that came with the mobo, and all I get a terminal.13:10
Calinouis the latest version of gnome better than the 2.30.0?13:10
Gnearepgahroll: well, if he wants windows on it, he could just ask in #windows, where it's supported :)13:10
Dr_WillisCalinou:  no idea. Id have to google for it. im not too big of a hurry to try the latest gnoime13:10
made2shredDr_Willis: yeah but cant load lists13:10
repgahrollGnea, yeah... you're right. :)13:11
Dr_Willismade2shred:  some clients make it harder then others. check your clients guides. Im using qbtorrent (i think) mainly these days13:11
Dr_Willismost full featured clients can auto-download/setup the list via plugins. or othre ways13:12
made2shredDr_Willis: using transmission13:12
suicidalminds2i haven't been on irc for 10 years13:12
Dr_Willismade2shred:  perhapos its time to try a differnt client.13:12
suicidalminds2i remember downloading .rm anime, 35mb 25min video files13:12
made2shredDr_Willis: what do you suggest?13:12
BluesKajhey folks13:13
Dr_Willismade2shred:  ktorrent, qbtorrent, and now a days utorrent has a linux port even.. depends on your needs.13:13
made2shredDr_Willis: lightweight good security13:13
Dr_Willismade2shred:  vague 'needs' :)  most can fit that catagory13:14
Dr_Willislightweight is gotten to be such a buzzword..13:14
suicidalminds2Ok Gnea, thank you so much for your support!13:14
Dr_Willismade2shred:  try one, see if it suites you. if not try another.13:14
made2shredok thanks13:14
suicidalminds2Take care13:14
Andy-at-homeim getting prompted to enter unlock keyring password, i dont think i have set one13:14
Dr_Willismade2shred: 'big boy' would be ktorrent.13:14
SkilZhow do I check in terminal what shell im using?13:14
Dr_WillisAndy-at-home:  most likely first time it asked.. you entered your normal user password13:14
Dr_WillisSkilZ:  echo $SHELL i think is one way13:15
Andy-at-homebeen through all of them13:15
pulse00hi, does anyone know a good tutorial how to get flash working in firefox on ubuntu?13:15
benzapso i'm having issues with my ssh sessions now13:15
Dr_WillisAndy-at-home:  you can delete the proper file and reset the keyring.13:15
benzapi can;t connect to my server anymore13:15
benzapyet i can ping it, use samba shares13:15
benzapanything involving ssh does not work13:15
benzapanyone have any suggestions?13:16
made2shredis this any good? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53018313:16
benzapit says that the connection times out13:16
aciculapulse00: install flash via the software manager or install thw ubuntu-restricted-extras package13:16
Andy-at-homewhat file do i delete?13:16
aciculabenzap: do you get a user or password prompt when you connect?13:16
Dr_Willis /.gnome2/keyrings i think13:16
benzapi used to be able to connect13:16
benzapi can ping it13:16
benzapbut ssh just doesn't work13:16
aciculabenzap: does it return immediately or does the ssh client hang for awhile13:16
benzapit hangs13:17
aciculabenzap: i guess ssh isnt running for some reason13:17
Dr_Willisssh -vvv remotebox   ( to enable very verbose ssh error messages)13:17
benzapthat's odd13:17
benzapok, i'll try that13:17
aciculathats a good one to try13:17
gunndawgI am back!13:18
aciculabut its most likely hanging for awhile because the ssh daemon is not responding13:18
made2shredDr_Willis: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=530183 - any good?13:18
normalRA_raThis is hopeless, alsa doesn't want to give me headphone sound. Then  I shall stop trying13:18
benzapthere's not reason why the ssh would just stop working though?13:18
benzapi'm confused as to why it would just decide to stop working13:18
aciculabenzap: config changes might13:18
benzapi restarted the server13:18
cse04there is any tracing option while executing c++ program in ubuntu?13:19
aciculacse04: gdb, strace etc13:19
benzapthe only debug message appears to be the same, connection timed out13:19
Dr_Willismade2shred:  no idea. i cant get to a browser right now13:19
aciculabenzap: will have to investigate on the machine then13:20
benzapyeah, prob13:20
cse04acicula: how to apply the command ?13:20
benzapi haven't updated it though!13:20
benzapwhy would it just decide to stop working!13:20
aciculacse04: strace programname13:20
benzappiece of shit!13:20
made2shredDr_Willis: ok13:20
* benzap flails a trout in the air, like just doesn't care13:21
bazhangbenzap, language please13:21
aciculabenzap: best investigate before blaiming the program13:21
alexblighSomeone has installed a server for me running Lucid and has installed a pile of stuff I don't need on a server (e.g. X). What is the easiest way (without doing a reinstall, and over ssh) to return it to a base server config?13:21
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aciculaalexbligh: there is no meta-package uninstall, but if you pick main package like the xfree package it should get pretty much everything that depends on it13:22
aciculaalexbligh: or look in /var for the apt history/cache and make a list of recently installed packages13:23
schnuffle1alexbligh: there no such things as a base server config, so sort out which services you need and uninstall the rest. Maybe debfoster can help you with that13:23
BluesKajbenzap, maybe the rsa key neds uodating open /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub delete the key and ssh again, it'll generate a new one for that IP13:23
benzapBluesKaj: but it isn't even telling me that the server rejected me13:24
aciculaoh debfoster seems nice13:24
induzmy upgraded Lucid randomly freezes and mouse,keyboard become un-responsive, why>??13:24
induz aany clue13:24
cse04acicula: g++ strace  filename.cpp13:24
A_JI need a little help in Gpart, i wanna re size my System Parition..13:24
A_JPlease Help me13:24
benzapit just says the connection timed out13:24
aciculacse04: strace works on executables13:24
A_Jany1 ?13:25
benzaphmm maybe if i purge the current ssh server and reinstall?13:25
induzI have No propeierety drive in use on this Dell 4 system13:25
bazhangA_J, unmount it?13:25
induzbut it freezes lately13:25
A_Jgives error13:25
schnuffle1A_J: first backup!!! your important stuff13:25
induzno error is shown13:25
jetboyjetgirli mistakenly installed 32 bit instead of 64 :-( .... is there a big difference?13:25
A_Jlol clean install13:25
induz the screen freezes13:25
jetboyjetgirlfor ubuntu 10.10 that is13:25
bazhangA_J, are you doing this from a live cd live gparted cd?13:26
benzapjetboyjetgirl: it depends on what you're doing13:26
bazhangjetboyjetgirl, how much ram13:26
jetboyjetgirljust internet, multimedia, games, irc13:26
schnuffle1A_J: You need to create a gparted live CD and boot from it, then you can resize the partition13:26
cdavisHow can I cause my wireless usb to not activate in ubuntu? I only want to use it with virtualbox13:26
A_Jfrom inside ubuntu13:26
jetboyjetgirl4 gig ram13:26
benzapjetboyjetgirl: not really13:26
aciculajetboyjetgirl: not for normal users really, unless you have more then 4GB.13:26
jetboyjetgirlahh ok, cool... so not even worth reinstalling then13:26
benzapif you're using blender with rendering, then yes13:26
bazhangjetboyjetgirl, you can install linux-generic-pae to see all 4gb of the ram13:26
schnuffle1A_J: You can't resize ay mounted partition13:26
A_Jwhat should i do then ?13:27
cse04acicula: it should be write in the terminal or program starting?13:27
A_Jburn a live cd  ?13:27
bazhangA_J, use a live cd or a gparted live cd13:27
benzapA_J: yes, or a live usb key13:27
schnuffle1A_J: As I told you burn a live cd/usb stick and boot from it13:27
benzapi always find that moreuseful, and it's less wasteful13:27
jetboyjetgirlis that like a system tool bazhang? i'm kinda new to linux13:27
aciculacse04: you cant use strace on source code, best read the man page on what you can do with it13:27
A_Jthen unmount, and re size the empty space ?13:28
bazhangjetboyjetgirl, its a kernel (pae kernel) that allows 32 bit to see more than 3.5 gb of ram13:28
bazhangjetboyjetgirl, install that package and it will pull in the rest13:28
schnuffle1A_J: When you boot the live CD, the HDD partitios are not used so you can resize them13:28
jetboyjetgirlok great, thanks for the help :-)13:28
A_Jbtw, what IRC client are u people using, Xchat ?13:29
schnuffle1A_J: Pidgin as I'm mostly using jabber13:29
A_Jjabber ?13:29
bazhangA_J, that or irssi, or many others. check the package manager for a list13:29
A_Jthank you :D13:30
schnuffle1A_J: Xmpp, google uses it13:30
A_Jany1 can tell me why i can't display max resolution.. which is 1024*108013:31
A_Jit's not showing up in my moniters setup13:31
schnuffle1A_J: Wrong monitor specs or wrong graphic card driver13:31
A_Jit working on onboard13:32
bazhangA_J, what's the video card13:32
SquarismYo... i have a one year old dell laptop (e5410) that has the "Intel HM55 Express Chipset"... seems the support for this chipset - graphics in particular is lackiung alot in ubuntu / linux. I wonder where you ppl turn if some hardware isnt supported. I guess a popular chipset gets some opensource attention somewhere?!13:32
bazhangA_J, need the actual chipset13:32
A_Jone sec13:32
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A_JAsus P5GC-MX13:33
alexblighacicula, thanks. I was hoping I could take the package list from a normal machine and remove with purge all the rest. I guess I can do dpkg -i , diff, some perl, and feed it to aptitude purge13:33
A_Jthats the board13:33
bazhangA_J, lspci in the terminal --> paste.ubuntu.com13:33
cse04acicula: in normal execution it shows segmentation fault. what it means?13:34
aciculaalexbligh: de deborphan package is no use?13:34
A_Jhow do i open the terminal ?13:34
arandA_J: Ctrl+Alt+T if you are running 10.04 or later13:35
bazhangA_J, applications accessories terminal13:35
aciculacse04: usually means an error in your code, you should probably check your code using a debugger like gdb or just printf statements to see where it fails13:35
schnuffle1alexbligh: deborphan only purges unneeded packages, debfoster gives you questions on what to keep or not have a look at it13:35
aciculaschnuffle1: alexbligh my bad, thats what i meant13:35
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stevenyanzhican anyone tell me why i can't create java project in eclipse?13:35
A_Ji copy that to pastebin ?13:35
robinsmidsrodhow do I avoid that ubuntu 10.04 boots with a "graphical" text mode, that is, not a pure text mode (aka vga=0 kernel mode param)13:35
schnuffle1A_J: yes13:35
bazhangA_J, yes, and give us the url13:36
robinsmidsrodit seems as it changes to a 640x480 16 color graphical emulated text mode somewhere in the init process13:36
cse04acicula: how to use gdb .please say with example.13:36
robinsmidsrodHow can I just keep whatever text mode the kernel boots in?13:36
bazhangIntel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller A_J13:36
aciculacse04: thats a bit beyond the scope of the channel really, try the gdb man page and/or a tutorial on gdb/debugging in general?13:37
A_Jbazhang, what should i do ?13:38
schnuffle1cse04: http://www.cs.umd.edu/~srhuang/teaching/cmsc212/gdb-tutorial-handout.pdf13:38
bazhangA_J, whats the current resolution you get?13:38
DominiCanesanybody here has ubuntu 11 on netbook13:39
bazhangA_J, and what were you expecting? I've not gotten better than that with my own with a similar chip13:39
aciculaDominiCanes: try #ubuntu+113:39
bazhangDominiCanes, natty in #ubuntu+1 please13:39
A_Ji use to get 1024*1080 on windowa13:39
Kronusdarkis there a way to via SSH configure ubuntu to run in text mode only on reboot?13:39
jribKronusdark: you don't want gdm to startup?13:40
slaytonhi all!13:40
DominiCanesguys is there any channel for ubuntu netbook13:40
Kronusdarkim using it for remote access only13:40
slaytonrandom question, sometimes when I type cd / I mess up and type cd //, and it takes me to //  what is //?13:40
bazhangDominiCanes, no13:41
Kronusdarkbut i want to be able to start gdm on demand13:41
jribKronusdark: if you read /etc/init/gdm.conf it hints that you can add "text" to your kernel line in grub to have gdm not start13:41
psycho_oreosslayton, its the same as /13:41
A_Jbazhang how do i get drivers ?13:41
Clavin12So what do I do if my ubuntu upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 is taking days to install and configure the packages it took a couple hours to download?13:41
slaytonpsycho_oreos, does it carry any significance? because cd /// takes you to /13:42
Kronusdarkhow do i edit grub? it used to be a menu.lst but im not sure anymore13:42
psycho_oreosslayton, none that I'm aware of13:42
Kronusdarkit looks like the config is automatic13:42
psycho_oreos!grub2| Kronusdark13:42
ubottuKronusdark: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:42
aciculaClavin12: using some kind of ancient esoteirc hardware or recent stuff?13:42
jribKronusdark: edit /etc/default/grub and modify GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT, run update-grub, update the existing entries in /boot/grub/grub.cfg too13:42
A_Jbazhang, do u mind if i pm ?13:43
Kronusdarkok i wasnt sure, as /etc/default/grub says not to edit13:43
Kronusdarki will try tyhat13:43
Clavin12acicula, it's an older vaio, but the previous upgrades I've done have only taken a few hours.13:43
induzmy Lucid freezes randomly why??13:43
schnuffle1induz: check dmesg fro errors13:44
bazhangA_J, keep it here, I am searching the forums please13:44
aciculaClavin12: older is relative, what year is it from? Normally an upgrade shouldnt run for more then a few hours. a few days would mean it hangs or is stuck13:44
induzschnuffle, can i find that error on Log file??13:44
bahaahow to get Gnome from Ubuntu 10.10 live cd using synaptic on XUbuntu?13:44
jetboyjetgirlcool I already have PAE since I'm on Ubuntu 10.10 apparently13:44
aciculaClavin12: may be the bottom of the update-manager you can click something to show the installation console to see what its currently doing/attempting13:45
jetboyjetgirlthanks again13:45
bahaahad no luck with this:https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/add-applications/C/offline.html13:45
Clavin12It's still moving.13:45
Clavin12Acicula, I've had the console open13:45
aciculaClavin12: let it run then i guess13:45
schnuffle1induz: Yes, sudo dmesg gives you some hints normally, to analyze do a sudo dmesg | less13:45
Clavin12acicula, but the time keeps getting larger and the progress bar isn't moving.13:45
tzangI am very new at ubuntu and I have a easy question. Is there a terminal command to share a folder to a group? I have a user added to a group called "cns". I made a dir using mkdir called "cnsshare"13:45
bazhangxserver-xorg-video-intel A_J  please check that is installed or not13:45
aciculaClavin12: but its definitly odd, try dmesg in a console and see if there any hardware errors reporting13:46
Clavin12acicula, I'll try it13:46
schnuffle1tzang:  chown -R :cns <yourfolder>13:47
tzangthank you13:47
A_Ji have that installed13:47
schnuffle1tzang: and chmod 770 <yourfolder>13:47
induzschnuffle, there are too many info on that LoG13:48
bahaacan I install Gnome desktop envirnoment on Xubuntu using Ubuntu live cd?13:48
Atlantic777bahaa: yes you can13:48
Atlantic777add a cd as repository13:48
bahaaAtlantic777, how, help please :)13:48
JenniferB2hi folks.. I have installed a minimum version of ubuntu server ... and I would like to now install a minimum version of the gnome desktop on it.. without all the extra crap .. any tips on how I can do this ?13:48
JenniferB2i want the gnome user interface.. it's not going to be a server, but is my laptop13:48
Atlantic777and then just install ubuntu-desktop package13:48
jsdklfjalksdjfwhy people use linux anyway...13:48
bahaaAtlantic777, it sees it but the package isn't listed13:49
psycho_oreos!offtopic| jsdklfjalksdjf13:49
ubottujsdklfjalksdjf: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:49
bahaaAtlantic777, I'll try again :) thanks13:49
schnuffle1induz: so what do you mean with it freezes13:49
A_Jdamn tab doesnt auto complete nicks in pigim :|13:49
Atlantic777bahaa: are you sure that you have ubuntu (not xubuntu) live disk?13:49
bahaaYes I'm sure13:49
schnuffle1A_J: It does :)13:49
Atlantic777A_J: get to the irssi side, we have cookies. :D13:49
A_Jit opens a huge list13:50
induzschnuffle, when i open GoldenDict or some programs all my computer freezes, the keybaord and mouse become un-responsive13:50
Atlantic777bahaa: sorry, I can't tell you anything more, now.13:50
schnuffle1induz: just for a short moment or permanetly?13:50
* A_J agrees13:50
danubhey all. i need some help setting up a pxe server. anyone have any tutorials or hints how to accomplish this?13:50
A_Ji normally use Mirc, so this is a kinda like a Joke13:51
luizfel_BRalgum brasileiro, por favor pvt13:51
Atlantic777A_J: skip pidgin and mIRC, use irssi or xchat.13:51
hateball!br | luizfel_BR13:51
ubottuluizfel_BR: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.13:51
wyclifhey all.13:51
induzschnuffle, I have reboot the computer13:51
A_Jdownloading Xxhat now13:51
A_Jlet's see13:51
luizfel_BRna vdd to com problemas em python,mas nao acho ajuda13:52
Atlantic777A_J: you'll like the xhcat if you are used to mirc. ;)13:52
bazhangA_J, there is a potential fix for that, buts its unsupported, so you do it at your own risk13:52
psycho_oreos!br| luizfel_BR13:52
ubottuluizfel_BR: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.13:52
bazhanghttps://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa A_J13:52
A_Jchecking bazhang13:53
schnuffle1induz: to few info to be able to give advice13:53
bahaaAtlantic777, I add the cd as repositories source but synaptic seems to not list all the packages13:54
bazhanginduz, goldendict installed from where13:54
bahaabecause it doesn't show gnome packages13:54
induzschnuffle, there is not prop driver install, !GB RAM Dell Pent4 comp Lucid13:54
bahaaAtlantic777, it only shows so few about 30 packages13:54
induzbazhang, I have installed goldenDict with startdict, but lately when i open the goldendict it takes my whole screen and at times stays there forevere13:55
bazhanginduz, from the repos? what version of ubuntu are you on13:56
induzhow can i replace metacity??13:56
schnuffle1bazhang: he's on lucid13:56
induzbazhang, i am on Lucid and i installed from binary i guess13:56
bazhangschnuffle1, thanks13:57
A_J|wtfxchat looks better13:57
induzbazhang, someone on this forum help me to instll Goldendict13:57
bazhangA_J|wtf, mind changing your nick to something more family friendly?13:57
A_J|wtfone sec13:57
induzbazhang, it was running fine but lately13:57
A_J|wtfdamn A_J has yet not quit :|13:57
bazhang /nick newnick13:57
A_J|wtfA_J :Nickname is already in use.13:57
Atlantic777A_J|wtf: try ghost if you are registered.13:58
bahaahow to add ubuntu 10.10 Cd as repository in Xubuntu synaptic ?13:58
bazhangrelease actually13:58
A_J|wtfnot registred13:58
schnuffle1A_J|wtf: /msg nickserv ghost nick passwd13:58
Atlantic777 /msg nickserv ghost nickname pass13:58
bazhangbahaa, the alternate cd? or aptoncd13:58
erUSULbahaa: only alternatecd can act as source13:58
=== A_J|wtf is now known as A_J|Unix
induzi want to re-install goldencity bazhang13:58
bahaabazhang, erUSUL: it's the live ubuntu cd13:59
bazhangbahaa, then you don't13:59
bahaabazhang, why?13:59
bahaabazhang, doesn't it have the packages?13:59
bazhangbahaa, alternate or aptoncd13:59
erUSULbahaa: becouse the livecd does not contain packages; it contains a live system13:59
A_J|Unixbazhang,  i try with the live cd ?13:59
bazhangA_J|Unix, try what13:59
bahaaerUSUL, but it can install the packages when told to!!14:00
Clavin12acicula, if I did want to stop the upgrade safely how would I go about it?14:00
bazhangbahaa, thats the way it is, we can't change it.14:00
erUSULbahaa: it copies the live system to the hard disk14:00
woodzyi have graphical login disabled: when i use xinit or startx, how can i tell it which desktop I want (KDE or GNOME)?14:00
A_J|Unixit won't screw with the boot partions ?14:00
A_J|Unixfor re sizing my HDD14:00
bahaabazhang, erUSUL: Ok thanks a lot for the info:)14:00
erUSULno problem14:00
bazhangA_J|Unix, sure you can14:00
bazhangA_J|Unix, or a gparted live cd (60mb iso)14:01
madcSPYnXhi guys14:01
atifalhazmihow are you ?14:01
schnuffle1Clavin12: open a terminal kill the process doing the upgrade and redo the upgrade from the console14:01
A_J|Unixit's the system drive14:01
A_J|Unixso i think i'll need live14:01
bazhangA_J|Unix, correct or live gparted14:01
madcSPYnXCan I open encrypted files to windows14:01
schnuffle1Clavin12: and use aptitude instaed of apt-get, it deals better with dependecies14:02
A_J|Unixthanks once again bazhang ,14:02
A_J|Unixthanks for helping a n33b14:02
bazhangA_J|Unix,  welcome14:02
bazhangschnuffle1, he needs to install it if he's on maverick14:03
A_J|Unixwho here is on xchat ?14:03
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Clavin12schuffle1, how might I list the processes from the terminal?14:03
A_J|Unixhow can i turn off join and leaves ?14:03
bazhangA_J|Unix, please dont poll in such a large channel14:03
schnuffle1Clavin12: sudo ps aux14:03
Atlantic777Clavin12: top, htop, ps?14:03
juniour Clavin12 ps14:03
bazhangA_J|Unix, right click channel name hide joins/parts14:03
Clavin12ok thanks14:03
A_J|Unixnever been in such a huge irc14:04
A_J|Unixmax i've ever been is 500 members14:04
A_J|Unixbut this is a whole new level of omg14:04
bazhangA_J|Unix, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please as here is for support14:04
schnuffle1Clavin12: it's important that you continue the upgrade without rebooting to bring your system into a stable configuration14:04
A_J|Unixi'll keep help issues here14:05
A_J|Unixthank you14:05
bazhangyou can click #channel or /join #channelname14:05
A_J|Unixya i got that14:05
Clavin12schuffle1, I'll be sure to do that.14:05
Clavin12schnuffle1, unfortunately the system is quite slow due to the current upgrade process, and I'm having quite a time getting to the terminal14:06
woodzyA_J|Unix: there is a channel for xchat:  #xchat14:06
Renskihas anyone installed and maintained a BNC before? If so, do you have any recommendations for which BNC I should try?14:07
woodzyi have graphical login disabled: when i use xinit or startx, how can i tell it which desktop I want (KDE or GNOME)?14:07
schnuffle1Renski: when I used a bnc, psybnc did a good job for me14:08
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juniour Clavin12 ps -A14:08
edgyHi, I edited /etc/hosts.deny and added: sshd: ALL: twist /bin/echo access denied! , but when I try ssh it doesn't print that message, what's wrong, please?14:09
juniour Clavin12 PS -A THIS WILL LIST U ALL THE PROCESS14:09
Picijuniour: Mind the caps please.14:09
Fuchsedgy: why should it print the message for the one connecting?14:09
hemispherehi.. I need some help with Java Jar files14:10
schnuffle1!ask | hemisphere14:10
ubottuhemisphere: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:10
hemisphereI am a Java developer and I noticed my Java jar files could not be set as executable14:10
Fuchshemisphere: you don't need to14:10
edgyFuchs: because this is what I thought twist command would do, am I wrong?14:10
Fuchshemisphere: java -jar  <file>  should not care whether it is executable14:10
hemisphereI am trying to do the double click to execute thing14:11
JenniferB2hi folks.. I have installed a minimum version of ubuntu server ... and I would like to now install a minimum version of the gnome desktop on it.. without all the extra crap .. any tips on how I can do this ?14:11
Fuchsedgy: first time I see that, where did you get that?14:11
hemisphereusually before the recent upgrade to Ubuntu 10.10, i could simply allow the jar file set as executable bit and I could double click and it would launch14:11
ghostcubesoreau: o.o14:12
Fuchshemisphere: for that you don't need to make it executable14:12
Fuchshemisphere: you have to tell the file manager (or desktop environemtn) that .jar files should be opened with  `java -jar $file`14:12
hemispherehow do I do that ?14:12
Fuchshemisphere: so you need to add a corresponding mimetype binding14:12
hemispherewhat is that ?/14:12
Fuchshemisphere: depends on the file manager / desktop environment used14:12
edgyFuchs: man hosts_options14:13
philhi there, is there a way to automate building of a specific downloaded kernel module every time a new kernel is installed?14:13
korsakoff-someone could help me out with dovecot?14:13
Fuchshemisphere: for nautilus: right click, properties, there should be a tab to set an application to the type14:13
hemisphereType: Java archive (application/x-java-archive)14:13
hemisphereIt is there by default14:13
Fuchsedgy: I am not sure whether that works for ssh14:13
Fuchshemisphere: now tell the file manager to open that kind of file with  `java -jar $file`14:14
hemispherehow do I tell the file manager to do that ?14:14
schnuffle1hemisphere: http://superuser.com/questions/78989/configure-ubuntu-to-run-jar-file-by-duble-clicking-on-it14:14
Fuchshemisphere: as I just told you14:14
edgyFuchs: I just tried telnet to port 22 and it works but why it doesn't work with ssh?!14:15
Fuchsedgy: possible, yes14:15
hemisphereThe file '/xxx/yyyyyyyyy.jar' is not marked as executable.  If this was downloaded or copied from an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.  For more details, read about the executable bit.14:15
schnuffle1edgy: because ssh is not a text based protocol14:15
hemisphereI have done that to jar files a while ago and it has never failed to launch a jar on double click14:16
hemisphereI suspect the recent update to Ubuntu have caused it to go abit off...14:16
edgyschnuffle1: can you explain more about what text based protocol means? or show me a doc for this and how can I differentiate?14:17
hemisphereI have tried using chmod 777 on my jar file and double click jar doesn't work too14:17
schnuffle1edgy: protocolls like imap,http,pop3,telnet are pruly text based so you can emulate it with telnet, ssh is not14:18
schnuffle1edgy: purly14:18
schnuffle1edgy: text based means that all the communication is done in ascii14:19
edgyschnuffle1: ah! you mean ascii vs encrypted?14:19
tzangI got another new guy to ubuntu question. In the command "sudo chown USERNAME /folder/", that changes owner. But in the command "sudo chown :cns /folder/", what does : do? Is that what adds the group?14:19
schnuffle1edgy: yes14:20
DrGrovGood evening14:20
gunndawggood morning drgrov14:20
edgyschnuffle1: so in ssh what's the proper way to echo a message to the client when he is denied access?14:20
DrGrovI have now got the Ubuntu Studio as my Plymouth theme. Now I am wondering that how can I alter some settings within? Perhaps change theme or such?14:20
schnuffle1tzang: it changes the group not the owner14:20
tzangok thank you again. I think I have it now14:20
DrGrovGood morning/afternoon gunndawg :)14:20
gunndawgDrGrov, still night for me, might be 6am but I havent slept yet! still writing my shell scripts!14:21
phili'm using a patched v4l tree to get the dvb-t stick working but have to recompile it for every kernel update, is there a way to automate this?14:21
hemispheresry connection dropped14:21
schnuffle1tzang: the normal syntax is chown <user>:<group>14:21
DrGrovAnd perhaps change the resolution to a tiny bit higher since it looks cluttered at 1024x768. Perhaps does 1600x1200 work on a 42" Full HD tv which I run at the native resolution 1920x1080?14:21
DrGrovgunndawg: You are a machine ;-)14:21
rshhello everyone  how d u remove cached packages for installation??//14:22
gunndawgDrGrov, I try not to be! lol14:22
izinucsI think I just backed up my mysql database using mysqldump -u USER -pPASS --single-transaction -Q --databases foo bar .. looked like it went smoothly.. but where does it put the file(s)?  or am I missreading the command and at the end have two database names.. the secondary being the backup with path location?14:22
DrGrovgunndawg: Lol14:22
Picirsh: sudo apt-get clean14:22
DrGrovgunndawg: You got any clues about Plymouth Manager?14:22
rshparticular file?14:22
gunndawgDrGrov I am writing my own system maint. utility, and no, no clue about that14:22
hemisphereI noticed I use the file manager properties to set my jar file permisions to 'Allow executing file as program' but whenever I tried to put a tick, it would reset and take away the tick. why is that so ?14:22
schnuffle1hemisphere: you don't have the right to change it?14:23
hemisphereI am the admin14:23
pwrusrsudo at-get clean is tha tsomething that should be run regularly or should it be used with caution or caveates14:23
Fuchshemisphere: maybe it is on a noexec mounted drive?14:23
hemisphereI even use sudo nautilus14:23
Fuchshemisphere: sudo nautilus is a very bad idea14:23
rshhow d u particular file? i want remove just dillo.14:23
DrGrovIs there any application to change Plymouth themes? Or do I need to run that fixplymouth script every time?14:23
hemispherehow do I know if it is a noexec mounted drive ?14:23
hemisphereit is a usb stick14:24
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Fuchshemisphere: by the list  `mount`  gives you14:24
gunndawgDrGrov what is Plymouth ?14:24
schnuffle1hemisphere: when the file doesn't belong to admin that doesn't matter, root can do everything, but admin not14:24
DrGrovgunndawg: It is the login manager thingie in Ubuntu 10.04. Not sure how to explain more throughly. It is the nice GUI thingie running upon boot.14:24
civixiercould someone please point me to something on how to solve the issue when I get the error message: error while loading shared libraries: libcrypto.so.0.9.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory14:24
gunndawgDrGrov does 10.10 use it as well ?14:25
schnuffle1civixier: is it 64bit system?14:25
PiciDrGrov: No, thatgs GDM.  Plymouth powers the boot process and shows the Ubuntu logo and 5 dots.14:25
civixierschnuffle1: it is :)14:25
hemisphereI enabled execution for the jar file on desktop and brought it over to the usb stick and the permissions for the jar file in the usb stick changed14:25
schnuffle1civixier: and what are you starting? some 32 bit firefox?14:26
sjskanthHi everybody14:26
hemispherepreviously it wasn't that way. I could execute jar files by double clicking on usb stick14:26
aciculacivixier: means its missing a library, either you deleted it, its poorly packaged, or you are using some special apt rules to pin/remove packages14:26
civixierschnuffle1: hamachi. I dont know if it is 32 or 64-bit. could it be that it is 32-bit?14:26
erUSULhemisphere: most external filesystems are mounted noexec this days afaik14:26
Fuchshemisphere: again, the x bit on the .jar file does not change anything14:26
FucoHi. Is there an easy way to change the default window border to have the "x" button on the right not on the left?14:26
sjskanthIm new to ubuntu just installed a week ago I luv it but still need some help with graphics14:27
FuchsFuco: yes, via gconf-editor14:27
Fucootherwise it's pretty solid but this I can't use ;D14:27
Pici!controls | Fuco14:27
ubottuFuco: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side14:27
Fucook thanks14:27
DrGrovPici: Oh sorry. :(14:27
civixieracicula: yea, i tried to link to libcrypto.sp.0.9.8 without any luck.14:27
DrGrovPici: Perhaps you can advice me on how to install new Plymouth themes and also change them?14:27
aciculacivixier: fix the bad package i suppose14:27
hemispherehow do I get my usb stick to become exec instead of noexec ?14:27
schnuffle1civixier: depends on how you installed it. So check for 64 bit hamachi or install 32bit libcrypto14:27
