
Tm_TBajK_: it does, on hard disk part00:00
DaskreechFarhanBuriro: install anyone00:00
FarhanBuriroDaskreech, ok its downloading 245 package files00:01
BajK_Tm_T: ah kay00:01
BajK_Tm_T: but not in the ram section though00:01
DaskreechFarhanBuriro: sounds about right00:01
Daskreechevilmole: Help FarhanBuriro I gotta go00:02
DaskreechBajK_: Bye!00:02
evilmolelol k00:02
Tm_TBajK_: it can't, and that's only a good thing I'd say00:02
FarhanBuriroDaskreech, bye00:02
evilmoleFarhanBuriro: i can try to help if u have any questions00:02
evilmolebasically you are installing KDE now...00:03
DaskreechFarhanBuriro: This is a generally quiet but quite helpful room if you want to ask any Linux questions00:03
BajK_Daskreech: bye^^00:03
evilmolewhen you reboot now before you log in you will have the option to select whcih environment to load00:03
evilmolechose KDE and your life will be great00:03
Daskreechevilmole: should be able to just log out and back in again00:03
evilmoleyeah... reboot method is more fool proof00:03
FarhanBuriroDaskreech, i am sure now i have come on right place for help00:04
BajK_Tm_T: it doesnt show the ramdrive in the hard disk part, just the individual partitions of both hard disks and where they are mounted as well as the picture card reader and dvd burner00:04
veluxeshm i cant install kubuntu-resrticted-extras...what do i do now?00:04
veluxeshm i cant install kubuntu-resrticted-extras...what do i do now?00:04
evilmoleveluxes: i saw your post... shouldn't have quit00:05
evilmolecan you type00:05
Tm_TBajK_: that's the thing, ramdisk/ramdrive should be just a mounted partition?00:05
BajK_o.O thoughts of a linux guy..^^00:05
evilmolesudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre00:05
tsimpsonBajK_: are you sure you mounted /tmp as a ramdrive?00:06
BajK_tsimpson: yes00:06
BajK_tmpfs on /tmp type tmpfs (rw, nosuid, nodev, noatime, mode=1777)00:06
veluxesits the same error...i also tried sudo apt get -f install but it wont work i allways get dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile returned error exit status 200:08
evilmoleveluxes: umm... have you done a apt-get update recently?00:09
evilmolealso you can try this: sudo aptitude install openjdk-6-jre00:10
veluxesjust tried to update and i get that error again00:11
tsimpsonBajK_: looks like KInfoCenter only lists partitions (not mounts)00:12
veluxesi dont have aptitude and cant install it...00:12
evilmoleveluxes: do u have this installed openjdk-6-jdk00:12
evilmolepossible sudo apt-get remove openjdk-6-jdk00:12
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veluxesno i dont have it..00:13
evilmolecan you install that?00:14
evilmolepossible sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk00:14
veluxesno same error...00:14
evilmoletry it with aptitude?00:14
evilmolei can see that -jdk and -jre conflic with each other00:15
evilmolesudo apt-get remove openjdk-*00:16
evilmolethat might help you start from scratrch00:16
veluxesno it wont install or remove anything because of this...00:18
evilmoleand u tried sudo apt-get install -f00:20
evilmoleu can also try this command sudo aptitude why-not openjdk-6-jre00:22
evilmolenot that i've used it.. but might give u a more comprehensible output00:22
stalcupsudo dpkg -if /var/cache/apt/archives/packagename00:22
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progre55hi guys. Using kubuntu 10.10, and every time after I run vmware workstation (win xp) my alt key stops working on my host.. even after I shut vmware down.. any suggestions, please?00:46
evilmoledoes dmesg spit anything out when you tap the key?00:46
progre55hmm.. let me see00:47
veluxesi did the dpkg -f ....openjdk-6-doc and it gives me a package discription but still cant un/install something..00:47
progre55evilmole: nope.. but apparently the alt key itself works (for instance when backspacing holding alt) but some combinations like "alt+tab" or "alt+f4" dont work..00:49
evilmoledoes ctrl+escape do something?00:49
progre55ctrl+escape opens the task manager..00:49
evilmoleumm, i'm wondering if vmware is crashed out in the background00:50
evilmoleare you sure it's gone from the process list?00:50
progre55let me check00:50
progre55oh, apparently not..00:50
evilmoleveluxes... just need to figure out what pacakge to remove... not sure how yet...  maybe some more expert can help00:51
progre55these are the processes left after I've shut down vmware http://pastie.org/151038200:52
evilmolei'm not sure the key combo to release keys from vmware back to kde00:53
evilmolewhat is that?00:53
evilmoledid u try using vmware and releasing keys while it's running and trying alt+tab00:53
progre55the key combo is ctrl+alt00:55
progre55let me start vmware again, and try releasing the keys..00:56
progre55nope.. alt+tab works in the guest machine, but not on kde..00:57
evilmolesounds like a vmware oddity00:58
evilmoledid u try using qemu and see if u have same problem?00:58
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progre55well, apparently I'm not the only one having this problem ) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84341001:00
progre55let me try reading some posts and googling )01:00
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evilmoleyeah definitely sounds like vmware is being mean for sure01:02
evilmoleecho "give me back my keyboard" > /proc/vmware/input01:02
progre55and will it? ))01:03
progre55well, "setxkbmap" seems to have returned my alt key back )01:07
progre55and finally alt+tab works =)01:07
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BloodhawkI've been having trouble with my sound controls for a couple of days now; when I turn down the master channel to 0%, media continues to produce sound. Muting works fine, but it's causing issues with volume levels, acting as if the master channel is an amplifier beyond normal volumes. Anyone know how I can fix this?02:09
