
dougal_but will investigate more00:00
karnidougal_: I don't know how's that possible. Perhaps something changed in other version, I'm running 10.04. but I would'nt expect00:00
karniany chages though..00:00
karnidougal_: np, yw00:00
dougal_yup - that was gonna be my question :-)  Have the token attributes changed, or do I not have the right key...  i'm 10.04 too.00:01
karnigood night!00:03
=== dougal_ is now known as dougal_away
Geoffrey2for some reason, I cannot get a "synchronize this folder" option when I right click on a folder, is there some file that needs to be installed?07:48
duanedesignmorning all11:39
nessitaralsina: I found a bug in ussoc (bug #709200) that we need to resolve before alpha2, so I paused my ongoing task and I'm working on a fix12:31
ubot4Launchpad bug 709200 in ubuntu-sso-client "Service quits even if ref count is not zero (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70920012:31
* ralsina looks12:31
ralsinaok, yes, that needs fixing12:31
duanedesignralsina: cool you are doing a user day session12:37
ralsinaduanedesign: yes. I have noida what that is12:37
ralsinaduanedesign: any tips? ;-)12:37
ralsinas/noida/no idea/12:37
ralsinaI even volunteered!12:37
duanedesignralsina: my first IRC session I ran out of time12:38
duanedesignand had to hurry through the last half of my talk12:38
ralsinaduanedesign: maybe I should write it down, paste it at the beginning and go away while everyone reads ;-)12:39
ralsinaAnyway, I once joked I could talk 45 minutes about anything in public. Hopefully that also works for IRC12:42
duanedesignralsina: i think a brief overview of features, an introduction to the u1sdtool and perhaps rye's U1-indicator and magiccicada12:42
ralsinaduanedesign: sounds good. Maybe mention some of the things we are working on, too.12:42
duanedesigni see that asked a lot. How do I get more info about what is going on?12:43
duanedesignralsina: yeah that is a good idea12:43
ralsinaok, yes, that should fill an hour12:43
ralsinaI guess I will spend the day typing and asking people stuff then. yay!12:44
ralsinaNot that that would look any different from any other day, really ;-)12:44
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
nigelbralsina: typing it and keeping ready is common ;)12:56
nigelbYOu can just talk about all the cool things about ubuntu one and the ubuntu one music store12:56
ralsinanigelb: I will12:57
ralsinanigelb: I had done a bazillion of these things, but never over IRC12:57
duanedesignnigelb is everywhere :)12:58
nigelbduanedesign: haha, I'm on far less places these days ;)12:59
nigelbralsina: Its much more easier over IRC.12:59
duanedesignnigelb: yeah, I know the feeling :\12:59
nigelbduanedesign: I had far too many windows to be able to see all of them :?13:00
ryemandel, is it possible to set UDFs in ubuntuone-windows ?13:04
ralsinaI wonder who I should ping to get the description here updated to something recent: https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone-storage-protocol13:12
mandelrye, no, currently is not possible, we only have the ability to sync the root folder, I'm working on it :)13:37
ryemandel, ok, thanks13:37
alecuvds, would you mind testing and reviewing the branch for this bug on lucid? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/70798313:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 707983 in ubuntuone-client "zeitgeist integration broken on Lucid (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]13:41
vdsalecu, I'm trying13:42
nessitaralsina: to lucio, chicharra 'owns' that project13:44
ralsinanessita: context?13:44
nessita(10:12:29 AM) ralsina: I wonder who I should ping to get the description here updated to something recent: https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone-storage-protocol13:46
ralsinanessita: cool13:46
* ralsina has the atention span of a teenage gnat13:47
nessitaralsina, someone else: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu-sso-client/no-quit-if-client/+merge/4780613:49
nessitawe need that landed asap to build a ussoc package and make a release before alpha213:49
* ralsina looks13:50
dobeyralsina: what do you mean by "more recent" for that project's description?13:56
ralsinadobey: it says ubuntuone is in closed beta?13:56
dobeynow it doesn't13:58
nessitaah, 2 minutes left13:58
ralsinadobey: magic! ;-)13:59
nessitaralsina, alecu, thisfred?14:03
ralsinasorry, was on the phone14:03
alecutotally forgot14:03
nessitavds: go!14:04
vdsDONE: fourth branch for #701029 landed fifth started14:04
vdsTODO: continuing with the views14:04
vdsmandel: prego14:04
mandelDONE: Reduce the number of lines of code duplicated from the windows code. Fixed some issues that have been added to the branches when I merged with trunk.14:05
mandelTODO: propagate the changes to all windows branches. Put everything together.14:05
mandelBLOCK: no14:05
mandelnessita, please14:05
nessitaDONE: reviews, a bit of desktopcouch debugging with chad (is not working yet :-(), more shares-subscription branch, added u1cp to the messaging menu (bug #708003).14:05
nessitaTODO: fix bug #709200, also bug #704941 while I'm at it (branch already proposed). Really, finish shares-subscription.14:05
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes14:05
nessitaHATE: the wrist pain I'm having today14:05
nessitaNEXT: dobey14:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 708003 in ubuntuone-control-panel (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Ubuntu One gone from the Me Menu on Natty (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70800314:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 709200 in ubuntu-sso-client (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Service quits even if ref count is not zero (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70920014:05
dobeyλ DONE: bug 708183, bug 675675, poked re: couchdb for lucid-backports14:05
dobeyλ TODO: 3rd party apis?, evaluate SRUs for maverick, bug hunting14:05
