
=== Nubae is now known as Nubae_away
=== Nubae_away is now known as Nubae
=== ogra is now known as Guest3328
=== Guest3328 is now known as ogra
=== ogra is now known as Guest28007
bluefrogtesting nanny in edubuntu, doesn't seem to be working. I red out all saturday for user test (click apply...) then I log out and log in with the test user. no problem it lets me in and tells me I will be granted access in 5 hours, but I am already in.17:55
bluefrogedubuntu 10.1017:56
bluefrogsame thing occurs when using a thin client.18:36
Nubaewhat do u mean by nanny?18:37
bluefrogthe program18:37
Nubaenet nanny?18:37
bluefrogparental control aka nanny18:37
Nubaeahhh ok, just know the name parental control18:38
bluefrogwell nanny or whatever.. not working properly out of the bxo18:38
Nubaelast time I checked everything worked ok, u are using 2 useres? not running it as root?18:38
bluefrogwhat is last time? 1 or 2 distro ago?18:39
Nubaehmmm... Lucid I believe18:40
bluefrog1 ago then.18:41
Nubaebluefrog did u find any errors in launchpad?18:41
Nubaeif not, u might want to add a bug report, its pretty quick to do18:41
Nubaebug reports for parental control in maverick18:41
bluefrogbug report already done1 or 2 weeks ago. no news18:41
Nubaeor natty... if u are using that18:42
Nubaeoh ok...18:42
Nubaehmm... usually folks are pretty good at getting back18:42
NubaeI'll test myself and add my 2 cents18:42
Nubaemight help move things along18:42
bluefrogwill see when highvoltage is around.18:42
Nubaewhat os u running? maverick or natty?18:43
Nubaeto replicate the probelm18:43
bluefrogboth edubuntu and ubuntu. same18:43
Ronniehighvoltage: were you still looking for a google map solution to point the schools. i got one: Live version: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ronnie.vd.c/map.html , documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-django-foundations/map19:59
=== ogra is now known as Guest22576
=== Guest22576 is now known as ogra_
highvoltagebluefrog: I don't have time to look at it right now, but if you haven't yet could you file a bug for that in Launchpad and subscribe edubuntu-bugs?21:42
highvoltage(ah, I see you already have)21:42
highvoltageRonnie: that looks useful, will also look a bit later :)21:43
Nubaehighvoltage is parental control standard in edubuntu?21:45
bluefroghighvoltage, bugsquad already subscribed21:49
bluefroghighvoltage, you two btw :)21:50
bluefrogwasn't me21:50

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