[00:14] Bonsoir =] [01:34] Oh yeah, we've got a team report to do... [13:43] hi [16:54] trying to install ubuntu server amd64 on my Dell poweredge T105 but the installer fails to find DVD after I choose the language and hit install. Tried adding mem=4G to the end of boot menu options as suggested in this post http://art.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8712087 but that did not work. Any suggestions? [18:26] 'sup, Canada [18:58] Hi dscassel: It's Sunday; I'm supposed to be in Burlington by 2:00pm; I should leave soon to minimize my antichronism [19:07] BobJonkman: If you figure out how to get to Burlington in -7 minutes, I'd very much like to know. [21:09] howdy [21:10] got my system flumoxed by new Xserver stack on 11.04 ...total disaster , reinstalled 10.10 kubuntu cleam [21:10] clean [21:25] I tend to wait for the beta before installing +1 on a real system. [21:35] dscassel. well this is gonna wait til it's official after what I went thru today..prob is everything was fine til they sent down the xoerg changes [21:35] xorg [21:35] Yeah. Dangerous. [21:37] lucky I didn't update the den pc , it's my data backup machine