
DarkwingDuckjjesse: ping00:20
apacheloggerI am getting to old for staying out all night and getting wasted00:22
apacheloggerlife is rather cruel00:23
DarkwingDucklol Hey apachelogger 00:23
DarkwingDuckNatty hate VirtualBox on my system00:23
apacheloggeryo DarkwingDuck00:23
stalcupmy computer hates linux :(00:23
* stalcup wants a new computer00:24
DarkwingDuckLinux runs just fine... it's VirtualBox that hates me00:24
DarkwingDuckI swear00:24
apacheloggeruse qemu00:24
apacheloggerstalcup: join some price game thing?00:24
stalcupI have to use virtual box to do my linux stuff00:24
stalcupapachelogger: good idear00:24
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: not-oracle virtualisation ;)00:24
DarkwingDuckOh nice00:25
* apachelogger thinks he needs another round of drugs00:25
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: anything non-oracle would be good00:25
apacheloggertrying all day to recover from last night00:25
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: is it in the repository?00:25
apacheloggerone day I will get an alarm clock that throws depeche mode at me00:27
apacheloggeroh, imagine how awesome waking up must be like that...00:27
jjessejust write a script so amarok does it for you :P00:27
apacheloggerand then amarok crashes or memleaks and stuff00:28
apacheloggerand then I do not wake up and stuff00:28
apacheloggerI'd rather trust shadeslayer with all my money00:28
=== stalcup is now known as vorian
=== vorian is now known as v
apacheloggerseems I missed LinuxTag call for papers thanks to drinking00:29
* v waits for maco comment on nick changes00:29
=== v is now known as stalcup
stalcupdone, i promise00:33
DarkwingDuckohhh goody.... something more involved00:39
* DarkwingDuck goes to read up on qemu00:39
jjesseDarkwingDuck working on something fuN?00:54
DarkwingDuckjjesse: trying to get Natty to run in a VM00:54
jjesseme 200:55
jjessei can get ubuntu natty to run but right now my kubuntu natty boots to a black screen00:56
DarkwingDuckyeah, that's what mine was doing.00:57
apacheloggerI recon the new xorg arrived :P00:57
DarkwingDuckI'm reinstalling it as the pure Alpha1 and try it from there.00:58
jjesseyup, now on updated ubuntu natty it goes to black screen00:58
jjessethat was the most current daily + update00:58
DarkwingDuckSo, do not update theh xorg package... Got ya00:58
jjessewould be nice if there was notification someplace01:06
* DarkwingDuck agrees01:10
DarkwingDuckIf only we had a tool tha we could use to tell people when things like this happened...01:11
jjessehrmm like twitter?01:12
DarkwingDuckOr something that would send a message out to everyone01:12
DarkwingDuckLike a mailing list... </sarcasm>01:12
jjesselike a mailing list :)01:12
DarkwingDuckWhy does the Doc maillist get the user help emails?01:16
jjessebecause of the way the help section is written i believe01:22
DarkwingDuckSweet mother of god.01:22
DarkwingDuckHere is that wonderful error01:22
jjessein X?01:23
DarkwingDuckNo, the alpha101:23
DarkwingDuckconsole-setup is in a broken state01:23
* DarkwingDuck sighs01:24
DarkwingDuckjjesse: in VirtualBox how would I trigger tty1?01:26
jjessehrmm if you have full control of the vm same as normal right?01:26
DarkwingDuckJust the mouseover control01:27
DarkwingDuckIt triggers the host.01:27
jjessedon't know then off the top of my head01:27
DarkwingDuckWell, it's a good thing I didn't install 11.04 on my lappy01:38
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: X change was announced on either ubuntu-devel or ubuntu-devel-announce01:41
DarkwingDuckahhhhh, the side I'm not subscribed to...01:42
* DarkwingDuck goes to subscribe to those lists.01:42
aditirexdid something broke in kernel on today's updates ?02:45
jjessenope its X02:46
aditirexor X ...02:46
aditirexso how can I revert it ?02:47
DarkwingDuckOkay, that link explain what was going on but for those of us testing with black screens... Is there way to fix it for now or, wait for the fix?05:03
valoriehey DarkwingDuck05:55
DarkwingDuckHye valorie 05:56
valorieyou got as far last night as telling me to install bzr05:56
valoriewhich I did05:56
DarkwingDuckdon't update your alpha 105:56
valorieanything special I should be reading, or ?05:56
valoriei'm not brave enough for Natty yet05:56
valorieI gotta USE this puter05:56
valorieand VMs -- no luck so far05:57
valorieI mean I got one set up, but never installed kub. successfully in it05:57
* DarkwingDuck nods05:57
valorieturns out that was due to a bug, but that's as far as I ever got, testing05:57
DarkwingDuckvalorie: gimme a sec05:58
