
LPCIBotYippie, build fixed!01:54
LPCIBotProject db-devel build (331): FIXED in 6 hr 22 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/331/01:54
LPCIBotLaunchpad Patch Queue Manager: [rs=buildbot-poller] automatic merge from stable. Revisions: 1228401:54
lifeless=== Top 10 Time Out Counts by Page ID ===02:02
lifeless    Hard / Soft  Page ID02:02
lifeless     182 /  299  BugTask:+index02:02
lifeless      13 /   12  Archive:+copy-packages02:02
lifeless      12 /    3  Cve:+index02:02
lifeless      10 /   11  Branch:+index02:02
lifeless       8 /    0  BinaryPackageBuild:+retry02:02
lifeless       7 /   27  DistroSeriesLanguage:+index02:02
lifeless       7 /    8  Person:+uploaded-packages02:02
StevenKWhy is the top 10 only 7?02:14
wgrantIndeed, 2-4 are omitted.02:17
wgrantBad lifeless.02:17
lifelessthat would be freenode fail02:34
lifelesstheir new software throttles far too aggressively02:34
thumperMonday morning, and all quiet19:24
lifelesscan fix that19:25
lifelessthumper: btw maxb reopened your stuck builds fix19:26
thumpersaw that19:26
lifelessin linking series to branch19:35
lifelesswould it make sense to offer a likely list? e.g. code imports + branches called 'trunk', 'MAIN', 'HEAD' etc19:36
thumperlifeless: file a bug :)19:43
thumperare the windmill tests disabled?19:56
lifelessI'm not sure19:56
jelmerg'morning nz20:18
lifelessno new bugs20:57
lifelessno confirmed bugs20:57
thumperhi jelmer20:58
thumperwallyworld: morning21:02
thumperwallyworld: thanks for taking the CHR slot21:02
wallyworldthumper: np21:02
=== wallyworld changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Topic for #launchpad-dev: https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | PQM is open | firefighting: - | On call reviewer: wallyworld | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
lifelessand woo every undecided importance bug is incomplete.21:06
mwhudsonah, this is why i have so much email, perhaps21:08
mwhudsonnot that i get launchpad bug mail any more21:08
lifelessjames_w: bug 64564021:11
lifelessjames_w: you commented that its blocked, but not by what21:12
lifelessah bah21:13
lifelesswrong bug21:13
lifelesshang a sec while I try to find the right one again21:13
james_wwell, why is that one incomplete?21:13
lifelessit was incomplete pending a reply, which you have given21:14
lifelessjames_w: though I do have another question for you on that bug :)21:15
lifelessjames_w: bug 39520021:18
=== wallyworld changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Topic for #launchpad-dev: https:/​/​dev.launchpad.net/​ | PQM is open | firefighting: - | On call reviewer: | https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
lifelesspoolie: call?21:46
wgrantAnyone up for reviewing https://code.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bug-710360-gina-wheezy/+merge/47942?22:18
lifelesswgrant: ugh22:19
lifelesswgrant: are you a reviewer yet?22:19
wgrantI need a mentor.22:22
lifelessok, I'll mentor you22:24
wgrantlifeless: Sure?22:27
lifelessyes, I think I can handle it22:28
wallyworldthumper: you free yet?22:33
thumperwallyworld: yep22:33
lifelesswgrant: can you let bac know, get yourself on the roster etc etc22:34
thumperStevenK: ping22:38
thumperStevenK: mumble ping22:38
StevenKthumper: Hai22:38
StevenKthumper: I can22:40
StevenKthumper: You think?22:41
StevenKthumper: I need a bit more time to clean up some SQL22:46
StevenKthumper: Yes22:46
StevenKSame thing22:46
StevenKIt's all IPerson.merge22:46
wgrantSpeaking of which, can I object to the delete-recipes-on-merge thing? :)22:47
StevenKwgrant: thumper just did22:47
StevenKthumper: So, I don't think the queue-recipes will take very long22:49
StevenKthumper: Then I'll rip team-merge apart22:49
StevenKthumper: branch merging is all done with SQL22:49
StevenKthumper: def _mergeBranches(22:50
thumperwallyworld: https://launchpad.net/oops-tools22:55
thumperwallyworld: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/560402/23:00
