
=== q_a_z_steve|afk is now known as q_a_z_steve
`DT`any particular reason that a fresh install of 9.10 would work fine prior to a reboot and be unable to long in after?02:53
`DT`i get the login screen, login, splash screen, flash black, see the busy cursor for the mouse, more flashing to black, splash screen back to login screen02:54
`DT`i can however login to xterm with no problem but have no network access02:55
SnakkahWhere are Xubuntu's wallpapers located?03:37
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supergladosanybody know how to change the mouse speed for a laptop touchpad?04:57
J_DawGAnyone have any idea why my cycle-windows doesnt work? It is, as far as i can see only binded to alt+tab, but doesnt work. It works on the other hand when i bind it to super+tab09:50
TheSheepmaybe you have something else bound to alt-tab?09:52
J_DawGI dont think so, not that i can see09:53
moetunesJ_DawG:  use xev in terminal to check that your keyboard map has alt mapped right10:07
J_DawGI get: FocusOut event, serial 35, synthetic NO, window 0x4c00001 and FocusIn event, serial 35, synthetic NO, window 0x4c00001, and KeymapNotify event, serial 35, synthetic NO, window 0x0, when i press Alt (after i wrote xev in terminal)10:13
moetunesit should mention something about keysym10:18
moetunesKeyPress event, serial 27, synthetic NO, window 0x1600001,10:21
moetunes    root 0xb3, subw 0x0, time 12274627, (438,443), root:(441,446),10:21
moetunes    state 0x10, keycode 64 (keysym 0xffe9, Alt_L), same_screen YES,10:21
moetunessomething like ^ J_DawG10:21
TornadoXubuntuHello! please do you know any application that allows me to customize the panels on my desktop (xubuntu 10.10). The current default panels are not customizable a lot.11:39
TornadoXubuntuok thanks i found it11:46
TornadoXubuntucairo-dock-core is what i was looking for11:47
TornadoXubuntuby the way is this the only xubuntu help channel?11:47
XFCEgoathow do I use on screen keyboard XFCE, xubuntu?12:51
Sysiinstall and start and use12:51
kyosprun onboard12:54
XFCEgoatkyosp: how do i do that from the terminal?12:57
kyosptype "onboard"12:59
kyospand press enter12:59
Kronusdarkcould someone please tell me how to make xubuntu not start with x and be command line only till i start x?13:22
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode13:23
NativeAngelswill xubuntu work on ancient mmx technology13:25
kyospyou mean MMX 166MHZ?13:27
Kronusdarkok so im remotely connecting to my ubuntu machine, is there a config file i can edit to make it start without X? there used to be a grub conf file but i dont know how to edit this new setup13:27
Kronusdarki cant do the shift or esc to get the grub menu13:28
kyospNativeAngels:how many memory?13:29
NativeAngelsi know its really old but this is the spec Toshiba Satellite Pro 480CDT Notebook (233-MHz Pentium MMX, 64 MB RAM, 4 GB hard drive)13:29
NativeAngelsive tried slackware,puppy,bsd13:30
NativeAngelsand dsl13:30
NativeAngelsits just a project to see what i can get working13:30
bazhangtry lubuntu13:30
kyospI tried in the virtualbox, it can only run the text mode only.13:30
NativeAngelsi tried but for some reason it dont like kernal 2.613:31
psycho_oreosI can imagine xubuntu would struggle with only 64MB of RAM13:32
NativeAngelsand a pcmcia wireless card13:32
NativeAngelstext based stuff is ok13:32
NativeAngelsdont know about ubuntu server13:33
moetunesthere's been some pentium3 stuff removed from the kernel lately so a mmx chip might be too old for the newer kernels13:33
NativeAngelswhat about older versions of xubuntu ?13:33
psycho_oreosubuntu server is more or less ubuntu desktop without X mainly and mostly server apps + server kernel13:33
NativeAngelsdoes that make it any lighter13:34
psycho_oreosolder xubuntu versions may leave you out of support, notably when talking about 2.4.x series kernels13:34
psycho_oreosit would for sure yes, but usability-wise for a linux beginner, no13:34
NativeAngelsdsl was ok13:34
moetunesdsl uses 2.4 kernels iirc13:35
NativeAngelsbsd is a nightmare13:35
NativeAngelsi tried open,free and netbsd13:35
NativeAngelsthing is it dosnt have eithernet port13:36
moetunesI'd stick with dsl for a comp that old13:36
psycho_oreoswell afaik freebsd, the same is pretty much as ubuntu server, ncurses based installer and then after all the installation is done it'll leave you with a shell prompt. I just noticed you've tinkered with slackware as well. ubuntu-server will be more or less the same :)13:36
NativeAngelsslackware was ok13:37
NativeAngelsbasically im just seing what lite distros work on really old kit13:37
moetunesyou need to find a compatible kernel and work from there13:38
NativeAngelsgone through quite a few cds in the process lol13:39
moetunesit's a fun but time consuming hobby13:39
NativeAngelsi have a stack of old towers to fix and parts etc13:40
kyospdoes any one using xfce 4.8?13:42
moetuneskyosp:  archlinux users are having some issues with it, it's not quite ready yet13:43
TornadoXubuntuHello! Please the "paste" feature is completely disabled in my XUbuntu 10 system. Even in administrative mode. Any ideas please?15:44
