
DaekdroomThe default gnome-panel conf looks interesting.00:29
DaekdroomSomewhat close to unity, yet unique.00:29
faeln i have 11.04 and with a recent update it always hangs when i am booting or a get a blank black screen, how can i fix it?03:13
BUGabundofaeln: /topic03:15
Daekdroomfaeln, I had a similar problem and fixed it by using Xserver from the xorg-edgers PPA03:15
Daekdroom*not fix, worked around03:15
faelndaek, do you have the command for the PPA?03:17
rwwfaeln: the command, and instructions you should read first, are at https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa03:18
=== Amaranth__ is now known as Amaranth
=== Hew_ is now known as Hew
HewI'm attempting to update-manager -d from maverick but I get "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.", is this a known issue, or something specific to my system?04:12
HewThe error message is quite vague, I've had a look at xorg packages and other things but haven't been able to determine the cause.04:19
=== KM0201__ is now known as KM0201
graingertheya python2.7 missing glib?05:18
graingertis this normal?05:18
slyrusso is there a decent way to downgrade back to maverick?07:40
SwedeMikeno, downgrade isn't supported afaik, never has been.07:41
* slyrus should have waited a while longer before upgrading to natty07:42
fffddfafter btrfs subvolume set-default , how to make it back09:09
=== zniavre_ is now known as Teuze
=== Teuze is now known as zniavre
HewI'm attempting to update-manager -d from maverick but I get "E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.", is this a known issue, or something specific to my system?09:41
yofelthis means that the repository is in a so inconsistent state that update-manager can't figure out a sane way to upgrade, wait a few hours or a day and try again09:42
Hewthanks yofel, I have been getting this for 24h now, I'll see if it's any better tomorrow09:45
edgyhi, yesterday X failed to start today again. yesterday I removed those quiet splash vt... and it works! today it stopped working, any help?10:55
geseredgy: are you perhaps on amd64?11:12
edgygeser: exactly11:13
gesersee if you are also affected by bug 70997711:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 709977 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev (Ubuntu Natty) "Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV in RemoveDevice() - segfault at 1010 error 4 in evdev_drv.so" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70997711:14
edgygeser: yes, it seems this is exactly what I am facing let me downgrade and test11:17
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
cor_rI had a problem where I couldnt install grub-pc, now switched to 11.04 . There are even more packages not installing, any idea? http://paste.ubuntu.com/560054/11:20
gesercor_r: can you pastebin your /etc/default/grub11:21
edgyI will reboot now and check geser. thanks and see you11:25
cor_rgeser: apparently the directory is non existent?!?11:28
yofelcor_r: /etc/default/ exists, and if there is no grub file, then grub-pc won't work11:29
cor_rhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/560182/  , yofel , geser11:30
yofelGRUB_GFXMODE=>>1920x1200-24<< is wrong11:30
yofelthat should be " not >>11:30
yofelsome for <<11:31
yofeland remove the -2411:31
geserprobably the same in GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT (line 9) too11:31
yofelnot sure, that is properly quoted, so maybe uvesafb wants it like that11:32
yofelI'm happy with default vesafb here though11:32
cor_rok now my bootup splash works again, but that was not the problem^^ , it wont install :  linux-image-2.6.38-1-generic11:36
cor_r memtest86+11:36
cor_r ubuntu-standard11:36
cor_r grub-pc11:36
cor_r linux-image-generic11:36
cor_r linux-generic11:36
cor_rthx so far though :)11:36
geserrun "sudo dpkg --configure --pending" to finish the installation of those packages11:37
cor_rthank you very much geser, works perfectly now :)11:42
=== vivid` is now known as vivid
coz_what is going on with the "grab tab"  ?  has this been remedied or in the process  ?12:18
coz_good day all12:26
Daekdroomcoz_, as far as I know, it's a feature.12:31
coz_Daekdroom,  yes  mm  but it is definitly an interferance at this point...  I am wondering if ,, at the very least...it can be transparent.. it would then not be a "visual"  bug12:32
jmlanyone else getting redraw bugs in emacs?12:56
Chelsea_Hi all, is it possible to run natty (with unity) in Virtualbox? Googling gives me mixed -perhaps outdated- information.13:47
bazhangChelsea_, what version of vbox.13:48
bazhangChelsea_, not sure, apparently version 4 has some more advanced stuff, perhaps try in #vbox13:55
Chelsea_ok, thanks13:58
Chelsea_Does it work in vbox 4?13:58
yofelhey BUGabundo14:24
penguin42apport has started asking for passwords about 3 or 4 times during each bug report - very annoying14:47
MickStepcan someone using nouveau please pastebin there xorg.conf15:45
BUGabundoMickStep: $ pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:45
BUGabundoUnable to read from: /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:45
yofelusually you have no xorg.conf with nouveau15:46