thumperlifeless, mwhudson: didn't someone organise to have the doctests rendered as ReST and available somewhere on a site?23:02
mwhudsonthumper: BjornT_ was working on that23:03
lifelessthumper: benji presented a plan23:03
mwhudsonthumper: ages ago though23:03
lifelessthumper: in july23:03
thumperso not yet then...23:03
lifelessnot yet23:03
mwhudsonsearching my mail archive turns up http://people.canonical.com/~bjorn/lp-architecture/23:04
mwhudsonbut i don't know if that ever got past proof-of-concept23:05
lifelessit was a redo23:05
lifelessnew docs23:05
lifelessnew subtree23:05
lifelessexisting stuff untouched23:05
mwhudsonah right23:05
lifelessI decided it wasn't worth pursuing in that form23:05
lifelesswow RootObject:+daily-builds is sick23:08
thumperlifeless: how sick?23:08
lifelessnever renders in < 9 seconds23:09
thumper273 queries won't help23:10
thumpershould aim for < 2023:10
lifelessI was looking for pages whose 99% completing fell between 14 and 15 seconds23:12
lifelessto see the impact of dropping the timeout by a second23:12
lifelessonly two23:12
lifelessthat, and PillarNameSet:EntryResource:search23:13
lifelessboth < 50 hits a day23:13
thumperlifeless: probably a day or so to fix that one23:13
thumperStevenK: the morning standups just aren't the same if you can't talk23:17
thumperStevenK: plz fix :)23:17
StevenKHere I was thinking you'd say they're better if I can't talk23:18
wgrantlifeless: You know that armel PPAs are coming RSN, right?23:26
mwhudsonfsov rsn23:27
wgrantI believe that's included in the definition of RSN.23:27
jelmerwgrant: I thought we already had armel PPAs?23:27
mwhudsonjelmer: well sort of, but they're not virtualized23:28
wgrantjelmer: We have restricted fake virtualized builders.23:28
wgrantThat are not virtualized.23:28
jelmerright, so we have armel PPAs :-)23:28
StevenKlifeless: Does http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/560425/ look sane to you? I don't think Storm is bracketting the two date_created conditions correctly23:44
lifelessStevenK: why do you have the two comparisons with date created ?23:46
StevenKlifeless: Because if there is a build that's been created within the last 24 hours, we don't want to schedule another23:47
lifelessthat only requires a <23:47
lifelessnot < is equivalent to >=23:48
StevenKEr, won't that return builds that have been scheduled in the last 24 hours?23:49
lifelessStevenK: I think your math is broken :)23:49
lifelessStevenK: date created is a point in time; we are interested when the build was scheduled before now-23h50m23:50
lifelessStevenK: if we had an interval, we would query on interval > 23h5023:50
lifelessStevenK: if we have a position, we query on things before that position23:51
StevenKlifeless: Keep in mind a recipe can have more than BuildFarmJob23:52
StevenKMore than one23:52
lifelessah yes23:52
lifelessI really dislike this data model23:52
StevenKSo I'd like to make sure if there is one BFJ, it was created more than one day ago, and if there are more than one, that they all were created more than one day ago23:53
StevenKlifeless: Patches welcome23:54
StevenKlifeless: But keep in mind that BFJs are used by more than just recipes23:54
lifelessthe basic problem is that you want to work on stuff that is 'current' but the schema is an archival schema23:55
lifelessbetter to hav a current schema and an archive schema, if you want archiving.23:56
wgrantlifeless: What does current mean?23:58
lifelesswgrant: live, active23:58
wgrantIn this case we are looking for records that might have built a day ago.23:58
wgrantAre they archived?23:58
lifelesswgrant: in a different model you wouldn't be looking for anything in the archive schema23:59
lifelesswgrant: so that question is noddy23:59
wgrantHow would you model it?23:59
lifelessStevenK: so, we want SPR with either (no builds) or (no builds in the last 24 hours) right ?23:59

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