TheSheep"paste" feature?15:45
TheSheepwhat is that?15:45
TheSheepMaybe describe what you are doing, what do you expect to happen and what happens.15:45
TornadoXubuntuyes sure! am not able to copy and paste throughout files or anything.15:47
TornadoXubuntuam able to copy but the paste is always disabled15:47
TornadoXubuntueven in the root mode15:47
TheSheepdo you have write access to where you are trying to paste?15:47
TheSheepis that only for a specific disk or directory, or is it anywhere?15:48
TornadoXubuntuif i am the administrator i must be able to paste anywhere is it?15:48
TornadoXubuntuyes i think so15:48
TheSheepeven admin can't write to read-only devices, for example15:48
TheSheepcan you create new files?15:48
TheSheepor directories15:49
TornadoXubuntuyes am able to create files and the paste feature was working from couple of days. I am the only user on the system.15:50
TornadoXubuntuam able to delete files as well15:50
Ramir00Xubuntu spanish??18:06
charlie-tcaas in speaking here or using spanish in xubuntu?18:10
Ramir00speaking spanish18:10
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:10
charlie-tcaThe #ubuntu-es can help with Xubuntu too18:10
pdxannahi everyone howzit19:26
pdxannai had joined this channel a few months ago to ask about the shutdown issue with systems which had older bios19:27
pdxannait seems that there is only workarounds for shutting down older systems running xubuntu19:27
pdxannaor perhaps workaround isn't the right word19:28
mhall119charlie-tca: congrats, btw19:29
pdxannaif you're running an older system you hit the shutdown button in xubuntu but still have to physically press the power button once the system is halted19:29
pdxannathe thing is that if you logout of xubuntu, then click the shutdown button from xfce, the system will completely halt and power off on its own19:29
pdxannaso my question is why does the xfce shutdown command succeed where the xubuntu shutdown does not?19:30
charlie-tcaum, it doesn't19:30
charlie-tcaThat should be the login screen with the button?19:30
charlie-tcaThat would be GDM, not Xfce19:30
pdxannafrom the login screen19:30
pdxannai see19:30
charlie-tcathe xfce button is in the panel in the desktop19:30
charlie-tcaand, I see your point, but I don't know the answer19:31
pdxannai have it backwards then -- i've been referring to that one as the xubuntu19:31
pdxannait manages to completely unmount and halt everything19:31
charlie-tcaI wish I could tell you. It should not work any different, unless there is something in the gui that is blocking the shutdown19:31
pdxannafrom what i can see in the forums and elsewhere there are a lot of people saying the gui doesn't allow the complete shutdown19:32
charlie-tcaAt the GDM screen (login), you have less of the X server running, maybe that is what is blocking things19:32
charlie-tcawhat version?19:32
charlie-tcaIs there a bug report?19:34
Sysicould LTS be better with older HW?19:34
charlie-tcadepends on the hardware19:35
pdxannai have not seen a report19:35
charlie-tcasome hardware needs the latest kernel modules, some needs the stuff that went obsolete19:35
pdxannai've seen the same issue come up for other versions19:35
pdxannathey all have bios older than 2000...(?)19:35
charlie-tcahm, things seldom get fixed that aren't reported19:36
pdxannalol i can follow that logic19:36
charlie-tcaHave they tried updating the bios itself?19:36
pdxannai would be happy to submit whatever19:36
charlie-tcaI know that fixed it for a lot of users19:36
pdxannano actually19:36
pdxannaok that's on today's agenda19:36
charlie-tcaMany board companies updated the bios after y2k19:37
pdxannabefore i have to shut down thanks a lot folks for lending me an ear20:16
pdxannai'd hate to submit a duplicate ticket but I think this issue hasn't been reported - and xubuntu is very popular for some of these machines (which might be older than god) so i20:16
pdxannawill do that later if these suggestions don't work out20:17
pdxannathanks again20:17
charlie-tcaby all means, file the bug. We will mark it if it is a duplicate20:20
ubottuHardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Xubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingXubuntu22:00
tripelbHey! it's not on there. I am looking for something like this: "The Recommended Minimum System Requirements, here, should allow even an inexperienced user to easily install a usable system with enough room to be comfortable. A good "rule of thumb" is that machines that could run XP, Vista, Windows 7 or x86 OS X will almost always be a lot faster with Ubuntu. Simply try Ubuntu CD as a Live CD first to check the hardware works."22:01
charlie-tcayou mean, like the page you download from has ? see http://xubuntu.org/get22:03
charlie-tcaor maybe you didn't read enough - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements#Lightweight%20GUI%20alternative%20(Xubuntu)22:04
charlie-tcaor maybe that statement doesn't need repeating on other pages22:05
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