
txomonhello, I have just been in the #ubuntu-classroom and I asked about a case00:00
txomoncharlie-tca, ?00:00
penguin42a particular bug?00:01
txomonyes , this00:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 485067 in linux "wireless card malfunction" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:01
txomonhe told me it was incomplete... but i dont know why00:01
* penguin42 looks00:02
penguin42txomon: OK, it was marked incomplete because he asked you to confirm it was still happening and to run that command, that I see you've run00:03
charlie-tcamade it00:06
charlie-tcatxomon: I will subscribe to your bug, so I can follow it up00:07
txomonI just submited a curious bug,00:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 709955 in linux "03f0:241d Gobi wireless modem only works when rebooting from windows" [Undecided,New]00:07
charlie-tcaYes, but jeromy asked to have the mainline kernel tested00:07
txomonis there anything missing there¿00:07
charlie-tcatxomon: also, the kernel bug triager is overwhelmed by sheer numbers of bugs he gets. I can apologize that the ball got dropped on that bug.00:08
charlie-tcatxomon: you still have the system for bug 485067?00:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 485067 in linux "wireless card malfunction" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48506700:09
txomonoh, I just submited it with your instructions while u explained, so, I don't blame00:10
txomoncharlie-tca, yes, I would have to take it from my sister ;) but yes00:10
charlie-tcathat new bug looks good to me.00:11
txomonim now in the computer (just 4 u to know)00:12
charlie-tcanew or old?00:12
txomonso I can submit more info00:12
txomon(the old one has a lot)00:13
charlie-tcaI don't want no more on it today. I think it has everything the kernel team needs, unless we have you test it in natty00:14
charlie-tcaand, I will leave that up to them...00:14
txomonok, I think you have my mail there in launchpad, so dont hesitate in contacting me00:18
txomon(i'm spa and dont know if I spell correctly everything)00:19
charlie-tcait's okay. Most of the time, we can read what you mean instead of how it got spelled :-)00:20
charlie-tcaI added a comment on the old bug.00:20
charlie-tcaand, since I only have a few bugs to follow, I will see it again in 3-4 weeks00:21
charlie-tcatxomon: thanks for your patience.00:25
txomonok, I will install newly ubuntu00:25
txomonwhich one would u prefer?00:25
txomonan LTS or the latest?00:25
charlie-tcaon a separate partition, or for that 3G modem bug?00:25
txomon(it is just going to be for the bug)00:26
txomonthe old one00:26
charlie-tcaYou don't need to reinstall unless ubuntu is not there now.00:26
txomonfor the modem one, I have the the latest00:26
charlie-tcaWe just want to try a new kernel on it00:26
txomoncharlie-tca, there isnt, so that is my question... ¿is it completely indiferent the ubuntu version?00:27
charlie-tcathen you should put maverick on, Ubuntu 10.1000:27
charlie-tcathat gives you a better chance of things working right.00:28
charlie-tcaOr, you can just comment on the bug report that you no longer have that computer and save you a lot of work...00:28
txomonnp I want to make posible for other people to use ubuntu easier00:42
charlie-tcaThank you for doing that.00:45
charlie-tcajibel: you around?01:27
charlie-tcajibel: I'll catch up to you Monday then. questions about an old bug01:28
jibelHey charlie-tca, I'm still there. What's the bug ?01:35
charlie-tcabug 65890001:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 658900 in espeak "package espeak 1.43.03-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65890001:35
* jibel looking01:35
charlie-tcaVarLogDistupgradTermlog.gz shows many errors starting about line 555601:36
charlie-tcaI never seen one that failed so much01:37
txomonhi, can you tell me if this is the correct way to express new features requierement?01:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 709978 in empathy "empathy is not enought good in IRC chat" [Undecided,New]01:39
charlie-tcaLooks good to me, but let's see what someone else thinks, too.01:40
jibelcharlie-tca, iirc update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for iceape-flashplugin. was caused by a previous version of flash which broke the alternatives system.01:42
* jibel now looking for the master bug01:42
charlie-tcaand that broke everything, then?01:42
jibelyep, duplicates are good for my karma :-)01:42
charlie-tcayes, they are01:42
jibelcharlie-tca, here is the master bug 42984101:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 429841 in flashplugin-nonfree "broken packaging: package flashplugin-nonfree failed to install/upgrade: (breaks upgrade)" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42984101:43
charlie-tcaI sure appreciate you looking into it.01:43
jibelcharlie-tca, especially at this time of the night, I should go to bed.01:44
charlie-tcaI don't know how you find this stuff, sometimes. but I sure am glad you are able to!01:44
charlie-tcaThank you very much for doing that tonight01:45
jibelcharlie-tca, memory training, I learn 500 bugs a day, and in 4 years of contribution to Ubuntu, I've been able to learn them all ;-)01:47