dobeyλ BLCK: None.14:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 704941 in ubuntu-sso-client "Test failure (possible interference between tests depending on the order) (affects: 1) (heat: 18)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70494114:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 708183 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "ubuntuone-syncdaemon crashed with ImportError in /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/status_listener.py: No module named status.aggregator (affects: 33) (dups: 29) (heat: 258)" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70818314:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 675675 in desktopcouch (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Add a property CouchDatabaseBase.server that returns the ._server attribute (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/67567514:05
ralsinaDONE: reviews, weekly call, did my canonicaladmin work, read code.14:05
ralsinaTODO: prepare UbuntuDays thing, reviews, management stuff, someday actual coding ;-)14:05
ralsinaBLOCKED: no14:05
ralsinaLOVE: Les Luthiers14:05
ralsinaHATES: $100 cab fares to come back from the theater14:05
thisfredDONE: messaging/notification wrapup14:05
thisfredTODO: land messaging branch14:05
thisfredBLOCKED: no!14:05
alecuDONE: fought mumble, weekly meeting, tested new folders branch IRL, found some issues, fixes.14:05
alecuTODO: spec for less annoying bubbles, branch to show new folders events in messaging menu14:05
alecuBLOCKED: branch to fix lucid pending a review: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/disable-zg-on-lucid/+merge/4754914:05
ralsinachad is leaving for mobile next week, but vds is not until one week later14:06
nessitawe miss CardinalFang14:06
alecuralsina, lutherapia? +114:06
nessitadesktopcouch seems not to be working yet14:06
thisfrednasty mobile hobbitses14:06
ralsinaalecu: +1 indeed14:07
thisfredstealing our precious chads14:07
nessitathisfred: take them down!14:07
ralsinaIsn't the chad some sort of fish?14:07
nessitaralsina: any news about the potential sprint?14:07
mandelguy, I wont be here in an hour, I need to go to the vet (for the dog, not me), will be back asap14:08
ralsinanessita: all I saw was Chipaca saying "I'll tell ralsina to start on it" and... well, he didn't ;-)14:08
ralsinanessita: but I suppose we will have one and it will be awesome?14:08
thisfredI think it's what comes out when you punch a hole in a piece of paper14:08
Chipacaor maybe we won't, and I'll blame you for that instead14:08
nessitaralsina: I love sprints, they are awesome. And I think we can make awesome things in it. My biggest concern will be location, since april is teaching time and is a bit complicated to me to ask for licenses (specially if I travel to UDS again in May, but who knows)14:11
ralsinaChipaca: I'll try my best to make it happen boss! My mother in law has a house near Orlando ;-)14:11
dobeythisfred: the logo for that reminds me of http://whattheduck.com14:11
Chipacaralsina: I suspect orlando wil be the cheaper location, but feel free to investigate other options14:12
ralsinaChipaca: so I expect to work from disneyworld for a week or so, if it's in Orlando.14:12
ralsinaChipaca: will do.14:12
dobeyplease stay away from disney14:12
dobeydowntown ftw14:12
ralsinanessita: Buenos Aires is just as bad as Orlando for you,right?14:13
mandelwait! and what about the poor guy in barcelona!!!14:13
nessitaralsina: not really, I was planning on travel to cordoba the day I have to teach14:13
mandeltodo esta a tomar por saco de aqui!14:13
ralsinadobey: Idon't think they let you get near any actual disneys ;-) And I have a 3yo boy. He's coming to visit granny (if it's orlando)14:13
thisfredHow about baltimore? It's lovely in April :)14:13
Chipacamandel: if doing it in panama is cheaper, and you have somebody on the ground there to confirm the hotel and the wifi, go for it14:13
nessitaralsina: ideally I would have to teach MOnday morning, so I can arrive to BA Monday afternoon14:13
Chipacaralsina: ^14:13
dobeyralsina: UDS was right around the corner from disney14:14
ralsinaChipaca: whoa, nice idea14:14
dobeyralsina: the hotel had daily shuttles to it14:14
mandelChipaca: I can confirm in barcelona, is not that good enough?14:14
thisfredEverything in Panama smells of banana's, I read it in a book14:14
thisfredbananas even14:14
Chipacathisfred: is that a pro or a con?14:14
dobeythisfred: good, then there will be plenty of mixers for the rum :)14:14
thisfreda PRO!14:14
mandela CON == lost of jokes from me14:14
ralsinathisfred: and you know the bunchof ripe bananas hides the deadly black tarantula, right?14:14
mandelthat is what she said ^14:15
ralsinaok, I'll checkair fares andhotel rates for a few places, will have a report on monday14:15
Chipacaralsina: ok. don't forget the meeting room14:16
ralsinanessita: you can always join on the 5th if we find the right planes and stuff14:16
ralsinaChipaca: it's the whole desktop+ team +you or is there anyone else?14:16
nessitaralsina: yeah, I guess I can always quit teaching (?)14:17
Chipacaralsina: at least one somebody from design14:17
mandelthisfred: only dutch I understand: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRUGGy9RVrM14:17
mandelthisfred: with the subtitles :)14:17
thisfredmandel: mine  was german :)14:18
mandelthisfred: for a latin, you all sound the same :)14:18
ralsinanessita: no, but if you have to teach on monday 4th and leave that night?14:18
thisfredobrigado! :P14:19
mandelbut that last video, I know the song… in english :)14:19
ralsinaChipaca: possible origin of said design person?14:19
Chipacaralsina: london14:19
ralsinaChipaca: and you will be at london as well14:19
ralsinaSo, how about... london? I guess we have a conf. room there already ;-)14:20
nessitaralsina: right, I still don't know what subject I'm teaching this semester so I don't know the schedule. I'll start emailing people to ask.14:20
Chipacaralsina: :)14:20
Chipacanessita: and yes, uds in may, in europe14:20
dobeyugh, london in april14:20