DarkwingDuckvalorie: you know anything about HTML?06:06
valorieyes, I'm reasonably good06:10
valorieI code my pages by hand, etc.06:11
DarkwingDuckokay good.06:13
DarkwingDuckmake a folder for kubuntu docs where you will find it.06:13
DarkwingDucknavigate to it in konsole06:15
valorieok, there06:17
valorie:~/Documents/KubuntuDocs$ 06:17
DarkwingDucktype the following: bzr branch lp:kubuntu-docs06:18
valorieYou have not informed bzr of your Launchpad ID, and you must do this to06:20
valoriewrite to Launchpad or access private data.  See "bzr help launchpad-login".06:20
valorieit is downloading, though06:20
valorieI think I have a lp id06:20
valorieI have an account06:20
DarkwingDuckIt's okay... you wont be uploading anything from there.06:21
valoriealrighty, it's done downloading06:22
valorieBranched 199 revision(s). 06:22
DarkwingDuckBefore you check spells, grammer ect you will want to check for new revisions.06:23
DarkwingDuckeach time.06:23
DarkwingDuckthe command for that is bzr update06:23
DarkwingDuckin cd docs is where the docs are listed.06:23
valorieso cd to kubdocs, and bzr update06:23
DarkwingDuckcurrent revision is 19906:24
DarkwingDuckThey are XML files.06:24
DarkwingDuckso, the about file is under about/C/about.xml06:24
DarkwingDuckWhen you open and edit them the simpliest thigns to do is to edit them and save them to a secondary spot to email to myself or jjesse06:25
DarkwingDuckSo you don't mess up your revisions06:25
valorieemail to both of you, or ?06:26
DarkwingDuckOne of the other 06:26
valorieok, so maybe ask who is available06:27
DarkwingDuckmy email is david.wonderly@kubuntu.org06:27
valorieand jjesse?06:27
DarkwingDuckuhhhhh.... I'll have to look it up06:27
valorieI can email from valorie.zimmerman@kubuntu.org if that will help keep everything ship-shape06:28
DarkwingDuckNow, when we file a doc as DONE in https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo/Natty thats when it's ready for review06:29
DarkwingDuckI need to figure out over the next couple days what docs are done and what needs to be done.06:30
DarkwingDuckSo we can update that page.06:30
DarkwingDuckand with that.. the wife is calling... I bid thee all g'night06:31
DarkwingDucktoo confusing valorie?06:31
valoriewell, I don't know how to access the docs06:31
valorieor edit them06:32
valorieuse kate?06:32
DarkwingDuckYes, you can use kate06:32
DarkwingDuckSo, example of the about.xml doc... it will be in kubuntu-docs/about/C/about.xml06:33
valoriequestion -- I now have the above doc open in kate06:35
valoriewhere can I see what that doc looks like as published?06:36
valorieI'm keeping notes about this in kate, as well06:37
valorieand no, so far nothing is confusing06:37
valorieoh, sec06:38
valoriesorry, when the old dog wants out of bed, it has to be now06:43
valorieor it means a cleanup job06:43
DarkwingDuckI'll catch ya tomorrow night.06:43
valorieand I've already done that once tonight!06:43
valoriehe just turned 1606:43
valorieniters -- I'll poke around a bit06:44
valoriethanks for the help06:44
DarkwingDuckAnytime valorie 06:45
jussiMorning all07:23
jussiDarkwingDuck: long time no see!07:23
jussiSo, Im on the kde 4.6 from the ppa, (4.5.95 - beta 2) and I'm getting the following error with kajong:  * kajongg is not correctly installed: modules: No module named animation07:27
valorieI get the same error, jussi07:28
jussido we think its a packaging, or upstream error?07:28
valorieI've never started it up before, so no clue here07:29
yofelhm, happens too here in natty http://paste.kde.org/3685/07:29
valoriemaybe #kde will know?07:29
valorieheh, #kde-devel , I should have said07:32
yofelthe source has animation.py07:34
yofelI'll check what list-missing shows07:35
jussiyofel: thanks :)07:41
jussi(I miss my mahjong )07:41
yofelnot the only one it seems07:48
yofelthey drown a bit in the .pyc list :S http://paste.kde.org/3686/07:48
yofelno, still fails..08:24
=== fenris- is now known as ejat
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
shadeslayerapachelogger: i'd be spending all your moniez on neon and conf.kde.in13:21
shadeslayeri hope they aren't space bucks13:24
shadeslayeroh maybe buy some more bandwidth for myself too :P13:25
apacheloggeryou are a selfish person13:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: i have like ... 256kbps of bandwidth13:25
shadeslayertook me 3 hours to download alll of neon13:26
apacheloggerbecause you are not lzmaing it13:26
shadeslayeractually we are13:26
shadeslayerim pretty sure we use lzma compression in rules13:26