mjobinanyone playing kpat/spider at hardest difficulty ?02:29
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BloodhawkI've been having trouble with my sound controls for a couple of days now; when I turn down the master channel to 0%, media continues to produce sound. Muting works fine, but it's causing issues with volume levels, acting as if the master channel is an amplifier beyond normal volumes. Anyone know how I can fix this?04:03
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evilmoleBloodhawk: what are you using for your volume controls?04:12
Bloodhawkevilmole: sorry, my ISP decided to drop the ball tonight, whole house has been having issues, did my post go through?04:16
c2taruncan anyone please help me in setting up background for grub menu.04:17
evilmoleno i missed it04:17
Bloodhawkevilmole: HDA NVidia is what appears at the top of the window.04:17
evilmolebut how are you changing sound... from within kde?04:18
DaughainAnyone install android sdk under 10.10?05:32
chessclubcan someone help me configure my box to connect to my wireless network.... for some reason it wont connect and it doesnt give me any errors05:36
chesscluboh i am an idiot05:39
chessclubfixed it05:39
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bigbrovarMorning folks07:54
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tdnI have just installed Kubuntu 10.10 on my laptop. For some reason wifi does not wokr. I cannot even see knetworkmanager. This has worked out of the box as long as I can remember, but for some reason does not in 10.10.08:23
tdnHow do I make wifi work?08:38
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yofeltdn: maverick uses the network management plasma widget, check in the systray settings if it's enabled08:54
tdnyofel, there is nothing in the systray about network.09:00
tdnyofel, what to look for?09:00
yofelthere should be under display -> extra items -> networkmanagement (is plasma-widget-networkmanagement installed?)09:01
yofelor network-manager-kde ?09:02
tdnyofel, I had to manually add the widget. Now it is there. I will check if it works.09:18
tdnyofel, it seems to be working. However, I added the widget myself. So it is not in systray. Just in the panel. I cannot drag it into systray. How do I fix this?09:22
yofelyou need to add it there from the systray settings09:23
tdnyofel, ok. That gave me two.09:25
yofelremove the other one then, should leave the one in the systray enabled09:26
CuBe0wLhi all! I'm considering migrating my work laptop from debian to kubuntu, though I have a few questions09:27
CuBe0wL1: for work purposes, shall I install maverick or natty?09:28
tdnAppearently 10.10 uses the nouveau driver. This driver makes my laptop very hot. How do I fix this?09:28
tdnCuBe0wL, depends on what your work is.09:28
CuBe0wLI know natty is still in development, but I use testing as debian anyway, so I'm ok with some small instability09:28
tdnCuBe0wL, if stability is important I would say go with lucid. It is LTS.09:28
tdnCuBe0wL, debian testing is much much more stable than ubuntu.09:29
CuBe0wLtdn, medical research, mostly it'd be lots of reading of pdf and use of libreoffice09:29
yofeltdn: run jockey-kde and install the nvidia driver09:29
CuBe0wLalso: can I somehow turn off sudo? dunno why, but I just used to "su"09:30
tdnyofel, which one? There are two?09:30
yofelCuBe0wL: while kubuntu natty runs rather fine on my notebook, there is not guarantee that it won't break horribly at any point, natty is more like debian unstable with a bit experimental09:30
yofeltdn: the one where it says recommended09:30
CuBe0wLyofel, so I should go with maverick, with 4.6 backports09:30
tdnyofel, ok. I will try that.09:31
CuBe0wLmy reason for migration is KDE4 4.6 btw.09:31
yofelCuBe0wL: there is no root password by default for security reasons, while it's not recommended, you can use 'sudo passwd' to set a root password09:31
yofelCuBe0wL: maverick with 4.6 would probably be better09:31
CuBe0wLbut there's a root user, right?09:31
yofelyou can always upgrade to natty if you want from there09:31
yofelCuBe0wL: there is, but passwordless by default, thus disabled09:31
CuBe0wLso after all, if I set sudo passwd, I'll be allowed to log in as root as usual, right?09:32
yofelsure, su will work then09:32
CuBe0wLexcellent (in Mr. Burns voice)09:32
CuBe0wLok, one final question: is kubuntu free from pulseaudio? I've only heard bad things about it, and when I tried it myself, I wasn't contented with it either (though the concept is nice)09:33
yofelno, maverick uses pulseaudio by default - you can deinstall it, phonon will use alsa then09:34
CuBe0wLpurge pulseaudio-* the way it is then09:34
CuBe0wLaptitude purge hehe09:34
CuBe0wLthe chill always goes down my spine when I type in that09:35
CuBe0wLsometimes that does some major wtf :D09:35
yofelthat will require 'sudo apt-get install aptitude' first... (uses too much cd space... *sigh*)09:35
CuBe0wLno aptitude by default? odd, iirc that's the recommended now since years in debian09:36
CuBe0wLafter dselect went obsolete09:36
CuBe0wLI think it's a shame that these are the most "up to date" packages that debian can offer of KDE4: http://qt-kde.debian.net/debian/09:37
yofelin *debian* yes, but in ubuntu: we already have apt-get, no point in having 2 apps that do the same thing by default09:37
CuBe0wLyofel, aptitude is more robust, and has better dependency problem solving tools. but I see your point too.09:39
CuBe0wLanyway, thx for the infos, I think kubuntu will have a new user soon09:39
yofelthey were talking about 4.6 in #debian-qt-kde a while go, but I didn't keep track of the discussion09:39