ralsinaSo, conference room for about 10 people with notebooks14:21
dobeyfog and rain, and some more fog14:21
Chipacaapril in paris14:21
mandelcommon, we could be in barcelona, hotels are cheaper than london, and food etc too :)14:21
Chipacachestnuts in blossom14:21
mandelI'm being serious14:21
* mandel feels ignored...14:21
dobeycherry blossom festival14:21
Chipacamy problem with london is the same as my problem with buenos aires14:21
ralsinadobey: ohm yeah, tokyo should be soooo convenient ;-)14:21
Chipacasome of us are going to hate getting there14:21
dobeywell, london is also insanely expensive14:22
Chipacamy problem with orlando is that some of us are going to love the affection poured on us by security14:22
ralsinaChipaca: Panama has the same security as Orlando, I think14:22
nessitaChipaca: did you mean I should schedule UDS in my agenda? (the sooner I get that info, the better I can manage my compromisos)14:22
dobeyChipaca: that may change by april, i hope.14:22
Chipacanessita: yes14:22
Chipacadobey: yes?14:23
nessitais the UDS date already set?14:23
Chipacaall of you should pretty much plan on going to uds. We might then cull some if it gets too expensive, but it's easier to not go when you already had the thing arranged than viceversa.14:23
dobeyChipaca: apparently some airports aren't even running the new scanners, even though they have them set up and everything14:23
ralsinaOk, I'll check orlando, barcelona, buenos aires, panama.14:23
Chipacaralsina: playa del carmen!14:24
Chipacadon't forget playa del carmen14:24
ralsinaChipaca: I*may* know the manager of a resort at Punta Cana.14:24
nessitaWHEN: 9-13 May14:24
dobeyChipaca: and there's some more scrutiny coming from some members of congress14:24
Chipacaralsina: there you go14:24
dobeyso hopefully they stop the nonsense soon14:24
Chipacadobey: that's good to know14:24
nessitathere are people with flights already booked!!!14:24
nessita(for UDS)14:25
Chipacadobey: it's a racket, and it's strange because the us have usually been able to avoid rackets in the government (compared to other less fortunate governments)14:25
* ralsina really needs to cash his paycheck and book something14:25
dobeyChipaca: i don't know about that. but i think they've tended to keep the rackets out of the public and behind the doors.14:25
thisfredI was gonna say14:26
mandelralsina: by girlfriend work in a hotel chain, I can ask her to take a look for you in barcelona14:26
ralsinamandel: please!14:26
Chipacadobey: hah14:26
Chipacadobey: yes, probably14:26
mandelralsina: will do :)14:26
Chipacadobey: but that also puts a cap on how egregious they can be14:26
dobeyyeah, they've generally kept it to military/government related things, as opposed to entrenching upon the public14:27
Chipacadobey: in this here country because of a combination of industry subsidies and such, we were (are?) actually paying international corporations to take gold out of the country. Actual gold.14:27
ralsinaRadical idea: Brazil. Since we would be in the hotel most of the time, security should not be an issue. It's in the geographically weighted median point of our locations.14:27
dobeywell, it's no platinum.14:27
nessitaralsina: if e14:28
ralsinaChipaca: were.14:28
thisfredWell, the corporations have won, I don't think there's any government on earth that can stand up to them, except maybe China...14:28
dobeyactually, orlando is the median14:28
ralsinadobey: nope, cuba. But that's out of the question ;-)14:28
dobeyi would ♥ cuba14:29
* Chipaca too14:29
dobeybut i just have to fly through canada and have a fake secondary passport14:29
Chipacabut... internet14:29
thisfredChipaca:  http://www.antipope.org/charlie/blog-static/2010/12/invaders-from-mars.html14:29
ralsinaI expect getting into cuba would be a pain for the USAians?14:29
dobeyChipaca: also, something about a trade embargo :(14:29
dobeyralsina: well, there's always JAMAICA :)14:29
dobeyor bermuda14:29
ralsinaChipaca: we would have to ask for bzr checkouts by email and such14:29
ralsinaok, so adding "random caribbean island"14:30
thisfredcosta rica, also? :)14:30
dobeyralsina: Bermuda or Bahamas are good for me14:30
dobeyairtran flys to them14:30
dobeyor San Juan, PR14:30
ralsinaAnd on April the caribbean should be cheapish14:30
dobeycaribbean is always cheap because most travellers to it are on cruises14:31
ralsinaOk, I have more than enough ideas now, I think.14:33
dobeyralsina: http://www.airtran.com/route-map/city_information.aspx <- any of those caribbean cities are great for me :)14:33
dobeybut you can drop bermuda off the list. seasonal flights are pain14:34
ralsinaPunta Cana is where I know the resort guy.14:34
dobeymake it happen :)14:34
* ralsina starts fudging the figures14:34
=== teknico_away is now known as teknico
nessitaralsina: any news on the review?14:47
ralsinanessita: got sidetracked. I'll check it right now14:47
nessitaalecu: would you be available for a high priority bug fix review?14:48
alecunessita, sure14:51
nessitaalecu: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu-sso-client/no-quit-if-client/+merge/4780614:52
alecunessita, on  it14:52
alecuvds, I've pushed a fix for the branch that should let the tests run on lucid. Would you mind re-reviewing?14:52
vdsalecu, sure14:53
alecuvds, just a sec. Got a problem while running make check14:54
ralsinanessita: +1 on the branch14:57
nessitaralsina: thanks!14:57
ralsinaAre the Radisson hotels expensive? Because they have an awesome proposal generator14:58
nessitano idea14:58
nessitaralsina: not sure if you're allowed to, but marianna is the expert on organizing events (sprints, rallys, UDSs) so you may ping her for advice/help?14:59
ralsinanessita: will do!14:59
dobeyralsina: you should be discussing with marianna, indeed14:59
nessitaralsina: you know who marianna is? :-)15:00
nessitaI can introduce you to her, if not15:00
ralsinanessita: yes, she's pissed at me because I forgot to tell her I was not going to Dallas.15:00
ralsinanessita: so, while not in the best way, we have been introduced :-(15:00