apacheloggerthen you did something wrong13:27
apacheloggeralso my feet are cold13:27
apacheloggeralso I am hungry13:27
shadeslayerapachelogger: thats why the download is 500 MB and the install size is 1.5GB13:27
* apachelogger shall go out find something to eat13:27
* shadeslayer passes some chips to apachelogger13:27
shadeslayerapachelogger:         dh_builddeb -- -Z lzma13:27
shadeslayerwe have that in our rules file13:28
apacheloggeryou only have one rules file? :O13:28
shadeslayerthats all that is needed ... one debian/rules13:29
shadeslayer[ for each package ]13:29
shadeslayerRiddell: your brand new thinkpad has a bazillion fingerprints :S14:00
shadeslayeror is it the lighting14:01
apacheloggershadeslayer: he probably already had tea on it and stuff :P15:05
apacheloggerI sure would have ^^15:05
shadeslayerhahaha :D15:05
shadeslayernow i have to write a article on Net neutrality15:06
apacheloggerwhy is it that mvo has a shitty looking software center15:07
apacheloggerthat is a bit scary15:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: what is net neutrality?15:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: its ISP's being evil and charging you for each GB of pr0n you download15:09
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2010/12/its-here-fcc-adopts-net-neutrality-lite.ars15:09
shadeslayerits come to india as well15:10
shadeslayerand im once again in the future15:10
apacheloggerwhat what what?15:12
apacheloggercharging you per pr0n?!?!?!15:12
apacheloggerthat is death of the intarwebs right there15:12
shadeslayeryes it is15:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: google it and you'll see loads of articles15:13
apacheloggerI do not like reading15:13
apacheloggeralso I think I will play a computer game15:13
shadeslayerapachelogger: a friend is interested in Java + KDE15:14
shadeslayerany suggestions ?15:14
apacheloggerlock him away15:15
apacheloggerhold on15:15
apacheloggerthat was not english, was it?15:15
apacheloggersounds better anyway15:15
* apachelogger looks for game to play15:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: Steam15:16
shadeslayeri prefer the oxygen icons for debs16:48
shadeslayercall me old fashioned ... but i just like them P16:49
JontheEchidnathose are the oxygen icons for .debs since 4.616:49
yofelindeed, look odd16:50
yofelwhere did you get the icon extraction from?16:50
JontheEchidnaIt takes the app icon and then overlays it against the application-x-deb mimetype icon16:51
JontheEchidnaI'm contemplating whether or not I want to have the mimetype icon in the background at all, or just have the app icon by itself16:52
JontheEchidnabetter link: https://projects.kde.org/projects/extragear/sysadmin/libqapt/repository/revisions/master/entry/src/debfile.cpp16:52
JontheEchidnaoh, it seems like the kde plugin system automatically gives me an overlay of the mimetype icon in the bottom right corner: http://i.imgur.com/80N7o.png16:54
JontheEchidnalooks better now I think: http://i.imgur.com/OM5F5.png17:01
shadeslayeri still prefer my deb icons17:02
ximionJontheEchidna: cool!17:11
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: how is performance?17:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: tried out Neon yet?17:13
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: it got through 108 files in under 5 seconds, so pretty good I think17:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: no, I am developing windows nowadays17:13
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: sweet17:13
shadeslayerapachelogger: rm -rf /media/Windows -> now thats Development17:14
JontheEchidnaI'm still playing with the thumbnail picture17:14
JontheEchidnaxpm's don't like being scaled, though: http://i.imgur.com/fiOcJ.png17:15
JontheEchidnaI'm thinking I should only use those as a fallback17:15
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: most definitely17:18
apacheloggerstupid xpm is way too horrible :P17:18
ximionJontheEchidna: have you heard of the AppStream project already?17:19
JontheEchidnaximion: I saw glatzor's blog about it17:19
ximionat the miniconf, it was decided to use the USC as cross-distro software-center...17:21
JontheEchidnayeah, that's great for the gnomes I guess17:21
ximionsince USC is for GNOME, I took a look at how MSC works...17:21
ximionyou don't use Xapian directly, do you?17:21
ximionusc => ubuntu software center17:22
JontheEchidnaonly for package searching17:22
JontheEchidnaotherwise I use the .desktop files in app-install-data17:22
