
Phlostenanyone know if the terminal server client will do console mode connects?00:01
Phlostennvm, there is a tick box for console mode I did not spot before00:02
Phlostenso Skype on Linux doesn't do video calls? any alternative that does?01:57
head_victimShould work if you have the latest version02:01
Phlostenhead_victim, ah, there we go02:02
Phlostennow wondering how to change from 60Hz to 50Hz02:03
head_victimI had a working webcam installed once. I never bothered putting it back in a reshuffle as I've never used it other than th test if it worked02:05
PhlostenGUVCView is the tool I needed02:11
Phlostennice, just found a great reason to keep the yubikey, lastpass uses them03:00
iktuser days is over 05:05
ikttime for some reading O.O05:05
iktbtw holy sheet it's hot05:06
Phlosten<3 aircon05:06
nisshhikt, its 36 C here :|05:08
nisshhover 45 C in other parts of WA though05:09
ikt39 here :/05:13
nisshhthis is screwed, we had a cyclone pass us thismorning and now we have 36 C full sunny wheather, what the hell? :)05:14
iktyeah I was expecting perth to get blown away05:29
iktdidn't happen :<05:29
nisshhikt, nah it was only a cat 1, weak cyclone :)05:30
nisshhit dissipated as it went past perth05:30
nisshhwe ended up just getting thunderstorms05:30
iktoh well05:31
iktback to watching egypt implode :P05:31
nisshhikt, 'expecting' or 'hoping'? :)05:31
iktsomewhat not nice of me to enjoy watching disasters 05:32
Phlostendamn Egyptian government05:33
iktwasn't there a wikileak think linked earlier?05:34
PhlostenI just had a tech from Egypt setting up a satellite connection for me in Mauritania, and I need to contact him for some info05:34
iktthe egyption president is leaving it up to god to decide the next leader :////05:34
nisshhheh, yep05:35
Phlostenwhere god = angry people with sticks?05:35
iktanyone know what paul gears nick is?05:55
iktcan anyone try and login here:07:04
iktregister/login do whatever07:04
Phlosteni think si07:07
Phlostenikt, i received a password via email07:08
head_victimikt: btw, Paul Gear = blahdeblah 07:10
Guest81145sorry my connection dropped07:12
iktah it's not the main links07:22
iktanything that involves a redirect gets blocked07:22
firtvid20Hey, anyone here?07:54
head_victimIn and out a little07:56
head_victimWhat can we do for you07:56
firtvid20I'd like some of those Ubuntu stickers (as noted in the newsletter). Paul was saying that someone could ship the stickers and a ubuntu Maverick disc?08:01
head_victimAh yeah, just shoot him a quick email would be the best bet so he can keep track of stuff08:02
head_victimJust saw it, good work :D08:03
firtvid20I just only figured out how to use the mailing list08:05
firtvid20I though you had to completely use email for it, then I found that I was subscribed to it using Google groups08:06
head_victimOh ok, I've only ever used the email component so I'm not sure how that works on the other end. But it looks like it's worked out08:06
head_victimGday sagaci 08:08
sagaciwhat's happening08:08
firtvid20Wait a minute, there are 3D Ubuntu stickers?!08:13
firtvid20Don't see them on Carnonical's Store08:14
head_victimfirtvid20: they are just little bubble type ones08:19
head_victimsagaci: just sitting here cleaning up after yesterday and watching the cricket08:19
firtvid20head_victim: I think the flat stickers would do good for covering up the scratched Dell logo on my laptop08:20
sagaciwas the open day good08:20
head_victimsagaci: I thought it was pretty good actually, a lower turnout than expected but that's just due to not being able to use the preferred venue due to the floods. There would have been a lot more general public at the original venue.08:21
head_victimfirtvid20: and they have little ones that are good to sick on your windows key to make it a Ubuntu key.08:21
firtvid20head_victim: Oh cool. I wonder if there is a way to make the Windows key open the Ubuntu Apps menu.08:22
head_victimfirtvid20: it's just the 'meta' key in Ubuntu so you should be able to map it fine08:22
firtvid20Ok. Might just Google it now08:23
head_victimfirtvid20:  http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/use-the-windows-key-for-the-start-menu-in-ubuntu-linux/08:24
firtvid20head_victim: lol. Im reading that right now08:24
firtvid20Hmm, now why won't Blender install...08:29
firtvid20Failed to fetch http://mirror.optus.net/ubuntu/pool/universe/o/openjpeg/libopenjpeg2_1.3+dfsg-4_i386.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80] 08:30
firtvid20Anyone know why?08:30
Phlostenis your package list up to date?08:31
firtvid20Should be, I updated it just now, and tried again.08:31
firtvid20I'll try from Synaptic instead of Ubuntu Software Centre08:32
Phlostenmaybe the optus mirror is not up to date08:33
firtvid20Yeah, still getting an error. When I visit the link to download the deb, I also get a 404 error. D:08:34
firtvid20I'll try another server08:34
* ikt goes insane08:35
firtvid20ikt: lol08:35
iktwhy won't you redirect08:35
iktthis thing won't work sorry :P08:35
firtvid20Ah, found the package: http://packages.debian.org/sid/i386/libopenjpeg2/download08:35
iktare you new firtvid20 ?08:36
firtvid20ikt: Nah, I've used Ubuntu for about a year by now. Found this Ubuntu AU about 5 months ago08:36
iktah ok08:36
firtvid20I just had to reinstall Ubuntu after my hard drive broke08:36
iktwasting internodes bandwidth08:37
iktupdating natty for the 100th time -_-08:37
