
JanCkreignf: are the modules not loading, or are they loading too late?01:41
JanCremember that many upstart jobs run in parallel01:42
twbAm I right in thinking that neither --verbose nor --debug show me the FOO=bar values associated with each event?01:59
twbAnd if so, is there a way to see those values?02:00
kreignSpamapS, I will say this... dear god it's awesome having a system boot 'completely' off of USB before I can walk the 5 feet to my keyboard03:11
kreign... and log in remotely03:11
twbkreign: you using live-boot?03:26
kreigntwb, I'm not sure what live-boot is.03:27
kreigntwb, though it sounds interesting; what is it? :)03:27
twbIt's a fork of casper03:27
twbWith the idea of being useful for everybody, rather than just canonical03:27
kreigntwb, hmm no, I'm not all that familiar with it, to be honest. I was just trying to get upstart to work with zfs. 03:36
kreignon ubuntu03:36
* twb blinks03:36
twbThere's an Ubuntu kFreeBSD now?03:36
kreignit's ubuntu with the CDDL ported modules. 03:37
kreignjust ubuntu03:37
kreigntakes about 10 minutes.03:37
kreign... just have to figure out the little 'ifs' and 'buts' :P03:37
twbI guess that's OK if you don't redistribute the result...03:37
kreignbut the knowledge of how to do so, or the deb packages, should be fair game.03:37
kreigntwb, if you're curious I'll stick in here tomorrow and give you the info03:38
kreigntime to put the kids to bed though03:38
twbNot really; my money's on btrfs03:38
kreignhave you used zfs? :P03:38
twbYes, on osol.03:38
kreignimo btrfs is years behind03:38
kreignI don't have time to wait around.03:39
kreignfor what I need, zfs is the trick03:39
kreignstable or no03:39
kreign(and it appears to be acceptably so, fwiw... I've not been able to break it yet, and the freebsd implementation is somewhat easy to cause issue with)03:39
kreignat any rate03:39
* kreign poofs03:39
twbBut CDDL means that Debian can't ever distribute systems that support ZFS out of the box, so I'm not inclined to jump through hoops for it.03:40
twbIt's the same reason I avoid MP303:40
JanCkreign: there was somebody with the same problem last week or so05:05
SpamapStwb: MP3 has an expiration date though05:05
twbSpamapS: granted.05:05
JanCkreign: and like I suggested before, your problem is that the module gets loaded too late05:06
SpamapSif wikipedia is to believe, decoding may be patent free in the US just about the time the world ends, December 201205:06
JanCkreign: you need to make sure all zfs modules are loaded before trying to mount the ZFS filesystem...05:07
SpamapSahh yes05:07
SpamapSstartup and started udev will race with mountall05:07
twbJanC: how do you do that?  Do you have to patch the mountall script to say start on [...] && modules?05:08
SpamapSchange it to 'start on mounting TYPE=zfs'05:08
SpamapSmountall blocks on mounting and mounted events05:08
SpamapSthey are considered hook points05:08
SpamapSits tricky, but if you look at the way nfs-ustils was recently patched in natty, you can actually use them in an and-like fashion with other events.05:09
SpamapSustils.. my typing has really suffered since losting my old MS elite keyboard.. need to go find another one. :-/05:10
JanCI think a "task" that loads the zfs modules, and has "start on starting mountall" or something like that might suffice, but I would have to look into the logs what he finally used05:10
JanCwell, anything that makes mountall wait on that task to finish  ;)05:11
SpamapSstarting mountall might work too05:13
SpamapSActually yeah, since modules will always be on the rootfs, I think thats a nice simple solution.05:14
twbSpamapS: no model M?05:23
djszapiJanC: ping11:08
kreignfJanC, for whatever reason, including the modules in /etc/modules does not result in them being loaded. not sure why.15:49
kreignfJanC, also, I was that person with the problem last week. I never got it resolved then, though I figured out a workaround. :)15:50

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