ralsinaQuick, what's the problem in this image: http://screencast.com/t/gCl7xiHM15:06
ChipacaCardinalFang: ping15:07
nessitaThe May Fair is not a Radisson?15:07
CardinalFangChipaca, hi15:07
ralsinanessita: look at the cities15:07
nessitaLondon, Maryland?15:08
ChipacaCardinalFang: still getting a traceback in destkopcouch-replication.log15:08
nessitaeverything is on Maryland15:08
ralsinaExcept Florida :-)15:08
* ralsina loves guessing at what the bug in their code is15:08
ralsinaThey are not clearing the state field when iterating :-)15:08
CardinalFangChipaca, me too.  I'm trying to see what's wrong from the server end.15:10
ralsinaAnd their response mail says "Note: You must use Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 5.0 or higher.  Mozilla, Netscape, AOL and other browsers are not compatible with the StarCite Online RFP response system.15:10
ChipacaCardinalFang: I'm on 1.0.5+r261~natty1 and I see r262 is available. Could it make a difference?15:10
nessitaralsina: we're not going there, then15:10
* Chipaca upgrades just in case15:11
CardinalFangChipaca, incidetally, #couchdb doesn't want to talk to me until I try new couchdb release to see if it works.  You were playing with a newer version, I think.  Do you have it handy?15:11
dobeyralsina: well at least it will work on Mac OS 9 still15:11
Chipacanice, gnome-session crashed15:12
ChipacaCardinalFang: no, I wasn't playing with it, I was toying with it in my mind15:13
ChipacaCardinalFang: while similar, I'm afraid the difference will disappoint you.15:13
ChipacaCardinalFang: which version do they want you to try?15:14
CardinalFangChipaca, FWIW, I made my own, but it crashes deeper than I want to look.15:14
ChipacaCardinalFang: well, tell 'em that :)15:14
CardinalFangChipaca, they're releasing/released 1.0.2 now.15:14
nessitaChipaca, CardinalFang: do we have a support contract with coucdb people? if so, how come they 'won't talk to us' until we use the new version?15:14
ChipacaCardinalFang: remind them that we have patches to make it work with the libmozjs we're shipping :)15:14
Chipacanessita: we have a support contract with couch one, yes. I'm assuming it isn't an *actual* threat15:15
dobeyoh, i am supposed to ask mandel something15:15
* dobey wonders what it was15:15
Chipacadobey: related to the sea? mandel knows a lot about it.15:16
Chipacadobey: especially about the more scatological aspects of maritime life15:16
nessitaChipaca: to me, it seems ridiculous that people that is contacrted to will not help us :-( what if we can't ship 1.0.2 in natty? no matter the tries we make, we need 1.0.1 (or whatever version is) working15:16
dobeyno, it was not about narwhal feces15:17
Chipacanessita: you see that? that's you, overreacting15:17
dobeyit was about the removal of u1sync from ubuntuone-client15:17
CardinalFangralsina, send her flowers or something.  You want marianna on your side!15:17
nessitaChipaca: is the second time that CardinalFang says this. He's having this issue for days now, if I undersood correctly15:17
nessitaChipaca: so, you think that having delays of days because we can't get help from people we're paying to help is ok?15:18
CardinalFangWell, since morning yesterday.15:18
dobeyah right15:18
dobeyhooray scrollback15:18
dobeymandel: u1-windows-installer has a separate copy of u1sync right? and it has some changes that aren't in the version that's in ubuntuone-client?15:19
ralsinaCardinalFang: I will just try to be my adorable self.15:20
CardinalFangUh oh.15:20
ralsinaCardinalFang: I am all fuzzy and nice! Specially fuzzy.15:20
nessitaChipaca: I'm really interested in your opinion, so I can evaluate adjusting my thresholds taking into account others point of view15:20
alecunessita, the branch does what's supposed to do, but I think the timeouts should not be "ignored when they happen" but instead "cancelled when they are no longer needed"15:22
alecunessita, http://www.pygtk.org/pygtk2reference/gobject-functions.html#function-gobject--source-remove15:22
alecunessita, I'll approve, but I'd like to see a bugfix for that.15:22
nessitaalecu: that makes sense, I looked in the doc for a 'timeout_remove' but didn't find any. Thanks! :-)15:23
alecunessita, running tests now.15:24
Chipacasession crashed again15:24
Chipacatrying a different one15:24
alecuvds, I've pushed the fixed branch15:24
dobeyralsina: i'm late, but maybe Radisson doesn't realize that Maryland is no longer part of the UK?15:25
dobeyand don't listen to thisfred. it will still be snowing in MD come April15:26
thisfreddobey: no way, march/april is really the nicest time of year here15:27
thisfredwell, or september/october15:27
Chipacathisfred: CardinalFang: is it time to revisit the "should we ship 1.0.2 in natty" question?15:27
thisfredChipaca: it's released now for one thing15:27
thisfredI think15:28
CardinalFangChipaca, only if 1.0.2 fixes my problem.15:28
thisfredCardinalFang any progress on the bug you were hunting yesterday?15:28
thisfredah so, not yet15:28
Chipacathisfred: yes, it's released: http://couchdb.apache.org/downloads.html15:28
dobeythisfred: i bet baltimurder gets snow this april15:28
thisfreddobey: I'll take that bet, I think it was high 80s last year15:29
thisfredso it's possible, but unlikely15:30
vdsalecu, https://pastebin.canonical.com/42488/15:31
ChipacaCardinalFang: I15:33
ChipacaCardinalFang: 'll look into building a build of 1.0.215:33
dobeyi thought thisfred said he was going to try building 1.0.2?15:35
CardinalFangChipaca, okay.  the 1.9 xulrunner-dev is now virtual and pulls us to -2.0-dev.15:36
CardinalFangChipaca, and the source-packaging branch is out of date.15:37
ChipacaCardinalFang: the apt-get source, or the bzr branch ubuntu:couchdb?15:37
kklimondahmm, any idea why u1sdtool --waiting-c throws UnicodeError: String parameters to be sent over D-Bus must be valid UTF-8 ?15:37
CardinalFangChipaca,  lp:ubuntu/... is old.15:37
thisfreddobey I did, but I won't stand in anyone else's way ;)15:37
ChipacaCardinalFang: right (lp:ubuntu/.. is ubuntu:, and is often a little behind, sadly)15:38