charlie-tcawhew! I wish I could say that.01:48
jibelI can say that, but I wish I could do that.01:48
jibelcharlie-tca, okay, it's close to 0300AM, time to get some sleep. See you soon.01:49
charlie-tcagood night, jibel. And, thanks again01:49
syntrI want to know what else I can do about this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-games/+bug/65427205:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 654272 in gnome-games "Gnibbles cannot start new game. game score is initialized but the game splash (worm with green background) does not disappear" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:07
syntrHow can it still be undecided? It renders the whole game unplayable :(05:08
hggdhsyntr, what do you mean by undecided?05:09
syntrhggdh» The level of importance05:10
hggdhsyntr, the way I see it, it is low. I will mark it so05:10
syntrhggdh» how is it low? When you install the game via apt you can't even use it05:10
syntrThat would confuse anyone05:10
syntrIt used to be included in the default distribution05:11
hggdhhum. I agree. Medium is more correct05:12
hggdhsyntr, you might now go to http://bugzilla.gnome.org, and try to find a bug matching this05:14
syntrhggdh» It's ubuntu-specific. works fine on non-ubuntu distributions. It's probably just a packaging mistake05:15
hggdhsyntr, same version, same modification level?05:16
syntrmodification level?05:16
hggdhfix level. Patches applied.05:16
hggdhsyntr, additionally, this package is in Universe -- not in the default (main) repository. It might have been demoted, IDK, but it is *not* in main05:20
syntrhggdh» yes, it was demoted. Ubuntu has removed a lot of gnome-games with each iteration of the OS05:22
syntrbut just because it's in the universe repository doesn't mean no one will ever find it lol05:23
hggdhI did not say that.05:24
hggdh*YOU* can help. Try to find out what is wrong. I know for a fact it works on Natty (current devel). You state it does not work in Maverick05:26
hggdhSo something changed from before Maverick to Maverick, and something changed again from Maverick to Natty.05:26
hggdhthese are good points to start your search05:27
hggdhbut just caming in here and complaining is really not going to help05:27
syntrI did try a while ago when I still had ubuntu on my main machine...but not being a developer I had no clue what to do other than reinstall05:28
syntractually, in any big project things are overlooked so it helps to a point :)05:28
hggdhindeed. But, even better than just point is to actually go and try to find the issues, and work out a fix05:29
micahgsyntr: it was demoted after karmic05:29
syntrmicahg» yeah. Ubuntu has been becoming more of a "serious" distro :)05:30
micahgsyntr: that's not it, as space is needed on the CD I think games were the first thing to do05:31
syntroh, maybe that as well. it is nice to be able to use a CD, as some distros require a dvd05:31
micahgsyntr: I think Ubuntu is trying hard to make sure the final releases still fit on a CD05:32
hggdhmicahg, this is indeed correct05:32
* hggdh considers it sort of a waste of time. CDs are already obsolete05:33
iktit's more of an arbitary line05:33
iktkeeps the os nice and tight05:33
hggdhand lean05:33
micahgsyntr: If I backport the version from natty to my PPA, would you be able to test and see if anything has been fixed?05:33
syntrhggdh» I did try to make it work for about an hour. I tried deleting the title-screen SVG among other things....I had no clue how to compile from source or even read the source...I eventually gave up but the e-mail notifications brought it back to my attention05:33
syntrmicahg» absolutely :D05:34
* hggdh goes hit the bed. Tempus fugit05:34
syntrmicahg» what's a PPA?05:38
micahgsyntr: personal package archive05:38
micahgerr, a straight backport won't work :-/05:38
micahgsyntr: it's ok, I found a way to do it05:39
micahgsyntr: I assume you're on maverick?05:46
syntrmicahg» Not at the moment...I'm installing it in a VM on another machine right now.05:47
micahgsyntr: ah, which release are you on?05:47
* micahg is uploading for maverick ATM to a PPA05:48
syntrlol not sure if Windows counts as a release. I'm on my laptop...but I'll be ready in like 15 minutes on the other computer05:48
micahgok, np will probably take longer than that to build05:48
syntralright. I have all night :D thanks for trying to help :)05:49
micahgsyntr: should be ready in about an hour ppa:micahg/ppa05:52
syntrmicahg» sudo add-apt-repository ppa:micahg/ppa , right?06:03
micahgsyntr: yes06:03
syntrmicahg» how will I know when it's ready?06:52
micahgsyntr: i386 is ready06:52
syntrmicahg» I'm sorry...never used ppa...don't really know how to tell it to install yours06:54
micahgsyntr: my version is higher than the archive version, so it'll be chosen06:54
syntroh, ok06:55
syntr-vbGet:1 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick/universe gnibbles i386 1:2.32.0-0ubuntu1 [358kB] ... displays a white screen going in. Does not continue past New Game06:58
micahgsyntr-vb: you need to update your apt-cache to see my version06:58
syntr-vbvia sudo apt-get update?06:59
syntr-vbdone so :|06:59
micahgsyntr-vb: can you pastebin apt-cache policy gnibbles06:59