sjskanthHelp needed here badly ...anybody?14:27
PiciDrGrov: there are a few in the repos, search for 'plymouth', also check out this factoid...14:27
DrGrovPici: The Ubuntu Studio works out well now but I kind of hoped to change it. I used in order just to check it is working without any fuss14:27
FuchsFuco: or, the short version:  gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/general/button_layout --type string menu:minimize,maximize,close14:27
cryogenfxahoi sailors. when i'm trying to install maverick on my desktop, i choose language, install, and then the blinking dots, then can't find a live image, can't read from /dev/sr0 or sr1 and it halts. wai?14:27
Pici!plymoyth | DrGrov14:27
schnuffle1!ask | sjskanth14:27
ubottusjskanth: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:27
Pici!plymouth | DrGrov14:27
ubottuDrGrov: Plymouth manages the Ubuntu boot process (before the root filesystem is mounted) and also provides a graphical boot animation.  To change your Plymouth theme use « sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u »14:28
civixierschnuffle1: where can I find what I need and how do i install that? :)14:28
Fuchshemisphere: why do you want it to? Again: the x bit does not change anything14:28
Fuchshemisphere: remount it without noexec, but it won't help at all regarding your problem14:28
schnuffle1civixier:  you know how to open a terminal?14:28
DrGrovPici: Ok, that seems pretty easy. How about the resolution? Can I use the Startup Manager that is in the Ubuntu Software Center?14:28
repgahrollfrom terminal, i can run " xinit & "; however, when i put it on a script called from ~/.profile, it doesn't work. athough, if i remove the & from the script it works... what's wrong?14:28
civixierschnuffle1: yea :) is it in apt-get? whats it called?14:28
gunndawgwhere do you download plymouth themes14:28
FucoFuchs, however, that changes the look a bit. They are now metalic and not the orange/dark as before. But I guess all I have to change is "metacity" (that'd be the name of skin?)14:28
SkilZI accidently done grep LOTR /usr/share/calendar/calendar.history, how do I undo it?14:29
schnuffle1civixier: yes: do a sudo aptitude search libcrypto14:29
FuchsFuco: no, metacity is the window manager, you don't really want to change that14:29
sjskanthunable to enable intel driver,  Im using 82845g/gl card14:29
Fucowhat then? :P14:29
FuchsFuco: it should not have changed the appearance14:29
Clavin12So my ubuntu upgrade has been taking days and the computer might as well be hung, although I can still move the mouse I cannot even open a terminal. What should I do?14:29
gunndawgIs there a place to download plymouth themes ?14:30
FuchsFuco: check  gnome-appearance-settings14:30
civixierschnuffle1: sec, I didnt have aptitude installed :)14:30
schnuffle1Clavin12:  Press Crtl+Alt+F1 to get to the console14:30
diabolicaloneQuestion about the lamp package installed. I just reinstalled the package via Tasksel, I had been using the lamp package via tasksel that i installed long ago. However this time upon install extensions such as Curl, were not included I do understand they are different versions but why are they not included this time around, Secondly where do you got the curl extensions and the missing others14:30
hemispherewow... I made a bash script onto the usb stick to run the jar file and it couldn't have the execution rights too14:30
FucoFuchs, if that's a command, it's not found14:30
PiciDrGrov: yes.14:31
bazhanggunndawg, apt-cache search plymouth turns up a few14:31
hemispherewhat are the recent updates to ubuntu that causes all these changes ?14:31
sjskanthhow to enable intel driver, Im using 82845g/gl card ..xlog says no device detected14:31
badpenguin86how can i reset ALL the setting of plymouth?14:31
Clavin12Yes! A console.14:31
DrGrovPici: Great, so the resolution from there and first that line you suggested :)14:31
DrGrovPici: This is great news, thank you :)14:31
FuchsFuco: it is the one you can also reach via the settings menu. Use this, then.14:32
vrubium#join ubuntu14:32
gunndawgbazhang is there a site I look at them and download them ?14:32
vrubium#join chakra14:32
FucoFuchs, you mean the "appearence preferences" dialog?14:33
pwrusrwould gnome-look.org be a place to start ??14:33
FuchsFuco: yes14:33
Fucowhat there14:33
schnuffle1diabolicalone: sudo aptitude install curl14:33
sjskanthhow to enable intel driver, Im using 82845g/gl card?14:33
Fucowait, nevermind14:33
Fucotried it again, it works14:33
Fuco@_@ thanks for your time14:34
bazhangsjskanth, patience please dont repeat so often14:34
DrGrovPici: First use the commands the kind bot posted and then first use startup manager, in that order? Correct?14:34
PiciDrGrov: Sure.14:34
DrGrovPici: That is not too convincing though LOl14:34
DrGrovPici: I am a bit suspicious but nah, I got time to reinstall :D :)14:34
civixierschnuffle1: ah, tried another version of hamachi, tried to install the 32bit version. thanks for leading me to that conclusion :)14:34
schnuffle1civixier: your welcome14:35
diabolicaloneschnuffle actually it is php5-curl but again why the stripped down package14:35
schnuffle1diabolicalone: no idea :)?14:35
schnuffle1diabolicalone: never used taskselect as I prefer only installing what  I need14:36
=== bruno is now known as Guest92733
diabolicaloneschnuffle1: such simple extensions are not included that once were, none of which are marked as unsafe or depecriated14:36
diabolicaloneschnuffle like header redirects ugh14:37
Clavin12Schnuffle1: So I got a login prompt, and I typed my username and hit enter expecting a password prompt, but I haven't got one.14:37
DrGrovPici: Thanks for your kind help :)14:37
reminkHow can I use the basename here plz : convert $img -resize 721x721 -quality 100 /home/titi/document/`basename $img ppm`jpg14:37
reminkIt write a file with the name "basename $img ..." :-(14:38
schnuffle1Clavin12: Wait a bit it should show up14:38
Chousukeremink: try $(basename $img ppm)14:38
schnuffle1Clavin12: can you reach your pc through ssh?14:39
reminkChousuke, operand supernumerary14:39
reminkChousuke, http://pastie.org/150589514:40
Clavin12schnuffle1: I do not know. How might I go about that?14:40
sjskanthHow to enable intel driver, Im using 82845g/gl card ( (EE) no device detected in xlog)14:40
schnuffle1Clavin12: you need another pc in the same network and try to connect with ssh14:41
schnuffle1remink: use ´  not ' or even better use $(your command)14:41
junioursjskanth systam->addministration->hardware drivers14:41
reminkschnuffle1 / Chousuke : like that : convert $img -resize 721x721 -quality 100 $folder_converted$(basename $img ppm)jpg ?14:42
sjskanthjunior: no additional drivers detected14:42
schnuffle1remink: yes14:42
reminkschnuffle1, It create a file named "jpg"14:42
junioursjskanth click on hard ware drivers it will search for drivers and list it u have to activate them all14:43
schnuffle1remink: prepend echos so that you can see what is the content of your vars like echo $folder_converted;echo $img14:43
micromThere is a critical bug in cairo graphics that breaks all inkscape PDF exports. How do I get the fixed package installed? Here is the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/68151214:44
rh1n0I have an ATI Radeon HD 6850 video card. When I attempt to use the restricted driver I get a Hypertransport overflow error on boot and have to reset the xorg config to defaults just to allow the wm to load. It works but i cant get high resolution. Anyone know if there is an alternative workaround available?14:44
gunndawgWhere can I get some Plymouth themes ?14:44
sjskanthjunior: additional drivers empy14:45
proberoshow can I recover my password ? I don't remember it but I can autologin14:45
oCeangunndawg: search gnome-look.org for example http://goo.gl/fY4bL14:46
badpenguin86how do i update-alternatives for plymouth to reset it?14:46
sjskanthjunior:no propriety drivers found in hardware drivers14:46
ActionParsnipproberos: run: passwd  and you can set a new pass14:46
gunndawgthx oCean14:46
schnuffle1remink: shouldn't the line for img in "$folder_converted$pdf_name-*.ppm" be for img in "$folder$pdf_name-*.ppm"14:46
Fucoso, I've downloaded mintmenu (a panel component), but when I rightclick a panel -> add to panel, it's not there. Where can I add it to the list manually?14:47
proberosActionParsnip: how do I run passwd I am a newbie14:47
reminkschnuffle1, No because my ppm are in folder_converted14:47
Switchproberos: do you know what "man" is?14:47
reminkschnuffle1, And no i want to convert the ppm in folder_converted to img in folder_converted14:47
junioursjskanth try lspci and paste the output at pastebin14:47
ActionParsnipproberos: failing that, boot to root recovery console and run: passwd foo   (replace foo with your username)14:48
sjskanthJunior: pls tell abt paste bin.14:49
ActionParsnipproberos: press CTRL+ALT+T14:49
gunndawgis installing new plymouth themes easy ?14:49
ActionParsnip!paste | sjskanth14:49
ubottusjskanth: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:49
smadasiekierka,  ello14:49
A_J|UnixCan any1 tell me a FTP Client, which supports pausing of Transfers ?14:50
schnuffle1A_J|Unix: filezilla should do the job14:50
schnuffle1A_J|Unix: for the console there is ncftp14:51
ActionParsnipgunndawg: yes some are in the repos. There is a deb on gnomelook for a classy sunrise one14:51
juniour sjskanth open  http://paste.ubuntu.com and here u can paste ur output14:51
reminkschnuffle1, when i use convert $img -resize 721x721 -quality 100 `basename $img ppm`jpg14:51
reminkschnuffle1, it tell me to read the help :p14:51
smadWho help me?14:52
juniour sjskanth copy the address and give it to me so that i can alos see the out put14:52
bazhangsmad, ask a question first14:52
ActionParsnipA_J|Unix: filezilla if you don't mind the bloat14:52
schnuffle1remink: as I told you set some echo statements to check your vars14:52
junioursmad ask the ques14:52
gunndawgActionParsnip, are they hard to install?14:52
reminkschnuffle1, They're correct14:53
schnuffle1remink: i=0; for file in *.JPG; do let i=i+1; convert -resize 1024 -quality 85 $file  DjKoze11122010-$i.web.jpg; done <-this one work14:53
ActionParsnipgunndawg: no harder than any other deb14:53
smadhow to share internet on ubuntu 10.10 to another computer14:53
gunndawgActionParsnip, I am new to linux, so I am unsure, lol14:53
gunndawgActionParsnip, I just want a more cooler looking login/splash screen14:54
juniour sjskanth i got ur address14:54
abdelmy system freezes thats the problem with 10.1014:54
ActionParsnipgunndawg: have a go and you will see14:54
A__Ju were saying14:54
gunndawgActionParsnip, aside from downloading the theme, what do you do from there?14:54
bazhanggunndawg, we have given you some links, please investigate14:55
smadand who help me?14:55
orogorhi here14:55
ActionParsnipgunndawg: the logi14:55
A__Jdamn am i dc;ed14:55
junioursjskanth wt the exectly prob u r facing14:55
Clavin12schnuffle1, I don't think I'm going to be able to set that up right now14:56
Pici!u | juniour14:56
ubottujuniour: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.14:56
Clavin12schnuffle1, ssh that is14:56
schnuffle1Clavin12: still no passwd prompt?14:56
Clavin12schnuffle1, nope14:56
ActionParsnipLogin theme you have is probably for an older gdm. You can only currently o14:56
sjskanthjunior: works well with VESA but no 3d accel...so trying to enable intel driver14:56
A__Jhow is gftp ?14:56
Clavin12schnuffle1, btw the computer is free from any documents I might want preserved.14:57
ActionParsnipOnly set wallpaper and login box colour14:57
reminkschnuffle1, with that : convert $img -resize 721x721 -quality 100 $folder_converted'basename $img ppm'.jpg14:57
FucoIs there a way to add a panel object to a panel other then "Add to panel" option when rightclicking? I have downloaded mintmenu, I can start it via shell (using mintmenu), but it's not in the "Add to panel" menu. :(14:57
gunndawgI dont know how to download these themes off this site you sent me, lol14:57
Clavin12schnuffle1, so I can do possibly destructive things.14:57
reminkschnuffle1, I've all my jpg but there are as : basename $img ppm-0.jpg basename $img ppm-1.jpg basename $img ppm-2.jpg14:57
A__Jis it better than filezilla ?14:57
schnuffle1Clavin12: Strange, do Strg+Alt+F2 and try again to login, don't use root as login as it doesn't have a password set14:57
reminkschnuffle1, Better but not perfect :)14:57
junioursjskanth k14:58
A__Jany1 ?14:58
Clavin12schnuffle, strg?14:58
PiciA__J: Why don't you try them yourself and see?14:58
ikoniagunndawg: you've used linux for several years and you can't download a file ?14:58
juniourin list you cant see any driver14:58
schnuffle1remink: it was just an example for you to sort out your errors14:58
schnuffle1Clavin12: Ctrl14:58
reminkschnuffle1, I haven't used your code14:58
Clavin12schnuffle, ah.14:58
junioursjskanth in hardware driver you cant see ant thing14:58
ActionParsnipgunndawg: search for: change lucid login theme. You want the maketecheasier link14:58
schnuffle1Clavin12: On german keyborad it's called Strg :)14:58
Clavin12schnuffle, I see14:59
junioursjskanth wt the message you r getting there14:59
bcurtiswx_is there a firefox 4 PPA thats NOT the mozilla daily PPA /14:59
sjskanthjunior:http://paste.ubuntu.com/559544/ pls see the error i get in xlog during boot14:59
gunndawgActionParsnip, I downloaded a them but its a .exe file14:59
Clavin12schnuffle, surprisingly responsive, but still no password prompt14:59
Clavin12schnuffle1, surprisingly responsive, but still no password prompt14:59
oCeanbcurtiswx_: silverwave @ LP14:59
oCeanbcurtiswx_: is monthly14:59
ikoniagunndawg: the themes are not .exe files14:59
gunndawgikonia ok15:00
ActionParsnipgunndawg: once you set it there is one final command to run or it will always bother you15:00
Clavin12schnuffle1, and there is no delay when typing15:00
schnuffle1Clavin12: Your system seems really broken then15:00
A_JDoes Filezilla Support Pausing of Transfers ?15:00
bazhangA_J, check their homepage?15:00
Clavin12schnuffle1, well the update is still going behind the scenes15:00
Clavin12schnuffle1, I thinl15:00
schnuffle1Clavin12: Okay hit Ctrl+Alt+F7 to get back to your graphic session15:00
oCeangunndawg: on these links from gnome-look.org are installation instructions AND a download button.. (for example http://goo.gl/zqfai)15:00
gunndawgActionParsnip ok I have the .7z file of it, but no clue what to do with it15:01
juniourCalvin12 wt the prob you are having15:01
ikoniagunndawg: show me the URL you got that file from15:01
ActionParsnipgunndawg: sounds like a windows file. You sure its for ubuntu?15:01
A_Jwell ?15:01
PiciA_J: Well what?15:01
schnuffle1juniour: he has a update running that blocks his pc15:02
bazhangA_J, check their homepage?15:02
junioursjskanth how you get that error15:02
bcurtiswx_oCean, thx15:02
jdeslaur_a_j: you could try installing it and testing it15:02
ikoniagunndawg: that is a usplash file15:02
gunndawgwell im tryin to get thise theme, lol15:02
ActionParsnipgunndawg: install p7zip-full and p7zip-rar and you can extract it15:02
sjskanthiunior: it just boots into text mode and when i see the log i find this15:02
oCeanikonia: gunndawg and plymouth too15:03
gunndawgActionParsnip, I need both of those or just one of those, I just want a new log in theme :(15:03
sjskanthJunior: If I enble VESA driver it boots inot GUI15:03
ikoniagunndawg: it also downloads a deb file - not  a 7z file15:03
junioursjskant k15:03
juniourthen wt?15:03
ikoniagunndawg: I suggest you actually read the text on the web page your using15:03
bazhanggunndawg, I told you there are some in the package manager some 45 minutes ago, did you investigate?15:03
juniourschnuffle1 i dident get the prob15:03
oCeanjuniour: can you use complete words please?15:03
juniourtell me again in brief15:03
gunndawgbazhang, send it again please, I was occupied15:04
martianIs there a way to limit the amount of memory a specific user may use in total?15:04
schnuffle1juniour: you asked Clavin12 for his problem, I gave you the answer15:04
sjskanthBut no video acceleration with VESA driver so cannot run any full screen videos15:04
juniouroCean k15:04
bazhanggunndawg, check the package manager , using plymouth as a search term.15:04
bubuzzzfor vim fans: http://inspiration.sweyla.com/code/15:05
gunndawgThank you bazhang, and sorry for being a pest, just new and learning :(15:05
bazhangbubuzzz, offtopic here please dont15:05
Clavin12schnuffle1, ok so now I have nothing, just a black screen15:05
A_Jok bazhang  will do15:05
A_Ji got my live cd15:05
A_Jbrb is a bit15:05
FloodBot3A_J: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:05
Clavin12schnuffle1, and now a mouse15:05
Picigunndawg: The login theme is not powered by plymouth.  Plymouth only controls the boot up screen. The login screen itself is controlled by GDM.15:05
bazhangActionParsnip, keyboard troubles? :)15:06
juniourclavin12 while updating your pc blocks15:06
ActionParsnipgunndawg: http://maketecheasier.com/change-login-and-boot-screen-in-ubuntu-lucid/2010/05/1315:06
gunndawgPici, so are there login screen themes ?15:06
Clavin12schnuffle1, and now the graphical display15:06
Clavin12schnuffle1, ok I'm back15:06
ikoniagunndawg: in ubuntu 10.X the gdm theme is locked15:06
ikoniagunndawg: it's more realistic at your level to accept the gdm theme15:06
schnuffle1Clavin12: if you can't login on the console, I have no idea how to get your system back working, sorry15:06
ActionParsnipbazhang: LG GT540 is rubbish at irc on a coach15:07
bazhangActionParsnip, :)15:07
sjskanthJunior: did u see the xlog error (EE) no device detected15:07
gunndawgIkoia why do you say that? I am just trying to customize and personalize my ubuntu apperance15:07
micromhow do I specifically get cairo-1.10.2 with apt-get?15:07
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ikoniagunndawg: I said that because it's the truth, the theme is locked, and with the ability you're showing, it is more realisitc to accept the gdm theme15:08
ActionParsnipgunndawg: i told you how to get that link earlier but looks like i had to get it for you eh15:08
schnuffle1gunndawg: he fears that you end up with a totally corrutped system15:08
ikoniaschnuffle1: no I don't, please don't speak for me15:08
gunndawgwell fair enough15:08
Clavin12schnuffle1, what does it mean when an individual window dims?15:09
schnuffle1ikonia: sorry15:09
gunndawgI just figured I could customize my login screen and such with no trouble, wasnt trying to act like a ubuntu elitist15:09
obscurant1stand btw i had installed KDE and now i revreted back to gnome, but still the screen just before login screen shows Kubuntu, what to do with that?15:09
gunndawgjust trying to customize some apperances15:09
bazhanggunndawg, pardon?15:09
junioursjskant i am not getting the exact problem you are facing15:09
royale1223what do you think about installing gnome 3 in 10.10? what are the risks?15:09
Picigunndawg: Unfortunately its not trivial to customize the gdm theme at this point.15:09
martianmicrom: check out man apt-get in the 'install' section a page or two down15:09
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gunndawgbazhang, what ?15:10
ActionParsnipbazhang: you can tell when I'm on it cos i do a word every 2 seconds or so. Frustration galore15:10
Da|Mummyover the last few weeks, ive installed ubuntu about 5 times, and another windows once, now the only OS that i have installed is ubuntu, but when im still booting up the pc, i see the options to choose from 3 ubuntus and one windows, how do i get rid of all the OS i cant user anymore from bootmenu?15:10
schnuffle1obscurant1st: replace kdm with gdm15:10
gunndawgbazhang, I am simply asking how to customize a few apperances on my system, figured I would ask here, what is the trouble ?15:10
bazhanggunndawg, the elitist comment15:10
sjskanthJunior: when i try to enable the intel driver system boots only into text mode because of the error seen in http://paste.ubuntu.com/559544/15:10
ActionParsnipgunndawg: the link i gave gives some customization15:11
martianDa|Mummy: this may be of help to you: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Maverick#Use_Startup_Manager_to_change_Grub_settings15:11
obscurant1stschnuffle: i did that!15:11
gunndawgActionParsnip, thank you15:11
royale1223Da|Mummy: run this and pastebin yhe output.. http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/15:11
obscurant1stdpkg-reconfigure gm and selecting gdm will do that right?15:12
obscurant1sti hv done that already15:12
martianIs there a way to limit the amount of memory a specific user may use in total?15:12
goltoofany other default disc burning utilities that come installed by default?15:12
junioursjskanth i see the ee device not detected15:12
goltoofbesides brasero?15:13
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martiangoltoof: Seems only logical to install only one by default, no?15:13
goltoofcan't install any right now, nad brasero craps out15:13
sjskanthJunior: what could be the reason15:13
ActionParsnipgunndawg: its on the screen for mere seconds. I wouldnt sweat it too much unless you are really bored15:13
royale1223what do you think about installing gnome 3 in 10.10? what are the risks?15:13
goltoofmartian:  indeed.. just wondering if something else would do the trick15:13
junioursjskanth i dont know the reason15:13
junioursjskant you are in text mode now15:14
sjskanthNo in GUI using VESA driver15:14
ActionParsnipgoltoof: not by default. You could install gnomebaker or xfburn15:14
junioursudo apt-get update15:14
juniourand sudo apt-get upgrade15:15
gunndawgActionParsnip was that address: http://marketcheasier.com/change-login-boot-screen-in-ubuntu-lucid/2010/05/1315:15
juniour http://paste.ubuntu.com/559544/15:15
SharpclawHiya all! Say, is there a way to get Ubuntu's iso without having to wait 3 hours?15:15
Da|Mummyroyale1223, http://pastebin.com/bdYDky7R15:15
izinucsgoltoof: k3b work very well too15:15
junioursjskant try the above command in terminal15:15
goltoofActionParsnip:  i like k3b.. can't install anything right now, admin directory is locked, and don't want to reboot15:15
sjskanthJunior: done that totally updated15:15
Clavin12schnuffle1, well this is interesting.15:15
joeoshawasharpclaw faster connection?15:15
juniourSharpclaw if valibe take it from friend15:16
schnuffle1obscurant1st: sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so15:16
Clavin12schnuffle1, I forced it to power down, thinking it would destroy it, but it booted fine.15:16
juniourSharpclaw you have to download it15:16
goltoofhow would i go about finding and killing whatever is locking admin dir?  i asked this before to no avail15:16
ActionParsnipgoltoof: with all those Qt deps? May as well use Kubuntu15:16
Rodenskyhello. how do i disable auto case-change in libreoffice?15:16
SharpclawNo faster connection and I'm giving it to a friend. LOL.15:16
schnuffle1Clavin12: Perfect, lucky man15:16
obscurant1stschnuffle: it shows no alternatives15:17
Clavin12schnuffle1, yup15:17
goltoofActionParsnip:  sorry?  think that was for someone else..15:17
ActionParsnipgoltoof: try lsof and grep the output15:17
joeoshawayou could have a disk mailed to you if your in the states15:17
joeoshawabut that would take longer15:17
gunndawgThank you ActionParnsip15:17
SharpclawAnd torrents are no faster...15:18
joeoshawatorrents are slower i find15:18
RodenskyPLZ. It's urgent... How do I disable auto case-change in libreoffice?15:18
kibibytei have questin, i want restric acess t ssh only fr 2 users: but i doesnt work in sshd_config :15:18
kibibyteDenyUsers *@
kibibyteAllowUsers tester@ developer@
goltoofActionParsnip:  what should I grep?15:18
Clavin12schnuffle1, so how might I go about updating distros from the command line?15:18
kibibytei cannt login as dester r developer why ?15:18
royale1223Da|Mummy: you just pasted the script15:18
izinucsI've found ubuntu torrents to be extreemly fast.. total download time typically 10-15 minutes15:18
kibibytei cannot login as tester or developer why ?15:18
martianRodensky: this room is more focused on ubuntu as an operating system, not minor features of software it carries15:18
royale1223Da|Mummy: run it and paste output15:19
schnuffle1Clavin12: I prefer doing it on the console, do as you want15:19
Sharpclaw10-15 minutes? Where from?!15:19
=== Cain` is now known as Cain
schnuffle1Clavin12:  sudo aptitude dist-upgrade15:19
Clavin12schnuffle1, thanks!15:19
joeoshawamaybe its my router or something torrents are never fast here i been trying to fix that15:19
genii-aroundkibibyte: Your first rule automatically excludes the next rule15:19
joeoshawaport forwarded and everything15:20
kibibytegenii-around, but deny is first and allow is second15:20
Clavin12schnuffle1, this is even more interesting. Under about ubuntu it tells me i'm using 11.04 natty narwhall15:20
ActionParsnipgoltoof: k3b is a KDE app so will need tonnes of Qt packages to run as well as the packages they need and so on. This adds a tonne of extra data to your OS and for something as trivial as a CD burner15:20
izinucsSharpclaw: by using the torrent from ubuntu.com and then transmission... whatever the default is.. but then I have a pretty speedy internet cable connection.. dl speeds of 3m+15:20
kibibyteit should deny all, then allow some15:20
gunndawgActionParnsip, before I read this site, does this work with 10.10? so far it discusses 10.0315:20
goltoofActionParsnip:  ah, good to know15:20
genii-aroundkibibyte: It's first match wins15:20
schnuffle1Clavin12: So you didn't upgrade to maverick but to 11.0415:20
goltoofActionParsnip:  I'll stop recommending it to people then :p15:21
Clavin12schnuffle1, Apparently15:21
FucoHow can I add applet to the panel *other then* using Add to panel dialog (the applet is not present there...) alternatively, how can I make it appear in the Add to panel dialog?15:21
ActionParsnipgoltoof: think about what lsof does, then what grep does15:21
Clavin12schnuffle1, at least the about ubuntu dialogue did15:21
Da|Mummyroyale1223, my bad, here it is http://pastebin.com/wkK0f3rv15:22
goltoofActionParsnip: think I'll google what they do instead, that often yields better results than thinking, for me at least15:22
juniourActionParsnip lfos-> list of open files15:22
ActionParsnipgoltoof: if you grep for the file or folder you are interested in you can see the locking app and/or PID15:23
daeda1ushi there... about to make the big change over to ubuntu from win7. 32bit or 64?15:23
SharpclawGTG. Firefox is being cranky! THX.15:23
daeda1usany reasons for this :D15:23
Clavin12schnuffle1, I am now performing a partial upgrade as recommended by the update manager15:23
Da|Mummyi made the mistake of trying 64, too many things not working right15:23
martianDa|Mummy: like?15:23
ActionParsnipJuniour: exactly15:23
Da|Mummymain ones for me were wine and flash15:23
Clavin12schnuffle1, I think I can take it from here now. Thanks!15:23
schnuffle1Clavin12:  your welcome15:23
daeda1usyeah, i'll be needing wine for a few games15:23
goltoofActionParsnip: and why are there so many?15:24
Aikarim having a weird issue installing ubuntu to my laptop. i booted from cd and got the little keyboard = man icon at bottom same as desktop, then screen goes black, and its staying black even though i hear cd spinning up and down. been black for like 15 mins15:24
Aikarany ideas?15:24
Da|Mummyit works for some stuff, bit ive had trouble with wine and 64bit15:24
daeda1usi'll stick to 32bit for the time being then15:24
bazhangAikar, md5 the iso? burn at low speeds then do the disk integrity check?15:24
bazhang!md5 | Aikar15:25
ubottuAikar: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:25
karlo94my head-phone-microphone do not work, but the head-phones work, and speakers works to, anybody know how I can fix that, I tryed alsamixer..15:25
martianAikar: you may want to do some research into installing linux on that laptop. Is it older? It may need some special kernel options or something in order to run linux.15:25
ActionParsnipdaeda1us: what is the main use of the system? How much RAM is available? What CPU are you using?15:25
Aikarbazhang: installed with exact same disc on desktop last night15:25
Aikarworked fine15:25
goltoofActionParsnip: so many open files, what exactly qualifies as an open file?15:25
bazhangAikar, check the bootoptions then15:25
ActionParsnipgoltoof: its an OS so a lot of files are used15:25
Da|Mummyroyale1223, got anything?15:25
schnuffle1goltoof:  nearly everything is a file in unix15:26
Aikarhow would i do that? it boots from cd and thats it...15:26
Aikari dont get an option to do anthing15:26
bazhangAikar, well then you may wish to try the alternate installer15:26
daeda1usActionParsnip: the main use of the system is general web browsing and gaming... available ram is 4gb... cpu is an old core 2 quad q660015:26
ActionParsnipgoltoof: an open file is one being used by a thread15:27
bazhangAikar, presumably this is the live cd you are referring to15:27
martianAikar: Is it an older laptop? Have you tried searching the web to see if others have had trouble installing linux on the same machine?15:27
Aikarnot really, its an i515:27
Aikardell latitude E641015:27
goltoofschnuffle1:  yes, but there's a difference between open and non open files... ActionParsnip:  I know what lsof and grep do, but what do i grep to determine what's locking the admin directory?15:27
ActionParsnipdaeda1us: that's about 400 times faster than all my CPUs combined15:27
Aikarhttp://www.downloadatoz.com/driver/articles/fix-dell-latitude-e6410-black-screen-during-ubuntu-10-04-installation.html  looks relevant15:28
daeda1usActionParsnip: hehe, what would you recommend? always nice to get a second opinion15:29
royale1223Da|Mummy: you are using 10.10 arent you?15:29
obscurant1stsomebody pls tell me! i had installed KDE and now i revreted back to gnome, but still the screen just before login screen shows Kubuntu, what to do with that?15:29
martianAikar: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+dell+latitude+E6410&l=115:29
schnuffle1goltoof:  lsof | grep /admin/dir/15:29
bazhangmartian, dont do that here. Period.15:29
ActionParsnipdaeda1us: if its simple web browsing and such 32bit will be fine. I'd install the PAE kernel so you can upgrade easily if you buy more RAM15:29
goltoofschnuffle1:  that's all i needed15:29
micromI need to get this version of cairo to fix a critical bug https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cairo/1.10.2-1ubuntu115:30
goltoofschnuffle1:  thanks for a straight forward answer15:30
daeda1usActionParsnip, 4gb the max RAM for 32bit?15:30
Da|Mummyroyale1223, only one of those ubuntus on there should work right now, ive formatted the hdd since but those still show up and i want to get rid of them, and i also dont have any windows on there either15:30
goltoofschnuffle1:  but nada  :(15:30
micromI tried different apt-get install cairo=1.10.2, apt-get install cairo_1.20.2, but I must be doing something wrong15:30
martianbazhang: I see no harm and it shows people how simple it is15:31
schnuffle1goltoof: what is the admin dir? do you mean /root?15:31
ActionParsnipgoltoof: if there was no difference between open and closed files, lsof wouldn't exist15:31
bazhangmartian, its not acceptable. Don't do it again.15:31
royale1223Da|Mummy: which ubuntu release are you using?15:31
martianI feel it is acceptable. Period.15:31
goltoofActionParsnip:  i appreciate you lessons, but I'm really just looking for a straight forward answer here... not... just nevermind dude15:31