alecunessita, approved.15:38
CardinalFangChipaca, there's a bigger problem and a bug filed.  dobey and I are subscribed to it.15:38
dobeyChipaca, CardinalFang: if it's behind what's actually in ubuntu, you should ping the udd guys about it, because there's probably an issue blocking the imports15:38
dobeyor i guess there already is a bug for it15:39
Chipacaah, glad to know that15:39
dobeyi can't keep up with bug emails15:39
ChipacaCardinalFang: is it behind only in changes under debian/ ?15:39
CardinalFangChipaca, er, the sources are in that branch, if that's what you're asking.15:40
alecunessita, and also assigned new bug 709301 to you.15:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 709301 in ubuntu-sso-client "Shutdown timeouts should be cancelled, not ignored (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70930115:41
nessitaalecu: thanks!15:41
alecudobey, vds is running "make check" on lucid, and getting this u1trial error: https://pastebin.canonical.com/42488/15:43
CardinalFangChipaca, my failed attempt from yesterday:  http://sandbox.chad.org/couchdb-1.0.2-debian/15:43
CardinalFangChipaca, note, most patches are unneeded, but there are two "--old" that I was unsure about.15:44
alecuralsina, catching up with the backlog, I see that you mention Panamá. While I'm not strongly opposed to that, both you and nessita should know that we need to have some vaccines in order to enter Panamá15:44
dobeyalecu: weird.15:45
ralsinaalecu: yes, yellow fever, right?15:45
alecuralsina, right. Not a nice vaccine, you know.15:45
dobeyvds: seems like dbus-daemon isn't starting, perhaps becuase the path is too long?15:45
ralsinaalecu: actually I had it two years ago :-)15:45
* CardinalFang requires coffee. brb15:46
dobeyweird though15:47
ralsinadobey: surprisingly, Buenos Aires is not in the tropics.15:47
dobeynope it's temperate15:48
vdsdobey, alecu then what do we do? :)15:48
dobeyvds: copy the tree to /tmp/foo or something short like that, and re-run autogen.sh and make check there, and let me know if it still works15:49
dobeyerr, still fails15:50
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
Chipacathisfred: have you been able to build 1.0.2?16:00
thisfredChipaca: have not tried16:01
Chipacathisfred: ah16:01
thisfredI was waiting for an official release and possible retraction, as has happened the past few times16:01
ChipacaCardinalFang: I get errors even with 'make', pointing at xulrunner's 2.0 js16:02
thisfredI'm very proactively lazy16:02
thisfredChipaca: did you do the whole configure -with-xulrunner-* dance?16:02
Chipacathisfred: ./configure --with-js-include=/usr/include/xulrunner-2.0b10/ --with-js-lib=/usr/lib/xulrunner-2.0b10/16:03
Chipacathisfred: that ^ ?16:03
thisfredyeah that16:04
thisfredChipaca:  shouldn't those be -dev though?16:05
Chipacathisfred: nope, the packages are -dev16:05
CardinalFangChipaca, http://sandbox.chad.org/couchdb-1.0.2-debian/rules16:05
thisfredoh right16:06
ChipacaCardinalFang: ah16:08
CardinalFangChipaca, at least, my "make" didn't error.  I still had problems at runtime.16:08
Chipacanessita: do you get prompted to subscribe to UDFs when signing in on a new machine?16:16
nessitaChipaca: if you add a new machine from the control panel, once logged in, you get the panel opened in the Folders tab16:20
nessitanot sure if that means 'prompt' for you, but is what we decided to do in UDS16:20
nessitaChipaca: if you want, I can easily add a message dialog popping up in that particular case (I don't think design people will be happy)16:21
nessitabah, none of us like popups, I guess16:21
dobeylunch, bbiab16:24
Chipacanessita: I ask because of http://askubuntu.com/q/23715/71116:24
Chipacanessita: when you say "you get the panel opened in the Folders tab", what do you mean?16:24
Chipacanessita: and, are there any other ways of adding a new machine, and if so, what do we do about them?16:26
nessitaChipaca: the control panel morphs itself into the management main notebook, and the FOlders tab is automatically selected16:26
nessitaChipaca: anyone using ussoc can 'add a machine' to U116:27
Chipacanessita: right, I'm fine with it not being great for dbus hackers16:27
Chipacanessita: if somebody does u1sdtool -c, say16:28
Chipacanessita: do they get the ussoc prompt?16:28
nessitaChipaca: yes, as requested by some people here. But if syncdaemon tries to connect without explicit request, it will not add the machine16:28
nessitaChipaca: so, u1sdtool -s will not add it, u1sdtool -c will16:29
Chipacanessita: ok16:29
Chipacanessita: would it be reasonable for u1sdtool to detect the case and print out a message to inform users?16:30
Chipacanessita: (might be hard to do, but also sounds like the right thing to do)16:30
nessitaChipaca: what would u1sdtool print? 'use the control panel to subscribe to folders since we no longer autosubscribe them'16:31
Chipacanessita: a more userfriendly version of that, yes16:31
nessitaChipaca: u1sdtool could just open the u1cp in the folders tab:16:32
nessitaubuntuone-control-panel-gtk --switch_to=folders16:32
nessitaChipaca: though that may be a little but invasive?16:32
Chipacanessita: yeah16:34
nessitaChipaca: ideally, users will not need to use u1sdtool anymore16:35
Chipacanessita: we still have people trying to use u1sync --auth16:35
Chipacanessita: it's documented in too many places to go away before the next lts16:35
nessitawow, I wasn't aware of that16:37
nessitais that even working?16:37
vdsdobey, alecu same problem with dbus in /tmp16:38
Chipacanessita: no, it isn't working :)16:39
Chipacanessita: dobey: we could ship a u1sync that is a sh script that calls ussoc, that only takes --auth :)16:40
Chipacajoshuahoover: ^ ?16:40
nessitaChipaca: why no call the u1cp?16:41
Chipacanessita: yeah, that16:41
nessitamake u1sync an 'alias' for u1cp-gtk16:41
joshuahooverChipaca: we really don't want people using u1sync though...i realize it's out there in the wild and references are made to it, but it's not helping matters imo16:42