yofelsure, aptitude tfw!09:39
CuBe0wLtfw is apropriate sometimes too ;)09:40
CuBe0wLor the other way around, wtf ;)09:40
yofelwell, true09:41
CuBe0wLyofel, sure, but updating to 4.6 is crucial for me (it has strigy database save/restore) and I badly need that for my researches09:41
CuBe0wLI can't wait for debian for weeks :(09:41
CuBe0wLit's just soooo comfy that I can label and rate any articles I read09:42
CuBe0wLand with strigi database save/restore, I can move that to other computers09:42
CuBe0wLthat means I can use my database on my desktop at work, save it to a pendrive, and easily restore that on my laptop09:42
CuBe0wLthat way I can work at home too09:43
yofelhm, haven't tried to test that yet here09:43
CuBe0wLI'll see anyway ;)09:43
CuBe0wLok, thx for the infos, bye now!09:44
tdnyofel, that seems to work. However, I have two problems: 1) I cannot get picture on my external monitor. 2) Bootup is not very pretty. (#2 is not that important, but #1 is a big problem)10:10
yofeltdn: try nvidia-settings from the menu (or alt+f2 nvidia-settings) and look if you can set it up there10:13
tdnyofel, I think I need disper to make it happen more automatically (keyboard shortcut).10:14
tdnyofel, but disper is not present for apt-get appearantly.10:14
tdnyofel, I can do it manually from nvidia-settings, however, it is impossible to do when the laptop is docked and closed.10:30
tdnyofel, why can't it auto detect if a monitor is connected?10:30
yofelno idea, I rarely use 2 monitors, sorry10:31
tdnI have just reinstalled Kubuntu 10.10. I restored my entire homedir from backup, so this includes .kde. I expected that my settings would still work. However, keyboard shortcuts and other stuff does not work. How do I fix this?10:46
tdnFor example shortcuts for Konsole does not work.10:46
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t3rminat0r_hey guys I need some help11:53
t3rminat0r_I downloaded git11:53
t3rminat0r_I decompressed the archive11:53
t3rminat0r_but there were only binary there11:53
t3rminat0r_should I just put it under my path?11:54
t3rminat0r_(no configuration a priori?)11:54
gr8m8!info git12:05
ubottugit (source: git): fast, scalable, distributed revision control system. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.7.1-1.1ubuntu0.1 (maverick), package size 5660 kB, installed size 11684 kB12:05
gr8m8where did you get it from?12:05
david__I put the evolution in Spanish in kde but not to download packages, I come from gnome and was always in Spanish, I can help12:12
david__or in another language12:17
SyriaI am running ubuntu 1012:17
SyriaI am running ubuntu 10.10 with gnome environment, how can I install the latest version of kde please?12:18
david__i install kubuntu 10.1012:18
Daughainsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop12:19
DaughainI think.12:19
EyesisMineFor what?12:19
SyriaDaughain:  But this will not install the latest version right?12:19
EyesisMineTo update don't you just sudo apt-get upgrade?12:19
DaughainOh, sorry......Misread.12:19
DaughainHe;s running gnome.12:20
EyesisMineHe wants to switch from gnome to kde?12:20
DaughainActualy, I dont know what ver of KDE it installs, Syria.12:20
DaughainI have both.12:20
SyriaI see.12:20
gr8m8the latest is in a ppa12:20
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.12:21
DaughainAnd gnome has saved my ass on a few occasions. =)12:21
SyriaEyesisMine:  Yeah, I want to try using the latest version of KDE.12:21
gr8m8or see kubuntu.org12:21
EyesisMineI think you have to goto a Ctrl+Alt+F1 screen12:21
EyesisMineTHEN sudo apt-get install kubuntu-dektop12:22
david__I put the evolution in Spanish in kde but not to download packages, I come from gnome and was always in Spanish, I can help12:22
david__or in another language12:22
EyesisMineI'm never sure, I only just started to use Kubuntu this week12:23
DaughainI just run whats stable.12:23
EyesisMineLOL, stable12:24
DaughainYes, stable.12:24
DaughainLeast on my sys it is. :P12:25
EyesisMineHa, I NEVER run stable12:25
EyesisMineCompiling the 2.6.38 kernel as I chat12:25
david__like me12:26
david__was tired of the gnome12:26
DaughainI have enough hardware issues I need to keep the software as stable as I can. :P12:26
DaughainLOL, even12:26
_d4vidhello people .13:26
_d4vidmy kde-plasma crash at logout or restart etc .. here http://paste.kde.org/3703/13:27
_d4vidhowto fix that? :/13:28
_d4vid<use kde 4.6 installed from backports.13:28
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bewoiCan anybody please tell me how to configure my LAN to autoconnect on startup (yes, i did check the respective box but it won't work anyway)?14:17
notgaryHey there, I was wondering if someone could answer a question for me. I Ubuntu, I can plug in a USB wireless broadband dongle and immediately be asked what network provider I wish to use.14:25
notgaryIS this the case on Kubuntu, or do I have to configurei t myself?14:26
yofelthat's sadly not implemented in the kde network manager, you'll have to configure it yourself :/14:31
notgaryYofel, thanks a lot :)14:37
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coleHow do you failsafe boot into kubuntu?15:17
yofelwhich release?15:18
BajKis the new mail notifier widget coming with KDE itself or is it added by kubuntu developers?15:18
yofelpress the left shift key at the bios screen and hold it pressed until the grub menu comes up. Select recovery mode there15:20
colehow do you set the default window manager?15:26
yofelfrom systemsettings -> defaul applications15:27
amichairwill libreoffice be available in maverick repos?15:28
colehow do you set the default window manager from the command line?15:34
EyesIsMineOops, wrong windows15:36