Da|Mummy10.10 maverick15:31
joeoshawais there a way to have a torrent application randomly switch ports every so often15:31
ActionParsnipMicrom: is that version available to you?15:32
goltoofschnuffle1:  the admin dir is locked, so i can't install anything15:32
micromActionParsnip: how do I know if the version is available to me?15:32
goltoofschnuffle1:  if i find what's locking it then i can isntall stuff, right?15:32
ActionParsnip!aptfix | goltoof15:32
ubottugoltoof: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »15:32
Da|Mummyroyale1223, 10.10 maverick15:32
goltoofschnuffle1:  i figure this is a common issue, not getting why i can't get a straight forward answer here15:33
fmax30Is it jsut me or are ubuntu forums down15:33
fmax30and also i am unable to download any packages the links are dead with sudo apt-get15:33
BluesKajjoeoshawa, most torrent clients reannounce / refresh the the trackersevery 30mins or so15:33
ActionParsnipMicrom: apt-cache policy packagename15:33
schnuffle1goltoof: bevause you ask the wrong question or I'm to stupid to figure out what you mean :)15:33
A_JGpart worked15:33
A_Ji partioned my HDD, thanks for all your help <315:34
royale1223Da|Mummy: addthese lines to the end of the file /etc/grub.d/40_custom15:34
bazhangA_J, good15:34
micromActionParsnip: unable to locate package cairo... hummmm...15:34
royale1223Da|Mummy: http://pastebin.com/i00cWh0g15:34
fmax30Is it just me ? anyone?15:34
goltoofActionParsnip:  now we're getting closer getting closer! :)15:34
joeoshawathe reason i am asking is because my isp throttles torrents and if i can randomly switch ports it will allow me to bypass the throttling15:34
schnuffle1!ask | fmax3015:34
ubottufmax30: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:34
ActionParsnipgoltoof: i made ubottu give the fix. All you had to15:34
goltoofgoltoof:  dpkg: status database area is locked by another process15:34
joeoshawai don't care about the tracker15:34
ActionParsnipMention was not able to install anything15:35
fmax30Is it just me or are ubuntu forums down and also apt-get is saying the links are down15:35
goltoofActionParsnip:  which i did to begin with15:35
bazhangfmax30, cant log in? or totally down15:35
dr_WillisMany torrent client can randomize ports. And encrypt all traffic15:35
eternalubuntu users are so stupid. we need to kill them right now. they are crap15:35
fmax30totally down15:35
royale1223Da|Mummy: to edit 40_custom run "sudo gedit /etc/grub.d/40_custom" in terminal15:35
ActionParsnipgoltoof: missed it, sorry15:35
bazhangeternal, thats not appropriate here.15:36
oCeaneternal: no need for that here15:36
A_Jeternal, lol  ?15:36
goltoofActionParsnip:  it's easy to miss these details when answering other peoples questions... i'm not offended by your philanthropy15:36
joeoshawahe is a troll he just joined like 10 seconds ago15:36
joeoshawaboot him and get it over with15:36
Da|Mummyroyale1223, then just add everything thats in pastebin?15:36
fmax30server not found.15:36
bazhangjoeoshawa, lets move on please15:36
ActionParsnipgoltoof: no worries dude15:36
A_Jexcept filezilla any1 recommend me anything else15:36
goltoofActionParsnip: /var/lib/dpkg/lock:  root      11056 F.... dpkg    Kill process 11056 ? (y/N) y    dpkg: status database area is locked by another process15:36
BluesKajjoeoshawa, , you can set the ports for different apps on like torrent clients on your your router , by giving a port range ..best to keep them above 50K , 50100 to 50120 for example15:36
ActionParsnipgoltoof: pushing for the gold15:37
royale1223Da|Mummy: yes, add to the end, dont delete the existing lines15:37
FucoIs there any common reason for audio/video to jump back and forth while playing? Like when a phonograph skips the groove?15:37
ActionParsnipGoltoof: say yes15:37
FucoThe same thing happened on Mint, so I've tried reinstall to ubuntu15:37
nijaboHmm is there some way to get in contact with devs about ideas?15:37
Fucobut it is still happening15:37
goltoofActionParsnip:  yes?15:37
eternalstupid people15:38
b0otHow would I edit my menuentrys to add an external harddrive partition?15:38
joeoshawaand that will cause it to randomly change every say 3-4 minutes or whatever15:38
fmax30I now know why apt is not working, i have to update. But why are the forums down for me .15:38
goltoofActionParsnip:  how do i check what else is using 11056 ?15:38
goltoofActionParsnip:  pstree?15:38
ActionParsnipNijabo: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com15:38
major_anybody knows something to autoarrange windows vertically or any other arrange?15:38
schnuffle1fmax30:  broken dns15:38
nijaboCheers ActionParsnip :)15:38
BluesKajjoeoshawa, , why may I ask do you want to do this ?15:38
Da|Mummyroyale1223, than just save file and exit?15:39
goltoof!aptfix  > goltoof15:39
ubottugoltoof, please see my private message15:39
fmax30scnuffle: google and everything is alright15:39
joeoshawato bypass throttling15:39
royale1223Da|Mummy: then run sudo chmod -x 00_header        10_linux      20_memtest86+  40_custom  README15:39
royale1223Da|Mummy: ignore previous message15:39
joeoshawai get a great connection but my isp throttles it back15:39
joeoshawaeven tho i pay for a great connection15:40
ActionParsnipGoltoof: the number is the pid of the process locking the packages. Its also offering to kill it which you should15:40
schnuffle1fmax30: you can resolve ubuntuforums.org? like a ping ubuntuforums.org15:40
gunndawgman after following these instructions I still cant figure out how to change the login screen wallpaper15:40
francesco_hello everyone15:40
major_goltoof, if 11056 its a process --> $ lsof -p 1105615:40
BluesKajjoeoshawa, don't think just changing ports will help15:40
jon_athonanyone know a really really light IMAP client?15:40
fmax30scnuffle: nope15:40
royale1223Da|Mummy: yep15:40
AbhiJitgunndawg, easiest way - use ubuntu tweak15:40
goltoofActionParsnip:  tried that;   dpkg: status database area is locked by another process15:41
francesco_someone can help me pls?15:41
goltoofmajor_:  thanks!15:41
gunndawgAbhiJit how do I get Ubuntu Tweak /15:41
joeoshawamy isp detects the torrent on a say port 5461 and starts throttling15:41
ActionParsnipGoltoof: after, run: sudo apt-get -f install   so you know all is well15:41
AbhiJitgunndawg, from their web site.15:41
gunndawgAbhiJit, thanks15:41
mbeierljoeoshawa: typically isps do not track the individual port number used when throttling.  that would be extremely sophisticated and we all know how lazy they are.  they are throttling you based on udp I'll bet, therefore changing ports won't help you15:41
joeoshawaso if when they start throttling i switch to 5679 then it gets past it15:41
royale1223Da|Mummy: now cd to /etc/grub.d15:41
AbhiJitgunndawg, http://ubuntu-tweak.com/15:42
schnuffle1fmax30: that means you can't ping ubuntuforums.org? does it show the IP( do a tracert ubuntuforums.org15:42
joeoshawaso your answer is i dont want to help thanks great forum you got here15:42
goltoofmajor_  ActionParsnip:   http://paste.ubuntu.com/559559/15:42
fmax30now that i have checked it, i cant even open ubuntu.com15:43
Da|Mummyroyale1223, ok im there15:43
joeoshawai know it works cause i know people doing it in windows15:43
royale1223Da|Mummy: run "sudo chmod -x 00_header 10_linux 20_memtest86+ e 20_linux_xen 30_os-prober 41_custom"15:43
francesco_can you help me please?15:43
ActionParsnipjoeoshawa: if nobody knows. Do you expect 1000+ people to say "no"15:43
A_J|Unixdamn sorry15:43
A_J|Unixany1, answered my last question15:44
francesco_im a noob15:44
major_goltoof, i dont really know what your problem is, i just saw you wanted to see what was blocking that process15:44
goltoofActionParsnip:  that would be awesome though :)15:44
ActionParsnipjoeoshawa: please get a new attitude15:44
royale1223Da|Mummy: then "sudo chmod +x 40_custom"15:44
francesco_and i don't know how to change the channel. how can i do it?15:44
goltoofmajor_:  can't install anything because admin dir is locked15:44
joeoshawano i don't expect people to say it won't help15:44
A_J|UnixFTP app which supports Pausing Transfers ?15:44
joeoshawawhen they don't know15:44
goltoofmajor_:  usually i just reboot, but i know i shouldn't have to15:44
royale1223Da|Mummy: then "sudo update-grub"15:44
Da|Mummyroyale1223, chmod: cannot access `e': No such file or directory15:44
Da|Mummy <-wth?15:44
royale1223and reboot15:44
BluesKajjoeoshawa, most IPs throttle the default torrent clien ports like 6881-6889, so using ports above 50,000 - 6553515:45
ActionParsnipGoltoof: its totally unfeasible and would make the channel not function15:45
royale1223Da|Mummy: my mistake correction run "sudo chmod -x 00_header 10_linux 20_memtest86+  20_linux_xen 30_os-prober 41_custom"15:45
schnuffle1francesco_:  /jopiin #ubuntu-it to get the italian channel for example15:45
goltoofActionParsnip:  i know, but it'd definitely get the message across15:45
schnuffle1francesco_:  /join15:46
major_goltoof, $ lsof +d /directory/you/want/to/check15:46
Da|Mummyroyale1223, done thx will test now15:46
francesco_thank you15:46
A_J|Unixbazhang, FTP App which supports Pausing Transfers15:46
ActionParsnipjoeoshawa: then take silence to mean "the current users don't know" and ask later, like a mature person would15:46
royale1223Da|Mummy: you're welcome15:46
fmax30schnuffel:any idea what could be wrong ?15:47
schnuffle1goltoof: kill -9 11056, gets you rid of the process blocking15:47
joeoshawathat's not what they said15:47
ActionParsnipPeace out kids15:47
schnuffle1fmax30: can you reach your router?15:47
A_J|Unixffs som1 help me15:47
bazhangA_J|Unix, what did you try? filezilla?15:47
bazhangA_J|Unix, watch the language15:47
lonewolfHello everyone ! Is there a way through which I can know which should be running on my system and which should not ?15:47
pulse00can i get in troubles when setting getWindow().setFormat(PixelFormat.RGBX_8888), or is this possible on all android devices?15:47
joeoshawai have been looking at how my isp throttles and when you start a torrent its fine but after a time it gets throttled15:48
schnuffle1fmax30: and you can resolv the IP as well with  host ubuntu.com?15:48
A_J|Unixbazhang,  ur op here ?15:48
gunndawgUbuntu Tweaks seems pretty cool15:48
joeoshawai know people who once throttling starts they switch ports and all is well but thats utorrent15:48
mbeierljoeoshawa: if you are expecting me to answer, you need to direct messages to me.  I am sorry I attempted to get a better understanding of what you are doing.  I am sorry that I cannot help.  Do it in Windows instead then if it works.  Use the technology that best fits15:48
porrosserver irc.saurik.com15:48
goltoofschnuffle1:  oooh.. kill -9,  sure that won't screw anything up since it's obviously being used by something?15:48
bazhangA_J|Unix, did you try filezilla? please specify what you have tried instead of repeating yourself15:48
A_J|Unixfilezilla on windows did not support it15:49
joeoshawai dont' use windows i don't have windows15:49
joeoshawai don't steal15:49
A_J|Unixinstalling the unix version as we speak15:49
joeoshawai use legal methods and what i do is legal where i am15:49
goltoofschnuffle1:  sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock; sudo dpkg --configure -a   ....  tells me:   dpkg: status database area is locked by another process15:49
lonewolfcan anyone help ?15:49
Da|Mummyroyale1223, it gave me a 'recordfail' error for some reason, but other than that everythings a-ok15:49
fmax30no, does this mean that i have been banned ?15:49
joeoshawai am not interesting in getting a pirate copy of windows15:50
AbhiJitjoeoshawa, http://abhijitnavale.blogspot.com/2010/08/why-vista-is-great.html15:50
oCeanjoeoshawa: AbhiJit please stay on topic in this channel15:51
Da|Mummyi think i just had my epiphany of how great linux is and how crappy windows is, i just rebooted in like 20 seconds15:51
AbhiJitoCean, yes15:51
schnuffle1goltoof: it will kill the process locking, have you a updater applet in the panel15:51
FucoIs there any common reason for audio/video to jump back and forth while playing? Like when a phonograph skips the groove. The same thing happened on Mint, so I've tried reinstall to ubuntu, but it is still happening15:51
Jon--Any word when the Eclipse package will move from Galileo to Hellios?15:51
BluesKajmbeierl, joeoshawa is compalianing aout ISP port throttling , he thinks windows torrent clients can auto matically change ports every few minutes to prevent ISP throttling , which to me is a lot of windows bull15:51
royale1223Da|Mummy: okay15:51
fmax30How do you if you have been banned ?15:51
ikoniafmax30: you are in #ubuntu - you are talking, you have not been banned15:51
ikonia!topic | fmax3015:51
ubottufmax30: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic15:51
=== PleXT is now known as PleXs
BluesKaj!who | joeoshawa15:51
ubottujoeoshawa: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:51
Jon--Any word when the Eclipse package will move from Galileo to Hellios?15:52
fmax30ikonia:i was talking about the ubuntu website/websites15:52
ikoniafmax30: you don't get banned from a website15:52
joeoshawasomeone wrote a program to have utorrent switch ports every so often so the isp couldn't keep up i am simply asking if that is possible with say ktorrent or something15:52
ikoniajoeoshawa: if you can script well enough, sure15:52
fmax30then why can i access anything with the word ubuntu init15:52
nijaboWoho submitted my idea15:53
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ikoniafmax30: talk to your ISP15:53
schnuffle1fmax30: which browser?15:53
fmax30firefox and chrome15:53
KM0201fmax30: could be a filter set up in your router also.15:53
joeoshawathank you an intelligent and thoughtful polite person thank you for your answer its greatly appreciated15:53
fmax30it only started happening after i updated today15:54
BluesKajjoeoshawa, just set the ktorrent TCP port forwarding to above 50000 and you should be ok15:54
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goltoofschnuffle1: kill -9 11056  didn't kill the process, still there and admin dir still locked15:54
david234I want to automatically encode wave files into MP3 files on my Ubuntu server. I read Ubuntu does not include mp3 because of licensing issues. How do I encode files into MP3 on my server and respect laws in Canada and the USA ?15:55
KM0201fmax30: that defies logic15:55
Bipul`whear is remote desktop option in ubuntu10.1015:55
daeda1usis there a software package for streaming media to an xbox 360?15:55
joeoshawai appreciate that blueskaj but unfortunately my isp thought of that15:55
KM0201Bipul`: application/internet    and then to set it up is system/preferences15:56
d4n1swhat is the help channel15:56
ikoniad4n1s: you're in it15:56
Fucowhen I open /boot/grub/menu.lst it's empty? Is that normal?15:56
KM0201d4n1s: this one15:56
nexesdavid:234 Don't quote me on it, but I'm pretty sure as a user you're able to use them legally.15:56
FucoI want to add windows drive to the list15:56
schnuffle1goltoof: did you do sudo kill -9 11056?15:56
fmax30it just started working , now that was weird, but i think it might have been a temporary problem with my isp15:56
KM0201Fuco: are you using ubuntu 9.10 or later15:56
ikoniaFuco: ubuntu 10.X uses grub2 which uses /etc/grub.conf15:56
goltoofschnuffle1:  yes15:56
nexesdavid234: It's not like DeCSS, where you're violating the DMCA. mp3 licensing is..strange.15:57
BluesKajdavid234, install ubuntu-restricted-extras for mp3 conversion15:57
KM0201!grub2 | Fuco it doesn'tr eally work like grub-legcy used to.15:57
ubottuFuco it doesn'tr eally work like grub-legcy used to.: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:57
joeoshawathrottling is like a religion to isps incanada15:57
nexesdavid234: But you'll notice that Winamp and other free media players don't pay for mp3 licensing, only commercial, paid products and hardware.15:57
KM0201Fuco: you really shouldn't edit grub.conf15:57
ikoniajoeoshawa: don't need to hear about it, why are not here to help you get past your ISP's rules15:57
schnuffle1goltoof: and what gives you: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock15:57
FucoOK, let me see the tutorials then15:57
david234BluesKaj, nexes, the server is part of a commercial service.15:58
FucoI've actually installed ubuntu *after* windows15:58
BluesKajjoeoshawa, I see it here around 3pm to 6pm most weekdays ..I'm on Bell Canada dsl15:58
goltoofschnuffle1:  /var/lib/dpkg/lock:  root      11056 F.... dpkg15:58
KM0201Fuco: then grub2 should have picked up windows after you installed15:58
goltoofschnuffle1:  asks to kill it, etc15:58
Fucowell it starts ubuntu automatically, so I don't even see the list15:58
Fucothere is some timeout setting15:58
nexesdavid234: This may be relevant to you then: http://mp3licensing.com/royalty/15:58
d4n1sI try to compile a c source code linksys gave me on my ubuntu15:58
schnuffle1goltoof: the let it kill it15:58
FucoI gues15:58
d4n1sI get into the folder with cd folder name15:59
d4n1sand type make15:59
goltoofschnuffle1:  the etc meaning... yes to kill it, can't database unlocked, etc..15:59
d4n1sbut I get many errors15:59
nexesdavid234: If you're not specifically tethered to mp3 for some reason and just need an audio codec, I would also suggest ogg, naturally. :)15:59
KM0201Fuco: if you aren't seeing a grub menu, then it didn't pick up Windows... it skips by default if ubuntu is the only OS15:59
fmax30how do you get back to graphics mode after you press ctrl+alt+f9 ttymode or something15:59
Fucoyea, so I have to add it somehow15:59
schnuffle1fmax30: Ctrl-Alt+F715:59
oCeanfmax30: ctrl-alt-f7 is gui15:59
d4n1sWhat am I doing wron?15:59
goltoofschnuffle1:  wait, now it tells me db not locked16:00
joeoshawaactually they throttle torrents 24/7 full connection throttling is during peak hours16:00
ikoniad4n1s: what are the errors ?16:00
ikoniad4n1s: (don't paste in here if there are more than 3 lines)16:00
goltoofschnuffle1:  but still can't install, admin dir still locked16:00
Aethelrickd4n1s, depends on what you're compiling, but usually you will want to run ./configure before you run make16:00
joeoshawahowever i will take my issue somewhere else16:00
BluesKajjoeoshawa, which ISP ?16:00
schnuffle1goltoof: please paste the original error after you did sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock16:00
joeoshawabell canada16:00
joeoshawai checked16:00
ikoniaBluesKaj: is it really an ubuntu issue to be discussed here ?16:00
Aethelrickd4n1s, also, make sure you have any required dependencies installed before you run make16:00
d4n1sAthelrick in the readme says that I have to do cd and then make16:01
joeoshawathere is bell and rogers all others feed off them16:01
cdavisWhat is a good console wifi scanner, I dont' want to sniff or anything, just something that will show me the strongest ssid in a console window16:01
joeoshawaso my options are limited16:01
joeoshawathe max i can torrent is 500 kps16:01
KM0201!info wifi-radar | cdavis16:01
ubottucdavis: wifi-radar (source: wifi-radar): graphical utility for managing Wi-Fi profiles. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.s05-1.2 (maverick), package size 50 kB, installed size 268 kB16:01
ikoniajoeoshawa: enough now please16:01
d4n1sgives me error codes 2 and 12716:01
ikoniajoeoshawa: this channels for ubuntu support only16:01
goltoofschnuffle1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/559565/16:02
BluesKajhmm I dl'd ubuntu-server yesterday at full speed for my service16:02
Encr9Hi, how do you do multiple commands in CLI? I tried &&, no luck16:02
d4n1swhen I try to ./configure it says no such file or directory16:02
ikoniad4n1s: what are you trying to build ?16:02
joeoshawai just said i would take the problem somewhere else i got asked a question politely and i was answering it thank you for your opinion16:02
smwEncr9, cmd1 ; cmd216:02
goltoofEncr9:   command1 ; command 216:02
ikoniajoeoshawa: ok, so lets stop it now please.16:02
jribEncr9: command1 && command2  will run command 2 only if command1 is successful16:02
Fucowell I quite can't find any way to add the system to grub2 @_@16:02
d4n1slinksys wag200g firmware16:02
joeoshawai did16:02
Encr9jrib: ah ok thx16:02
BluesKajjoeoshawa, join #ubuntu-ca or #ubuntu-offtopic to discuss this further16:03
joeoshawayou didnt'16:03
ikoniad4n1s: contact linksys and ask them what you need to do to build it and what the supported platforms are16:03
dr_WillisFuco edit 40_custome is one way16:03
Aethelrickd4n1s, errors during compile usually indicate that you're machine is missing a dependency, or that the software your compiling has issues. read documentation supplied with software to figure out what dependencies you require16:03
cdavisKM0201: wifi-radar is a "graphical" utility. I want something that will run in the console, like kismet only not nearly as sophisticated16:03
Aethelrickd4n1s, preferably, get a binary package instead of compiling software if these concepts are alien to you16:04
Fucodr_Willis,  and where would I find it?16:04
KM0201cdavis: oh ok... how about sudo iwlist scan    ?16:04
fmax30airocrack will find and crack  everything.16:04
d4n1sno they are not I am a programer my self but I haven't ever compiled the tradional way16:04
dr_WillisFuco check grub2 wiki. It details it in detail16:04
goltoofthoughts on this guys?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/559565/16:04
BluesKajdr_Willis, have you tried the utorrent server for linux ?16:05
KM0201dr_Willis: details it in detail?  ;)16:05
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub216:05
Fucodr_Willis, you mean https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 ?16:05
schnuffle1goltoof: so first kill the process and then try sudo dpkg --configure -a16:05
dr_WillisBluesKaj:  its 32 bit only. So no16:05
andromachi98how are u all?16:06
BluesKajdr_Willis, ok16:06
Aethelrickd4n1s, I just goggled what you trying... seems you need a cross compiler. This is embedded stuff you're compiling, your regular C compiler for linux won't work16:06
guest9211hello everyone16:06
dr_WillisFuco:  yep16:06
schnuffle1!ask | andromachi9816:06
ubottuandromachi98: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:06
guest9211i want to create a commercial website, which software will you recommend?16:06
andromachi98how old are u?16:06
gunndawghey folks, recently I have not been able to change webpages when I open up firefox16:06
Aethelrickd4n1s, you need a toolchain that runs on linux and builds a binary for the target platform i.e. a cross compiler16:06
goltoofschnuffle1:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/559566/16:06
gunndawgI open it up and the address bar is locked16:06
ikoniaandromachi98: this channel is not a social channel and is for ubuntu operating system support16:06
schnuffle1guest9211: Django16:06
A_J|Unixbazhang,  ty for all your help mate16:06
A_J|Unixi'm off16:07
oCeangoltoof: it seems that even the kill -9 did not terminate the process. It might be in interruptable sleep (see: ps xauww |grep 11056)16:07
guest9211schnuffle1: thanks, lemme check that16:07
goltoofoCean: http://paste.ubuntu.com/559567/16:08
gunndawgI think my firefox is broken as it wont let me type anything in the address bar and no default webpage shows up, is there anyway to fix this or reinstall firefox ?16:08
Fucowell it says what to edit but what should I add ;D16:08
goltoofoCean:  i think what started this all is when i tried to upgrade gimp16:08
serardIs there a way to activate notifications via command line ?16:08
soapee01Hiz: Is there a way I can 'force' file creation permissions to g+wr. I've tried umask, and acl's, but a certain program keeps creating files as g---16:08
Fucowould just "set root=(hd0,1)" do?16:08
goltoofoCean:  a few days back, haven't needed to install anything until now16:09
oCeangoltoof: indeed, the Ds means the process is in interruptable sleep and will not be able to receive any signals like sigkill16:09
goltoofoCean:  o rly?  no way to kill it huh?16:09
Torettoola.. necesito ayuda con mi ubuntu16:10
guest9211schnuffle1: so it is a cmd based app?16:10
oCeangoltoof: usually a process in Ds state is waiting for another process to finish its i/o (maybe i/o on a network or removable device).16:10
oCeangoltoof: can you reboot the machine?16:10
schnuffle1soapee01: you need to set the umask in the context of the command being executed16:10
goltoofoCean: yeah, that's what i usually do, was trying to avoid that16:10
Fucook I'm going to test it ;D16:11
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oCeangoltoof: I'm afraid you have no other option currently16:11
soapee01schnuffle1: not sure I can, it's a daemon process, and it's file creation permissions are hard coded. Open to suggestions.16:11
goltoofoCean:  my system has a lot of other problems actually, i probably should've mentioned but this didn't seem related16:11
guest9211schnuffle1: is there any app which is more like dreamweaver, supports but gui as well as commands?16:11
goltoofoCean:  at least i can say i tried :)16:11
schnuffle1guest9211: It's a MVC framework to crreate web apps like Rails16:11
oCeangoltoof: sure thing :)16:11
Anubisgunndawg: try to move your .firefox or .mozilla directory to another location and start again the firefox16:11
micromhow do I find out about this significant bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bug/672686 in the SRU team process? Where are they at with this bug?16:12
goltoofoCean:  thanks for the explanation16:12
oCeangoltoof: no problem16:12
schnuffle1soapee01: the daemon should have a start script, there you can set the umask16:13
shegmanhow do i adjust mouse sensitivity and disable acceleration? option sensitivity doesnt seem to work in x.org file16:13
ChipCherouubuntu keeps running dhcp.  How do I tell it to stop?16:13
soapee01schnuffle1: reading about that right now. will give that a try. thx.16:14
schnuffle1guest9211: nowadays websites aren't made with a HTML editor anymore16:14
txdvglib-config doesn't exist on 10.10, but I need that tool :>16:14
txdvsomeone know whats going on with it? why is it missing?16:14
Tjololo12Would someone have time to take a look at my /var/log/messages and let me know if they can figure out why my system keeps resetting? I can't figure it out and it's frustrating me.16:15
BluesKajChipCherou, do want a static IP ?16:16
Fucowell it didin't work :D I've added a new menuentry but it still loads up right to ubuntu16:16
mauriziociao a tutti prova16:16
Picimicrom: I don't see that steps 1 and 2 are complete, but I'm not a developer, you may want to ask in #ubuntu-devel, but keep in mind that is not a support channel.16:16
schnuffle1Tjololo12:  HAve you bootet with a live cd to see if it happens as well?16:16
Fucothe dialog didn't show up16:16
Tjololo12schnuffle: No, that's what I'm working on today.16:17
schnuffle1Tjololo12:  Resetting PCs is often due to corrupted power or memory16:17
Tjololo12schnuffle1: I've tested the PSU with a multimeter and I ran memtest, both were clean.16:18
Tjololo12I don't have an oscilloscope or I'd try that too :(16:18
gunndawgim back :)16:19
JoseeAntonioRhow can i change the resolution of my monitor?16:19
schnuffle1Tjololo12: A multimeter won't do the job, osciloscope is the tool you would need. Because your mmmulti won't catch peaks16:19
Tjololo12Bah, figures.16:19
AethelrickJoseeAntonioR, click on System, then preferences, then Monitors16:19
JoseeAntonioRAethelrick: the only resolution available is 1024x768, and i need to change to 1280x102416:20
Tjololo12Ok, let me swap out this PSU and see if that fixes it.16:20
AethelrickJoseeAntonioR, what graphics card do you have?16:20
JoseeAntonioRIntel 845G16:20
AnubisTjololo12: did you try to connect the computer to a ups ?16:21
Tjololo12Anubis: It's been on a UPS, surge protector, and plugged directly into the wall.16:21
mOHawkhow do i send a pastebin screenshot i having problems updating?16:21
Tjololo12mOHawk: pastebinit16:21
HiddenKnowledgeWhich java should I use when I wanna play minecraft? :$16:22
erUSULHiddenKnowledge: check minecraft docs...16:22
iLikeSun Java JRE16:22
AnubisTjololo12:  oh, i see.16:22
mOHawkTjololol12: do i set that in pastebin or terminal?16:22
AethelrickJoseeAntonioR, have you installed an Intel driver for the card or are you using standard one?16:23
=== dreamtraveler is now known as noobuntu
Tjololo12mOHawk: I had to install it with apt-get install pastebinit, then just do cat file | pastebinig16:23
ckenda1_79Is there any way for an Ubuntu Desktop to report it's IP/Hostname to a Windows DNS server in Active Directory? (like Windows Machines do)16:23
guest9211schnuffle1: Hmm, I have used dreamweaver and i am pretty comfortable with it, now i want to develop a website on my linux pc and such kind of software is not availble here, so what do you recommend me?16:23
JoseeAntonioRAethelrick: the one that comes with Ubuntu16:23
gunndawgWhat could I download or go to, to change the color or apperance of the default gray bars on the top and bottom of my desktop ?16:23
soapee01schnuffle1: start-stop-daemon -k $UMASK didn't do it either. Any other ideas?16:23
mOHawkk try it16:23
bazhanggunndawg,  a theme16:24
Tjololo12mOHawk: or I think you can do pastebinit -i file...check the manual first.16:24
ChipCherouBluesKaj, sry got called away for a second...actually I want it left alone for my own script to through it with (part of bridge)16:24
gunndawgbazhang, alright...16:24
bazhang!themes | gunndawg have a look16:24
mOHawkTjlololo12 haha can't connect16:24
ubottugunndawg have a look: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy16:24
Mark_MGrub2 is reporting the my boot and root partition is msdos when it is Linux. My grub.cfg file loads msdos.mod and refers to the boot partition as hd1,msdos2? How can I get it back to hd1,2 when grub-probe reports msdos?16:24
AethelrickJoseeAntonioR, also what version of ubuntu you running?16:25
MaMoUshello is there a MusicTracker for Empathy ubuntu 10.1016:25
ryannDoes anyone know of cpu scaling is configured in the stock kernel?16:25
ryanndoes anyone know if cpu scaling is enabled in the stock kernel?16:26
JoseeAntonioRAethelrick: 10.10, Maverick Meerkat16:26
shegmanhow do i adjust mouse sensitivity and disable acceleration? option sensitivity doesnt seem to work in x.org file16:27
bazhang!ot | ilon16:27
ubottuilon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:27
snimavathow to flush dns16:27
snimavathow can i flush dns cache16:27
undecimIs there any way to change tilda colors other than the default color? For example, I want the blue terminal text to be a lighter shade.16:28
Tjololo12mOHawk: try using different pastebins to see if they work. I think the switch is -b...again, check the man for available/compatible pastebins16:28
ilonbazhang: yeah, might be slightly off topic :)16:28
bazhangilon, so dont paste here thanks16:28
Mark_Mparted reports all of my partitions as msdos.  How do I change it to linux?16:29
ilonbazhang: got that the first time :)16:29
goltoofMark_M:  o_)16:29
AethelrickJoseeAntonioR, looks like the driver is the right one, you'll need to edit your xorg.conf file and add the appropriate mode for your monitor16:30
JoseeAntonioRAethelrick: I've already done that, and added my monitor and the resolution I want16:30
JoseeAntonioRAethelrick: Still NOTHING ):16:30
crondI thought xorg did its stuff mostly automagically now?16:31
crondI have a very minimal xorg.conf16:32
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