syntr-vbmicahg: http://pastebin.com/v7DK8gpU07:01
micahgsyntr-vb: try to update again, it's not showing up yet for you07:01
syntr-vbmicahg: did sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade07:02
syntr-vbno updates available07:02
micahgsyntr-vb: hmm, not published yet, give it another 30 minutes or so07:03
syntr-vbis there a way to be notified?07:03
micahgsyntr-vb: not that I know of07:04
micahgsyntr-vb: you could run: watch -n600 'sudo apt-get update && apt-cache policy gnibbles'07:05
micahgupdate and show you what packages are available every 10 minutes07:05
syntr-vbcool :D07:06
syntr-vbyeah, I definitely added you right because I have "Hit http://ppa.launchpad.net maverick Release.gpg"07:06
syntrmicahg» can't I just download the .deb files on the site?07:29
micahgsyntr: it's not updated yet?07:30
syntr-vbmicahg: Installed gnome-games-common.deb and gnibbles.deb, no change07:40
syntr-vbI'm off to bed, I don't know why it still doesn't work :/07:40
micahgsyntr-vb: I don't know then, maybe get a backtrace where it fails?07:41
syntr-vbI don't know what that means07:42
syntr-vbI'll be back tomorrow :D07:42
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iktcan someone check: https://bugs.launchpad.net/totem/+bug/70536109:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 705361 in totem "movie player "take screenshot" not working" [Undecided,Incomplete]09:39
iktand set to triaged if everything looks right =)09:39
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=== AbhiJit is now known as AbhijiT
bbordwellI am trying to debug a possible crash in evince but running 'sudo gdb evince' '(gdb) run' outputs Starting program: /usr/bin/evince18:37
bbordwell[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled]18:37
bbordwellNo protocol specified18:37
bbordwellCannot parse arguments: Cannot open display:18:37
bbordwellProgram exited with code 01.18:37
bbordwellany ideas?18:37
penguin42bbordwell: Can you run evince as root anyway? e.g. just do sudo evince?18:40
bbordwellpenguin42, ah that does not work....thats the problem, but gdb requires root privileges now...18:41
ansgarbbordwell: Why not just use 'gdb evince'? There is no need to be root to debug something.18:41
penguin42bbordwell: are you sure it needs root?18:41
penguin42bbordwell: I know it stops you attaching to a separate process - but it should let you run something directly?18:42
bbordwellpenguin42, ah yes sorry i have not had internet for some time so i am rusty....gdb only needs root to attach to a process.18:43
penguin42bbordwell: It's fairly easy to reenable attach as well18:43
bbordwellhmm i looked at my backtrace to make sure i have all the -dbgsym packages and I found something strange, has anyone ever seen something like this? #38 0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()18:51
yofelthat looks like an invalid 64bit address?18:55
bbordwellyofel, does that make the backtrace unusable?18:58
yofelno idea, I don't look at that many backtraces, depends where it is I guess18:59
bbordwellalright i will just attach i to the bug report and see what the devs t hink19:04
akshatjGUI in natty is not starting after an update, how do I report a bug?19:27
akshatj(In virtualbox BTW)19:28
nonix4How should I report data-corruption bug related to cryptswap? As in against which package?19:44
akshatjfailsafe X is also failing to start19:46
nonix4Which package generates /etc/crypttab during installation? It fails to account for device names changing between initial installation and next boot, thus creating a dataloss situation.19:55
iktakshatj, already known afaik19:55
akshatjikt: ok19:55
iktakshatj, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10410999#post1041099919:56
penguin42nonix4: It's a bit silly for it to use device names rather than uuid's19:56
iktwops, wrong thread19:56
akshatjikt: thanks20:02
nonix4penguin42: debian-installer?20:06
penguin42nonix4: If it's the normal installer on ubuntu it's ubiquity unless you used the alternate cd in which case I think it probably is debian-installer20:07
nonix4penguin42: alternate cd it was, yup20:08
penguin42nonix4: Yeh so I think but am not sure it's debian-installer20:09
nonix4debian-installer package description says it only contains docs, hmm... well, guess I file against that for now and fix later :)20:11
nonix4although it being dataloss... should it also be in releasenotes?20:11
akshatjthe panel and sidebar are gone :(20:17
iktwould it be wise to move this bug to the moonlight plugin?21:50
ubot2Launchpad bug 703609 in totem "Cant playback a live stream video" [Undecided,Incomplete]21:50
iktgiven that now it reports: The silverlight application is using DRM-protected content, which Moonlight does not support.21:51
micahgikt: yeah, you can change it to moon, and ask the user to try moonlight-plugin-mozilla21:53
nonix4I think bug 584067 should be marked as high importance because of the potential for severe data loss.22:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 584067 in debian-installer "setting up swap encryption from alternate CD uses unstable device nodes" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/58406722:08
iktcheers micahg22:15

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