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lilstevieis anyone about who knows about troubleshooting initramfs :p12:52
loollilstevie: grep maybe_break /usr/share/initramfs-tools -r13:09
loollilstevie: pass break=top, break=modules etc. on your cmdline, and you're good to debug13:09
loollilstevie: Now you know as much as I do  :-)13:09
lilsteviei actually get stuck at the command line13:09
lilstevieand i have no input devices13:10
lilsteviei need to find out where my rootfs lays under ubuntus /dev structure :p13:11
ogralilstevie, make sure udev runs or that you have support for your input devices compiled in13:12
ograis that an ubuntu kernel or your own build13:13
lilsteviei have nil in the sense of input devices without touch13:13
lilstevieand it is a hybrid kern13:13
ograhybrid ??13:14
lilsteviewell parts of it are for the device, minus the android stuff13:14
ograhave you compiled it yourself ?13:15
ogradid you make sure all options needed for a recent udev are enabled (i.e. signalfd comes to mind)13:15
lilstevieno i didnt13:15
ograk, that should be the first step you take13:16
ograthen make sure that all your modules for your input devices are in your rootfs before rolling the initrd13:16
ograthey should end up in the initrd13:16
ograand be automatically loaded by udev13:17
lilstevieall of the drivers modules are in place, but i have a lack of input without a touch keyboard13:17
ograhow about usb ?13:18
ogracan you attach a usb kbd ?13:18
ograhmm, tricky13:18
lilsteviethere is a keyboard attachment but i dont have one myself13:18
ograthen i assume its guesswork for the root= cmdline option13:19
lilstevieunder the android mapping it is /dev/block/mmcblk0p313:20
lilsteviebut i have no idea here :/13:20
ograwell, if its the same kernel it might end up with the same name13:20
ograelse i would just try /dev/mmcblk0p313:20
lilstevieso are there any specific kernel options that i should be looking for to enable udev support13:21
ogragoogle for it, i dont know all of them from the top of my head13:21
ograsignalfd is definitely one13:22
ograsyvipc and ipc_ns too i think13:22
ograand sysvipc_sysctl13:23
ogragoogle might be more precise though13:23
* ogra is out for the day13:29
lilstevielater ogra13:34
lilstevieand thanks13:35
lilsteviei had 1 option in the kernel config that would have prevented udev working13:35
loollilstevie: Which one?13:40
lilsteviedepreciated hotplug manager13:47
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TheUnirobbiew: ping21:25
TheUnirobbiew:  mind setting 458637 to verified when you get a chance? It's blocking our bugfix release for xbmc live21:28

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