dr_WillisMark_M:  pastebin  sudo fdisk -l  output for the channel . It may help16:32
NewToUbuntuI just downloaded software off the internet that wasn't in any repository. It installed in software center but I now I can't find it. Its .deb16:32
dr_WillisNewToUbuntu:  what was it16:33
NewToUbuntuA software synthesizer called Din is Noise16:33
BluesKajChipCherou, what script ..in /etc/network/interfaces ?16:33
mOHawkdid it send?16:33
BalmungQuestion regarding the default grub boot loader settings.16:34
dr_WillisNewToUbuntu:  try the search feature of synaptic16:34
Tjololo12mOHawk: it'll give you a link to the pastebin on the console once it's uploaded.16:34
ChipCherouBluesKaj, Im using my own script(for implementing server change roles etc..., so I need dhcp to stop running)16:34
luis_i'm new here16:34
NewToUbuntuWhere would I find synaptic?16:34
juniourNewToUbuntu try in terminal whereis software name16:34
goltooftime for my inevitable reboot.. i will miss you guys16:34
NewToUbuntuI just installed ubuntu btw16:35
NewToUbuntuThanks, I'll give it a try16:35
dr_Willisinstall it if its not insralled16:35
BluesKajChipCherou, ok then you probly need a static IP setup on your networked pcs , correct ?16:35
Mark_Mdr_Willis dumb question, what is pastebin?16:35
Mark_Mdr_Willis long time *nix user though16:35
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:35
Tjololo12Ok, new data on my box. I was talking to Anubis and schnuffle1, but I think the latter left.....I've swapped out the PSU. The box boots to the login screen, sits there for 10-15 seconds, then reboots. It's done this four times since I started writing this message...Any takers?16:36
ChipCherouBluesKaj, Yep. Id like to se tthe ip's to
Mark_M!pastebin sudo fdisk -l16:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:36
Tjololo12Mark_M: sudo apt-get install pastebinit16:37
mOHawkTjololo12: did that sent to paste.ubuntu.com?16:37
AethelrickJoseeAntonioR, I'm looking online and not seeing anyone with more than 1024x768 resolution16:37
AethelrickJoseeAntonioR, is this card capable of more?16:37
JoseeAntonioRAethelrick: yes, on Windows I was working with 1280x102416:38
ckenda1_79Is there any way for an Ubuntu Desktop to report it's IP/Hostname to a Windows DNS server in Active Directory? (like Windows Machines do)16:38
Tjololo12mOHawk: I don't know. You have to check your console. It should output a link (such as paste.ubuntu.com/12KJH or however they're formatted), then share that link with us.16:38
NewToUbuntuwhere is /usr/bin/din?16:38
Tjololo12At least, that's how fpaste does it with fedora, and that's how I found pastebinit16:38
Mark_Mdr_Willis, http://paste.ubuntu.com/559579/16:38
BluesKajChipCherou, each pc should have a different static IP , you can setup each pc in /etc/network/interfaces for example http://paste.ubuntu.com/559580/16:39
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:40
Da|Mummyxdcc list16:40
NewToUbuntujuniour where is /usr/bin/din ?16:40
giacomoxdcc list16:40
Da|Mummygiacomo, wtf are you trying to download?16:41
FuchsNewToUbuntu: /usr/bin/din is already a full path. What are you looking for?16:41
erUSUL!it | giacomo16:41
ubottugiacomo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:41
Da|Mummy@find yes16:41
Tjololo12If I need to reinstall ubuntu, will it delete everything on the drive, or will it (somehow by the power of RA) save my data and just replace system files?16:41
Araneidae/dev/dsp -- where's it got to?16:41
NewToUbuntuA piece of software I downloaded off the internet. its a .deb file.16:41
Tjololo12that's a way cool bot16:42
Da|Mummyhow can i do croatian?16:42
FuchsAraneidae: this is used by OSS, which is deprecated. You can install an oss wrapper, though.16:42
juniourNewToUbuntu places->computer->filesystem->usr->bin16:42
AraneidaeFuchs, ok, a wrapper will do find.  Do you remember what it's called?16:42
Araneidaefine, I mean16:42
Mark_Mdr_Willis, but parted reports http://pastebin.com/m2VRvruU16:42
erUSULAraneidae: padsp16:43
BluesKajChipCherou, unless you're looking for a NAS setup . where all pcs autoconnect at boot...but that's beyond my scope atm16:43
AraneidaeerUSUL, thanks16:43
Tjololo12!hr | Da|Mummy16:43
ubottuDa|Mummy: Odgovarajuci kanal za Hrvatski jezik je #ubuntu-hr, molimo Vas da se pridruzite tom kanalu ukoliko trebate pomoc za Ubuntu, hvala.  Croatian language support in #ubuntu-hr16:43
erUSULAraneidae: it comes in pulseaudio utils or some such16:43
juniourNewToUbuntu can you tell me which software you have installed16:43
erUSUL!find padsp16:43
ubottuFile padsp found in pulseaudio-utils16:43
vavincaventhi all16:43
erUSULAraneidae: ^16:43
ChipCherouBluesKaj, Just need to have ubuntu leave the nic alone16:43
AraneidaeAh.  I often have trouble with pulseaudio16:43
NewToUbuntudin is noise16:43
vavincaventI have a compilation problem16:43
AethelrickJoseeAntonioR, you could try to test different ranges with xrandr, see here... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution16:43
juniourNewToUbuntu wt is the use of this software?16:44
AethelrickJoseeAntonioR, also see here for a forum post with the same problem http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/intel-82845g-graphics-controller-352262/16:44
eXpLoDwhy the /root directory is empty?if i do sudo su and then cd /root and then ls nothing shows up16:44
crondwhy the hell does installing python quickly install postfix?16:44
vavincaventi have to compile cdc-acm with some modifications16:44
crondthis is retarded.16:44
NewToUbuntua software synthesizer (instrument basically)16:44
BluesKajChipCherou, ethernet connection?16:44
ikoniaeXpLoD: you shouldn't sudo su16:44
Mark_Mdr_Willis, the problem is when I run sudo grub-probe -d /dev/sda1 --target=partmap it says msdos16:44
ikoniaeXpLoD: /root is only the root users home directory, nothing more16:44
jribeXpLoD: well what do you expect to be there?  Also use « sudo -i » instead of « sudo su » if you must16:44
ChipCherouBluesKaj, yep16:45
erUSULeXpLoD: what you expect to find there?16:45
juniourcrond in ubuntu python comes preinstalled16:45
eXpLoDwell i don't know,why i dont have acces as a normal user if there are no files in it16:45
BluesKajChipCherou, then static IP is your best bet16:45
NewToUbuntuI'mstumped because software center tells me its installed but I can't see it anywhere16:45
vavincaventi have download linuxmake: *** Pas de cibles. Arrêt.16:45
crondjuniour, nah, quickly and python-quickly.widgets I mean16:45
ikoniaeXpLoD: because it's for the root user16:46
jribeXpLoD: ls -ld /root  will reveal to you why16:46
ikoniaeXpLoD: you have no reason to be in there16:46
erUSULeXpLoD: becouse it is not your dir is root's what roots stores there is none of your business ;)16:46
vavincaventi have download linux-source, but i don't have any configure file to compile16:46
dr_WillisNewToUbuntu:  you mean you cant find an icon for it?16:46
ikoniavavincavent: you don't compile a kernel like that16:46
ChipCherouBluesKaj, Im quite sure I tried that on ll my nics and dhcp was still told to load.  But Ill try again after my machine is done doing something.  ty for yorur assisntace.  If it isn't fixed Ill be back16:46
BluesKajChipCherou, http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html16:47
NewToUbuntuYes, but I can't find it just to run it either16:47
KM0201NewToUbuntu: can you start it in terminal?16:47
vavincaventikonia, how can i do?16:47
NewToUbuntuHow would i do that?16:47
ikoniavavincavent: why do you want to build a kernel ?16:47
=== barf_ is now known as barf
ChipCherouBluesKaj, thanks  going to read now16:47
KM0201NewToUbuntu: well whats the name of the program again?16:47
AethelrickJoseeAntonioR, also, try looking in your BIOS and turning up the memory allocated to your graphics card, this may enable additional resolution options as low memory allocation locks the card to the low resolution options16:47
NewToUbuntudin is noise16:47
BluesKajChipCherou, the reason is that you're using network manager , it autoloads dhcp16:47
looseri have installed gnokii package ....but it is not running  ..how to run it through terminal16:48
KM0201NewToUbuntu: did you compile it?16:48
vavincaventikonia, i don't want to compile kernel, just module cdc-acm16:48
dr_WillisNewToUbuntu:  figure out its binary cli command to run it. Then make an icon. Or use the shell16:48
ikoniavavincavent: ok, so why does the instructions for cdc-acm say to do16:48
NewToUbuntuI really have no idea what compiling it would do, or how to do it . . .16:48
vavincaventikonia, i have an usb - rs232 not recognized16:48
KM0201NewToUbuntu: how did you install it?16:48
NewToUbuntuFrom dinisnoise.org16:49
ikoniavavincavent: that's not what I asked, I asked what did the instructions for csc-acm say to do16:49
ChipCherouBluesKaj, thanks for throwing that at me.  Thats a service that keeps interfering with some files of mine that gets annoying...perhaps disabling that will fix all my issues16:49
erUSULvavincavent: why do you need a newer cdc-acm module? ...16:49
NewToUbuntuthen it went to software center and I installed16:49
juniourNewToUbuntu alt-f2 and then type din is noise and enter16:49
vavincaventso i have added vendor id in cdc-acm.c16:49
KM0201NewToUbuntu: ok, hang on16:49
dr_WillisNewToUbuntu:  you are searvhing the installes apps sevtion of the pavkage manager?16:49
itaylor57KM0201: he downloaded and installed a .deb file16:49
looseri have installed gnokii package ....but it is not running  ..how to run it through terminal16:49
KM0201itaylor57: yeah, i'm seeing that now... i almost had to pull his teeth to get an answer16:50
vavincaventsorry, for my english, i'm french16:50
ikonialooser: type gnokii16:50
AethelrickJoseeAntonioR, I'm getting the feeling (from repeated googling) that the 845G integrated graphics chipset is fairly low powered and aged. You may want to simply buy a new entry level card if you're working on a desktop system  and be done with it16:50
KM0201NewToUbuntu: open a terminal and type   "din" no quotes, and hit enter... and see if it starts16:50
dr_WillisOr open the deb and look to see walhat the binaries names are16:50
dr_WillisOr check its docs .16:50
erUSULvavincavent: usb - rs232 devices so not use cdc-acm afaik. they usethis drivers ls /lib/modules/2.6.32-28-generic/kernel/drivers/usb/serial/  pl2303 is quite common16:51
ikonialooser: there should also be a menu item for iut16:51
KM0201dang, i get a ton of errors when its installed.16:51
NewToUbuntulots of code went by but the program isn't running16:51
Mark_MLet me ask my question a different way. Is it normal to have your root='(hdX,msdosY)' in your grub.cfg?16:51
KM0201NewToUbuntu: yeah, i don't think that package is written properly... i got the same thing... you'll need to compile it from source16:51
Tjololo12Does anyone know the answer to my question? (reinstall of ubuntu 9.10, does it erase data or just replace system files?)16:52
looserikonia, ya i have a menu icon but it is not opening from there16:52
NewToUbuntuhow would I compile it from the source16:52
vavincaventsee this url, i explain : http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?pid=3972196#p397219616:52
ikonialooser: open it from the command line and see what it says16:52
ikoniaNewToUbuntu: why would you want to do that16:52
KM0201NewToUbuntu: you would first get a lot more experience w/ ubuntu.16:52
BluesKajChipCherou, if you're going to use static IP , then you can just use network/interfaces which is the conf file that runs ethernet16:52
jribTjololo12: the install process formats partitions, so unless you have /home on a separate partition, you will lose data16:52
looserikonia, how to open it16:52
Tjololo12bah, ok thanks16:52
ikonialooser: type gnokii on the command line16:53
dr_WillisTjololo12:  a new install will want to reformat16:53
=== JoFo_ is now known as jofo
ikonialooser: normally you have to make a config file for it to open16:53
NewToUbuntuThanks a lot by the way. this program looks very interesting. Curving your own waves, and creating multiple microtonal drones . . . but installing is proving frusterating16:53
BluesKajChipCherou, you can even remove network manager because you won't need it16:53
Tjololo12dr_Willis: isn't there some form of repair option?16:53
looserikonia, i did it ...after execution of command it is listing the all options and setting for gnokii16:53
dr_WillisNewToUbuntu:  check its docs yet?16:53
fool_does anyone know what the official repo for libreoffice for lucid is ?16:53
NewToUbuntudocs? should have named myself new to computing16:54
Fucocan someone please tell me in a simple way how to add windows entry to the GRUB2 system?16:54
ikonialooser: ok, there you go then, read the options and fine out what you need to do, as I recall you need to create a config file for it16:54
Fucothe forum/wiki article is so blaoted it's impossible to follow16:54
FucoI've tried something but it didn't work :P (adding entry to 40_custom)16:54
jribFuco: it should be detected automatically16:54
Fucothe problem is it boots right to ubuntu and there isn't the "chose system" dialog16:54
dr_WillisNewToUbuntu:  the info at its home page16:54
jribFuco: do you see the entry if you hold down "shift" during boot?16:55
Balmunganyone able to help me edit my grub loader so i can have windows 7 on the top as the default boot and/or change the time i have to wait till it auto boots?16:55
Fucojrib, well either it isn't or the dialog where I pick the system is hiddne16:55
KM0201Fuco: it's not impossible... just not very well written...  have you ran sudo update-grub216:55
NewToUbuntuthe page I downloaded it from is pretty bare16:55
FucoKM0201, I did indeed16:55
Fucolet me try the shift thing16:55
KM0201Fuco: allt hat will do is display grub..16:55
dr_WillisBalmung:  time wait is in the grub2 configs16:56
ChipCherouBluesKaj, thinking of just disabling it at first to see if theres any other issues that would arrise from it16:56
Balmungdr_willis i am new to ubuntu so how would i go about editing it?16:56
BluesKajdunno if you can just disable it, ChipCherou16:56
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub216:57
vavincaventikonia, see this url, i explain : http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?pid=3972196#p397219616:57
ChipCherouBluesKaj, its in the /etc/init.d directory so i wold like to think tha tI can...if not I will happily remove it16:57
ikoniavavincavent: I don't need to see the URL - I'm asking you what it says to do next16:57
dr_WillisIm on my cell phone soi cant type a lot16:57
Mark_Mfool_, http://ppa.launchpad.net/libreoffice/ppa/ubuntu16:58
NewToUbuntuKM0201 : so did you try and install din is noise and had similiar problems to me?16:59
KM0201NewToUbuntu: yup... it installed, but when i tried to start it, got a ton of output errors.17:00
dr_WillisLook for a ppa for it perhaps17:00
aflyingturtlehey I lost my network manager panel in the menu bar. Any way I can get it back?17:01
NewToUbuntuThanks anyway. I'm not gonna give up though17:01
Fucojrib, ok, holding down shift helped, I got to the menu :P but the windows entry didn't boot up so obviously I set something wrong. I only have "set root = (hd0,5)" there. Should I add something else?17:01
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.17:01
ezra-sis LUKS an option in maverick install?17:01
iemand1Hi everyone.17:01
Tjololo12dr_Willis: Ok so my partition 1 is /home, 5 is swap, 6 is / and 7 is /boot...If I reinstall, but set it so that partition 1 is /home, then I can reformat each of the other partitions and not lose any data right? Will I lose installed programs?17:01
iemand1Anybody Dutch in this chat?17:02
juniouraflyingturtle rigthclick on pannel and click on add to pannel17:02
Pici!nl | iemand117:02
ubottuiemand1: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl17:02
fool_does anyone know what the official repo for libreoffice for lucid is ?17:02
Tjololo12Pici you beat me to it.17:02
juniouraflyingturtle type network in search box and add this17:02
Kyle__fool_: Is there any point to using libreoffice yet?  I mean, isn't it still at parity with OO?17:03
aflyingturtlejuniour: when I type network in the search box nothing is there17:04
BluesKajKyle__, depends what you need libreoffice to do17:04
Kyle__BluesKaj: Um.  Last I looked they were the same,  No extra or new features, unless you count the art-work.17:05
Kyle__BluesKaj: correct me if I'm wrong there.17:06
BluesKajyeah Kyle__ , I don't use libre much ...seems ok so far17:06
BluesKajgotta  go, bbl17:06
Kyle__I've used OO for everything for the past few (5?+?) years, so I'm sure I'd be fine with it...just don't see the point in switching yet.17:07
vavincaventi have an usb - serial cable. lsusb give : Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0f14:000517:08
vavincaventand dmesg :17:08
vavincavent[10925.608112] usb 2-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 217:08
vavincavent[10925.769377] usb 2-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice17:08
vavincavent[10925.772246] cdc_acm 2-1:1.0: Zero length descriptor references17:08
vavincavent[10925.772265] cdc_acm: probe of 2-1:1.0 failed with error -2217:08
vavincavent[10985.037245] usb 2-1: usbfs: USBDEVFS_CONTROL failed cmd lsusb rqt 128 rq 6 len 10 ret -7517:08
vavincavent[10985.038139] usb 2-1: usbfs: USBDEVFS_CONTROL failed cmd lsusb rqt 128 rq 6 len 4 ret -7517:09
FloodBot3vavincavent: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:09
Tjololo12on my disk, sda1 contains the /home directories, and sda7 contains the stuff that would be in /boot...However, sda1 is marked as bootable. Am I missing something?17:09
erUSULKyle__: if you use ubuntu you are already using ( ubuntu uses go-oo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go-oo )  and will be using libreoffice in 11.0417:09
erUSULTjololo12: it does not matter as long grub or other boot loader is in mbr17:09
Tjololo12erUSUL: ok cool, thanks17:10
joeoshawahaha did it i will be quick since people have an issue with it but problem solved i found a port bell doesn't dpi17:10
Kyle__erUSUL: It represents itself as OO, not go-oo, at least in 10.04 and 10.10.17:10
Kyle__erUSUL: I"m just saying I don't see the point in switching if there isn't a difference between them yet.17:10
Kyle__It's just posturing.17:10
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vavincaventand dmesg : http://paste.ubuntu.com/559596/17:10
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erUSULKyle__: well they did not change the name back; now they have changed it. naming is not that important; is it?17:11
Guest44042is here any one know about gnokii17:12
Kyle__erUSUL: It rather depends on why the name was changed.17:12
ubunturockshi friends17:13
Guest44042ubunturocks, welcome17:14
Mikey^Does lubuntu have a meta package that I can use on normal ubuntu _17:14
ubunturockslove this channel, also has someone sharing a nice lil gem of knowledge :)17:15
vavincaventif someone can help me, i have my problem here : http://paste.ubuntu.com/559604/17:16
oCean!info lubuntu-desktop | Mikey^17:16
ubottuMikey^: lubuntu-desktop (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.18 (maverick), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 powerpc ia64 sparc lpia armel)17:16
Mikey^oCean: Ah.. thanks17:16
Mikey^I will use that17:16
educacaoboa tarde17:16
erUSUL!br | educacao17:17
educacaoalguem fala portugues17:17
ubottueducacao: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.17:17
* soonbyte chases after nvidia for non hybrid optimus drivers, and goes after ubuntu for patched v4l upside down mounted webcams :-)17:17
FucoWhen I try to boot windows it says NTLDR IS MISSING... how can I restore it without scraping grub?17:17
Kyle__soonbyte: You know that's a driver thing, not a v4l thing, right?  Don't patch the whole of V4L, just modify the driver...or see if the softwar eyou have offers the option to rotate/flip/etc the video.17:18
specieshi, how would I adjust the sensitive areas of a window border so I have more than 2 pixels when resizing it?17:19
AraneidaeI'm trying `padsp` for OSS emulation, but am still getting error:  No such file or directory: '/dev/dsp'17:20
Fuchsspecies: use alt + middle mouse17:20
specieson a 1080p monitor its hard to grab the exact pixel17:20
jimlovell777I'm using encfs in conjunction with Ubuntu One to store some files remotely but encrypted. This works great and I don't have to remember to do anything. Trouble is some of the files I want to store are my php scripts for a home website and apache complains the directory does not exist when it does. Any suggestions? (FYI this is only a local site on my home network and is not and will not be made public facing)17:20
erUSULAraneidae: how are you using it?17:20
Fuchsspecies: you can resize a window at any position with this. Other window managers might use alt+right mouse instead17:20
AraneidaeFirst `padsp -d python`, then `import ossaudiodev` and finally `ossaudiodev.open('w')`17:20
speciesahh thanks, thats a better solution17:20
AraneidaeNo debug messages, nothing in syslog17:21
erUSULAraneidae: why are you using ossaudiodev does python not have modules for alsa or/an pulseaudio ?17:21
AraneidaeerUSUL, I'm trying to port a Python module that works on RHEL517:22
AraneidaeAnd, no, I can't see alsa or pulseaudio support in the standard Python library ... and I don't really see why it should be necessary!17:23
AraneidaeI understand that OSS is obsolescent ...17:23
AraneidaeOf course, ALSA audio bindings *do* exist, but why is Ubuntu forcing me to rewrite something that already works?17:24
d4n1sI found what I should install in my ubuntu to compile my linksys firmware17:24
FucoWhen I try to boot windows it says NTLDR IS MISSING... how can I restore it without scraping grub?17:25
d4n1scan anyone tell me if my latest version ubuntu has them?17:25
A_Ji have a seprate  partition named downloads,  how do find the path to that in filezilla17:25
FloodBot3d4n1s: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:25
erUSULAraneidae: i do not think it would be any different in any modern distro; it is not just ubuntu17:25
nits_hunterguys can someone tell me what's the best ide - i am working with jsp, mysql and xhtml for my project17:25
speciesA_J: is it mounted anywhere? that would be where it is17:25
A_Ji can see it on the desktop17:25
speciesit's either in /mnt or /media17:26
speciesmost likely /media if its been autodetected17:26
A_Jwas is in media17:26
A_Jthank you17:26
d4n1sPlease can anyone tell me if my latest ubuntu version has the following tools installed? http://paste.ubuntu.com/559611/17:26
speciesi dont think ubuntu uses /mnt actually17:26
speciesA_J: np17:26
d4n1sanyone plz????17:26
JohnDoe_71Ruscompiz doesn't enable by default after loging. Visual effects don't work. But start in the manual way. ubuntu 10.0417:27
JohnDoe_71Rusdriver is fine17:27
speciesd4n1s: most of those should be installed by default17:28
speciesd4n1s: if they arent you can install them yourself17:28
ikoniad4n1s: they are in the latest ubuntu versions17:28
d4n1syeah but how?17:28
d4n1sahh ok thx17:29
nits_hunterd4n1s: dpkg -L <packagename>17:30
geekbridoes anybody know why when you try to install openjdk or sunjdk it seems to want to install a million packages including x11-common.  Is there a way to install this without installing a ton of packageS?17:30
nits_hunterguys can someone tell me what's the best ide - i am working with jsp, mysql and xhtml for my project17:30
Kyle__geekbri: Tell it not to install the reccomended packages17:30
ikonianits_hunter: ask the guys in ##java17:31
speciesyou could but bits of the jdk would be missing17:31
ikonianits_hunter: they work with java every day17:31
geekbriKyle__, how does one do that?17:31
nits_hunterikonia:  thanks for the tip, so the room name is #java17:32
Kyle__geekbri: I think it's apt-get install --no-reccomends, but i"m looking in my bash history, hold on a sec.17:32
FucoWhen I try to boot windows it says NTLDR IS MISSING... how can I restore it without scraping grub?17:32
geekbriKyle__, thanks.  It just seems crazy to install all of these packages when all I want is the java run time enviroment in the console.17:32
Irreducibilisgeekbri, That's not to say that some dependancies are simply unneeded17:32
Kyle__apt-get install --no-install-recommends17:32
Kyle__geekbri: Thats the thing. --no-install-recommends.17:33
erUSULFuco: use fixmbr froma  windows install cd recovery console; then you will have to reinstall grub but that's quite easy with a ubuntu livecd17:33
Kyle__geekbri: It won't get rid of things that are actually required, it will still install those, but it will get rid of installing all the miscellanious crap that ubuntu wants to install as well :)17:33
anon33_When I try to install a package (in this case, ia32-libs), it tells me it has unmet dependencies and won't be installed. The E: is Broken Packages17:34
anon33_Anyone know whatsup?17:34
itaylor57geekbri: all you need to install is the jre not the sdk17:34
Fucowell OK17:34
geekbriitaylor57, i found even the JRE wanted to install packages i had no use for.17:34
Irreducibilisanon33_, Are you simply fetching it using apt-get, or are you trying to manually compile it from source?17:34
itaylor57geekbri: good luck tracking down the errors and finding the dependancies at run time17:35
Fucoanother thing, why is sound so messed up on linux? I've tried ubuntu, mint and debian (which are all kind of the same tho) and every time I play smoething it skips and lags ... I have the most common audio card every (onboard realtek AC97). One would think that after 10 years or what such a basic thing would work out of the box17:35
anon33_Irreducibilis: It's a 'sudo apt-get install' command.17:35
geekbriitaylor57, it was more things like asound, and x11-common that i dont want.  I can always install thngs like debuggers after the fact17:36
Irreducibilisanon33_, That seems odd, considering apt is supposed to automatically resolve and get dependancies as well.17:36
ikoniaFuco: mail realtek and ask them why they don't make the "drivers" open source then, instead of complaining to linux, complain to the vendor for not having Linux support as good as you'd like17:36
Fucodo you think fedora might work or should I go right back to win? :D17:36
anon33_Irreducibilis: Yup - that's why I have no idea what's going on.17:36
Kyle__Fuco: I've never had an issue with _any_ distro playing on an AC97 codec audio card.  Either your hardware is screwed up, or your system is under way _way_ too much load when you go to play audio.17:36
Fucowell I do exactly nothing and it works flawlessly on windows17:37
Fucoand mac17:37
IrreducibilisFuco, I use Fedora17:37
ikoniaKyle__: some models (3d sound things) don't work well, due to the software layer they use17:37
ikoniaFuco: windows has no relevance to it's performance and stability in Linux17:37
Fucoikonia, maybe it doesn't, I'm just saying it works so it's not a hardware issue17:37
Fucolike messed up chip or something17:37
ikoniaFuco: it can be a hardware issue, an incompatability or miss-configuration17:37
Kyle__ikonia: The 3d part of it may have issues, but standard mono and stereo stound?  I've nver seen it have issues.17:38
Fucoincompatibility with what?17:38
IrreducibilisHardware issues can also include drivers.17:38
Fucodistro or the card?17:38
ikoniaKyle__: agreed, but some cards as I've said rely on a software layer just to work17:38
ikoniaFuco: Linux + card17:39
IrreducibilisFuco, It's not distro-specific, but driver-specific.17:39
Fucobecause this is the most common card used on laptops pretty much by everyone... I'd assume that this isn't that common of a thing17:39
ikoniaFuco: that doesn't mean it's supported with Linux17:39
Kyle__ikonia: Hu.  And I thought that sort of braindamnage only happened with USB devices :)17:39
ikoniaFuco: ATI is a very common video card, but that has terrible support with Linux17:39
Fucono, but I would hit like 100000000 results on google if it was17:39
Irreducibilisikonia, Haven't they written appropreate drivers?17:39
fool_Kyle__: i just wanna try :D :)17:39
IrreducibilisATI themselves.17:40
Fucowell I'm just asking what are my options17:40
ikoniaIrreducibilis: I don't know, check it out, I don't know what realtek's stance on Linux support is17:40
FucoI read somewhere to remove pulseaudio17:40
FucoI have no idea what that is17:40
ikoniaIrreducibilis: the ATI drivers are poor17:40
IrreducibilisI see.17:40
fool_does anyone know a good lightweight bittorrent tracker ?17:40
IrreducibilisIt doesnt matter anyways, considering my laptop uses intel graphics.17:41
Kyle__fool_: OK, now that's a good answer.17:41
=== lousygarua1 is now known as lousygarua
xorconi installed ubuntu 10.10 on an old G4 ppc laptop but when i try to activate the b43 drivers for the wireless card the application just freezes and goes on a loop, any ideas?17:42
ikoniaxorcon: where did you get the PPC 10.10 port17:42
xorconikonia: to say the truth i don't remember xD, i googled it and found it somewhere17:43
xorconikonia: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/10.10/release/ here if i remember correctly17:43
Matt-_-hi Km0201 :) how are you?17:43
KM0201awesome, i just got level 25 in frozen bubble...lol17:44
ikoniaxorcon: I got it, PPC got dropped to community support so I was curious to if it was an official release or a community one17:44
KM0201i belive PPC is a community release.17:45
lea123Ubuntu 10.10 freezes most of  the times when I open too many windows... I get the black and white screen..17:45
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ17:45
KM0201Fuco: did you figure your problem out17:46
Dr_Willis_grub2's os-prober seems to have a few issues seeing windows properly on some systems. :(17:46
Fuco KM0201: about what now? I have several problems :D17:47
Fucothe boot thing?17:47
KM0201Fuco: yeah, windows not gettimg picked up ing rub17:47
xorconKM0201: can you suggest me any light and stable linux distros for ppc?17:47
KM0201xorcon: how "light"... what are your system specs?17:47
FucoKM0201,  yea I can get to the menu now, but it say NTLDR NOT FOUND when I try to boot up from that disc17:47
Dr_Willis_xorcon:  theres very few ppc disrtos out these days that are well supported.17:47
Fucoso I guess I have to reinstall it and then reinstall grub or something17:47
xorconKM0201: G4 1.2hgz 512mb ram17:48
Dr_Willis_xorcon:  lubuntu should work on that. If you can find a ppc version17:48
KM0201xorcon: i like Debian... it's *similar* to ubuntu... but don't expect much tech support other than *RTFM!*17:49
xorconDr_Willis_: i found a ppc version but it was bugged and i couldn't activate the b43 wireless drivers, also it wasn't light at all17:49
nabukadnezar43guess how can i change the dns servers in ubuntu17:49
nabukadnezar43i changed resolv.conf but it's reset after restart17:49
KM0201xorcon: ah, so you need wirless support as well.17:49
Dr_Willis_xorcon:  lubuntu is about as light a linux disrto as you are going to find. Unless you use some minimal-install and just install a windopw manager.17:49
Seveasnabukadnezar43, rightclick on the network-manager icon, select edit connections. Pick the one you want to edit and change the dns servers17:49
xorconKM0201: yes17:50
Matt-_-Km0201... i've been using ubuntu for a week and everything is good and cool, but my notebook tends to overheat, even when i'm only using firefox...17:50
Dr_Willis_xorcon:  PPC is slowly dieing off. getting wireless working may be hard in any disrto.17:50
nabukadnezar43Seveas: i need to enter ips too there17:50