ChessTeachwhen I installed ubuntu, they never asked me for a password for root. The user they created for me as admin privilidges, how do I find out root's password?15:39
amichairChessTeach: I think in ubuntu, by default, root doesn't have a password - you cannot log in as root. Instead, it uses sudo for priviledge escalation.15:39
ChessTeachhow do i take control of a folder from the command line?15:41
Snowhogcole: What windows manager do you want to change to?15:41
yofelwhich folder? (or rather: what do you want to do?)15:41
ChessTeachi just recently installed a webserver, and i do not want to copy every file in there from the command line15:42
ChessTeachroot owns the folder15:42
james147ChessTeach: checging the woner of that directory will break apache, or what ever webserrver you have15:43
james147changing thw owner ^^15:43
ChessTeachhow can I move files in there then, without using the command line15:43
yofelyou could give the folder rwx permissions for everyone, if you're not too concerned about who can access it15:43
james147ChessTeach: since it needs read/write permissions... best to add your self to the group that directory belongs to instead15:43
SnowhogChessTeach: Are you running Ubuntu or Kubuntu?15:43
Snowhog!#ubuntu | ChessTeach15:44
ubottuChessTeach: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Ubuntu comes with the GNOME interface. To install that from Kubuntu install the ubuntu-desktop package.15:44
james147yofel: ^^ better to add yourself to the group and give that the permissions15:44
yofelor go james147 way, add yourself to the root group, and give the folder rwx permissions for the group15:44
ChessTeachSnowhog: how did that help?15:44
yofeljames147: yep, probably better15:44
james147(note the group "root"  but the group of that folder)15:45
james147not the ^^15:45
ChessTeachhow do i do that.... i am still learning the command line15:45
yofelright (it's owned by root:root here, that's why I assumed that)15:45
james147ChessTeach: first do "ls -l /var | grep www" that should tell you the owner and group15:46
james147yofel: if it? o , then "ls -l /var/www" and find out who owns the contents15:46
ChessTeachdrwxr-xr-x  2 root root  4096 2011-01-29 17:06 www15:46
james147yofel: its never a good idea to add yourself to the root group... better to change the group of the folder :p,15:47
ChessTeachroot owns the contents15:47
james147ChessTeach: but who owns the contents? "ls -l /var/www"15:47
ChessTeachroot owns all the files15:47
james147ChessTeach: what web server are you running?15:48
yofeljames147: well, usually the root group doesn't have more permissions by default than r-x, but you are right anyway15:48
SnowhogChessTeach: You can launch Nautilus 'as root' to do file management on root owned directories/files. From the console just type: gksudo nautilus15:48
james147ChessTeach: hmm, i thourght apache had its own user/group for folders :p15:48
ChessTeachSnowhog: good idea15:49
ChessTeachjames147: i don't know, it did all the work15:49
yofeljames147: it's usually www-data, but only for files it creates itself15:50
james147ChessTeach: o well, first create a group "cat /etc/group" will tell you what groups you already have15:50
james147^^ see if there is one like "www" or "www-data"15:50
yofelas long as the files are owned as root but are readable apache is happy15:50
james147yofel: yeah, i assumed ubuntu set the folder premissions on /var/www, or at least thats what it did with me i think :S15:51
yofeldidn't here, I think it only does that if the folder doesn't already exist15:52
ChessTeachjames147: i already got it to work.... use nautilus15:53
c2tarunIf i split yakuake screen in two halves, can anybody please tell me the keyboard shortcut for switching b/w these two halves15:56
james147c2tarun: ctrl+shift+down  (look in the configure shorcuts window for all the others)15:58
c2tarunjames147: hey :) thanks15:59
lyrichello, how start kde sessions without having to login?16:02
james147lyric: ^^ umm, you need to login to the computer to have a session... what are you trying to do?16:02
lyricyes, but I have only one user16:03
yofeldo you mean auto-login? You can set that somewhere in the kdm settings16:03
lyricbut I cant find where16:03
lyricI did that once upon a time16:04
james147lyric: system settings > login screen > conevence ... note that it is still loging in just not authenticating :)16:04
lyricI cannot find the 'login screen'-item?16:06
Snowhoglyric: What version of Kubuntu / KDE?16:06
lyricis there an icon somewhere?16:07
james147lyric: http://wstaw.org/m/2011/01/30/plasma-desktopoT5220.jpg << thats where it is on kde 4.6, it should be in the same place for 4.5, and might be called login manager for 4.416:07
james147lyric: no clue about 4.2... that really old now16:07
Snowhoglyric: Press Alt+F2 and type: login screen16:08
james147lyric: you should consider upgrading... the later versions have fixed ALLOT of bugs16:08
lyricso I will do that16:08
yofelhm, 4.2.2 should actually be jaunty, that's EOL, you really should upgrade16:09
yofelhe's gone16:09
mu3enunder 4.6 with kdepim experimental, has anyone got gcal sync in korganizer?16:10
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c2tarunjames147: can you please take a look at this error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/560273/16:16
james147c2tarun: when running what exactly?16:17
yofelthat seems from update-grub o.O16:17
c2tarunjames147: I was trying to configure grub boot menu16:17
c2tarunthis error came update-grub16:17
james147c2tarun: not sure sorry16:24
mu3enanyone have working gcal sync with kdepim 4.6 (or 4.5 in fact)?16:34
mime1111hello all. is there any way to safe my installed os with all files in a memory stick, and just run it with a simple plug?16:38
vanguardmime1111: There is the creator for a Ubuntu USB Stick right in the start menu16:39
