
AlanBellPendulum: all set for the user days session?09:20
=== kinoucho` is now known as kinouchou
AlanBellPendulum is doing the accessibility user days session now18:07
PendulumAlanBell: can you tweet that too?18:07
AlanBellyes, and do you want me to help with the questions?18:07
Pendulumnah, it's sorted18:11
charlie-tcawell, I missed it. had to go run an errand19:07
hajourhttp://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2011/01/29/%23ubuntu-classroom.html#18:01   <<< charlie-tca 19:08
Pendulumcharlie-tca: it also got moved up 2 hours19:08
hajouri had the link from UndiFineD 19:08
hajourPendulum,  habeouscorpus  had still some questions19:09
charlie-tcayeah, I thought about moving mine, give more time to get that other session lead back, but I knew I couldn't make the 11:00 one19:09
hajourall now UndiFineD  had made chatroom #ubuntu-beginners-accessibility ?19:11
PendulumI didn't know about that19:12
charlie-tcaDo we really need another accessiblity channel?19:12
PendulumI kinda question that, too19:12
hajourwell UndiFineD  is now on 3 meetings and follow class python on the same time so19:12
Pendulumyeah, we won't talk about it until later19:13
habeouscorpushajour: they were answered :)19:13
hajouri think he will answer questions after that would be better19:13
hajourok habeouscorpus great :)19:13
Pendulumhi habeouscorpus :)19:13
hajourPendulum, ^19:13
habeouscorpushi Pendulum19:13
hajourcharlie-tca, ^^see my lines about UndiFineD 19:18
UndiFineDPendulum: charlie-tca :D20:05
PendulumUndiFineD: we're just concerned that maybe we don't need another accessibility channel20:19
UndiFineDPendulum: that may well be, I just created it as a suggestion, back when we talked of #ubuntu-beginners-accessibility-speechcontrol20:20
UndiFineDso any padawan with interest should be send here ?20:21
UndiFineDok then I will drop the channel and see if i need to adjust a wiki20:21
Pendulumthanks :)20:22
charlie-tcathanks. I am already spread too thin on IRC20:24
UndiFineDthin ? I am only on some ~60 channels20:25
PendulumUndiFineD: how do you keep up?20:25
hajouri have got 19 channels 20:25
hajouryes and he have me if i see he is called :P Pendulum 20:26
* AlanBell has 65 irssi windows at the moment20:26
AlanBellrestarted it the other day and lost a bunch20:26
hajourwe are in the same room and a part of the channels where he is in  i am in to20:26
AlanBellI typed "sudo halt" in the wrong terminal window20:27
hajour00oo AlanBell  i could not do that i think20:27
charlie-tcasince I seem to answer a lot of help questions, I don't think I can it with only highlights on20:27
UndiFineDchat clients should have a link with the keyring to prevent passwords being said out loud in public20:28
AlanBellhajour: your comments last night about vision were useful, some will go into Daniella and some into Simon20:28
UndiFineDneat AlanBell 20:28
hajoura ok i hoped it would help AlanBell 20:29
AlanBellDaniella is totally blind, no light perception20:30
AlanBellSimon's vision is failing from full vision20:30
hajourfull vision is see not clear right ? AlanBell 20:31
hajouror is it tunnel seeing20:31
AlanBellSimon is one of the older personas, he had perfectly good eyesight (full vision), but it is now going20:32
hajourgoing see more and more less you mean by simon AlanBell ?20:33
AlanBellyes, his eyes are failing20:33
Pendulumhajour: correct. It means he can see less and less20:33
hajoura ok like mine now do20:34
hajourAlanBell,  and Pendulum ^20:35
hajourwell i would i could talk in speech to tell about it.writhing is much more difficult for me20:35
AlanBellbut when he was 30ish he had perfect vision - as do most 30ish developers right now20:36
hajouri had perfect vision till i was 1220:37
charlie-tcamy failed already at 620:39
hajourwell if i had not been bad sighted then i was not been here.because of my eyes i was not allowed to go to ocean-school to become first engineer20:40

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