nabukadnezar43Seveas: but i dont want to set up a static ip17:50
}dec3pti0n{I just installed ubuntu 10.10 netbook ed. and I'm having problems with vpnc ... I don't see the tun module with lsmod and I have done a search with find and I can't see any tun.ko neither17:50
KM0201xorcon: sadly, Dr_Willis_ is right... i personally would look at Debian17:50
Seveasnabukadnezar43, you can do dhcp17:50
KM0201Matt-_-: it's over heating?... is the fan running?17:50
xorconKM0201: ok i will give it a try17:51
itaylor57KM0201: looks like the recent kernel has resolved my wireless issues17:51
KM0201itaylor57: :)17:51
nabukadnezar43Seveas: ok thanks i did not see that option first time i checked17:51
Seveasnabukadnezar43, select "Automatic (DHCP) addresses only"17:51
KM0201itaylor57: wasnt it an intel?17:51
Fucoso it seems like raeltek have some linux drivers, but only for 260/262... I have 268. Well let's give it a try  anyway17:51
kreignffool_, how lightweight?17:51
kreignfoops, was way behind in buffer.17:51
KM0201thats what i thought.. thats good, there was someone else w/ that prob last night17:51
fool_kreignf: very light weight17:51
}dec3pti0n{is the tun module in a separate pkg on 10.10 ?17:51
Matt-_-KM0201... yes, the fan runs fast (but now i'm on win7)17:52
fool_kreignf: preferably runs on flat file or sqlite, 20 clients max17:52
KM0201Matt-_-: i mean, is it running under Linux17:52
xorconalso what about netflix on ubuntu? i've searched around but it looks like the only solution is with a virtual machine, right?17:52
Dr_Willis_xorcon:  you got it.17:52
Matt-_-yes, i meant it runs fast on linux and not when i'm on win17:52
jstooneHi guys, am fooling around with some .sh scripts, and I'm really not used to this language, but what's the best way to start/stop an action on keyinput?17:52
KM0201xorcon: pretty much, but on a machine that old, w/ that little ram, i wouldn't expect much w/ virtual machine.17:53
Kyle__xorcon: Yes.  Netflix relies on silverlight to communicate with computers (not sure aobut other devices).17:53
kreignffool_, rtorrent might do the trick. it monitors a dir for .torrent files and will dump your working data to the appropriate/configured directory, as well as the 'finished' data. it's console based, and it'll run just fine on something like a 400Mhz machine w/ 128M w/o issue.17:53
KM0201Matt-_-: oh... so its not overheating in linux, its overheating in windows?17:53
Matt-_-when i shutdown ubuntu and try to reboot it can't do that... my notebook shuts down abruptly17:53
kreignffool_, client, tracker... not much of a difference is there? at any rate, I think it should be able to serve as both.17:53
Kyle__xorcon: There is a rather rudimentary silverlight plugin for linux+firefox, but netflix won't use it.17:53
SeveasKyle__, won't moonlight work?17:53
Seveasah :)17:53
TaravelHi, I should update the kernel of ubuntu 10.10 to a newer version. Can I use the packages for natty in this page? http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/17:53
Matt-_-KM0201, no it's the contrary17:53
fool_kreignf: erhh yes there is lol :)17:53
Dr_Willis_jstoone:  in bash? You may want to check the advancedbash scripting guide. Normally bash script dont work that way.17:53
Kyle__Seveas: Not as far as I know.17:53
KM0201Matt-_-: now i'm lost.. you said just a minute ago, your fan was running on linux.17:54
kreignffool_, well nevermind then. I haven't a clue.17:54
xorconKM0201: no i wouldn't even try on that one, i'd use on another machine17:54
SeveasTaravel, why do you want to update?17:54
KM0201xorcon: oh ok.. :)17:54
Matt-_-yes, it's running fast because it tends to overheat17:54
nabukadnezar43guys, how can i disable tearing in compiz (already selected sync to vblank)17:54
joeoshawadisable tearing?17:55
nabukadnezar43also enabled tearfree desktop in amdcccle17:55
Dr_Willis_nabukadnezar43:  what video chipset?17:55
SharpclawGuys, MAJOR problem... I can't run Ubuntu.17:55
nabukadnezar43amd's r700 chipset with fglrx driver17:55
xorconKM0201: maybe you can help on this one too, the other machine is an imac with the bluetooth mouse and keyboard from apple, last time i tried (ubuntu 10.4) they worked fine during the installation but then stopped17:55
joeoshawasharpclaw why17:55
jstooneDr.Willis: That's what i thought.. can you recommend any other languages, cause i'm useing menencoder and arecord to capture sound/video from webcam, for fun.17:55
KM0201Matt-_-: is the laptop actually getting hot, or are you just assuming it is, because the fan is constantly running?17:55
SharpclawNot sure, It says that a file is missing.17:56
allureHi guys.. I'm trying to connect to a VPN but I keep getting this error: "GRE: Bad checksum from pppd." What could it be?17:56
edwardteachjstoone, there's a bash channel #bash!17:56
Matt-_-no, it's getting hot17:56
Dr_Willis_jstoone:  python is proberly worth learning...17:56
KM0201xorcon: i know absolutely zero about bluetooth17:56
joeoshawawhat file17:56
xorconKM0201: ok, thanks anyway :)17:56
jstooneedwardteach: Thanks I won't interupt then, have a good one (:17:56
joeoshawasorry Sharpclaw what file17:57
paulohow can I remove Libre Office from my computer?17:57
Dr_Willis_paulo:  how did you install it?17:57
SharpclawNot sure. It says "Install Ubuntu" on my falsh drive (USB) in My computer. (Still using Windows :()17:57
jstooneDr_willis: I've been working alot with that one, but only makeing scripts for my friend to his windows box, but thanks again. Have a good one.17:57
TaravelBecause I'm trying to use a IR / DVB-T device following a tutorial but for this guide (that is for Arch) is needed  he kernel 2.6.36 (later is better because this let me avoid to apply some patchs). I'm using a USB installation so I don't care about crashs   Seveas17:57
pauloDr_Willis_: I`ve typed : dpkg -i *.deb17:58
joeoshawaSharpclaw are you trying to use wubi17:58
SharpclawI don't know. No?17:58
itaylor57KM0201: I was mistaken i have a Realtek17:58
KM0201itaylor57: ah ok.17:58
Dr_Willis_paulo:  then you use the package manager system to remove it.17:58
joeoshawainstall from windows?17:58
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SeveasTaravel, ok, then using that ppa is reasonable. Make sure you keep a maverick kernel around though so you have something to fall back on17:58
Dr_Willis_paulo:  sudo apt-get remove WHATEVERITSCALLED  or use a gui to the package manager system17:58
joeoshawaSharpclaw are you trying to install from windows?17:58
pauloBUT I want to remove it completely17:58
Dr_Willis_paulo:  use the 'purge' option instead of remove then.17:59
itaylor57KM0201: I do remember that the Intel doesn't work with n networks I believe17:59
SharpclawYeah... Wait, no.17:59
Kyle__Taravel: Which DVB device are you using?  I was about to resort to trying mine under a windows VM...17:59
aguitelis anyone use Epson tx125 in ubuntu ?17:59
Dr_Willis_Sharpclaw:  you can do a install 'inside' windows using wubi. (but its not reccomdned by me. :)17:59
pauloBUT I dont know whiche dependencies of libre office are17:59
joeoshawaSharpclaw can you burn ubuntu on a cd?18:00
Dr_Willis_paulo:  if you remove the main package. it shoudl remove the uneeded deps also18:00
TaravelHauppauge WinTV MiniStick HD18:00
paulomain package?18:00
SharpclawHang on....18:00
joeoshawaSharpclaw do you have a cd writer or dvd writer?18:00
Dr_Willis_paulo:  you got all the pacakges listed in the dir still also.. fire yp synaptic and search for their names.18:00
TaravelThe DVB-T works in ubuntu 10.10 but the IR need some "hacks"18:00
pauloDr_Willis_: sudo apt-get purge libre office18:01
paulocan I type that?18:01
ChogyDanpaulo: I recently found out about debfoster for removing extra packages, but you need to know what you are doing for that18:01
Dr_Willis_paulo:  i doubt if thats the correct package name18:01
Taravel( Installing the proper firmware :) )18:01
Dr_Willis_paulo:  learn to use the TAB key to autocomplete things also.18:01
pauloBUT I ve installed the libre office18:01
Dr_Willis_apt-get purge libre<TAB> perhaps....18:01
Dr_Willis_paulo:  the name of the DEB file is not its 'package name'18:01
allureHi guys.. I'm trying to connect to a VPN but I keep getting this error: "GRE: Bad checksum from pppd." What could it be?18:02
Kyle__Taravel: Thanks.  I'lm going to look it up, see if there's anything "clever" I need to do.18:02
pauloDr_Willis_: ok18:02
Kyle__Taravel: Is yours an ATSC device?18:02
Dr_Willis_paulo:  why dont you just fire up synaptic and use its search feature? or the other gui package manager tools..18:03
SilverCorecan any one help me? i have an error18:03
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:03
SilverCoreI've installed "Platinum Arts Sendbox FPS" and since then I can't install or un-install anything at all. I can't even remove it because it stuck at 0%!!18:04
SilverCoreHelp me please.18:04
pauloDr_Willis_: because I dont trust in Synaptic18:04
SilverCoreAnd yes, i tried to reset18:04
Dr_Willis_paulo:  i dont trust in doing 'dpkg -i *.deb'18:04
TaravelKyle__: what it means?18:04
KM0201paulo: don't trust synaptic?  you do realize its just a front end for apt-get don't you?18:04
paulohummm.... KM020118:04
Dr_Willis_paulo:  i find that.. odd.. giveing your low-skillset in using the apt tools..18:05
paulosorry for that, it s my dumbess18:05
SilverCoreso? any answers for me?18:05
TaravelSeveas: Is v2.6.37-rc2-maverick/ the newest kernel that can I install?18:05
ChogyDanSilverCore: any error messages?18:05
Kyle__Taravel: ATSC is the north-american version of digital broadcast tv.18:05
pauloapt-get purge => its perfect18:05
pauloI want to use it18:05
SilverCoreI've installed "Platinum Arts Sendbox FPS" and since then I can't install or un-install anything at all. I can't even remove it because it stuck at 0%!!18:05
SilverCoreHelp me please.18:05
Kyle__apt-get binge18:05
Dr_Willis_paulo:  its very possible apt-get purge libre* may do what you want...    or use the TAB key like i mentioned to show the installed packages.18:05
Dr_Willis_synaptic can do purges also..18:06
noonianSilverCore, how did you try to install it?18:06
Kyle__But what about binges?18:06
ChogyDanSilverCore: try sudo apt-get install -f18:06
ezra-ssynaptic is very easy to use, it's cool18:06
paulook, Dr_Willis_18:06
pauloI did it18:06
pauloohhh no this not good, Dr_Willis_18:06
pauloE: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libreoffice3-math_3.3.0-19_i386.deb'18:06
pauloa lot of errors18:07
Dr_Willis_paulo:  you DONT use the .deb name..18:07
Dr_Willis_that packages name is proberly libreoffice3-math18:07
quiescensDr_Willis_: apt-get purge libre* would autocomplete based on the files in the current directory18:07
paulono, Dr_Willis_18:07
pauloI made what you said18:07
quiescenser, would expand based on, rather18:07
Dr_Willis_quiescens:  oh yea. :) if he was not in that dir. it may work.18:07
pauloI use apt-get purge libreoffice*18:07
Dr_Willis_or he should just use the TAB key and let the autocomplete do its work.18:08
pauloyeAH, Dr_Willis_18:08
Dr_Willis_paulo:  do it from a differnt directory.18:08
pauloI made that18:08
ChogyDanI have found that sometimes using the * with apt-get is full of fail18:08
paulowith tab key18:08
Dr_Willis_paulo:  its completeing the filenames first.18:08
ezra-swith synaptic he would be able to check every and each of libreoffice package for removal18:08
* Dr_Willis_ would of just fired up synaptic and been done with it.18:08
quiescensyou really just need to escape the * so the shell doesn't do expansion18:08
TaravelKyle__: don't know I bought and use it in Italy :P  But searching on Hauppauge site I can't find my product18:09
pauloI did it, it didnt work18:09
Dr_Willis_quiescens:  yea. i rarely use * with the pacqkge tools..18:09
pauloE: Unable to locate package libreoffice3-ure_1.7.0-19_i386.deb18:09
pauloE: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libreoffice3-ure_1.7.0-19_i386.deb'18:09
pauloE: Unable to locate package libreoffice3-writer_3.3.0-19_i386.deb18:09
pauloE: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libreoffice3-writer_3.3.0-19_i386.deb'18:09
FloodBot2paulo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:09
paulosorry, FloodBot218:09
Kyle__Taravel: Ah, deffinately not the protocol then :) thanks.18:09
Dr_Willis_paulo:  its completeing the filenames.. not the pacakgenames.. so that makes sence.18:09
eXpLoDwhere can i configure compiz?18:09
ezra-spaulo maybe you don't even have them fully installed18:09
Dr_Willis_paulo:  try tab completion from  a directory Other then the one where the .deb files are18:10
Dr_Willis_paulo:  and most likely the pacakge names are like -> libreoffice3-writer   ie: without the # and _i386.deb at the end18:10
pauloEXPLAIN, please: WHY is easier to install packages on LINUX and is it HARD to take it off?18:10
ezra-spaulo,  and synaptic or apt do not try to find .deb files to remove installed packages18:10
Dr_Willis_paulo:  its hard because you dont know the fundamentals of the pacakge manager system.18:11
Dr_Willis_paulo:  using 'dpkg -i *.deb' is very very very bad habbit. I suggest never doing that again.18:11
KM0201paulo: had you done it right,it probably wouldn't be hard to uninstall18:11
noonianpaulo, it is just as easy to remove as install programs from the repos using the package managers18:11
paulothe human logical was you type remove package_name  and will be happy18:11
shcherbakpaulo: it is not.18:11
welsh_shinobiI just installed netbook edition of ubuntu to my machine to replace a broken xp install, but i put it in its own partition so i wouldnt lose my files, but now i'm in ubuntu i cant see where i need to go to mount the old partition with the files on it, any help?18:12
paulowhy not?18:12
Dr_Willis_the 'whatevername.deb' has nothing to do with the actual 'package name'18:12
KM0201paulo: you're blaming the OS for a user malfunction... if you want to find the problem, find yoru nearest mirror18:12
paulolinux doesnt make sense18:12
noonianbasically, we humans cant be trusted to use dpkg and apt knows how to do it right every time18:12
Dr_Willis_paulo:  it makes perfect sence. once you learn the fundamentals.18:12
pauloI dont want to blame the OS18:12
ChogyDanpaulo: try debfoster18:12
Dr_Willis_paulo:  the best way to try out libreoffice would have been to use a ppa repository.18:12
pauloi think that it would be better to remove packages18:12
SilverCoreAnybody here?18:12
Kyle__SilverCore: Nope.  We're all just a bunch of IRC bots.18:13
paulook, ChogyDan18:13
paulothank you for all help18:13
KM0201paulo: a few quotes:  "linux makes no sense"  "EXPLAIN, please: WHY is easier to install packages on LINUX and is it HARD to take it off?"18:13
quiescensi.. think it would be less confusing if a dozen people don't give different advice at the same time18:13
shcherbakpaulo: apt-get install is opposite to apt-get remove --purge, if you insatll from source, just follow right instructions18:13
xanguapaulo: if you don't know the package name use synaptic like you were told18:13
KM0201shcherbak: that would entail reading18:13
paulook, xangua18:13
KM0201death to rading18:13
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)18:13
Dr_Willis_Ultimate advice. :) if you insist on using apt from the command line..18:14
shcherbakKM0201: lol18:14
KM0201and spelling!18:14
pauloxangua: what about dependencies?18:14
Dr_Willis_Spelling and neatness count.18:14
Dr_Willis_paulo:  dpkg -i would not have installed all needed dependencues.. you got lucky :)18:14
shcherbakKM0201: lag, cannot see what i write18:14
KM0201shcherbak: thats some pretty bad lag18:15
KM0201and it was me that misspelled, not you18:15
ezra-spaulo, if you feel like going wild -> sudo apt-cache search libreoffice | awk '{print $1}' | grep libreoffice | sudo apt-get purge18:15
cynicaloptimistshcherbak: that's always fun.18:15
shcherbakKM0201: ok, back in shape18:15
eXpLoDwhere can i configure compiz?and can somebody give me a link of all the compiz hotkeys?18:16
pauloezra-s: thank u18:16
KM0201paulo: doesn't libre office have a PPA somewhere.. why didn't you use it instead/18:16
Dr_Willis_eXpLoD:  ive never seen a single list.. many of the plugins have 'duplicate' keybindings.  I would like to see a plugin that just prints out what keys are currently used.18:16
ezra-seXistZ, there is a tool called ccsm for that18:16
joeoshawajust out of curiosity do you have to type peoples names in instead of clicking on them in all xchat versions18:16
xanguaeXpLoD: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager ; you can configure plugins with that18:16
shcherbakjoeoshawa: use <TAB>, like shch<TAB>18:17
Dr_Willis_joeoshawa:  i cant recall ever clicking on them in xchat. :)  tab key is our friend.18:17
eXpLoDthanks xangua18:17
Hans_Henrikhave a problem with a laptop, the WinXP installed on it wont boot at all, saying something about "operating system not found", and when i boot Ubuntu LiveCD, it (at first, aparently would not boot), uses 10+ hours on the loading screen to boot, how should i debug this?  ;it finally booted after loading for 10 hours +, ubuntu LiveCD 10.1018:17
ezra-spaulo, my line was incorrect -> sudo apt-cache search libreoffice | awk '{print $1}' | grep libreoffice | xargs sudo apt-get remove --purge18:18
Hans_Henrikmy dad suspects it has a harddrive problem and tries "read sector" a million times18:18
joeoshawashcherbak, thanks you name click in the other client i used18:18
ezra-sHans_Henrik, nothing much to do against a faulty harddrive, that's a hardware problem18:19
Hans_Henrikezra-s: but why would LiveCD "try ubuntu" use 10 hours++ to boot?18:19
nabukadnezar43Hans_Henrik: use that livecd to backup your data18:20
joeoshawaezra-s, actually i cannot see it being a hardware problem as that would not affect a live cd not a hdd problem anyway18:20
joeoshawaHans_Henrik, what laptop18:20
KM0201Hans_Henrik: you might have a motherboard problem18:20
Hans_Henrikjoeoshawa: Compaq Presario R300018:21
joeoshawacompatability problem memory alot of things18:21
Hans_Henrikjoeoshawa: (really old laptop type)18:21
joeoshawaeww compaq one sec18:21
* KM0201 had a go-around w/ compaq a long time ago, never again18:22
Dr_Willis_optical drives and cables and controllers can go bad also. :)18:22
Dr_Willis_had a cut ide cable once. that caused MAJOR problems.. and was just barely noticed..18:22
* Barnabas seconds KM0201's take on Compaq18:22
GinbuntuI changed the date on y server but after reboot it goes back to the old setting. :(18:23
Hans_Henrikbios problem?18:23
eXpLoDhow do i open the cube in compiz?what is the hotkey for it by default?18:23
Hans_HenrikGinbuntu: have you the same problem in any other OS'es?18:23
GinbuntuHans_Henrik, It is a Virtual Private Server18:24
joeoshawaHans_Henrik, its not that old how much ram do you have in it18:24
google_ruleshow to write that search rule for google to find lets say 1 week old stuff18:26
joeoshawaHans_Henrik,  the base model has only 256 meg ram you may have a problem with a combination of not enough ram and a corrupted hdd18:26
google_rulesi know all site: commands but i dont know that18:26
joeoshawaHans_Henrik,  ubuntu would run ok but running it live would be very very slow18:27
rww!ot | google_rules18:27
ubottugoogle_rules: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:27
KM0201256mb of ram?.. with a live cd?...lol18:27
Hans_Henrikjoeoshawa: hmm well it says 496.1 MiB ram18:27
KM0201Hans_Henrik: even that really isn't even enough18:27
google_rulesplaaplaaplaa ok i go there18:27
izinucsI've got a usb headset/mic .. how do I get it recognized and configured?  Looking at "Properties" when right mouse clicking the speaker icon does not show it at all.18:27
KM0201Hans_Henrik: i believe minimum for a live cd is 1gig18:27
joeoshawaHans_Henrik, i would check the hdd for errors and put more ram in it18:28
joeoshawayou want at least a gig18:28
Hans_Henrikwell, gnome-system-monitor says 209 MB of memory is in use and 0 bytes of swap is activated. the system is responsive.. just extremely slow boot and cant find the harddrive18:28
Dr_Willis_You can use swap partitions with a live cd. :) that can help18:28
joeoshawaHans_Henrik, yes but you have ubuntu installed in the ram on a live cd18:29
YeTr2Hi, I have a laptop infront of me, sony viao VPCEB32FM. while installing, the mouse would not work. now that it's installed, the machine locks up after 2 minutes, never getting to desktop. it fails right after udev finishes doing stuff and the system continues booting18:29
intokHow do I see if my USB IDE controller is actually being seen?18:29
izinucsintok: sudo lshw in a terminal will give you LOTS of info18:30
Hans_Henrikjoeoshawa: correct i guess, how much it loads from the CD, and how much it has copied to ram, i do not know, but it says it uses 209 MiB (42.1%) of 496.1 MiB, and 0 bytes swap... and it is responsive :p18:30
Kyle__izinucs: intok: don't forget about dmidecode18:30
izinucsintok: or if you want to open the output in a file.. sudo lshw > ~/Desktop/lshw.txt18:30
Kyle__izinucs: intok: that dumps everything as the bios sees it (iirc).18:30
joeoshawaHans_Henrik, try gparted and see if it sees your hdd don't do anything tho18:30
izinucsKyle__: never heard of that one.. thanks.18:31
joeoshawaHans_Henrik, yeah it will run ok live but booting would take for ever18:31
Kyle__izinucs: It's a little easier to parse with your eyes than lshw or lspci.18:31
Hans_Henrikjoeoshawa: started gparted, waiting for "Scanning all devices"18:31
joeoshawalet me know if it sees it ubuntu i don't think mounts any drives on a live cd18:32
BrazendudeHello everyone, when dragging a tab between windows it doesn't pick the window you are hovering above. So, if you have a window partially covering another with multiple tabs you wont be able to place the tab in the middle area.18:33
Hans_Henrikjoeoshawa: i think it mounts any linux-swap space it can find at least...18:33
BrazendudeAny way to fix these issues? Help would be much appreciated.18:33
phsiHow can I make a custom script (in upstart) run something when the very first HDD finished mounting? mountall is too late since it waits for everything to finish mounting.18:33
BrazendudeDragging a tab in google chrome that is18:33
joeoshawaprobably but do you have a swap partition18:33
joeoshawawindows doesn't use swap18:34
sidewalkanyone know how to set different wallpapers on different workspaces in gnome?18:34
MIH1406Can I make XChat to auto identify my nickname?18:34
sidewalk(without disabling desktop)18:34
area51pilotis there a way to add "Move To ... " for example: some sort of external media via aright click shortcut menu?18:34
noonianeven if you dont have a swap I think the os can still use a swap file18:34
KM0201sidewalk: by default, can't be done... i believe there's an add-on application that can do it..18:34
Hans_Henrikjoeoshawa: not afaik. and the laptop's owner wouldn't know :p //he only used XP18:35
Piciphsi: What are you trying to run if I may ask?18:35
phsiPici: preload18:35
sidewalkKM0201: you know what its called?18:35
joeoshawaMIH1406, yes18:35
Hans_Henrikjoeoshawa: the owner says "no"18:35
KM0201sideone: unfortunately i don't... i know if you ahve compiz enabled, there's a setting in there to do it also.18:36
Hans_Henrikjoeoshawa: ? :p18:36
joeoshawaHans_Henrik, then i don't think it would mount it on the plus side you can still get any data off the drive18:37
joeoshawahow good it will be is debatable18:37
sidewalkKM0201: yeah you know how? :-)18:37
phsiPici: I mount /home/ via LUKS and during the Passphrase there is nothing going on so preload would be nice since my kernel (mainline) doesn't seem to be aware of ureadahead :<18:37
Piciphsi: Hrm..  Unforunately thats a bit beyond me, sorry :/18:38
KM0201sideone: i hate compiz... so no.. :)18:38
BrazendudeHopefully enough time has passed to post this again: Hello everyone, when dragging a tab between google chorome windows it doesn't pick the window you are hovering above. So, if you have a window partially covering another with multiple tabs you wont be able to place the tab in the middle area.18:38
BrazendudeAny way to fix this issue? Help would be much appreciated.18:38
MIH1406joeoshawa, how?18:38
joeoshawaHans_Henrik, any data written on a bad sector as far as i know is pretty much done for but any still on good parts of the disk is retreavable from the live cd18:38
joeoshawamount the drive and copy it off to a usb or other divice18:39
chris_is_me_area51pilot: you could put a shortcut in the sendto folder18:39
chris_is_me_area51pilot: http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/network/excerpt/winxphacks_chap1/index1.html18:40
joeoshawai pulled some movies off a bad disk but a bunch have a big yellow line through them and the rbg is offset18:40
area51pilotchris_is_me: thx18:40
joeoshawakinda looks like 3d lol18:41
frankbroAnyone have any idea why synaptic want to remove ubuntu-desktop package if I want to install SDL dev libraries?18:41
joeoshawaumm wow bad don't do that lol18:42
joeoshawanot sure18:42
madjoeMaybe synaptic has gone mad...18:42
joeoshawaits joined the mad hatter and the march hair18:43
joeoshawadon't let it fix your watch18:43
joeoshawaHans_Henrik, still not loaded18:44
gomixhi there... i18:45
Hans_Henrikjoeoshawa: correct.18:45
gomixim lookin for the rtl8192ce deb pkg for my ubuntu...18:45
luckernooneis there  a way to use direct x , or do i have to use opengl for gaming?18:45
BrazendudeI'm going to post, bot don’t get mad at me D: : Hello everyone, when dragging a tab between google chorome windows it doesn't pick the window you are hovering above. So, if you have a window partially covering another with multiple tabs you wont be able to place the tab in the middle area.18:45
gomixcant find it...18:45
BrazendudeAny way to fix this issue? Help would be much appreciated.:-O18:45
gomixi need the file... where can i download it?18:45
joeoshawaHans_Henrik, let me know when gparted finishes if it sees the drive or not18:46
Hans_Henrikluckernoone: wine got "experimental" support for DirectX, also VMWare18:46
joeoshawagood think drives are so cheap now18:46
Picilion881_: Er, What are trying to do?18:46
joeoshawaadvertising for xdccing i would assume18:47
luckernooneHans_Henrik: thx, will wine evolve that or stay with experimental?18:47
anon33_When I try to install a package (in this case, ia32-libs), it tells me it has unmet dependencies and won't be installed. The E: is Broken Packages18:48
anon33_Anyone know whatsup?18:48
joeoshawalike linux as long as it remains open source it will continue to evolve18:48
joeoshawai am sure especially with things like direct x18:49
Hans_Henrikjoeoshawa: last time i checked, it was still being developed and improved. also there is a commercial product simmilar to wine that have much better DirectX support, cant remember the name tho... cedega? something i think18:49
Hans_Henrikwups that message was meant for luckernoone18:49
luckernoonejoeoshawa: , Hans_Henrik, ok thank u guys18:49
joeoshawathere are two commercial versions my friend18:50
joeoshawayour right18:50
macoHans_Henrik: not sure it has much better support anymore. Cedega is a fork of a very old version of Wine18:50
joeoshawaa prime example of how to make money from open source18:50
luckernooneplayonlinux-free , cedega-commercial , what else? joeoshawa18:50
joeoshawacan't remember i could google it but i don't use wine18:51
joeoshawai hate ms products18:51
edwardteachanon33_,  what package are you installing18:51
joeoshawathey are not allowed in my home18:51
joeoshawaexcept hardware that is18:52
joeoshawathey have a cheap wireless docking mouse that works amazingly well with ubuntu18:52
=== me is now known as Guest89722
luckernoonejoeoshawa: i do as well, but for gaming it is unavoidable18:52
jbwiv_guys, the volume control in my panel has disappeared. Does anyone know what daemon I have to kill/restart to get it back?18:53
xanguajbwiv_: add the indicator to the panel18:53
luckernoonejbwiv_: right click panel and add to panel18:53
jbwiv_xangua, it's not in the list of items I can add to panel18:53
jbwiv_at least, I don't see it18:53
joeoshawai game but i only play urban terror and the likes at the moment but there is some online roll playing games native to linux as well18:54
noonianluckernoone, yeah it isnt in that list for me either18:54
joeoshawabut it is just me use wine till your hearts content it shows developers there is an online gaming community interested in native linux games18:54
joeoshawaand thank you18:55
jbwiv_luckernoone, xangua: do you guys see it in your list for "Add to Panel"?18:55
xanguait is, if you don't see it, put it in the search dialog jbwiv_18:55
luckernoonenoonian: jbwiv_ yes with indicator applet18:55
jbwiv_luckernoone, xangua: add...didn't realize it was called indicator applet. got it now18:56
jbwiv_have you guys ever seen things like this mysteriously disappearing from the panel?18:56
joeoshawajbsoum, i have but i found out it was my 4 year old trying to play hand play18:56
joeoshawashe erased my top menu bar18:57
joeoshawaand changed my theme to pink18:57
SilverCorehey akk18:57
nooniansometimes my cat walks accross my keyboard or i drop my mouse and it does stuff18:57
SilverCorelol, why pink?18:57
joeoshawashe is a 4 year old girl18:57
Ginbuntuwhen I ssh to my server I have to wait like 5 seconds before I get the password prompt. any idea why?18:58
joeoshawaone of the reasons i made her a debian machine lol18:58
joeoshawaa better question is where the hell did a pink ubuntu theme come from18:58
joeoshawadoes it ship with that its god awful18:59
macojoeoshawa: you can change the colours very easily18:59
joeoshawaand they say linux is too hard to use19:00
macojoeoshawa: clearlooks lets you pick whatever colours you want for titlebars and buttons and general gtk background stuff in the appearance settings19:00
joeoshawatell the next person a four year old can do it19:00
zicksomeone have nevar installed heartbeat?19:00
macojoeoshawa: i have a friend whose 4 year old installed it by asking the 7 year old "what do those words say? what do the buttons say?"19:00
SilverCore"Linux is to hard to use" - Maybe for a 2 years old kid that never saw a computer before19:01
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:01
noonianGinbuntu, that usually has to do with the network the server is on i think and just how long it takes the data to travel19:01
joeoshawanope the two year old figured out how to launch amsn and was chatting with uncle pebkac19:01
SilverCoreI've installed "Platinum Arts Sendbox FPS" and since then I can't install or un-install anything at all. I can't even remove it because it stuck at 0% (I tried to reset my computer (of course i'll try -_-), it didn't help either...).19:01
SilverCoreEverything i try to install is getting stuck at 0%!19:01
SilverCoreHelp me please.19:01
cryogenfxhm, i finally managed to install maverick on my main desktop after using the nomodeset option in the installer, but upon booting after install, i am greeted by a garbled colored screen. probably something gfx card related i presume, nvidia card after all. however, unlike other distros i've used, there seems to be no rescue option, or console mode, either from cd or grub menu. what to do now? the machine completely locks up at the gar19:02
cryogenfxble, so i can't alt-ctrl f1 either19:02
Ginbuntunoobuntu, not true, since when logged in, the cli works just like local19:02
SilverCoreI've installed "Platinum Arts Sendbox FPS" and since then I can't install or un-install anything at all. I can't even remove it because it stuck at 0% (I tried to reset my computer (of course i'll try -_-), it didn't help either...).19:02
