
nlsthznAnybody alive in here?08:06
* nlsthzn lurks09:49
inetpronlsthzn: no10:25
nlsthzninetpro: I saw/see10:26
nuvolariguess it depends on what he means with that :P12:04
inetpronuvolari: with what?12:41
nuvolariinetpro: "Anybody alive in here?"12:47
inetpronuvolari: ok12:48
Morganvdit lives14:20
superfly\o/ 4Mbps ADSL uncapped18:42
Symmetriasuperfly heh, I would die without my uncapped19:27
superflySymmetria: yes, well, you have money, something not many other people actually have19:27
Symmetriasuperfly heh, Im kinda lucky actually, I dont pay for it (other than the line costs)19:29
nuvolarinot really bragging rights if you get something for free...19:30
* Symmetria has been trying to optimize mirror.ac.za tcp stack all day for sourceforge sync19:31
Symmetriaso that when sourceforge sync starts, we can do it, FAST19:32
SymmetriaI think I've got it about as optimized as its gonna get, managed to get it so that mirror.ac.za is now capping its disk speeds on international downloads19:32

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