
aditirexanyone around ?01:52
DarkwingDuckWhat's up01:55
aditirexgot a small problem01:56
aditirexI have an usb headset , ms lifechat01:56
aditirexphonon detected it 01:56
aditirexbut now I plugged it01:56
aditirexand is grayed01:56
aditirexcan't used it01:56
aditirexany idea how I can do a "rescan" of audio devices or something like that ?01:57
aditirexthe headset is seen as an usb sound card01:57
DarkwingDuckhave you tryed Google or #kubuntu ?01:57
DarkwingDuckThis is a devel channel and not a support channel.01:57
aditirexwell ... I am on natty :D01:57
aditirexok , I'll ask on #kubuntu01:57
aditirexbtw , kubuntu natty is awesome 01:58
aditirexI mean kde is moving better than ever :D01:58
DarkwingDuck:) Thanks01:58
aditirexI always had issues with kwin performance , but works great now01:59
DarkwingDuckThanks for the support. :)02:00
DarkwingDuckhey jjesse 02:21
jjessehey darkwing02:22
DarkwingDuckHow are things in MI?02:22
jjessegood snowing02:22
DarkwingDuckIt's 68* here02:23
DarkwingDuckI'm having one helluva time installing 11.04 on my VM02:23
jjessei did a do-dist-upgrade -d or whatever on a maverick one02:24
jjesserunning vbox02:24
jjessefor windows thought02:24
* DarkwingDuck will do that.02:25
DarkwingDuckNew computer new setups02:26
jjesseumm runn vbox 4.0 or whatever thats what i'm ding02:27
DarkwingDuckYeah, I'm running that02:28
DarkwingDuckbzr info02:33
jjessehrmm now my vm is black02:39
DarkwingDuckvalorie: ping02:47
valorieDarkwingDuck: pong02:55
DarkwingDuckvalorie: did you still want to be editor in chief like we talked about in FL?02:58
valorieEDITOR IN CHIEF?02:58
jjesseeditor in chief?02:58
valoriewhatchoo talkin' bout, willis?02:58
DarkwingDuckA couple of cycles ago02:59
valorieI'm a good editor02:59
DarkwingDuckwe had someone who would go through docs when they were finished and check spelling, grammer ect02:59
valoriebut so far from knowing enough to be In Chief of anything here02:59
DarkwingDuckI don't remember who that was02:59
DarkwingDuckYou want to still being the editor for the docs?03:00
valoriecopy-editing is good03:00
DarkwingDuckDo you know how to use bzr?03:00
valorieeditor in chief makes bigger decisions than spelling03:00
valorienot at all03:00
valorieI know how to clone and pull from git03:00
DarkwingDuckMy bad on the term useage for jjesse who was freaking out :P03:00
DarkwingDuckvalorie: sudo apt-get instal bzr03:01
valorieis it a bit like that (I hope)03:01
valoriethat's cookin'03:02
DarkwingDuckI'm still updating my VM03:02
DarkwingDuckI love me a new system but... it takes forever to get things back the way they were.03:03
valoriefor sure03:03
nixternali am the EDITOR A SLEEP03:16
jjesseor the editor not around :)03:16
nixternalor NOT EVEN AN EDITOR03:18
jjesseyou should come back and help out :)03:18
nixternalno thanks03:18
nixternalto much has to change for me to do that03:18
jjesseyes there is03:18
jjessetrust me03:19
nixternalsabdfl would have to get on his knees and apologize, and just hope i don't kick him in his teeth for fucking me03:19
valorienixternal: every time I find some BAD, which must be CHANGED03:19
valorieI'll just blame you!03:19
nixternaleveryone else does :)03:19
jjessei never understood why you and sabdfl fell out of love03:20
valorieI was just gonna ask03:20
nixternalhe fucked me out of a job because I said "blue headed step child" or "2nd class citizen" during open week03:21
jjessewow really?03:22
jjessea job @ canonical or another company03:22
nixternali made it all the way to the top and was supposed to have my last interview with him and the vp of whatever it was i was going to do, and neither of them called me or even emailed me to tell me anything03:22
jjessewow that sucks03:22
nixternali contacted their shitty secretary and she said she would find out, but never did03:22
jjesseand you never found anything out?03:23
nixternalseems jcastro and jono knew all about it, but weren't man enough to say it to me, just man enough to tell everyone else about it03:23
jjessereally?  that doesn't sound like jcastro and jono03:23
jjessefrom what i know03:23
nixternalyeah, i found out through the grapevine because jono and jorge couldn't keep their mouths shut03:23
nixternaland then they act like friends the whole time, fuck that, i don't need friends like that03:23