Chipacajoshuahoover: precisely. So we could ship it such that it just prints out "please don't use this", or it could additionally open u1cp-gtk16:43
Chipacaotherwise, I can see the posts "i couldn't find it, so i grabbed it off this old copy and it ATE MY DOG"16:44
joshuahooverChipaca: right, so putting in that placeholder seems like a good plan16:44
Chipacadobey: whaddya think?16:49
Chipacaah, I think he thinks lunch is a good idea16:49
ChipacaI concur16:49
ralsinaChipaca: dobey was all for killing it16:52
ralsinaThe only one that seems to be using it for something actually useful is lucio's team16:52
Chipacaralsina: *if* it's working (and I haven't tested it lately), it is useful for using u1 as a backup / server-side thing17:01
Chipacaralsina: so I'm not sure if I would kill it entirely17:01
Chipacaralsina: but we could split it into its own project, package it into universe, and use the alternatives system to make it all work17:01
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
Chipacaalecu: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_ITwUu_a2017:09
nessitaCardinalFang: any news on the DC issues? (sorry to ping you so much, but alpha2 will be frozen next Monday/Tuesday)17:27
nessitawe need a working desktopcouch...17:28
CardinalFangnessita, nothing yet.  I'm getting SEGVs in couchjs.17:29
nessitathat's version 1.0.2, right?17:29
* dobey reads the backlog17:41
CardinalFangnessita, no,  1.0.1-0ubuntu8 , which landed this morning.17:43
ralsinaCardinalFang: could you try with 1.0.2? Because if that fixes it, then we just need to push for a new version.17:44
dobeyChipaca: my plan was to put it in its own project or move it to u1-servers where it's used for tests. but own project is probably better. though i wouldn't package it for narwhal. we can have nightlies builds, but i think we should try to get it out of the way asap17:45
Chipacadobey: does it work?17:49
Chipacaralsina: we haven't been able to build a working 1.0.2 yet17:49
CardinalFangralsina, I started on 1.0.2 yesterday, but ran into problems.17:50
ralsinaChipaca CardinalFang: ouch17:50
ralsinaCardinalFang: And you mentioned that to the couchdb support?17:50
dobeyChipaca: i don't know. it's practically unmaintained. and the windows version and the u1client version need to come back into alignment. putting it in a separate project makes that a bit easier17:52
CardinalFangI was working on (what I think is) an infinite loop in couchdb 1.0.1.   #couchdb told me to try 1.0.2, as it fixes something similar.17:52
CardinalFangralsina, ^17:52
ralsinaCardinalFang: right. But if 1.0.2 is not building, and we have a very limited timeframe before alpha2, make sure you mention that :-(17:52
ChipacaCardinalFang: ping, talking with jan in #couchdb18:03
amorphous1Hello folks...can someone guide me to debug a tomboy notes sync issue?18:14
* pmatulis eats some chips18:23
dobeyamorphous1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/FAQ/HowDoIGetTomboySyncLogs18:33
amorphous1dobey, I got that. I have the Caught exception. Message: The remote server returned an error: (404) NOT FOUND18:35
amorphous1dobey, I already tried all the workarounds from the bug report18:35
amorphous1dobey, It won't work even on a fresh install18:36
dobeywhen do you get that error?18:38
dobeyand which bug report?18:38
amorphous1when I hit the Synchronize Notes button18:39
amorphous1dobey, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+bug/57593718:39
ubot4Launchpad bug 575937 in tomboy (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Can't synchronize Tomboy Notes: Server returned 404 NOT FOUND (affects: 25) (dups: 5) (heat: 123)" [Undecided,Incomplete]18:39
thisfredalecu: if you're around, I finally have a branch with working messaging menu18:41
thisfredIt includes a manual test18:41
amorphous1dobey, I'll make a test using a livecd18:41
thisfredbut it's in an ugly place: if __name__ == "__main__":18:41
thisfredI think I will take it out and put it in the merge proposal18:42
dobeyamorphous1: hrmm. it seems to have worked for me just fine :-/18:43
amorphous1dobey, It doesn't work from the livecd..it's something wrong with mu ubuntuone profile then18:44
dobeyamorphous1: maybe. i don't know enough about notes to help you any further unfortunately. let me see if someone else can18:46
dobeyrodrigo_: ping18:46
amorphous1dobey, ok...thanks...18:46
alecuthisfred, nice!!!!18:52
thisfredalecu proposing now18:53
thisfredit's embarrassingly small. The main problem I was having is that the message disappears whenever the indicator object goes out of scope, so I was doing the right thing all along, just not seeing it :(18:54
dobeyamorphous1: well, the europeans are all off now, and no response on irc yet, but i assigned the bug and asked for more input on there, so someone will hopefully poke at it soon18:54
thisfredalecu: (and others) https://code.launchpad.net/~thisfred/ubuntuone-client/dammit-janet/+merge/4784718:56
amorphous1dobey, so it's rodrigo moya who deals with this?18:58
dobeyamorphous1: rodrigo wrote a large part of the notes syncing, yes18:58
amorphous1dobey, ok then..thanks :)18:59
nessitathisfred: I'll review!19:01
thisfrednessita: you're gonna hate it19:12
thisfredI have not figured out a good way to test it. I think we'll test the higher level stuff that uses it19:13
dobeyrye: amorphous1 is having some issues with syncing tomboy. bug 57593719:14
ubot4Launchpad bug 575937 in tomboy (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Can't synchronize Tomboy Notes: Server returned 404 NOT FOUND (affects: 25) (dups: 5) (heat: 130)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57593719:14
dobeyrye: can you debug?19:14
ryedobey, this has been going on for quite a while. For some _unknown_ reason Tomboy tokens get physically removed from our database causing OAuth errors, I even wrote a work-around to reauth tomboy again and stuff this info into gconf, since I was not able to find any reference to token removal in api19:16
dobeyrye: amorphous1 was saying he also got the issue when authing from a live cd :(19:17
