
=== asac_ is now known as asac
BUGabundofta: from time to time, chromium starts, but if I press NTP icons it frezes14:59
BUGabundoand it have to kill -9 it15:00
ftaBUGabundo, hm, here, the NTP icons come and go, started ~ a week ago, when upstream re-organized the gtk code15:01
fta(when the status bar was also broken)15:01
BUGabundohere they are always there15:03
BUGabundothe status bar seems fixed to me lol15:03
ftayep, it has been fixed shortly after i pushed your bug to a dev :)15:05
BUGabundofta: in case you see anyone complain of some weirdness http://code.google.com/p/googlereaderplus/issues/detail?id=34915:56
LLStarksyo, thunderbird can't act as a proper preferred app anymore and clicking links in emails goes to http://%u16:03
BUGabundoLLStarks: natty?16:03
LLStarksany workaround?16:06
BUGabundonot to my knowlage16:11
BUGabundoFF here opens when I have chromium16:11
=== Brownout_ is now known as Brownout
=== Brownout_ is now known as Brownout

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!