vanguardmime1111: You can reserve some space there for your personal files as well.16:39
mime1111thank you16:39
vanguardmime1111: The computer you run it on has to support USB booting though16:39
vanguardmime1111: "Startup Disk Creator" in "System"16:40
mime1111thank you16:40
james147mime1111: you can copy the files to the stick (assuming it has enough space) edit /etc/fstab for the new location then install a boot loader... but thats not recomended, it will ware the disk out fairly quickly wiht all the read/writes an os needs to do... a better way is you create a livecd and install it to the stick (using what vanguard said)16:40
james147!liveusb | mime111116:40
ubottumime1111: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:40
james147https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent  and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization might be helpful16:42
GeekManwhere do the podcasts in amarock get saved16:49
james147GeekMan: probally, but i am not sure, in ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok16:50
morla_Hi, a friend has a strange issue: Firefox loads all data *extremely* slow, while other browsers are normally fast. What could be the reason for this?16:51
rogerlayswith many adds?16:52
vanguardmorla_: Add-Ons can slow it down, maybe you have some toolsbars or so? Otherwise, if you have many, many tabs open, FF slows down. Chromium has more stamina in that.16:53
morla_He doesnt't use add-ons, its bog-standard from kubuntu's apt sources. Also just one tab.16:54
vanguardmorla_: That is kinda stange. You could check out a system monitor to see how much power Firefox draws from the system16:55
vanguardIt it takes like 100% of the CPU and Gigs of RAM all the time, something is way off.16:55
morla_It's not a firefox issue I think, rendering speed is not the problem; It's really a dog slow network connection (like waiting for an image to load takes ages). But other browsers using the same network are fast16:55
morla_I tried a clean profile but no luck16:56
morla_i havent looked at a system monitor yet.. good idea, maybe it's really a cpu thing, but I dont believe it, becausae scrolling and everything is fast16:57
vanguardmorla_: So the page rendering is slow?16:59
morla_vanguard: I don't think it's the rendering, it's the data loading17:04
ArunCHi, I'm running Ubuntu 10.10. I have just installed kubuntu-desktop to have a feel of kde 4.6. I got KDM initially. After login, it shows me the gnome-panel and everything is gnome.17:05
morla_vanguard: like, page skeleton shows up and then 10 minutes later the images are loaded17:05
vanguardmorla_: what happens when you download a file?17:05
ArunCDo I need to do anything else apart from installing and choosing KDM as the login manager?17:05
vanguardArunC: You habe to select KDE as the session in the login screen17:05
vanguardmorla_: The page skeleton is not really a lot of data, just a couple KiB, the Pics are several hundred KiB. I have no idea at the moment.17:06
morla_vanguard: downwload is slow... IIRC a high downstream speed is displayed, but it's slow non the less17:06
vanguardmorla_: It just does not make too much sense to me at the moment why it should load slow. You don't have any proxy enabled, right?17:07
ArunCvanguard: Administration->Login Screen->Unlock doesn't work.17:07
ArunCNo idea why.17:07
vanguardArunC: When you are logging in after you start the computer, you can select KDE there17:08
morla_vanguard: jep, thats why i think somwthing is wrong with the network. I'm clueless either. There is no proxy, just a normal router. All apps use the same network connection.... it makes no sense :(17:08
vanguardArunC: has nothing to do with the adminstration panel17:08
ArunCOK. Let me try that. Thanks.17:08
vanguardmorla_: Hmm, do the images download slowly as well, or does it just take a lot of time until they begin to load?17:09
morla_vanguard: I think they load slow. Not at that computer at the moment. I wonder if it could be a malware thing? Like a Firefox malware which makes everything go through a secret proxy?17:11
vanguardmorla_: It is not impossible, but I think that there should be a better explanation.17:13
vanguardezra-s: Hi :)17:13
morla_vanguard: yes it sounds unlikely since the problem doesnt go awayy when using a new profile. Sigh. I'll feed google a bit more to see what I find. Thanks for your help :)17:15
vanguardmorla_: Maybe you can ask that question in a board like ubuntuusers or ubuntuforums17:17
ArunCvanguard: I did a reboot and I chose KDE as the session. I was dropped into console (Ctr Alt F1). Had to do startx to get this X session.17:20
morla_vanguard: I got it! Had to disable IPv6 :))17:21
GeekManis anyone here fimiliar with microsoft web access outlook17:29
GeekManwhen you try and change your password it asks for the domain i dont know what they mean by domain its for my college mail17:30
SnowhogGeekMan: Ask your college's IT department, as they are responsible for the network.17:31
GeekMan:) i am aware of this :) i wanted to know if you knew what domain its refering to17:32
GeekManserver side ?17:32
GeekManbut im almost abotu to ask17:32
SnowhogGeekMan: It's impossible for us to know what domain your college setup.17:32
Snowhog*set up.17:33
GeekManXD  of course you dont let me rephrase but i think you answered my question now (when outlook asks for a domain what is it asking for)17:33
GeekManthe mail sever17:34
SnowhogGeekMan: Does your college have a website for student use that has help on using Outlook Webmail?17:35
james147GeekMan: probally the network domain your college belongs to (which you will need to ask them for)17:36
GeekManill check im planning to go there but they send a letter telling you you have a collage email and all and this is the user name password adn to change your password asap so i try and it asks for the users domain17:36