nessitathisfred: AWESOME branch!19:19
dobeyok, need to reboot and check something in bios, and boot new kernel, brb19:19
nessitakeep it coming!19:19
amorphous1rye I have the note files in .local/share and I can see them on the web. I have the same issue when using a live cd. It worked perfect for 6 months now19:21
ryeamorphous1, live cd? when was the authorization last time19:22
amorphous1rye, 20 mintes ago19:23
amorphous1rye, I was on the licecd session, open tomboy, choose "Ubuntu One service"19:23
amorphous1rye, it said I'm connected and that I can sync now...but then the same error19:24
amorphous1rye, 2 days ago I started to have problems after I modified one of the noted from the web interface note19:25
amorphous1rye, I modified the note from a computer that wasn't connected to ubuntuOne. I accessed it through firefox and then I tried to sync with tomboy on my main computer19:26
amorphous1rye, from that moment on I can't sync19:26
ryeamorphous1, hmmm, is your file sync working? Which probably does not make sense on live cd...19:37
ryeamorphous1, could you please open seahorse and see whether you have ubuntuone token there?19:38
amorphous1rye, I deleted the tokens in seahorse because I wanted to start fresh...19:39
ryeamorphous1, hm, but tomboy caches the token info19:39
ryeamorphous1, in its private gconf branch19:39
amorphous1rye, I have a Ubuntu One key in seahorse19:40
amorphous1rye, I could try the livecd with the Ubuntu One files19:40
amorphous1rye, the filesync works on the livecd...it's downloading the files...in tomboy I have the same error mess19:43
ryeamorphous1, could you please open gconf-editor and navigate to /apps/tomboy/sync/ubuntuone and see whether that token info can match anything on https://one.ubuntu.com/account/machines/ ?19:45
amorphous1rye, the tokens are different19:47
ryeamorphous1, i.e. the relevant string is oauth_token19:47
amorphous1rye, on the live-cd the tokens match19:49
ryeamorphous1, on live-cd the token match yet you receive 404 ?19:49
dobeywell even with an invalid token, it shouldn't 40419:50
dobeybut maybe that is couchdb doing the 40419:50
amorphous1dobey, rye  on the live cd I have the same messages as on my main computer EXCEPT the 40419:53
amorphous1dobey, rye these 2 mess are consistent though: "Synchronization failed with the following exception: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime."19:53
amorphous1dobey, rye "GLib-CRITICAL **: g_source_remove: assertion `tag > 0' failed"19:53
ryeamorphous1, great, serialization error19:54
amorphous1rye, so this is bad news?19:54
ryerodrigo_, is it possible for us to get some sort of simulated tomboy sync client? something that is not compiled?19:54
dobeyrye: it's just http+oauth, should be easy to write one in python19:57
ryedobey, true19:59
ryeamorphous1, so, i suspect that web ui stored the note in a format that is not supported by tomboy20:02
ryedobey, maaan, we need such kind of tests for notes sync, otherwise we will never get it working20:02
ryei need a cloning machine20:02
dobeywe need such tests for everything; continuous integration would be a huge win20:03
amorphous1rye, Should I delete the one from the UI and then try to sync?20:03
amorphous1rye, it's the only note that I modified through the ui20:04
ryeamorphous1, if that's acceptable (and you have the backup) - could you please try that?20:06
amorphous1rye, sure, 1sec20:06
amorphous1rye, dobey it works on the livecd. I've deleted the note that I modified throught the web UI20:11
amorphous1rye, what should I delete/remove from the other computer to make it work?20:11
ryeamorphous1, in case your another computer fails with 404 error - that's missing token issue and reauthorization is needed20:12
amorphous1rye, dobey thanks guys20:16
alecuanyone up for one more review? https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/listen-new-volumes/+merge/4784320:40
nessitaalecu: did you fill a bug for the blank sso name?20:41
alecunessita, no. What project should I fill it with?20:42
alecunessita, sso server?20:42
nessitaI'm filling it in achuni's project, can you please fill it in our ussoc?20:43
alecunessita, #709494. should I assign it to you?20:49
nessitayes please20:49
nessitaI filled bug #70949620:53
ubot4Launchpad bug 709496 in canonical-identity-provider "Need a way to set the 'name' property for newly created accounts using REST API (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70949620:53
vdsalecu, so what do I do with the branch in which dbus doesn't want to work? :)21:11
alecuvds, we should file a bug for u1trial, and let dobey know about it.21:12
alecuvds, can you try running tests on trunk on lucid, to see if they fail like that?21:13
vdsalecu, I could but it wasn't failing until the last update so I'm not sure how useful that would be...21:14
alecuvds, the last trunk update?21:15
alecuvds, I believe ubuntuone-client was changed to use u1trial not so long ago.21:15
vdsalecu, last branch update, in which you fixed the tests21:15
alecuvds, well, the last pastebin you pasted looked like some problem when u1trial is starting dbus-daemon, so I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with the ubuntuone-client code in my branch.21:16
alecuvds, so that's why I'd like to know if "make check" fails just like that on your lucid install.21:17
vdsalecu, yes, I'm sure it is not related21:17
alecuoh, ok. sorry21:17
dobeyvds: you could branch lp:ubuntuone-dev-tools and run ./run-tests in it21:19
vdsalecu, dobey btw, if you have few minutes I could use a review here lp:~vds/ubuntuone-servers/filestorage_developers_rest_APIs_521:20
vdsdobey, same issue in that branch21:20
vdsdobey, https://pastebin.canonical.com/42525/21:21
dobeyok, thanks21:21
ralsinaBad news about the sprint.21:35
ralsinaIt's in the middle of spring break. So... beach hotels are packed and expensive.21:36
ralsinaThat includes probably everything in the caribbean, and orlando.21:36
nessitaBuenos Aires!!!21:36
nessitaGood airs!21:36
