
doctormoSorry guys, my friend wanted a U1 subscription to sync files to his mobile, thought it was cool01:18
doctormoBut the design of the u1 account system pushed him towards a different subscription01:18
doctormoNow he's hacked off, canceled the subscription.01:18
doctormoThought you guys should know. *shakes head*01:18
kklimondaI wondee what did he mean by the design of the u1 account system01:19
neajhi there .. anyone who can help with a ubuntuone client issue?02:19
neaj'u1sdtool -s' says: 'State: AUTH_FAILED', but "Manage account" from the preferences widget successfully opens my account page in a browser.02:20
karnineaj: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/FAQ/WhatToDoWhenAuthenticationFails02:21
neajkarni: thanks! will try (strange that web auth works though)02:23
karnineaj: np. no, it's totally different. the browser uses the "browser utilities" (i.e. cookies) to keep you logged in. Ubuntu One uses tokens saved in Gnome Keyring.02:25
neajOK, going to https://login.ubuntu.com/+applications I see only one computer authorised. how do I get this one authorised also?02:27
neaji don't have seahorse installed ..02:28
neajUbuntu 10.04.1 LTS02:28
neajoh, i do .. but gnome do couldn't find it02:28
karnineaj: seahorse is installed by default ;)02:28
karnineaj: I suggest you visit the link from the IRC channel topic02:29
karni"http://bit.ly/caHbOf for help on adding your computer"02:29
neajOK, after deleting the ubuntuone token using seahorse and restart/connect and (re)adding this computer, i'm syncing :-)02:32
neajthanks for the links02:32
* karni goes away02:33
Geoffrey2is there anyone in here who can explain how to set up Ubuntu one to upload music?07:33
larsemilusing the android ubuntu one contact sync... is it possible to also get the ubuntu one contact onto my gmail contact book?11:23
karnilarsemil: I'm quite sure (but not 100% sure), that U1C uses separate contact book on Android OS, a sync account from Funambol, and therefore the contacts are not merged/mixed - thus, don't sync to gmail11:24
larsemilalso not editable11:58
larsemilon the phone11:58
karnigood day :)12:14
karniverterok: I'm wondering if it's ok for "public Integer getRequestId()" from RequestHandler.java in u1-java-sp not to be synchronized. This assumes queuing of requests, as itself it is not threadsafe. Is that correct?13:47
duanedesignhow is mr karni today?13:50
karniduanedesign: haha, mr karni is better then ever (ever=last 1 month), finally I got some real sleep!13:51
karniI'm studying internals of ubuntuone-java-storageprotocol and ubuntuone-storage-protocol13:51
karnias I really really want to adapt them better for Android13:52
duanedesignhavent done any coding in a week or more. Hoping to do some hacking today13:52
karniduanedesign: cool, wish you some fruitful work!13:52
duanedesignkarni: thank you. I am wanting to work on my C skills13:54
karninice :) as a side note, I also saw U1 has some C sources, DBus stuff etc13:55
karniI like the way things are handled (i.e. events are signalled)13:55
karniduanedesign: how's your hacking going :)?17:05
karniduanedesign: I ported some nice parts of syncdaemon code, time to do some college stuff, and hopefully code some more :)17:06
allquixoticHi, is there any way to download files from my Ubuntu One account using the command line on an Ubuntu Server installation?20:17
allquixoticThe comment from sil looks promising at http://per.liedman.net/2011/01/22/using-ubuntu-one-for-backup-on-a-headless-server/ but the second step gives me a HTTP/500... is there a problem with the U1 service?20:44

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