
Rosie_o_Donnellneed to make a "new user" in user groups, but it isnt letting me.01:23
Rosie_o_Donnelli just go to add new user and it does nothing01:25
MrChrisDruifMeh....my virtualbox Lubuntu doesn't work...can01:27
MrChrisDruif't check it for ya...01:27
MrChrisDruifBut do you get any error messages?01:27
Rosie_o_Donnellguessing it has to do with account elevation01:28
Rosie_o_Donnellyeah like having a custom account instaed of admin01:33
Rosie_o_Donnelli have gnome so ill probably just do it there. thannks anyway01:33
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jmarsdenIs anyone interested in helping me look at / troubleshoot / fix bug #653628 and bug #635698?06:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 653628 in ecryptfs-utils (Ubuntu) "package ecryptfs-utils 83-0ubuntu3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65362806:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 635698 in lxdm (Ubuntu Maverick) "encrypted home-folder not unlocked when login" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63569806:00
bioterrorjmarsden, for the last one there's a fix06:55
bioterroras you can read from the comments06:56
bioterrorjmarsden, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxdm/+bug/635698/comments/11 even better06:56
jmarsdenI'm verifying that fix, and finding interesting things happening... but yes.  Now read comment #41 :)06:57
jmarsdenIt's not that I need a fix for personal use for these issues, I'm trying to get them understood and fixed published in Ubuntu.06:58
jmarsdenIn particular, I am wondering if it is lxdm that should add a Depends: encryptfs-utils to make the autoremove-removes-things-it-should-not problem.07:01
jmarsdenOr if that Depends should be in some other package.07:01
bioterrorsomehow I have a feeling that this whole home directory encryption is like a something made with bubble gum and packaging tape07:08
bioterrortwo things I hate: plymouth and this07:09
jmarsdenbioterror: I think there are certainly some issues in the home dir encryption stuff.  How many of those are Lubuntu-specific remains to be seen.  But people seem to like and use it, so, we need to try to support it :)  Hating isn't likely to be very productive.07:11
bioterrorI used it with my mint installation, worked fine with 10.04, but when hdd fails, it's PITA to get data out of it07:14
bioterrorI just rm -rf'd the image I made of drive as none of the "guides" didnt seem to get my data out, or maybe I'm just unskilled what comes to decrypting home folders ;)07:15
jmarsdenI've never tried that "for real" but https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory#Recovering%20Your%20Data%20Manually looks sane as a starting point.07:23
jmarsdenFor these two bugs, I think I'll create a new lxdm package that Depends: encryptfs-utils and see if it fixes them... Julien can then tell me why that's a bad idea later :)07:25
bioterrordoes gdm depend on it?07:53
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bioterrorI dont even have in natty ecryptfs-utils08:08
jmarsdenI just created bug #710049 about this, let's see what happens.08:29
ubot5Launchpad bug 710049 in lxdm (Ubuntu) "missing dependency allows encryptfs-utils to be autoremoved" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71004908:29
jmarsdenbioterror: apt-cache rdepends ecryptfs-utils    gets me adduser in Lucid.  And apt-cache rdepends adduser gets me a *huge* list of packages.  I'll check if that is different in Natty.08:33
bioterrori just checked apr-cache show lxdm and it wasnt in listing08:34
jmarsdenbioterror: What set of repositories do you have selected? lxdm is in universe08:43
jmarsdenTry    rmadison lxdm08:44
Abrambioterror there?13:41
AbramSince I installed another Distru on my Laptop yesterday GRUB only boots the new Distru and no boot entries for the first Distru are found.  The new Distru uses GRUB1 which shows up when booting, the first distru uses GRUB2. I tried to chainload from GRUB 1 menu.lst the first Distru (hd0,0) but when I click on the title in GRUB1 after booting nothing happens. What should I do now? Editing GRUB2 on sda1(hd0,0) or should I install GRUB2 o13:42
Abramactuall ony /dev/sda1 is Lubuntu 10.1013:42
Abramon /dev/sda3 is the new Distru 8.0413:43
MrChrisDruifDistru? Or Ubuntu 8.04?13:45
Abramubuntu 8.0313:46
MrChrisDruifWould've been awesome if you found an 8.03 release ;)13:46
Abrami already wrote into GRUB1 menu.lst the chianloader13:49
Abramwhich doesnt work tho13:49
AbramI wonder what I should do now13:49