jjessewow that totally sucks dude03:24
jjessei wondered why you disappeared03:24
nixternalwell there you have it...i think that is the first time i ever told anyone03:25
nixternaloh, and rick spencer fucked me too, but not as bad03:25
jjessewhat did rick do?03:25
jjessei never got along w/ rick it seemed03:25
nixternalsupposedly had me lined up for a position, i send him everything he needs to know...and he was like yeah, kde this, kde that...and i never heard back on that one either...of course they hired a gnometard for that position03:26
jjesseoh bummer dude03:26
jjessewhere you working these days?03:26
nixternali did, rick hooked me up in the past, he is a really great guy...i can't put the blame all on rick as i am sure their were strings being pulled in the background, but the fact they never have the balls to speak up is bitch if you ask me03:26
nixternalfor microsoft03:27
jjessethat does suck they never told you what was wrong03:27
jjessewhat you doing for MS03:27
nixternalplanning the open source community attack03:27
nixternalheh, actually i am not working for ms...you couldn't have fallen for that one03:28
jjessei totally didn't03:28
nixternali almost did...but i decided it would be in my best interest not to get tied in to something. i wouldn't mind working for them, but the nda was stupid03:28
nixternalthey are actually planning on an open source attack with shit like Office, IE, and more of their codeplex stuff03:29
nixternalthey are actually going to license some Office stuff GPL3 in the future according to them03:29
nixternaland the nice thing, they hooked me up with a sweet ass desktop running the oh so not awesome windows 7 :D03:29
jjessehey i have no problems w/ win 7 :)03:30
nixternaleither do i, i just hate the apps out there that people swear by03:31
nixternallike notepad++03:31
nixternalwhat a joke03:31
nixternalputty, another joke (ssh)03:32
jjessenotepad++ stinks03:32
nixternalthough i do have to say, calibre works on windows and sucks in ubuntu03:32
nixternaland there is way to much clicking in windows03:32
nixternalthough now I am running launch bound to alt+f2 so I don't have to do much :)03:33
nixternaland running synergy+ and sharing my laptop keyboard and mouse on the desktop which is pretty sweet03:33
jjessesounds pretty cool03:33
jjessei've been running my VMs in seamless mode in virtualbox and its pretty cool03:35
nixternalyeah, i have always used seamless mode in vbox03:36
nixternalheh, i had someone ask me if this laptop was a hackintosh because i had os x and windows 7 running in it as guests and arch as a host03:37
jjesseyou an arch guy these days?03:37
nixternali am whatever intel works on guy these days03:37
nixternalgoing to give nutty a try and see how that goes03:38
jjessekde natty works great on my dell mini03:38
jjesselove it03:38
nixternalooh, forgot i still have that piece of crap netbook03:39
* nixternal downloads nutty now for it03:39
Riddellhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1675894 wibble10:39
debfxyeah packagekit needs a safe resolver that doesn't mindlessly kill packages10:44
droidslayerLooks like everyone is looking at the same bug :P10:48
droidslayerRiddell: possibly add a warning on the release page?10:49
yofelwell, I did ask on bug 708151 if they have kdebase-workspace-data installed10:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 708151 in Kubuntu PPA "can't log in to KDE after upgrading to 4.6" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70815110:51
debfxagateau: what's the status of the libindicate-qt api port? pidgin doesn't appear in the message indicator anymore :(10:51
Riddelldroidslayer: could do although I'd rather we just worked out what the issue is11:00
yofelhm, post #12 on that thread - I did get a kdmrc merge request from dpkg here, so maybe that needed updating and kpk just kept the old one?11:01
droidslayerOk.... 11:01
yofelI'm sure I didn't edit the kdmrc here though11:01
yofelmore like, I installed this system a week ago, so I definitely didn't edit it11:01
debfxRiddell: do you have time to sponsor a few packages?11:16
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Riddelldebfx: yo can do11:30
Riddellyofel: the only change in kdmrc is the wallpaper11:31