GeekManthey say if you need help to email the help email17:37
GeekManso i guess ill do thx17:38
GeekManill ask them what network domain im on17:38
=== guilherme is now known as Guest27723
GeekManmy volume wheel is really touchy and the way i fixed that was using gconfig with gnome but i dont use gnome anymore so what should i go to to adjust the volume wheels sensitivity17:58
james147volume wheels?17:59
james147what are they?17:59
Peace-james147:  hi18:00
james147hey Peace-18:00
GeekManwhere do i change the sensitivity for it cause its tooo sensitive you move it a tiny bit and wham the volumes blaring or it you turn it down and you can barly hear it18:01
james147I do not know what you mean by volume wheels18:01
* GeekMan hits face18:01
GeekMan(my face)18:01
GeekManthe volume adjuster knob on my laptop18:02
GeekManit adjusts the volume of the sound i play from the notebook18:03
suslovwho from russia18:03
james147!ru | suslov18:03
ubottususlov: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:03
suslovа тут чем плохо?)18:04
Peace-!english | suslov18:05
ubottususlov: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList18:05
Peace-GeekMan: could you explain better?18:05
Peace-GeekMan: you have a wheel on your laptop?18:05
Peace-GeekMan: mouse?18:05
james147Peace-: I think he means a hardware volume control18:05
Peace-james147: guess hotkeys?18:06
Peace-special keys?18:06
GeekManno its not keys its a potiometer (jog wheel it spins on a access)18:06
Peace-i understood18:07
Peace-i guess you have to select shortcuts18:07
Peace-GeekMan: systemsettings18:07
Peace-GeekMan: shortcuts18:07
GeekManwhere from there18:08
Peace-GeekMan: on kde button18:08
Peace-GeekMan: there is a search18:08
Peace-type systemsettings18:08
GeekMannot what i mean18:08
Peace-basically your hardware control is not set like volume controller18:09
GeekManisnt that how i set the key/hardware i want to use to control18:09
Peace-so you have to set the shortcut18:09
GeekManim talking about changing the sensativity18:09
GeekMani can do it on gnome18:09
GeekManunder gconfig18:09
Peace-systemsettings  input device18:09
Peace-all stuff is on systemsettings18:10
GeekManill figure it out some how thanx for trying to help18:12
Peace-GeekMan: i am setting english18:13
Peace-wait a  moment18:13
Peace-GeekMan: try this http://simplest-image-hosting.net/jpg-0-plasma-desktopfl163518:16
GeekManbro i have all my keys set right we are having communication issues it seems. the keys are to sensitve18:18
GeekManthey arent even keys lol its a jog wheel18:19
GeekManbut its cool18:19
GeekManif i dont find a way to turn the sensitivity down i will just set 2 keys insted of the wheel18:20
GeekManlook this is how i fixed it when i was using gnome hold on18:21
GeekManI have the exact same problem, and I stumbled across a solution while looking for something else..18:22
GeekManOpen up gconf-editor, and go to apps > gnome-settings-daemon, and change volume_step as needed. Changing from 6 down to 4 seemed to work well for me.18:22
St0n3-C0lI installed KDE 4.6 from ubuntu 10.10....but I can't seem to get GTK+ apps theming on Oxygen....despite me changing the theme in Application Appearance18:23
Peace-GeekMan: reading18:24
GeekManst03-c0l: where you using gnome before18:24
Peace-St0n3-C0l: have ytou ion startup the script http://simplest-image-hosting.net/jpg-0-plasma-desktopor163518:24
St0n3-C0lnot there18:25
Peace-GeekMan: have you tried to set the wheel of the mouse i know it's not the device ... but try maybe it could work18:27
Peace-GeekMan: i have not a fast answer18:27
Peace-St0n3-C0l: you have to install the package18:29
St0n3-C0lbrb installed kubuntu-default-settings package18:29
GeekManPeace: its cool ill ask a forum :) you help out stone-col18:29
=== patrick is now known as Guest25822
GeekManbye bye18:30
FarhanBuriroHow can i check my current KDE version?18:30
Peace-FarhanBuriro: open a kde application18:30
Peace-FarhanBuriro: go on help menu18:30
james147FarhanBuriro: any kde app > help > about kde18:30
Peace-click on kde18:30
Peace-james147: do you know a equivalent for gnome doemon stuff?18:31
Peace-i didn't18:31
james147Peace-: nop18:31
FarhanBuriroits 4.4.5 how to upgrade to 4.6?18:31
Peace-FarhanBuriro: 10.10?18:31
james147FarhanBuriro: what version of kubuntu?18:31
FarhanBurirojames147, how to check kubuntu version?18:32
Peace-lsb_release -a18:32
james147FarhanBuriro: lsb_release -a18:32
St0n3-C0lPeace -: I installed kubnutu-default-settings, loaded the script manually from that folder18:37
St0n3-C0lIt's enabled18:37
St0n3-C0lbut still18:37
St0n3-C0lnot the same18:37
FloodBotK3St0n3-C0l: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:37
james147St0n3-C0l: do ~/.gtkrc-2.0 and ~/.gtkrc-2.0-kde4 exist?18:38
james147St0n3-C0l: can you pastebin their contents18:39
St0n3-C0lHang on18:39
St0n3-C0lhttp://pastebin.com/MDP36sHv -> .gtkrc-2.0-kde418:41
james147St0n3-C0l: seems its set to use qtcurve rather then oxygen, try chaning it in system settings > application appearence > gtk styles18:45
St0n3-C0lchanged it to oxygen-molecule18:46
james147St0n3-C0l: if that still does help, rename .gtkrc-2.0  and create a sym link in its place to the -kde4 one (ie "ln -s ~/.gtkrc-2.0-kde4 ~/.gtkrc-2.0")18:47
CuBeTophi all! I have a running debian testing right now. can I easily migrate my wholesystem to kubuntu by adding kubuntu repos, and do a full-upgrade from there?18:47
St0n3-C0lwill I have to logout james?18:48
CuBeTopor I should go for a clean install from maverick DVD/cd18:48
yofelCuBeTop: please do a clean install, we don't guarantee any binary compatibility between ubuntu and debian18:48
St0n3-C0lThat trick worked james. Thanks18:51
