
cjohnstonGreetings.. Has anyone successfully installed skype on +1 yet?00:02
coz_hey all00:39
BUGabundo_noXhey coz00:54
Ian_Corneok so with kernel .38 I get the 2 finger scrolling available to click01:09
Ian_Cornebut it's still not working :p01:09
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histo!info xfce03:26
ubottuPackage xfce does not exist in natty03:26
histo!info xfce403:26
ubottuxfce4 (source: xfce4): Meta-package for the Xfce Lightweight Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.8.0~ubuntu1 (natty), package size 4 kB, installed size 40 kB03:26
alex_mayorgamessed up pannels on classic desktop anyone?04:03
alex_mayorgathe clock/calendar is gone :(04:03
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alex_mayorgathe latests kernel update borks X over here :(04:35
SheeEttinabout those X upgrades05:35
SheeEttinis there anything I can do about -evdev segfaulting X, or do I just have to wait for more upgrades?05:35
rwwreport a bug?05:37
SheeEttinI assumed it was just a partial ABI-breakage upgrade, should it be working?05:38
hifigot an EXA crash with latest xorg stuff from xorg-edgers ppa07:01
charliemacAny recommendations for a quicker combo (DM/DE) than GDM and Gnome?  I was thinking of lubuntu because my laptop's at least 5 years old, but I really couldn't figure out how to do a network installation of Lubuntu, so I had to go with natty08:14
charliemacHow can I adjust screen resolution when monitor is unknown?08:44
SeverianHowdy.  Is it likely that the alpha-2 cd images will fit on a blank CDR?  Or, does that work come later?  My test system is a pretty good machine, but only has a CD burner for optical media.08:48
bazhangSeverian, does it boot from usb?08:50
SeverianI suspect it does, but I have not tried.  I did not see a image file to download.  I thought those went away.  I'll boot the system and check the bios now.08:52
yofelyou can use usb-creator to create bootable usb driver from the cd images (that's why the usb images went away)08:53
yofel*usb drives08:53
SeverianThat would seem to me to be a chicken and egg problem.  I have to install natty first to use it's usb creator, don't I?  In a previous release, I could not create a USB installer with an older version of Ubuntu.08:55
bazhangor just use unetbootin to create it08:55
yofelusb-creator is available in older releases too (or use unetbootin, right)08:57
SeverianI have an Intel D865GBF motherboard and it looks like it has good USB boot support.08:58
SeverianFirst, does anyone know the answer to my question about when the work on making the images fit a CDR gets done?  I'd still like to know that.  Second, are you saying that I can use USB creator in Maverick to make a natty USB drive?  One or two releases back, I tried a similar thing and it did not work.  It may be better now, or it may be the alternate installers did not work well with USB creator.  I need the alternate installer t09:02
Severiano setup my disk drive right.09:02
yofelah, not sure about the alternate images, as for the size: I don't know, but they usually try to make the alpha* images actually testable, so they should be only slightly oversized if they can't fit it completely09:03
SeverianThe alternate image is 4 MB too big.  So, it is close.  The regular install is 14 MB too big.09:09
yofeltry overburning the disk? 4M should probably fit09:10
SeverianI did not see a way to do that with k3b.  I'll see what google can tell me.09:12
bazhangk3b does have that option iirc09:12
twageryofel, I tried an overburn a week or so ago to give to a neighbour but it did not work..Had to take a usb stick09:14
SeverianThere is a setting to allow overburning.  I'll try a burn.09:14
SeverianWell, it is installing.  Now, I'll cross my fingers that grub will install and make it a bootable system.  I was testing with a VM until I gave up on making it bootable after an upgrade came in.  No complaints, though as it is a test system and I know things break.09:56
bazhangnicely done :)09:57
charliemac1#ubuntu-beginners here?10:00
charliemacHow can I make natty 'lighter?'11:16
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charliemacHow can I use wine to run an exe file (windows format)11:33
UndiFineDcharliemac: with wine11:33
charliemacnot really sure how to make wine successful; I just had to do a force quit on the wine configuration app11:34
UndiFineDtry #wine or #wine-hq11:34
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charliemacUndiFineD: ahah thanks; i think it's actually #winehq11:36
