
rbnswartzHey jcastro you around?00:45
arowdoes anyone here know much about registering a program to the soundmenu?01:28
arowI've already read the soundmenu wiki page back to front01:28
arowand my program seems to do everything it says there to register, yet it doesn't appear on the soundmenu01:29
jcastrorbnswartz: hi01:34
jcastrowhat's up01:34
rbnswartzDo you know what happend to DBO? And I have a question regaurding proper programming.01:35
jcastrohe's usually not around on weekends01:36
jcastroI recommend mailing ayatana-dev in this case01:36
jcastrothough he'll be around in like an hour and a half for our #ubuntu-classroom session01:37
rbnswartzI sent him an email but his email inbox must be rather large.01:37
rbnswartzAnyway onto my proper programming question.01:38
rbnswartzI'm hoping the bug I was working on a month ago is still open though it is marked as in progress ( hence my need to get a hold of DBO to find out if it is marked a such for me). I need to be able to change a private variable in one class from another. What would be the best method? Change it to public or make a function to change it?01:44
rbnswartzjcastro ^^01:47
jcastrono clue01:47
rbnswartzon what part?01:49
rbnswartzjcastro ?02:01
arowdoes anyone know when ronoc is usually around?02:21
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coz_good day all12:26
brad_bluetooth keyboard and mouse will pair, but won't control the Unity interface.  Is there additional setup required?14:45
smspillazAmaranth: the gap between the window and the launcher is caused by unity-window-decorator16:54
smspillazAmaranth: since it has to expand the frame window that the client is reparented into16:54
Amaranthsmspillaz: arg16:54
smspillazAmaranth: what I'm going to do is tweak the decoration property spec somewhat to allow for a frame requested area and an "effective" input area16:54
smspillazwell, I've done that16:54
smspillazI just need to work out the bugs16:54
smspillazso hopefully that will make A216:54
smspillazAmaranth: it will also fix the problem where the window visually "shifts" as the decoration gets created16:55
smspillazbecause right now it shifts once and then shifts again16:55
nexehHello, im not sure if this channel is the best place for this question but lets give it a shot17:20
nexehI have no sound in Ubuntu 10.04. Hardware shows up in sound preferences but nothing under input or output tabs. this was working previously and is something i most likely messed up... i could use some help. i have attached useful info here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/560302/17:20
spikeb#ubuntu would be better17:22
nexehBummer, im in there to.. the last couple days there hasnt been much support in there.. i end up awnsering more questions then anything else... which i dont mind at all but can't find anyone to even acknoledge my question17:23
arownexeh: if you don't mind a somewhat drastic solution, you could try replacing alsa with oss417:24
arowthough you'd probably be better figuring out what it is you messed up17:25
arowunless you really want oss417:25
nexehyou know... i think i was messing around in that area tring to get a game to start working.. so maybe im stuck between oss and alsa17:25
nexehim not to picky17:25
nexehi and google the differences but and tricky things i should know about making the switch?17:26
arowwell, I think it's become more integrated since I last used it (haven't on this install (maverick))17:27
arowthough I dunno if it works with pulseaudio now or not17:28
arowaside from compatibility with a few programs though, most users shouldn't notice the difference with oss417:29
arowmost of the differences are behind the scenes17:29
arowthough some people say oss4 has better sound quality, and there are some enthusiast sound cards that require17:30
akshatjhow to I manually start the panel and launcher?20:24
arowyou could try the command gnome-panel20:29
arowif you can't access the terminal, press alt+f2 to open a "run" dialog20:30
akshatjarow: but it starts the normal panel and I want the unity panel and launcher20:30
arowyou can do it from the login screen20:30
akshatjarow: I am logged in to the unity session in natty and the panel and launcher are not showing up20:31
arowakshatj: that's strange, have you changed any settings since the last time it worked?20:32
arowor is this the first time you're running natty?20:32
akshatjarow: I just updated and the X segfaulted20:33
akshatjso I switched to an older version20:33
arowakshatj: I'm afraid this is probably out of my scope20:45
arowmy only guess, and it's not a very educated one, is that some settings may have been changed when the system couldn't find the version of X it was looking for20:47
arowI hope someone else here can help you, sorry20:48
m_conley_awaychrisccoulson: ping21:25
chrisccoulsonhi m_conley_away21:26
m_conley_awaychrisccoulson: hey - I've got some info on that segfault21:26
chrisccoulsonoh, excellent :)21:26
m_conley_awaychrisccoulson: (for the globalmenu-extension w Lightning)21:26
m_conley_awaychrisccoulson: so the extension seems to go through the menubar nodes, addign menuSeparators, menuItems, etc21:27
m_conley_awaybut if it sees something it doesn't recognize - for example, an observes tag, it flips out.21:27
chrisccoulsonah, i did think that it would fall over if it hits a node that it can't handle21:28
m_conley_awaychrisccoulson:  It's a small fix - cool if I submit a patch on Launchpad?21:28
chrisccoulsonbut i didn't realise that we were already hitting that21:28
m_conley_awaychrisccoulson: (not too familiar with patch submission with you Canonical folk.  :) )21:28
chrisccoulsonyeah, sure. that would be great.21:28
chrisccoulsonyou can branch it, and then propose a merge21:29
chrisccoulsonthanks! :-)21:29
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m_conleychrisccoulson: np.  Were you hitting any other issues with it?  After I got it working, it's pretty slick.  :)  Good work!21:29
chrisccoulsoni haven't really hit any other issues yet. the only thing i need to look at this week is bug 710149, but that only really affects firefox21:30
ubot5Launchpad bug 710149 in Global menubar extension "Underscores in bookmark names are displayed as mnemonics" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71014921:30
chrisccoulsonand i think that's really a bug in another part of the stack, but i'm not entirely sure yet21:31
chrisccoulsonwe basically have to embed the mnemonics in the menu label (eg, "_File"), but if we really have an underscore in the label, there doesn't seem to be a way to actually display it as an underscore21:32
m_conleyI see21:33
m_conleydid you want me to look at that?21:33
chrisccoulsonyeah, feel free to if you have time :)21:33
chrisccoulsoni bet if you have a look on launchpad through the bugs for appmenu-gtk or indicator-appmenu, you might already find that a similar bug affects other browsers (like epiphany)21:34
chrisccoulsoni'm sure someone else must have experienced it before21:34
chrisccoulsonbut it would be good to fix it21:34
m_conleychrisccoulson: Alright, cool - I'll take a peek.21:35
chrisccoulsonexcellent, thanks!21:35
m_conleychrisccoulson: np21:35
chrisccoulsonalso, if you have any questions about other parts of the stack, tedg is a good person to talk to. he normally hangs out here during the week21:36
m_conleyawesome, thanks. :)21:36
chrisccoulsonwe should probably ask him about that bug first - he might have an answer for it already ;)21:36
m_conleyalright, will do21:37
chrisccoulsonhmmmm, i've got 2 dead buttons on my launcher in unity now, after running unity-2d earlier :/22:26
chrisccoulsonanyone knows where unity stores those?22:26
chrisccoulsonit's not in dconf is it?22:26
nmarquesHow can I debug if Unity is loading all the required compiz plugins and the best way to launch it from a gnome2 session ?23:10

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