Riddellbut kde.desktop is now plasma.desktop so they will have to select that11:32
debfxRiddell: http://people.ubuntu.com/~debfx/phonon-backend-gstreamer_4.7.0really4.4.4-0ubuntu3.debdiff11:32
debfxand amarok from bzr11:33
yofelyeah, I did get the warning for the session being invalid, but selecting the new one worked fine here11:34
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
=== droidslayer_ is now known as droidslayer
Riddell-       dh --with kde $@12:09
Riddell+       dh $@ --with kde12:09
Riddelldebfx: what's the significance of that?12:09
Riddellthose three uploaded12:13
=== starcraftman is now known as starcraft
yofelRiddell: dh8 needs the options behind the $@12:33
Riddelldh8 already?!12:34
yofel  * In v8 mode, dh expects the sequence to run is always its first parameter.12:34
yofel    (Ie, use "dh $@ --foo", not "dh --foo $@")12:34
yofel    This avoids ambiguities when parsing options to be passed on to debhelper12:34
yofel    commands. (See #570039)12:34
yofelfrom the debhelper changelog12:35
ari-tczewJontheEchidna: ping12:52
ari-tczewRiddell: around?12:52
Riddellhi ari-tczew 13:14
ari-tczewRiddell: PM possible?13:16
Riddellari-tczew: using the /msg command I believe13:17
=== starcraft is now known as starcraftman
Quintasan|DroidOh greatg14:50
Quintasan|DroidSomething killed my X14:50
Quintasan|DroidWololol segfaults at X14:52
ari-tczewQuintasan|Droid: natty?14:53
Quintasan|Droidari-tczew: yup14:53
Quintasan|DroidHow do I revert?14:55
Quintasan|Droidari-tczew: ^14:56
ari-tczewQuintasan|Droid: install packages which you had before updating system :>14:57
Quintasan|DroidEasier said then done14:58
Quintasan|Droidari-tczew: what was the exact version before upgrade?15:00
ari-tczewQuintasan|Droid: of which package?15:00
Quintasan|Droidari-tczew: xserver-xorg-core15:01
ari-tczewQuintasan|Droid: last upload to natty: xorg-server (2:  Thu, 06 Jan 2011 14:35:59 -080015:03
ari-tczewdoubt that this is due to this package15:03
Quintasan|DroidMaybe it is the new kernel15:06
Quintasan|DroidHmm it is not15:07
Quintasan|Droidshadeslayer_: well Im stuck, segfaults on X15:20
=== Nightrose2 is now known as Nightrose
shadeslayer_Quintasan|Droid: hahaha15:25
shadeslayer_#ubuntu-x ?15:25
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
Quintasan|Droidshadeslayer: like hell anyone there know what they upload15:34
shadeslayerQuintasan|Droid: tried xorg edgers?15:39
Quintasan|Droidshadeslayer: paste me the ppa line pls15:40
shadeslayerQuintasan|Droid: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/xorg-edgers/ppa/ubuntu natty main 15:41
* Quintasan|Droid loves when someone uploads something without testing it15:41
Quintasan|DroidLol massive breakage15:43
shadeslayerQuintasan|Droid: whut whut?15:43
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
Quintasan|DroidWants to uninstall every x pacakge15:44
Quintasan|DroidSomething was noy built in the ppa probably15:44
Quintasan|DroidEvdev is broken15:45
Quintasan|Droidshadeslayer: what version of xorg-xserver-input-evdev you have?15:45
Quintasan|DroidIn /var/cache/apt/archives15:45
shadeslayeri haz maverick15:45
shadeslayerno such package :P15:46
Quintasan|Droid...  :/15:46
shadeslayer!find xorg-xserver-input-evdev maverick15:46
ubottuPackage/file xorg-xserver-input-evdev does not exist in maverick15:46
Quintasan|DroidXsever-xorg actually15:46
Quintasan|Droid!find xserver-org15:47
ubottuPackage/file xserver-org does not exist in maverick15:47
Quintasan|Droid!find xserver-xorg-input-evdev15:47
ubottuFound: xserver-xorg-input-evdev, xserver-xorg-input-evdev-dev15:47
shadeslayerQuintasan: X back on?15:51
shadeslayerkdebindings foo 15:51
Quintasanshadeslayer: they broke evdev15:53
shadeslayerQuintasan: so your system uses evdev?15:53
shadeslayeri dont even know what that is15:53
Quintasanevery system probably uses evdev for something15:53
shadeslayeroooohhh it has a wikipedia page15:54
* Quintasan compiles telepathy15:55
* Quintasan thought he would have to use Pidgin16:18
RiddellScottK: I think I need your arm builders to sort out the sodding .symbols files for qtmobility, how do I log in again?16:27
shadeslayer!find tCore4.so'16:34
ubottuPackage/file tCore4.so does not exist in maverick16:34
Riddellmy visa application has been processed!16:36
RiddellI wonder what the result will be16:36