Abrammaybe install GRUB2 into mbr?13:49
MrChrisDruifBut I don't know enough about grub, so I don't know if it's okay if you uninstall that grub 1 and that grub2 would be there again....otherwise that would be another option...13:50
MrChrisDruifInstalling grub2 on the mbr13:50
MrChrisDruifIt would be able to detect both the distro's installed if I'm not mistaken...13:50
AbramI try this now13:53
esingMrChrisDruif I didnt succeed with grub216:34
MrChrisDruifesing: Too bad...16:34
MrChrisDruifSo you are also Abram?16:34
esingI removed grub1 and installed grub2 to ubuntu 8.0416:34
esingmy real name is abram16:34
MrChrisDruifAlright :)16:34
MrChrisDruifBut what happened?16:34
esingwell after i installed grub2 on ubuntu 8.04 i could still only boot from 8.0416:35
esingthen i entered livecd 1010 and installed grub2 again on my first distru 1010 (sda1)16:35
MrChrisDruifBut the Lubuntu install is this installed?16:35
esinglubuntu 1010 is my first distru16:36
esing=> sda116:36
MrChrisDruifWhat was it again: did you try something like grub update in terminal?16:36
esingafter reinstalling grub2 on lubuntu1010 i could only start lubuntu 1010 from bootloader16:36
MrChrisDruifIt'll check the disk for installed distros if I'm not mistaken...16:36
esingsudo update-grub16:37
esingbut it didnt work16:37
MrChrisDruifThat was it....:S16:37
esingthen i tried to install the entries manually16:37
esingi went to etc/grub.d16:37
esingand added to 40_custom entries if found in the mounted sda3 (ubuntu 8.04) and added them16:37
esingthen i updated again16:38
esingbut it doesnt show ubuntu 8.04 in bootloader16:38
esingi can boot only from lubuntu 1010 now16:38
esingso depressing*g*16:38
MrChrisDruifYeah, it is :)16:38
esingyou are the pro :D16:39
MrChrisDruifI'm just curious, but why did you want to install 8.04? :)16:39
esingbecause of a driver i cant run in 101016:39
MrChrisDruifAlright....(and I'm not a pro, just trying to help)16:40
MrChrisDruifIf I was a pro, I would have solved it no prob right? :P16:41
esingye you are right ^16:41
esingmaybe we need to contact a pro16:41
esingisnt bioterror a pro? ^^16:41
MrChrisDruifThere are a lot of people here that know loads more than me, bioterror is one of them...16:44
MrChrisDruifYou could try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-24113.html and the second post16:46
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jmarsdenAnyone know why after an Lubuntu 10.10 install, there is a set of apt autoremovable packages which seems to include things that should not really be autoremoved?  bug #71004920:21
ubot5Launchpad bug 710049 in lxdm (Ubuntu) "missing dependency allows encryptfs-utils to be autoremoved" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71004920:21
bladethefoxI need help with gtk-recordmydesktop20:27
bladethefoxit won't open20:27
bladethefoxwhen I go to the menu and click on it it will not open20:28
jmarsdenbladethefox: Can you be more specific?  What are you trying to do with it?  If you run it from a shell prompt (LXterminal) do you get an error message there?20:28
bladethefoxwhen I click on it on the menu there is a flash then it won't open20:28
bladethefoxand I tried the other options ie.xvidcap, istanbul, ant they will not record sound20:29
jmarsdenbladethefox: Try it from the command line and pase the error message, so we can help you :)20:31
jmarsdenbladethefox: Sounds like a library it needs is missing, or something like that.20:31
bladethefoxbladethefox@bladethefox:~$ gtk-recordmydesktop20:32
bladethefoxgtk-recordmydesktop: command not found20:32
bladethefoxI installed it from the synaptic package manager20:32
bladethefoxxvidcap works but one problem, no sound20:33
bladethefoxsame problem with istanbul20:34
jmarsdenbladethefox: OK, I'll try installing it here, don't go away :)20:38
bladethefoxok thankies20:38
jmarsdenbladethefox: OK, at the command line you need to type    gtk-recordMyDesktop     # with the M and D Upper Case20:42
bladethefoxjamrsden:/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/recordMyDesktop/rmdMonitor.py:10: DeprecationWarning: The popen2 module is deprecated.  Use the subprocess module.20:44
bladethefox  import popen220:44
bladethefoxTraceback (most recent call last):20:44
bladethefox  File "/usr/bin/gtk-recordMyDesktop", line 43, in <module>20:44
bladethefox    main()20:44
bladethefox  File "/usr/bin/gtk-recordMyDesktop", line 40, in main20:44
bladethefox    tr=rmdSimple.simpleWidget()20:44