MickStepyofel: That's what I thought, when my X broke after an update, I disabled nvidia in jockey and deleted my xorg.conf, and my X is still broken15:48
MickSteplooking at the welcome message though it appears this problem is a widespread one?15:48
yofelMickStep: lsmod shows nouveau as loaded?15:49
yofelalso, you'll need nvidia-current from x-updates PPA if you want to use that15:49
yofelthat has the current beta driver15:49
MickStepThat souns like the ticket15:49
MickStepyofel: why on earth would they ship X that will break the nvidia driver in the repos but not ship the working driver too15:50
yofelthey didn't bother to package the beta driver for the main archive? And there's a bug in the nvidia packaging that doesn't prevent it from being installed with an incompatible x-server15:51
yofelwell, more like the proprietary driver has a lower priority than fixing the default drivers15:52
MickStepyofel: still why ship a package that definitely wont work in favour of one that might be buggy.15:53
yofelerm, the x-server was upgraded, it's just that the nvidia-driver wasn't updated yet because it's not important enough to get an updat15:53
yofeland they're not going to remove it just because it's broken15:54
yofelacutally, that it's not being removed by the x-server update is already a known bug15:54
yofelwelcome to alpha15:55
MickStepit's still worth it I guess, is there a twitter feed or anything where you can get a heads up about update that will break your system?15:56
yofelsee /topic, there *IS* a warning about X being in a broken state15:56
bazhanghttp://feeds.ubuntu-nl.org/NattyChanges MickStep15:57
bazhangrss feed15:57
MickStepAm I losing it or didn't the comman used to be add-apt-repository and now it's apt-add-repository?16:01
Daekdroomas it always been16:02
MickStepnot on my natty system16:03
DaekdroomNow that I tested it, apparently both commands work.16:03
MickStepDaekdroom: on mine the add first command no longer exists]16:04
yofelhm, apt-add-repository is a symlink to the other one here16:11
yofel1179725 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18 2011-01-25 14:57 /usr/bin/apt-add-repository -> add-apt-repository16:11
MickStep_I still havent managed to fix my Xserver, but attempting nouveau or nvidia from the X updates ppa16:18
MickStep_any suggestions how I can investigate further what the issue might be?16:18
BUGabundohumm TeamViewer runs on wine :\\ wth I though it was native16:35
gpcBUGabundo: it runs very well on wine, if that helps you.16:40
gpcteamviewer is great imo16:41
BUGabundogpc: been running so far16:48
BUGabundoinstalling TeamViewer so I can access a remove Windows7 PC, to access a Virtualbox running Ubuntu LiveCD to recover a file in Wubi :S16:48
BUGabundocan't mount smb with root17:11
BUGabundonice bug :(17:12
MickStepI am completely at a loss of how to fix my Xserver, currently it should be using nouveau, gdm is started and yet displayed on my screen is an unrelated kernel error spat out a second after the bootloader, and I can't open up a terminal with ctrl-alt-f117:17
MickStepI am sshed in and all the services I run are running fine17:17
MickStepI think it's a far more intrinsic problem with X than just a driver issue, is it possible to roll back to the previous X using apt?17:18
arielsanflohabla español17:27
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:27
arielsanfloen pap17:28
kaddihi could someone please tell me if forked-daapd is available by default in natty?17:36
kaddihttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/forked-daapd this kinda suggests it, but i'm not sure if those are submitted packages or if that's just a work in progress17:37
yofelkaddi: submitted, but only in the development release17:40
kaddibut chances are it'll be part of natty when it is released?17:41
BUGabundosuccess :D17:41
yofelkaddi: it already is17:42
kaddik, so it's part of natty but not maverick is what you were saying? :p17:42
yofelhm, actually...17:42
yofellet's hope it will be, as the package failed to build :/17:43
kaddiyeah, i saw that too17:43
kadditrying to help someone set it up on maverick 64bit atm.. I was considering an early upgrade to natty.. but a) it's still too soon and b) it's not building atm..17:44
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
galamarso im having this problem installing deb files (opera and google chrome). when i click on them they open with software center and than they pretend to install for like 15 seconds. after that they just stop. when i try to install via terminal this is what i get:root@ubuntu:/home/noroot/Downloads# aptitude install /home/noroot/Downloads/opera_11.00.1176_amd64.deb18:52
galamarCouldn't find any package whose name or description matched "/home/noroot/Downloads"18:52
galamarCouldn't find any package whose name or description matched "/home/noroot/Downloads"18:52
galamarNo packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.18:52
galamar0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 421 not upgraded.18:52
galamarNeed to get 0 B of archives. After unpacking 0 B will be used.18:52
galamar                                         18:52