DarkwingDuckOh crud visa... thanks for reminding me Riddell... I need to get my passport fixed16:56
RiddellDarkwingDuck: going somewhere?17:00
DarkwingDuckHopefully UDS17:00
Riddellyum, Hungary17:01
DarkwingDuckBut, my passport still says "Offical US Government" on it17:01
DarkwingDuckGreyGeek: I was just thinking about you last night...17:01
Riddellunlike the nonofficial US government?17:02
DarkwingDuckYeah... When I was in the military they gave me one for Offical US travel... 17:02
DarkwingDuckBut, now that I'm out I need to get one as a civilian17:03
shadeslayerany ideas on this FTBFS http://paste.kde.org/3626/17:03
DarkwingDuckThem little buggers cost enough17:03
GreyGeekDarkwingDuck:  In Natty's repository are 10 GUI RADs, 19 IDE's and about 8 web tools.   Two don't appear to be supported any more: Gazpacho and SPE17:10
GreyGeekDarkwingDuck:  I've been writing up descriptions of each tool and giving their home websites.  17:11
DarkwingDuckGreyGeek: Sweet. :) You are going nice and deep. +117:11
GreyGeekDarkwingDuck:  I wanted it to be complete, BUT, I don't think that it is a place for specific API information17:12
DarkwingDuckGreyGeek: No, currently we have been using mostly what come with Kubuntu installed. My dream is a quick overview of what other options there are.17:14
claydohGreyGeek you ole coot, do you ever slow down?17:14
GreyGeekDarkwingDuck:  That was my thought, too.17:14
* claydoh gets tired watching you go17:15
* claydoh gets tired just watcing you go, that is17:15
GreyGeekclaydoh:  Slow down, at my age I can't afford to stop... if I did I'd never get going again!  ;-)17:15
DarkwingDuckGreyGeek: what doc ar you working on?17:15
claydohGreyGeek: lol i can only dream of having that much energy, but 17:16
claydohi am working on it17:16
DarkwingDuckclaydoh: 3 young kids seem to give you energy17:16
GreyGeekDarkwingDuck:  Kubuntu Documentation --> Kubuntu System Documentation -->  Development Tools17:16
claydohDarkwingDuck: no, not goung that route 17:17
GreyGeekBut 3 young grandkids can wear you out!17:17
DarkwingDuckGreyGeek: thanks!17:17
DarkwingDuckclaydoh: Heh! they keep you young.17:17
claydohi substitute working with young folks for that17:18
GreyGeekDarkWingDuck: My goal is to fairly describe each tool and its specific uses, but not get into programming details.17:18
claydohbut that often makes me feel older than I am17:18
DarkwingDuckjjesse: ping17:19
GreyGeekDarkWingDuck: I logged on to ask if anyone knew if Gazpacho was being used significantly and if not why was it on the CD?17:19
DarkwingDuckGreyGeek: a quick overview and maybe how to obtain it would be good. Then a deeper overview of what comes pre-loaded with Natty17:19
GreyGeekDarkwingDuck:  Ditto for SPE17:20
DarkwingDuckGreyGeek: That, I do not know.17:20
GreyGeekDarkwingDuck:  I used the current Natty repository to identify all the programming tools.  So far I include a description of each tool and its home page.17:21
DarkwingDuckGreyGeek: I <3 you :P:P17:21
DaskreechWell I more than three you!17:22
GreyGeekDarkwingDuck: Gazpacho's home page is a dead link and it is a Glade tool anyway, so discussing Glade is probably enough.17:22
DarkwingDuckGreyGeek: should be17:22
GreyGeekDarkwingDuck:  Since SPE and Gazpacho are in the repository I thought that their space on the CD could be better used.17:22
DarkwingDuckSPE and Gazpacho are included on the CD?17:23
DarkwingDuckRiddell: ^^^^^^17:23
GreyGeekDarkwingDuck:  Also, as probably everyone knows, I am no fan of Mono (IF Windows API becomes the default on Linux then what is the point of Linux?)17:24
GreyGeekDarkwingDuck: but, it deserves a fair representation.17:24
DarkwingDuckGreyGeek: that will be one of those topics that goes on for ages17:25
GreyGeekRiddell:  Opps, my bad!   Neither is on the CD.  I forgot that I used the repository, NOT the CD, to determine what tools to document.  Sorry.  (Seel what you've got to look forward to:  Sometimers!)17:25
GreyGeekDarkwingDuck:  Basically, what I was going to mention that the WinForms, ADO and similar .NET cloned stuff was NOT under ECMA 334 or 33517:27
* DarkwingDuck nods17:28
GreyGeekDarkwingDuck: and the "Promise" only covers ECMA technology, so folks who use all of Mono's GUI capabilities should be aware of the risks.17:28
GreyGeekDarkwingDuck:  Ok, then.  I'17:29