CuBeTopyofel, is there a netinstall style installer for kubuntu? also, can I do an "expert" install from gui/text? (I only need / )18:51
CuBeTopoh, and can I install lilo instead grub? somehow grub just won't run on this laptop18:51
yofelthere is a netinstall disk *somewhere*, would need to look for it18:52
yofelfor an expert install use the alternate image, that uses the debian installed (no idea what the netinstall image uses)18:52
yofeland we ship lilo in the archive, but don't ask me if it works18:53
yofelCuBeTop: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD should be the netinstall one19:00
=== Snowhog_ is now known as Snowhog
CuBeTopyofel, thx19:00
=== Snowhog is now known as Snowhog_
=== Snowhog_ is now known as Snowhog
gruuuHello, can someone answer a question for me?19:24
james147!ask | gruuu19:24
ubottugruuu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:24
gruuuHow do I create a shortcut that appears on all users' desktops?19:25
gruuuI'm not new to linux, but I am new to kubuntu, so I'd be ok with a few commands.19:25
Peace-gruuu: locate kubuntu-default19:25
gruuuWoah, nice. So I just have to place the shortcut in the corresponding folder that appears when I type 'locate kubuntu-default'?19:26
Peace-gruuu: locate kglobalshortcuts19:27
Peace- /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/config/kglobalshortcutsrc19:28
tdnHow do I install KDE 4.6 in Kubuntu 10.10?19:44
james147tdn: see the topic19:45
tdnjames147, ok. Thanks.19:46
tdnjames147, it does not say how to add ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports19:48
james147tdn: yes it does :) in the "Software repo... guide" link19:49
sithlord48tdn use the command :  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports or enable it in the software center19:49
tdnsithlord48, thanks.19:49
tdnI have added the repos. Run apt-get update. Now when I run aptitude dist-upgrade, I get a lot of dependency conflicts. Output from aptitude: http://paste.adora.dk/P1935.html   What to do? Should I just select Y?19:52
Snowhogtdn: What version of KDE are you using now?19:57
tdnDid any of you upgrade to KDE 4.6? What do you think of it? Is it stable?19:57
yofeltdn: that looks fine, remove those19:57
tdnSnowhog, 4.5.1, default with kubuntu 10.10.19:57
tdnyofel, thanks.19:57
kuruminalguem do rio de janeiro19:59
kuruminbrazil guest19:59
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:59
tdnyofel, do you use 4.6?20:01
yofelyes, in natty20:01
Snowhogtdn: Upgraded to 4.6 yesterday, here on Maverick.20:02
caraelso ;any ppl in there20:04
tdnSnowhog, ok. So what do you think of it?20:06
mmauderis anybody else having trouble connecting to icq using kopete 1.0.80?20:07
tdnSnowhog, has it become faster, prettier, more stable, etc.?20:07
Snowhogtdn: I've noticed some (very minor) 'niggles', but nothing I would/am concerned about.20:08
tdnAfter installing Kubuntu 10.10 my NFS mounts does not work anymore. I just get "mount.nfs: Connection timed out" when trying to mount them. How do I fix this?20:08
tdnSnowhog, ok.20:08
rob0917Does kubuntu have it's own forums or do I need to use ubuntu's ?20:09
Snowhogtdn: I'd say, that for me, on my laptop, I'd rate 4.6.00 'just a tad' below 4.5.6. But 4.5.6 was mature, and 4.6.00 is recently released. It will improve with time like fine wine and good cheese. :)20:10
Snowhogrob0917: Go to www.kubuntuforums.net20:11
rob0917Snowhog: thanks20:13
Snowhogtdn: NFS. Check that you still have nfs-common installed.20:16
ChessTeachI am using Ubuntu, and when I resize a window I noticed that the area that my mouse has to drag it is very small. Is there a way to lower the needed accuracy? I hope this makes sense20:28
james147ChessTeach: if you using ubuntu then ask in #ubuntu20:29
ChessTeach:-) ok20:29
ChessTeachi thought they combined the two distros into this channel20:30
james147ChessTeach: ^^ if anything they would combine to #ubuntu20:30
james147though that isent going to happen anytime soon20:30
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St0n3-C0lI am not able to see Klipper in Taskbar...even though it's running...20:40
St0n3-C0lAny help ?20:42
james147St0n3-C0l: how do you know its running?20:48
St0n3-C0ljames147: I ran it in Konsole to check if there are any errors...or not20:51
St0n3-C0lBut it's saying that it's already running.20:51
james147St0n3-C0l: try killing it and restarting it20:52
St0n3-C0lyea works20:53
platiusmy 1st try at using kde.  What are the desk protector looking windows called and how do you restore one to the desktop?20:53
St0n3-C0lThanks :)20:53
james147platius: not sure what you mean by that20:55
platiuswhen I installed kde 4.6 there was a n empty transparent window that a panel appeared on the righside of the window with a wrench, etc. I deleted it and would like to restore it.20:57
platiusPlasma window?20:58
Snowhogplatius: That's the Folder View widget.20:58
james147platius: the folder view widget? right click the desktop > add widgets > find and drag it to the desktop20:59
james147platius: make sure you unlock the widgets first20:59
BluesKajHi folks , I've forgotten the method to adjust the MENU and TOOLBAR fonts in kate as root ..for some reason it's not taking the settings set in system settings/application appearance20:59
platiusjames147; Thank you21:00
SnowhogBluesKaj: Have you logged out/in after the changes?21:00
james147BluesKaj: kdesudo systemsettings  << anything editied there will be saved and used by root21:00
BluesKajyes, Snowhog21:01
james147Snowhog: that 'shouldnt' be needed21:01
BluesKajahh, that's it james147 , now I recall ...memory is not up par lately21:02
BluesKajok done , that worked , thx james147 :)21:06
=== Philip6 is now known as Philip5