iktnatty got updated from kernel .37 to .38 and this ofc breaks virtualbox08:38
iktso I've been messing around for the last week trying to fix it up08:38
firtvid20I'd love it if Ubuntu had software similar to After Effects08:49
firtvid20Too bad Cinefx looks like it was abandoned08:50
iktafter effects08:55
iktthat's video editing?08:55
iktnothing like sony vegas pro for linux either08:56
iktI want something less complicated than professional video editing software but more customisable than windows movie maker08:56
iktopenshot seems to be heading that way which I'm very happy about08:57
head_victimIs there a way to probe USB devices, so if I've removed one via the gui and want to reuse it without unplugged and replugging it.09:24
head_victim(I have an internal card reader that I can't unplug and replug without a fair amount of effort that I keep pressing the wrong option for when removing sd cards)09:24
head_victimikt: as per your email to the list, if you did want to organise anything around that document freedom thing I'm sure I could organise you some CDs09:26
ikthead_victim, I'm not sure if I want to organise around dfd, moreso after visiting local library they seem to have some benchspace for leaflets and things, and I think if I had a broucher and a cd it could be picked up by a few ppl09:42
head_victimikt: ah ok, I also have a heap of team business cards left, might be able to think about putting one inside a cd case or something?09:51
iktyeah definitely, very doable09:55
head_victimHow big is the library?09:55
head_victimJust to get a feel for what numbers we're talking about09:56
sagacilike what was said at the end of lca, how government needs to explicitly document action on using opensource apps. Does it sound as good as it is on paper?09:59
dkg779just curious, has anyone any idea or experience with dual boot going haywire when new kernal is applied through update manager ?10:05
ikthead_victim, pretty massive10:07
iktI think over 100-150 people in there when I was there10:08
ikt. It has more than 1,000 visitors a day and approximately 65% of all residents are registered borrowers10:09
head_victimikt: so 75 discs would be useful?10:12
head_victimdkg779: not had that issue sorry10:15
head_victimdkg779: what sort of "haywire" are you referring to though10:15
ikttbh I'm not sure how popular it would be, I'm going to go look over some marketing stuff, thinking of having something like, computer full of malware? try this! but then I remember someone saying something about promoting a product based on other products negativities10:17
iktubuntu is a great os, and perfect for those who just want to browse the web and read email10:17
head_victimikt: Have look over spreadubuntu.org they have a fair bit of good stuff10:17
head_victimI used 2 of their posters for the open day10:18
dkg779unknown module error at logging in, reset the pc and no dual boot. It went straight to windows and the partition for ubuntu was gone10:18
dkg779100% of my dramas have been with update and the dual boot10:18
dkg779so I've eliminated xp finally and I'll just tough it out dealing with wine and drivers now10:19
head_victimAh I can't say I've seen that but yeah, can surely help out with wine and drivers for linux as well if need be10:19
iktdid spreadubuntu get updated recently?10:20
head_victimikt: I think it did actually10:21
head_victimThere's some stuff there that could be useful and other stuff that would require a minimum of change to make useful10:22
dkg779thanks head_victim10:23
blahdeblahikt: ping13:08
blahdeblahikt: What did you want to track me down for?13:08
iktgonna be a hot day21:02
=== iflema is now known as Guest34588
iktdoes anyone understand this22:15
ikt$* =22:15
iktExpands to the positional parameters, starting from one. When the expansion occurs within double quotes, it expands to a single word with the value of each parameter separated by the first character of the IFS special variable.22:15
nisshhthat guide is notoriusly confusing :)22:16
iktglad I'm not alone22:20
nisshhikt, that guide is how i learnt bash in the first place, although i never got up to that point ;)22:22
elkythere is #bash (or ##bash) on the network, you konw.22:24
nisshhikt, ^^^22:25
nisshhmeh, i dont use bash anymore anyway22:25
nisshhi use zsh22:25
iktmornin' head_victim  :D22:26
nisshhhey head_victim22:27
blahdeblahnisshh: Sounds like you need to switch to gentoo22:59
blahdeblahikt: The "positional parameters" are the command line arguments22:59
blahdeblahikt: $* gives you all of them separately, "$*" gives them to you all together.  But in practice, you never use this, you only ever use "$@", which is the same thing, but quoting safe.23:00
nisshhblahdeblah, why would i need to switch to gentoo?23:07
blahdeblahnisshh: zsh, and all your other "let's do this the hard way because we can" idiosyncracies.  Don't worry - we still love you... ;-)23:08
nisshhblahdeblah, i simply stated i use zsh, zsh does not have anything to do with gentoo23:09
blahdeblahnisshh: I know, i was just stirring :-)23:09
nisshhblahdeblah, heh, you just stirred me at a bad time, im just annoyed with my current job situation :|23:11
blahdeblahnisshh: Sorry dude - hope things get better23:12
nisshhthats ok, not your fault23:13
nisshhhope is not something i do any more though23:13
blahdeblahnisshh: :-(23:16
iktbest lyric ever23:25

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