GreyGeekDarkwingDuck:  opps, fat fingers --  Ok, then, I'll get back to scribbling.17:29
DarkwingDuckGreyGeek: I have a computer back so I will be more accessable17:29
DarkwingDuckdon't hesitate to email17:29
GreyGeekDarkwingDuck:  Well, I've been spending a lot of time with the family and grandkids over the holidays.  I'm just now getting back into the saddle.17:30
DarkwingDuckMy computer fried out about a month ago.. I just got a new one so I feel ya on that.17:30
GreyGeekDarkwingDuck:  what kind of box did you get?17:31
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/363617:31
DarkwingDuckLaptop. Lenovo W70017:31
DarkwingDuckI guy I do work with donated it.17:32
GreyGeekDarkwingDuck:  I'll have to google it so I can determine if I have the appropriate amount of envy!  ;-)17:32
DarkwingDuckQuad core 2.56Ghz, 8Gig ram 17"TFT scren, blueray17:33
DarkwingDuckthe works17:33
* claydoh droools17:33
GreyGeekDarkwingDuck:  My wife "donated" her 15" Acer Aspire 3004Li to our youngest grandson (almost 5) and I bought her an Acer Aspire One A-0521.   It is an awesome little box!17:33
GreyGeekDarkwingDuck:  never mind the google, I'm drooling already.....17:34
* claydoh is upgrading from a p4-m to a less old dell core2 duo17:34
GreyGeekDarkwingDuck:  Are you sure it will be fast enough for you?    lol17:34
DarkwingDuckLOL Its better then the Celron 1.3 I *was* using17:35
claydohit should be able to calculate the paths to the multiverse17:35
DarkwingDuckWell, I can run VMs now17:35
DarkwingDuckAlthough... I'm getting this crazy VM bug when I try to install Natty in a VM17:36
DarkwingDuckIt's driving me nuts17:36
DarkwingDuckBut, I think it has to do with ext417:36
GreyGeekDarkwingDuck:  I'm running Natty in VB.  What's your problem?17:37
DarkwingDuckAround 80% it give a kernal/ext4 error... I'm DLing Natty again and will try it again in about 45 minutes17:38
DarkwingDuckIf it tags again I'll file a bug17:38
GreyGeekWell,  I've got a form to check and docs to write... See ya.  Everyone take care!17:38
DarkwingDuckThanks again GreyGeek 17:39
DarkwingDuckjjesse: ping17:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: who is Charles Weber?19:27
shadeslayerlike ... IRC Nick19:28
skfinWho is = IRC nick lol19:29
yofelshadeslayer: who is that?19:29
shadeslayeryofel: dunno19:29
shadeslayeri got a friend request from him on fb19:30
shadeslayerskfin: i know people from their IRC nicks :P19:30
skfinknowing a person = knowing his irc nick19:31
* claydoh is charles (clay) weber shadeslayer19:33
* shadeslayer clicks accept19:33
shadeslayerbtw anyone have digikam on maverick installed?19:34
* claydoh is rejoining fb after a hiatus, will soon get his old 'claydoh' fb url he hopes19:34
shadeslayertry starting it up .... does it crash for you?19:34
neversfeldeshadeslayer: one moment19:34
neversfeldeshadeslayer: no, but was the first start, lemme try the second19:35
neversfeldeshadeslayer: no crash19:35
shadeslayeryofel: ^^19:36
shadeslayerneversfelde: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26476919:36
ubottuKDE bug 264769 in general "digikam crash on startup" [Crash,Unconfirmed]19:36
yofelwait, that's the wrong version...19:36
* yofel goes looking for others19:37
neversfeldeshadeslayer: this is digikam 1.419:37
shadeslayerahh ^^19:37
yofelneversfelde: my fault, I searched19:37
shadeslayersomeone who has digikam 1.8?19:37
neversfeldedo we have a backport somewhere?19:37
QuintasanI do19:37
shadeslayerneversfelde: yep ... its in backports19:37
neversfeldeshadeslayer: k, I will upgrade19:38
shadeslayerok :)19:38
shadeslayerneversfelde: it also has KDE 4.619:38
Quintasanshadeslayer: I have both libmarbles and it doesnt crash19:38
neversfeldemhh, lp is not reachable atm for me19:38
Quintasandoesnt crash even after 10 times19:39
shadeslayerdoesnt crash for me too19:40
shadeslayeri just sent Andrew a mail back19:42
shadeslayergo go maco21:06
shadeslayerRiddell: put http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/flashplayer10_2_p3_64bit_linux_111710.tar.gz in your ~/.mozilla/plugins folder22:18
shadeslayerno more flash issues ;(22:18
shadeslayer[ assuming you have a 64 bit system ]22:19
* DarkwingDuck sighs22:25
DarkwingDuckWhy does my VM hate me?22:28

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