ralsinanessita: and here I was hoping to travel somewhere some day ;-)21:37
ralsinaI will have to ask marianne anyway, but that's what my contact in Punta Cana told me.21:37
nessitaralsina: you get to go to Budapest, don't you?21:39
ralsinaI suppose yes21:39
nessitaralsina: and, btw, you got your US visa?21:40
nessitaI know that can be a pain21:40
ralsinanessita: still a work in progress21:40
nessitaralsina: well, you may need to consider that for the sprint...21:40
nessitaif not buenos aires, another non-US location21:40
ralsinayes. It should be there for that date, but you never know.21:40
dobeyralsina: nobody goes to orlando for spring break21:41
ralsinadobey: well, that's good.21:41
ralsinaBut I really, really don't want to organize a sprint where I may not be able to attend :-(21:42
dobeyralsina: actually, we had a sprint last year the exact same week21:43
dobeythe grand ole tri-virtual sprint thing21:43
ralsinadobey: don't know what that was. Was not around yet ;-)21:43
dobeyralsina: and it was in orlando.21:43
dobeyralsina: the usians went to orlando, the europeans went to london, and the argentines went to buenos aires21:44
ralsinaok, so orlando still is in the running. Too bad about going to a beach resort, though.21:44
dobeyralsina: for those on the desktop+ team21:44
dobeyralsina: going to the beach in florida would be expensive anyway, unless we had it in miami or ft. lauderdale21:44
ralsinadobey: yes. I was hoping somewhere in the caribbean would be cheap enough.21:45
ralsinadobey: less homeland security, for instance.21:45
dobeynot for us21:46
dobeydowntown orlando isn't too bad, if we do go there21:46
ralsinadobey: well, US citizens are a clear minority :-)21:48
ralsinait's 4 europeans, 3 args, 3 US, if I count correctly.21:48
dobeythat doesn't seem clear, or a minority :)21:49
dobeyand if any of the europeans have to layover in the US, they probably have to deal with tsa anyway21:50
ralsinadobey: 4 out of 10?21:53
ralsinayou are a minority specifically about "how much TSA we all get if we move it outside the US" :-)21:54
ralsinaIN the US: 6, OUT: 4 ;-)21:54
dobeydepending on flights21:54
ralsinadobey: yes, that is correct21:55
ralsinaBut for example, for Barcelona, it's 6/421:56
ralsinaFor anywhere in Europe, really.21:56
ralsinaSame for Argentina21:56
ralsinaNot the same for central america21:56
dobeyand it doesn't matter21:56
ralsinadobey: no, it really doesn't. If it's cheaper, it'll be Orlando anyway :-)21:57
ralsinaAnd I pretty much expect it will be cheapest.21:57
nessitaralsina: chuaper than Argentina? weird21:58
ralsinanessita: traveling here is expensive for everyone but us.21:58
ralsinaAnd moving inside the US is very very cheap.21:58
nessitaanyways, I may go to Disney again with alecu21:58
nessitaalecu: right?21:58
dobeyorlando flights do suck that week. my direct flight option is almost sold out21:59
ralsinadobey: so some people take the plane to Orlando for spring break even if they don't stay there22:00
dobeyralsina: the parents probably go to disney22:00
alecunessita, absolutely. And this time amelia may probably join us :-)22:01
ralsinawell. had I been more popular as a kid, I could have a college-age son. That explains why I may go to disney too ;-)22:01
ralsinaalecu:  and tato, too :-)22:01
ralsinaOTOH, bringing mandel here costs half of what going to orlando costs, says orbitz.com. That's weird.22:03
nessitaralsina: given the time in the year, makes sense22:04
dobeyhrmm, to fly to EZE cheapest for me is going to be like $1600 probably22:04
nessitaralsina: Argentina in April is low fares22:04
nessitadobey:  where are you flying from?22:05
dobeyand LGW is about $200022:05
dobeynessita: PHF22:05
dobeyhrmm, maybe i read that wrong22:06
dobeyhrmm, no22:07
dobeyhrmm, to LHR is a lot cheaper right now it seems22:07
ralsinavds is $230 more expensive for EZE22:07
dobeybut it's US/United, the bane of the air22:08
ralsinaAnd vds's flight plan is Pisa -> Munich -> newark -> Houston -> Buenos Aires :-)22:08
ralsinaAll that for $1728 final22:09
dobeyplenty of tsa there :P22:09
nessitaralsina: there has to be a better option with Alitalia22:09
ralsinanessita: probably, that's the cheapest, on continental and 2 or three others combined22:09
ralsinaAlitalia is $2117 pisa->rome->baires22:10
ralsinaAnyway, I better do real work instead of playing orbitz roulette22:11
dobeyralsina: it's cheaper for me to go to tokyo than it is for me to go to either london or buenos aires :)22:11
nessitadobey: Delta can bring you via ATL for USD1000 according to despegar.com (though that is EZE->PHF->EZE)22:11
nessitaonly one stop!22:12
dobeyyeah i flew delta last time i went to ba22:12
nessitais awesome22:13
dobeyi really wish i had more airline options22:13
dobeyi hate delta and us/united22:13
nessitaso, PHF -> EZE -> PHF is USD 1100~22:13
ralsinanessita: going backwards, delta is $140022:13
nessitaralsina: on despegar.com is USD 108222:13
dobeyof course, i may actually be able to buy cheaper flights by doing 2 different airlines22:13
ralsina+ taxes and fees?22:13
nessitamy bad22:13
dobeylike i did last summer for london sprint22:14
nessitayou're right, is more expensice22:14
* dobey votes tokyo22:14
nessitaok, I better shut up and make these test pass!22:14
ralsinaEZE -> TOKYO is... 2177 each22:15
ralsinanope. US dollars22:16
dobeybut eze->{lhr,lgw} is probably more than that22:16
ralsinaBesides I expect the hotel in tokyo to cost about the same as buying a house here ;-)22:16
ralsinaU$S 1550 EZE->LHR22:17
dobeyyou just gotta know which family owns which hotels22:17
dobeythat's cheaper than it is for me :)22:17
dobeyand i'm halfway there already22:17
ralsinaDirect on British Airways, too22:18
dobeythis week is done.22:18
dobeyah of course22:18
dobeyi just need to become a billionaire and buy a jet22:18
ralsinaOk, EOW forme! Except for the part where I work tomorrow :-)22:18
ralsinaHave a nice weekend everyone22:18
nessitaralsina: bye, enjoy the weekend!22:19
nessitabye everybody! I'm eow-d22:26

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