SeverianOh well, Alternate Installer fails on real hardware as well as a VM.  I updated bug 705755 and I don't see anything else to try at the moment.11:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 705755 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "Natty Testing--Alternate OEM Install, grub-pc/grub2 failed to install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70575511:57
cjohnstonHas anyone had success getting Skype to work on natty?12:02
matrixa1did not have to do anything magical to get it working12:15
matrixa1although that might have changed with some recent updates, will check later today12:16
charliemacHow can I activate laptop speakers?12:33
* penguin42 saw a film the other day on Nawhal hunting; apparently their skin is very high in Vitamin C13:38
scotty^G'day all.  Will the DRM kernel patches for the (non-Cayman) Radeon HD 6000 series cards be backported to Natty's 2.6.37 kernel?  Apparently they aren't too invasive.13:39
scotty^penguin42 - interesting13:39
penguin42scotty^: I don't know; you could try asking in #ubuntu-x and #ubuntu-kernel but I'm not sure, I think NN is due to have 2.6.38 so if they land in that there is a good chance13:40
scotty^Yeah, they have been pulled into 2.6.38 but I wasn't sure if that kernel will make it into Natty given it is only at 2.6.38-rc2 and it is getting late in Natty's development.13:42
scotty^Will try asking in #ubuntu-kernel13:42
scotty^they come and they go :)13:45
Ian_Corne2.6.38 is in the repo atm14:12
scotty^It is?14:20
* scotty^ checks14:21
coz_hey all14:21
scotty^22 hours ago. Cool!14:23
BluesKajHi folks14:40
coz_hey guys,, any issues with current updates?14:43
charlie-tcaMy Xubuntu seems real slow after updating 10 hours ago14:50
coz_apparenlty no issues...:)14:52
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BUGabundoFINALLY got my X fixed!14:55
coz_that darn grab handle is really irritating14:55
coz_BUGabundo, ` cool :)14:55
BUGabundoI just did wtat the MAN said not to14:55
BUGabundoupgraded ALL lol14:55
BUGabundomissing a few metapacakges14:55
BUGabundobut its working14:55
BUGabundocompiz is dead :(14:55
BUGabundobut already was soo.....14:55
coz_oh  on natty?  Unity?14:55
BUGabundonatty OFC14:56
BUGabundoClassic desktop14:56
coz_BUGabundo,  oh ,,, mmm   ... I compiled the regular 0.9.x   I dont use the default one ,,, I guess I could try it14:58
BUGabundochromium is acting up .... again14:58
BluesKajBUGabundo, chromium is not my fav anymore since I started using our tv as a monitor ..it's toolbar and boomarkbar , and tab fonts don't integrate with either gnome or kde settings which have to be much higher on a 1920x1080 scrn15:12
BluesKajgotta use FF , which works fine15:14
BluesKajBUGabundo, how is chromium acting up?15:17
BUGabundoit freezes seconds after 1st opening15:18
DaekdroomAnd X server suddenly decide to not work :P15:30
DaekdroomI know. Alpha software.15:30
BUGabundoits like that for 4 days15:31
BUGabundoI fixed mine today15:31
DaekdroomMy monitor enters powersaving state when X starts :(15:32
Daekdroomand it was working earlier today and no updates and all.15:32
DaekdroomI'll reinstall natty later.15:32
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galamarhey i am having trouble with synaptic when i try to install some apps (opera) it says its installing for like 2seconds and then just stops without error (just the install not synaptic)17:13
BluesKajgalamar, did you add the repos ppa?17:30
Bauldrickhello - I have this error with python2.7-minimal in upgrading to natty and get past it - pycompile:240: Requested versions are not installed - what do I need do?17:41
galamarit only happens with software i download from their websites. my repos dont contain opera?17:46
BluesKajgalamar, the opera deb file is self installing , just click on the file you downloaded17:53
galamari do and it opens with synaptic17:54
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Guest84036Upgraded today, purge packages which can be autoremoved, but now, I can not start gdm now17:56
Guest84036Any idea?17:57
KongstadI have an issue with installing Natty on VirtualBox. I have tried with A1 + Latest Nighty. Earlier I had it working, but during Yesterday I lost access to it due to an update. Any one with an advice.18:05
Guest84036Kongstan you upgraded kernel?18:07
Volkodavand grub218:07
Guest84036Kongstad it seems that the new 38 kernel doesn't work well with vb now18:08
KongstadBut not only, The old kernel could not start up either. Can it be a change in udev?18:09
BauldrickI have tied post 9 in bug report #689306 , but I am faced with the same problem as last post in bug #689615 - any tips ?18:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 689615 in python2.7 (Ubuntu) "pycompile fixes needed for maverick" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68961518:39
