
kvaonly some sites and some skype windows, not all00:00
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
cupbryceh, have you ever heard of an x session with excessive color banding? everything looks 16-bit or 65k color14:33
LLStarksstupid net14:37
=== LLStarks is now known as cup
=== cup is now known as LLStarks
ari-tczewhi folks14:53
ari-tczewis xorg 7.6 going to be in natty ?14:54
jcristauit's already there.14:54
ari-tczewjcristau: how? 1:7.5+6ubuntu814:55
jcristauthat's an empty package14:55
ari-tczewjcristau: could you point me to right package and explain why xorg source is empty?14:56
jcristauthere's over 100 packages in the X.Org X11 distribution.14:57
jcristauxorg source is empty because it only builds metapackages14:57
ari-tczewjcristau: so merging with experimental doesn't make sense?14:58
jcristauwhat's your actual question?14:59
ari-tczewjcristau: [15:58] <ari-tczew> jcristau: so merging with experimental doesn't make sense?15:00
jcristaui don't understand your question15:00
jcristaumerging what?15:00
Quintasan|DroidHiya, after upgrading natty I get segfaults on X, the last X releated stuff I upgraded was xserver-xorg-video-(fbdev,chips,ati,radeon) xs-xo-input-evdev.15:12
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
bigoncould someone have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/709746 ?15:32
ubot4bigon: Error: Bug #709746 is private.15:32
Quintasan|DroidI pinpoited the culprit15:48
Quintasan|DroidIts evdev,  makes something nasty which makes X crash15:48
LLStarksgrrr. why is dropping to tty broken?16:32
LLStarkscan't boot into recovery console and tty1/tty2 don't offer a console16:33
cupso, uh. 24-bit gradients are broken on natty intel drivers.18:58
LLStarksyo sarvatt, do you have any idea as to why xsession-wide color banding would occur on certain kernels? it happens on all sessions for .37 and .38, but not .3520:51
LLStarks*some sessions on .3720:51
kvahello all22:49
ari-tczewjcristau: around?23:34

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