SilverCoreEverything i try to install is getting stuck at 0%!19:03
SilverCoreHelp me please.19:03
macocryogenfx: grub should offer a rescue mode. hold shift to get the grub menu19:03
cryogenfxshift, haha, i tried everything else except shift. silly me, k i'll try that. thanks19:03
joeoshawaSilverCore, trying to think of where to look first19:03
SilverCorecan any one help me?19:03
joeoshawasounds like you installed a shady program19:03
SilverCoreit's licensed19:04
SilverCorenot first time installing it19:04
macoSilverCore: sudo dpkg --purge --force-all package ???19:04
macoSilverCore: replacing "package" with the one that got stuck19:04
SilverCoreand doesn't purge erases all packages?19:05
macoSilverCore: just the ones you list...19:05
SilverCore-_- fail I can't use it, it says that platinumsandbox is corrupted19:05
karlo94anybody know some program for virtual image installer (so I do not need CD) ?19:06
xanguakarlo94: virtualbox¿19:06
mateusz1how add another OS to bootloader19:06
SilverCoreDAEMON Tools FOR LiNuX19:06
mateusz1I have grub219:06
SilverCorex_x Does it even exist?19:06
macoSilverCore: i suppose you could get the list of files in the package (dpkg -c platinumsandbox.deb  ... or whatever the path to the deb is) and delete the files it had installed. then they wouldnt be corrupted anymore...19:07
SilverCorewhere can i contact you outside of the irc?19:07
shegmanhow can i disable mouse acceleration and enable constant speed instead?19:07
macoSilverCore: daemon tools is that program for windows where you can mount an ISO as if it were in the CD drive because windows stupidly can't do that itself, right?19:07
joeoshawamateusz1,  sudo update grub19:07
macoSilverCore: if so, linux isnt as stupid :)19:07
joeoshawamateusz1, sorry  sudo update-grub19:08
karlo94xangua, I think on something with I can install photoshop image without cd19:08
SilverCorelinux as GOD and Windows is Jesus19:08
zicksomeone know heartbeat19:08
joeoshawamateusz1, might wanna back up the origional19:08
macokarlo94: you can just mount the iso19:08
mateusz1but I have to do update after instalation another system19:08
karlo94maco, I gonna try that :D19:09
joeoshawablashamy windows is junebug19:09
macokarlo94: it might be something you can right click and do. if not:   sudo mount -t iso9660 /path/to/your.iso /media/cdrom19:09
joeoshawaanoying and creates a hell of a mess19:09
TalkSouphi people, i am newbie, i did somethings wrongs and i cannot install anything good. lots of program gives error. what is the source list default choices ? thanks19:09
zicki don't show the file ha.cf19:09
karlo94maco, tnx19:09
rwwmaco, karlo94: if I remember, it's mount -o loop, and the -t iso9660 is generally autodetected.19:09
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.19:09
mateusz1I want add Gentoo19:10
macorww:  oooh loop thats it thanks. i was going "bind? no no thats for directories..."19:10
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TalkSouphi people, i am newbie, i did somethings wrongs and i cannot install anything good. lots of program gives error. what is the source list default choices ? thanks19:12
SilverCoresame for me -_-19:13
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TalkSoupyes. noone here to help ?19:13
ikoniaTalkSoup: ask your question19:13
schnuffleTalkSoup: can you be a bit more specific?19:13
SilverCoreany ubuntu officials here?19:14
ikoniaSilverCore: what's the issue19:14
BrazendudeHello everyone, when dragging anything between windows how do I make it so the cursor raises the window it's hovering above?19:15
TalkSouphow can i paste long line here ? and show u ?19:15
TalkSoupto ikonia19:15
ikonia!pastebin | TalkSoup19:15
ubottuTalkSoup: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:15
BajK_does mint also use ubuntu repositories or do they have their own?19:15
ikoniaBajK_: their own19:15
BajK_but I can add launchpad ppas?19:15
ikoniaBajK_: depends, we don't support mint here, ask the mint guys19:16
schnuffleBajK_: both they have own repos and use ubuntus as well19:16
ronr__anyone using periscope for subtitle downloads?19:17
TalkSoupikonia http://paste.ubuntu.com/559660/19:17
joeoshawahere is an interesting question does ubuntu use any of the debian repos19:17
ikoniajoeoshawa: no19:17
ikoniaTalkSoup: what happens if you "sudo apt-get update"19:18
ikoniaTalkSoup: can you pastebin that please19:18
ikoniapronufx: ?19:19
TalkSoupikonia http://paste.ubuntu.com/559661/19:20
cba123I've been trying to setup AFP on my server (from these http://www.kremalicious.com/2008/06/ubuntu-as-mac-file-server-and-time-machine-volume/ directions), but I can't connect from my Mac.  It asks for a password, and I've entered the one for the server, as well as the one for the Mac, and still nothing.  Any ideas?19:21
ikoniaTalkSoup: ok, there are some problems there, you have karmic and maverick repos mixed19:21
TalkSoupyes, i think so also, how can i make it default changes ? or make it work better ?19:21
cba123I'm running Lucid on the server btw.19:21
ikoniaTalkSoup: youre running maverick ?19:21
TalkSoupi think ? i am newbie19:22
TalkSoup1 week user19:22
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KM0201TalkSoup: did you upgrade from 9.10 to 10.10?19:22
ikoniaTalkSoup: ok, remove all the PPA's and the karmic lines, then re-run the command sudo apt-get update19:22
TalkSoupit is 10.10 i think i download from web site of ubuntu 1 week ago19:22
rwwTalkSoup: lsb_release -a in the terminal will tell you which version you're using19:23
TalkSoupubuntu 10.1019:23
mrappleok i just did sudo swapoff -a then sudo swapon -a and im getting 'swapon: /mnt/2048Mb.swap: stat failed: No such file or directory'19:24
mrappleuh oh?19:24
ikoniamrapple: not really, do a "sudo swapon -s" what does it show19:25
mrapple/dev/sda5                               partition60016560-119:25
youlundoes anybody whether the version of python in repos is 2.7 or 2.7.1? We're using 2.7.1 in a class i'm taking.19:26
TalkSoupikonia i deselected 3 PPA and update again wait19:26
ikoniamrapple: ok, that means you have a swap line in your /etc/fstab that points at /mnt/2048mb.swap, remove it19:26
mrappleok ikonia theres a 2048.swap in /mnt, but no 2048mb.swap19:26
ikoniamrapple: look in the files /etc/fstab and remove that line19:27
mrappleikonia: i changed it to 2048.swap19:27
ikoniamrapple: or ignore my advice.....and do what you want19:27
ikoniathat works to19:27
rwwmrapple: swap partitions do not have mount points.19:27
mrappleyay its back on19:27
mrapplecrisis averted19:27
TalkSoupikonia after i do what u say, i type update again and it says so http://paste.ubuntu.com/55966519:27
ikoniathere never was a crisis19:27
ikoniaTalkSoup: remove the mediabuntu lines, and re-run19:28
TalkSouphow i do this ? madiaubuntu lines ? all lines i must deselected ?19:28
rwwikonia: looks like medibuntu is fine and skype is broken, to me :\19:29
* KM0201 agrees w/ rww 19:29
ikoniarww: agreed, just getting rid of all the 3rd party ones19:29
KM0201medibuntu just doesn't have the key installed.19:29
ikoniaTalkSoup: remove the skype ones too19:30
KM0201i'm surprised anyone still uses Medibuntu.. really not necessary anymore19:30
educacaoboa tarde19:30
educacaoalguem fala portugues19:30
ikonia!br | educacao19:30
ubottueducacao: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:30
chkdskHey, having a weird problem. I just switched to nautilus and now whenever I try to open any directories using it, it opens that directory once and my home folder 5 times with it19:32
ragasim having some problems w/my webserver.  just setup a new 10.04, and added my LAMP.  installed phpmyadmin which basically works, but when i visit my own site, its as if directoryIndex isnt functioning.19:32
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Roasteddoes anybody have experience setting up freeradius?19:33
ikoniaragas: what are you expecting to see19:33
Rob235anyone know if verizon fios limits computers that are known to download a lot?19:33
KM0201Rob235: tats really something you'd need to take up w/ them.19:33
Rob235my 3 devices get less than 1mbit/s on speedtest.net while my gf's laptop gets the usual 15mbit/s19:34
ikoniaRob235: that's nothing to do with ubuntu, so we can't help you19:34
TalkSoupikonia i deselect all lines at there and type again it still says same thing. i dont know how to delete skype thingy19:34
Rob235just figured you guys were smart and could possibly help19:34
ragasim running a drupal site. if i type in url/index.php, it loads - problems, but it poads. if i just go to url/, it acts like im downloading a file.  url/phpmyadmin dioesnt do this.19:35
ikoniaTalkSoup: same way as the others, remove the skype entry from the sources.list file19:35
KM0201back ina  while... :)19:35
joeoshawahow does one go about removing a apt repository19:37
ikoniajoeoshawa: remove it from the sources.list file19:37
joeoshawaits not in the sources.list19:37
ikonialook in sources.d19:38
tahnokanyone have an intel 4500hd?19:38
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ikoniaTalkSoup: just ask your real question19:38
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ragasany ideas, ikonia?19:39
ikoniaragas: about what ?19:39
ragasim running a drupal site. if i type in url/index.php, it loads - problems, but it poads. if i just go to url/, it acts like im downloading a file.  url/phpmyadmin dioesnt do this. ikonia19:39
ikoniaragas: how did you install lamp19:39
joeoshawaapparently i do not have that file19:40
joeoshawai did a search and nothing19:40
ikoniajoeoshawa: it's a directory19:40
ragasikonia - i setup a linode slice, using their guide.19:40
ikoniaragas: ok, so you need to contact linode19:40
csgeekis there a channel to discuss issues with Natty?19:40
replicasexI don't suppose anyone knows anything about sound in virtualbox for Windows guests?19:40
ikoniacsgeek: #ubuntu+119:40
joeoshawayou mean sources.list.d19:41
csgeekthanks ikonia19:41
ikoniajoeoshawa: ahh yes19:41
ronr__does anyone know if it's possible to give periscope an alternative filename to search for a subtitle in case the original file name has changed?19:41
joeoshawaso a ppa should be in here am i correct osd-lyrics-ppa-maverick.list19:42
ikoniajoeoshawa: it canbe19:42
Pp|quishhi guys. I have just installed ubuntu 10.10 but iam having a little trouble. I want to have terminal with background image, but with full opacity. When i tried to set background to picture i wasnt almost able to see the picture because the transparency was low. Any ideas?19:42
bcurtiswx_i want to make a sourceforge project, i have my own local svn project.. and i want to move it to the sourceforge SVN for the first time.. how should I do that?19:42
bethdo97i wass here last nighht trying to get help getting version 100.10 installed on my son's laptop. need more help please19:43
ikoniabcurtiswx_: that's nothing to do with ubuntu19:43
joeoshawadamnit nope i used the sudo add apt command19:43
bethdo97we installed ddesktop x32 10.10 on his laptop and we do not get the gui desktop when we boot up19:43
bethdo97it goes to a terminal prompt and we can't seem to get it to go any furthher19:44
joeoshawawrite a program to add an apt not remove it nice19:44
ikoniajoeoshawa: there is a program to remove it19:44
bethdo97tried to install netbook version from a usb but it was unable to initialize the usb drive19:44
ikoniajoeoshawa: add an repo without knowing what you're doing.....nice19:44
joeoshawai knew what i was doing i dont need it now and want to remove it19:45
w30Pp|quish, don't you have a slider for the opacity?19:45
bethdo97how do we get the commputer to boot to the desktop?19:45
ikoniajoeoshawa: then you don't know what you're doing19:45
bethdo97how do we get it to let us down load the updates and upgrades that it kept timing out on last night19:45
joeoshawaohh and you do telling someone to look for  a directory that doesn't exist19:45
ikoniajoeoshawa: yes, I've not got an ubuntu machine here to be exact19:46
joeoshawai will figure it out on my own then thanks snotty19:46
ikoniajoeoshawa: don't call people names19:46
joeoshawaits an attitude not a name19:46
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bethdo97is there something that we didn't do when we were installing the program thaat explains why it is not going to the desktop?19:47
bethdo97this is my first exposure to ubuntu and linux so I need some help please19:48
wildc4rdevenin all19:48
brontoeeebethdo97, do you get to the login screen, or just terminal, did you install nvidia drivers maybe ..., how old is that laptop?19:49
brontoeeebethdo97, i've been playing with an older laptop for few days now, still cant fix the graphics, btw19:50
chkdskHey, having a weird problem. I just switched to nautilus and now whenever I try to open any directories using it, it opens that directory once and my home folder 5 times with it. Any way for me to stop it opening multiple times, and only open once?19:50
w30bethdo97, go to system login screen settings and then you can set login as a certain user19:50
bethdo97just terminal, no nvidia drivers19:50
bethdo97no login sccreen19:50
bethdo97bought computer in 200719:51
brontoeeewhat happens if you 'startx' ?19:51
bethdo97what is startx?19:51
brontoeeesomething that you write to the terminal19:52
ThinkPadT42Hello. I am running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on my ThinkPad T42, ati mobility radeon 9600 M10. resolution 640x480 does not work on my internal display (black screen). Other resolutions work fine. I once knew the solution, but I can't remember it. I had to update some specific package. But which one?19:52
subcoolHey, I can't mount the original file system after booting onto the computer with a live usb. I need to fix my boot loader.19:54
bethdo97did startx and got aa fataal server error no screen found error19:54
BrazendudeHello everyone, when dragging tabs between google chrome windows how do I make it so that when I hover with the tab over a window's tab bar, that's under another window, it raises it above?19:55
ikoniaBrazendude: I've not seen that effect, I don't know if it's even possible19:55
Ivan_the_TerriblHi guys! How to switch off the touchpad on a laptop? Fn+functional key doesn't work. Or I have to switch it off in BIOS setup?19:55
FuchsIvan_the_Terribl: synclient TouchpadOff=119:56
Brazendudeikonia, It seems possible in windows, gimmie a sec to pull up a youtube vid of it.19:56
FuchsIvan_the_Terribl: you can bind this to your Fn Key if it produces a keycode (look with xev)19:56
ikoniaBrazendude: you're not using windows19:56
Brazendudeikonia, yes, but it seems like a handy feature19:56
Ivan_the_TerriblFuchs, thank you!19:57
ThinkPadT42perhaps I should add that my internal display's native resolution is 1400x1050. I think I remember that the fixed package was some backport from maverick, but perhaps my memory is wrong and that's why I'm stuck.19:57
ikoniaBrazendude: yes but I'm not sure it's possible19:57
brontoeeebethdo97, what about glxinfo | grep vendor19:57
Brazendudeikonia, here is a short clip of the effect I mentioned: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIbgCqoeC_Y&feature=player_embedded19:57
Brazendudeikonia, not possible in ubuntu you mean?19:58
ikoniaBrazendude: I don't need to see it, I know what you mean, but I don't know if it's possible19:58
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Brazendudeikonia, If so it would save me the trouble of trying to figure out how to enable.19:59
ikoniaBrazendude: well, chromes functionality should be cross platform so it should be20:00
bethdo97no such file or directory.  glxinfo is not installed20:00
bethdo97should i install it?20:00
Schmorgluckit's always useful to have handy20:01
brontoeeebethdo97, hmm, should be installed i think20:01
Brazendudeikonia, I very much wish it was so, but at least in my system it isn't functional. I've googled everywhere but there ins't many mentions of this.20:01
bethdo97ok will try20:01
bethdo97when it asks should it install without verification should the answer be y or N ?20:02
Guildensternhi, I'm somehow confused about ubuntus javadoc packages and eclipse20:02
Guildensternsome javadocs where found out of the box20:03
Schmorgluckbethdo97, it's a classic tool, no need to worry20:03
mauro_ragazzi ho un problema al boot20:03
mauro_qualcuno può darmi una mano a risolverlo???20:03
brontoeee!it mauro_20:04
bethdo97something wicked again when attempting to install20:04
mauro_bronteee_,posso spiegarti?20:04
conorhoganhello, is natty narwahl out yet?20:04
mauro_brontoeee_,posso spiegarti?20:04
bethdo97no address associated with host name20:04
Brazendudeikonia, I like to confirm if at least it's a ubuntu specific behavior. Thank you for your help, I'll pose that question and confirm if it's specific to my system or not.20:04
ikoniaBrazendude: I'm trying to find a reference to the tabs on Linux20:05
ikoniaBrazendude: you may want to be clear in your question it's chrome tabs you want to move, not Linux windows"20:05
brontoeeemauro_, my italian is lacking, as well as my knowhow about bots here, just ignore me20:05
brontoeeebethdo97, how about lshw | grep VGA20:06
Brazendudeikonia, I will. Thanks though, and let me know if you find something. I certainly wasn't able to :/.20:07
bethdo97will check20:07
ikoniaBrazendude: I'm struggling to find something specific20:07
conorhoganwhy does about ubuntu say i am using natty narwal?20:07
ikoniaconorhogan: it's a bug20:08
Piciconorhogan: from lsb_release -a or on the About Gnome screen?20:08
ikoniaconorhogan:  it's being resolved20:08
conorhoganabout ubuntu screen - oh its a bug, cool thanks20:09
BrazendudeHello everyone, I have a question about tab dragging in Google Chrome. When you drag a chrome tab between windows, and the window you are trying to drag it to is under, does it raise the window or does it stay behind?20:09
conorhoganwow - the gnu kernel is still being developed?20:09
subcoolAnyone?  I'm pretty stuck20:09
InduaneI am trying to do an install but it doesn't work.  It doesn't list a hard drive for me to partition. Just no hard drive is detected.20:10
InduaneBut it is detected in the bios.20:11
InduaneSo I booted to the "try ubuntu" thing.20:11
InduaneAnd it shows the hard drive in disk utility20:11
Induaneso I thought there was soemthing wrong with it20:11
Induaneso I partitioned it in disk utility20:11
Induane3 gb swap, and a 76 gb ext4 partition20:11
Induanebut it still isn't listed when I try to install20:11
Induanesmart reports disk is fine20:11
Induaneaccording to disk-utility20:12
Induaneanyone know why I can't install?20:12
bethdo97grep GA does not do anything20:12
BrazendudeAnyone have this issue?: I have a question about tab dragging in Google Chrome. When you drag a chrome tab between windows, and the window you are trying to drag it to is under, does it raise the window or does it stay behind?20:12
brontoeeebethdo97, 'lshw | grep VGA'20:13
bethdo97lshw provides a bunch of details but it scrolls ffast  to quickly to read.  Is tthere a way to scroll back up the screen to see what we missed20:13
brontoeeebethdo97, enter the command exactly as posted it should return just the VGA part, two lines max20:14
genii-aroundbethdo97: shift-pageup20:14
izinucs!grub2 | subcool20:14
ubottusubcool: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:14
pradeephi everyone20:14
bethdo97ok VGA compatible controller but VGA is in red20:14
stevendepphiya pradeep20:14
subcoolIzinucs , did that. I can't mount the original file system20:15
brontoeeebethdo97, just one line or what?20:15
shcherbakbethdo97: Thats effect of grep, try ls ~ | grep a20:15
conorhoganis gnu hurd still being developed? and if so why?20:16
brontoeeebethdo97, 2nd line here is like: product: ION VGA [GeForce 9400M]20:16
Piciconorhogan: Thats not really a topic for this support channel, try #ubuntu-offtopic20:16
pradeepstevendepp, what new?20:17
pita2uok so what is the protocol to register a nick?20:17
pronufx 20:17
Pici!register | pita2u20:17
ubottupita2u: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode20:17
bethdo97examples.desktop is the response a of examples is red20:17
brontoeeepita2u, /msg nickserv help20:17
BrazendudeHello, posting for anyone who can test this really quick: I have a question about tab dragging in Google Chrome. When you drag a chrome tab between windows, and the window you are trying to drag it to is under, does it raise the window or does it stay behind?20:17
izinucssubcool: not sure you have to ....20:17
stevendepppradeep, plenty of things in life, but I thought you had a question to ask?20:18
brontoeeeBrazendude, i dont understand the question, and iam sure iam not alone in that20:18
stevendeppwhere to you move your mouse ?20:19
chkdskHey, having a weird problem. I just switched to nautilus and now whenever I try to open any directories using it, it opens that directory once and my home folder 5 times with it. Any way for me to stop it opening multiple times, and only open once?20:19
Brazendudebrontoeee, lol, I was sure it was clear, It's a question about window behaviour in Google chrome or chromium. I wanted to know if tab dragging raised underlying windows.20:19
stevendeppI think you can just click and keep the tab20:19
stevendeppthen drag it on the other window's button in the lower panel20:20
pradeepstevendepp, hmm thanks for asking but i come in here to give assitance and also i questions when i get confused too20:20
tjbalisticI am interested in setting up my ubuntu Remote Desktop so I can access it from my android phone. Is this the right place to get help?20:20
Brazendudestevendepp, jlower pannel?20:20
stevendeppthat will have the second window resurface and you can then drop the tab20:20
Ivan_the_Terriblsynclient TouchpadOff=1 doesn't seem to work :( .20:21
Induane:/ rats. I always have the questions no one can answer.20:21
stevendeppyou know, that panel with all the open windows' buttons20:21
InduaneIts a skill I wish I was withouth20:21
Brazendudestevendepp, ah I see, I don't have the option since I'm using awn. Unless there is a way I wasn't aware of with a docky20:21
stevendepptry that with awn nonetheless20:21
stevendeppI would not be surprised if that worked too20:21
stevendepp(they might as well have foreseen this use)20:22
BrazendudeOk, it works when hovering other programs in the docky, but haven't found a way to cylcle thourgh windows in the same application.20:23
stevendepppradeep, yeah sorry, I rarely come and often forget about being polite myself :p20:23
stevendeppso I thought you came in and tried to get attention20:23
stevendeppBrazendude, oh ok, I'll get it a try myself20:24
Brazendudestevendepp, Ok.20:24
pradeepstevendepp, no problem lol how long have been using linux?20:24
ikoniapradeep: stevendepp maybe take your chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic please ?20:25
bethdo97we are  getting an error - ubi-partman crashed should we quit continue or try again (already retried once20:25
pradeepikonia, okay20:25
conorhoganis ikonia a bot?20:25
rwwconorhogan: no20:25
w30chkdsk, just a thought, check system - preferences - Nautilus Actions Configuration tool20:25
conorhogank, just checking20:25
bethdo97what is ubi-partman?20:26
chkdskw30, I don't have a Nautilus Actions Configuration tool20:26
brontoeeebethdo97, sounds like partitioning tool, i thought you have ubuntu installed allready...20:26
bethdo97we do20:26
bethdo97it doesn't seem to have installed correctly20:27
chkdskw30, I now have nautilus-actions downloaded and installed. What do I need to do to stop this behaviour?20:28
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subcoolIlinucs I'm gonna try another usb linux live20:29
brontoeeebethdo97, are you attempting some dual-boot or ubuntu only?20:30
bethdo97ubuntu only20:31
brontoeeebethdo97, how did you partition the drive(s)?20:31
Brazendudestevendepp, If I turn off grouping windows in awn preferences, I can sort of achieve window rasinig, but it seems like it works only after jerking the mouse over its icon randomly, and not by simply hovering over it.20:32
bethdo97thru the ubuntu set up20:32
pita2u1can anyone help me with compiz?20:32
bethdo97now we get an authentication error20:32
Brazendudestevendepp, also by having ungrouped windows it makes a bit messy, almos like it defeats the purpose of a docky.20:32
KM0201bethdo97: what is ubi-partman ?20:33
brontoeeebethdo97, to me it sound like a borken install, i'd do a clean reinstall and make sure to wipe the HD clean20:33
anon33_What's the name of the executable (bin file) for the disk utility applicatoin?20:33
Picibethdo97: At what point are you getting an authentication error?20:33
bethdo97should I do deestop 10.04 instead of 10.10 or netbook 10.10?20:34
w30chkdsk, any thing configuted to start up? Another idea, run ps and kill the extra Nautilus processes and then log out and log back in.20:34
bethdo97after we said quit because of the partman error 14120:34
rwwanon33_: /usr/bin/palimpsest20:34
rudy87mnhello .. i`m havin some problems20:35
rudy87mncand somebody help me ?20:35
skiwithpeteHi can someone help me with cron?20:35
mongypita2u1, whats wrong with it.20:35
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:35
KM0201ask your questions, if someone can help, theywill20:35
subcoolI just tried to do a rescue mode install grub bootloader and got an excuse error 120:35
chkdskw30, does it begin with extra nautilus processes? It's been doing this since I installed arch about a week ago.20:35
brontoeeechkdsk, the usual: does it happen with other user accounts as well?20:35
anon33_rww: How the hell am I supposed to figure that out?20:35
PiciKM0201: ubi-partman is the partitioning tool inside of the Ubuntu live-cd installer20:35
anon33_rww: What a weird name.20:35
chkdskbrontoeee, yes all accounts20:35
pita2u1when I enabled effects like beam up my icons for minimize,maximize, and close disappeared20:35
mongypita2u1, you mean the whole top bar20:36
skiwithpeteI'm trying to use cron to complete a task at a specified time, but when I type crontab -e in terminal it says it can't write changes20:36
rwwanon33_: I used packages.ubuntu.com. I think there's a dpkg option to do the same thing. It used to be called palimpsest before it was renamed to gnome-disk-utility, so...20:36
rudy87mni have read a tutorial on the romanian forum about installing conky .. after i apt-get install conky i says i must have a file .conkyrc in /home/rudy20:36
rudy87mni don`t see any file20:36
pita2u1umm yes20:36
anon33_rww: Well, thanks20:36
chkdskskiwithpete, I assume this means you need elevated permissions for writing crontab stuff?20:36
Picibethdo97: You could either re-parition with another disk, like the gparted livecd, or use the alternate installer iso.20:36
brontoeeerudy87mn, make one20:37
skiwithpetechkdsk, you're asking if I did sudo crontab -e20:37
Piciskiwithpete: Whose crontab are you trying to edit?20:37
skiwithpeteyes I did20:37
mongy!who | pita2u120:37
ubottupita2u1: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:37
rudy87mncan i create the file from terminal ?20:37
bethdo97on a laptop with 4gb ram and 500 gb new hard drive should I use netbook or desktop version and should I use version 10.04 or 10.1020:37
skiwithpetePici I don't understand the question20:37
brontoeeerudy87mn, or google for one to get you started20:37
mongypita2u1, ok, in compizconfig disable and re-enable the window decoration plugin20:37
rudy87mni wil try now.. thanks20:37
Piciskiwithpete: did you do 'sudo crontab -e' or just 'crontab -e' ?20:38
skiwithpetePici, chkdsk basically I have a script I want to run at 2AM everyday20:38
pita2u1!mongy ok will try that ty20:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:38
mongypita2u1, Ive had it do that, rare, but its happend.. I usually just reload compiz (compiz --replace)20:38
skiwithpetePici, I've done both20:38
mongypita2u1, mongy without the ! :)20:38
Piciskiwithpete: and what do the permissions on '/var/spool/cron/crontabs' look like?20:38
pita2u1mongy: ok got a msg from ubottu20:39
skiwithpetePici, how do I find that out?20:39
chkdskHow do I set up linux to display Japanese characters?20:39
Piciskiwithpete: check ls -al /var/spool/cron/20:39
bethdo97brontoeee  on a laptop with 4gb ram and 500 gb new hard drive should I use netbook or desktop version and should I use version 10.04 or 10.1020:39
BrazendudeI have a question about dragging Google Chrome tabs. When you drag a Chrome tab from one Chrome window to another's tab bar, and the Chrome window you are trying to drag it to is under the the one you took the tab from, does it raise the window or does it stay under? I like to know since it's a behaviour in windows, and it's frustrating me not knowing if it's normal or not.20:39
RekeriI just upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 - is there a known issue with 10.10 post-upgrade where it doesn't boot properly?20:39
skiwithpetePici, the output says, no crontab for root20:40
mongypita2u1, just make sure you add the persons name to your message, then it will highlight for them...its a busy channel20:40
brontoeeebethdo97, 10.10 desktop (i wouldnt bother with netbook)20:40
Piciskiwithpete: It shouldn't say anything like that if you do: ls -al /var/spool/cron/20:40
Habitatsi'm trying to install znc on ubuntu, anyone know if they have an irc channel for support?20:40
stevendeppBrazendude, yeah I cannot have it to work good either, sorry about that20:40
Habitatsor anyone here got a clue?20:40
ikoniaHabitats: not really anything to do with this channel20:40
Habitatsthat's why i asked20:41
ikoniaHabitats: ok - so don't ask questions that are nothing to do with this channel please20:41
PiciHabitats: Are you looking for something beyond apt-get install znc20:41
rwwHabitats: the front page of their website says #znc on EFNet20:41
Brazendudestevendepp, alright man, thank you very much for the confirmation. It has bothered me greatly and it's good to know if it was just me or not.20:41
Habitatsikonia read my question before you flame please20:41
skiwithpetePici, i lists 4 things - total 12 then drwxr-xr-x 3 root root...20:41
Habitatsoh guess i missed that then rww i'll check, thanks20:42
ikoniaHabitats: I read your questions, this channel is not a directory services for other channels, so as I said "don't ask"20:42
skiwithpetePici the 4th link ends in crontabs20:42
Piciskiwithpete: It should be owned by root:crontab, not root:root.   To fix it, do   sudo chown root:crontab /var/spool/cron/crontabs20:42
apocalyptiqhi! i have some problem with WIFI on my linux ubuntu, on lenovo r60. since yesterday wifi didn't works on ubuntu, but on windows xp it works ok20:43
Firbewn9 /j #kubuntu20:43
pradeepapocalyptiq, lspci then pastebin your result20:43
w30chkdsk, I am out of any more ideas, sorry20:44
Piciskiwithpete: Then try using crontab -e   again.20:44
apocalyptiqbut to yesterday, previously it worked, suddenly stopped to work (laptop led with wifi doesn't shine)20:44
skiwithpetePici, again, the 4th line reads: drwxr-wx--T 2 root crontab 4096 *tdays date* crontabs20:44
apocalyptiqpradeep: ok, i will check it20:44
chkdskHow do I set up linux to display Japanese characters?20:44
stevendeppBrazendude, you're welcome20:45
On-The-Flyhello all; anyone here familiar with apt-pinning? I wanted to pin the xserver PPA so that no experimental packages from other PPAs would be installed, but now I don't see any packages to update although it states that there are three new ( http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/5604/ppaupdate.png )20:45