Bauldrickhoorah, don't know if it's correct, but it's got my upgrade  moving again - fix /usr/share/python/debpython/version.py  to say  SUPPORTED = [(2, 6), (2, 7)]18:55
dupondjeVirtualBox is broken it seems19:08
charlie-tcaduanedesign: 4.0?19:10
dupondjecharlie-tca: no, the version in natty itself19:10
charlie-tcaThat's been broken for a while19:11
dupondje4.0 is in some ppa ?19:11
leifwsince upgrading to natty, evolution just hangs (sits at 0%) when it tries to connect to a local imap server (dovecot). I haven't changed settings since the upgrade, and both offlineimap and alpine can still connect to it, it's just evolution that doesn't do anything19:19
leifwcan't really get any good debugging information19:21
charlie-tcadupondje: Not that I know of19:22
leifwdoes anyone know, at the least, what component (apt package or something) to investigate about this, or how to make evolution spit out better debugging information?19:22
charlie-tcadupondje: I downloaded it direct from Oracle. All you need is to the source to /etc/apt/sources.list19:22
charlie-tcathen you can run apt-get update and install it just like any other app19:22
cjohnstonmatrixa1: When I double click the .deb, the mouse goes to the little clock and then nothing else happens19:30
cjohnston(skype) sorry for taking so long to get back.. didnt see it19:31
cjohnstonmatrixa1: http://www.chimerarevo.com/2011/01/27/come-installare-skype-su-ubuntu-11-04-natty/ seemed to work19:34
Kongstadleifw: Maybe try #evolution, but for sure you need to install packages evolution-dbg and evolution-data-server-dbg.19:36
Kongstadleifw: and start gdb /usr/bin/evolution19:38
leifwsome logging information seems more useful19:38
leifwI don't think gdb is going to help me solve a connectivity problem, at least, not quickly19:39
Kongstadleifw: Maybe this will solve your issue CAMEL_DEBUG=all evolution >& evo.log19:41
leifwthis is some interesting output, thanks19:42
magicianlordis 11.04 worth waiting for and passing on 10.10?20:07
charlie-tcaanyone seeing a drastic slowdown with the latest updates? I can type my name before the c prints now20:31
penguin42charlie-tca: This machine seems OK, and it was updated and rebooted a few hours or so ago20:32
charlie-tcaThank you20:33
BUGabundocharlie-tca: its fine here20:37
BUGabundowhat kernel?20:37
BUGabundo.38 ?20:37
penguin42still 37 here20:37
yofel38 here20:38
yofelsuspend seems to have killed my touchpad though, thankfully thinkpads have a trackpoint20:38
yofeland dmesg tells me nothing except that synptics loaded fine on resume...20:39
BUGabundoyofel: one of you is lying :P20:39
yofel[ 91100.311] (EE) PreInit returned NULL for "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad"20:39
yofeland that's it for useful error messages20:40
charlie-tcawell, then, I guess I will troubleshoot after my user days session tonight20:42
nysosymThank you for the improved notification system, NOW it makes sense20:44
BUGabundoit does?????20:44
BUGabundomine are just STUPID old bubbles20:44
BUGabundospent two cycles getting used to the new ones20:44
BUGabundoand now im back on the old :/20:44
nysosymyeah xubuntu sry20:45
charlie-tca+1 for xubuntu20:46
nysosymwith themes and preferences just amazing :)20:46
Kongstad2Xfce 4.8? charlie-tca20:46
charlie-tcaof course20:47
Kongstad2Is it a big step forward compared to 4.6?20:48
nysosymit's a big step20:50
charlie-tcaum, yes, it is20:51
penguin42hmm, compiz keeps crashing on me in classic mode21:11
edgyHi, the latest updates broke X server. My card is ati radeon HD 5850. I removed fgrlx and rebooted but still can't boot. tried recovery and fail X safe but won't boot also, how can I fix this, please?21:19
penguin42edgy: You say it doesn't boot - how far does it get?21:20
edgypenguin42: it gave me grub menu but won't reach display manager21:20
penguin42what does the failsafe from grub do?21:22
edgypenguin42: black screen21:24
charlie-tcaedgy: I get that black screen, but after 3-5 minutes, I get the login screen.21:24
edgycharlie-tca: and you have ati card?21:26
edgycharlie-tca: I really haven't waited for 3 mins21:26
* penguin42 has had a ~90s hang on this machine for a few months21:27
charlie-tcaI have, and it is quite frustrating to wait that long for anything to show up. The only way I know it didn't fail is the monitor light stays on21:28
penguin42edgy: Try removing the set gfxpayload= in the grub stansa and then go for the recovert one or take off the quiet splash vt.handoff-=7 and see if you can get any progress info21:29
edgypenguin42: good point, I will do reboot now and report back. please hang around for 6 mins ;)21:30
nekoCATI am using xubuntu natty daily.  I have some questions and comments.21:45
nysosymjust ask/comment ;)21:46
penguin42ask the questions21:46
