
=== MichealH is now known as MH0
OmegaMeeting meeting meeting!15:02
MH0Its not that time yet?15:13
MH0heh, 2 meeting s for me this evening15:51
MH020:00 GMT15:52
MH0and I have a UY one at 17:0015:52
MH0&hi | Muscovy16:38
MH0!hi | Muscovy16:38
TourBotMuscovy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu-tour! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:38
MH0I get all confused over bots :P16:39
MH04 is enough16:39
SilasleMH0: Are you michealh?16:56
MH03 letter nicks are awesome17:04
MH0and they have their benifits17:04
MH0Silasle: ^^17:04
OmegaHey Muscovy17:05
MH03 hpurs17:05
MH0till meeting17:05
MH0Muscovy: Meeitn in-meeting for you17:06
MuscovyI may be a few minutes late for our meeting.19:57
samuelIs the meeting held on this channel?20:11
MuscovyI believe.20:15
MuscovySorry about the lack of details, samuel, MichealH declared an impromptu meeting.20:16
MuscovyThe meeting is 40 minutes from now, I think.20:18
* MH0 sneaks in20:19
MH0Meeting on?20:19
MH0It should be this hour but, I am busy20:19
MH0So gimme a sec20:19
=== MH0 changed the topic of #ubuntu-tour to: The Ubuntu Tour Project! | http://ubuntutour.org | Join https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tour | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTour/Todo#List | Get the tour at http://ubuntutour.org/download | >> Team Meeting on Saturday @ 21:00 UTC <<
MH0Right, so 10mins20:49
UndiFineDMH0: when will you rename to "Face of Bo"?20:54
MH0There are benifits to a three character nick :P20:55
MH0So no tabbing20:55
MH0No tab mistakes ect.20:55
MH0Its nice20:55
MH0Its a cool nick, tooo20:55
MH0Like I just say mh020:55
UndiFineDbut you should watch dr who20:56
UndiFineDand rename to "Face of Bo"?20:56
MH0Hi U<tab>20:57
MH0Why? Im not old :P20:57
UndiFineDMicheal Harker becomes Face of Bo20:58
MH0Huh? Its Capt'n Jack that does in DrWho20:58
MH0I have sussed it :P20:58
MH0Right, we ready to start?20:59
meetingologyMeeting started Sat Jan 29 20:59:12 2011 UTC.  The chair is MH0. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell.20:59
meetingologyUseful Commands: #topic #action #link #idea #voters #vote #chair #action #agreed #help #info #endmeeting.20:59
MH0Muscovy: Omega UndiFineD AndrewMC & everyone else Ping20:59
MH0#topic Please Mark your Presence with a "o/"20:59
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-tour to: Please Mark your Presence with a "o/"
meetingologyTOPIC: Please Mark your Presence with a "o/"20:59
MH0Hi samuel :)21:00
UndiFineDright i have other meetings to attend to21:00
MH0Okies UndiFineD21:00
UndiFineDping me when needed21:00
MH0Do pop in :)21:00
MH0Muscovy: Here?21:00
MH0We need at least 2 admins here21:00
MH0Omega: PIng?21:02
MH0Right, Lets just get started :)21:02
MH0Okay so...21:02
MuscovyI'm here!21:02
MH0#topic Ubuntu Tour Website21:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-tour to: Ubuntu Tour Website
meetingologyTOPIC: Ubuntu Tour Website21:02
MH0Muscovy: :)21:02
MH0I have made a progress since we last met up21:03
MH0I will be getting Dynamacy in but for the sake of It here is the dummy site:21:03
MuscovyI can apply the new style whenever, so just let me know when you've "finished" the beta site. :D21:03
MH0#link http://www.ubuntutour.org/beta/21:03
MH0So, We need to think of features21:04
MH0I have a Developers Blog and Maybe a forum?21:04
MuscovyA blog could be useful.21:04
MuscovyI'm not sure if a forum would, because most of its functionality would be covered in the blog and LP bug reports.21:05
MH0Like a Little Update of progress here at UT21:05
MH0(If I do refer to UT UT == Ubuntu Tour)21:05
MH0Muscovy: Yup21:05
MH0I have TourBot here and Maybe I will have the RSS implemneted21:06
MH0If my Blog system does RSS (It should)21:06
MuscovyWhen do you think the general design will be done by?21:06
MH0I think at least End of Feb21:07
MH0I want it done by March 3rd21:07
MH0It would be a nice acheivement to get it done before my birthday and release on the 3rd :)21:07
MuscovyI'm not great with CSS and little details, but let me know if I can help.21:07
MH0(3/3 = MH0's bday)21:07
MH0#topic IRC Bot21:07
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-tour to: IRC Bot
meetingologyTOPIC: IRC Bot21:07
MH0Any features you think the bot can have?21:08
MH0At the moment There are these plugins in it21:08
TourBotMH0: Admin, Channel, Config, Encyclopedia, Misc, Owner, User, and Web21:08
meetingologyMH0: Admin, Channel, Config, MeetBot, Misc, Owner, and User21:08
MH0meetingology: Not You!21:08
meetingologyMH0: Error: "Not" is not a valid command.21:08
MuscovyThe main thing I'd like to see in a bot is bug report info from LP, like Ubottu.21:08
MH0Muscovy: Okies That seems a good Idea :)21:08
MuscovyI like just being able to say bug 1234 or whatever and get info on it.21:09
MH0At the moment it acts a little like ubottu anyway21:09
MH0!hi | Muscovy21:09
TourBotMuscovy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu-tour! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:09
TourBotYum! Err, I mean, APT!21:09
MH0Feel free to play anytime21:09
MuscovyWhat's the bot written in?21:10
MH0Its a Sypybot21:10
MuscovyNext topic?21:11
MH0Muscovy: Any Topics you want to add?21:11
MuscovyI suppose I can start with the home page.21:11
MH0Oh sec21:11
MH0Instead of ubot we have Tourbot21:12
MH0This brings a massivae advantage to us, too21:12
MuscovyWe've been tossing around the idea of having some sort of home/menu page.21:12