Piciskiwithpete: do you have internet access on that computer?  Can you pastebin exactly what you see?20:45
Pici!pastebin | skiwithpete20:45
ubottuskiwithpete: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:45
sharehello ubuntuers20:46
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=== BostX_ is now known as BostX
skiwithpetePici that's for you20:47
PhaseAny decent software I can use to rapidly take screenshots of a portion of my screen? (for timelapse video)20:47
skiwithpetePici, the last line shows todays date and just a few mins ago (I'm in NZ)20:48
patchi! can somebody explain me how to manage the following please? SSH connexion doesn't uncrypt my home -> what's wrong?20:48
subcoolOk, I think I'm getting there. Hows do I.change grub to fix my boot, I just installed win 7 after ubuntu.20:48
KroplexKM0201 are you there?20:50
jymerehi. I use a ethernet connection in order to go to internet. when i start ubuntu, network manager asks me, what wireless connection I want to connect. But i don't want a wireless connection that's why I would like to prevent network manager from asking me about wireless connection. Is that clear ?20:50
nick_RG4Phase: what about shutter?20:50
Kroplexjymere, i dont know a lot about ubuntu but i may be able to help20:51
Kroplexyou are NOT using wireless?20:51
PeterFAWhat's the package that provides the perl module Pod::Usage?20:51
jymereKroplex: yes I use only an ethernet connection20:51
Phasenick_RG4: I'll check it out, ty20:51
Kroplexjymere: right click on your network manager and see if there is a checkbox option for "enable wireless"20:51
nick_RG4Phase: it's pretty good. Cheers20:51
apocalyptiqhi, i'm back, hereis my lspci:20:52
patcnobody has an idea about the problem with SSH connexion not decrypting home?20:52
apocalyptiq00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/PM/GMS, 943/940GML and 945GT Express Memory Controller Hub (rev 03)20:52
apocalyptiq00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/PM/GMS, 943/940GML and 945GT Express PCI Express Root Port (rev 03)20:52
apocalyptiq00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)20:52
apocalyptiq00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family PCI Express Port 1 (rev 02)20:52
apocalyptiq00:1c.1 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family PCI Express Port 2 (rev 02)20:52
apocalyptiq00:1c.2 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family PCI Express Port 3 (rev 02)20:52
apocalyptiq00:1c.3 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family PCI Express Port 4 (rev 02)20:52
apocalyptiq00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation N10/ICH7 Family USB UHCI Controller #1 (rev 02)20:52
apocalyptiq00:1d.1 USB Controller: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family USB UHCI Controller #2 (rev 02)20:52
FloodBot2apocalyptiq: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:52
subcoolOk, I'm running into some real issues if anyone wants to help20:52
mongypatc, explain20:52
jymereKroplex: yes I did that at each start. I just want to do that automatically.20:52
PeterFAapocalyptiq: doing SLI?20:52
bethdo97i am redownloading and reinstalling.  Will check back after it gets done20:53
jymereto prevent the wireless connecton20:53
patcmongy: when I log in with SSH on my server (10.04)20:53
PeterFA"Don't use Enter as punctuation" ahaha20:53
=== dragon is now known as Guest29672
patcmy home is not decrypted (encrypted home)20:53
skiwithpetePici you still there?20:53
apocalyptiqon my ubuntu wifi doesn't works, wifi led doesn'l lighting20:53
mongypatc, it should, if you enter the right username and password...  I have the same setup20:53
apocalyptiqbut on windows xp it works20:53
patcI have to "ecryptfs-mount-private"20:53
=== muellisoft is now known as Muelli
apocalyptiqin ubuntu it suddenly stopped to works from yesterday20:54
patcmongy:I disabled password authentication forgott to mention I use key authenticaTION20:54
mongypatc, bingo..20:54
mongypatc,  doesnt work with key auth.. you still need to enter the password to decrypt20:54
patcmongy: it should decrypt... as far as I know20:55
pradeepapocalyptiq, i thought i told to run that command on your terminal20:55
On-The-Flyagain: anyone familiar with apt-pinning?20:55
patcis it noprmal or is it something that's going to be changed?20:55
mongypatc, its the password that decrypts it, not the key20:55
apocalyptiqanybody knows why wifi could stop working on lenovo ibm r60 suddenly?20:55
patcok, is there a way to decrypt using the key?20:55
apocalyptiqit was working for two years, and from yesterday - no20:55
Kroplexjymere: you might try going to terminal and typing: iwconfig wlan0 down20:56
mongypatc, thats just how it works.  you can file a bug of request a feature somewhere on launchpad...   is there  a way,, I dont think so..20:56
patcmongy:a sort of logon script or something?20:56
Kroplexi dont know if that would do it permanently but it is a start20:56
apocalyptiqKroplex - ok, i will check it20:56
MaletorHow can I view errors on the edit get request page without calling validations/20:56
mongypatc, well you could get the server to autologin your user somehow and then it would work.20:56
patcok, I have seen a bug submitted about that, will have a look20:57
reneque tranza20:57
patcmongy:thanks for your answering20:57
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mongypatc, np.  if the user is logged in locally then your ssh will work.20:57
patcmongy:yes I noticed that20:58
Guest47142hay alguien de mexico por aqui20:58
skiwithpeteCan someone help me with Cron, my helper Pici seems to have disappeared20:58
patcmongy:i works because of the fact that the home is decrypted with the password... :P20:58
rww!es | Guest2967220:58
ubottuGuest29672: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:58
rwweep, wrong guest :(20:58
iaweHaving troubles identifying what filetype my /dev/sda1/ is so i can mount it20:59
skiwithpeteI have pasted my problem to paste.ubuntu.com/55969120:59
Guest29672lol here i am thinking i got error message ... still trying to learn this and get a pop spooked me20:59
=== Guest29672 is now known as dl2agon
izinucsIs there a way to get Firefox to refresh a tab on a regular basis?20:59
patcmongy: I have the idea that I'M not alone with this question :)20:59
iaweI want to mount /dev/sda20:59
mongypatc, I asked it once...which is why I know the answer :)21:00
pietr101izinucs: i think there is a extension for FF that does it21:01
izinucsiawe: open partition manager and look there. it should identify it pretty easy.21:01
izinucspietr101: thanks..21:01
patcmongy: oh ok who did you ask? dev team???21:01
patcmongy:see I am not lone ;)21:01
mongysomeone in here.21:02
dirtyhello .. i need some help please..21:02
dirtyi`ve downloaded the latest version of ubuntu from the website.. burn it on a dvd then installed it.. i thought the install is broken so i installed twice.. the problem is .. that the second time.. up in the right corner.. the internet connections shows an red ! .. (no internet) and i don`t understand why .. and how to fix it ..21:02
iawethanks izinucs21:02
mongypatc, its just how encryption works... it needs your password in plain text, not a key21:02
dl2agonenable it21:02
mongypatc, I can see how it is like it is.21:02
=== King is now known as Guest59435
skiwithpetechkdsk, are you still there?21:03
KM0201dirty: it's probably not detecting your wireless device ( i assume you're on another pc right now?)21:04
patcmongy: OK I understand!21:04
Guest59435Does anybody knows where is the current WPA Key is stored?? Is it in the Router or is it in a Databank of the Provider????21:04
iaweWorked perfectly izinucs21:04
dl2agondoes ubuntu do raid expanding drives ?21:04
Guest59435Does anybody knows where is the current WPA Key is stored?? Is it in the Router or is it in a Databank of the Provider????21:04
skiwithpeteouch, I've been abandoned21:05
sandking_hey anyone knows how to scan sd card plugged in my mp3 player with rhythmbox?21:05
brontoeeeGuest59435, router21:05
Piciskiwithpete: I had an impromptu meeting and now I'm stuck on a conference call, sorry.21:05
sandking_i mean - rb scans it but i can't upload anything on it21:05
Guest59435Does anybody knows where is the current WPA Key is stored?? Is it in the Router or is it in a Databank of the Provider????21:05
Guest59435Does anybody knows where is the current WPA Key is stored?? Is it in the Router or is it in a Databank of the Provider????21:05
Guest59435Does anybody knows where is the current WPA Key is stored?? Is it in the Router or is it in a Databank of the Provider????21:05
FloodBot2Guest59435: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:05
rww!repeat | Guest5943521:05
ubottuGuest59435: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:05
PiciGuest59435: Stop repeating.21:05
dirtyyes i am on my laptop .. but i`m installing ubuntu on my PC .. and i`m not using wireless on it.. i use cable .. and i don`t understand why the first time it worked.. and now it doesen`t21:05
patcmongy and others, have a nice day! Bye!21:05
Guest59435Does anybody knows where is the current WPA Key is stored?? Is it in the Router or is it in a Databank of the Provider????21:06
mongyGuest59435, in your keyring?21:06
Guest59435ill check keyring thx21:06
Guest59435ill check keyring thx21:07
Guest59435ill check keyring thx21:07
Guest59435ill check keyring thx21:07
FloodBot2Guest59435: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:07
apocalyptiqme again, this is output for iwconfig wlan0 down:21:07
rwwGuest59435: Do not repeat messages in this channel like that again, please.21:07
apocalyptiqiwconfig: unknown command "down"21:07
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besogonapocalyptiq: ifconfig21:08
besogonapocalyptiq: not iwconfig21:08
dextro_so if i raid1 3x1tb drives i will get faster reads and fault tolerance?21:08
KM0201he's probably got one of those dumb repeating scripts21:08
DrunkenRamblerHi. How do I find all tunes that have (Ignoring case) "edwards" or "todd" in a directory?  I've tried "ls /media/Data/Media/Audio/ -R | grep todd"  How do I make that show the full path for each file?21:09
apocalyptiqbesogon: ok, but somebody moment ago said to run iwconfig21:09
apocalyptiqok, so now i have to run ifconfig wlan0 down?21:09
besogonapocalyptiq: yes21:09
apocalyptiqok, be right back21:09
brontoeeedextro_, none of that21:09
Encry9Hi, how do i edit cron? I tried crontab -e and it's empty but I know there's stuff in there21:10
pietr101Encry9: sudo nano /etc/crontab21:10
=== guest050106 is now known as zweb
Encry9that only shows root cron21:11
dl2agoncai have a raid setup with windows partion can any point me on how to mount it any info would be nice21:11
pdlnhrdI am trying to do an upgrade and I am finding I have hundreds of errors "Breaks" in my apt.log file.  is there a way to fix these dependiciences issues?21:12
hellyeahE: Could not get lock /var/lock/aptitude - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)21:12
hellyeah i always took that why i always took that what does that mean21:12
goltoofaccidentally tried opening a .toc file.. shows the "opening" thing in the task bar but top shows no associated process..  how do i kill it?21:15
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apocalyptiq$ ifconfig wlan0 down21:16
apocalyptiqSIOCSIFFLAGS: Permission denied21:16
apocalyptiqwhat now? :)21:16
Kroplexand bro21:16
Kroplexi wasnt actually talking to u21:16
Kroplexi was talking to jymere21:17
Ed_MoneyI have a file with one item per line, and I'm trying to append each item to the end of a URL and call wget with the URL+item for each item and then save the wget result plus the item to file. How can I do this from the command line?21:17
goltoofnevermind.. twas wnck-applet21:17
Kroplexthat is to disable your wireless21:17
besogonapocalyptiq: rfkill? Did you try it?21:17
apocalyptiqKroplex - so you didn't talking to me about wlan0 down?21:17
apocalyptiqwhat it is?21:18
Kroplexapocalyptiq said his wifi kept disconnecting randomly? am i right?21:18
besogonapocalyptiq: rfkill --help21:18
mongyDrunkenRambler, ugh21:18
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:18
izinucsapocalyptiq: sudo ifconfig wlan0 down21:18
apocalyptiqKroplex: no, my wifi didn't works21:18
apocalyptiqon ubuntu only, on winxp it works21:18
besogonapocalyptiq: it's utility for turn off and on Wifi21:18
apocalyptiqwifi led on my laptop while being on ubuntu isn't on21:18
apocalyptiqwhile on winxp - its on and wifi is working21:19
apocalyptiqto ifconfig wlan0 down will turn on wifi?21:19
zwebapocalyptiq: Please wait your turn before asking a question. An #ubuntu support representative will assist you as soon as possible.21:19
goltoofmy cursor won't stop showing the spinning thing and i can't right click on desktop.. how do i kill it?21:19
zwebgoltoof: Please wait your turn before asking a question. An #ubuntu support representative will assist you as soon as possible.21:19
besogonapocalyptiq: sudo ifconfig wlan0 down21:19
apocalyptiqok, brb21:20
zwebapocalyptiq: Please wait your turn before asking a question. An #ubuntu support representative will assist you as soon as possible.21:20
goltoofzweb:   where did that come from?21:20
zwebgoltoof: Please wait your turn before asking a question. An #ubuntu support representative will assist you as soon as possible.21:20
gpczweb: turn off that script.21:20
zwebgpc: Please wait your turn before asking a question. An #ubuntu support representative will assist you as soon as possible.21:20
goltoofwhat is your deal zweb?21:20
zwebgoltoof: Please wait your turn before asking a question. An #ubuntu support representative will assist you as soon as possible.21:20
apocalyptiqzweb: Please wait your turn before asking a question. An #ubuntu support representative will assist you as soon as possible.21:20
besogonapocalyptiq: rfkill block wlan21:21
EnrgySmthI am making the switch from Fedora to Ubuntu - wanted to ask what everyone thought regarding EXT3, EXT4 or XFS with the current stable builds?  What is best/most stable for the os lv?21:21
goltoofaaanyway..  my cursor won't stop showing the spinning thing and i can't right click on desktop.. how do i kill it?21:21
rwwEnrgySmth: ext4 works fine for me, and is the default in Ubuntu these days.21:21
xanguaEnrgySmth: ubuntu uses ext4 by default21:21
conor_looking for some help enabling a VPN connection without access to a GUI.. sometimes my VPN disconnects and i need to reestablish it while i'm already SSH'd in (through a different interface). any ideas?21:21
xanguagoltoof: tryed to restart your session¿21:21
apocalyptiqbesogon: what rfkill block wlan is doing?21:21
burgdorferhi there21:21
goltoofxangua:  i'd prefer not, any other way?21:22
genii-aroundgoltoof: ctrl-alt-esc     then place cursor on offending app, click21:22
PokerFacePengui1anybody got a quick regexp or anything that would tell me now much space my .iso files are taking up?  something like a locate *.iso command with totals...21:22
besogonapocalyptiq: "rfkill block" turns off all wlan on your PC21:22
goltoofgenii-around:  it's actually that way over every app, and can't right click on desktop21:22
apocalyptiqbesogon: but i want actually to turun on my wlan21:22
=== NeedHelp is now known as HelpMe
apocalyptiqturn on*21:23
goltoofgenii-around:  that's odd, just went away, nvm folks21:23
=== HelpMe is now known as BootFailure
xanguagoltoof: why won't you restart your session¿21:23
gpc!nickspam > BootFailure21:23
ubottuBootFailure, please see my private message21:23
besogonapocalyptiq: rfkill unblock wlan21:23
burgdorferI'm having trouble setting up my remote using LIRC for use with XBMC. The IR receiver is detected as an input device by X and the volume and move keys work but nothing else does. Does that have anything to do with lirc's devinput thing?21:23
BootFailureI'm not spamming.21:23
BootFailureThose nicks were taken.21:23
genii-aroundgoltoof: Anyhow, you would in this case click it on the app you used to open the toc file you spoke of earlier21:23
goltoofxangua:  define session.  if you mean log out and back in i'd preffer not.21:23
BootFailureMy laptop overheated, now Ubuntu won't boot.21:24
goltoofxangua:  in any case it's all good now21:24
apocalyptiqok, brb21:24
Kroplexbesogon: maybe he can try iwconfig wlan0 up ??21:24
BootFailureit drops to a ash shell21:24
besogonKroplex: It won't help if rfkill is working21:24
intokhow do I get Ubuntu to recognize my USB DVD drive: LSHW http://pastebin.com/VpNV6nME21:25
Kroplexso rfkill overrides iwconfig??21:25
Kroplexor, that command anyways21:25
besogonKroplex: At least I couldn't do it21:25
macointok: lshw? does it not show in lsusb?21:25
Gustavoalguem fala portugues21:25
ikoniaburgdorfer: then please don't add to it with random coments in caps lock21:25
rww!pt | Gustavo21:25
ubottuGustavo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.21:25
Kroplexok, just wondering im getting into ubuntu so this is all new to me21:25
BootFailure!language | burgdorfer21:25
ubottuburgdorfer: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:25
burgdorfercalm down folks, I'm just joking21:26
xanguaburgdorfer: please don't21:26
MassStashholy crap it is crowded! haha21:26
murchadhBootFailure: type startx at the ash prompt and report back.21:26
burgdorfer!language | MassStash21:26
ubottuMassStash: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.21:26
Kroplexburgdorfer: this is support? not commedy central?21:26
BootFailureI did, it didn't work murchadh.21:26
goltoofall you guys, please stay on topic.21:27
mongyburgdorfer, I use a remote with mythtv...  first quesion, do you have anything for xbmc in your .lirc/ folder21:27
besogonburgdorfer: yeap. There is like in a can.21:27
mbeierlanyone know off the top of your head how to get the Sun Java console to show up with the Sun firefox java plugin?21:27
murchadhBootFailure: Not really a report that, buddy!21:28
subcoolBooy loader?21:28
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Balmungcan someone help me with grub boot loading configuration the link in the topic and the many tutorials i have read through I cant understand21:29
=== alexandru is now known as Guest52159
BalmungI am a Grub nooby so please be gentle >.<21:30
BootFailuremurchadh: Well, the command doesn't work in initramfs, not sure what else you want me to report?21:30
SirBinksok.. I'm still a bit new to ubuntu troubleshooting, since every other install I've done has gone so smoothly that I didn't have to do anything, so forgive me if I'm missing something really obvious here.21:31
SirBinks But here's my issue: I've installed 10.04 via wubi, when I try to boot into ubuntu I get no display or sound, the monitor just shuts off. however the HDD is still very active, like in the first minutes of a normal boot. Any ideas?21:31
apocalyptiqipconfig wlan0 up is turning on wifi led, but even then wifi doesn't work ;/21:32
goltoofSirBinks:  off the bat sounds like graphics driver issue21:32
murchadhBootFailure: I never mentioned initramfs.21:32
bethdo97after reinstalling I still have problems.  Back to my ever friendly terminal21:32
=== PleXT is now known as PleXs
goltoofSirBinks:  what's your gpu?21:32
NixGeekBalmung: this should come in handy (once the forum is up) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119527521:32
besogonapocalyptiq: rfkill man21:32
BootFailuremurchadh: That was my fault, it boots in initramfs and gives me a ash shell.21:32
dl2agonSirBinks: try generic graphics when i updated mine it did that21:33
SirBinksgoltoof: ati radeon HD 585021:33
BootFailureI think it may be a problem with my swap partition?21:33
besogonapocalyptiq: Stop. Do you use Network manager?21:33
BootFailureI've read something about that.21:33
apocalyptiqbesogon: rfkill wlan down blocks "ifconfig wlan0 up"21:33
murchadhBootFailure: But what is the output of startx at an ash prompt?21:33
apocalyptiqan rfkill unblock wlan unblocks it21:33
apocalyptiqrfkill block wlan blocks*21:33
chkdskHow do I set up linux to display Japanese characters? (Sorry, I had to go downstairs and missed any answers to this question earlier"21:33
jon8Hey guys, using 'tar -cvzf test.tgz directory/'21:33
goltoofSirBinks:  does it at least show a splash screen? or the blinking cursor before it gets to splash screen?21:33
BalmungNixGeek what I am curious about is i used the cd /boot/grub/  then  sudo gedit grub.cfg is that even partially correct if  I am wanting to change my default loader and or the time?21:33
BootFailuremurchadh: well, it doesn't find it, I think it's something like "/bin/sh startx not found"21:34
jon8how can i EASILY include the date into the filename21:34
ikoniajon8: just save it as the date21:34
SirBinksgoltoof: yeah, it gives me the ubuntu loading screen, then cuts out21:34
besogonapocalyptiq: If your wlan is turned up?21:34
Balmungor the timeout choice menu *21:34
llutzjon8: $(date)-foo.tar.gz21:34
besogonapocalyptiq: I wanted to say IS ....?21:34
besogonnot if21:34
goltoofSirBinks:  before or after you attempt to log in?21:34
jon8ikonia .. wow, thanks i didnt think of that. i was thinking of something that pulls the date in a clean fashion21:34
jon8llutz, thank you.21:34
murchadhBootFailure: See if there is a script called /usr/bin/startx21:34
SirBinksgoltoof: before21:34
ikoniajon8: you need to say what you're doing, using a script, using an application, etc21:35
BootFailuremurchadh: OK, I will do that. Thank you.21:35
apocalyptiqbesagon: yes, its turned up after i call "ifconfig wlan0 up"21:35
NixGeekBalmung: not at all correct.  don't edit the grub.cfg, edit /etc/default/grub and then run sudo update grub. the time for the entire system should be in the bios setting, and to change your default bootloader, you'd want to overwrite grub21:35
apocalyptiqbut even then on ubuntu wifi doesn't works, only wifi led is on21:35
kelseyHello, is this a place for getting help with ubuntu-related problems? ^^;21:36
ikoniakelsey: sure is21:36
besogonapocalyptiq: Can you see it in a list of "ifconfig"?21:36
BalmungNixGeek ok so basically just  cd /etc/default/grub then what should i "gedit" ?  and the update command is "sudo update grub" ? correct, I use this once I have completed editing the file?21:36
murchadhBootFailure: At your prompt type /usr/bin/startx and it could give you an error on output which may help identify the problem.21:37
goltoofSirBinks:  yea pretty hard to troubleshoot when you can't get into the gui, a start is to boot up in recovery mode, not so sure where to go from there as of now21:37
kelseyAwesome! Is there a particular format? Or do I just start complaining =P21:37
apocalyptiqbesagon: hm, in lspci there was an wifi card21:37
goltoofhow do i make a bootable disc from a .bin ?21:37
goltoofdoesn't give option in Startup disc creator21:37
ikoniakelsey: just ask a question21:37
apocalyptiqbesagon: so ifconfig will also display components of my pc?21:37
besogonapocalyptiq: If only LED is on an you can see the interface with command "ifconfig -a"21:37
dl2agoni had to reset my graphics when i updated the radeon 4350 it did same thing i restored to defaults21:38
EnrgySmthOne more file system question - anyone running something besides EXT3 or EXT4, like for performance?21:38
aBzhey all21:38
besogonapocalyptiq: no. Ifconfig shows only network interfaces21:38
ikoniaEnrgySmth: for average joe, ext4 will be fastest21:38
goltoofSirBinks:  just fyi, i used to have your same card.. had heaps of troubles, freezes, etc.. all that disappeared when i switched to nvidia21:38
SirBinksdl2agon: you mentioned generic graphics drivers, how do I go about using that?21:38
kelseyI have Ubuntu 9.04, is it possible for me to get GLIBCXX 3.4.11?21:38
NixGeekBalmung: cd to /etc/default/ using "cd /etc/default/" and the run "sudo gedit grub"   the update command after you finish editing (and save the file) is "sudo update-grub" (with the dash)21:39
besogonapocalyptiq: make now "rfkill unblock wlan" and see output of ifconfig21:39
ikoniakelsey: no21:39
dl2agonSirBinks: goto recovery and pick the generic drivers21:39
kelseyI need to have, what, 10.04?21:39
dl2agonrecovery boot21:39
ikoniakelsey: not sure of exact libc -> version mapping21:39
SirBinksdl2agon: cool, thanks21:39
dl2agonSirBinks: np i am still learning my self21:40
kelseyAlright. Well, thanks!21:40
SubCool_back again-21:40
SirBinksoff I go to try and fix this stupid pile.21:40
SubCool_ok. can someone please help me with my boot loader..21:40
EnrgySmthThanks ikonia21:40
BalmungNixGeek thanks so much ^.^ I m still learning how all this works, I finally got it installed last night as a dual boot :D21:41
SubCool_i installed Win7, and was going to follow the guides on howto restore my grub, but .. its not that easy. When i start a kubuntu live USB, i dont have access to mount the original files system21:41
GuigaoffBoa noite oia eu aki21:41
wwwyzzerddmy power manager isn't detecting power state. i unplug and have to go to system > preferences > power management to get my laptop to 'see' i'm unplugged. what's going on?21:41
SubCool_i am now booted into the Win7 partition, trying to make this work SOMEHOW21:41
KroplexKM0201 u there?21:41
SubCool_Cant i indicate to WIn7 that there is a multi boot???21:41
KM0201Kroplex: yup21:41
Kroplexmind if i message you?21:42
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP21:42
red2kicSubCool_: No. Windows does not handle multiple OS, I would think.21:42
NixGeekBalmung: glad to help, I know the feeling.  I first installed ubuntu beside win7 on a dell computer in march, and now I' ve build a new computer with only ubuntu on it.  After a couple months, the command line and just linux in general is a WHOLE lot easier21:42
red2kicSubCool_: Use grub. "grub-install /dev/sda"21:43
red2kicSubCool_: On the LiveCD. :)21:43
SubCool_thats the problem- i cant..21:43
goltoofhow do i convert .bin to .iso ?   getting nowhere with bchunk21:43
SubCool_Ill try to burn a liveCD..21:43
BalmungNixGeek makes me happy to hear that cause that is my setup currently (but i am using hp rather than dell >.< (was cheaper ) )21:43
red2kicSubCool_: When you're on LiveCD, run "sudo fdisk -l" -- It'll list partitions. Then you install grub on it.21:43
stevieBhow can I connect to a wireless network without using X?21:43
intokmaco it does: http://pastebin.com/ycqPMVEb but no disc will mount, cd, dvd or blank. Same drive on OS X all will mount21:43
SubCool_red2kic: i cant even do Sudo21:44
NixGeekBalmung: I got this thing againt hp computers, they're always loaded with crapware...21:44
SubCool_thats my problem- i am on win7 to Repair my liveUSB21:44
BalmungNixGeek: yeah I just reformatted mine so i got rid of the crap ware lol (mainly because my first attempt at dual booting failed hardcore style)21:45
mongystevieB, iwconfig or use the interfaces file21:46
stevieBmongy: which file?21:47
AndroUserhi all21:47
Guybrush88hi androuse21:48
skiwithpetePici, chkdsk, I found the problem it was with the syntax of the command I was passing to cron21:48
BalmungNixGeek thanks again :D i just restarted and it done exactly what i wanted it to ^.^ thanks21:48
goltoofhow do i convert .bin to .iso ?   getting nowhere with bchunk21:48
mongystevieB, /etc/network/interfaces  or use wicd-curses21:48
NixGeekBalmung: good, the people in ubuntu irc are always happy to help21:49
mongystevieB, what type of wifi network is it.   wpa2?21:49
stevieBmongy: yes21:49
nm5tfthe manual states the using rm -R will remove a directory & all contents-is this for non-write protected files only??-I was trying to delete a game directory & it's contents, but had to remove all write protected files one by one!!! what a big hassle!!21:49
Omegamurchadh: Where is startx again?21:49
mongystevieB,  well I can give you mine to work from...  or just use wicd-curses21:49
mongystevieB, its wicd but for terminal.. (there is a gui version)21:50
stevieBmongy: i'd like to see the file21:50
Balmung^ . ^ take care everyone!21:51
mongystevieB, is yours hidden ?21:51
skiwithpeteso with that checked off - anyone an expert on SMB?21:51
KrashKingwhat is the oldest version of Ubuntu that I can still get updates for?21:52
stevieBmongy: that was in  reply to "i can give you mine.."21:52
mongystevieB,  the router, is it set to not broadcast?21:52
murchadhOmega: /usr/bin/startx. It's a script so you can go through it with a text editor.21:52
KM0201KrashKing: desktop?21:52
genii-aroundKrashKing: Currently, 6.0621:52
skiwithpeteI want to share multiple folders, but the way I tried didn't work21:52
KrashKingok, wanted to be sure that wasn't my issue21:52
mshadleany reason why a stock ubuntu 10.10 x64 install isn't showing a console prompt? all the ttys seem to be running. should there be a tty0?21:52
KM0201!eol | KrashKing 6.06 desktop is expired21:52
ubottuKrashKing 6.06 desktop is expired: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:52
mongystevieB, I thought Id save you some trouble and amend what I have, a little...21:52
rwwnm5tf: rm -rf would fix that.21:52
KrashKinggot an older laptop that won't boot off a burned CD, and 6.06 is the only purchased one I have21:53
KrashKingno USB stick boot either21:53
genii-aroundKM0201: The repositories for 6.06 however are still active and updates applied to them for server21:53
KM0201KrashKing: why won't it boot a burned CD?...21:53
KrashKingold POS?21:53
KM0201genii-around: i said that.21:53
nm5tfrww: thanx, will try that21:53
KM0201KrashKing: if it will boot a CD you ordered, it will boot a CD you burn yourself (assuming the burn is good)21:53
Omegamurchadh: there is only lib and share under usr21:54
KM0201KrashKing: when you say "won't boot".. what is it doing, do you get the initial menu, then the boot freezes, or what21:54
goltoofKrashKing:  be sure to check md5sum of the iso21:54
dl2agoncould be it does not like the media and the thing want to be picky21:55
ragashow much trouble is it to downgrade php?21:55
KrashKingKM0201: it gives the menu, I select to install, tries to load, and gives me a blak screen21:55
KrashKingjust a flashing cursor at the top21:55
SubCool_what win version of IRC do you guys use?21:56
mongystevieB, http://paste.ubuntu.com/559712/21:56
KM0201KrashKing: whats the specs on this "POS" computer?21:56
KrashKingKM0201: as far as burned disc, it don't like CDRW, and I'm out of CDR21:56
KrashKing750mhz, 256mb ram21:56
SilverCorehey, how can i publisher trusted in software center?21:57
KrashKingonly NIC is a PCMCIA21:57
KM0201KrashKing: well theres part of the problem, you are way below the specs for a live cd install21:57
KrashKingfor what version?21:57
charredI wonder if anyone could help me with samba, I have installed ubuntu-server 10.10 and now 10.04 and all I need to do is get samba shares to be readable and writable to anyone on the network. However when I try and mount the shares I can see the folder but it says "unable to mount location", both on windows and linux machines. My /etc/samba/smb.conf is here http://paste.ubuntu.com/559711/21:57
KM0201KrashKing: for any21:57
KrashKing6.06 installed fine21:57
KM0201KrashKing: you're not listening21:58
KM0201!requirements | KrashKing21:58
ubottuKrashKing: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu21:58
KrashKinggot L21:58
wwwyzzerddmy power manager isn't detecting power state. i unplug and have to go to system > preferences > power management to get my laptop to 'see' i'm unplugged. what's going on?21:58