yofelgalamar: apt-get / aptitude don't support local files, use 'dpkg -i <file>'18:53
BUGabundoyou don't use apitute18:53
BUGabundoyou use .... what yofel said18:53
BUGabundoand you DON'T run ROOT in ubuntu dude !!!18:54
galamarokay and also it seem ubuntu software center fails in !every! action............ and yeah i know that i just did that for quick copy of the scripts and my root terminal is faster to access19:00
nit-witgalamar, install gdebi19:01
galamarokay... also my mozilla ff's flash plugins freak out on some web pages (the properties window on facebook game mafia wars). i was wondering if maybe i have something conflicting?19:03
nit-witgalamar,  could you describe freak out.19:05
nit-witgalamar, give me a link where this happens19:06
galamarrandom parts flashing whiting out scattered graphics type of things.19:06
nit-witis this only happening in natty19:08
galamarthe only place i have noticed the problem is on that one part of (mafia wars) and the entire game (dragons of atlantis) both are facebook games on my profile so i dont think i can link the page19:08
galamarthats why i want to try opera and chrome to see if they work with the pages. (and i would love to get netflix working.)19:10
nit-witI suspect the cpu and ram is overdriven on the facebook links, do you have conky or a way to confirm use19:12
galamarnit-wit im not sure what you mean.??19:12
galamaris there a way to check my box for conflicted packages?19:14
=== alex88_ is now known as alex88
akshatjMy natty VM died after updating19:21
BUGabundoCIFS is soooo bad19:22
bluefrogakshatj, virtualbox?19:23
akshatjbluefrog: yes19:23
bluefrogakshatj, only the GUI. works ok otherwise. must use recovery mode though to start with19:24
akshatjyeah, i am using it now19:25
akshatjbluefrog: is a bug reported about it?19:26
bluefrogakshatj, dunno. just finished updated19:26
OmegaAre you guys able to summon gnome-do in natty?19:28
nit-witOmega, no19:29
nit-witOmega, with the icon clicked yes though19:29
* BUGabundo stabs libc6 19:37
BUGabundoOmega: works here19:37
BUGabundobut I have no composite19:37
BUGabundoso it's a mess19:37
nysosymis anywhere a list with a daily updated status about broken features or packages in 11.04?21:28
nysosymso i can prevent my system to update to the death?21:28
MathuinI need to install Natty packages on my UNE 10.10 -- how do I do this?22:09
Mathuin(specific packages)22:09
BUGabundocan't it be from a PPA?22:10
BUGabundowell, I would add natty repos22:10
MathuinThe PPA has the same version according to the web.22:10
BUGabundoand manually upgrade just those22:10
BUGabundothen remove the archive22:10
MathuinOkay, how do I do that on UNE?22:10
MathuinThe specific packages are librxtx-java, arduino-core, and arduino.22:11
BUGabundosame as in any debian distro22:11
BUGabundoadd it to sources.list22:11
MathuinI'm in a class, and the teacher's about to use the software.22:11
MathuinWhat specifically do I add to sources.list ?22:11
BUGabundowhy don't you ask him?22:12
MathuinI found sources.list at least, it's in /etc/apt/22:12
MathuinBecause he is a Windows user.22:12
MathuinAnd is teaching the IDE, not how to set it up. :-(22:12
BUGabundoisn't he their to teach you ?22:12
BUGabundook ok22:12
BUGabundobut why natty?22:12
BUGabundoif you have NO idea of what you are doing22:12
MathuinThey said it works.22:12
MathuinSo I kinda need to get this working.22:13
BUGabundoadding different repos is a dangerous thing22:13
BUGabundosudo  gedit /etc/apt/sources.list22:13
BUGabundo deb mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt natty main restricted universe multiverse22:13
BUGabundoopen synaptic22:13
BUGabundopress update22:14
BUGabundoand then install only the packages and depencies you need22:14
BUGabundothen remove that repo and update package list again Mathuin22:14
MathuinOkay, used vi to update the file and used apt-get update.22:14
BUGabundowhat ever you feel confortable with22:14
MathuinThank you very much.22:15
MathuinWhen it's done, I will remove that line and re-run apt-get update, and it won't delete the ones we added?22:15
BUGabundobehare those being development packages22:16
BUGabundothey can work or kill kittens22:16
MathuinAs long as it programs my Arduino before it goes on a kitten-killing rampage, I'll consider that acceptable.22:16
MathuinI appreciate the help.22:17
BUGabundoone more happy user22:17
BUGabundobets on how long till he comes back saying his OS is broken?22:17
BUGabundoI take 4 min22:18
BUGabundoanyone else?22:18
=== eric is now known as Guest3683
Daekdroomvirtualbox-ose-dkms package is broken. That is sad.22:32
DaekdroomI better check if there's a bug report on it already22:32
zykes-anyone here tested nxserver on natty?22:34
BUGabundobut I did last cycle22:34
zykes-BUGabundo: did it work? I keep getting a "No valid sessions found"22:37
zykes-in a popup and then nothing more22:38
BUGabundoyeah, worked fine for months22:38
BUGabundotill I got the GTK bug22:38
BUGabundowhere everything is SLOWWWWWWWWW22:39
zykes-it was slow with xfce as well :|22:39
zykes-BUGabundo: is it something to do with unity desktop manager ?22:52
BUGabundono idea22:52

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