JontheEchidnaiirc USC has some xapian indexer plugin that goes over those .desktop files17:22
JontheEchidnaand uses xapian for everything17:22
JontheEchidnaMSC is faster than USC, so... ;=)17:23
* yofel wonders if that's what keeps usc running for minutes using 100% CPU after closing it...17:23
ximionok... hmm, this makes it difficult to use it as cross-distro software center :P (I'm just playing with all this stuff at time to find sane solutions to handle 3rd-party apps...)17:24
ximionyofel: Might be the aptdaemon python tool17:24
ximionbtw: http://blogs.gnome.org/hughsie/2011/01/24/application-installer-miniconf-trip-report/17:24
ximionAppStream will become awesome, if everything works out as planned :)17:24
ximionJontheEchidna: MSC definitely is faster, but I thought it was because of C++ vs. Python...17:25
JontheEchidnawell, there's that too of course :P17:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: around?17:25
shadeslayeri need some advice17:25
JontheEchidnathough xapian is pretty fast for searching, maybe it is just the pyth0rn17:25
shadeslayerhow do i check if there is form data on a page?17:25
shadeslayerdarn it ... why did i not see  KWebWallet::acceptSaveFormDataRequest earlier17:26
JontheEchidnaComparing the time it takes in each app to open the "Installed Software" view would be a pretty good comparison between xapian query and my C++ class for Application data17:28
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: oh and btw, I've finished the backend bits needed for adding .debs that you downloaded from another computer to the cache, so that you can install things without internet access17:30
JontheEchidnaFor a frontend, I plan on adding a menu item for the internetless computer to export a list of packages to download, and a GUI for the internet'd computer to download them to the USB stick17:32
JontheEchidnaand then a menu item to open up a dialog to add archives from the USB stick17:32
JontheEchidnait'll be much better than Synaptic's wget script :P17:33
shadeslayer<JontheEchidna> apachelogger: oh and btw, I've finished the backend bits needed for adding .debs that you downloaded from another computer to the cache, so that you can install things without internet access17:34
shadeslayerAWESOME ^^^17:34
=== rdieter_ is now known as rdieter
DarkwingDuckjussi: ping17:55
Quintasan_Riddell, shadeslayer, yofel: I'm ill, don't count on me on anything at least till Wednesday17:57
yofeloh, get well soon :)17:58
jussiDarkwingDuck: yes? 18:00
DarkwingDuckjussi: long time no see back at ya! :P:P18:01
jussiyofel: any luck with kahjongg? 18:01
DarkwingDuckjussi: I've been without a working computer for a bit... back now though18:01
jussiexcellent. mhows the GMS  going? 18:01
DarkwingDuckjussi: seeing that I got this thing less then a week ago I'm still trying to get things built back onto it.18:03
yofelno, I messed the package I had up, so had to start fresh, but even with all installed filed added it still doesn't work, so it seems the install script for kajongg is broken18:04
kubotuyofel meant: "no, I messed the package I had up, so had to start fresh, but even with all installed files added it still doesn't work, so it seems the install script for kajongg is broken"18:04
shadeslayerQuintasan_: get well soon :)18:05
yofeljussi: thanks for reminding me though, I'll look at it again18:07
afiestaswhat d I have to install to get video thumbnails? (I'm using Natty)18:16
shadeslayerafiestas: one sec18:16
shadeslayerafiestas: ffmpegthumbnailer18:17
shadeslayeror rather kffmpegthumbnailer18:17
afiestasookiz, thanks18:18
mgraesslinshadeslayer: are you using graphicssystem raster as default, now?18:18
shadeslayernopety nope18:19
shadeslayeropenoffice doesnt like raster18:19
mgraesslinalso not in the 4.6 ppa for Maverick?18:19
mgraesslincausing mavock with Intel drivers18:19
mgraesslinand we have several ubuntu reports18:20
JontheEchidnait is default in natty. should we revert?18:20
mgraesslinthat's why I asked18:20
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: wait .. it is? 18:20
shadeslayerim on maverick18:20
afiestason Natty it is18:20
JontheEchidnayes, we were testing it out for natty and were waiting for feedback18:20
yofelhow does one check if it's enabled?18:20
JontheEchidnalooks like we have feedback :o)18:20
shadeslayeraha ... then there's your feedback :P18:20
yofelah QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM=raster18:21
mgraesslinbug 26425918:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 264259 in Critic@ Engine "Add an image zoomer feature" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26425918:21
