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evfoolhi all10:23
evfooldoes anyone know if its possible to have "message count" numbers in an application indicator (like in the messaging menu)10:24
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ari-tczewogra: ping11:26
geserari-tczew: re subversion merge: why should I open a bug for a bzr-based merge?11:32
ari-tczewgeser: not my business, I didn't wrote that you should. Only asked out of curiosity.11:33
ari-tczewgeser: but commenting on MoM is welcome since I wanted to take this merge and I noticed your bzr link here yesterday.11:33
ari-tczewI commented it on MoM.11:33
geserari-tczew: ok, will remember it for the next time. I used to file bugs for bzr-based merges but that was before the sponsoring overview listed them.11:34
ari-tczewok thanks11:36
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ograari-tczew, yep12:05
ari-tczewogra: PM possible?12:06
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Quintasan|DroidOh snap, segfaults on X after upgrade, this was expected?15:03
ari-tczewcjwatson: could you paste link to packageset page?15:08
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ScottLjdong, hi, you may not remember but we spoke about six months ago about ubuntu studio starting a backporting program for audio applications15:39
ScottLjdong,  you had suggested that we use our own backporting ppa for testing and hosting of applications for users to upgrade15:40
ScottLjdong, persia has strongly suggested that we further this working into getting the backports officially pushed into the repos15:40
ScottLjdong, to this end we plan to still have a testing ppa but fill out a bug report and have two testers confirm that it works15:41
ScottLjdong, hopefully this will allow the applications to be backported into the official repos with minimal effort from the official backports team15:41
alexblighif debuild runs with a normal Makefile, and does "make install", does it run with fakeroot and in a chroot environment? I am getting "mkdir -p /tftpboot16:42
alexblighmkdir: cannot create directory `/tftpboot': Permission denied16:42
jef91Anyone know their way around the ubiquity slide show installer at all?19:38
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kklimondaany idea why would I hit "E: Package 'libcurl4-dev' has no installation candidate" on buildds ?21:13
kklimondaand then21:13
kklimondalibcurl4-dev is a virtual package provided by:21:13
kklimondaUsing  (no default, using first one)21:13
geserkklimonda: isn't libcurl4-dev a pure virtual package? I'm not sure how well LP buildds cope with pure virtual packages21:37
kklimondageser: well, they coped just fine till now :)21:38
geserkklimonda: I guess it's about transimission: as you already build-depend on libssl-dev (so I assume it's ok to link with openssl) build-depend on libcurl4-openssl-dev instead (or add it as an alternative)21:38
kklimondageser: unless something in curl packaging has changed recently it should work, and I don't see any obvious changes21:39
geserkklimonda: perhaps #launchpad knows an answer (during the week). Perhaps there was a change to the buildds.21:47
kklimondageser: I'll ask, it's not very urgent21:47
ari-tczewI'm receiving informations from Polish LoCo that upgrading to natty shows a lot of broken dependencies.22:17
geserwhich packages? have they something in common?22:18
ari-tczewgeser: I asked for examples, still waiting for more info.22:20

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