AciDsince I upgraded to version 4.6, my top taskbar (which is set to auto hide) won't hide anymore. Is there any workaround ? What's the taskbar process name so I can reload it (the old "dcop kicker kicker restart" trick is deprecated it seems)21:22
james147AciD: the panels are now part of plasma, (as is the rest of the desktop)21:23
james147AciD: "kquitapp plasma-desktop && sleep 1 && plasma-desktop" will restart it21:24
AciDI was googling for that :)21:24
james147AciD: if that dosent help create a new user and see if they have the same problem21:24
tdnSnowhog, nfs-common is already the newest version.21:24
tdnSnowhog, but I'll give you that it seems that nfs-common is not installed.21:25
AciDhm, that made plasma-desktop crash21:25
james147AciD: if it dosent comback then jsut relaunch it21:26
Snowhogtdn: sudo apt-get install --reinstall nfs-common21:26
AciDjames147: that corrected the problem, thank you again !21:26
tdnSnowhog, I will do that. I noticed that /etc/init.d/nfs-common does not exist. Does it on your system?21:26
tdnSnowhog, reinstalled nfs-common. Still the same. Mount times out.21:26
Snowhogtdn: I don't have any nfs devices.21:29
tdnSnowhog, ok.21:29
Snowhogtdn: Two things to try. In a console, type: sudo mount -a   If that doesn't do it, then reboot and see.21:30
tdnSnowhog, any idea how I can debug this?21:30
tdnSnowhog, just did. Did not help.21:31
Snowhogtdn: How are the nfs devices connected to your PC?21:31
tdnSnowhog, ethernet21:31
tdnSnowhog, nothing has been changed on the server.21:31
SnowhogAre they 'seen' in Dolphin?21:32
tdnSnowhog, what do you mean?21:32
Snowhogtdn: If you launch Dolphin, are they listed in Places?21:32
tdnSnowhog, oh. Yeah. They are in Places. I normally just disable Places and Filters.21:32
* BluesKaj vows to stay away from 11.04 til it's officially released ...got my system flumoxed by the new X 1.10 stack , it took out too many essential xorg files , and made the system unbootable21:32
tdnSnowhog, however, nothing happens when I click them in dolphin.21:33
Snowhogtdn: Can you right-click on them and look at Properies?21:34
tdnSnowhog, nope. Only "add new entry" or "hide"21:34
_dreamywhy is my sound and image quality impressivly better, in ubuntu (or kubuntu) 10.10 comparing to debian 5.0? anyone helping ?21:37
james147_dreamy: what version of kde does it have?21:38
tdn_dreamy, well, it is much newer.. Maybe something has been optimized?21:38
_dreamywell.. its got kde 4 ..21:38
tdn_dreamy, there is a huge difference between e.g. 4.0 and 4.6.21:39
_dreamykde 4-- something.. the standard that somes with kubuntu 10.1021:39
tdn_dreamy, the points are important. Everything before 4.3 sucked ass.21:39
james147_dreamy: can you check... any kde app > help > about kde21:39
_dreamybut those things are related to the drivers :S ?21:39
Snowhogtdn: Are you familiar with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo21:40
tdnSnowhog, no. Will take a read.21:40
tdnSnowhog, however, I have used NFS for ~10 years.21:41
Snowhogtdn: Well, you know what they say: 'Familiarity breeds complacency.' ;)21:41
_dreamytdn: that what i was tryng to guess.. it could have new OSS drivers?21:42
_dreamyOSS - open source21:42
_dreamyi wish i could write a command in the terminal that could give me driver versions21:42
* james147 waits for an answer...21:42
yofel_dreamy: graphics drivers? what card?21:45
_dreamyjames147: ill do that, when i change to ubuntu.. if its not the latest version .. maybe i could install the very latest one21:45
_dreamyyofel: radeon 700021:45
_dreamyor m6 ly21:46
_dreamyor 7000 le21:46
_dreamyor rv10021:46
yofelas for KDE - maverick has 4.5.1 by default, I don't know what lenny has21:46
james147yofel: ^^ from what i can see its still on 3.5 :P21:46
yofelI would think so too21:47
yofelsqueeze will ship with 4.4 finally21:47
james147so i am going to answer the question with: Because debian is slow and outdated21:47
_dreamydebian 5.0.8 has wich kde?21:48
james147^^ debian stable at least21:48
james147_dreamy: we dont know.. your using it tell us21:48
_dreamyi got 5.021:48
_dreamyhas an old kde21:48
Snowhog_dreamy: That's the version of Debian. Open any application and then click on Help > About KDE21:49
yofelkonsole shows as " konsole | 4:3.5.9.dfsg.1-6+lenny1   | lenny          |"21:49
yofelso 3.521:49
james147yeah, so the reason your getting better preformance with ubuntu is because debian stable is very very outdated21:49
tdnSnowhog, read the page. Checked my settings. Looked ok. Still does not work.21:49
_dreamySnowhog: i cant , on my debian at the moment i got gnome, but when i had is installed before, it was an old kde 3-- something21:50
_dreamyon 5.0, i dunno about 5.0.821:50
FarhanBurirohow can i check my kubuntu current version?21:59
james147FarhanBuriro: lsb_release -a22:00
FarhanBurirojamee_, its 10.04 how to upgrade it?22:01
FarhanBuriroi just switch from windows and learned installation ubuntu then kubuntu from this server.22:03
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade22:04
SnowhogFarhanBuriro: And https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades/Kubuntu22:04
FarhanBurirofrom where can i update my current ubuntu?22:09
james147FarhanBuriro: see the links we posted for info on how to upgrade22:11
FarhanBurirojames147, i am asking about update of my ubunty 10.04 before upgrading to 10.1022:12
james147FarhanBuriro: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:12
_dreamymy kde is 4.5.. theres a  4.6 one is it eazy to ugrade?22:18
_dreamyops.. wrong window22:19
=== Muzer is now known as MuzerAway
=== Space_Man_ is now known as Space_Man
AciDis there a way to bind the mouse wheel for the kwin zoom function ?23:41
AciDsome old threads says no, but perhaps it changed ?23:41

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