bladethefox  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/recordMyDesktop/rmdSimple.py", line 515, in __init__20:44
bladethefox    self.trayIcon=trayIcon(self)20:44
bladethefox  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/recordMyDesktop/rmdTrayIcon.py", line 394, in __init__20:44
bladethefox    self.tray_popup=iTP.TrayPopupMenu(self.parent,self.parent.values,self.optionsOpen)20:44
bladethefox  File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/recordMyDesktop/rmdTrayPopup.py", line 51, in __init__20:44
bladethefox    self.popupmenu_continueitem.hide()20:44
bladethefoxAttributeError: TrayPopupMenu instance has no attribute 'popupmenu_continueitem'20:44
jmarsdenYow!  OK, now you know what the issue is, at least. What version of gtk-recordMyDesktop did you install and what version of Lubuntu are you running?20:45
bladethefoxlubuntu 10.10 and the gtk-recordmydesktop that is currently in the repositories20:46
jmarsdenHm.  OK.  I get a bunch of deprecation warnings but it runs, but I'm running Ubuntu 10.04.1 right now.  Time to fire up Lubuntu 10.10 and try it there...20:47
bladethefoxshould I get an older release?20:48
jmarsdenNot necessarily... let me test in Lubuntu and see if I can duplicate the issue there.20:50
jmarsdenbladethefox: Ok, I'm seeing the same issue you are seeing.  Looks like gtk-recordmydesktop needs either a newer or older version of some python libraries?  You can try an older version of gtk-recordmydesktop, it might help.20:54
bioterror!paste | bladethefox20:54
ubot5bladethefox: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:54
bladethefoxI did mention that xvidcap works but has audio issues20:57
jmarsdenbladethefox: I think I saw an article somewhere about using xvidcap and recording audio separately and combining the audio and video later as a post-processing step...20:59
bladethefoxso I use audacity to record sound and xvidcap to record video then splice them together?21:00
jmarsdenYes.  See http://screencasts.ubuntu.com/Creating_Screencasts   -- old, but the ideas remain valid.21:00
jmarsdenBut now I need to go AFK for a while... I'll try to look at the gtk-recordmydesktop issue later if I can.  You might want to file a bug in launchpad about that.21:01
babahello there21:46
babasomebodz at home_21:46
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babasomebodY at home?21:48
bioterror!ask | baba21:49
ubot5baba: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:49
babai have a problem with installing lubuntu21:49
babai installed it, and i dont see the menu21:49
bioterrorsomehow I guessed you have a prolem ;)21:49
bioterrordo you see that panel21:50
babai onlz can see 2 bottoms wit run and log off21:51
babai see the panel21:51
bioterrorit's lubuntu 10.10?21:51
bababut onlz 2 tabs there21:51
babazes its 10.1021:51
bioterroralt+f2 and open xterm21:52
bioterrorsudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop21:52
bioterrorlet's make sure you're not missing anything21:52
babaisnt it inside the package?21:53
bioterrorI want to be sure about this21:53
bababut it should be inside the installation21:53
babawhen i use live disk its inside21:54
babaand i dont have a terminal21:54
babaisnt it inside the ground installation?21:56
bioterrorpress alt+f221:56
bioterroryou get popup window where you type: xterm21:56
bioterrorpress enter and you get terminal21:56
babanow i see the terminal21:57
babai am here bY live disk21:58
babais it normal that i have to install the lubuntu desktop bYmYself?21:59
babasorr?, no Y22:00
babamust copY it from net22:00
bioterroryou're using livecd instead of real installation22:00
bioterrorszczur, what do you think, should we chroot? ;D22:01
babais it usual that i have to install the desktop?22:01
bioterroras you've noticed, your installation isnt working that well, and we have to ensure that all the packages are there22:02
babaor should it be installed alreadY?22:02
babamabz the problem is that i installed without internet connection?22:09
bioterroris it?22:16
bioterrorit should not be a prolem22:16
bioterrorbut it is suggested22:16
bioterroras clock is 00:17, I'm about to move to bed as I have to get up around 05:3022:17
bioterrorbut I could suggest to try installing it again22:17
babai will22:18
bioterrorif it doesnt fix it, then we would like to have you chatting with us from the installation22:18
bioterrornot from livecd22:18
babamabz see zou later22:18
bioterrorgood night22:18
babagood night22:18
MrChrisDruifSleep well all, I'm off :)23:10

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