shadeslayerkde bug 26425918:21
ubottuKDE bug 264259 in general "Window content not updated after changes" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26425918:22
yofelwell, I can't find anything yet that crashes here18:22
shadeslayermgraesslin: ^^ that one?18:22
mgraesslinbut we have more18:22
mgraesslinI am just going through my bug mails18:22
shadeslayeri dont have QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM set anywhere18:22
mgraesslinit's probably set at compile time18:23
shadeslayeryofel: maybe break some more stuff in neon and set that var? :D18:23
JontheEchidnawe have an xsession script in kubuntu-default-settings in natty that sets the env var18:24
yofelsure, add it, can't really get any worse ^^18:24
shadeslayermgraesslin: were enabling that 'feature' in neon .. so you'll still get bug reports .. but from devs :D18:24
mgraesslinwhich is not much of a help as we know it's broken ;-)18:25
shadeslayerhahah... :P18:25
shadeslayeryofel: maybe we could have something like : breakmyneon18:26
mgraesslinwe just have a confirmance in #kwin from a gentoo user that switching to native fixed the issue18:26
shadeslayerthat enables all sorts of experimental stuff18:26
mgraesslinSput: did switching to native fix the issue you mentioned yesterday for you?18:27
yofelrather a config option somewhere18:27
shadeslayermgraesslin: raster might have landed in backports18:27
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: ^^ ideas on that18:27
mgraesslingiven the bug reports I would assume so18:28
JontheEchidnaI don't think it would have unless you backported kubuntu-default-settings18:28
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: thats what im checking18:28
shadeslayermgraesslin: or they could be using apachelogger KCM module to switch stuff18:28
mgraesslinyes could be18:28
CIA-40[ubuntu] Jonathan Thomas <echidnaman@kubuntu.org> * echidnaman@kubuntu.org-20110130182909-h5vxfa2372u9004m * (etc/X11/Xsession.d/80qtgraphicssystem debian/changelog) Remove etc/X11/Xsession.d/80qtgraphicssystem, as upstream has reported it to cause "havoc" with the intel drivers18:29
shadeslayermgraesslin: by default its still disabled in maverick18:29
mgraesslinso they probably used the KCM18:29
shadeslayeror all of them are running natty :P18:30
yofelhm... I need to use my eeePC more, that has natty and intel, but didn't seem broken to me...18:30
JontheEchidnaI've done an upload disabling the env var being set in natty18:30
JontheEchidnagotta go in to town now, bbiab18:30
shadeslayerim sleeping as well18:30
apacheloggerwhat does not cause havoc with teh intel drivers?18:38
apacheloggerstupid intel -.-18:38
yofelmy eeePC even gives me 256 color depth today18:40
afiestasthe current stack in Natty works very well here18:40
yofelcall yourself lucky then18:41
afiestasin fact, my kde never worked so well and smooth18:41
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
debfxany kubuntu-devs around? apachelogger?19:05
apacheloggerdebfx: no19:30
debfxapachelogger: could you please upload http://people.ubuntu.com/~debfx/synaptiks_0.4.0-1ubuntu3.debdiff19:33
debfxthe package has been empty since the last upload but no one noticed it ^^19:34
apacheloggerdebfx: not on a linux box right now19:35
Quintasanshadeslayer: The email on ML about libmarblewidget19:57
Quintasandid you get it sorted out19:57
JontheEchidnayay, the 2.6.38 kernel can handle my laptop screen brightness properly20:28
debfxQuintasan: do you want your new upload powers to sponsor synaptiks? :)20:29
ari-tczewJontheEchidna: do you know whether 2.6.38 will be in natty?20:33
JontheEchidnaari-tczew: it's in right now20:39
* ari-tczew is thinking why 2.6.37 still is in his natty.20:39
JontheEchidnadunno. I have it and I'm even out of date :P http://i.imgur.com/ikF7V.png20:40
apacheloggerdebfx: did ye plunder get uploaded?21:29
ryanakcaCould someone please use their superpowers and confirm/subscribe ubuntu-archive to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/knmap/+bug/710358 ?21:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 710358 in knmap (Ubuntu) "Please remove knmap from the archives" [Undecided,New]21:47
debfxapachelogger: thanks for uploading21:57
debfxryanakca: done21:57
ryanakcadebfx: Thanks22:05
Riddelldebfx: seen http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/synaptiks?content=114270 ?22:39
Riddellbeing discussed in #debian-qt-kde22:39
debfxRiddell: rewritten in python, that's a package for apachelogger ;)22:47

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