MH0And I may put it in for a official ubuntu bot21:12
MH0So yeah21:12
MH0#topic home Screen in UT21:12
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-tour to: home Screen in UT
meetingologyTOPIC: home Screen in UT21:12
MuscovyHere's the wiki page I made: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTour/StartPage21:12
TourBotTitle: UbuntuTour/StartPage - Ubuntu Wiki (at wiki.ubuntu.com)21:12
MuscovySo we can have a place to plan.21:13
MH0Okay, HTML, CSS People21:13
MH0And we need Madness to add a functionality for the screen21:13
MuscovyThinking of our head coder, someone suggested the other day that we need support for larger images,21:14
MH0Like SVG?21:14
Muscovywhich we can't use at the moment because of scaling.21:14
MH0So we need SVG Images?21:14
MuscovyI don't think we could svg screenshots though.21:14
samuelno - they're vectors21:15
MuscovyThe problem is that there's not a way to show images full sized.21:15
MuscovyYou know how when you click on them you get a larger preview?21:15
samuelOn the current build?21:16
MuscovyI think there should be a button there to open it in the image viewer, so it can be full sized.21:16
samuelI think that would somewhat ruin the experience21:16
MH0Muscovy: I will sory of +0 It seems good, but It could make the tour slower, Not good forsomeone in a rush21:17
MuscovyHere's an example of where image size is a problem: http://i.imgur.com/OQYZz.png21:17
MuscovyI think that page needs a "full size" button by the close button or something.21:17
MH0I see,21:17
MuscovyIn that image, you can't read the page.21:17
MH0Its all pixelated21:17
MH0Were gonna have fun with MadnessRed21:18
MuscovyYeah, webkit doesn't anti-aliase.21:18
MuscovyOnly other coding thing I can think of, is it would be _nice_ if images using percentage for size don't go over 100%.21:18
MuscovyThat makes scaling images by percent feasible.21:19
MuscovyRIght now we can't, because it'll look horrid if you have a big enough screen.21:19
MuscovyBut the home page is a coding priority.21:20
MuscovyMadnessRed and anyone else brave can probbaly start the framework long before we decide what's on the page.21:20
MuscovyI need to make another mockup or two for different concepts.21:20
MH0So, Lets set some action Items21:20
MH0#topic Actions21:21
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-tour to: Actions
meetingologyTOPIC: Actions21:21
MH0#action MichealH to finish the website soon21:21
meetingologyACTION: MichealH to finish the website soon21:21
MuscovyI'll bug report percentage scaling and needing a way t see full sized images.21:21
MH0#action IRCBot to be improved a little21:21
meetingologyACTION: IRCBot to be improved a little21:21
MuscovyWe should send out an email about the home page.21:21
MH0#action MadnessRed to Do Homepage and Fix some bugs That Muscovy will file21:22
meetingologyACTION: MadnessRed to Do Homepage and Fix some bugs That Muscovy will file21:22
MH0#topic Wrapping up21:22
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-tour to: Wrapping up
meetingologyTOPIC: Wrapping up21:22
MH0So... Anything else?21:22
MuscovyI believe that's it for present.21:22
MH0So, Were done?21:23
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-tour to: The Ubuntu Tour Project! | http://ubuntutour.org | Join https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-tour | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTour/Todo#List | Get the tour at http://ubuntutour.org/download | >> Team Meeting on Saturday @ 21:00 UTC <<
meetingologyMeeting ended Sat Jan 29 21:23:25 2011 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell . (v 0.1.4)21:23
meetingologyMinutes:        http://mootbot.libertus.co.uk/ubuntu-tour/2011/ubuntu-tour.2011-01-29-20.59.moin.txt21:23
TourBotTitle: Alan Bell - Ubuntu Wiki (at wiki.ubuntu.com)21:23
samuelIs this planned for release before 11.04 in April? We seem to have a lot of articles/screenshots of 10.04 which will soon be outdated - especially with the switch to Unity?23:21
samuelSorry - I meant 10.1023:22
UndiFineDsamuel: do not worry about the screenshots, we are much more concerned of content23:24
MuscovyThe UI and art is also liable to change a lot.23:24
samuelUndiFineD: I meant content as well - everything which involves the desktop and software centre etc will likely be outdated23:25
MuscovyI see your point, but same issue - rapid change.23:26
UndiFineDsamuel: it is easy enough to set up a machine running an alpha release of unity, but, every is waiting for the UI freeze23:27
MuscovyUnity is a larger issue than individual app changes.23:27
MuscovyWe'll manage, since there's only 1 long chapter on it.23:27
samuelI suppose things like Banshee can be covered - and Libreoffice23:27
MuscovyA lot of Unity details liek dash and people are still in the mockup stage.23:27
samuelthey wont change a lot23:27
UndiFineDUI Freeze23:27
MuscovyYes, we could certainly start those now.23:27
UndiFineDthat is very near 11.0423:28
UndiFineDso until that time focus on the completeness of current content23:28
samuelWill GTK be used in Unity?23:29
samuelGood - I was half way through an article on themes and got worried :D23:29
MuscovyUnity is a "shell" which means it's basically just top level UI stuff that changes.23:29
OmegaAlso MadnessRed already added support for the startpage23:48
OmegaSomeone just needs to make one23:58

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