nekoCATFirst, Gnumeric shows up twice in the menu. Once in office and once in science.21:46
nysosymsure it matches in these menus :)21:47
penguin42why in science?21:47
charlie-tcaand it is used by both. You can file a bug for it, though21:47
nekoCATSecond I like the new look but the menu icon is rather small.21:48
charlie-tcabecause it is used for spreadsheets for scientific data gathering?21:48
penguin42I guess so, but scientists use word processors and make presentations as well, I'd still put it as office21:48
charlie-tcaI don't know21:48
charlie-tcanekoCAT: yeah, the icon should have stayed the same, didn't it?21:48
charlie-tcayou should file a bug using "ubuntu-bug gnumeric" for the double menu entry21:49
nekoCATI remember there being text after the menu icon in previous versions.  Its been a while since I used xubuntu so its new to me.21:50
edgyhi, I now rebooted the pc and removed those splash quite vt... and it works! penguin4221:50
nekoCATThird thing, what is the triangle thing in the lower right of the screen?21:51
charlie-tcayes, it was the icon with "applications" after it21:51
charlie-tcathe triangle thingy is reported already. It is a gtk3 "resize grip"21:52
charlie-tcaIt will show in almost every window that is not maximized, as 3 slashes in the lower right corner21:52
nekoCATOh, thanks about the triangle thing.  I hope it gets fixed.21:53
BUGabundotouchpad is tooooo fast21:53
penguin42edgy: Now split and figure out which one broke it - I'd bet on the gfx_mode thing21:53
BluesKajhmm, last update took away the western alphabet , setting locales etc didn't help , also it looks like the nvidia driver upgrade broke X as well. Anyone else experience this prob?21:53
penguin42western alphabet?21:54
charlie-tcano, my nvidia upgraded fine21:54
charlie-tcawell, maybe it didn't and that is what is wrong now. I didn't troubleshoot yet21:54
BluesKajyeah, all I have is what seems to to be arabic or hindi script ...very strange21:54
BluesKajpenguin42:  I'm ssh'd into the affected media pc from my den pc , but no updates or upgrades are helping ... booting into recovery mode or setting nomodeset in grub doesn't work either21:57
nekoCATI will report the gnumeric bug.  Thank you for your help.21:58
penguin42BluesKaj: OK, that's damn odd - do you actually think it's real script or just corrupt?21:58
BluesKajpenguin42:  I can say or sure that it looked like arabic or someother eastern script21:58
BluesKajfor sure21:59
penguin42got a camera?21:59
edgy_btw ubuntuforums.org is down! may be an X issue ;)21:59
penguin42is it in X or at console?21:59
BluesKajI can't boot in to take a picture , X is broken as well , penguin42...I''ssh'd in thekonsole from my other pc22:00
BluesKajI haven't upgraded or rebooted on this pc yet ...don't think I will either22:01
penguin42BluesKaj: OK, hmm you could do a ps -eaf and grep for X or gdm to see if X is running22:01
penguin42BluesKaj: You could try chvt 1 to switch to a text console22:02
BUGabundoBluesKaj: AHAHAHA22:04
BluesKajpenguin42:  I am ssh'd into the affected pc console ..i'm there , kdm is stopped22:05
BUGabundoBluesKaj: /topic ? :P22:05
BUGabundoI had to add x-edgers ppa22:05
BUGabundoand aptitude full-upgraded22:05
BluesKajBUGabundo:  I knew that but thought we were already past the X upgrade after yesterday22:06
BUGabundoyeah, me too :\22:06
BluesKajok BUGabundo got a x-edgers ppa ur;?22:07
BluesKajI can add it from here22:07
BUGabundo# deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/xorg-edgers/nouveau/ubuntu natty main #nouveau22:07
BUGabundo# deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/xorg-edgers/ppa/ubuntu natty main #xorg-edgers22:07
BluesKajcool BUGabundo thanks22:08
DaekdroomI bumped into that X issue too :(22:09
DaekdroomI reinstalled natty and then it happened again after the updates. Should have tried xorg-edgers before :P22:09
BluesKajBUGabundo:  the upgrade is going to remove 6 xserver-xorg packages , did you experience that ?22:16
BUGabundothe metapackages?22:17
penguin42hmm, so I seem to have both libreoffice and openffice installed now22:21
penguin42although it's going to take me a while to stop reading it as lib-reoffice22:21
BUGabundois it in the archive ??22:25
BUGabundooh it is22:26
* BUGabundo install22:26
penguin42it installed it automatically for me22:27
BUGabundopt-br.... but no pt-pt22:33
DaekdroomThere is a libreoffice-l10n-pt package iirc22:33
BUGabundoyeah it installed it22:34
BUGabundodarn quick filter sorts are weird22:34
DaekdroomI have no idea why the pt-br translation sticks with the BrOffice branding22:35
DaekdroomI don't think there'll be any problem in using the LibreOffice brand in Brazil.22:35

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