KrashKingbut it won't boot off the burned CDRW21:58
Gaetan_Someone known something about "Apache" and SSL certificates?21:58
tripelbhello. Can I have different backgrounds on my different desktops?21:59
KM0201KrashKing: i feel like i'm repeating myself over and over and over... did your ead that link that ubottu gave you?21:59
goltoofGaetan_:  not the right place to ask21:59
Gaetan_How u mean?21:59
Gaetan_I never used IRC etc before, i'm completly new to this, sorry if this sounds noob...21:59
SilverCorehey, how can i make publisher trusted in software center?22:00
Gaetan_@tribelb, you can simply right-mouseclick somewhere on your desktop and choose the last option22:00
Gaetan_Can i disable that messages like "has entered the room"22:01
guntbertGaetan_: it seems that your problem is not ubuntu-related -- try to ask in #httpd please22:01
goltoofGaetan_:  try #httpd22:01
rwwGaetan_: if you're using Pidgin, look in its plugins window. It has a plugin for hiding joins and parts.22:01
guntbertGaetan_: you can disable them, what is your client?22:01
KrashKingbiggest issue I have right now is getting 6.06 updated22:02
tripelbGaetan_ I will help you all I can. I'm sort of in the middle - so I remember22:02
SilverCorehey, how can i make publisher trusted in software center?22:02
KrashKingI am on the network, can ping other machines, can ging google.com22:02
KrashKingbut all updates fail22:02
guntbertGaetan_: see http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages#Pidgin.2FGaim22:03
goltoofwhats better than brasero for making an iso image?  considering brasero doens't make iso images but .toc/.bins22:03
tripelbGaetan_, I will start a PM (Private Message) to you so I can explain basics that are not #ubuntu)22:03
KM0201!upgrade | KrashKing it's gonna take forever, but look at EOL upgrades22:03
ubottuKrashKing it's gonna take forever, but look at EOL upgrades: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade22:03
macoKM0201: 6.06's repos are still around. its supported on server til june22:03
macoKrashKing: can you ping archive.ubuntu.com?  and is that whats listed in your sources.list?22:04
KM0201maco: i know that..22:04
rwwKM0201: so it's not EOL, so there's no need to do an EOL upgrade...22:04
IsmAvatarWhat does it mean when my hard disk is giving me a bunch of read errors?22:04
KM0201rww: ok.22:04
SilverCorehey, how can i make publisher trusted in software center?22:04
KM0201rww: but desktop is EOL..22:04
KrashKingi sec maco22:04
macoSilverCore: i dont believe thats somethign YOU do. i think its something decided on the canonical side of things22:05
goltoofwhats better than brasero for making an iso image?  considering brasero doens't make iso images but .toc/.bins22:05
macoKM0201: but you use the EOL upgrade process to get around the fact that the repos go away when something goes *completely* EOL22:05
KrashKingmaco: yeah, 179ms is the longest reply22:05
rwwKM0201: but the repositories aren't split between desktop and server. the whole repository, desktop section included, is still mirrored. Therefore, you can just use the regular upgrade process.22:05
KrashKingand where is the sources.list22:06
macoKrashKing: and /etc/apt/sources.list says archive.ubuntu.com or some other (possibly gone by now?) mirror?22:06
* goltoof starting to wonder if anyone here even knows what an .iso is22:06
KrashKing1 sec22:06
dl2agonintelligent specs operator ?22:07
guntbertgoltoof: be patient please22:07
gpcwhat is the PPA purge command?22:07
rwwdl2agon: What?22:07
rwwgpc: ppa-purge, in the package of the same name22:07
dl2agonwrong chat22:07
gpcrww: way to easy, thanks.22:07
KrashKingmaco: you get that?22:08
goltoofguntbert:  just antsy to make a copy of this cd before days end22:08
murchadhgoltoof: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=~/cdrom_image.iso22:08
IsmAvatargoltoof: brasero is usually for burning an iso *onto* a cd. To get a cd image into an iso, consider using dd.22:09
=== Lap_dragon is now known as DealingWithFools
spid3rneti have scann my ip adresse using nmap so i have foude the port 443 open so my request is on ubuntu firewall is based22:09
goltoofIsmAvatar, murchadh  sweet, i'll give it a whirl22:09
rww!ufw | spid3rnet22:09
ubottuspid3rnet: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.22:09
spid3rnetrww whqt you meen whit ufw22:10
murchadhgoltoof: There is also mkisofs (easy to rmember) -o make.iso /out/of/this.file22:11
mun__does anyone know how to check whether a server has ubuntu 32b or 64b?22:11
aBzI have a service that another app binds to and it returns a different binder depending on the intent passed (AIDL used). The binder object is a separate class which I pass 'this' (context) into the constructor to access the service methods from withing the Binder.22:11
macoKrashKing: does "sudo apt-get update" work?22:11
rwwspid3rnet: messages in #ubuntu beginning with ! are generally instructions to the ubottu channel bot to display information. See the message from ubottu.22:11
aBzwhen the service unbinds will I be leaking context?22:11
aBzor does the binder die to?22:11
macoKrashKing: have you done that or only tried "sudo apt-get upgrade"? if the latter, then maybe it was just looking for oooold updates22:11
rwwmun__: uname -a. if it says i686 near the end, it's 32bit22:11
mun__rww, what would 64b say?22:11
rwwmun__: amd64 or x86_64, I forget which22:12
KrashKingok, error22:12
mun__i see22:12
KrashKingunable to lock admin directory22:12
KrashKinghad to close the update manager22:12
rwwah, x86_6422:12
goltoofi got cdrom1 and cdrw, dvd1 dvdrw1.. but only one cd drive.. how do i tell which is associated /actually contains the cd?22:12
KrashKingshould have thought to use the CLI22:13
IsmAvatarHelp? My HD is just giving me a bunch of Read Errors... makes it kinda hard to boot.22:13
pdlnhrdi am trying to do an upgrade..... i am getting an error about dependency conflicts... does anyone know how to fix them?22:13
murchadhgoltoof: ls /dev/cdrom, etc until you hit the jackpot.22:13
dreamer000see u on c++22:14
goltoofmurchadh:  not helping22:14
dreamer000there are kinds of hardware failure....22:15
ZykoticK9goltoof, you could try "eject /dev/cdrom" and replace cdrom with the various options22:15
alesanhi how can I do that everytime the computer is turned on a script is executed in the background? without having a specific user to login22:16
goltoofhmm.. no other more straight forward way?  why wouldn't it show in mount?22:16
goltoofoh nvm... it's in /dev/sr022:16
Lisa3goltoof: try K3b22:16
goltoofLisa3:  actually a bad idea for ubuntu22:16
murchadhgoltoof: Is there a disk in the drive? Type mount to see what drives are mounted. then - ls mountpoint should list files on the cd.22:16
goltoofmurchadh:  yes got it, thx22:17
Jordan_Ugoltoof: "mount" will tell you all mounted filesystems and their mountpoints.22:17
KrashKingthanks maco22:17
Encry9is there another way to edit cron? crontab -e is empty but i know there's stuff in there because i can see it in Gnome-Schedule22:17
subcoolok- Lil help with bootloader. Im back..22:17
subcoolfuther than i was last time.22:17
goltoofLisa3: k3b is a KDE app so will need tons of Qt packages to run as  well as the packages they need and so on.  This adds a ton of  extra data to your OS  and for something as trivial as a CD burner22:18
=== tripelb1 is now known as tripelpigin
subcoolIm on ubuntu LiveUSB - 10.04.1 (its pretty nice), But, i followd help from someone, and its not entirely working out.22:18
spid3rnetrww nothing amporatant on this page22:18
subcoolI got Premission denied when trying to grub-install22:18
Jordan_Usubcool: Follow this guide: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide22:19
Lisa3goltoof: that may be, but I have never had problems with it that I have had with Brasero22:19
subcoolguide hasnt been working out for me very well22:19
GatorAlliWhat is the best way to recover overwritten data, I accidentally overwrote some scripts a couple of minutes ago. Please help :(22:19
goltoofLisa3: just fyi, dd is more practical for my situation, thx for the suggestion22:20
loaaahi room. my english bad. I want to change "realname" on freenode. how to?22:21
red2kic!undelete | GatorAlli22:21
ubottuGatorAlli: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel22:21
red2kicGatorAlli: Re-write the scipt.22:22
GatorAlliCouple thousand lines long22:22
Encry9TNT gonna be on today?22:22
dl2agonloaaa: /nick name22:22
red2kicGatorAlli: If you made any backup... Any backups at all... Check them out.22:23
Encry9oops wrong channel22:23
GatorAlliNo automatic backups were made I believe, I just got the server22:23
=== roaming is now known as INFURNO
lgn12Hello, I just installed SuSe on my Ubuntu machine (I still have ubuntu on it) and it overwrite the MBR, now I cant access ubuntu, is there a way to reinstall grub2 from the 10.10 love cd?22:26
lgn12(OpenSuSE 11.3 to be exact)22:27
lgn12Can someone point me to a link to help me answer my question?22:28
=== sean is now known as Guest82975
C1iFFI am having trouble with the themes on ubuntu. sometimes when i turn on the computer it turns to a really old-looking style (the toolbar, taskbar, and the menus in every window), I talking Windows 95-like theme. can anyone help?? Ubuntu 10.10 64bit22:28
ZykoticK9!grub2 | lgn1222:28
ubottulgn12: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:28
=== dani is now known as Guest7193
lgn12Not exactly the same but im sure that'll do the trick22:30
Tomassomy cd drive seems not to work anymore in my laptop, is there some way to install ubuntu? on a pendrive?22:31
Tomassofrom a pendrive22:31
subcoola little more help for bootloader22:32
subcoolI was following the GUIDE,22:32
subcoolthat appears to AIMLESSLY let you edit you own BootLoader22:32
subcoolaside from not being able to open grub, can someone HELP22:32
KrashKingTomasso: I think that there is a thumbdrive install22:32
goltoofTomasso:  ubuntu website gives detailed instructions how to make bootable pendrive22:32
Tomassomm lets google it22:32
goltoofTomasso:  ubuntu.com22:33
goltoofTomasso:  click download and scroll to step 222:34
subcoolMake sure you edit the /etc/default/grub file (only if you know what you are doing!) to your liking then run the following command, <<<<<<<<< What kinda instructions are those!?1/1/!22:34
Tomassocooool :D22:34
goltoofTomasso:  yeah i love it, i keep one on my keychain22:35
dani__is there any way to change eye of gnome to sort my files by modified date instead of sorting them alphabetically? this is a great annoyance for me.22:35
Jordan_Usubcool: You don't need to edit /etc/default/grub22:35
Ed_MoneyI have a file with one item per line, and I'm trying to append each item to the end of a URL and call wget with the URL+item for each item and then save the wget result plus the item to file. How can I do this from the command line?22:35
subcoolJordan_U:  ?? ok22:36
intokSo how do I get this damn USB DVD drive to mount? lsusb, lshw, lspci see it, it works fine on the ancient Mac, but on Ubuntu it says it can't see it due to something not being in /etc/fstab or /etc/mstab22:36
tomoi have a problem with clickpad on my netbook. is there a fix by ubuntu?22:36
sduboisi'm only getting around 5 MB/s transfer speed on my USB2 slot, is this usual?22:37
guntbertEd_Money: try to ask in #bash22:37
dl2agonintok: have you tried system>administration disk util22:37
dl2agonthere should be a mount button there22:37
dl2agonintok: not a linux user still learning but thats where i mounted one of my drives22:38
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dl2agonhello victorhugo28922:40
victorhugo289Hello Dl2agon22:40
chazbrownwow fedora channel is lame22:41
chazbrownthey just kicked me becaus ei was there to help ppl22:41
subcoolrebooting- lets see whats up22:41
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subcool[22:42] <so_solid_moo> did that really warrant a kick? [22:42] <subcool> what happen? [22:42] <DiscordianUK> yes22:42
guntbert!ot | chazbrown22:42
ubottuchazbrown: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:42
dani__anyone know how to change eye of gnome settings so it would sort my pictures by modified date and not alphabetically?22:42
subcoollol- discordian is a D*ck22:43
guntbertsubcool: please keep to the topic22:43
rwwno need to spread #fedora drama here, thanks.22:43
KrashKingwow, apt-get update/upgrade is nearing 30 mins running22:44
subcoolsorry, i forgot how u guys get22:44
subcoolbbl, doing a reboot22:44
KrashKingok, question22:45
KrashKingif I have a CDRW of Lubuntu burned, how would I install over 6.06 Ubuntu?22:45
izinucsKrashKing: do you have a separate /home partition?22:45
izinucsKrashKing: do you want to keep your data? and if so do you have another drive (internal or external?)22:46
KrashKingnothing to save22:46
guntbert!who | KrashKing22:47
ubottuKrashKing: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:47
victorhugo289Maybe Krashing wants to keep all his programs.22:47
izinucsKrashKing: ok.. then it's easy.. put the disk in and install.. you'll loose everything though.22:47
KrashKingbah ubottu ;)22:47
subcoolThanks jordan22:48
izinucsKrashKing: that's why it's recommended to at minimum have a separate partiton for /home.. on reinstall you can do that by using the manual partitioning portion of the install routine.22:48
victorhugo289I figured this out, Ubuntu keeps programs in root, it only keeps settings and look in /HOMe22:48
KrashKingizinucs: not an issue right now22:48
KrashKingizinucs: fresh install22:48
victorhugo289That sucks, a little bit, idk.22:48
izinucsKrashKing: perfect time to do it.22:48
KrashKingizinucs: should it install from the desktop?22:49
chazbrownKrasgKing you can copy the image.vmz files to your boot and use a live CD to install from the HD via grup22:49
chazbrownerr grub22:49
=== patrick is now known as Guest60739
izinucsKrashKing: from the live desktop? sure.. how big is your drive?22:49
KrashKingizinucs: not live desktop22:49
KrashKingizinucs: and it is a 20gb drive22:50
intokdl2agon not seeing any mount button, but it seems to see the disc, but it wont let me do anything with it. Tried adding /dev/sr0 to the fstab and mstab which disk util and lshw say the drive is. Now sudo mount /dev/sr0 doesn't say it can't find it in the stab files but now that there is no mount point for the DVD22:50
izinucsKrashKing: how do you mean.. an .iso saved on your harddrive?22:50
KrashKingizinucs: no burned it to a cdrw22:50
chazbrownjust boot from it then?22:51
izinucsKrashKing: oh.. that's fine.. see if the machine will boot to it. If it does follow the prompts.. and with 20gb of HD space I wouldn't worry about a separate partition.22:51
=== Enissay_ is now known as Enissay
KrashKingizinucs: won't boot from a cdrw, machine too old22:51
rhkfinI mounted (-t cifs) two network storages on my desktop machine. Then I tried to rsync -a a folder from one to another. It started OK, but then started to give error: rsync: failed to set times on /dlink/My Pictures/02-2008/01-2007/01-2007/01-2007/01-2007/01-2007/01-2007 etcetcetc. (no, I don't have this structure on the source disk) du -hs shows file size is 0. rm -rf is at least very slow, if it can do anything. Any pointers what could be wrong and ...22:52
izinucsKrashKing: hummmm... got another machine?22:52
rhkfin... what should I now do?22:52
chazbrown@KrashKing http://www.instantfundas.com/2007/08/install-any-linux-distro-directly-from.html22:52
chazbrownDo that, i have done that before.22:52
chazbrownit works fine22:52
KrashKingthanks chazbrown22:52
izinucsKrashKing: there's the answer.. cool chazbrown22:52
chazbrown@KrashKing you just copy two files to /boot then add a line to grub and it will add a menu item for you22:53
chazbrownThe rest is pulled from the mounted ISO22:53
chazbrownOr the extracted iso whatever22:53
DpinkyandDbrain_hello all22:53
KM0201chazbrown: does that actually work?22:54
Atrophy6Hi folks, I need some help. I want to reformat, but retain all of the changes I've made to Ubuntu over the last year. What is the best way to image my data to do so?22:54
chazbrownYeah i did it just the other day.22:54
chazbrownIt works fine.22:54
DpinkyandDbrain_can anyone answer questions about installing with nvidia graphic cards22:54
chazbrownI did it with fedora 14.22:54
chazbrownWhy wouldnt that work?22:54
mellinDpinkyandDbrain_: What question?22:54
DpinkyandDbrain_well i install ubuntu fine after using the live cd after fiddling with it do nomodeset is x'ed22:55
chazbrown@DpinkandDbrain_ i recommend downloading the binary and compiling it yourself with X closed... The actual install Ubuntu gave me broke my X22:55
KM0201DpinkyandDbrain_: which nvidia device?.. and did you install the driver for it in system/admin/additional drivers?22:55
solexiousEach time my system starts I seem to have no window manager till I set my appreance settings back from none to extra, them my title bars and max min close buttons reappear22:55
KM0201chazbrown: i've used the ubuntu driver for going on... 5-6yrs? no problems22:56
mellinDpinkyandDbrain_: I did not have that issue whatsoever22:56
DpinkyandDbrain_ai have a geforce 24022:56
dl2agonsorry was eating  click on the drive and under volumes upi should see mount click it22:56
chazbrown@KM0201 well i had problems, os i recommend compiling it since it did not detect my PCI device. Do you mean nouveau or the ones from apt-get?22:56
mellinDpinkyandDbrain_: Ok then you should get an icon telling you there is a an updated proprietary driver. Just install it.22:57
KM0201chazbrown: i mean i just enabled the driver in system/admin/additional drivers, like i've done since 6.06, no problems at all.22:57
DpinkyandDbrain_mellin it gives me the choice to install nvidia drivers in the live cd but i have to restart for it to take effect22:57
chazbrown@KM0201 oh yeah that works fine.22:57
blablotinGood morning, I have Ubuntu lucid and have VLC. I tried to record a TV program with VLC, in ogg theora vorbis, but I notice that when I try to read the media with totem, VLC, Mplayer: same probleme: video go 3 times quicker than the sound: why? How can I mende this file? (watch this programe is for me the play of life or die22:57
DpinkyandDbrain_but when i restart i get the same snowy screen22:57
blablotinexemple of this fail: http://www.mediafire.com/?mv4jj8cghpt0tpv22:57
VCoolioDpinkyandDbrain_: you can't install and reboot the livecd, it will be back on default livecd; install ubuntu, then install whatever you like22:58
mellinDpinkyandDbrain_: OK then when you get to the grub boot menu hit e on the keyboard. Then add nomodeset to the line about splash boot with a space. This will get you into Ubuntu22:58
mellinDpinkyandDbrain_: Then if you can't get "startx" to get x/gnome started up just use apt-get install nvidia_blah22:59
dl2agonintok: did you get the pm23:00
pdlnhrdi am trying to upgrade my ubuntu and it is giving me an error saying i have conflicts and this is the output of my apt.log file but do not know how to fix it  http://paste.ubuntu.com/559728/23:00
blablotin/version blablotin23:01
izinucspdlnhrd: do you have an Nvidia driver installed that you got direct from the nvidia site?23:02
leapy0yois there a way i can install a set of programs using aptitude and a wildcard?23:02
wasabiHowdy. 'ufw' have a way to set up rules for stuff traversing interfaces yet?23:02
wasabiOther than stuffing stuff into the iptables load thing manually.23:03
pdlnhrdizinucs:  i do not believe so, but i could be wrong is there a way to tell?23:03
qlsanybody got world of tanks to work in wine?23:03
|Kellan|Hello All. I created a directory /srv/www I set ownership to www-data:webdev and chmod to 775 my useraccount is a member of webdev but I can not write to the directory23:03
izinucspdlnhrd: probably but I don't know the command.. hopefully someone else here will.23:03
chazbrown@|Kellan| what user are you logged in with?23:04
izinucs|Kellan|: you might have to log out and back in again.23:04
chazbrown@|Kellan| you cannot write to it? Or apache cannot write to it?23:04
|Kellan|I am logged in with my useraccount kellan23:04
|Kellan|chazbrown: I can not write to it... ie I cant do a touch test23:04
chazbrownWhat are the permissions on it?23:04
chazbrownOh i see.23:05
chazbrownTry logging in and out of the user like IZ said.23:05
chazbrownThen let us know what id username says.23:05
|Kellan|ok I will try that23:05
chazbrownIt will say the groups the user is a part of.23:06
chazbrownid (username)23:06
goltoof** (gnome-panel:6452): WARNING **: Could not connect to session manager: Could not get owner of name 'org.gnome.SessionManager': no such name23:06
goltoofwhat that mean?23:06
KrashKingchazbrown: would I be better transfering the ISO iver?23:06
nexehI have lost all sound. no devices show up in preferences. im not sure where to start. never had sound issue. fix plenty of grpahics issues but this is a frst23:07
KrashKingchazbrown: or burning it then extracting the files23:07
blablotinHi, I have Ubuntu lucid and have VLC. I tried to record a TV program with VLC, in ogg theora vorbis, but I notice that when I try to read the media with totem, VLC, Mplayer: same probleme: video go 3 times quicker than the sound: why? How can I mende this file? (watch this programe is for me the play of life or die23:07
|Kellan|thank you guys, Such a simple problem that I didnt think about it. Seems that since I was running in a screen session it didnt update my group membershio23:07
|Kellan|You guys are awesome :-)23:07
ChristianHHello, i have a problem with oss4. I do an auto-install and there i got the message that he cant find /lib/modules/2.6.32-28-generic/source/include/linux/limits.h23:08
ChristianHWhat should i do?23:08
nexehAny one able to help me debug/fix my sound problem i have lost all sound. and in preferences the sound devices arn't showing up. not sure where to start23:10
vavincaventhi all23:10
nexehhey vavinvavent23:10
vavincaventi'm searching for compilation of module23:10
vavincaventwhat the difference between .o and .ko files?23:11
vavincaventby default i have cdc-acm.ko module and after compilation, i have cdc-acm.o file.23:12
KrashKingshould I do the upgrade from 6.06 to 8.04.1 throught he update manager?23:12
nexehim guessing but sounds like your ko is a source file and the .o is your binary.. maybe o stands for object?23:12
maconexeh: yes, o is object23:13
nexehKrashKing: Sure, why not23:13
macoKrashKing: sure, or "sudo do-release-upgrade" -- same thing. dont just change sources.list and run apt-get dist-upgrade though.23:13
genii-aroundKrashKing: That's probably the safest method23:13
vavincaventi have compiled cdc-acm.o, can i replace cdc-acm.ko by this file?23:14
KrashKingmaco: "sudo do-release-upgrade"?23:15
nexehwhat language is this btw?23:15
KrashKingmaco: command not found23:15
macoKrashKing: hrmm must have added it later then. its what you use on servers since they dont have update-manager23:15
nexehsuod apt-get do-release-upgrade23:15
maconexeh: no23:15
macoKrashKing: use the update manager then23:15
Action23rusOMG! it is Ubuntu chanel!!!23:16
Action23rusI use it 4 years!23:16
KrashKingthanks maco23:16
nexehok well im out.. anyone got any suggestions where i can find some help other than this irc? is there a ubunutu sound problem irc?23:18
izinucsdoes locate work recursively by itself?  I'm "locate *pdf" and coming up with only 2 files when I know there's close to a hundred23:22
=== King is now known as Guest17839
macoizinucs: it works off a database.23:23
macoizinucs: sudo updatedb23:23
izinucsmaco: did that already.. always do just before using locate.23:23
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
Guest17839WTF is to do ???? My Software Center wanted this:23:24
Guest17839/etc/init.d/polipo: 8: proxyAddress: not found23:24
Guest17839/etc/init.d/polipo: 11: proxyAddress: not found23:24
Guest17839/etc/init.d/polipo: 12: proxyPort: not found23:24
Guest17839/etc/init.d/polipo: 18: qwallowedClients: not found23:24
Guest17839/etc/init.d/polipo: 20: allowedClients: not found23:24
FloodBot2Guest17839: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:24
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=== taylor is now known as Guest19278
Guest19278i am trying to get skype to work. the test for voice seems to fail. in my search of the web i found that i have to install some software. which one of these should i use?aumix, kmix or gnome-volume-applet23:29
izinucsGuest19278: you running gnome or kde?23:29
MTecknologyIs there any way to download a PDF and then type info into it before I print it?23:29
Guest19278izinucs, gnome23:30
izinucsGuest19278: open a terminal and type alsamixer .. it has an ncurses interface23:30
Guest19278izinucs, ok23:30
MTecknologyGuest19278: I had such bad luck with skype that I installed a small windows partition for just that..23:30
neyhayhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/557401/  Can somebody decipher this Testdisk log and tell me what these errors mean?23:30
Guest19278izinucs, where to get a how to guide?23:34
natiaFor the netbook i want to find the web cam and have it conect with cheese photo both how do i do that?23:34
natiaFor the netbook i want to find the web cam and have it conect with cheese photo both how do i do that?23:34
murchadhizinucs: check in /etc/updatedb.conf to see what its pruning. Might be excluding external drives, ntfs drives. Just a thought.23:35
jetboyjetgirlany ideas of where to start if a USB device (sansa fuze mp3 player) is not showing up/being detected in Ubuntu 10.10?23:36
jetboyjetgirlsupported USB device*23:36
eggie5hi I'm looking on this page http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/ for a distro for an intel 64bit but I can only see amd 64. How can I get a intel 64 bit distro?23:37
murchadhjetboyjetgirl: ls /dev/sd and tab to list devices. Should see like /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, etc. You could be /dev/sdb1 or some such.23:37
charredeggie5: it doesn't matter, amd64 will work23:37
eggie5charred: ha really?23:37
murchadhjetboyjetgirl: lsusb also useful.23:38
charredeggie5: yeah it's just a naming thing23:38
eggie5charred: ok! EM64T23:38
charredI think amd originally created the specification so they call it amd64, but it will work on your intel23:39
jetboyjetgirlcool, thanks murchadh :-)23:40
RedSingularityAnyone know how to change your picture in ekiga?23:41
[thor]rocking a new desktop, with cairo and an obligatory transparent terminal23:42
crapperhola.  yo tengo una pregunta importante de ubuntu.  necesito ayuda.23:45
jukhow to enable nano to highlight identations23:45
m4v!ops | crapper23:45
ubottucrapper: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!23:45
jukhow to enable nano to highlight identations23:45
bucky!es | crapper23:46
ubottucrapper: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:46
jukhow to enable nano to highlight indentations23:47
macobucky: klined already23:47
Tomassois there some way to join 2 partitions ? for example to put all contents from one partition into a dir of the joined 2?23:47
macoTomasso: bind mount23:47
macoTomasso: actually no sorry, normal mount23:48
chazbrown@juk use vi23:48
macoTomasso: sudo mount /dev/sda2 /home/user/stuff23:48
chazbrown@juk http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=231223:48
pooky[thor]: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/134382/Screenshot.png23:48
[thor]pooky: nice23:50
jukchazbrown: nano had it builtin i remember23:50
pookyusing default gnome+metacity23:50
neyhayhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/557401/ Can somebody decipher this Testdisk log and tell me what these errors mean?23:50
pooky[thor]: I made a theme with no titlebar and just move windows using keyboard so it looks and behaves like a tiling wm, but uses the ubuntu default desktop apps23:51
pooky[thor]: except for vimprobable :P23:51
shaggy2ok so I am needing to change how long it takes for bind9 to reliase that there is a new domain/subdomain. I am running ubuntu 10.10 I created a subdomain last night and the new subdomain didn't work for about 9 - 12 hours23:51
jon8i accidently created a file called -test.tgz ------ Doing rm -rf '\-test.tgz' .. rm -rf "\-test.tgz" ... can't get this file removed.23:51
chazbrown@neyhey those look just like warnings, are you having an issue?23:51
shaggy2how do I change the time it takes>23:52
chazbrown@neyhay i dont see any errors on that, only warnings...23:52
[thor]pooky: yeah, my foray into the transparent/decoration free terminal was my first. compiz, and gnome-terminal make it very easy!23:52
neyhaychazbrown: yes, it used to be ext4 but it doesn't mount and shows up as 'unknown' in gparted.  I can't get at my files23:53
jukchazbrown: ok, so how to use it plugin i downloaded23:53
phillyjhow can i see all the pkgs i have installed and their respective sizes?23:53
[thor]pooky: alt-click in a window to move as well, yes?23:53
badger32djon8, can you mv -test.tgz to test.txt, then rm test.tgz?23:53
chazbrown@juk does it have a readme?23:53
badger32djon8, that may help with your wierd - issue23:54
chazbrown@juk http://www.installationwiki.org/Installing_Vim_Scripts23:54
chazbrown@juk i found that by searching, installing vim scripts, on google23:54
shaggy2ok so I am needing to change how long it takes for bind9 to reliase that there is a new domain/subdomain. I am running ubuntu 10.10 I created a subdomain last night and the new subdomain didn't work for about 9 - 12 hours. how do I shorten that time?23:54
jukchazbrown: ok23:54
jon8badger32d, i got it.. rm -i -- "-test.tgz"23:55
chazbrown@neyhay sorry i am not so good with stuff like that...23:55
badger32dneyhay, are you talking about your /dev/sdb not showing up / used to be ext4?23:55
pooky[thor]: mapped to the window key, but yeah23:55
badger32djon8, right on23:55
pooky[thor]: I also run pywo in the bg23:55
zatanhi i am getting random errors on music players  : GStreamer resource error: Failed can anyone help with this ?23:55
neyhaybadger32d: yes, that's exactly it23:56
jon8badger32d for future..23:56
jon8       To remove a file whose name starts with a `-', for example `-foo', use one of these commands:23:56
jon8              rm -- -foo23:56
FloodBot2jon8: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:56
badger32dneyhay, it seems testdisk thinks your /dev/sdb is fat, if I remember correctly testdisk allows you to set what filesystem you are looking for, did you try again using ext?23:56
badger32djon8, good to know23:57
DpinkyandDbrainwhat if grub never comes up how do i get to the grub menu?23:57
neyhaybadger32d: I haven't, I'll try it again23:57
bazhangDpinkyandDbrain, hold shift at boot23:57
elitedevDpinkyandDbrain: hold shift23:57
chazbrownnice i didnt know that23:57
[thor]pooky: looks interesting, i will be sure to check this out!23:58
badger32dneyhay, yeah - lemme know what you come up with23:58
DpinkyandDbrainhow do you set nomodeset in grub?23:58
p1und3rdoes anyone know what happened to linux-alsa-driver-modules-generic-2.6.35-25? it's not made yet??23:59
pooky[thor]: probably as close as you can get to a tiling wm without using one. Also note you can get a lot of this same stuff by using pywo23:59
pooky[thor]: err, devilspie23:59
intokHow can I rip an uncompressed DVD .iso?23:59
neyhaybadger32d: could take a while... I don't recall seeing that option the first time, but it's running again23:59
pooky[thor]: but I like the whole hiding of elements to be done using a theme23:59
jukchazbrown: funny, it's nano -i :)23:59

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